2 . EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR VIEW OF "RAILROAD V and 1 nedfcine"tables?" rißht ' hospital car; left ' sectlon of car - containing oots; lower pictures show different views of operating rbom, medicine cabinets "Hospital on Wheels" Goes to Accident Victims at Eno!a Car in Railroad Yards is Equipped to Care For Men Injured While at T heir Work Taking a victim of an accident to a hospital Is not strange, but taking a hospital to tho victim is a novelty. Yet this latter is done almost every time a man is injured or becomes ser iously ill suddenly in the. Pennsyl vania yards at Hiiola. Soverjll months ago the company had an old style passenger coach equipped as a hos pital. The car was divided into two parts, one section being for victims who must be carried to some city hos pital or who aro to be taken to a point from which they can be sent home conveniently. This part of the hospital car is equipped with cots and in cupboards are cotton and rub ber blankets, used on the cots. In the second section of the oar is an operating table and other ar ticles which are brought into l'requen't use in an operating room. Medicine c&binets and cabinets for sterilized bandages, cottons and other articles also occupy that section of the car. In . the corner of the room is a stove which keeps the car at an even tem perature, day and night. Water, hot and cold, is kept in the car at all times. Hospital Cur in Use An accident victim, whose injuries require an operation at once can be placed on the operating table and treated while on his way to a hos- RESINOL STOPS ITCHING EASILY Why Suffer With Skin Humors When You Cau Heal Them So Quickly? Don't stand that itching eczema tor ment one day longer. Go to the near est druggist and get a jar of Resinol Ointment and a cake of Resinol Soap. Bathe the eczema patches with Resi nol Soap and hot water. Then dry, and apply a little Resinol Ointment. The torturing itching and burning stop Instantly, you no longer have to dig and scratch, sleep becomes pos sible, and healing begins. Soon, the ugly, tormenting eruptions disappear completely and for good. Resinol Soap (26c.), and Resinol Ointment (50c and $1), are also ' speedily effective for pimples, black heads, dandruff, sores and many forms of piles. Prescribed by doctors for tho past eighteen years, and sold by prac tically every druggist in tho United States. For trial free, write to Dept. 41-It, Resinol, Baltimore, Md. Don't be deceived by preparations similar in name or appearance, offered as "just like Resinol," by a few unscrupulous dealers. They are crude imitations upon which such dealers can make a few cents extra profit—at your ex pense.—Advertisement. WEDNESDAY EVENING In the majority of when a man is injured One of the shifting en gines is coupled to the hospital car and the latter is taken to the victim. The injured man is placed on a cot and the "hospital-on-wheels" takes him to the Harrisburg hospital. En route he is given rcstoratiives and first aid treatment and made as com fortable as possible. At wrecks where difficulty is ex perienced in getting the injured to hospitals, the new car is expected to be a great help in saving lives. "First Ahl" Men on Board On board the car at all times is a man trained in "first aid" treatment and the railroad company's physician at Enola can be gotten to the car within a few minutes so that very lit tle time elapses between the time the man is injured and the time treat ment begins. The car is said to be the only one on the system but because of the suc cess at Enola it is said that other yards will be similarly equipped. Not only does the car serve as a hospital, but in emergencies it can be turned into a lunch room. At all times provisions are carried on board for 100 persons so that at wrecks in jured perso/is or company employes can be fed. Northumberland Bar Endorses Gen. Clement as Candidate For Governor Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., Feb. 11.—At the twen tieth annual meeting of the Northum berland County Bar Association, held at Shamokin, Brigadier-General C. M. Clement, of Sunbury, was Monday night endorsed as a Republican candi date for the nomination for Governor of the State. It was also decided to arrange with the court for the dedi cation of the Northumberland county courthouse, which has had an addition built to it and which is now being entirely remodeled. The building will be one of the largest courthouses in the State when finished, which will be before July 4, when it is planned to hold the dedicatory ceremonies. STOUGH SERVICES END Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., Feb. 11.—Dr. H. W. Stough announced to-day that he would end up his campaign in Sun bury next Monday night, when a fare well service will be held in honor of the evangelist. Before going to Mount Oarmel to start a scries, of tabernacle meetings to last six weeks he will visit his wife and family at Smeaton, ill. bo far 162,000 persons have heard him and ho has preached over sixty sermons. The collections to pay ex penses amounted to over $5,700. Next Sunday the collections, which are ex peeted to amount to over $4,000, will go to Dr. Stough as a reward for his work here. LECTURE ON EUGENICS Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa., Feb. 11. —Last even ing the third entertainment of the season given by the combined Chris tian societies of Lebanon Valley Col lege was held in the Engle Conserv- I 'i'.r? ry of Music, when Edward Albert I „J ggan }' a noteti lecturer, talked on Eugenics and Heredity." Mr. Wig gam held the attention of his audi ence with the aid of experiments and slides, showing the relation between Plant, animal and human life, I Discolored, Wrinkled Skin Easily Removed (From the Woman Beautiful) Since brown or yellow, over-red or blotchy complexions are decidedly not the fashion, I cannot understand why so many continue to wear them. Sure ly every woman has heard of mercol- Ized wax. This I know—from my own 1 and others' experiences—will positively | banish every unsightly tint. The wax i really takes off a bad complexion. It : gradually, harmlessly, absorbs the j thin layer of surface skin with all Its defects, as chaps, liver spots, plmpleß, | freckles, blackheads. Just as gradu ally the discarded skin is replaced by the clear, white, youthful skin under neath Mercolized wax. proem-able at any drugstore, Is applied nightly like cold cream and erased morslngs with warm water. One ounce will produce the loveliest girlish complexion in less than a fortnight. I can't understand, either, why folks will be bothered with wrinkles, since the famous saxollte formula has be come public property. One ounce of powered saxollte dissolved in a half pint witch hazel, r al.es a wash lotion that will quickly >(Taee every line even the deepest.—Advertisement Excellent Program For Institute at Millerstown Special to The Telegraph Millerstown, Pa., Feb. 11. —On Fri day and Saturday the district institute of Millerstown borough, Greenwood and Tuscarora townships will be held in Rlckabaugh Hall. On Friday even ing a play, "Jack o' Hearts," a com edy in three acts, will be given by the students of the High School. Satur day morning and afternoon the pro gram includes: Devotional exercises, the Rev. Will H. Dyer; reviews, Ruth Fry; "Cur rent Events in the Schoolroom," Ida Rempfer; "A Lesson in History—The Iroquois Indians," John Dougheton; recitation, Harry Heisey; "Habit,"' Nora Peck; dialogue, Harold Dunn and Orande Wagner; "Emulation: Its Use and Abuse," George Rumbaugh; "Home Training," Samuel Fleisher. Afternoon at 1.30 Music, Glee Club; "The Individual Pupil," W. R. Hench; "Practicing the Theory of Love Without Showing Partiality," Verna Kipp; address, the Rev. Ray 11. Pierson; music, Glee Club; "Encour aging the Pupil in Outside Reading," Alma Baker; "Getting Acquainted With Our First Year People," Mina Krerner; "Character," Ed. Holman; address, Professor D. C. Willard. The evening session will be devoted to the Hess Concert Company, under the Central Lyceum Bureau, of Har risburg. KITCHEN SHOWER FOIt BRIDE Special to The Telegraph Mexico, Pa., Feb. .11.—A surprise kitchen shower was h«ld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Showers In honor of their newly-married daugh ter, Mrs. William Bell. Those present were Mrs. Milton Burrls, Mrs. Charles Caveny, the Misses Carrie Casner, El da Rhine, Naomi Casner, Olive Mar tin, Mary Martin, Margaret Landis, Annabel Farelman, Mabel Kaffman, Clara Kaffman; Thomas Landis, Ben jamin Landis. SALARIES FOR NEW OFFICIALS Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., Feb. 11.—At a meet ing of the borough council of Palmyra the following annual salaries wore de cided upon for the new officials. Charles K. Witmer, burgess, SSO; Squire Frank B. Hugendubler, secre tary, $75; Amos B. Horst, high con stable, S6O; J. Ray Engle, solicitor, SSO. STEAMBOAT MAKING TRIPS Although slush ice has been running thick on the river several days, the steamboat has been making regular trips from Mew Cumberland to Steel ton. MRS. STEW ART DENIES FRAME-UP Mrs. Elizabeth F. Stewart, proprie tress of the West Fairview Inn, who was quoted in last evening's Telegraph as telling a reporter that the petition against M. S. Foreman, who is seeking a license for the hotel, and the subse quent troubles which are forcing Mrs. Stewart to sell the place are the re sult of a "frame-up," this morning de nied the statement. She explained that the use of such an expression would cause her trouble and nsked that that part of the story be denied. Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Special to The Telegraph Rohrerstown. While on his way from work, Michael Welsh was at tacked by heart disease and died im mediately. He was 65 years of age and born in Lebanon. Creswell. Michael Benedict, the oldeßt retired school teacher in the county, died at the home of his daugh ter, in his ninety-second year. He cast his first vote for William Henry Har rison and voted for every President ; since. He was a staunch Republican and held a number of offices in Con estoga township. In 1865 was one !of the emergency men for the war. He was a graduate of tho Mjilersvllle Normal School. Three children, twen ty-two grandchildren and twenty-one great-grandchildren survive. Newville.—Samuel McKeehan, for seventeen years a resident of Newville, died suddenly at his home last even ing. He was 70 years old. Hummelstown. The funeral of Adam S. Rider, who committed suicide by hanging himself on Saturday, took place from his late residence yes terday. Lebanon. —James Elmer Wirt, a na tive of Upper Paxton township, Dau phin county, died at his home here on Monday evening at the age of 40 years, after being bedfast for five weeks. He is survived bj» his wife, three children, three sisters, one of whom, Mrs. Grant Bright, resides at 227 Hummel street, Harrisburg; two brothers and his mother. Hummelstown. Ephraim Gerber ich, 71 years old, died yesterday morning at the home of Daniel Beh rens, near Beaver Station. Mr. Ger berich was a Civl War veteran, having served in the Seventy-sixth Pennsyl vania, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH WEST SHORE NEWS Birthday Surprise Party For Mrs. Gerald Dissinger A very delightful birthday surprise party was given at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dissinger, at Marys ville, last evening, by a large number of Mrs. Dissinger's friends, from Har risburg and Marysville, in honor of her twenty-fourth birthday. The evening was spent very pleasantly by the guests, after which dainty refresh ments were served to the following: Mrs. G. W. Seighman, Mrs. Heister Culp, Mrs. Nelson Reiber, Mrs. Sara Long, Mrs. Mary McNeill, Mrs. Mary i3itner, Miss Bessie Long and Edward Seighman, of Marysville; Mrs. Benja min Weaver, Mrs. Frank Coleman, Mrs. Christian Hartzell, Mrs. Clinton Keiffer, Mrs. Walter Fortenbaugh, Mr. tnd Mrs. J. G. Eppley, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Haney, Miss Mary Varns, Miss Sara Coleman, Miss Mary Keif fer, Miss Phyllis Dissinger, Linn Cole man, Russell Freeland. Cleon Hart zell, George Hartzell, Cleon Forten baugh and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dis singer. RAILROAD FIREMAN BURNED R. B. Kauel, employed as extra yard fireman in the Enola yards, was seri ously burned about the face and hands when he opened the door to the fire box of the engine that he was firing, when it blew out in his face. Fie was taken to the office of the com pany surgeon where medical attention was given him. DINNER AND CONCERT BY BAND Enola P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. band >vill hold a sauerkraut dinner ami s pper in the association rooms on Tuesday, March 10, and a concert will be given in the evening by thj band of fifty pieces. WILL ADDRESS NOON MEETING The Rev. Dr. W. N. Yates, of Har risburg, will address the Thursday noon meeting in the Enola round house and the Rev. G. B. Renshaw, of Wormleysburg, will address the Friday noon meeting in the Enola car repair shop. FIREMEN WILL RECEIVE PIANO A special meeting of the Enola Fire Company, No. X, will be held on Fri day evening, February 13, when the membership committee will make the final arrangements for the big cam paign to be made to increase the membership. A large attendance is looked for, as the piano recently awarded the company by Roy H. Holmes will be accepted. SERVICES AT ROUNDHOUSE The regular weekly religious meet-' ing under the direction of the Enola Y. M. C. A. will be held in the round house in the yards at noon to-mor row. The service will be conducted by the Rev. W. N. Yates, pastor of the Fourth Street Church of God, Harris burg. Music will be furnished by the roundhouse chorus. Friday noon a meeting will be held in the car shop conducted by the Rev. I. B. Renshaw, pastor of St. Paul's United Brethren Church, Wormleysburg. Music will be furnished by the shop quartet. ORDERED TO REPAIR CHIMNEY William Mutch, highway commis sioner of Wormleysb- rg, and custo dian of the town hall has been in structed by the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee of council to re pair the chimney on the town hall and A Tonic For the Nerve.. Nervous people who have not yet developed a disease that can be rec ognized and treated by the medical profession have 'the greatest trouble in finding relief. Irritation, headache, sleeplessness, nervous dyspepsia, all these discomforts make life miserable but are endured rather than run a doc tor's bill without definite hope of re covery. Every such sufferer should know the danger of such a condition of the nervous system. Nervous debility and even paralysis may easily result if the tone of the nerves is not restored. The one big fact that brings hope and relief is that the nerves can be restored by building up the blood. It cannot be too often repeated that only through the blood can nourishment and medicine reach the nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make the biood rich and red and quickly restore vi tality and energy to a weak nervous system. A nervous person who gives these pills a trial is almost certain to see good results and, what is more, the benefit will be lasting because the trouble is attacked at its root. Thin blood makes weak nerves. Building up the blood restores the nerve force. Get a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to-day and write the Dr. Wil liams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., for a free copy of "Diseases of the Nervous System."—Advertisement. \ ON THE SQUARE The Public Ledger still stands where George W. Childs put it— \s "On the Square." Its building was the first ever owned by a news paper. The Square adjoining it contains Philadelphia's most cher ished institutions—Congress Hall and Independence Hall. The Public Ledger is another cherished Philadelphia institution, with ideas and ideals. The ideas make it grow, and the ideals give it something to aim at / ' % strengthen it in every possible way. Mr. Mutch began work on the repairs to-day. There was some danger of the chimney falling but after an in spection it was learned that it would be possible to mako repairs which would make It secure. WILL PLAY FOR FIREMEN The Enola P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. band has closed a contract with the Susquehanna Fire Company, of Har risburg, for two concerts and also to furnish music during the parade inci dent to the firemen's convention which will be held in Harrisburg in October. The band is also engaged to play at York in May during a parade. During July the band will go to Kennywood Park, Pittsburgh, for con certs. The organization is made up of forty men under the direction of James Riley Wheelock. MITE SOCIETY TO MEET On Thursday afternoon the Ladies' Mite Society of St. Matthew's Reform ed Church, Enola, will meet at the home of Mrs. William Fisher, in Co lumbia road. ENTERTAINS CLASS Miss Hilda Smith, of Columbia road, Enola, entertained the Sunday school class of Mrs. Charles L. Dice, of the St. Matthew's Reformed Church at her home. The following guests were present: Miss Hilda Wagner, Miss Nellie Gruver, Miss Miriam Neu er, Miss Sara Dice, Miss Margaret Bird, Miss Hilda Smith and Mrs. Charles L. Dice. SIIOOT ON ENOLA GROUNDS A very interesting shoot was held on the grounds of the Enola Sports men's Association on Saturday morn ing between J. E. McDowell and J Gamm, of Lancaster; J. Brown and J. Newcomer, of 'Harrisburg; J p Kessler and H. M. Smith, of Enola" The high scores being, Smith 42 and Kessler 40, out of 50 targets, and NOTICE On account of the enormous demand for admission tickets to the Van YorxAngelus Recital This Evening We are obliged to announce that the Recital, instead of being held in the Board of Trade, will be held in the Technical High School Auditorium AT 8.30 O'CLOCK The J. H. Troup Music House FEBRUARY 11,1914. Brown, of tho Harrlsburg team, being third with !16; Smith of the Enola team was awarded as a prize a hand some silk flag. BHAKEMAN INJURED George R. Stouffer, employed as yard brakeman in the Enola yards, was seriously Injured yesterday by being rolled between a draft of shop cars and another draft that wo* be ing shifted over the hump. He was found in this position by his fellow workmen, who removed him to the hospital car where the company sur geon rendered the necessary medical attention. x PURCHASED PROPERTY Isaac N. Horton has purchased a property in Enola of Frank W. Rambo at private sale. MISSIONARY SOCIETY OFFICERS • Last evening the Woman's Mission ary Society of the Evangelical Church met at the home of Mrs. Miles Rice and elected the following officers: President, Mrs. E. D. Keen; vice president, Mrs. L. S. Beam; Mrs. Ralph Crow, secretary; Mrs. Albert Fuller, treasurer; Mrs. Wilson Slothower, su perintendent of the cradle roll depart ment; Mrs. J. W. Thompson, superin tendent of the Young People's Mis sionary Society. Mrs. E. D. Keen was appointed delegate to the convention which will be held at Lewistown next month. WILL ATTEXI> MEETING About twenty members of the W. C. T. U. of Lemoyne will attend the joint meeting of the unions of Cum berland county which will be held at Carlisle on Thursday evening. MEETINGS AT LEMOYNE A meeting of the L. S. class of the Lutheran Church, Lemoyne, was held at the home Karl Baum last night. The Ladies' Bible class of the Lu theran Church will hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Kunkle. The Ascholas class of the Lutheran Sunday school will meet at the home of Joseph Hamburg to-mOrrow eveiv Ing. The ofiicial board of the Evangeli cal Church held their regular month ly meeting In tho church last night. NO SERVICES DURING MONTH There will be no service* on Sun day evening ill St. Paul's Lutheran Church at New Cumberland during the month of February. PLAY BY HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS A play entitled "The Corner Drug Store" will be given undor the aus pices of the New Cumberland High school on the evenings of the fifth and sixth of March. W ILL ADDRESS WOMEN On Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock the Rev. J. V. Adams will address a woman's meeting in the Baughman Memorial Church, New Cumberland, to which all women of town are in vited. To Grow Hair on A Bald Head BY A SPECIALIST Thousands of people suffer from baldness and falling hair who, having tried nearly every advertised halr touic and hair-grower without result.*, have resigned themselves to baldness and its attendant discomfort: Yet their case Is not hopeless; the following 'simple home prescription has made hair grow after years of baldness, and is also unequaled for restoring gray hair to its original color, stopping hair from falling out and destroying the dandruff germ. It will not make the hair greasy, and can be put up by any druggist: Bay Rum, 6 ounces; Lavona do Composee, 2 ounces; Men thol Crystals, one-half drachm. If you wish it perfumed, add 1 drachm of your favorite perfume. This preparation is highly recommended by physicians and specialists, and is absolutely harmless, as It contains none of the poisonous wood alcohol so frequently found in hair tonics. —Advertisement.