Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 11, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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Unusual Economies Are the Rule of the Mill &. Factory Sale
Ginghams, Chambray and Z c\/ j 7H 7 r ~ 71 Thursday Sale of Remnants
w j i_i A a lhousands of Yards of New White Goods . t 17 A ADIt ,
Chains: Dependable Orades L % **•«*• r- c i mColored and o.ackOoods
j T 1p • c Uirect trom the Mills tor the Mill r actory oale About 500 styles in the lot prepared for to-morrow, lengths
ar Lessened rnces f rom \y A to 5 yards.
These are the staples of good quality and neat patterns «P| Ever y itcm in this list is new and re P resents » savin & that is the Colored Dress Goods
. . , . - V . direct result of the Mill and Factory Sale. Large supplies of 4 yards suiting, value $2.36. Thursday only St.oo
that never go begging at usual prices, and whose special prices . £ , . ~. , . .. ' ... 3 yards serge, value $1.50. Thursday only SI.OO
in the Mill and Factorv Sale make them so eagerly sought by JfttTL " V "" S '" sh - gradc wh,te g °° ds were con,racttd < >"< l. <*. ok.. value ».»o. n,»r,a,y „„ly
... , /PstfN'rS. for weeks aero for the sale at concessions that promised such worthy 5 yards serge, value $2.50. Thursday only <51.89
thrifty shoppers. /TAT m f </!f I y l\ a % yards suiting, value SI.BB. Thursday only UiSo
.. , „, . , . t jA\ [ j If >\ values as these: 4 yards granite, value $2.00. Thursday only SJ.M
16c Dress Ginghams. 32 inches wide, neat checks, good lA n \ \ #• . „„n,„ « r . n'n nniv
nnnJitv cloth Mill and Factorv Sale Drice vard 1"C \ \ \ 4 yards serge, value $5.00. Thursdaj only s:t.so
. " ' .' '"' \ \\ 1 19c Plain white voile, 40 Inches! 25c white corded voile; 40 inches 5 vards diagonal, value $2.50. Thursday only SI S't
12 He Bates Ginghams, large range of styles in stripes, r»„ F ' W \ Vi / \ ft) ], v i,i» nuniitv fnr wnists and wide Mill and Factory -t - ° * arua "'»»>"»»•. *-.u«. i"u j »*•»#
checks and »olld shades. Mill and Factory Sale price, yard 9C. VSX f J j/jJ dre sses. Mill and Factory Sale .Sale'price, yard 1 2 % yards ratine, value $7.60. Thursday only $2.75
8c I>ress Ginghams, solid shades, checks and stripes. Mill i! i u\ \S,| | fj price, yard lUL | 29c imported madras skirting; 33 4 yards navy ratine, value SB.OO. Thursday only $3.75
and Factory Sale price, yard O/4C 1 \ a K h -hit voile- 40 lnches wide - Mill and Factory -1 w 4 yards diagonal, value $2.00. Thursday only st.4»
t»n ln WUe ' *° lnCheS Mill and Fac- g Q j' I \ inches wide" good quality. Mill and Sa^ C P w'hV^ratine-'' 36' inches wide- 4 yards silk and wool poplin, value $5.00. Thursday only ... .*8.55
torj prtce.ard |i \ 1 Factory Sale price, 1 itho seasons most popular 1 0 _ 2 % yards diagonal, value $4.38. Thursday only $2.38
«%c chambray. chiefly blue. Mill and Factory Sale price, r fJ\ \\ - vard ifabric. Special, yard lW Q| 1 1
6%c chaliis in Persian figures. Mill and Factory Sale price, I \V J Mill and Factory Sale price, -191/„ wide; all white, for skirts, suits .
yard "I 1 '/J I \\\ i yard * land dresses. Special, yard .... «•'' 4 yards black granite, value $2.00. Thursday only .....$1,40
10c chaliis. wool finish. 28 inches, heavy weave. Mill and rv Ijj] I \ I AVv'l 29c stripe crepe voile; 40 inches' , 2 . 9 c white stripe pique; 28 inches, 2>s vards black serge, value $3.13. Thursday only $2,111
Factory Sale price, yard 1 f/if / \1 \ \VA wide. Mill and Factory 1 *"sc Ivard P 19c yards black Panama, value $3.13. Thursday'only S2.»S
Fa-torv ia?e 'vaid bo > s ' anU « ir| s suits. Mill and jq U j / |v\ \U bale price, yard |- a ncy c^ck'and'stripe Faxons; 4 yards black checked serge, value $3.00. Thursday only ... .$1.05
aml ®wv\ «s°tSss as sr r 12x0 < -»»• «»"
required for covering a comfortable. Mill and Factory Sale n|/_ jl iff Jj il f\ \u yard ' so c w i,ite fancy stripe Voiles: all yards black broadclotl>, value so.oo. Thursday only sl.lO
price, yard iij 1 W h(te Piisse crepe, for under- imported and taken from our regular 4 yards black broadcloth, value SB.OO. Thursday only $5.05
25c poplins .high mercerized. Mill and Factory Sale price. 1 01/r, f bs! wear - Mill and Factory 1 Or* stock - 28 inches wide. o(► 5 yards black fancy batiste, value $3.75. Thursday only ....$2.15
- vard l -^ L W 8310 PrlCe ' >ard Special yard 5 yards black granite, value $2.50. Thursday only SI.BO
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. V ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor, Rear Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor.
r All Fur Millinery 1
Underwear for Women, Men and Tn^ m T g Aa a Men's $3.00 Shoes in the Cl QQ
r) Tj 1 1i In the lot are htch, civet «/
DOyS--KegUiar Vo/ua lilies These Sl !i"c r the An instance of the savings inaugurated in the Shoe Section by the
D6IOW Regular 1 rices ci r cL 1 . o u7t^c a smaii d biVchmcc grades of patent colt, gun metal calf and box calt in button and lace
lot. styles--all have standard Goodyear welted soles.
Shirts, drawers and union suits for men and bovs, and vests, drawers and union suits for $6.00 Fur Trimmings SI.OO
$1.50 Fur Trimmings $3.(10 /"""Vjl O * 1 * \ K J 1 T~l > Ol
women all weights and styles typical Mill and Factory Sale savings. gj® thSSSJS !! !!!$1:2? Utll6r OpCCIB.IS 111 JVlon S 8.110. DOyS UnO6S
MKX'S r\DI'3tWE.\K ! Boys' cotton shirts and drawers, ribbed and plain si *5 Fur
Men's 50c cotton ribbed shirts and drawers, fleeced, j Jaeger fleeced; sizes to 34. Mill and Fac- Trlmmlnss 65c 1
Egyptian and prey. Mill and Factory Sale tor > ale P each 69c Trimmings ' 16c Sale lMcc. Mill and iactory
price, each * OVfC WOMEN'S VESTS Trimmed and In trimmed Hats Mens $3.00 tan and black storm calf ~ , Halo Price.
Men's 39c Egyptian cotton ribbed shirts and draw- Roilueed shoes, made in full toe lasts, with two h ,,! ° S J H.fn J Lu ",c« | f
ere, fleeced. Jlill and Factory Sale price, on., \\omens oi 4c cotton ribbed vests, fleeced, peeler TTntrimmed fpit huts In virions , j „ . . „ , shoes, made on lull high -oe lasts
eao l, -ifC and white; drawers to match. Mill and Fac- on Ln trimmed felt hats in various heavy Goodyear welted soles, all sizes in (£0 with uelted and stitched soles; sizes Ito d»i
j le i ot 6V, 'Pl.lfU
Men's *1.50 Egyptian cotton velvet rib union suits. ,01 > baJe P«ce each and Fac tory Sale price 10.- 1 101 N R '! ' ' ' J , . ~'' ;," *' * K
Mill and Factorv* Sale nn omen s white cotton ribbed vests, fleeced, draw- Untrimmed beavers velours and aa #o ca * t i* i *«.OU box calf ana black kiclskin
price " •pI.OO I ers to match. Mill and Factory Sale price, qq plush hats. $3.95 to $6.50 values. Men s $ " 00 and s "' so gUn metal Ca f c t t Sft '® S i B jfel ."i r >
Men's 50c heavy grey cotton shirts and qo„ eaoh Mill and Factory Sale price..4Bc and black kidskin shoes, made on high too <J»-i ' , ; hed soles, aizesi to o % ... p
drawers. Mill ami Factorv Sale price «3UC Women's 50c white cotton ribbed vests, light Untrimrhed velvet, plush and lasts with heavy stitched soles jpi.Uu boys $ 1.50 satin calr shoes, blucher lace ;
M .„. s h»a\-v Taeeer cotton fleeced shirts weight, elbow and long sleeves. Mill and Fac- .»n,, hatter s plush, $4.95 to $6.50 val- ? y l e « th so,ld ,eather solfs; size 'JMs (£l7
and^rMm g and C l"cto^ e Sa e ie o (V , torx Sale price, each 39c ues. Mill and Factory Sale price. Men's $4.00 gun metal calf, tan Russia to 6% . .. . sl.lO
ea Q h : tt i and Factorv"'sauf SU^8 ' 69C Trimmed liats reduced in the calf and patent colt skin, button and lace calf l'ace shoes, made on full" A-.
~?? ys i eaV \.M, ? Jibbed union suits, ~ _ Mill and Factory Sale price... 4»c shoes made on high toe lasts with hand- <£o AA heavy stitched soles; sizes B%to 13 % tpl.^U
SI.OO grade. Mill and Factory Sale price iOL Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor. Trimmed hats reduced in the fewed Tak leaUier soles . .....! . . .. $2.90 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor. Hear.
Mill and Factory Sale SI.OO '
All Sizes Heavy Rubber New Styles in Women's Neckwear Fi ne Wearing Qualities of
Mats at a Third Off Ihe new styles are coming in and are deserving of brief mention. Many novelties are introduced InCXpOnSIVO J ]^lclok.HTS
j that are decidedly smart and wearable. ~ ~ "T ~.
A large shipment of heavy rubber mats, perforated designs 'i-i r - • , • , , , . . .. . ~. . . , . 4n 1 hese are the kind that are i'll ilillV^^Tili^rl
and Si-inch thick secured s Dec iallv lor the Mill ard Factorv • m pla,n net and shadow lace cream, ecru, black and black and white, 40?, so popu i ar with Harrisburg ——
Sale I !!? b °th high and low cuts, white, cream, ecru and 50?, 59?, 75?, #I.OO, $1.25 and $1.50. housewives because the S|
«ißnn ruhhpr mats Sx7 feet <SI2 0() tfo iin "tfo'-a j sl.-25, $1.50,: Lace Collars terns and qualities are th<> J|
lisnn rnhher mat 21x7 6 feet SftS $2.00, $2.00 and $2.90. Plauen lace collars in round and square shapes; best obtainable at the regular
I ' ma2' 2 7xß 2 e S f?™ Y S Wlth P leatl,l S s or white and ecru, 25?, 50?, 59?, 75?, SI.OO, prices _ p rices that are low- BIIP. :^!M " - J
$15.00 rubber mats, 2.7x8.2 feet slo.oo collars. $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. ered in the Mill and Factorv Bfc"^
$12.00 rubber mats, 2.8x6 teet ' Pleatings j Plauen lace coat sets, long and round shapes in g a j e
$ll.OO rubber mats, 3.2x4.8 feet s<.oo Large variety pleatings in net, shadow lace and | white and ecru, 50?, 59?, 75?, SI.OO, $1.25, MJII nnrt Fartorv^BLA)}
$8.75 rubber mats, 2.6x4 feet s.>.«;> | chiffon, from inch width to 5 inches wide; white, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Sale Price ||j
$7.50 rubber mats, 2.3x3.4 feet $5.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor 50c fine mercerized table •*" If ]B
$7.00 rubber mats, 2x4 feet $5.00 ma r sk ; new paterns, yard .. 1 \
1. i 50c old-fashioned German // IB
$1.25 rubber mats, 18x36 inches ———— ————homespun table linen, 58 Inches Jf I P
SI.OO rubber mats, 18x30 inches 79? _ _ . . wl de. dice patiterns, yard «»'' —IBBBi ISSI
80c rubber mats, 18x30 inches 59? lUp Rpof- \T 011 1 -n RfOCC r> \A/"/Z3k damask," 70 inches 8 wide" yard, V»c BlHffflt
Linoleum Remnants .IJie DCS I VaiUeS 111 DfaSS DeUS We
Lengths from 2to 6 yards 2 yards wide, inlaid linoleum, Ty _ . V "»i.25 heavy" snow'' whVt«'' tat BMilr J IBBBIi
~ I : so .f ad^. M : l^n^ o : y . s r ,e ,. p :: w ..: Have Ever Entered in a Furniture Sale « EEnHEBEy*BiB
Remnants printed cork linoleum, 2 and 2 l / 2 yards wide, 55c new patterns, two yards wide, V/
and 60c grades. Mill and Factory Sale Price, square yard The LflCOUer On ThftSe All C' M U"
Dives. a, Stewart. Thtrd P.oo, 1 \ I 1 TV All SIZeS Of NapkinS
J/ a \ 1 III,! ij TJ i T J Hemmed Cotton Mercerized I Extra heavy Linen Napkins,
/ A I s! \V DOQS IS Ouaranteed Napkins, 18xl8 inches dozen, 75c 22x22 inches, worth $3.00 per
_ _ _ . // I \v|H 1 NVt ———— ———— 20x20 Inches, dozen 98l> dozen S"OS
Mill Sale Specials / K $12.50 Brass C7nC
TA IV T 11 1 // iL. m/y fOAII I '\\ M Jb Hemstitched Linen Luncheon worth ?4.50 per dozen $3.40
In Art Needlework ;l Beds at . . V ' .ZJ<J Sern"; HVm $2 n 50 e per b doz U en. Ul Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart
tt 1 1 street Fi °° r ' Kear -
Women who spend their leisure time in embroidering will < ts&Jt , I $16.50 OfSSS L j a. 1 _ _ _
be interested in these values in stamped goods of various kinds. \P A* djjMW R e( 4 s a t *D 1 .O U LaSt Of the W ltlter OUItS 00
Mill and I actory Mill and Factory \\ / ILT \cir / nl' ■{C/fj Ut-vio CI I . • ■
with backs, brown and tan ..15c ing stamped underwear,' 'Sow |\ $19.50 Brass tC QC I OutTonioriowß.tLowPrices
25c to SI.OO stamped and sten- tops, centerpieces and novelties, V V*V; // D 1 . I < ■ W
29c figured cretonne laundry 25c packages 12J4c I \ \-«i 1 FPgrey beds at . $37.50 to $45.00 Values Reduced to $16.50
bags, good size, attractive designs, 50c packages 25c } /A 1 I!i 1/X fl»^r\ n r . .
i9c SI.OO packages 5o« Ns, I £#> I nmss CI: 1 L / l Sizes for Misses and Women in styles representing
cotton, I ,0^'".... VII \W rlj t J>IO OU Winter's most exclusive creations. The materials in-
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor al . . T • elude eponge, velvet, diagonal weaves, serges and im-
These are the four big leaders in Brass Beds in the February Furniture Sale. To offer values ported novelty suitings.
L ? <£l i~ ' 4-V\ t ' iese was necessar y to buy an unusually large quantity. This we did. We shared in one of Upward of a dozen suits in tailored styles will be
A iVien S onirrs in Toe the largest transactons of the kind in the history of the trade. Our buying alliance—the Syndicate found at «f>lo.oo and
Jt'\\ 1 T~7 Ol Trading Company—contracted for forty carloads of new brass beds. Naturally such a purchase car- $37.50 eponge suits in navy; coat trimmed with velvet col
■ Mill and hactory Sale at 69c « with it «»»,«.. P Hc concessions.. Hence these good Brass Beds with guaranteed ,ac q uer at *
PI Woven madras and fine percale shirts in light and dark pat- matc ' lless sa\ings. ac j. tr j mme( j w ith fancy buttons, velvet collar, peg top skirt.
terns szes 14 to 17. Regular SI.OO values in the *ale at (»!)<* Thc * l2 - 5 ? brass b eds at 57.»5 have 2-inch straight The $22.50 brass beds at si«.fto have 2%-inch straight Mill and Factory Sale price
b «iic cii posts and a half dozen %-inch filling rods. posts and seven one-Inch filling rods. ~,: m • , r •. .. ■ , ... . , . .
FLANNELETTE NIGHT SHIRTS Thc $16.50 brass beds at $12.50 have 2-lnch posts and The $19.50 brass beds at 515.95 have two-inch posts $45.00 green velvet SUlt, COat trimmed With black fur, peg
Men's 75c flannelette night shirts? sizes 14 to 20. Mill and Factory tOP ra "' h ° lf doZe " % " ln ° h fi ' HnK r ° dß ' a,ul top rail> sevcn fiUlnß rods - tOP sklrt - MIU a " d I<actor y bale P nce
Sale price * * |-v ■* * • « f— 1 1 n i $25.00 suits in brown, black and navy one-button model;
Mattresses Keduced in the rebruarv bale trimmed with smaii velvet buttons, draped skin. Mm and
Men's $1.60 flann.l.tt. pajarn.a. Mitt and Factory Sal. ~l t „., 3 S ,„et.t th. nr.t o.y cnty-1.0 r.l, c„on mat- \ " V WftS#
SIE> s APRO>S $5.95 felt mattresses $4.95 tresses full sixe made in two nirti wmiim- r n $35.00 suits in eponge; cut velour and wool cordurov cut
*to lonß st, c ; p a .t s: .regu, a :, o :so :£S away and military models, fur-trimmed collar, colors, mai.,^
Butchers - and bakers' 20c white bib aprons Mili and Factory Sale $11.50 felt mattresses sß.#s 50 silk floss mattresses, covered with are ticking; reg- any, brown, taupe and navy. Mill and factory ale price, Jj51(J.50
Pr,Ce sß*c heavy duck aprons' With biack stripes.' Mill'and Fac'torj'sale ""lolSlkToTZure^i'!.'!!!!! .'"lIS »"-6® February Sale price 59.95 $39.50 diagonal serge suits in walnut shade, one-button
price .1 for 50c; each, 19c $16.00 silk floss mattresses $13.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. style, trimmed back, velvet collar, draped skirt $10..>0
Dive?, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor «- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
v* .
FEBRUARY 11,1914.