Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 11, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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    Low |
LOST A lady's gold watch, Walt- I
ham movement, Initials on c«se a. l>.
W.," encased In a leather wrist band.
Return to office of the Telegraph. I
LOST—Diamond ring. In central Part
of city or in Mlddletown or Riverside
car. Return to Telegraph
Help Wanted —Male
A GOOD rolling mill heater for ,steel
plates. Address A., 9>2, tare
A REGISTERED p "-^.^oymenT
Married preferred; steadjeP
salary. $lB per week. Address um
Galeton, Pa. j
State salary required W and re £ d _
ences. Harrisburg ™an pre'e .
dress K.. 965. care of lflegrapn.
FIRST-CLASS and experle n cea man
gff i'n 'VdVe^'^pirl^^elt;
Hershey Transit Co-. frersKey. Pa.
E^ C SplendirSI A ", V u?ed W Hgh"t
mil lormer experience unnecessary.
All we require Is honesty. ability, am
bition and willingness to learn a luc^a
b tlme'U
an°'exceptlonaf opportunity for a man
i n vnur Hectioll tu Kdt into A Dig P®' ®
b" sCSsTithoVt^cfPi tal and become n
dependent for life. Write at once lor
full particulars. National Co-Operative
Realty Company, L-910, Marden Build
ing, Washington. D. C. i
Ml .;\ \NI) WOMEN to qualify for
Government positions. J*®
baud appointments to bo made next lew
months. Full information about open
ings. how to prepare, etc., free. Write
Immediately for booklet G-37-, L,arl
Hopkins, Washington. D.
PARCEL POST moanH Rianv appolnt
ments from tho coming -lailw ay Man
Clerk Examinations In HdrriSDurg.
Commence $75.00 month. Common edu
catlon sufficient Sample aueEtions
«Ol ICITOR WANTED to sell staple
fiJSS, a' 'cu stom er.
Sfe y „t t0 CsSl'evening. V£eUphone
Help VVanted—Female
A BRIGHT girl to take charge of flat
work department, one who can rna.n
age girls. Apply Troy Liundiy. 10-0-
26 Fulton street. .
COMPETENT stenographer and
bookkeeper Must bo pod penma l ,.
Address S„ 973, oaro of telegraph.
EXPERIENCED girls for ladies
tailoring; good salary. Also *,ood
wages tu learners. Apply uouis,
Tailor, 021 North Second street.
LADY, fair education and_ personality
for local position. Child Wel fare 1
motlon Salary, $1.60 per day. State
present employment. Inference requir
ed. Address F. H.. care of lelegiapn.
LADY of culture and energetic, to
travel for old and established concern.
Salary, SSO and expenses. Reference
and state present employment. Address
S. M„ care of Telegraph. .
NURSE girl. 1717 State street.
SEWING MACHINE operators, also
learners, to make aprons, etc. Uarris
burg Apparel Co., over City
Laundry, State street, rear entrance.
TWO educated women for a position
requiring energy and good appearance.
Permanent. Good income. Call Koom
410, Patriot Building.
WHITE girl as nurse maid. APplv
afternoons or evenings at 2101 North
Second street.
WOMAN for general housework. 1717
State street.
YOUNG white woman for general
housework; must have references. Ad
dress Box 969. care of Telegraph.
Situations Wanted —Male
t YOUNG man. colored, wishes a posi
tion In private family; Is very useful
and handy about the place. Address
No. 414 Spring avenue, City.
Situations Wanted — Female
A MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes a po
sition mending linens in private family
or hotel; can furnish reference. Ad
dress all answers to M. M., care of
COMPANION Young lady of refine
ment. educated and Christian charac
ter, desires to act as lady's companion;
good references. M., 971, care of Tele
WANT to take care of two babies or
small children, good, Christian home;
can give best of references. Address
Mrs. W. H., Penbrook. Pa,
WASHING and ironing by white wo
man. Apply 1405 Williams street.
WHITE girl wishes position to do
general housework, or as child's nurse.
Apply 40% North Summit street. City.
WIDOW wants position as house
keeper. Address <5Ol North Third
street, Steelton, Pa.
YOUNG married woman desires sew
ing to do at home for some manufac
turing company. Call Bell phone
2665 J.
Agents Wanted
MEN OR WOMEN can earn SIO.OO to
$35.00 a week taking orders for our
fast-selling seven-bar box high-grade
Toilet Soap. Big seller; 100 per cent,
commission; repeat rders assured;
credit given. Write at once for full
particulars. Crofts & Reed Co., Chi
cago, Dept S-320.
Making Book. Thrilling, Sensational,
Timely. Low Price. Sells on sight. Big
Terms. Sample Book Free. Act Quick
ly. Universal House. Philadelphia.
Salesmen vVanted
RELIABLE and competent grocery
salesman. To right party will pay good
salary. None but experienced men need
apply. Address, with reference. Box
124. Harrisburg, Pa.
Board Wanted
1737 North Sixth street.
Rooms For Rent
for light housekeeping. Stoves fur
nished free. Laundry, phone and bath
room privileges. Also janitress service
Bishop Building, 429 Broad street.
FURNISHED ROOMS, single or eo
■lte; all conveniences, Including phone;
reference required. Apply lOfS North
Front street
■ »
Centrally Located
Business Property
14 N. Third Street
4-story brick building
with basement store
room offices and apart
Price upon Inquiry.
Miller Bros. & Neefe
Federal Square, Harrisburg.
Rooms For Kent
TWO unfurnished rooms on second
floor; conveniences for light house
keeping. 629 South Fifteenth street.
conveniences and use of phone. Apply
205 Chestnut street.
FRONT and back rooms, third floor;
meals If desired. 619 Harris street.
Rooms Wanted
MAN and wife would like nice room,
with board, near Post Office. Address
S.. 968. care of Telegraph.
Apartments For Rent
COMMODIOUS second floor apart
ment, Front and Herr streets; large
front porch overlooking river; electric
light and gas: hardwood floors. Also
garage In rear for rent.> T. B. Rocka
fellar. Second and North streets.
APARTMENT 130 Locust street. 3
rooms, bath, kitchenette every con
venience. Rent, $32.50 per month. Pos
session at once. Apply R. H. Herman.
Mgr. McFall's Store, Third and Mar
128 WALNUT ST. (for housekeeping)
—second floor 3 rooms bath and
city steam heat. Miller Bros. & Neefe,
Federal Square, Bell phone 1595.
ONE apartment, 1640 North Sixth
street Apply L. Silbert, 1642 North
Sixth street.
WANTED Grocery Store.
Will pay cash for one in a good
location in Harrisburg or vicin
ity. Address Box 367, Harris
burg, Pa.
YOUR books can be kept correctly
by accountants in spare time, for less
than clerk hire, as low as $5 per month
for small concerns. W. S., 970, care of
Business Opportunities
PHILADELPHIA manufacturing com
pany selling household cleanser, wants
good man as exclusive agent for Dau-
Ph In _CoU ijty. Must be able to Invest
11,000 In company. Address Henry P.
If r jy. f1 0 Penn Square Building;, Phila
AN opportunity to increase your busi
ness 100 per cent, by using Steel Die
Embossed Stationery. Phone 3652 for
prices. Harrisburg Embossing Plant,
4 North Fifth street, Harrisburg, Pa.
ANY intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press syndicate. 798, Lock
port, N. Y.
I MADE $50,000 In Ave years in ths
mail order business, began with Jo
Send for free booklet. Telia how. Hea
cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y,
Business Personals
AND RUGS on your iloor with latest
improved electric cleaner service. Ex
perienced operators with machines.
Furniture repaired and finished. A.
Harrisburg Paste Works
IS# N. Cameron Street
PAPERHANGERS' billposters', book
binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt
shipment. All paste guaranteed. Ueli
phone 1186 L
WE are now Renovating Feathers,
Making Pillows and Foiuing Feather
Mattresses at the corner of Tenth ana
| Faxtun streets, near Cameron. B. J.
H. \V. LATllt, Hoarding Stable and
Natinnri Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul.
ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2503 R.
FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street, Harrisburg, Pa Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell,
CAN take a few more students. Perfect
titting is taught bet'oie sewing. Make
your entire dress while learning. Don't
delay coming, 22 North Fourth street.
with best material and by expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction. 8. N.
Cluck. 220 Woodbine street.
Real Estate For Sale
TWO fine homes, will be finished
March 15. Nine rooms and latest and
only practical, common sense bath
room. Steam heated; largo front and
back porches; ornamental fixtures
reception hall; open stair
case; laundry room and stationary
wash tubs; outdoor sleeping chamber
with south side exposure, size 15x8; 12
i minutes by trolley to Market Square.
I For further Information call P. Vander
loo, Masonic Temple Building, Third and
State streets.
219 HERR STREET Six-room
dwelling house size lot, 15x106 ft.
This property is so situated that a front
porch can be added. You will have to
be quick of you want it
Price, $2,000.
272 North Street.
FARM in good state of cultivation,
good buildings, good water, telephone.
! rural route four miles from Newport,
: suitable for poultry and trucking; also
I tract of timber land. Write or tele
phone. H. Stone, R. D. No. 3, Newport,
8 PER CENT. NET 1837 Brlggs
St.. 2H-story frame dwelling 7
rooms lot, 15x110 ft., now rented at
sll per month. SPECIAL BARGAIN
PRICE. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Federal
Square, Bell phone 1595.
SALE New brick rented to good
tenants safe Investment yielding
good return inspection solicited.
Also corner Camp Hill plot, 60x125. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
NEW brick house. No. 2313 Derry
street; large front and back porches;
all improvement*; steam heat; gas and
electric lights; eight rooms and bath;
hardwood finish; cemented cellar. Ap
ply 1432 Derry street.
FOR SALE—2227 Logan St., 3-story
brick house, 8 rooms and bath, porch,
furnace, cemented cellar, all improve
ments. Must be sold. Come and see
me. Make your price. M. O. Weary,
238 Kelker street.
FOR SALE at reasonable price brick
and frame bath gas furnace
located in 1100 block Price and par
ticulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner
Building. /
1207 DERR? STREET 3-story
brick house new 8 rooms bath
gas furnace porch located
near Mulberry street bridge. Price and
particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner
$1,600 WILL BUY a Bailey street
frame house. Look at 629 Boyd avenue
—3-story brick house all Improve
ments. Price very reasonable. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
2%-STORY frame house above Ma
clay street —■ 7 rooms bath gas—
furnace lot, 34% feet wide—chicken
house. Price, $1,700. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building
10 ACRES level limestone land
1 squares from trolley lino 6 miles
from Harrisburg no buildings. Brin
•on-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut
brick ll rooms, bath and furnace
ot. 20x111. Brinton-Packer Co., Second
and Walnut streets.
Real Estate For Sale
ONE of the most prominent houses for
transient and permanent trade In the
city of Harrlsburg. Address R„ 923,
care of Telegraph.
Real Estate For Rent
51X-530 Market St., suitable for room
ing house, lodge halls, storage, etc. Will
be rented entire or by floors. Miller
Bros. & Neefe (Bell phone 1695), Fed
eral Square, Harrlsburg.
1839 Zarker St $20.00
44 North Twelfth 18.00
185 North Fifteenth St 18.00
1251 Market Street
1527 NORTH SECOND ST. S-story
brick—lo rooms, bath and furnace
front porch—side entrance. Miller Bros.
& Neefe. Federal Square.
TWO-STORY frame. 1141 Derry
street. Rent, $14.00 per month. In
quire Dauphin Deposit Trust Co., Mar
ket street, opposite Courthouse.
For Sale
The Board of Commissioners of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at
public sale In front of the State Capi
tol Building, at ehtrance Fourth ana
State streets. Harrlsburg, Pa., at 10
o'clock, a. m., February 14. 1914. the
following buildings and structures upon
the premises witliin the boundaries of
the proposed extension of Capitol Park,
In Eighth Ward. City of Harrlsburg;
State Street. 433-514-514 rear.
Walnut Street. 414-630,
Cowden Street, 124,
South Street, 426-500-V4»
Cranberry Street, 408.
West Avenue, 632,
North Street, 716.
The purchaser shall pay to the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, through
the office of the Superintendent of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings, Harrlsburg.
Pa., by certified check or United States
Currency, the amount at which the said
building or buildings and structures
are awarded to them, as follows: A
cash payment of 25 per cent, shall be
made on day of salo and tho balance
before entering upon the property to
remove the material purchased.
In all cases where the premises are
unoccupied, possession will be given
the purchaser Immediately. Where the
premises are tenanted, possession will
be given Immediately after the prem
ises are vacated. The Commonwealth
will not be responsible for any damage
to property after possession Is given.
Purchaser shall state at the time of
their offer the time required to remove
the buildings and material after being
given possession by the Common
wealth, which in no case shall be long
er than 60 days. All building refuse
shall be carted away from the premises
by the purchaser. All foundation walls
must be taken dwrrn and removed at
least three feet below level of street.
The Board of Commissioners of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the
right to accept or reject any or all bids.
Tho work of removal shall bo perform
ed under the direction of and to the
satisfaction of the Superintendent of
Public Grounds and Buildings.
NOTE: The sidewalks and street
pavements are not to be removed by
purchaser of buildings or structures
under this schedule.
By order of the board,
C. P. RODGERS, Secretary.
IN accordance with the Act of As
sembly, approved July 19, 1913, the
Superintended of Public Printing and
Binding will receive at his office, in
the Capitol, at Harrisburg, Pa., at I_2
o'clock noon, on Tuesday, February 11,
1914, sealed bids for the purchase of
the following waste paper:
20 to 26 tons, more or less, white
and pink paper used for Legislative
bills and calendars, 3 tons of Legisla
tive Journal paper, several thousand
large stringed envelopes, all paper
printed. Purchaser will be required to
remove from State Capitol at his own
expense and must pay for same be
fore removal, checks to be made pay
able to Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia. Bids must be by the hundred
pounds, the entire lot of eacn particular
class of paper to be sold to the highest
and best bidder. Paper can be seen by
calling on Superintendent of Public
Printing, or samples will be mailed up
on request.
I Superintendent of Public Printing and
WILL. SELL cheap, for cash, oak side
board, 12-« ft. walnut extension dining
table. 10 cane dining' chairs, velour
couch, upholstered rocker, marble-top
table, large walnut hallrack (mirror),
oak bookcase (live shelves), llat-top
walnut desk, refrigerator and cupboard.
Will not sell to second-hand dealers.
Call at 612 North Sixteenth street.
TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases,
Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap
Leather. Calfskin, Kip, Dongola, Waxed
Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample
Cases and Leather Specialties made to
order and repaired. Harrlßburg Har
ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest
nut streets.
THREE S. C. White Leghorn Cock
erels; good size. Also S. C. White Leg
horn Hatching Eggs, 15 for 75 cents.
Apply A. W. Hertzler, Camp Hill, Pa.
ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of
12 pt. O. S.. with Antique Linotype
Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
ONE 7%-H.-P. Wagner A. C. ingle
phase and one 3-H.-P. D. C. motor. Ap
ply Cowden & Co., Ninth and Hen
70-EGG INCUBATOR. 1911 model,
used but one time. Will sell for half
price. Bell phone 2218, or 135 State
1914 CHALMERS CAR. Reason for
selling, leaving city. Will demonstrate.
Address W., 967, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE CAKD& on sals at the
Telegraph Business Office
For Rent
corner of Third and Cumberland
streets. No. 1200. Show windows side
and front, lu a live part of Harris
i burg. The largest and best marked
house, two of the best banks and many
tlrst-class business houses in the same
square. In center of population. Size
or room 33x100 ft. 14-ft. ceiling. Up
to-date In every particular. Rent from
April 1, $125 per month. Including heat.
J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street.
FOR RENT Desirable office* la the
Telegraph BulldlaK, ilsglj or en-suite.
Inquire at Business Office.
DESK ROOM in well located office in
Telegraph Building, with use of tele
phone and typewriter. Address C., 964,
care of Telegraph.
cluding balls, cues and racks, in good
condition. J. W. Riegel, Enola, Pa.
secured at the 'l\legrapb Business
large brick warehouses, built ex
pressly for storage. Private oomi
for household goods and unexcelled fa
cllltles for storing all kinds of mer
chandise. Low storage rates. South
St. and Pen - R. R.
IN 8-atory brick building, rear 4M
Market vtreet.
Household goods In clean, nrlvate
rooms. Reasonable rate*. Apply to
P. U. Dlener. .lender. 4OS Market M.
STORAGE 419 broad street. for
household goods and merchandise. Prl
vate rooms. $1 to 13. Wagons, 75 cents
Ber month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 41'
iroad street Roth phones.
MOi JT TO LOAN on Real Estate
security In any amounts and upon any
'rrn.m to suit borrower. Address P. O.
Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa.
State Association Plans Movement
at Meeting Yesterday; Two
Million Scholars Reported
■MMBHMMHB A movement to in
duce Sunday school
members to go to
church regularly was
outlined at a meeting
of directors of the
,* I.* Pennsylvania State
' IKM Sabbath School Asso
i -HM.. ciatton in Phlladel
.■•l /WK phia yesterday. John
Wananmkcr, chair
man of the board,
presided, and H. J.
HMIJJIUI llelnz - of Pittsburgh,
MHjEiSaHKH president of the asso
elation, attended. Chl
»Rrrfi T ITTVI cago, Baltimore and
other cities have observed "Go-to
church Sunday." The Sunday school
association aims to extend the move
ment to a "go-to-church-the-year
Reports presented at the meeting
yesterday showed that the Sunday
school population of the State Is now
2,014,000. or 26 per cent, of the entire
State population. These figures are
for Sunday schools in the association's
According to the report of W. G.
Landes, general secretary, there are
7.198 adult Bible classes in the State,
with a membership of 200,000. These
classes have had a phenomenal growth,
during the past few years, the secre
tary reported.
A campaign is now in progress to
add 100,000 members to tho Sunday
schools in the State before October 1,
The association has a force of twelve
workers operating from a central office
in this city.
To Lecture On Suewss.—Professor
Newell C. Maynard, of New York, will
deliver & series of lectures on "The
Psychology of Success" in the First
Baptist Church, February IG-17. Three
lectures will be given, one on "Men
and Women." another, "The Happy
Child," the third, "Those Who Win."
Bishop to Dedicate Church.—'Bishop
U. F. Swengle. D. D„ of this city, will
have charge of the dedication of the
Grace United Evangelical Church at
Uriah, Pa., on Sunday. The dedicatory
services will start Saturay night, when
the Rev. M. A. Kennelly, of Carlisle,
will preach. Bishop Swengle, who will
have charge of the Sunday services,
will preach both morning and evening.
Other speakers of the day will be the
Revs. L. A. Furhman. I. N. Balr and B.
L. Moore, former pastors.
Donation For l'HNtor. The Praying
Band, of South Marrisburg, last even
ing field a meeting at the home of the
Rev.' G. F. Danner, of Shlremanstown.
The feature of the evening was the
presentation of a large donation to the
Rev. Mr. Danner.
Lecture on Clitna.—The Rev. A. S.
"Williams, pastor of Curtin Heights
Methodist Church, Sixth and Woodbine
streets, this evening at 7.30 o'clock
will give a stereoptlcon lecture on
600 Persons Driven Out
of Their Homes by Fire
By Associated Press
New York, Feb. 11.—Six hundred
men, women and children —one hun
dred and fifty families—were driven
to the street In the snow by a four
alarm fire which wreckod a Ova-story
factory building in East Thirty-fourth
street, early to-day. The building is
in the heart of "Corcorans Roost" and
surrounded by tenements, all of which
were emptied. The loss was about
By Associated Press
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 11.—A question
of importance in Nebraska politics is
expected to be definitely settled to
day at a mass meeting. That question
is whether the Progressive party is to
amalgamate with the Republicans and
with them to show something of the
old united front, or whether it is to
act independently with a ticket in the
field and whether in case the, latter
cause is followed such ticket shall ex
tend from governor down to justice of
the peace.
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Feb. 11. Approxi
mately 2,000 persons were vaccinated
to-day by Bureau of Health physi
cians as the result of the discovery
of a smallpox case in a small street
in the northwestern section of this
city. An entire block was roped off
by the police while the doctors were
at work.
Money to Lean
of loaning money by which borrowers
share profits of lenders. Legal rates
easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms
6-7, 9 North Market Square.
KELLY On Wednesday, February
11, 1914, Samuel Newcomer Kelly, at
Hagerstown, Md„ son of Richard and
Emma Kelly, aged 38 years.
Funeral arrangements later.
In Memoriam
IN loving remembrance of our dear
mother and father, Mary A. Boyer, died
February 11, 1910, Elias Boyer, died
February 5, 1910.
We miss thee from our home, dear
We miss thee from thy place;
A shadow o'er our life Is east,
We miss the sunshi'.e of thy face.
True they tell us wreathes of story
Evermore will deck their brow,
But this soothes the anguish only
Sweeping o'er our heart-strings now.
Sleep to-day, oh. early fallen.
In thy green and narrow bed.
Dirge from the pine and cypress
Mingle with the tears we shed.
Legal Notices
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to the Governor
of Pennsylvania on the 25th day of
February, A. D., 1914, by William Al
bright, H. J. Hamme and C. D. Stewart,
of Harrisburg, Pa., under the Act oi
Assembly entitled "An Act to provide
for the Incorporation and regulation of
certain corporations," approved April
29, 1874, and the supplements thereto,
for the charter of an intended corpora
tion to be called The Harrisburg Real
Estate Co. The character and object
of which is buying, selling, leasing,
renting* exchanging and holding real
estate, or mortgaging, Improving the
same and erecting buildings, thereon
for dwellings and manufacturing or
other purposes to have, possess and en-
Joy ail the rights, benefits, and priv
ileges of said Act of Assembly, and sup
plements thereto.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Associated Charities Committee
Reports on Methods in
Other States
How workhouses are conducted In
other counties and States, and soipe
facts and figures as to the number and
kind of cases Dauphin county could
well take care of In a similar Institu
tion, were interestingly explained to
the board of managers of the Associ
ated Charities yesterday, by the work
house committee.
The committees which consists of
James Sweeney, chief of the State Bu
reau of Standard, W. M. Ogelsby and
William B. McCaleb, has been busily
collecting data on the subject ever
since the Associated Charities Btarted
the ball for a county workhouse a
Recently the Dauphin county com
missioners said they questioned
whether there WHS need for a work
house and whether there were enough
possible prisoners in sight to warrant
the expense of conducting a work
house. Figures submitted from the
jail warden yesterday showed that In
1913, seventy-seven husbands were
jailed on non-support charges. In
1912, 1,872 were jailed for disorderly
practice, 1,820 of whom were im
prisoned by the mayor and the re
maining fifty-two by aldermen or jus
tices of the peace. Most of these cases
could have been Incarcerated In a
How generally and with what suc
cess the co-operation plan is being
worked out by the Charities with other
philanthropic institutions and organi
zations was indicated by the report of
the sources from which many cases
were received by the Charities. Here
are a few:
Applicants. 96; private Individuals,
42; State tuberculosis dispensary, 20;
Visiting Nurses' Association, 18; police
department, 16; out of town inquiries,
15; directors of the poor, 13;
churches, 11; Harrisburg hospital, 8;
Children's Aid Society, 6; school board,
4; visitors' initiative, 4; Roberta Dis
brow Lloyd Sunshine society, 3; and
one each from the Salvation Army and
the Pennsy. There were eighteen
Just 230 cases were handled by the
Charities during the past Tronth, 106
of which were new. Twenty-nine old
cases were reopened, eighty-nine con
tinued and six were recurrent. At
the end of the month there were
11,876 cases on hand.
Congressional Districts
May Be Used as Units
By Associated Press
Washington, Feb. 11. Congres
sional districts instead of States prob
ably will be the units of representa
tion in a presidential primary plan be
ing worked out by House Democrats.
Chairman Rucker, of the committee
on elections of president and vice
president, so predicted after conferr
ing to-day with President Wilson on
the general features of the plan. All
details have not been worked out, but
there seems to be agreement on the
idea of having delegates instructed
for the particular candidates who re
ceive a plurality in the congressional
St. Louis, Pet). 11.—Miss Maggie
Teyte, the opera singer, escaped in
jury here late last night when a taxi
cab in which she was riding to Union
Station to catch a midnight train for
New York was struck by a large tour
ing car.
Deaths and Funerals
Funeral services for James M. Christ
man, the tree planter, who died Sunday
morning at his home, in Perry county,
near Duncannon, were held this after
noon. Burial was made in the River
View Cemetery, Heckton, Pa.
Mrs. Catherine Hoffman, aged 60, died
yesterday morning, at 5 o'clock, at her
home, in Hummelstown. She is sur
vived by one son, Warren Hummel, of
Hummelstown; one sister, Mrs. Samuel
McCann, of thiß city; two step-sisters,
Mrs. Samuel Castie, of Lancaster; Mrs.
Frank Hummel, of Hummelstown, anil
two step-brothers, Charles and Edward
Hoffman, of Hummelstown. Funeral
services will be held to-morrow after
noon, at 2 o'clock, from the home of
her sister, Mrs. Samuel McCann, 117
Washington street, this city. The Rev.
Lewis C. Manges, pastor of the Me
morial Evangelical Lutheran Cliurch,
will officiate. Burial will be made in
the Harrisburg Cemetery.
Tlie infant son of Mr. and Airs. Alvin
PeilTer, 434 South Cameron street, died
early this morning at the home of the
parents. Funeral services were held
this afternoon, and burial was made in
the Shoop Cemetery.
Funeral services for Charles W.
Swartz, the grocer, who died Sunday
afternoon, at his home, 344 Muench
street, from injuries received when he
fell over R chair at his home, were
held this afternoon. The Rev. Henry
W. A. Hanson, pastor of the Messiah
IjUtheran Church, officiated. Burial
was made in the Paxtang Cemetery.
to loan in amounts of $5 to
S2OO to honest working peo
ple without bank credit at
cheaper rates than the law of
1913 allows.
Comparison of our rates,
terms and methods of doing
business with other loan of
fices will convince the most
skeptical borrower that this
is the place to come in time
of need.
Open daily 8 a. m. to 6
p. m. Saturday 8 a. m. to 9
p. m.
204 Chestnut Street
FEBRUARY 11,1914.
Rock Island and Mercantile Marine Issues Made Better
Showing Today
By Associated Preu
New York. Feb. 11. An oversold
condition In many of the active stocks
was apparent to-day when prices rose
materially, notwithstanding the small
amount of buying- After a quiet open
ing the list graduully hardened until
at noon, gains of-a point or mora were
shown in various stocks, Including
Union Pacific, Lehigh Valley, New York
Central, Louisville and American To
The Rock Island and Mercantile Ma- '
rlne Issues and Now York Central,
which recently have been conspicuous
ly heavy, all made a better showing to
day. Mercantile Marine 4 Vis which sol<J
at 47 H yesterday, touched 54 to-day.
Bonds were Arm.
Farntahed br H. W. SNAVHLY
Arcade Bulidlug.
New York, Feb. 11.
Open. 2.30 P. M. '<
Amal. Copper 76% 76%
American Can 80% 30%
American Can pfd.. 93 93 |
Am. C. & F 51% 52 I
American Cotton OH 40 46%'
Am. Ice Securities.. 27% 27%
American Smelting . 08% 68% I
American T. <4 T.., 180% 121%)
Anaconda ........ 37 37
Atchison 98% 98%
Baltimore & Ohio .. 92% 92%
Brooklyn K. T 91% 91%
California Petroleum 29 28% i
Canadian Pacific ... 215% 215%
Central Leather ... 30% 31% |
Chesapeake & Ohio. 65% 64% '
(C.. M. & St. P 102 % 103% i
Chino Con. Copper . 43% 43% I
Col. F. & I. 33 33% '
Corn Products 12% 12%
Distilling Securities . 19% 19%
Erie 30% 30%
Erie Ist pfd 48 , 48
Goodrich. B. F. ... 24 % 24%
Great Northern pfd. 131% 131%
Great Nor. Ore subs. 36% 38
Interboro-Met 15% 15%
Interboro-Met. pfd.. 61 61%
Lehigh Valley 150% IT>l%
Louis. & Nashville . 137% 137%
Mex. Petroleum .... 71% 71%
Mo., Kan. & Texas . 21 % 21 %
Missouri Pacific ... 26% 26%
Nev. Con. Copper .. 16% 16%
New York Central . 90% 88%
N. Y„ N. H. & 11. .. 73% 71%
Norfolk & Western. 104% 104%
Northern Pacific ... 115% 115%
Penna. R. R 113 113%
I Pittsburgh Coal ... 21% 21%
i Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 91% 91%
Prssed Steel Car .. 43% 44%
Ray Con. Copper .. 20 20
Reading 167% 167%
Rep. Iron & Steel . 25% 25%
Rock Island 7 % 7 %
Rock Island pfd. .. 12%, 12
Southern Pacific ... 96% 96%
Southern Railway 26 % 26 %
;Tennessee Copper . 36% 36%
Texas Company ... 147 % 147%
Union Pacific ..... 16 2% 162%
U. S. Rubber 59% 59%
U. S. Steel 65% 65%
U. S. Steel pfd 110% 110%
Western Maryland . 31% 31%
Western Union Tel.. 63 64%
Westlnghouse Mfg.. 70% 70
Woolworth 101% 101
Special to The Telegraph
Mechanicsburg, Pa., Feb. 11. A
commencement committee was ap
pointed last evening at the regular
monthly meeting of the school board
by the president as follows: Harry E.
Beitzel, Guy H. Lucas and M. E. An
derson. In compliment to the presi
dent, A. E. Seiber, upon his recent
marriage and return from an extended
trip through the South, a huge bou
quet of carnations was presented by
the board of education. T. Ralph
Jacoby, the supervising principal of
the schools, made the presentation
I You will find the Equitable a sur-
I prlsingly different Institution from the
1 ordinary loan company you hear or
I read about.
Confidential dealings quick service,
courteous employes, bright, cheerful
oflfces, considerate treatment. legai
rates, make us different. If you have
I never borrowed or if your experience
i with other companies has not been en
( tlrely satisfactory, please call on us.
| Let us explain the Equitable system.
It will please you.
Itonm 21—4 th Floor.
TVTOW is the time to be planning the
* building of your own home. The
most ideal place in which to locate it is
For Prices. Terms, Etc., apply
Bellevue Park Sales Office
2nd Floor Mi.ler Bros. & Neefe Building
Bell 'Phone 3551 Locust & Court Sts.
Big Horse Sale
One carload of line Virginia horses Just received at my stables.
Seventh and Camp streets, HarVlsburg, Pa. These will be sold on
Wednesday, February 18, 1 P. M.
They range in age from 4 to 8 years. I also have 15 head of well
bred Perry county horses and mares, ranging In weight to 1600 pounds,
which will also be sold same day and time. Any person In need of a
good workhorse or light delivery, will do well to eome and see them.
1 ■
Vihy Don't You Get 6 Per Cent.
For You Small Savings
a new series on Thursday Eve, March 5, at Hotel Hare, corner of Wll
nut street and Aberdeen avenue.
The Friendship German Ban and Spar Vereln Is 26 years old. Tou
can secure shares now from the following persons: C. Benltz, 440 Wal
nut street; B. F. Eby, 1321 Derry St.; Fred Bender, 26 South Fourth
street; C. A. Klenn, 1304 State street; Wendell Fackler, 1626 Market
street; H. Hare, Hotel Hare, 421 Walnut street.
* -
Fnralahrd by H. W. SUAVELY,
Arcade Building.
Chicago, 111., Feb. 11.
Open. High. Low Cloa.
May 94 1)4% 93% 94
July 89% 89% 89% 89%
May 66 68 65% 65%
, July 65% 65% 64% 64%
!. Oats—
May 39% 89% 89% «9%
July 39% 39% 39% 89%
Chicago, 111., Fen. 11. Hogs Re
ceipts. 32,000; strong. Bulk of sales,
18.75W8.85; light, *8.058.00; mixed,
§8.65©8.87t0; heavy, sß.so<ft>B.Bß; rough,
*8.606 8.60; pigs, $7.75©8.75.
Cattle Heceipts, 18,000; gte&rty.
Beeves, $7.00®9.50; Texas steers. $6.90
WN.IO, stockerg and feeders, ss,6o<f»
$8.00; cows and heifers, $3.60@8.65;
i calves, s7.so(<i 10.25.
I Sheep —• Heceipts, 25,000; steady. Na
-1 tive, $1.70®5.90; yearlings, $5.65@6.80;
lambs, native, $6.754»7.76.
Philadelphia. Feb. 11. Wheat -»
Steady; No. 2, red, export, 97@97%c)
No. l. Northern, Duluth, export, $1.01%
I Corn Steady; now, No. 2. yellow,
' natural, local, 69@70e; do., kiln dried,
1 local, 71H««72%e.
! Oats—Steady; No. 2, white. 45@45%c.
Bran Market firm; winter, pet
. ton. $27.50<t028.U0; spring. per ton,
I $20.78<»27.25.
I Ueflned Sugars Market steady;
powdered, 4.20 c; line granulated, 4.10 c;
confectioners" A. 4.00 c; Keystone. A,
8.95 c.
Butter The market is firms
western, creamery, extras, 29c; nearby
prints, fancy, 32c.
Kggs The mnrkct is lowerj
rennsylvania and other nsarby firsts,
free cases, SB.IO per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, 17.95 per case;
western, extras, firsts, free cases, SB.IO
per case; do., firsts, free cases. 1t.93
i'ti > »>«■
Live Poultry Higher; fowls, 19®
20c; young chickens, 15®20cj
WMIHK till i n- old
crs, 12®13c; (lucks, 17®19c; do., spring
duvkv It>yil7c, geese. I6(u<lic, tuiKvys,
Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls,
western, fancy, heavy, 18@18%o; do.,
medium sizes, 15®17c; do., small,
12®>14c; old roosters, 14MiC; roaet
iiK chickens, (anc.' 19®20c; broil
ing chickens, fancy. 20®'.'?' do fulf
18® 19c; capons, large, 23®25c; d 0.,,
small, 18®20c: turkeys, fancy, 24®28c;
do., fair, 20@23c; ducks, ll@18c; geese,
1 Iff 16c.
Potatoes Steady; New York and
Eastern, 76®K0c; Western, per bushel,
75®80c; .lersey, per basket, 20®50u.
Flour—The market is steady; winter,
l< nr $X \•• i h. xtrn t.• -n» • n -
sylvania, $4.15®-1.30; western, $4.2S@
4 40: patents, $4.50@4.85; Kansas,
straight, Jute sacks, $4.10®4.30; spring.
-It-, eteu t I I'll II 4 L'U. straight »> •!
<" -.tifept t« RO<??>4 65
Hay Tlio market is steady; tiln
oth.v. No. 17, large bales, $17.50® 18.U0;
\'<> 1 medium bales, $17.00«? 17.60; No.
2, $16.60016.50; No. 3, $14.00® 14.50.
Clover mixed: I.lght mixed. sl6 00®
16.50: No. 1, $15.00® 15.50; No. 2, $14.00
® 14.50.
and others upon their own names.
Cheap rates, ea&y payments, conflden
Arinma A Co.. 11. 804, 8 N. Market Bq.
' »
For Sale
Frame bungalo, located on
Washington avenue, Washington
Heights, containing 8 rooms and
hath; all modern improvements;
large front and side porch; garage;
lot, 45x140. Price, $3,200.00.
Ennton-Packer Co.
Second and Walnut Streets
Allison Hill Business Building,
occupied as a retail meat and gro
cery store.
hublic Sale Feb. 14th
15 Head of Horses, 50 Shoats and
Wagons and Harnesses
——>——— mm—