Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 11, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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\£?oMen Agy nreßfitS v&
Let Wives Earn Money as Well as Husbands
Only a Silly Idiotic Custom Forbids a Woman to Help Her Husband
in That Way, if She Wishes—The Next Generation
Will Abolish Such Antiquated Ideas
at the door for a watchdog.
The young woman, however, is a
business girl, and she also gets a
thousand dollars a year for sala.ry,
and she and the young man, being
practical, modern young people, see
no reason on earth why they shouldn t
get married, and she keep on with her
job, thus doubling the family income,
and enabling them to live in comfort
until such time as the man is able to
make enough for the two of them.
The obstacle In carrying out this
plan is the girl's father, who is horri
fied at the thought of his daughter
following a gainful occupation after
she is married, and who says that a
man should have sufficient love for
his young wife and sufficient pride to
keep her in her own home.
So the little heart tragedy goes on.
The young people, who dearly love
each "other, can't get married because
the young man can't command a big
enough salary to feed and clothe two 1
The girl goes on working, but she
Is not permitted to buy her happiness
with her money, and all because of a
•illy old convention that binds us and
Tetters our freedom, and from which
tve ought to have enough courage to
tireak away.
The Father in This Case Is Wrong:
These Are Not Tests of LOTC
The father, in this case says that
the young man should have enough
affection for his wife and pride In her
;o keep her In his own little home, but
tvhat a man can do for his wife isn't
ilways a matter of affection and pride.
Doubtless this young man, and every
ather man in love, would like to be
ible to give his bride a palace to live
|| Broadwau |
|| 1 Jones rjj
1 1 From the Play of 11
21 George M. Cohan j |
fl * IS
V | Vtk PWtocnpb fra Semi to tW Phy j t
Copyright, ISIS, by C. W. Dillingham Company
"I'm going: to." Then, as Broadwa'
gazed after them, half worried and half
•miling. he heard Bob explaining
Jonesrille to his skeptical and dis
pleased parent.
"You see," he heard, "this is the resi
dential part of the town. Over there Is
the business section —"
His voice trailed off into silence as
they vanished through the gates.
Broadway smiled. Somehow he was
beginning to feel faith in life. For the
first time he was busy with real
things. The joy of definite effort in
man's work had seized him. He was
surprised to find himself absorbed in
wonder if, perhaps, he might not have
• happier life in Jonesvllle than he had
had in New York city. But he could
not take distance very solemnly! He
felt too good.
"Say, Bob, show him the drag store,
too," he shouted after the departing
The judge, who bad watched the epi
sode with interest from the house win
dows, came out to Broadway, some
what worried. "Has he gone for
"No; he's coming back."
"He was mad as a hatter about
something. Did you notice it?"
"Yes; and I think I know what it
"Something the young fellow did?"
"I'm afraid so."
"Nothing wrong?"
"I hope not."
The judge spoke with emphasis, and
lie thought himself a really good Judge
of human nature. "Oh, I'm sure it
can t be. If I can estimate character,
that young man is incapable of any
thing but good." He looked at Broad
way almost with a fatherly affection.
"He's a great friend of yours, my
"I should say he is!"
Broadway gazed after them, wonder
ing what all of this would end in. But
he was not greatly worried. Indeed,
he felt singularly light-hearted, and
found it hard to choke back laughter
Try it for nasal and dry catarrh,
Bneeting, cold in the head, hay fever or
any complication resulting from chronic
catarrh. Keeps the breathing passages
open, thus giving sound, restful sleep and
w snoring. Soothes and heals the inflamed
membranes. Pine for nose bleed. Get
Kondon's, the original and genuine Catarrh
al Jelly, at druggists or direct. In sanitary
tubes, 25c or 50c. Sample free. Write
Kondon Mlg- Minneapolis, Minn.
In, and jewels to adorn herself, nnd
automobiles to ride about in.
These things are no test of love.
The poor man can love, and generally
does love a thousand times more un
selfishly than the millionaire.
Are you going to say to him that
he mustn't love a woman, or think
about marrying her until he can give
his wife the things that rich people
have ?
Among people in moderate circum
stances a condition of affairs has
arisen that we have got to face, and
that is that the average young man
does not make enough money to sup
port a wife. If he waits to marry un
til he is able to comfortably provide
for a family he has gotten to be an
old bachelor who is too selfish to mar
ry at all, or who is so full of whims,
and crotchets, and cranks that no wo
man wants him.
This is hard on the girls, and It is
hard for posterity and society in gen
era], for the time that people ought
to marry is in the Springtime of life,
when they are full of hope, and en
thusiasm, and romance and adapta
To say to any young couple that
they must wait through dreary years
while the bloom of their affection is
rubbed ooff, and the glory and the cir
cling wings fade away from their ro
mance, because convention decrees
that a woman shall be shut up In her
house when she works after marriage,
is not only Idiotic, it is a crime.
For the only way In this day and
under present economic conditions
that the poor young man and his
sweetheart can venture into matri
mony is by pooling their pay envel
opes and both continuing to earn
And why shouldn't they, pray?
The father, who is so shocked at the
idea of his daughter earning money
to help her husband outside of the
home, would think that she was doing
no more than her duty by working
to help him within the home. If she
married a poor man he would expect
her to do her part by doing the cook
ing and washing and ironing and
scrubbing and sewing. He would
think it all right for her husband to
accept this strenous labor from the
It happens that this girl has been
trained to a profession that she de
lights in. whereas she loathes domes
tic labor.
when he heard the judge expostulat
ing with his wife, referring to the
early evening hour as if it had been
midnight. Come on, ma." the old man
was arguing, almost pettishly, "we've
got to get toward home, it's after
seven o'clock already!"
She sighed. She did not wish to go.
She had never before had an oppor
tunity to poke around in the great
Jones house, filled with treasures from
far countries, books in foreign lan
guages, family portraits by extraor
dinary painters who could make a hu
man face look like a granite mask,
Rogers statuettes and other objects of
high art, to say nothing of ornate and
mastodonic articles of mahogany fur
niture—solid, not veneered, and up
holstered in the very slipperiest hair
It s after seven o'clock," '.he judge
Yes, I suppose we must be going,"
eaid his wife reluctantly.
"Mom's generally abed by eight,"
the judge said proudly.
"Except Saturday nights," she
granted. "I sometimes sit up till ten
on Saturdays." This was evidently dis
sipation so extraordinary that she told
of it only in the strictest confidence.
"But then," she added, "we sleep till
all hours Sunday. Sometimes I don't
get up till after six!"
She smiled at Broadway; he smiled
gaily back at her and choked a word of
comment which had risen to his Hps.
That save him, in his heart, a queer
feeling of elation—almost as great as
that which he had felt after he had lec
tured Pembroke. Broadway felt, and
glorified in the feeling, that he was
growing up with great rapidity.
"Come on, Clara," Mrs Spotswood
called. The two girls were In a porch
swing, giggling.
"You're not all going to leave me,
are you?" Broadway said protestingly.
Clara, who had risen obediently,
looked about the group. "Where's Mr.
Wallace?" she demanded. Her Inter
est in him was constant. She had
heard nothing of the elder Wallace's
"He's gone U> take a stroll with his
"Oh, is his father here?" This aston
ished and excited her. "Oh, I'm just
crazy to see him! Aren't you, Josie?"
"I should like to, yes."
Jackson pleaded with the Judge and
Mrs. Spotswood. "You don't mind if
Clara stays a little while do you?"
Then he turned to Josie. "You're not
In a hurry, are you, Miss Richarda?"
j "Why, no; but—"
"Please don't go," he urged. "I cant
bear to be left alone."
"Well," said Mrs. Spotswood, with
the best of humor, "you girls remain
here and keep Broadway company till
Mr. Wallace gets back." She turned
to her husband. "It's all right, isn't
It, Judge?"
"Yes, I guess so, "he agreed, with
out too much enthusiasm. "But don't
be late, Clara "
"I won't, pa."
With much straightening of her best
silk skirts, with many smiles from and
for Broadway, with a fluttering in her
heart when she thought about young
Wallace and her daughter, Mrs. Spots
wood took the Judge's arm majestical
ly. "Good night, Broadway; had a
lovely time."
"Did you, really?" He very definite
ly hoped she had.
She nodded. "Sorry Sammy acted
ao mean."
"Now, Sammy's mil right," said Jack*
son reaeßuringly.
"That's what I keep telling her," the
judge complained.
Her Profession Occupies Her For Only
8 Hours, With an Hour Off
Her profession only occupies her
from 9 o'clock in the morning until
5 in the afternoon, with an hour off for
lunch, whereas If she did the cooking
and washing for a family she would
be hard at it from 5 o'clock in the
morning until 8 in the evening.
Moreover, her work calls for no
great physical exertion, and is carried
on in a handsomely furnished office
amid congenial surroundings and
brings her In contact with pleasant
and intelligent people that keep her
mind agreeably stimulated.
If she did her own housework she
would be at hard labor, bending over
a washboard or a gas range. Her
hands would be sodden and rough and
she would spend her time doing over
and over a dreary round of monoto
nous duties, with no companionship,
nobody with whom to exchange
thoughts and ideas, and keep her
keyed up to her highest intelligence.
Which way of helping her husband
Is the easier, the more agreeable, the
one that the girl would choose herself
let custom has demanded that the
woman take the harder end, and held
that It reflected on her and the man if
she went on with the work that she
had fitted herself to do and turned the
money she made into the family ex
chequer instead of turning in the "labor
ot her hands.
There's Xo> Reason Why n Woman
Should Give I p a Good Job
Its an antiquated idea that doesn't
tit into our scheme of modern life, and
the sooner we realize it the better
„.J„ h u re ' 8 1° reason why a woman
w "° ' las srot a good job should give it
up when she marries any more than
there is why a man should.
thS T? any , SP " Bn 'le argument
against a wife, st heln h*»r
husband, helping hi* lhe way that
s most agreeable to r.
There's been a gr<."t "falling off In
matrimony in this generation because
!° ™ any P p °P»e still hold to the idea
that a S i ■!? be a P ar «site and
that a man should not marry until he
to support such an ornamental
luxury But there will be plenty of
marrjing in the next generation be
cause every girl will be self-support
ng, and when a man marries, instead
of acquiring a burden to support, he
■Mil set a business partner who will be
a real helpmate.
She shook her head in deprecation
of such praises for a member of her
family. "Pa, you've spoiled that boy."
The judge protested in his usual
way. "Mom, please!" he pleaded. He
did not want a long discussion about
this lust then. He grinned at Broad
way reassuringly. "Good night, my
boy. See you in the morning."
And then the good-nights echoed
back and forth till the old couple had
passed on, cheered enormously by the
trend of things in Joneßville, genuine
ly pleased by Broadway, timorously
worrying about Wallace and their
daughter—the apple of their Joint do
mestic eye.
The girls and Jackson found cool
and comfortable seats in the porch
swing; the porch was screened against
mosquitoes, but open to the fresh, cool
■ummer breeze.
Clara was a little worried. "Pa said
Mr. Wallace's father was angry about
something. Was he?"
"Well," Broadway admitted, "he
wasn't in the best of humor. I guest
It was nothing serious."
"Oh, I hope not. I wish I could get a
good look at him. I'm interested in
"Josie's mind was on business. With
all her soul she hoped that Broadway,
having so gallantly (she thought su
perbly) defied the trust, would win
a handsome victory. And she had a
clever business head and competent
business training. "Do you think it
was the advertising contract that
brought him here?"
"I don't think th«re's any doubt
about It."
She nodded. "I thought It was a pret
ty liberal contract."
"Liberal!" he agreed. 'lt was crim
inal! I told him so when he fixed It
up. I don't blame the old gentleman at
all." He gave the swing a very urgent
push, which made both girls scream &
little with the fun of it. "Did you en-
Joy the dinner?"
"Very much, indeed," said Josie.
"Did you, really? We mußt hav«
such dinners often. If we don't—"
"Are you afraid that you'll find
Jonesville lonely, after New York
"Well, I can manage to endure the
mad excitement of it, I imagine, if you
all come often. Maybe I shall brine
on a Japanese cook I had in New
"A Japanese cook!" Both girls were
"We'll come often when you get
him here," Josie promised.
Clara giggled. "Don't you let her
fool with you. We'll come often
whether you have him here or not."
Swinging by an opening in the vines
which screened the porch, Clara sud
denly cried out joyfully: "Oh, I see
him! I see him! I see him!" .
"Who? My Jap boy?"
"Bob." And then she blushed furi
ously, rivaling the sunset's radiant
Clara had run down the steps, leav
ing the swing vibrating somewhat jerk
ily from the speed of her abandonment
of It, declaring that she wished to get
a sight of the elder Mr. Wallace, even
if he did not choose to stop and talk
when he came up. She had noted that
the chauffeur, seeing the father and
son approach, had already started his
engine. Her desertion left Broadway
and Josie in the swing alone together.
He laughed. "Did you notice that?
She calls him 'Bob.' I heard him call
her 'Clara' 16 times today."
i {To be Continued.]
Soft Crepe De Chine, Satin or
Cottons Develop Well in
This Pattern
8132 Fancy Blouse, 34 to 44 bust.
This blouse with the raglan sleeves is
new and interesting. It is pretty for
a varirty of materials, too, for it makes
up charmingly in crPpc de chine, tub
silk and the like and it is perfectly
adapted to cotton voile, marquisette,
lawn, batiste and similar fabrics. As it is
shown here, it is plain with only stitched
edges but a very dainty effect can be
obtained by embroidering the collar and
cuffs and the plain spaces at each side
of the front. This treatment is a good
one whether the blouse is used with the
odd skirt or tailored suit or made with
6kirt to match. The stitched tucks serve
the double purpose of giving weight to
the material and giving a trimming effect.
For the medium size, the blouse wil/
require 3% yds. of material 27, 2% yds.
3 6 . 1 7 A yds. 44 wide.
The pattern 8132 is cut in sizes from
34 to 44 inches bust measure. It will be
mailed to any address by the Fashion
Department of this paper, on receipt of
ten cents.
Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns.
a# nN . ''%Ayji
# %
f a
I \4 f I
%N \ y wi
V ////ff '11l m
* Scanty Lesson
If work on the farm makes the man
aborer muscle-bound, one sided In de
velopment and takeß life and spring from
lis movements, the results are even more
lisastrous on the physical development of
the woman.
The Woman on the Farm.
As a rule women work indoors and are
lebarred the advantage that the man has
tn working always in the pure air. There
Is also a deadly monotony about the wo
man's share of fann work, and work
done without lightness and gladness Is
apt to make the worker listless of move
ment and stooping of shoulders. For wo
men farm work means bending over a
hot cooking stove, washing innumerable
dishes, laundering heavy clothes and end
less chores often beyond her physical
As a rule farmers' wives are healthy
women: their lot Is far preferable to that
of factory workers and under certain con
ditions better than office or store employ
ment. It cannot be denied, however, that
farm-bred women age young; that In
many cases they succumb to the same
ness of their tasks, and the body be
comes bent and stiff while still In the
youth of life. Physical culture Is ss nec
essary lo the woman on the farm as to
the shut-In denizens of a big city.
It is Indeed difficult to point out any
one occupation that develops every mus
cle of the body. The child's games and
the "sports" of the adolescent answer the
youthful demands for physical exercise,
but few older people feel this demand.
They are comfortable as they are. and
as years go on there Is less and less de
sire for physical exercise. At the same
time most people admit that they are
neither perfectly healthy nor well pro
portioned. What does not occur to the
average man or woman Is that weight
and proportion can be controlled and that
muscular development Is not a gift of na
ture, but the result of systematic train
Lesson XI to be continued.
\f \
: Prescription That Soon
Knocks Rheumatism
V i
The only logical treatment for rheu
matism Is through the blood. The pois
ons that settle In muscles. Joints and
back causing severe pain, must be dis
solved and expelled from the system
or there can be no relief. This pre
scription from a noted doctor is said
to be working wonders all over the
country. Hundreds of the worst cases
were cured by it here last winter.
"From your druggist get one ounce of
Toris compound (in original sealed
package) and one ounce of syrup of
Sarsaparllla compound. Take these
two ingredients home and put them
into a half pint of good whiskey. Shake
the bottle and take a tabiespoonful
before each meal and at bed-time."
Results come the lirst day. If your
druggist does not have Toris compound
t in stock he will get it in a few hours
i from hiß wholesale house. Don't be
I Influenced to take some patent medi
cine instead of this. Insist 011 having
I the genuine Toris compound In the
I original, one-ounce sealed, yellow pack
lage. Published by the Globe Phar
maceutical laboratories of Chicago.
A Message of Vital Importance to Women J"
Heed the Warnings of Nature!
before serious harm befall you and you become a chronic invalid.
Backache, headache, low spirits, lassitude, bearing down pains are
hard enough to bear, and they give you notice that the delicate femi
nine organs are their functions in the way intended
by Nature. Act. Don't wait Secure at once the help you need.
=ll np PIERCE'S
I-sir I Favorite Prescription
§ff#» Tablet or Liquid Form)
has been used with entire satisfaction for over forty years and
to the lasting benefit of thousands upon thousands of suffering
women. You will find similar benefit. You will find Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription efficient in regulating all womanly
functions, correcting displacements, removing pain at certain
times, in toning the nerves and improving the general health
and making life worth while.
mn i|oo- Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has been sold in liquid
form; but now it may be obtained in either tablet or liquid form
Dri "I from all dealers in medicines—or send 50 one-cent stamps
h y"«nd"t«timX r K an d obtain by mail a trial box of the tablets from Dr. Pierce.
I had been bothered for six
years with nervousness, a ■ ■■
catarrhal condition which If you wish to know how best to care for yourself or for your
only women are subject to children, send for a free copy of Dr. Pierce's great book, The
andI irregularity. Tried sev- Peoples' Common Sense Medical Adviser. This will show
eral medicines butall failed. you what to do in emergency and at any time help you to pre-
I was advised by my friends serve or maintain the nealth of your whole family. Sena 31
to Rive Dr. Pierce's medi- one-cent stamps to pay the cost of wrapping and mailing and
cmes a trial. Have taken get your free copy of this 1008 page, cloth-bound book. Address
Pre r .cri°pttn- "anAwfof PR. PIERCE, Invalid.' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y.
'Golden Medical Di»covery' ■
and I cannot say enough in
"f'Jd 10 the bonefit re ' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets give tone and strength
"wiii take pleasure in rec- to stomach, liver and bowels. One to three tiny
granules a dose. Pleasant to take as candy.
women everywhere I go." in
Secretary Bryan Invited to
Lecture in Big Tabernacle
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 11.—Now
that the Biederwolf meetings, which
have been in progress here for five
weeks, are over, the Waynesboro peo
ple arc interested in the future move
ments of the Biederwolf party and In
the disposition of the tabernacle. It is
not know how long the tabernacle will
remain in place.
Dr. Biederwolf, who went to Wash
ington, D. C., yesterday, and will have
a conference with Secretary of State
Bryan to-day, and endeavor to induce
him to come here to deliver a lecture
in the big building in the interest of
the proposed Y. M. C. A.
Mr. Bryan's lecture, if given, will
be under the auspices of the citizens'
entertainment committee, but the
funds will be turned over to the
Y. M. C. A.
The Royal Fire Company is mak
ing arrangements to hold a fair dur
ing the tirst two weeks in March to
raise money for the firemen's State
convention next October. The fair
will be held in the auditorium of the
Flatiron building, Nineteenth and
Derry streets. |
Bartley Weltzel, the aged war vet- 1
eran found in the basement of a house
at 211 Mulberry street during the
housing inspection, was taken to the •
almshouse to-day. Arrangements were j
made by Chief of Police Hutchison. j
f V
Doctor's Best Cold Formula
UreakM Sexerent C'ol«l In a Day and
C'urcM Any Curable Cough
This has been published here for
several winters and has proven the
quickest and most reliable formula ob
tainable for coughs and colds. "From
your druggist get two ounces of Gly
cerine and half an ounce Globe Pine
Compound (Coneertrated Pine). Take
these two ingredients home and put
them into a half pint of good whiskey.'
Shake it well and take one to two tea
spoonfuls after each meal and at bed
time. Smaller doses to children accord
ing to age. Be sure to get only the
genuine Globe Pine Compound (Con
centrated Pine.) Each half ounce bottle
comes in a sealed tin crew-top case.
Any druggist has it on hand or will
quickly get it from his wholesale
house. Don't experiment with prepara
tions because of cheapness. It don't
pay to fool with a bad cold. Publish
ed by the Globe Pharmaceutical lab
oratories of Chicago.
Get at the Real Cause—Take Dr.
Edward's Olive Tablets
That's what thousands of stomach
sufferers are doing now. Instead of
taking tonics, or trying to patch up a
poor digestion, they are attacking the
real cause of tile ailment —clogged liver
and disordered bowels.
Dr. Edward's Olive Tablets arouse the
liver in a soothing, healing way, when
the liver and bowels are performing
their natural functions, away goes indi
gestion and stomach troubles.
If you have a bad taste In your
mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor,
lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or
energy, troubled with undigested food, '
von should take Olfve Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel.
Dr. Edward's Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil. You will know them by their
olive color. They do the work without
griping, cramps or pain.
Take one or two at bedtime for
quick relief, so you can eat what you
like. At 10c and 26c per box. The Olive
Tablet Company, Columbus, Ohio. At
all druggists.—Advertisement.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect November iO. I>IIL
TRAINS leave Harrlsburg—
For Winchester and Martlnsburw u
I 03, *7:62 a. m . *3:40 p m.
For Chambersburg. Car
lisle, and Intermediate
stations at 6:03, *7.62. *ll 63 a. u»„
•a.40, 6.32. *7 *0 *11:16 p m
Additional trains for Carlisle ana
Mo iiuuicHburc at » l« a. m. : 11. H.a;
6 30. » 30 a m.
For Dlllaburg at 6:03, *T:63 md
•11:63 a m 2 18 *3 40. 6.32 and «:3U
p. m
•Daily All other trains dally except
hunday H. A RIDDLE.
Is Guaranteed
8(1 'or U "ultNß
1 ieves almost
M M. M rwmmm. tL H. Statta*
FEBRUARY 11,1914.
The Pennsylvania Cemetery Asso
ciation was organized yesterday aft
ernoon by cemetery managers from
all parts of the State, who met in the
parlors of the Hotel Bolton. Officers
elected follows: President, George M.
Painter, Philadelphia; vice-president,
Edward Gunster. Wllkes-Barre; secre
tary, William B. Jones, Pittsburgh;
members of the executive committee,
H. M. Barnes, Harrisburg; W. H.
Druckmiller, Sunbury; George W.
German, Williamsport; Robert J. Mil
ler, Honesdale.
1 Write at once for a Copy of
I Spring and Summer Catalogue j
I which is replete with fascinating illustrations of high
1 grade and authoritative Paris, London and New York
1 Wearing Apparel for Women, Men and Children,
I together with Imported and Domestic Dry Goods,
1 Upholstery, Shoes, and many exclusive novelties in
I Jewelry, Leather Goods, Toilet Articles, Etc., at very
1 advantageous prices. j
j Mailed Free Upon Request to Department
1 West 42d and 43d Streets, New York
Even the Simplest Street and House Dresses
made after ,
REVIEW - *>7
/|\ Vv Tml|\ " hnTe ,hat F'encb chic / "*"^NYV
ill and style so much admlr- V\l| fl • \vu\v.
fl ed by all good dresser*. / j\|l'l •
We recommend to you II * I jlt /
to try One of there—
/ \\\ February Pattern! I'l sV\
! jj J mrm on mU now, al«o tho Jj J llj Jl
%//l' REVIEW \J\ /
j/J ill FASHION k/ J
iffUm I It is only 10 centi
m/F/l when purchased with one M Wjl j /ji
Skirt, IB cents Waist, 15 centt
Waist, in cents. Skirt, 16 ccuU
Dives, Pomeroy (5I Stewart
Instantly Clears Air Passages; You
Breathe Freely; Dull Headaclie
Goes; Nasty Catarrhal Discharge
Try "Ely's Cream Balm."
Get a small bottle anyway, just to
try It —Apply a little In the nostrils
and Instantly your clogged nose and
stoppfed-up air passages of the head
will open; you will breathe freely;
dullness and headache disappear. By
morning! the catarrh, cold-ln-head or
catarrhal sore throat will be gone.
End such misery now! Get the
small bottle of "Ely'a cram Balm" At
After James McKenna, 62 years old.
had lain all night in a haymow wit It
a broken leg, the owner of the barn
heard his groans and discovered Un
injured man. He brought him to thr
Harrisburg Hospital, where he is be
ing treated. McKenna sayß he brok>
his leg by falling from the haymow,
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 11. —S. Drey
fuss, a well-known merchant here,
and member of the Roard of Trade,
and Mrs. Dreyfuss will leave Sunday
for a trip to occupy a month in Flor
ida and Cuba.
any drug store. This sweet, fragrant
balm dissolves by the heat of the nos
trils; penetrates and heals the in
flamed, swollen membranes which
lines the nose, head and throat; clears
the air passages; stops nasty dis
charges and a feeling of cleansing,
soothing relief comes Immediately.
Don't lay awake to-night struggling
for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils
closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh
or a cold, with Its running nose, foul
mucous dropping Into the throat, and
raw dryness Is distressing but truly
needless. j
Put your faith —Just one® —In "Ely's
Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh
IwlU surest ,—Aflvaitlacmam.