Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 11, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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    rupture Cured
_At Home
ild 8m Captain Cored Himself by
Simple Means Within Reach
of All Sufferers.
His Remsdyand Big. Interesting Book Sent
Free to All Sufferers.
If Captain Colllngs could euro him
self of a double rupture that kept htm
bed-ridden for years, by a simple
means of hie own invention, why can
not you achieve the same blessed re
sult by doing as he did? You cant be
much. If any, worse oft than this old
seafarer was, for no trues could hold
his rupture. Doctors told him he must
be operated upon or die. Yet he cured
himself absolutely and his hi*, free
book tells how.
"Blast my topllghts! I can dance
the hornpipe na well as If I'd never
been ruptured!"
Why should you continue to go
through life with the awful handicap
of a rupture? Why be annoyed and
embarrassed by awkward, uncomfort
able nnd Ineffective trusses that are
only makeshifts at the best? Why be
denied so many of the pleasures and
joys of life because the slightest vio
lent exertion may cause the truss to
slip and the rupture to displace?
Do not put up with these things. Got
Captain Collings* absorbingly Interest
ing book and his free remedy that is
so generously offered to those who suf
fer as he did for so long. Costs you
not a penny—places you under no ob
ligation whatever. Just clip and mail
the coupon below and receive book
and remedy free of all charge and pre
Do not put off sending It. Every day
you delay is a day of Increased com
fort and happiness lost. Send coupon
Capt. W. A. Colllngs (Inc.),
Box 281 , Watertown, N. Y.
Please send me your FREE Rup
ture Remedy and Book without any
obligation on my part whatever.
Eat less meat if you feel Backachy
or have Bladder
r Meat forms uric acid which excites
i and overworks the kidneys in their
efforts to filter it from the system.
Regular eaters of meat must flush
the kidneys occasionally. You must
relieve them like you relieve your
bowels; removing all the acids, waste
and poison, else you feel a dull mis
ery in the kidney region, sharp pains
In the back or sick headache, dizzi
v ness, your stomach sours, tongue is
coated and when the weather is bad
you have rheumatic twinges. Tho
iirlne is cloudy, full of sediment: the
channels often get irritated, obliging
you to get up two or three times dur
ing the night.
To neutralize these irritating acids
« and flush off the body's urinous vaste
get about four ounces of Jad Salts
from any pharmacy; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your kid
neys will then act fine and bladdfcr dis
orders disappear. This famous salts
is made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with lithia, and
has been used for generations to clean
and stimulate sluggish kidneys and
stop bladder Irritation. Jad Salts Is
inexpensive; harmless and makes a
delightful effervescent lithia-water
drink which millions of men and
women take now and then* thus
avoiding serious kidney and bladder
diseases. —Advertisement.
Northumberland, Pa., Feb. 11.—
Two Civil War veterans are dead in
Northumberland. One is John I).
Hawley, 81 years old, whose death
was caused by dropsy, and the other
is Peter Seiler, 71 years old. Mr.
Hawley was one of the first volunteers
from Pennsylvania during tho war.
fs a Perfectly Harmless, Quick
and Effective Remedy
k You must guard against stomach
/distress. It Is dangerous and needless
.tor you to suffer.
> A bad taste in the mouth, headache,
dizziness, coated tongue, pain in the
colon or bowels, usually indicate over
eating, or that you have eaten some
thing the tired digestive organs refuse
to handle in the natural way. You
ehould get relief at once.
Ml-o-na is a sure and safe remedy
for stomach disorders. Get a 50-cent
box from H. C. Kennedy to-day. Ai
rways keep them In the house—carrv
them when traveling—take them at
the flr«t warning of stomach distress.
4 If not benefited, Ml-o-na Tablets cost
nothing. Druggists everywhere sell
If you have that uncomfortable feel
ing of fullness, stomach upset, and
are Irritable and depressed, beware,
.Abe stomach and digestive organs are
W rebellion. Do not delay—take
Ml-o-na now and enjoy immediate
relief. —Advertisement.
Quick Relief for Coughs, Colds and
Hoarseness. Clear the Voice—Fine for
Jjjueakers and Singers. 25c.
16 N. Third St. fenna. Station
11l fill's LOVE i
Pale Face Rival in Robert Edeson's
Piece, "Where the Trail
A beautiful love etory in a pic
turesque setting and with the central
figures an educated Bioux Indian and
a rich young New Yorker as rivals for
the love of a beautiful western girl, is
told in "Where the Trail Divides," a
new Indian play of which Robert Ede
son is the author, and which will
be presented at the Majestic Theater
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Love stories, no matter in what
setting, always make attractive plays.
The audiences seem never to tire of
seeing the hero clasp the beautiful
heroine in his arms and whisper the
oft-repeated "I love you," and love
stories are all the more fascinating
when the hero is a romantic and
manly type of American.
Mr. Edeson, whose "Strongheart"
will always be remembered as the
greatest characterization of the Ameri
can Indian, in writing "Where the
Trail Divides" made How Lander, the
educated Sioux Indan, a most fasci
nating figure. He received the sug
gestion for his play from Will Lilli
bridge's novel of the great western
ranch country. He has transferred
the characters from the book to the
stage, taken a suggestion of the story
and written a play that I'alrly breathes
the spirit of the West.
There is no character on the Ameri
can stag© that is exactly like How
Lander, yet It is a character that
might have been taken from real life.
Forrence Concert Quartet
at Dillsburg Opera House
Special to The Telegraph
Dillsburg, Pa., Feb. 11. —On Satur
day evening next the following pro
gram will bo rendered by the For
rence Concert Quartet in the Opera
House, under the auspices of the La
dies' Aid Society:
Piano, Etude de Concert in F, and
Scherzo in C sharp minor, by Miss
Mersereau; song, "Elegie," with vio
lin obligato, Massened, Miss McFall;
violin, Concerto No. 4, Mr. Jenks;
reading, the Arena scene from "Quo
Vadis," Miss Mac Fee; songs, "Were
My Song With Wing Provided," and
"Carmena," Miss McFall; piano, "Gon
dolina," and "Venezial Napoli," Miss
Mersereau: reading, scenes from
"Taming of the Shrew," Miss Mac Fee;
violin, "Spanish Dance" and "Noc
turne in E Flat," Mr. Jenks; song,
"Shadow March" Miss McFall; read
ings, "The Abandoned Elopement" and
"When Malinda Sings," Miss Mac Fee;
violin solo, "Rondo Capriccioso," Mr.
The quartet is composed of Miss
Lou McFall, soprano; Lee Jenks, vio
linist: Miss Florence Mac Fee, reader,
and Miss Gertrude Mersereau, pianist.
Special to The Telegraph
Northumberland, Pa., Feb. 11.
Evangelist J. M. Linden is drawing
crowds to the Baptist Church every
evening. He is conducting a two
weeks', revival in this place. Mr. Lin
den was a former assistant of Billy
Sunday. He will deliver a special ser
mon to men on Sunday afternoon,
using the subject, "Men's Yellow
Streaks or Quit Your Meanness."
Special to The Telegraph
Quarryville, Pa., Feb. 11. —The con
gregation of the Reformed Church
has decided to erect a new parsonage
at a cost of about $4,500. Recently
a number of improvements were made
to the church and this growing con- ]
gregation decided to select a site and
erect its own parsonage.
Dillsburg, Pa., Feb. 11. Thirteen
new members were initiated in the
Washington Camp, No. 777, Patriotic
Order Sons of America, at the meet
ing held on Monday. Twenty-seven
propositions for new members were
also received. The camp will hold a
class initiation on Saturday night,
February 21, in the Opera House, at
which time the degree team from the
Labott Camp will be present in full
uniform to confer the degree upon the
News Items From Points
in Central Pennsylvania
Mauch Chunk. Supervisors of Car
bon county have been invited to attend
a meeting in the courthouse on Wed
nesday, February 18, when Deputy
State Highway Commissioner J. W.
Hunter will address them. The meet
ing is to be held for the purpose of dis
cussing good roads and road improve
Lewistown. The body of Boris
Kozlow, 30 years old, was found on the
tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad
near here yesterday morning. He was
killed by a train.
Mahanoy City. Josepli Irvin, aged
18, was squeezed between cars at the
Draper mine and died on the way to a
Williamsport. Mayor Stabler has
named Harry V. Thompklns sealer of
weights and measures.
Selinsgrove. Mark L Swab, of Sun
bury, charged with being an accessory
In the alleged misappropriation of $19,-
497.3S of Northumberland county funds
while he was Deputy County Treasurer,
was found guilty last night.
Allentown. More than 400 persons
were the guests last evening of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank J. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs.
G-eopge Costello, Mr. and Mrs. James B.
Matthews and Mrs. Katharine Rice
Is] Klein Co [Si
Thursday ANNOUNCE AN Thursday
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Feb. 12 ' Feb. 13 Feb. 14
This is a sale that will be easily recognized by the women of Harrisburg and
vicinity for its immense assortments and Most Remarkable Reductions . Our entire
stock must be sold and in order to carry out the Klein Co. policy of never carrying
merchandise from one season to another, the cost is practically forgotten. This is
our first winter season and everything is new and of the very latest mode. Come
early. You surely will be repaid.
• ! !
n ( —■—\ r~ ; v
Serge, Wide Wale, Poplin and Worsted Broadcloth, Matelassc, Brocaded Cheviot Duvetyne, Chiffon, Broadcloth, Eponge
Suits, in all sizes and colors. Our regular and Pebble Cloth Suits; very latest models. and Velvet Suits. These are most beautiful
$15.00 suits, now Our regular $25.00 suits, now models. Our regular $27.00 to $42.50 suits,
$4.98 $9.98 ncw $12.98
v J v / v J
. -S? 7- . - ' . ;;j
Children's and Juniors' Coats VERY SPECIAL Cut Astrakhan, Boucle and J
in Astrakhan, Chinchilla and Cor- Chinchilla Coats, and full
duroy, in all colors and styles, Genuine Ural Lamb Coats, two styles, 48 and 50 inches long, length, self and plush trimmed,
are now self and plush trimmed, guaranteed lining, sizes lb to 42; regular $17.50 to $24.98 coats, now ii|
OFF $25.00 values, now $9 98 $8 98
( ; ; \ "\ (
Messaline Dresses in stripes and VERY SPECIAL Serge Dresses in blue, black and
solid colors, all sizes, some with , T-, , . brown. Some with peg top skirts and !i!
„ _ , Porch and lub Dresses, in Gingham, Percale and .... . _ . hi
coatee effects and tunics. Our regular Chambray. Very latest styles and all colors. Sizes P la,d trimming. Some of these sold j|j
$15.00 to $18.75 values, now 16 to 46. Our regular $1.50 dress, now at $ 9 - 98 ar e now
$7.98 89c $3.98
v ) v. j v _J jj
Serge, Honeycomb and Plaid Skirts, in Remaining stock of Furs, consisting of are offering the following specials in jj|
all colors, peg top and tunic effects. Sold Scarfs and muffs, in Coney and Fox and ie est mus '' n underwear made
r 1 t d»e no * a-7 en r> jt- c Drawers, Skirts, Gowns,
formerly from $5.98 to $7.50, now Red Pox Sets, are now 29c yalues at 7Sc yalueg at 9gc yalues at
i $2.98 '/2 opf 19C 39C 69C
Chiffon and Fur-trimmed Waists, in VERY SPECIAL Waists made of Voile, Lawn, Ba
all colors and combinations long and ' tiste and Percale, in high and low
i . aii Crti A Waists made of Voile and Batiste with low neck . , , ,
S "' y and raglan sieves; also Silk Crepe Waists with low necks ' lo "« and sl,ort sleeves ' Vel 'y
from $3.98 to $7.50, now neck and shoft sleeveg Regular $2 .00 values, now latest models - Regular 98c values, at
$2.98 98c 69c
v v ; _J
Owing to the importance of this sale we wilt not send any approvals and no goods will be exchanged. C. O. D.'s will be
sent only when a suitable deposit is made, as ever*- sale must be final.
The New Store For Women 9. North Market Square
Meyers, of Bethlehem, and Colonel and
Mrs. James W. Fuller. Jr., Catasauqaa,
at n dance and reception at the L«ehigh
Country Club.
Allentown. ln the liberty Bell
Church Miss Elizabeth Relft, of Allen
town, was married yesterday to .Ralph
H. Schatz, a member of the Lehigh
county bar.
Centreport. Forty-five farmers of
Centre township and vicinity organized
a grange at a meeting held here Mon
day night, the organization to be known
a s the Centreport Grange.
Chester. While waiting for a trol
ley car yesterday Mrs. Sarah Monahan,
of Marcus Hook, was knocked down and
trampled by horses. She was seriously
injured. -
Pottsvllle. The Rev. David Morse,
ot Camden, N. J., yesterday united in
FEBRUARY 11,1914.
marriage Miss Mabel Dietz, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Diet*, and ElWood
Miller, both of Mlnersville.
PottavlUe. The engagement of Miss
Lottie Edwards, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Edwaras, of Orwlgsburg,
to Allen-C. Dlefendwwr, of Washinr--
■ i ■ _i
ton, D. C., formerly of Auburn, Is an
Reading. Despondent because h«
believed his mind was falling, Alfred
8. Miller, 68 years old, a farmer of Tll
den township, Berks county, hanged
himself in his barn yesterday.