Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 10, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Commissioner M. Harvey Taylor
Visits Metropolitan Cities on
Inspection Tour
Plan For Bidding Hasn't Been De
cided Upon—Not Necessarily
to Lowest, Taylor Says
Ha.rrlsburß's new motor fire appa
ratus, for which 528.000 has been
voted, is to be purchased under a
wide-open system of competitive bid
ding, according to M. Harvey Taylor,
commissioner of parks and public
Tho plan that will bo followed by
Commissioner Taylor will be along the
same line adopted by Commissioner of
Public Safety H. F Bowman, who re
cently demonstrated Its effectiveness
from an economical standpoint.
One of the first problems Commis
sioner Bowman solved was the award
ing of some pipe contracts. He an
nounced that he had had one bidder,
but would follow out a scheme where
by he would read vert Ise where only
one bid for any material was received.
On the pipe contract alone Commis
sioner Bowman thus saved the city
more than S6OO.
Commissioner Taylor has been out
of the city for brief periods recently
and It is understood that he had been
looking into the working qualities of
various fire apparatus, particularly of
tho motor-driven type. Mr. Taylor
admitted that he has been in New
York. Philadelphia and other larger
cities on inspection tours.
lAjoks Up Systems
"That we'll get motor apparatus is
pretty certain," said the commissioner,
"but just how many we'll get to start
with I don't know. We'll probably
get one or two at first to see how they
work out. An apparatus costs from
$2,600 to $5,500. The good combi- j
nations cost $5,500."
"When do you expect to get them?"
"Well, I'm looking up the system of
operation in other cities. The money
isn't at hand just yet. While the ordi
nance authorizing the issue of the
bonds has been passed, I'm not certain
as to the next step. To tell the truth.
I haven't looked into that question as
yet. I sunpose an ordinance author
' izing the specific expenditure will be
next in order."
"Contracts will be let following the
system of advertising adopted by Mr
Bowman, will they not?"
"Oh, yes," replied the commissioner,
"but of course that doesn't necessarily
mean to the lowest bidder. Would it
be right, do you think, to let a con
tract to some person or firm that was
unknown to you or irresponsible—
wen though he or it was the lowest
Fortune Waiting For a
Miss Elsie Snavely or
Miss Swavely That Was
If Elsie Snavely, or Swavely that
was. will get into touch with City
Clerk Charles A. Miller or William J.
Leeber, 1403 West Fayette street. Bal
timore, she'll likely hear something
real interesting about a legacy that
has been left to her.
To-day City Clerk Miller got a letter
from Mr. Leeber asking for informa- !
tion of one Elsie Snavely, or Swavely, i
who was married in 1912. Snavely
or Swavely was her maiden name. Her
father, the writer said, was a Phila- I
delphla and Heading engineer. Mr.
Leeber added that there is a legacy j
left in the girl's name and he has
charge of its disposition.
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Feb. 10.—Ar
rangements have been made for a
meeting between Sir Lionel Carden,
British minister to Mexico, and Presi
dent Wilson. Persons close to the
White House confirmed the earlier re
port that the President would give
Sir Lionel an audience on Mexican
affairs when the latter passed through
this country en route to England.
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Feb. 10.—The
Interstate Commerce Commission to
day ordered an investigation of the
alleged practices of certain railroads
of leasing their facilities and other
property to shippers of freight over
| their lines "for such consideration and
[ upon such terms or conditions as have
the effect of reducing the rates and
charges to shippers for transportation
furnished to the disadvantage of ship
pers not receiving such privileges."
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C.. Feb. 10.—With
drawal from Port au Prince of the
American, British, German and French
forces which formed an international
".guard during the latest disturbances
chore was reported to the Navy De
portment to-day bv Captain Itobert L.
Russell, commanding the American
By Associated Press
Clicago, 111., Feb. 10. Jonathan
Phillip Prim ley, who acquired a for
•une through the manufacture of
cheving gum, died yesterday at Pasa
d«u. Cal. He was one of the founders
of tie American Chickle Company in
1892 He was 62 years old.
By Associated Press
OCawa, Ont.. Feb. 10.—The Cana
dian parcel post system went Into op
»ratbn at midnight last night. The
first mall bag to be dispatched con
ain<d a package for local deiisvery
iddr»sed to the Duke of Connaught
oy Postmaster General L. P. Pelletler.
A secretar yof the Duke of Connaught
jat »P until this morning, when the
paflMftge was delivered Into his care.
By Associated Press
Hew York, Feb. 10.—Following con
fluences by Mayor Mltchel and four
~f a lis newly-appointed heads of de
part ments, It was decided yesterday to
••■tiblish a central employment ex
..paige to relieve the distress of men
.utlof work. Henry Bruere, citv
, liajnberlain, sent representatives to
uijluyment agencies to ask them to
u jglperate. ,
SALE-EQUAL TO OPENING ITEMS. Plenty of Everything;
B. B. B. Sale of Well-Known Corsets
—j We liave been readjusting the corset stock and have made up three assort- 4
J AT * * Lot No. 1 consists of <
Our Best Selling $lO $1.50 to $3.00 Corsets at SI.OO <
ift -1 j-y mm /\ —— ~ __ These are broken assortment of sizes of corsets to fit slender, medium or stout figures. Made
IP 7 Kf 1 / / J., „ L.~Vr of batiste or eoutille with four or six hose supporter attachments. There are Warner's, Ferris Ma- 4
X M*(/ 1/ \jJ M. T%5~ ternitv Corsets, Le Reine, Arniorside, C-B A La Spirite and Henderson Corsets.
. O r T at Lot No. 2 consists of <
sent Season for Women our 0 ur Regular SI.OO Corsets at 69c ;
ntlCl IVIISS6S These are a fancy dotted twill with medium bust and deep hip, four hose supporter attachments 4
button. The top is finished with tine embroidery and tie string. New spring models.
Marked for an extraordinary sale, begin- Trt+ i
ning to-morrow, at the extremely low price of consists of <
Ar nQ fwfisM*§ $2.00 C-B Corsets at $1.25
■ 1 Hf || [(£ij These C-B A La Spirite Corsets are made of batisto with high bust and deep hip, sis hose sup-
I.ll# %M a m. M // 1/ IWssB&V-'-J*! aL/ porters, top nioelv finished with white edge and draw string. Broken assortment of sizes in 19, 21, 4
Tl j, \ ypm 22. 23, 24, 25 and 26.
i vMSK Bowman's Second Floor.
These fine suits are for this \ ''j |JP|ii <
. season s wear. Staple, conserva- \A H jjjjfff Several Hundred Dollars in |
tive, dressy styles—biack and VJMf Children's Wash Dresses and Skirts *«
navy serges. Plain tailored or \|l\ \ T £ x 1 m 1 j o-n /*
slightly trimmed. 'i Inf&lltS ClOcikS cUld Silk CdpS J
j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : I m have been marked away down in prices to give all mothers a big saving oppor- ■*
Suggestion: ( ome early in the morn j / \ tunitv —at the same time help us re-adjust our children's wear stock for the <
; there will be better opportunity to select ; J spring business. <
carefully and be fitted promptly. j m i
' —— • Jrf Ji Children's 75c to $4.50 Wash Dresses ]
On Sale on the Second Floor, Bowman's. >1 , _ „
at 50c to $2.50 :
—————— <
* Comprising a fine assortment of pretty styles for children 2to 15 years. Wc omit any detailed
description on account of the large variety of patterns, colors and trimmings.
Now is the Time to Buy Infants' $1.50 to $6.98 Long Cloaks <
Those FuIS " at 98c to $4.98 :
■ B Bedford cords, poplin and eassi mores, witli capes. Dainty styles—some arc hand embroidered. " r i
I ■■III I I W lUf Also short white coats. Ages 6 month* to 5 years. I.
, " V Children's 50c to $2.98 White Silk Caps
At Fractional Prices . <n !
will be a feature of the second day of the B. B. B. Sale.
Mostly scarfs, not present season's styles but the furs I'e perfect. If you I Specially suitable to wear with white coats. Infants' to 2 -year sizes. Fine assortment of 1
don't want to wear the scarfs, the furs can be used for trimming purposes to good dainty stylcs '
advantage. You'll be surprised at the low prices we are asking for these fine fur Children's 25c White Skirts
pieces. 1 i
Former Prices Were $3.00 to $20.00 &t 15c <
Now 50c, 69c, 89c, SI.OO, $1.59, $1.98, $2.98 Long or short styles—with waists. Sizes for infants and up to 4 years of age. Cambric—- * 1
. __ . with ruffle. i ,
Marten Fox Squirrel Pony Blended Squirrel Chinchilla Moufflon Bowman's Second Floor. '
Marmot Lynx Jap Mink Astrachan Kolinsky Persian Lamb ■ ■■ — ■ . y i
Also—Ten gi-ey fox pelts that can be made into rugs or carriage robes.! OAAfI
18.8. B. Sale prices. ..50* to SI.OO each j ZUUU iICCCS V/Illlla I ;
On the Second Floor—Bowman's. Importers' Samples and I
] t Are You Sharing in the B. B. B. Sale of S. ! o , , , v , , ,
t j Procured bv us at a very liberal dis
!"Utica" "Mohawk" "Pequot"!! ]
i Sheets, Pillow Cases and Bolsters at Big Savings Instead_of $1.50, $1.69 and $1.98;
You should. It's an opportunity housekeepers seldom have. It's unusual 1 YOUR CHOICE OF THESE AT ' i
]: to buy these famous makes at these prices. Limit, 6to a customer. ; Chop p i ates , chocolate pots, sugar and cream sets, mayonnaise sets, celery !
• j PEQUOT BRAND MOHAWK BRAND , , travs. marmalade jars, salad dishes. Any of them at i
' SIZO Reg. Price Sale Price j Size Reg. Price Sale Price 13 21 c t aßd Bleached . . + e ~
: 54x90 ... 75c
1-63x90... 85c 69c UUea'an'd'ShefbS makes ! 1 JJ) -L \ ,
; 72x90... 90c
' 72x108 . . -$1.19 - J
i tii lon fin 01 nn no rr**l 8c and »c Seersucker Gtng- ' late pots, cracker jars, footed comports, jugs, cheese and cracker plates, salad <
'' x 81x99... 98c ham. 27 inches wide, aii ' bowls, cake plates, chop |Mates. Choice, $1.49. <
. 81x99 ~. $1.09
] 90x90 ... $1.19 Bolsters 250 :,5c Wocl Flaa nei, aii . ,
i Bolster Cases 12x76 1 /> 35c weather r,h."3S. a > Six Great Lots of Shoes at B. B. B. Prices i\
\ /- * V we don t carry woolens over
. 42\ 72 40c - Women's $2.00 Patent Colt and Men's SB.OO and $3.50 Work Sboea 4
rti\ i- Qkll son, yard IJL7<2C n Blucher Style Shoes, in Gun Metal Bluche/ Shoes, sizes in black and tan elkskin, heavy
40X/w... 40C Pillow CfISP«? 28 c ' Dallas Slieetine «1 patent colt and vici -| 2%,3, 4 and 4. In [»A _ double soles. All Art -| A 1
: Pillow Cases Pillow Cases Tw" 1 "?•' B - s "° Jbl.UO «he ?• b. b. s«i,. SUC JbZ.llf -
llow t-ases 42x36 .. . 20c
! 42x36 ... 22c 17 4 45x36 . 22c 17 d bleaches easil y. J() r 4Aa pair for Boy.' 4
or -iqli *>-i\ n y OK a P air for Ohlldren'J d»-| AA a pair for Women's $3.00 and $8.50 .
. 4JXob ... ~OC OUXdoyo . ALII! Bowman's Main Floor, Hear. JS I m ZA\ SI.OO and $2.00 3
1 54x38 1 /> • 35c - Calf Shoes, heavy double soles, 1
« ... ~ ' Shoes in black and tan calf skin. ton Shoos, high heels. All sizes some are Goodvear welts. All .
ah sizes in the lot. in the lot. Bowman's 3d Floor.
FEBRUARY 10,1914.