Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 10, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-good " are but experiments, and endanger the
health of Children—Experience against Experiment.
„ What is CASTOR IA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither
Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It de
stroys AY orms and allays Feverishness. For more than
thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of
Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, nil Teething Trou
. bles and IMarrhma. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
No more dandruff or falling hair
—A real surprise awaits
To be possessed of a head of heavy,
beautiful hair; soft, 'lustrous, fluffy,
wavy and free from dandruff Is mere
ly a matter of using a little Danderlne.
It is easy and inexpensive to have
nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just
get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine now—all drug stores rec
ommend it—apply a little as directed
and within ten minutes there will be
an appearance of abundance; fresh
ness, fluffiness and an incomparable
Shock of Tragedy Hastens
Death of Charitable Woman
Special tc The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 10. Mrs.
Elizabeth M. Brown, 73 years old,
widow of Samuel H. Brown, died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. E.
Thomas, Glen Furney. She had not
been in good health for a number of
years. She was a member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Mrs. Brown had practically resided
at Glen Furney all her life. She was a
woman of singularly kindly disposi
tion. She extended aid to all who
needed it within a wide range of terri
tory and over the people of Glen Fur
ney and vicinity she exercised a super
vision that saw that none ever went
hungry or in need. All the people
there went to her with their troubles
One of those who at times sought her
Millions Now
I'hey used to put up with the tntiss
and the bother of mustard plasters.
For, after all, nothing gave such Im-
mediate, such lasting
relief as the old-time
mustard plaster.
It smarted, and blis
tered like all get-out,
but it surely did the
Science now has
combined the amazing-
ly curative properties of mustard with
other Ingredients Into a wonderful
It is called MUSTEKOLE. And It
does what mustard plasters used to do,
without the plaster, and without the
You Just rub MUSTEKOLE in.
That's all. Then watch how soon the
Hundreds Are Suffering With Kidney Trouble and Don't Know It,
Backache, Bladder Disorder and Rheuma
tism Are T he Result-
it Is a well recognized fact among
physician to-day that the greater
part of all sickness can be avoided
by keeping the kidneys working
This is even more important than
for the bowels to move regularly,
because the kidneys and bladder are
the filterers and sewers of the body. I
If you suffer with pains in the back ;
nr sides, bladder or urinary disorders, i
lumbago, rheumatism, dizziness, puffy
Bwellings under the eyes or in the j
feet and ankles, nervousness, tired and
worn-out feeling, or any of the many
other symptoms of kidney trouble,
don't neglect yourself another day
and run the risk of serious complica
tions. Secure an original package of
Croxone, which costs but a trifle, take
three doses a day, for a few days,
and you fill be surprised how entirely
different you will feel.
Croxone overcomes the very worst
cases because it removes the cause of.
Let me send you FREE PERFUME
Write today for a testing bottle of
Mm Wr J The world's most famous perfume, every drop as sweet
\ , »s the living blossom. For handkerchief, atomizer and bath.
Kin v\ y rlne after shaving. All the value is in the perfume-you don't
KEp \V JR Pay extra for »fancy bottle. The quality Is wonderful The
iilarugj 7 /jFrnlk P rlc ?°" ly 75c. <6 ox ). Send 4c. for the little bottle-enough
VT* AkWyfmw handkerchiefs. Write today.
\ ° PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD, Department M.
gloss and lustre and try as you will
you cannot find a trace of dandruff or
falling hair; but your real surprise will
be after about two weeks' use, when
you will see new hair—fine and downy
at first—yes—but really new hair —
sprouting out all over your scalp—
Danderine is, we believe, the only sure
hair grower, destroyer of dandruff and
cure for itchy scalp and it never fails
to stop falling hair at once,
with a little Danderine and carefully
draw It through your hair—taking one
small strand at a time. Your hair will
be soft, glossy and beautiful in just
a few moments—a delightful surprise
If you want to prove how pretty and
soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth
awaits everyone who tries this.—Ad
counsel was Abe Barnes, who was
killed last week by Corporal Curtiss
Davles. Many a prayer Mrs. Brown
said over and for him, and many a
promise he made her to do better.
The shock of the death of Patrolman
Daywalt brought on a severe recur
rence of her illness, but it was not
so exhausting that she could not pray
earnestly for Abe Barnes, when word
was brought to her that he was fatally
shot. Mrs. Brown is survived by two
children, Mrs. D. E. Thomas, of Glen
Furney, with whom she made her
home, and Lewis S. Brown, State dep
uty game warden, of RoUzerville.
Blain, Pa., Feb. 10. —The Kev. Gid
eon P. Sarvis, pastor of the Blain
Methodist Episcopal charge, opened a
series of revival services last evening
in the Methodist Church at this place.
The services will be held every even
ing for an indefinite period.
paln ROCS scooting. How the cool,
soothing relief comes afterwards.
MUSTEKOLE Gives instant relief
from Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsll
itis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neu
ralgia, Headache, Congestion, Pleurisy,
Rheumatism, Lumbago. Pains and
Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains,
Sore Muscles, Bruises,
Chilblains, Frosted
Feet, Colds of the
Chest (It prevents
At your druggists's,
in 25c and 50c jars,
and a special large hos
pital size for $2.50.
Accept no substitute. If your drug
gist cannot supply you, send 25c or 50c
to the MCSTERO' E Company, Cleve
land, Ohio, and w>. will mail you a Jar,
postage prepaid. (69)
O. A. KING, Mishawka, Ind., says:
"We consider this p. very valuable as
set to our medicine cabinet and always
have a supply on hand."
such troubles. It soaks right In and
cleans out the kidneys and makes
them filter out all the poisonous waste
matter and uric acid that lodges in
the joints and muscles, causing rheu
matism; soothes and heals the blad
der and quickly ends all such trou
It Is the most wonderful remedy
ever made for the purpose. You will
find it entirely different from ariy
thlng you have ever used. There "is
nothing else on earth to compare with
it. It matters not how old you are
or how long you have suffered, the
very principle of Croxone is such tha*
it is practically impossible to take it
into the human system without re
You can secure an original package
of Croxone from any first-class drug
storc. All druggists are authorized to
personally return the purchase price
if Croxone fails to give the desired
results the very first time you use it.
Over Forty-two Per Cell, of Books
Taken Oat Are by Chil
dren in Schools
Public Aid For Institution Will Be
Necessary Before Many
Months Go By
More books must be added to the
Harrisburg Public Library, especially
In the juvenile department, where the
demands of the school children of the
city have been so heavy that the daily
supply of books has been seriously re
duced. The trustees last night re
ceived reports showing that the pa
tronage of the Library during the
month of January was in high figures
and the free book service away be
yond expectations, particularly by the
school children, who have comprised
more than half of the readers at the
Library and taken out over 42 per
cent, of the 1 1,972 books circulated
during the twenty-eight days on which
the Library was open in January.
The Library has proved to be Im
mensely popular and the demands
upon it have been so great that addi
tions to the stock of books must be
made and the time is nigh when pub
lic assistance will be necessary. Thus
far there have been 4,820 registrations
for book service, which is far beyond
expectations, and, including the iig
ures for January, over 15,000 books
have been circulated. On January. 17
and February 7, each, the book ser
vice was over 1,000, about 45 per cent,
of the books taken out on those days
being by school children. In all 4,404
readers were at the Library in Janu
ary, 2,389 being children.
The total number of books cata
logued is 8,200, of which 6,200 are
adult fiction and reference books and
2,000 juvenile. On last Friday even
ing 2,500 adult fiction and reference
books and 1,400 juvenile books were
in circulation, and Saturday's circula
tion ran up the number of Juvenile
books in use.
Use of the reference department has
grown rapidly, 116 questions of major
importance being answered in Janu
ary, and thus far this month over a
score of requests for aid in collecting
data for school debates have been
cared for.
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor of Tltc Telegraph:
Dear Sir: I have been reading and
hearinga great deal lately about wiping
out the Hardscrabble block, abolishing
the billboard nuisance and numerous
moves towards making Harrisburg
what It undoubtedly deserves to be, a
city beautiful. Yet I hear notiiing of
any move by the city towards doing
away with the wrecked houses on Nau
dain street near Fifteenth, which have
been an eyesore and a nuisance to the
residents of that section of the city
for the past eleven months.
The collapse of these houses was un
questionably due to the breaking and
consequent washing of the old sewer
running from Fifteenth street, directly
underneath these houses, to the con
nection with the Nineteenth street
sewer near Sixteenth and Catherine
streets, aggravated and brought to a
head by the severe rains of last March.
For months after the cavein, until the
completion of the new Fifteenth and
Catherine streets sewer, when the old
sewer was abandoned, each and every
rainfall caused the sewage to back up
in the cellars of adjacent houses, ren
dering them almost unfit for habitation
and causing serlout damage.
Billboards, while not a very pleasing
sight some times, are at least useful,
since advertising is said to be the life
of trade, and even the worst of the
shacks in the Hardscrabble district
would at least shelter a horse or some
other animal, but what good are these
onetime comfortable homes in their
present condition? A wreck is never a
pleasant sight, yet that is exactly what
these houses are, with their remnants
piled and scattered over Naudain street
Verily, a l'ar cry from a city beauti
Surely, when the city granted the
permit for the erection of these houses
thev assumed the responsibility as to
it being a proper site for same. Yet up
to the present time I believe they have
done nothing towards rebuilding, or at
least recompensing the property own
ers for the loss of their homes and
household goods, and are even fighting
the case In our courts, thus proving
once again that tlif . ays when might
made right, are noPyet by.
I venture to state that a similar con
dition of affairs In Front street would
have been allowed to exist just about
as long as it would have taken to clear
away wreckage and rebuild.
All hail to the city beautiful, but let
it be a universal beauty and not alone
along the river.
Yours respectfully,
Thieves Robbing Farmers
in Vicinity of Dillsburg
Special to The Telegraph
Dillsburg, Pa., Feb. 10.—Not for a
number of years has there been so
much stealing done as has been the
case for the last three months in this
section. At first the thefts were con
fined to the stealing of chickens, and
In many cases large numbers were
taken. Now the thieves have turned
to smokehouses on farms, taking hams
and smoked meats of all kinds. Dur
ing the past week many farmers have
lost In this way their summer's supply
of hams.
Columbia Man With Broken
Back Leaves Hospital
Special to The Telegraph
Columbia, Pa., Feb. 10. Walter
Torbert will leave the Columbia Hos
pital this week after being confined
six months in that institution suffer-1
ling from a broken back. Mr. Torbert
[sustained the Injury to his spine last
I August, when a case of tobacco fell
i off a dray wagon and struck him on
i the back, slnc& which time he has
I been paralyzed from his waist down.
I Columbia, Pa., Feb. 10.—Columbia
I will have a "Go-to-church Sunday,"
February 22, at which time It is
planned to get most of the people to
attend church. The Ministerial Asso
ciation has been making an active
campaign with that object In view,
and In this work they have the as
sistance of the members of the various
Blain, Pa., Feb. 10.—L. M. Wentzel,
lumberman of this place, who has
sawed out the timber on the Harry M
Hall tract of woodland north of town
has moved his portable sawmill to the
large tract he has purchased at the
mountain south of this place, which
was formerly owned by the late Daniel
Sunbury, Pa., Feb. 10.—Apparently
recovering from an attack of appen
dicitis, Grover Cleveland Brumbaugh,
a young railroadman, suddenly be
came weaker Sunday afternoon and
died in a few minutes.
Beginning Today
"Nobby Tread Tires
wmmmmmmtmmmmm mmmmmmmammm
are now sold under our regular warranty—perfect work
manship and material—BUT any adjustments will be on
a basis of
5,000 Miles
This applies also to all "Nobby Tread" Tires
now in service on automobiles.
The "Nobby Tread" Tire was placed upon the market in 1909—it was
built regardless of price competition, and built to accomplish two purposes:
No. I—To give American automobile owners the lowest
"cost per mile" tire that could be built
No. 2—To give American automobile owners a real
anti-skid tire.
The inherent wear-resisting quality—the quantity of rubber —the quantity of
fabric—the methods of construction — all have been rigidly maintained in "Nobby
Tread" Tires, and maintained regardless of cost and regardless of price competition.
The result is that—today, through sheer merit alone, " Nobby Tread " Tires
are the largest selling high-grade anti-skid tires in the world.
But more than this—solely* through their day in and day out mileage records,
" Nobby Tread" Tires have proved that they are the most inexpensive tires in the end.
Therefore, based solely on their mileage re
cords of over four years, "Nobby Tread" Tires
can be, and now are, placed on this 5,000-mile
basis of adjustment
This applies to each and every "Nobby
Tread" Tire in service on automobiles today or
unsold in dealers' stock anywhere in the United
States, carrying our regular warranty.
United States Tire Company
Corn Shows by Pupils of
Lebanon County Schools
Special to The Telegraph
Lebanon, Pa., Feb. 10. A joint
committee of the Lebanon County
Agricultural and Hostlcultural Asso
ciation, and the County School Teach
ers' Association held a meeting at
which it was decided to revise the
rules for holding corn shows In the
public schools of the county. Next
Fall each of the country schools will
hold a corn, fruit and vegetable show.
Prizes will be awarded for the best
specimens grown by the chlldre, and
ithe prize winning fruits, corn and
vegetables will be exhibited at r. show
to be held by the township, and later
i the best of three exhibits will be dla.
played at the county corn show. The
conditions of cultivating corn was also
changed so as to increase the lattitude
of Juvenile exhibitors, and the age
limit was changed from 10 to 18 years,
to from 6 to 21 years.
Sunbury, Pa., Feb. 10. Judges
Cummlngs.'and Moser yesterday grant
ed all of the liquor licenses held up
but two. These two will be granted,
bjit not to the present owners. One
of these Is Frank Troutman's Cafe, a
1100,000 Shamokin eatinghouse in the
Q. A. R. Building, it is for the old
soldiers that the court has not ab
solutely refused the license. They
must get a new tenant though, as
Troutman, it Is alleged, permitted men
and women to act in open lewdness In
side rooms. Two cafe owners were
(.granted licenses.
FEBRUARY 10,1914.
Every power put into the hands of a
man carries with It the possibility of
abuse. The natural power which Is a
parent's due—and which in Its meas
ure Is a teacher's due —is of course
given to be used. A man must rule
his household. Children must be
trained, disciplined, guided, restrained.
It Is no appeal for anarchy. Even a
despotism Is better than no govern
i ■ in ii mi i" ■ ———
P Q Easily tired, thin, pale, nervous? And
/ Jnlrltl / do not know what to take? Then go
XCU / 1 JLSKJLUiI m direct to your doctor. Ask his opinion
of Ayer*i non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla for
Cornell your doctor freely about medical m*t- toning up the nerves, enriching the
ten. Take no medicine he will not enJorte. blood, and Improving the general health.
[ Let hi* Jedtion he final. Has been used for 60 years.
ment at all. But if little ones ar«
under your power, and rightly so, they
are In your hands not for your pleas
ure and that your will may be done."
iiiuy are human beings, Immortal
souls, with inalienable rights. Slnfl
against them will recoil most terribly
against the sinner. We see them re
coiling every day, and that Is why a
sermon on this text is necessary,
though you may never have heard on®
on It before. —The Christian Herald.