Harrisburg Pa « Man y Person# flurt When Riotous Mob HARRISBURG mm&!> TELEGRAPH LXXXIII — No. 35 Lynch Accuses Royal Appointee of Dabbling in Municipal Politics Deposed Foreman Took Active Part in Last Fall's Contests He Says; Mayor Wants to Have Whole Police Force Reappointed When Lynch Resolution Becomes Effec tive Pointblank charge was made on the floor of Council to-day by Commis sioner W. H. Lynch that a street fore man serving under tho old Royal ad ministration —a foreman who has been deposed—had taken active part po litically in the Fall primary and gen eral elections to the extent of passing out cards bearing candidates' names among the street laborers of the High way Department. This wns only one of several state ments made this afternoon when Council voted on the Lynch resolution providing for the dismissal of all em ployes not otherwise provided for un der the Clark net on March 1. The resolution was passed finally by a vote of 3 to 2. Commissioners Ti.vnch. Bowman and Taylor voted in the affirmative-. Gorgas and Royal voted against it. Following the vote on the resolution Mayor Royal offered u petition from the members of the police force who ask to be retained and then followed that with H resolution providing for the retention of the whole force from Colonel Joseph B. Hutchison down. The measure, like that of Commis sioner L.ynch. is to go into effect March 1. The resolution was laid over for a week. Charges and Counter-charges For twenty minutes the councilinen wrestled with -the problem and there were several charges and counter charges. Some inconsistencies were developed incidentally, too. Comissioner of Finance Gorgas started te ball a-rolling as soon us Mr. Jjynch's resolution 1 ad been re-ad. He said that previous to the inaugu ration of the new for niof government on December 1 last it had been tacitly agreed among some of the members TO PLAN STATE-WIDE FIGHT OH SALOON IN HARRISBURG. API 2 No-License Forces Will Battle With Rum at Polls, It Is Announced WILL QUIZ THE LEGISLATORS Candidates Who Do Not Declare For Local Option Will Be Bitterly Opposed Special to The Telegraph West Chester, Feb. 10.—The no- Jlcense movement in Chester county will be organized into a State-wide movement at a meeting to be held in Harrisburg April 2 and 3. Representatives of the surrounding counties, where the power of the sa loon is bowing before no-license lea gue fighters, issued the call for the Harrisburg meeting here last night. From all counties where no-license leagues are formed or forming, rep resentatives will go to the Capital to learn of the methods used in the suc cessful Chester county fight. Further extension of the leagues to other counties will be attempted. Following the meeting yesterday [Continued on Page 7] fr Late News Bulletins COXEY SEEKS GOVERNORSHIP Massiiloii. Ohio. Feb. 10. —"General" J. S. Coxey. leader of an army of unemployed, from Ma>-illon to Washington in 1891. to-day an nounced his candidacy for governor of Ohio on the Socialist ticket at the primaries nest August. POSTAGE INCREASE PROTEST FILED Washington. Feb. 10.—Protests against the pm|>oscd doubling of postage rates on second class mail matter were made to-day before the Post Office Committee by representatives of publishers of magazin^. UNFILLED TONNAGE INCREASES New York, Feb. 10.—The unfilled tonnage of the I nlted Slates Steel Corporation on January SI totaled 4,013,680 tons, an Increase of 331,- 572 tons over December. l»13. COMISKEY IS IMPOVING Rome, Feb. 10.—There was improvement to-day in the condition of Charles A. Comiskcy, president of the Chicago club of the American League, who was taken 111 while traveling yesterday from Naples to Rome. He was able to receive several visitors. SEARCHING FOR TUG POTOMAC Washington. D. C., Feb. 10.—The wireless was silent to-day for news of the naval tug Potomac, caught in the Ice floes of the Bay of Islands, and the revenue cutter .Xndroscoggin was chasing up the North Atlantic coast to the rescue of the imprisoned ship and her A/ >• DEMOCRATIC WAR IS PRECIPITATED BY WOODROW WILSON President's Interference in Demo cratic Party Affairs Has Stirred Up Hornets A BITTER FIGHT IS AHEAD No Compromise Possible Between Candidates; Morris Pleads For More Money Democrats throughout the State are I on the brink of one of the worst party j fights in a generation, and the pros-' pects are such that one almost regrets i that the convention system with its J picturesque characters anil old-time j shindies litis passed away. The atnbi-1 tions of Michael J. Ryan, the Phila-i dclphia City Solicitor, and Vance C. McOormick, former Mayor of Ilarris burg, to be Democratic nominee for Governor, with the effort of Congress man A. Mitchell Palmer to retain his grip on the Federal patronage in the! State, have divided the Democrat/ of| Pennsylvania into factions even more sharply defined llian known in the dfrys of Hie Harrit.v -Cordon warfare. And. coupled with all this clash ot fact! ns, there is throughout the rank and file or the party resentment of the interference of President Wilson in the partv affairs in the Kevstone State Wilson is the first President in the memory of living Democrats who has stooped from his high office to dic tate the nominations of his party in ai State other than his own, and the only parallel which history of the last [quarter century presents is that of President Arthur, who. in presuming | to slate the Republican candidates in his own State of New York, brought about a condition which resulted in the election of Grover Cleveland as Governor by a majority of 182,000 and paved the way for that great Demo crat to go to the White House. Wilson's Butting In Democrats who have served In the party ranks for years have been slow to express their opinion of the presi dential interference and his open par ticipation in the sort of conferences which orators and newspapers of his party, especially in Pennsylvania, have denounced in the Republican party. But people coming here from various counties of the State tell of indigna tion which is bursting forth and of criticism which, leveled at the Presi dent, will cause thousands to vote [Continued on Page 5] BELIEVE CITY HIS WIGHT TO SET IIP CIVIL SERVICE HERE Legislature Must Pass Act Before Plan Can Be Adopted, Is Belief It is believed Council may soon ask for an opinion regarding the estab lishing of a civil service system in Harrisburg. The prevailing impression in legal and munic!;?al circles is that the pro posed movement cannot be carried out in Pennsylvania third vlass cities. An act of Assembly will be necessary, it is believed, before' any of the third class municipalities can adopt the plan. In his annual message to Council, Mayor Royal suggested that a civil service plan be applied here, so those city employes who serve long and faithfully may have a chance to re main on their jobs and not be sub ject to personal choice of the depart mental head. The question of whether or not Councilmen elected for a term of but two years can have jurisdiction over those city employes who will be under the next administration, is the chief obstacle, it is held. "Why," asked one well-known at torney in reply to a question on the subject, "what under the present con ditions would prevent the Council of two years from now, or of two years later, from setting aside such an ordi nance or regulation that may be made by this Council?" Ever since Mayor Royal recom mended the inauguration of the civil service system there has been no little talk on the subject. But the question of its feasibility without the practical backing of a State law has always caused the hitch. CHARLES A. BALL IS ILI, By Associated Press Wellsville, N. V.. Feb. 10.—Charles A. Ball, a well-known Republican politician, is critically ill at his home here. Mr. Ball was assistant secretary of the Republican national committee in 1888 and 1892. He is 63 years old. VOTE FOR REPRESENTATIVE tty Associated I'ress Davenport, lowa, Feb. 10.—Com mittee chairmen of all three leading parties were confident of success in to-day's special congressional election, in which the suceessoV of the late Representative I. S. Pepper will be named. DETROIT VOTES NEW CHARTER By Associated Press Detroit, Mich., Feb. 9.—Detroit to day voted on the adoption of a new charter, differing in many details from the present fundamental law of the I city. It contains many Important pro visions. HOLD LOVER OF GIRL ;. %Sw^ ' • ,v, S \ ; /' f p-'/v^: ■■ ht ■ y/ MRS. HARRIET MANNING I ?, rk- f 6b- 10.—The Newark authorities have decided to keep }■ Ma . n " ln «' ' the wealthy trarage proprietor, under surveillance un til they have definitely ascertained how Hazel Herdman procured the re volver with which she. killed Mrs. Harriet Manning, his wife. The auto dealer protests that he know nothing of Miss Herdman's Intention of kill ? I l .'. 8 1^, rrag T g t d untls - after swallowing eight bichloride tablets, she admitted that she had shpt Mrs. Manning because the latter scorned her repeated appeals that she divorce her husband. Manning and the girl never made any secret of their relations, but Mrs. Manning withheld the liberty that would allow Manning to make his sweetheart his legal wL'e He had often told the girl, according to her deathbed confession, that the only thing that made their marriage impossible was failure of his wife to divorce him. Her ever-increasing disgrace drove the girl deVoerate and she Hlled the woman whose hatred had placed her in such a predicament EDITORS OF STITE HOLDING CONVENTION 111 THIS CITY TODDY State School of Journalism and Al lowing Newspapers to Go By Parcels Post Urged Newspaper owners and editors from all parts of attended the i annual meeting of the State Editorial! Association in the Board of Trade j Building this morning. Fifty mem bers of the association are here for the ! two meetings of the Editorial Associa- ! tion and the meetings of the Weekly j and Dailies' Associations this after-1 noon. Fred Newell, of the Canton Sentinel, was elected president of the State Edi torial Association. Other officers r elected are as follows: R. 11. Thomas, Jr., Meclianiesburg 1 Daily Journal, first vice-president;! K. 11. Heed, Lebanon Report, second! vice-president; W. L. Binder, Potts-j town News, third vice-president; i K. P. Habgood, Efenlng Star and 1 Record, Bradford, secretary-treasurer; i executive committee, John J. McLa-i rin, Oil City Derrick; C. H. Bressler. Lock Haven Times; J. M. TresChler, Jeannette Dispatch; A. L. Etter, Mid-1 dletown Press; Dietrick Lamade, Wil-i liamsport Grit. John Clyde Oswald, of New. York 1 city, president of the National Edi- 1 torial Association, told the members of the State Association of the growth of the national body, and urged a big attendance at the convention of the j' [Continued on Page I] Little Boy Sets Fire to His Sister's Clothing Sfmial to The Telegraph Malta, Pa.. Feb. 10. While Mrs. 1 Alva M. Zerbe. of town, was attend-i ing to her household duties about the; kitchen, she was attracted by the cries of her little 3-months-old baby, who had been taking a nap in another I room, booking, she discovered to her | amazement, the baby's clothing all I aflame. By her prompt action she j soon had the lire under control and! saved the child from an awful death. I though the little body waa badly burned. The (ire was started by her little 3-year-old son who found some matches and played with them. EFFORTS TO HELP FRIEND COST AGED MAN HIS LIFE By Associated Press | Derby, Conn., Feb. 10. —His efforts to assist a young woman friend In franking her automobile cost Bennett Treat, 68 years old, his life to-day. lie was walking along the street Satur day when he saw his friend in trouble and went to her assistance. The crank ' flew back and broke his arm in two places, infection developed and his. death resulted tc-day. 4 IY PIKE TWO MID DLETOWN STREETS EARLY 111 THE SPRING Park Board Will Be Appointed to Look After Borough's Sys tem Recently Started Plans for the paving of Spring and Union streets, Middietown's two prin cipal thoroughfares, were discussed at a meeting of the borough council last evening. This action lias ueen under consid eration for a long time and it is much desired by many of the property own ers, but before last evening had never been officially talked of in council •Speeches were made in favor of tile paving of these streets by several councilman. As there were no esti mates of the cost of the work ready at last: evening's meeting, the matter was laid over until next month. C. M. Earisman, chairman of the finance committee, presented the town's first budget at the meeting last evening. The finance committee and the borough solicitor have been work ing for some time to.prepare a budget so that appropriations would no lon ger be made in a haphazard manner as formerly. The sum of $1,500 was placed in the sinking fund; SIOO was appro priated to the health department; $l6O to each of the borough's three fire companies for maintenance, and money was appropriated to build a new railing around the pavilion at the borough park. Councilman Albright introduced an ordinance calling for the appointment of a park board to take charge of the borough's new park. This ordinance, which passed first reading, calls for the appointment of three men a su perintendent, treasurer and president to act as a park board. The appoint ments will be made by the biireess and council. A number of streets were ordered repaired on the motion of Councilman Gingrich. Work on Presidential Primary Bill to Begin at Once, Declares Rucker Uy Associated Press Washington, D. C., Kel). 10.—Prepa- i ration of a presidential primary bijl, J as advocated by President Wilson, will begin at once. Announcement to that effect was made to-day by Chairman Rucker, of the House com mittee on the election of President, Vice-President and Representatives," before which committee the proposed legislation will be considered. Mr. Rucker and members of the commit tee have been conferring with Sec retary Bryan and Solicitor Folk, o it) the .State Department, to ascc-taln their views oi* the proposed legisla tion. ( ♦ POSTSCRIPT. 14 PAGES. EASTERN 11. S. AND ClltJ SHAKEN BY BABf EARTHQUAKE Points as Far North as Montreal and Far South as Philadel phia Feel Tremor NO SERIOUS DAMAGE DONE Albany, Elmira, Rome, Syracuse and Other New York Towns Feel It By Associated Press New York, Feb. 10.—Points as far north as Montreal and as far south as Philadelphia felt dis tinct earthquake shocks of vary ing intensity between 1.34 and 1.37 o'clock this afternoon. In dications were that the entire northeastern section of the United States was in zone of tremors. At no point included in the first re-' ports was serious damage done. In New York State the tre mors were recorded in New York City, Albany, Elmira, Rome, Syracuse and other points. In Canada shocks were felt at Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Pres l cott, Brockville ami other places. TREMORS AT PHILADELPHIA By Associated Press Philadelphia, Feb. 10. An earth tremor was felt in this vicincity. At the Philadelphia navy yard the shock was quite distinct and naval officers timed the shock at 1.33 o'clock. EARTH SHOCK AT SYRACUSE By Associated Press Syracuse, N. Y„ Feb. 10.—An earth quake shock was felt plainly In all parts of this city at 1.35 p. m. Rome, N. T„ Feb. 10.—At 1.35 o'clock this afternoon a severe earth quake shock was felt in Rome and throughout this section of Oneida county. Dishes shook on their shelves and type in the newspaper office? moved on its galleys. Albarty, N, Y., Feb. 10.—An earth quake of twenty seconds' duration was recorded on the seismograph at the State Geologist's office here to day shortly before 2 o'clock. It was noticeable about the Capitol where a number of pictures were shaken from the walls. Montreal, Feb. 10.—An earthquake more than 1,500 men, women and [Continued on Page 7] IS 104 TODAY Mrs. Elizabeth Sharon, Dauphin county's oldest wojnan, to-day celebrat ed her 104 th birthday anniversary at her home, 324 Myers street, Steelton. Fur Harrlsburg an