Help Wanted —Male A PARTY with *SOO 00 to *i' 0 5on°nsy°- a Restaurant proposition tor Pen y vania, Harrisburg to be the centra point. Address 5.. 962, care of leifc graph. A YOUNG man with knowledge the grocery business wlto Bmall cap d enter as partner; good ' oc l ?' 3 Mid room; low rent. Address Box J, dletown. Pa. * BOY over 18 to assist In store; give reference and exper Address S., 966. care of BUTTER solicitor, Big 0^ ft | e legraph' party. Write C., 947, care of it once. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATION^ Thorough instruction, »• free Amerl not appointed. ,^ r £|S, oo i, Washington, can Civil Service bchooi, D. C. * —rTTv to sell trees, HIGH-CLASS MA b(jrry bushes, shrubs, roses, vines, permanent, bulbs, etc. Good Brown Brothers Exclusive terrlto". N York. Nurseries. Rochestei\_«__ —TZI waNTED In each HONEST work; *ls town tor special eX p er i e nce unneces a week to starrequired. Address at sary; reference. & Co., 93 N. BeV once McLean, Mass. t erly street. —"TT' at home In, spaire instructive book rors; no capital, i ope rations. G. *• K'UON HEPKKSBNTATIVE C WANT ED. our representative after man to act as I ° u . thoroughly by learning our B "®'" RlE nce unnecessary, mall. Former EXPERIENCE ABIMY , A M- All we require Is 1 ... if»&rn a lucra bltlon and W H L ' I 2SJ I TOLLCLTINK OR travol tlve business. No . ORWY. This is Inn All or spare time A MAN an exceptional opp LNTQ A paying In your section to. . AN(I BECOME ln buslness without cap wrlte at once for dependent f°r ll:f >j at ional Co-Operative lull particulars. N Marden Bulld- Realty Compani, 1- ■ ing, Washington, D- I- MARRIED MAI L' R JI L FARM^ R RETE*E P NMS ence. to work on R no. needed. APPLY H. • PERB on at Hels- - MEN AND WOMEN Government P°® to be made next few ings, HOW to prepare, ei. ■ 372 EARL MEN to BC , ll .J e |n H tO t wnß? ,, A e pP l ¥ ftt Cnce. m Derrick Seed Company, Roches ter, N. Y. —— PARCEL POST means many »DJ}F W N AY ments from the Februar Y Harrisbur g. Mall Clerk Commence> $75.00 questions- — cation sufficient. Franklin FREE. Write V,N K UOCHESTER. N. Y. Inßtltute. Dept. JFA3-K. ITOC. RAILWAY Carriers. Thousands 1 con salaries. Examination Examlna tlo rH? d Free Write Ozmen t, 64-D, St. Louis. Mo. - TEN good merp^t-clas r » e P d roposl- HSSM Budding. Ha^sb^ Y Wle m tfpewr%r?a B s°blnUg flg can handle typewriter, a okkeepe r. sssasr - n »0.«0 WEEKLY PKOfT in yr. lirown, Qniaha. Neb. —— FTelp - W anted —Female ANY lady can earn FIOIOO weekly copying letters, • S .P A^I VER MO TELLB How. American 'copying Association, Wash lngton. D. C. 4 ANY lady can earn *IO.OO weekly Washington, D. O. COMPETENT woman to take careof child and upstairs work; experience unil reference "Quired; good wag.B to right party. Address 318 M., <are Telegraph. HONEST WOMEN WANTED in each town to demonstrate cents' an tide' sls a week to stait or .so cents an hour' for spare time; experience unnec essary. McLean, Black & Co.. Beverly street, Boston, Mass. ( DADIES Sewing at home. Material furnished; no canvassing; steady work stamped envelope for particula.s Calu met Supply Co., Dept. C-95, Milwauitee, AVis. I.A DIES Work at home making neckwear; $3 dozen; experience unnec essary; dime for pattern instruction. Pearl Mfg. Co., 25 Salamanca, N. -LADIES—SIS per 100 sewing straight seams in dusters. ,Can finish eight an hour; no experience necessary. We supply material and prepay charges. Semi stamped envelope for particulars, ltodilla Manufacturing Company, 353 State Bank Building, Cleveland, Ohio. LADY for pleasant work, to introduce article that sells in every home. lull particulars and tree sample. Experience not required. Address Hargor Co.. Clt>. LADY DEMONSTRATORS to repre sent well-known article. Good salary paid. Apply 326 Strawberry street. SEWING AIACHINE operators, also learners, to make aprons, etc. Harris burg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, State street, rear entrance. WOMEN CANVASSERS. Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet and Household Necessi ties. $9.00 weekly salary or commis sion. Credit. Rebschcr, Dept., A-3, Ro chester, N. Y. YOUNG woman for housekeeper for widower and small family. Call after noons. 3221 North Sixth street, River side. Help Wanted—Male and Female MAN AND WIFE for cook and but ler; must come well recommended; good wages. 517 North Second street. Situations Wanted—Male COLORED man wants position of any kind; first-class reference. Address 806 Cowden street. FOR RENT HOUSES 1326 Cowden St., 2 s. f„ 6 r *s 1800 Boas St., 2% s. b., 7 r„ ' Bin 1106 N. Cameron St., 2 s. f fi'r' Sin 1908 Greenwood St., 3 s. f 8 r°' «ii 692 S. 20th St., 6 r. & b., .... •{•» 2139 Atlas Ave., 2% sb„ 7 r & b *i*» 627 Brlggs St., 3 s. f., 8 r. . . ' S H 111 £ ow « e n St., 3 s. f 5!,, 658 Emerald St., 3 s. b.. 8 r *}? 1527 N. Second St., 3 s. b., 10 r'.'b& front porch, side entrance *47 nii 2109 N. 3d St., 3 s. o„ 10 r b 15 N. Front St.. 3 s. b„ 10 r. 'and 2 b APARTMENTS 12H Walnut St., Housekeeping apart ments—second floor— 3 rooms and bath—city steam heat furnfshed 608 N. Third St., llousok^S apartments—third floor—s r oo mf nlshed . ."T. V Bteam hea * ? Th«- Donaidioii— (No housekeeping") —Second, near Locust St., verv desirable single rooms and suites of two, three and four rooms SUBMUIA* rOoms Nortl. of WCt Fair vlp w—2 'A -storv frame to. javSrS White HlM—Hummel Ave ' SIS FROM A Pit 11, 1 409 Market St., second room on third floor 1 1403 N. Front St., 3 h. h„ 8 r. & b.', «2n 2014 N. 3d St., 3 s. b„ 9 r. & b *3« 2108 N. 3d St.. 3 s. b„ 9 r. & b! 2£a 412 Market St.. (front and middle} 2 office rooms, on second floor un Mlddlletown —store room on Union street j ;t _- Miller Bres. & Neefe Federal Square Opp. l»o»t Office SATURDAY EVENING, Situations Wanted —Male EMPLOYMENT as servant in private residence by colored man 26 years of age; neat, capable and willing. Address X., 968, care of Telegraph. Situations Wanted —Female A MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes a po sition mending linens in private family or hotel; can furnish reference. Ad dress all answers to M. M., care of Telegraph. BY colored woman, cooking or day's work of any kind. Address 1915 Logan street. DISHWASHING or work of any kind. Address 624 North street. MIDDLE-AGED widow desires posi tion as first-class housekeeper In pri vate family or hotel. Address M. W., General Delivery, Carlisle, Pa. PLACE as cook by respectable color ed woman in flrst-class private family. Address 115% Adams street, Steelton. ———t POSITION cooking or general house work. Address 507 South street. ——4 WOMAN wishes a position as house keeper where she can keep her nine year-old girl with her. Address 1527 Bartlne avenue. YOUNG woman, with two-year-old child, desires position at housework; good home in preference to large wages. Address W„ 230, care of Telegraph. Agents Warned AGENTS Sell Concentrated Liquor Extracts for making whiskies, Liquors and Cordials ut Home. Something new at last. Wanted in every home. Saves over 60 per cent. One taste makes a customer for life. Strictly legitimate— no license required. Big demand, sells fast, coins you money, bend postal to day for money-mak l selling plans. Universal Import Co., Dept. 541, Cin cinnati, Ohio. AGENTS—Something New Fastest Sellers and Quickest repeater on earth. Permanent, profitable business. Good for *SO to *76 a week. Write for par ticulars. American Products Co., 8089 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio. HONEST MAN WANTED in each town to distribute free advertising; *ls a week to start; experience unneces sary; references required. Address McLean, Black & Co., 93 N. Beverly street, Boston, Mass. STORY OF MEXICO. New Epocli Making Book. Thrilling, Sensational, Timely. Low Price. Sells on sight. Big Terms. Sample Book Free. Act Quick ly. Universal House. Philadelphia. OPPORTUNITY for Live Agents. Splendid household specialty, suitable for either sex. No experience required. Particulars free. The J. W. Oswald Co., Conemaugli, Pa. AGENTS CAN MAKE *2O to *3O weekly selling our household special ties. Particulars free. North Penn Specialty Co., 2623 Myrtlewood street, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS Both sexes Big profits earned quickly; personal necessity; sure repeater; do not wait; write for particulars to-day. S. & B. Mfg. Co., Lewlsburg, Pa. AGENTS lnvestigate our proposi tion; big- profits. Sells in every home. Experience not essential. Write to-day. Wilkon Supply Co., Dept. F, Box 22, PottsvUle, Pa. FOR rapid seller. Household neces sity, which no housewife can resist. No experience necessary. John F. Heller, 382 Dupont street, Roxborougn, Phila delphia. • 4 SOAP AGENTS Our Sanitary Skin Soap has everything: beat for profits; we protect you In territory; sample and premium list free. Daley Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Ho. MEN AND WOMEN. Sell The Daily Expense Records. Good profits. Send six names and thirty-five cents for sample. Wallace Supply Co., DB, Loyal sock, Pa. AGENTS for a money-maker. Some thing new. Fast seller. Sure repeater. Particulars free. F. and M. Co., 736 Redgate avenue, Norfolk, Va. IN State of Pennsylvania to handle Kleenkopie carbon paper and type writer ribbons. Particulars free. Rustic Sales Co., Rustic, N. J. FOR article which no housewife can resist. Sells at almost every home. The If. A. Hall Company, Box 173. Blooms burg, Pa. Salesmen vVanted * SPECIALTY SALESMEN You can make S4O to SIOO weekly selling Chemi cal Closets in your own home terri tory; one sale of 100 outlits to a subur ban builder equaled a handsome year's salary; sells to homes, schools, fac tories, stores, churches, suburban builders, parks, summer resorts, etc.; abolishes outdoor, open closet vaults and cesspools; looks like ordinary sew ered water closet, but requires no sewer or water; approved by health au thorities; big present profits and im mense future for energetic, reliable, ex perienced men; we advertise extensive ly, refer Inquiries nnd help you in every way. Send for particulars, stating pre vious experience, etc. Sanitary Chemi cal Closet Co., Inc., Station 17, Brad ford, Pa. EXPERIENCE unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering opportunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address Dept. 417. National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San Francisco. SALESMAN to sell well-known line of Fruit Ciders in small country towns. 25 per cent, commission, $35.00 weekly drawing account. Oldest elder firm in the United States. Red Cross Company, 204 South Main street, St. Louis, Mo. Dept. 6. PUNCH BOARD SALESMEN to place our candy boards in Saloons, Cigar Stores, etc. On consignment. Liberal commission. The A. W. Solum Candy Co., 2914 Elston avenue, Chicago. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED. We pay $25 per week salary and expenses or big commission. Experience not necessary. Excellent opportunity. Bea con Cigar Co., Wichita, Kansas. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED. $25.00 per week salary and $5.00 per day for expenses. Experience not necessary. Write quick. Continental Cigar Co., Wichita, Kansas. lu sell Cased Liquors and Specialties to the Saloon trade; samples furnished free; experience unnecessary. T. Fair banks & Co., 3110-12-14 W. Lake street, Chicago. SALESMEN Office specialty and necessity. Exclusive or side line. Salesmen's reports show $lO to S2O eas ily made in a day. Bin F. Newton, lowa. Rooms For Rent LARGE, partly furnished room, suit able for light housekeeping, very rea sonable rent and desirable location, with use of bath, light and telephone. Call, or address, 112 South Second street. Phone 452 J. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for light housekeeping. Stoves fur nished free. Laundry, phone and bath room privileges. Also janitress service. Bishop Building, 429 Broad street. PLEASANT, furnished rooms; city steam heat; desirable location; five minutes' walk to Market Square. 719 North Sixth street. FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en «ite; all conveniences, including phone; reference required. Apply 1015 North ■ ront street ONE nicely furnished, large second floor front room; all modern improve ments. Apply 1217 North Second street. FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for gentleman; all conveniences; use of phone. 410 North street. SECOND FLOOR front room, with hay window, with use of phone. 271 Brlggs street. ROOM TO LET, with bath, suitable for gentloman. Apply .321 Walnut street. Apartments For Rent COMMODIOUS second floor apart ment, Front and Herr streets; large front porch overlooking river; electric light and gas; hardwood floors. Also garage i n rear for rent. T. B. Rocka fellar, Second and North streets. APARTMENTS FOR RUNT 1-8 WALNUT ST. (for housekeeping) —second floor 3 rooms bath and city steam heat. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Federal Square, Bell phone 1695. , APARTMENT, consisting of three rooms, small kitchen and bath, at Fourth and Peffer streets. Inquire B. F. Umberger. 108 North Second street, or 427 Peffer street. 220 LOCUST STREET, third floor, five-room apartment. City vapor heat. Inquire at dwelling 222 Locust street. Wanted WANTED Grocery Store. Will pay cash for one in a good location in liarrisburg or vicin ity. Address Box 367, Harris fa tirg, Pa. TO RENT, in heart of town, large house. Must have baths and conveni ences. City steam preferred, although not a requirement. Old-fashioned resi dence with large number of rooms pre ferred. Communicate with A. B. C.. care of Telegraph. Possession at once, or any time between now and April 1. WOMEN to send 26c for a package of Silk Quilt Patches. Thousands have been pleased. Address Valley Supply Co., Shlremanstown. Dept. 88. ONE unfurnished room, between Mar- A?M* nd North streets. Rent reasonable. Address 8.. 961, care of Telegraph. Business Opportunities ADVERTISERS SPECIAL 6c per word places your ads In 138 dif ferent magazines. Send copy now for King's Magazine, Box 1316, Little Sliver, N. J. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding? Cor newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send tor par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798, Lock port. N. Y. with excellent proposition wants partner to Invest money with Jii returns to business. Ad dress R., 1610, care of Telegraph. *IOO.OO WEEKLY PROFIT In spare time at home. Mail order business don t worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. E, Omaha, Neb. 1 MADE $60,000 In five years in the mall order business, began with *6. Send for free booklet. Tell« how. Hea cock. 366 Lockport, N. Y, Business Personals CLEANING CARPETS AND RUGS on your floor with latest improved electric cleaner service. Ex perienced operators with machines. Furniture repaired and iinished. A. Levin, 230 South street, Bell phone 1787. Harrisburg Paste Works 12# N. Cameron Street PAPERHANGERS', billposters', book, binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Uell phone 1186 L. HAULING H. W. LATHE, lioardlnu Stable and Xutlonrl Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul, ing. H. YV. Lathe, Manager, Filth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2603 R. rl FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa Telephone 1960™ K ' ven P roin l >t attention. Bell, WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL CAN take a few more students. Perfect ntting is taught before sewing. Make your entire dress while learning. Don't delay coming, 22 North Fourth street. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck. 220 Woodbine street. HARDWOOD FLOORS Of all designs. Old floors made new. Ask for catalog. J. M. Smith, 2219 lirookwood street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 13911 a Real Estate For Sale SUNBURY (Danville) Bloomsburg In the Susquehanna Valley means (50,o00) people, line markets (100) railroad trains daily and good (Trolley) service. Notice Temptation (140) acres only quarter mile to Trolley (mile) to Phila delphia and Heading Kailroad just out side of (City Limits) with all (new) buildings painted except new roof large bank barn with Stock Yard. Peach orchard valued ($1,000), buildings ($3,000), Spring House ($500), loam soil, some clay and tine gravel mixed with loam ($2,800 and means over $7,000) valuation (no mistake) at only ($3,000). Notice (easy) payments ($1,000) cash by March and balance to suit Buyer. To avoid missing (Bragain) remember special telephone hours (7 to 8) morn ings anl evening. Bell 11-R. and United 140-E. Photographs. GEO. B. OSTRANuiiR, Danville, Pa. GREAT SPECIAL SALE WILBUR LAND SALE House lots, f 79 to $179 —few higher; 15 per cent, discount for cash; $5 and $lO down, 50 cents a week. No interest or taxes for two years. Free lots in case of death. Guarantee against loss on account of sickness or loss of work. Title guaranteed. We are OWNERS, not agents. We buy for cash, have agencies in 71 cities, and give more for your money than you can hope to get elsewhere. Further in formation address Agent, Wilbur Land Co., P. O. Box 364, Harrisburg. 219 HERR STREET Six-room dwelling house size lot, 15x105 ft. This property Is so situated that a front porch can be added. You will have to be quick of you want it. Price, $2,000. M. A. FOUGHT, 272 North Street. FARM of A. S. Speece Estate, at Speecevllle, Pa.; 200 acres, with good buildings; running water at buildings; 16 acres orchard; 25 acres second growth timber; 175 acres cultivated land; N. C. R. R. runs through farm; station on border of farm; twelve miles from Harrisburg along Susquehanna river, S6O per acre. Apply Walter and Howard Speece, Speecevllle, Pa. 2M-STORY BRICK 8 rooms and bath; all modern improvements; large lot; located in west side of Bowman avenue, Camp Hill, within one-half block from trolley line; and further particulars on application. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FARM In good state of cultivation, good buildings, good water, telephone, rural route four miles from Newport, suitable for poultry and trucking; also tract of timber land. Write or tele phone, H. Stone, It. D. No. 3, Newport. Pa. IICAI, ESTATE FOR HALE 8 PBIi CENT. NET 1837 Briggs St., 2'/4-story frame dwelling 7 rooms lot, 15x110 ft., now rented at sll per month. SPECIAL. BARGAIN PRICE. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Federul Square, Bell phone 1695. NEW brick house. No. 2318 Derry street; large front and back porches; all Improvements; stoum heat; gas and electric lights; eight rooms and bath; hardwood finish; cemented cellar. Ap ply 1432 Derry street. INVESTMENT New property . brick all Improvements tenants pay rent yielding 8.5 per cent, after deducting taxes, water rent, insurance Price, $1,700 and $2,300. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 220 NORTH FIFTEENTH ST. 3- story brick !» rooms, bath and fur nace front and rear porch drive alley on roar side entrance lot x»3 Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. Harrisburg ffijjßfrl telegkxph Real Estate For Sale GREEN STREET PROPERTY FOR SALiE No. 2088 Brick 9 rooms —bath gas electric light steam heat porch lot. 21x86. Inspect It. Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. $2,400 WILL BUY a suburban prop erty 3-story frame house porches —cemented cellar furnace heat lot, 40x130 work shop fruit on trolley line. Bell Realty Co., Bergner EASY PAYMENT HOUSES FOR SALE —Prices ranging from $1,500 to $2,200. Several of these are brick houses 6 rooms and bath gas furnace. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. TWO three-story brick houses on Jefferson street, near Maclay 8 rooms and bath gas furnace porch— worth more money each, $2,400. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Buludlng. 2325 AND 2327 FULTON STREET 3-story frame 9 rooms each lot, 80x90 2327 Is a corner property. Price for both. $3,200.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. TWO lots, hundred by one hundred and fifty feet. Small house erected thereon. Good well water und fruit. Address Box 142, Duncannon, Pa. SMALL FARM of five acres; two story frame house; necessary outbuild ings; good well water; fruit of all kind. Address Box 142, Duncannon, Pa. ONE of the most prominent houses for transient and permanent trade in the city of Harrisburg. Address R., 923, care of Telegraph. Real Estate For Rent Store" room, 1007 and 1009 N. Third St., 24x40 ft. Spe cial inducements to desir able tenant. Miller Bros: & Neefe, Federal Square. FOR RENT UNITED STATE HOTEL PROPERTY, 612-530 Market St., suitable for room ing house, lodge halls, storage, etc. Will be rented entire or by floors. Miller Bros. & Neefe (Bell phone 1595), Fed eral Square, Harrisburg. FOR RENT 1839 Zarker St $20.00 IC2B Regina St 25.00 44 North Twelfth 18.00 185 North Fifteenth St 18.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. HUSTON'S SUMMER HOME, along the Conodogulnet creek, one mile from Hogestown; large house with conveni ences and pleasant rooms; stable; fine boating, bathing and fishing. Apply A. J. Huston, Mechanicsburg. FOR RENT 1527 NORTH SECOND ST. 3-story > (r lck io rooms, bath and furnace front porch—side entrance. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Federal Square. THREE-STORY brick residence, 813 North Second street; nine rooms and bath; good condition; all Improvements; possession April 1. Apply on premises. FINE two-story corner brick house, with porch and all improvements, $18; Immediate possession. A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Corner brick house, 8 rooms and bath, city steam, 426 North street. Inquire 125 North Fourth street. 1716 ELM STREET, six rooms and bath; rent, $15.00 a month. Union Real Estate Investment Company, Room 403, Franklin Building, 212 Locust street. DWELLINGS NO. 40 and No. 42 South Court avenue, with conveniences; rent, SIB.OO. Chas. Adler, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third straet. THREE-STORY brick dwelling, No. 1015 Market street; every convenience; possession at once. Inquire 213 Pine street. 1933 North Third street, $45. For particulars see John C. Orr, 222 Market street. For Sale FOR SALE The Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at public sale in front of the State Capi tol Building, at entrance Fourth and State streets, Harrisburg, Pa., at 10 o'clock, a. in., February 14, 1914, the following buildings and structures upon the premises within the boundaries of the proposed extension of Capitol Park, in Eighth Ward, City of Harrisburg: State Street, 433-514-514 rear, Walnut Street, 414-630, Cowden Street, 124, South Street, 426-500-%, Cranberry Street, 408, West Avenue, 532, North Street, 715. The purchaser shall pay to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, through the office of the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds arid Buildings. Harrisburg, Pa., by certified check or United States Currency, the amount at which the said building or buildings and structures are awarded to them, as follows: A cash payment of 25 per cent, shall be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon the property to remove the material purchased. In all cases whore the premises are unoccupied, possession will bei given the purchaser Immediately. Where the premises are tenanted, possession will be given immediately after the prem ises are vacated. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any damage to property after possession Is given. Purchaser shall state at the time of their offer the time required to remove the buildings and material after being given possession by the Common wealth, which in no case shall be long er than 60 days. All building refuse shall be carted away from the premises by the purchaser. All foundation walls must be taken down and removed at least three feet below level of street. The Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shftll be perform ed under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE: The sidewalks and street pavements are not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. By order of the board, C. P. RODGUHS, Secretary. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. WASTE PAPEH FOR SALB IN accordance with the Act of As sembly, approved July 19, 1913, the Superintended of Public Printing and Binding will receive at his office, in the Capitol, at Harrisburg, Pa., at 12 o'clock noon, on Tuesday, February 17, 1914, sealed bids for the purchase of the following waste paper: 20 to 25 tons, more or less, white and pink paper used for Legislative bills and calendars, 3 tons of Legisla tive Journal paper, several thousand large stringed envelopes, all paper printed. Purchaser will be required to remove from State Capitol at his own expense and must pay for same be fore removal, checks to be made pay able to Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia. Bids must be by the hundred pounds, the entire lot of each particular class of paper fo be sold to the highest and best bidder. Paper can be seen by calling on Superintendent of Public Printing, or samples will be mailed up on request. A. NEVIN POMEROY, Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding. FOH SALB TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap Leather. Calfskin, Kip, Dongola, Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut streets. WHITE and Buff Orpingtons, Barred Plymouth Kocks, White Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds. Good breeding and laying stock. Must sell on account of room. Eggs for hatching and day-old chicks. Custom hatching done at 3c per egg. Apply 2438 Cam by street, Penbrook, Pa. A. B. Davis. ONE golden oak rolltop desk, one golden oak refrigerator, one mangle for hotel or boardTnghouse; all in good condition. Inquire 912 North Third etreet. ( SPECULATORS MARKED TIME DURING WEEK First Days of Month Bare of Important Developments; Bond Offerings Absorbed Promptly CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Fnnlahrd by H. W. SUAVELY, Arcade Building. Chicago, 111., Feb. 7. Open. Hlgn. Low. Clob Wheat— May 931* .... July Corn— May 66% July 65 % Oats- May 38% July 38% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated i'rcst Chicago, 111., Feb. 7. Hogs Re ceipts, 19,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $8.60 @8.70; light. $8.45@8.70; mixed, »8.45@ 8.70; heavy, $8.45(?i>8.70; rough, $8.45® 8.50; pigs, $7.25@8.50. Cattle Receipts, 200; steady. Beeves, $7.00@9.50; Texas( steers, $6.85 @8.00; stockers and feeders. $5.60@8.10; cows and heifers, $3.50 @8.50; calves, $7.25 @ 10.25. Sheep Receipts, 1,900; steady. Na tive, $4.65@6.90; yearlings, $5.60@6.80; lambs, native, $6.70@7.70. For Sale EGGS Silver Campines, Black and White Mlnorcas, Barred and White Rocks and Columbian Wyandottes. T. D. Orris, MechanlCßburg, Pa. HOUSEFULL of furniture. House can be rented by person buying furniture, but not a requirement. Address F„ 957, care of Telegraph. ONE very old mahogany buffet: also a few bureaus and tables; all antiques. A. Levin, 230 South street. Furniture repairs and finishing. ONE font 'of 10 pt and one font of 12 pt. O. S.. with Antique Linotype Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg, Pa. BARRED ROCK and White Rock Eggs for hatching; 15 eggs for 75 cents. Call, or address, M. H. Stanfleld, Shlre manstown. Pa. — j S. C. Rhode Island Reds, Cocks, Hens, Cockerels and Pullets. Direct from Tompkins & Best eggs. H. Watts, Mil lersburg, Pa. SIDEBOARD. S4O when new. Will be sold cheap. Second-hand furniture dealers need not apply. Apply 417 Pef fer street TWO POOL TABLES FOR SALE. In cluding balls, cues and racks, in good condition. J. W. Riegel, Enola, Pa. CHEAP Typewriter desk and chair and No. 4 Underwood typewriter. Apply at 440 Crescent street. AN Aquarium, about 3 feet square, with table. Address A.. 402. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent STORE HOOM FOR RENT on the corner of Third and Cumberland streets, No. 1200. Show windows side and front. In a live part of Harris burg. The largest and best market house, two of the best banks and many first-class business hoi'ses in the same square. In center of population. Size of room 33x100 ft. 14-ft. ceiling. Up to-date In every particular. Rent from April 1, $125 per month, Including heat. J. S. Slble, 256 Herr street. FOII RENT Deatrable office* In the Telegraph Untitling, alßgly or tn-Jullf. lnijulre at lluatneaa Office. FOR HUNT STORE ROOM NO. 1302 North Sixth; kitchen in roar; room upstulra; Kood lo cation for business. Inquire at 1129 North Sixth street. — ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. _ , Storage HARRISBTJRG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private ■ oojns for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low dtorage ratea. South St. and Pen:". R. R. STORAGE 419 broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to *3. Wagons, 76 centa per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms 6-7, 0 North Market Square. Died BRIGGS Rachel Tod Briggs, daugh ter of the late John H. and Julia A. Briggs, died at her residence, 324 North Second street, Friday, Febru ary 6, 1914. Funeral services at 2 o'clock, Mon day, February 9, from Market Square Presbyterian Church. Burial private. Legal Notices IN THE COURT OF COMMON PI.EAS OF DAUPHIN COUNTY No. 510 Equity Docket. Harriet Gardner, Plaintiff, against Lewis Starry, Seright Starry, Emory Coulson, Ivan Coulson, Elmer Coulson, Sarah Miller, George Starry, Irvln Starry and the heirs of Irene Starry Hink, deceased, defendants. To Elmer Hunter, Lewis Starry, and the heirs of Irene Starry Hink, deceas ed. Take notice that the plaintiff in the above case alleges a mistake and omis sion In the description of land intended to be conveyed by deed of Adam Starry to Harriet Gardner, the plaintiff, and John Y. Gardner, by deed dated April 13, 1906, said omission being the part of said premises fronting eleven (11) feet on North Second street, Harris burg, Pa., and extending eastwardly lifty-two (52) feet to a line; and prays the court to decree the reformation or said description so that it shall be the correct description of the land and premises, viz: No. 1327 North Second street, Harrlsbtirg, Pa., intended to be conveyed by said deed. That January 21, 1914, the court made an order that you, Elmer Hunter, Lewis Starry and the heirs of Irene Starry Hink, be and you are hereby required to cause an appearance to be entered for you and to file answers to said bill within twenty days after February 7, 1914. If you fall to comply with said or der you will be liable to have the bill taken pro confesso, and a decree made against you in your absence. HARRY C. WELLS. Sheriff, Harrlsburg. Pa. S. S. RITPP. A. M. BOWMAN, Solicitors for Plaintiff. NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on Monday, March 1, 1911 under t..e provisions of an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for a charter of an intended corpora tion to be called the PAXTON PRESSED BRICK COMPANY, the character and object of which Is the manufacture, purchase and sale of bricks and build ing materials from clay, slag, concrete and admixtures thereof, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges by said Act of Assembly and Its supple ments conferred. l CHARLES C. STROH, Solicitor. FEBRUARY 7, 1914. New York, Feb. 7. The stock mar ket all but reached a state of dead lock this week. The buoyancy and ac tivity of the January rise In prices van ished, and the market settled down to narrow and uncertain movements, which effected no material alterations in the level of prices. Having discount ed in the recent rise the improvement in financial and business conditions the market lay quiet pending the develop ment of new factors. As the week was bare of important developments, specu lators marked time. December reports of the principal railroads were distinctly unfavoraDie. There was a further Improvement in the Bteel trade, attended In some cases by higher prices. Shares of corpora tions with Mexican Interests were bene fited by President Wilson's decision to raise the embargo on exportation of arms to Mexico, it being assumed that this policy would tend to hasten the restoration of peace. Kates for money held easy and such bond offerings as were made were ab sorbed 'promptly. Investment condi tions have Improved to a point which makes probable extensive applications for new capital. Various railroads are expected to bring forward large band issues in the near future. Furnished by 11. YV, SNAVELY, Arcade Building;. New York, Feb. 7. . , „ Open. Clos. American Beet Sugar 26-% 26 American Can 30% 31 it American Can pfd. .93 9' American Cotton Oil 45 45 v Am. Ice Securities.. 26% 27 Am. Locomotive ... 34% 34% American Smelting . 68% 68% American T. & T. . . 121% 1215 Anaconda o 4 if Atchison . ; sg £ Baltimore & Ohio .. 33* 93\ Bethlehem Steel pfd 76 76 Brooklyn R. T 911/ ~ j, California Petroleum 28% 28% Canadian Pacific ... 216% 216% Central Leather ... 30 *nu Chesapeake & Ohio. 65% 61 R? ™ 1 ! |?BUl»ng d S U e C curitiM'. i| % \% * Erie ist pfd. - 'iV a 22* Goodrich, B. F. ... 24 Jju Goodrich, B. F„ pfd. 90 V? onv Great Nor. pfd. . 132% 132 & Great Nor. Ore subs. 37 36 u Illinois Central no 110 Interboro-Met. ... Ir. a/ Interboro-Met 61»t kiS Lehigh Valley 152 ir>?u! Mex. Petroleum ... 72 Missouri Pacific ... 27 ,'Jft Nex. Con. Copper ~ 16Vi i<;v New York Cw.tral .. 91% 90>4 aw.:- H«,s 1 Penna. R. R ' I j 2 if 1 J? Pittsburgh Coal .... 2 2 % 2•• v Pressed Steel Car . 42% Au. Ray Con. Copper , 19 aT 10 a/ 2 Reading ... ... sep's ep ' I T r ? n & Steel . 25% 05 V, Rock Island 8 £ Rock Island pfd 1314 , Lg > Hn"^ ern Paclflc ••• 96 % 97 u Southern Railway . 27 Southern Ry. pfd . . Jjj* Tennessee Copper . -$ TTtv[ aS D° ,npany •• • 146 i 4 (j Union Paclflc 161 ic* U .8. Rubber . 59 * u.s.steel 22 M Utah Copper ... 541* wabash pfd.:::::: t s i& Western Union Tel.. 63V. pqi? Woolworth .J .J?? ,««* NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT I>ew York, Feb 7 rr* ■ s'aisfe 2"ss 83iu« %,'i. ,n '"«««"» "f i'Is.IOO The statement follows r Actual CondwioiiH OSMOO 8 ' * 201 ?.2S1.000; increase. , 7> . 000. PeC ' e ' * 397 ' 331 >°00; decrease, $1,700,- «l, I slf.oo0 ten<ler3 ' «°.»«.000; decrease. ,1,91c,270 >°00; decrease, |13»|i)OO. at ' 0 "' Increase, ir.?ooo! s cash reserve 'n vault, $408,- vauu! 5 569,9"o P o'oo leS Cash res erv e in 'ng r HouHe m mtmber B roS ca V r e V th Clear oent. cash reserve! 25 ,K ' r PHII.ADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia. Feb 7 un . Steady; ny» 9 V '• —' wheat No. 1, Northern DutuM^ 01 " 4, 98 A®»7c; 1.02. ' JJuluth, export sl.ol© na?ural, Tocal Pa fi^tlw.T" yellow local, 71 i/j <® 7>4c® 70 ° : d ° M kil n dried, - White. 45045Vic ton $27~60CT28 mi' flrm ? r; winter, per eprln *' P" to". . Shears Market firm: m ' 4 - 2 , 0 c; flr >e granulated, 4.10 c; confectioners' A, 4.00 c; Keystone, A, The market is firm; western creamery, extras, 28c; nearby prints, fancy, 31c. T he market Is firm; t'ennsylvanla and other nearby firsts, free cases, $8.40 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, SB.IO per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $8.40 per case: do., firsts, free cases, SB.IO per case ' * Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 17® . young: chickens, 13@18c; broiling chickens. old roo»» era, ll@12c; ducks, 16@18c; do,, spring ' Big Horse Sale One carload of fine Virginia horses just received at my stables. Seventh and Camp streets, Harrisburg, Pa. These will be sold on Wednesday, February 18, 1 P. M. They range in age from 4 to 8 years. I also have 15 head of well bred Perry county horses and mares, ranging in weight to 1500 pounds, which will also be sold same day and time. Any person in need of a good workhorse or light delivery, will do well to come and see them. B. F. HOFFMAN DGALEIt IN HOUSES, COAI. AND ICE SEVENTH AND CAMP STREETS V | FOR SALE . I I Modern Brick House (Three Story! Front) 221 Foster St. I g Lot forty feet wide, side yard and asphalted alley in rear. Large 8 5 hall, thirte'en room <4 with washstands.) Also a lavatory on first floor, g 5 bathrooms on second and third floor. Abundant closet space. Front S » porch set back from pavement. Three open tire grates and eomplete x Jf water heating system. Desirable residential section. Front street park X X 200 yards distant. Midway between post office and markethouso. In- 5 X quire of W. S. Young or H. M. McCormlck, Jr., Cameron Building, 5 5 Harrisburg, Pa. ' 5 ducks. l«®17c; geese. 16@17c; turkeys 16018 c. , Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 17® 18c; do., medium sizes, 15<g>16o; do., •mall, 12® 14c; old roosters, 14c; roast 'ng chickens, fancy, 19(920c; broil- In* chickens. fan'-v 20®'!2' do fair 18(?T19c; capons, large, 23@25c; d 0.,, small, 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, 24@25c; do., fair, 20@23c; ducks, 11® 18c; geese, 11 til 1 Sc. Potatoes Steady; New York and Eastern, 75078 c; Western, per bushel, 75®78c; Jersey, per basket, 20%50c. Bay The market Is weak; tim othy, No. 17, large bales, $17.60® 18.00; No 1, medium bales. $17.00017.50; No. 2, $16.00016.60; No. 3, $14.00015.00. .„V„ ov ?r mlxed : Light mixed. $16.00® 16.60; No. 1,$15.00015.50; No. 2, $14.00 014.50. miBBER STAMfiA >JiB SEALS £. STENCILS |PV |f <ll 130 LOCUSTST. HBG,PA. If Bargains in Real Estate 1610 North, S-story brick. ...$3,700 ISSO North, 3-story frame, $2,200 1402 North, 3-s'tory frame... $2,100 1526 Walnut, 3-story brick (a bargain) $3,800 2578 Boas (Penbroolc), 120 x 180 $2,300 2836 Main (Penbrook), 16x 245 $2,000 1837 Briggs, 2 -story frame, 16x110 $1,300 621 Forster, 2 % -story frame,sl,7oo No. 1938 Penn street, 3-story brick, 8 rooms, bath, all improvements; open stairway, front and back; side, rear and front entrance, $2,800 —$2,000 mortgage can be left on. No. 230 N. Fourteenth street, brick and frame, 3-story; large lot; all improvements. Rents for S2O per month, $2,600. New houses on Seventeenth, North and Regina streets. Irwin M. Cassel REAI, ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1444 Rearlna Street _» PUBLIC SALE of Valuable City Properly ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1914, AT 1.30 P. M. IN FRONT OF THE COURT HOUSE IV THE CITY OF HARRISBURG, PA. Will be offered at public sale that most desirable property, consisting of three dwellings, situate at and known by the numbers 1803, 1805, 1807, State state, Harrls burg, Pa. This property fronts fifty-five (55) feet on said State street and extends back a dis tance of one hundred and sixty five (165) feot, more or less, to an alley at the rear, and con sists of three eight-room brick houses equipped with electric light, gas, steam heat, bath, all modern improvements and all easily rentable at attractive rentals. The houses are com paratively new, having been built but a matter of three years, are easy of access and lo cated in one of the best resi dence sections of the city. This is an exceptional oppor tunity to purchase residence property which Is attractive as an investment. These properties will be of fered separately and as a whole. Terms will be made known on day of sale by Isaac I. Wingert Executor of the Estate of Wil liam V. Starliper, Deceased. I MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Adams A Co.. It. 304, 8 N. Market Sq. TAKE NOTICE Several grocery stores for sale. Four houses for rent. Mortgage loans negoti ated. Houses sold on easy payments. Fire insurance. Bergner Building 4 f 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers