16 REMARKABLE NEW RHEUMATISM CURE Tennel Guaranteed to Stop Pains of Rheumatism in 48 Hours. In 48 hours from the time you take Tennel. the new remedy for rheunm tlim. your pains must stop completely. They must absolutely go. This Is guar anteed. Yet this astonishing remedy does not contain a drop of opiates of eny kind, habit-forming drugs, salicylic fn I* Hour* l>- V "ur i lock, Tennel \\ 111 Danish Your ltbrmatle Tains, acid, alcohol, or any Ingredient which can affect the heart or the weakest etomach. It is also an unfailing remedy fur Gout. Lumbago. Sciatica and Neuralgia. The Tennel treatment is a true uric solvent. It gives a hearty appe tite and is a strong tonic. If your pains do not leave you within 4S hours, your money will be refunded without question. The Tennel treatment, consisting of a bottle of Tennel at Jl.cit. and a box of Tennel Capsule* at .M)c. Is sold under fuarantee by Edward Z. Gross, c. M orney, Geo. C. Potts. Croll Keller. Advertisement. BAD BREATH 'Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove it TTr. Edwards' Ollie Tablets, the jnih fetltute for calomel, act gently on the fcowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through lr«ns Hot Water llnfllr and avoid leak* and breaks— the kind that lasts. Gorgas' Drug Stores 16 >oHh Third Strict Open all day and all night. IVonuj I \ anlii Station Open from 7 a. m. until 12 p. in. 'j Guaranteed IXflOßf s lieves almost Instantly SORQAS' RRXAIX STORES M n. M tb-fma. H. H. aiatloa ————— FRIDAY EVENING, HARR7SBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 6, 1914. WM BOYER HEAOS SCHOOL DIRECTORS Harrisburg Man Is Honored by State Educational Leaders Meeting Here M \ i;uT BOYER Harry A. Boyer, president of the Harrisburg School Board, was elected president of the directors' department jof the State Educational Association i at the close of the nineteenth annual i convention in Central High School this morning. A woman director. Mrs. Ab ! hie \Y. Wilder, of Kennett -Square, | was made a vice-president. The other officers elected are ns i follows: I >r. F. G. Yost. South ISeth j iehem. first vice-president; J. Arthur j McFarland, Conshohocken, second ! vice-president: Mrs. Abblr Walton 1 Wilder. Kennett Square, third vice president: Adrian Jones, recording secretary; William M. Bowen, Ches | ter, corresponding secretary: James J \V. Howarth. Glen Kiddle, treasurer; I executive committee, J. Newton Khoades. Reading: Charles M. Magee, East on: S. K. McClure. Braddock; T. T. McGluty. Olyphant: \V. G. Davis, iMcKeesport: legislative committee. ' M. H. Hemming. Wilkinsburg: C. G. McGee, Altoona; Dr. J. D. Orr. Leech burg: Frank 1,. Campbell. Chester; If. M. Lessig, t'ottstown: James M. Wuckger, Allentown. A resolution urging the legislature to adopt a law putting teachers' train ing schools in city schools on a par with normal schools of the State, was adopted after Dr. F. E. Downes. su perintendent of city schools, made a report on the progress of such a move ment before the last Legislature. Dr. Samuel Hamilton, of Allegheny City, made his annual address to the stu dents of Central High School. Dr. Hamilton said the development of clear-thinking is more important than I the acquiring of numerous facts. He made a number of humorous refer ences to current events, and quoted Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson as types of the thinking men who have acquired high place. PATROLS RESIDENCE DISTRICT A great deal of lawlessness and rob bery has been prevented in Lincoln. Xeb., by the efficient work of the motorcycle policemen who make fre quent rounds of the residence districts keeping an eye on suspicious looking men who are found loitering about. I They also visit the retail stores in the ' residence section. ' . «,. e that ever>- thing is as It should be. Eczema Stopped ZEMO Proves a Wonderful Success- Stops Itching Instantly and Brings Permanent Results. Get a 25c Bottle Today and Prove It. Dont think that eczema, that nearly drives you wild, cant be gotten rid of. It ZEMO U all you nerd to do it. Immediate and resuU i ng. E others, by leavlng^^^® your skin as clear ns ZEMO Will Stop All though you had Thi» Torment instantly never had eczema in your life. You will get this relief Instantly by getting a 25c bottle of ZEMO right away—now. There's no more excuse for enduring such misery. ZEMO is sold and guaranteed by druggist! | everywhere, and in Harrisburg by I Golden Seal Drug Store, F. Z. Gross, I Kennedy's Medicine Store, Croll Keller. AY. T. Thompson, C. M. Forney; T. Prowell, Steelton, Pa. GOFFS COUGH SYRUP ;Is harmless and efficient for babies, i children and grown-ups. Relieves whooping cough, croup, measles cough, sore throat, cold in chest, grippe and threatened pneumonia. 'Contains only healing, healthful and I harmless herbs. No opiates to injure i the system. Get a 25c. or 50c. bottle ; today. Money back by the dealer 1! ! It doesn't help you. | MERCHANTS & MISERS TRANS. CO. Florida Tour :»-«lay trip, |M-r«onHily conducted to I nijaal*. Jttcknont III# and St. AURUI SSO.OO luOlng transportation, meals and stateroom accommodations on steatnei, hotel accommodations, drives, etc. Leave Baltimore oil New S. S. Somer set. Monday. February 16. For itiner ary. reservations, et<\, address \V. P. Turner. P. T. M., Baltimore. Md. Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect November .Hi. 1913. I'RALSS leave Harrisburg— ; For Winchester and Martlmtburg at I 6:03, *7:52 a. m., *3:40 p. m. | For Hatferstown, Chambersburg. Car- I lisle, Mechanicsburg and Intermediate nations at 6.03, *7.62. '11:53 a. in. i *3:40, 5:32. *7:40. *11:16 p. m. Additional trains for Carllaia and i Methanicsburc at trie a. in.. 2:l*. *:B7. , 5:30, 9:30 a. m. For Dlllsburg at 5:03. *7:66 and •11:53 a. m. 2:18 '3:40. 6 22 and <:3u ! p. m. •Dally. All other trains dally except i hunday. H. A_ RIDDLE. J. H. TONGE. Q. P. A. supL NERVOUS WOMEN ; i Made Strong by Vinol. A case has just come to our atten tion from St. Augustine. Fla. Mrs. W. B. Mamocy had suffered for two years } from nervous prostration and Indl i gestion. She hnd no appetite and was misernble. After trying different medicines and doctors without bene- j tit she saw Vinol advertised and tried i it. Her appetite returned, nervous-1 nesa disappeared and she was soon i strong: and well as ever. Weakness may be caused by a run- I down condition, mal-asslmllation of i food, lack of Iron in the blood orj a result of sickness. Whatever the cause, we want to| say to every person who needs ] strength, you need Vinol, our delicious i cod liver and iron tonic without oil, | and It is the most efficient strength creator we have in our store, j It Is the medicinal elements of ihe | cods' livers contained in Vinol aided | by the blood making and strengthen ing properties of tonic iron which 'makes It so successful and we will j return your money if it does not help I yon. George A. Gorgas. Druggist. Har [ risburg. Penna. Vinol is sold In Steel- I ton by T. Prowell. P. S. For eczema of scalp try our i Saxo Salve. W'| guarantee it.—Adver ; tisement. FEB. 14 FINAL if FOR REMQNS WES Sunday and Three-day Limit Rul ing May Have Effect; Lawyers Discuss It 1 presenting Si considerable discussion among the members of the Dauphin county bar. And in order to be on the safe side, many an attorney will get in his ob jections to any proposed license bv Saturday. License court will be held Thurs day. February 19. The law requires that no remonstrance shall be tiled later than the third day before the application is heard. If the three-day rule is adhered to strictly, and the day of the hearing excluded, then Monday. February 16. would be the first of the three days necessary. And as the day immediately preceding will be Sunday, many attorneys contend that Saturday, February 14—a week from to-morrow—will be the final day for tiling remonstrances. Prothonotary Harry F. Holler said no rule as to either Saturday or Mon day had been fixed. "It is entirely a matter for the gentlemen of the bar," said he, "some have asked about it. and some, I believe, have raised the i question as to what should be the proper time." To Sit as Auditor. —Tuesday. Feb ruary 24, has been fixed by District Attorney Michael E. Stroup as the first day for a hearing in the audit of the | account of Curtis Colwell Fickel, ad ministrator of the estate of Ella Fickel. Innprctor Iloyer Report*.—The Janu ary monthly report of County Inspec tor of Weights and Measures Harry A. Boyer was submitted to the County Commissioners to-day. During the month he Inspected 1,250. adjusted 179 and contlscated 234 weights and meas ures. Divorcee Didn't Walt l.onic. Dur ing yesterday afternoon Mrs. Katherlne Gluntz, a Steelton woman, was granted a divorce. To-day she appeared at the marriage license bureau with Joseph Mathias, of Steelton. and got a license to wed. Mathias' is a second choice, too; on November 5, 1912, Mrs. Mathias N'o. 1, died. Realty Transfer*. Among yester day's realty transfers was the sale by H. C. Wells, Sheriff, to H. Freedman, of 112 Short street, for s6ll, and the lat ter's sale to the State Capitol Park Ex tension Commission in turn of the same property for $2,200. Other properties transferred were: John E. Dare to R. B. Baskin, 1725 North street, $1: S. F. Mentzer to R. L. Landis. 1908 Holly, $1; C. Lt Schmidt to A. C. Young and A. C. Young to J. A. McAlister, Susquehanna township, $1 and $340, respectively; R. B. Askin to John A. Dare, Steelton, sl. County llojK at Reformatory. At to-day's session of the County Commis sioners the report for 1913 of the boys Incarcerated at the Huntingdon Re formatory and the cost to the county was considered. During the year there were fifty-three confined for a total of 1U.09S days, costing a total of $3.571.36. The boys were in the institution for from fourteen to 385 days. 1 MANY MOTORCYCLE KXHIBITS In addition to the motorcycle shows held in Chicago and New York, many other cities have this year held their own motorcycle exhibits. Some of these have been in connection with automo bile shows, while others have shown the two-wheelers exclusively. Motorcycles will form an important part of the automobile show at Grand Rapids. Mich., on February 9-14. It is expected that about forty models will be on exhibit. Under the direction of the Motorcycle Club, of St. Louis, a most successful exclusive, motorcycle show was held in St. Louis recently. It is estimated that more than 4,000 per sons attended. Another interesting motorcycle exhibit was that held in Cleveland in connection with the au tomobile show at Wigmore Coliseum. SHOUT FOR Cl'P The members of the Highspire Rod and Gun Club will hold a shoot. Satur day. on their grounds, on Green's Is land. opposiate Highspire. for the cup offered by the National Sportsmon. The ferry will leave the Fast End pumping station landing al 1:30, and all sports men 'are invited to attend the shoot. Only club members will be allowed t<» shoot for the cup. DRINK HABIT RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT The ORRINE treatment for the Drink Habit can be used with absolute confidence. It destroys all desire for whiskey, beer or other alcoholic stimu lants. Thousands have successfully used It and have been restored to lives of sobriety and usefulness. Can be given secretly. Costs only SI.OO per box. If you fail to get results from ORHINK after a trial, your money will be refunded. Ask for free booklet telling all about ORRINE. Geo. A. Gorgas, le N. Third St.; John A. McCurdy, Steelton, Pa.; H. F. ißrunhouse, Mechanicsbtirg, Pa. They Came! They Saw! They Believed! And They Were Amply Rewarded With Real Bargains r=-|CORES of people have responded to our Opportunity Sale of Furniture and nXf' :7 " Jt/l" JDllyftnilCr Floor Coverings. They found things lift J T% a J just as represented, and those who 'B, v4>UCXLCICU had never been here before, expressed surprise |!l 31 jI( fff to find a store as large as those in Harrisburg, I Tavlnr Rnrlf»rc Partly Opfltt W/y 9-piece Sheraton Solid Mahogany Suit, $275 ... $220 * l\Ul»lkCls ri 10-piece Colonial Mahogany Suit, $275 $220 Guaranteed in workmanship I $L .n-*& 9-piece Quartered Oak, highly finished, SBS .... s<>9 a,1( ! ,I,ater ' a ' > artistic in design a f° r solid comfort. Best \ \ genuine leather. Oak or mahog rsTurkish Rockers Couches any ... siw.oo Rockers. Special, $15.50 ,ly P"?" Imitation leather, SIB.OO Rockers. Special. $14.50 rVftlJ Vffl ,nc 3 " p r and ro led Cll - CS - sls 00 Rockers. Special, $12.00 .... S , d ® '* , ***; , a,,™ guaranted. $13.00 Rockers. Special, $10.50 Ihe touch-beds are among the S3O Rockers, $24.00 $22.00 Couches SIB.OO Other Rockers $2 25 to #l l OO most popular among convertible $22 Rockers, $17.50 $16.50 Couches $13.50 beds, and are reduced as follows: $35 Rockers, $28.00 $19.00 Couches $15.50 * $l(-).50 Couch-beds $14.50 $lB Rockers, $14.50 SIB.OO Couches $14.50 V $15.00 Couch-beds $12.00 I $35 Rockers, $29.50 $20.00 Couches $16.50 "Push Die Button and Rest" Living Room Easy % '' " ' ' r . *- $8.75 pack All prices in plain figures on the original price tags. Motor Car delivery to Harris- burg and adjoining territory. Open evenings. The store with as large stock as the city stores, minus the large expenses. Get off at Third street, New Cumberland. Buttorff & Co. New c P ei rlam ' >» > Third and Bridge Streets < <« Opening Eveninga CITY HI IS UNDER DISCUSSION [Continued from First I*age.] know what will be done and In fact I don't know if anytnlng will be done So far as erecting an abbatoir is con cerned. I should think that the city would have to construct a building especially for the purpose, equip it and provide for its maintenance. The structure to my mind would have to be as centrally located as possible, too." Police Are Troubled Ones In municipal circles the Lynch reso lution which ousts everybody from of fice March 1. isn't causing a great deal of agitation any more except perhaps with the possible exception of some of the policemen. No official announcement has been made of the fact that present staffs of the city treasurer, board of public works, city engineer's department and the various departments of the public safety and streets and public Improve ments will be retained, but several of the commissioners declared to-day that they didn't think these depart ments will be affected materially. The absence of City Commissioner M. llarvev Taylor, who will not return from Philadelphia until Sunday, may prevent ihe Introduction of the ap pointment resolution Tuesday. Mr. Taylor and the other commissioners wanted to confer on the lists of em ployes in all departments with a view to cutting here and there, for Ihe sake of efficiency and economy. >lay I,earn Names Tuesday No legal obstacle. It is understood, will prevent the introduction of a resolution providing for new appoint ments at Tuesday's meeting and if the proposed conference on the' sub ject of new employes can be had in time, the names of those who are to lose their heads as well as those who will succeed them, will be an nounced Tuesday. Whether or not the new license tax ordinance will be offered is a question but it is probable that it will be among the new measures. Another will be Commissioner Taylor's ordi nance authorizing the opening of the Cameron street extension to Wild wood park. Commissioner 11. F. Bowman by the way will also offer the water departmental report for the yea r. WAST.I N All ON AI. CONVKNTION Kansas City motorcyclists have de rided that their cltv is the ideal place j for the 1911 convention of the Federa tion of American motorcyclists, and I they have determined to leave nothing undone to land this year's meet. Kan sas City has a strong motorcycle club | of about 260 members, and they are providing their club rooms with new furniture, a pool room and other fa cilities, so that they will be prepared to royally entertain the visiting cyclists If they secure the convention for their city. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE NOT TO ASK FOR WET AND DRY VOTE Chicago. 111.. Feb. 6. —Opponents of saloons in Chicago last night aban doned a plan to procure a vote at the Spring election on the closing of bar rooms. Leaders in the Anti-Saloon League had previously announced that a petition to have the question of ousting saloons placed on the ballot had been signed by a sufficient num ber of voters. At a meeting of the league it was discovered that the legal requirements had not been met by the petition. VanYorxAngelus Player Recital Given by THE— J. H. Troup Music House Wed. Eve., Feb. 11 8:15 O'clock Board of Trade Auditorium SOLOISTS: Hans Krenald, New York, vio linist. Mrs. Wm. K. Bum baugh, soprano. Miss Sara A. i Lemer, violinist. Mr. Van , Yorx, Pittsburgh, at the Ange | lus. | Secure Complimentary Tickets At Oar Store—ls S. Market Sq. Feb. 9, 10 and 11 AMIiSKMERiTS SPIOOAI, ATTRACTION AT THE Victoria Theatre Today j dt IN«'Y ADAMS SAWYKII, 4 Acta —AM) RROIiL.AU PROGRAM. 1 ADMISSION Be f \ Bank Account a Good Recommendation ffiln A bank account is a good recom v wtfSi' jrrft mendatlon for the young- man seeking "* with a business concern. It - s«»i Indicates thrift and a commendable ap lKBX5j&: |®Sb preclation of progressive methods. The fSm^ r ; |KS count Is on a fair way to success. We 1 A|( : JJIjU shall be pleased to have you make tu»>rrnl® your start at this bank Union Trust Company HC-. =3p Union Trust Building amusements AMUSEMENTS / _ _ s ■■ ■ 1 I -- - I m ( The Hear Saw Ms Shadow. All ' ■ Q i "r,:;" n " thc M, °" ofth ' Country otore ! and our big feature Darling of Paris murrays comedy it- 1 1 o** 1 CANINES Kimber y & Mohr and Silent Actors in—Hearts of a Big Show Too Women 1 MAJESTIC THEATRE, KIRK BROWN AND HIS COMPANY Prinent—MAT., To-morron, "THE TWO OHFHANS." Prl(T»! 10c, -Or, 30c. EVES.—To-nlglit. "THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. |" to-morrow, "THE HAM, STREET OETECTIVE." Trlcesi Iftr, VOo. 30c; Frn at 60c. V Try Telegraph Want Ads. Try Telegraph Want Ads