Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 05, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    Final Clean-up Sale
Of Our Entire Stocks of Boys' Suits,
Overcoats, Reefers and Knee Pants
What a pleasure It will be for parents to come to The Globe to share in the Great
Reductions on the hundreds of garments we are selling for boys of all ages. Our en
tire Winter Stock is included, and this sale presents almost unlimited money saving
possibilities. It's a difficult matter to convey through type the qualities and styles
and superiority of tailoring. It's equally hard to bring you to understand the won
derful values we are offering to the people in this
The Globe's Greatest Boys' Clothing Sale
R a / A
Boys' Overcoats | |Boys' Norfolk Suits)
✓ v J
A £4.85 for Convertible Collar Over- $3.85 for Mixed Suits that were
fi yjl coats that were $7.50. $5.00.
$6.85 for Shawl or Convertible Col- $4.85 for Blue Serges and Mixed
l _li Overcoats that were SIO.OO. Suits that sold at $7.50.
fc $7.85 for Shawl or Convertible $5.85 for Blue Serges and Mixed
JT \ Collar Overcoats that were $12.00. Suits Jhat sold at $8.50.
$9.75 for Chinchilla Overcoats $0.85 for Blue Serges and Mixed
with shawl collar that were $15.00. Suits that sold at SIO.OO.
All these are ages up to 18 years. .
/ & ; All sizes 6 to 18 years.
( Boys' Junior Overcoats j j Boys' Juvenile Suits ]
$2.85 for Button to Neck Over- c
EB coats that sold at $5.00. S 3 ' 3 -? f ? r Sa , l l° r 2 nd Russian
, Suits that sold at $5.00.
(iwnf $3.80 for Convertible or Shawl . 0 _
Wir _ Collar Overcoats that sold at $6.00 J . u an ,, R " ssian
cii e- <■ r> m xt i ou i Middy Suits that sold at $0.50.
s4.B»> for Button to Neck or Shawl
i\\ VkT - Collar Overcoats that sold at $7.50 $4.85 for Sailor and Russian
jrT ~ * 5 - 85 for Shawl Collar Overcoats _ Middv Suits ' hat SO,(J at * 7 - 50 -
it Ft that sold at $8.50. All these sizes $5.85 for Sailor and Russian
3§H™ are ages 2 to 10 years. Middy Suits that sold up to $8.50
I Boys Chinchilla Overcoats ,
T ' Boys'
m W. 65 to Chinchilla Overcoats G OrdurOy Suits
closed neck, that sold at $7.50. v,
JjK)) $5.85 for Chinchilla Overcoats, for Corduroy Suits that
closed neck, that sold at $8.50. * at
1 $4.85 for Corduroy Suits that
W t $0.85 for Shawl Collar Overcoats sold at $6.50.
that sold at SIO.OO. $5.85 for Corduroy Suits that
All these are ages up to 10 years. s at
' All ages up to 18 years.
Boys' Mackinaw Coats S » 1
v _i Boys
$5.85 for Mackinaw Coats that Knickerbockers
sold at $8.50. : '
<r.„ * i. for Boys' Knickerbockers
I'LsSfejK $6.80 for Mackinaw Coats that that sold at 75c.
*N\rm at S IO,OO - for Boys' Knickerbockers
JMfjU $4.85 for Astrachan Collar J hat at SI.OO.
mI 81 Overcoats that sold at $7.50. .f for Boys Knickerbockers
I I II v that sold at $1.50.
& All ages, 6 to 14 years. All sizes 6 to 18 years.
"THTT PT ORF" =—322324===
[Continued From First Page]
to the chiefs of all army divisions and
governors of states, it, recites that
V * ernme , n t has begun a more
actUe campaign against the rebels
and urges that extreme diligence be
observed in giving all poaeible protec
tion to noncombatants, foreign as well
a* native, removing them when neces
sary from the aones of protection.
Proof of Sincerity
#♦£' I Pi ac |° Alcocer, acting minister
of the Interior, in commenting to-day
on the raising of the embargo on arms
by the,T_nlted States, said it was proof
of the sincerity of President Wilson
since for a long time nobody had been
ignorant of the fact that there had
Thmre is Oit/y One
"Bromo Quinine"
That la
Laxative Brom
(Hod thm World Ow to Ouro a Ootd ZmOooOay
Always remember the fall name. Look /TTli 0
tor the vignitare en ewy box. Mo. MQ _
been undisguised tolerance in the mat
ter of introducing- arms and ammu
nition across the border. He said it
would not aid the revolutionists, but
thta on the other hand the Mexican
government would profit by it, "since
It presents a happy opportunity to
make known the power which it really
possesses." Dr. Clcocer said he hoped
in the near future Mexico wrouid have
amicable relations with the United
States because right and Justice were
bound to prevail.
The federal capital was quiet to-day.
Huerta Wants Reporters
to Follow Operations
New York, Feb. 5. General Hu
erta's only reply to President Wilson's
order lifting the embargo on arms
was to suggest that the leading news
papers of the United States send re
porters to follow hts military opera
tions, all expenses to be paid by the
Mexican Executive.
This suggestion, which was contain-
Ed in a special cable message to The
Sun, was accompanied by the state
ment that the Federal army now num
bers 189,000 men and that the pro
visional President is conducting an
energetic campaign to restore peace in
the southern republic.
Shipments of arms and ammunition
began to cross the border yesterday
from the United States into Mexico.
Constitutionalist agents were busy at
El Paso and also at New Orleans clos
ing contracts for big shipments of
war supplies.
President Wilson is determined to
resume his policy of watching and
waiting, and no further developments
in the Mexican situation are expect
ed for sometime in the national capi
Immigration Bill Is
Before Senate Today
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C„ Feb. s.—With a
provision barring illiterates, said to bo
the most drastic legislation of Its kind
for many years, the Burnett immi
gration bill %vas before the Senate to
day. where the final question on the
literacy test will be threshed out. It
passed the House yesterday.
Many expeot the Senate to pass the
bill as it stands, but President Wil
son's attitude is the subject of much
speculation. Some of those who claim
to be informed say the President was
opposed to the literacy test.
Before Mr. Wilson signs the bill,
however, he will give public hearings
upon it, as former Presidents Taftand
Cleveland did on similar bills.
Governor Tener Will Name Gen
eral Beaver's Successor With
out Any Delay
Requisition Issued For a Man Held
in Germany on a Charge
of Homicide
( tho death of Gen-
I iWKCT&i eral James A. Bea
-1 H 'nlwrawiw ernor 'l'oner within
QgjM|llJUiti|%ta and numerous let
ters and telegrams
were poured In on
the uovernor all of this morning in
behalf of various candidates.
Prominent in tho list of those men
| tionod is that of ex-Judge James W.
Shull, of Perry county. Ex-Judge
F. M. Trexler, of Lehigh, is also be
ing boomed, while western Pennsyl
i vanians believe that President Judge
| John A. Mcllvaine, of Washington
I county, will be selected. Macllenry
i Wilhelm, Pottsville; W. I. Woodcock,
! Holidaysburg; James Alcorn, Pliila
! delphia, and W. D. Wallace, New
| Castle, are among the men suggested,
j Test of Films.—Arrangements havo
I been made for a test of films and
methods of extinguishing films of
i such materials at Pittsburgh to-mor
! row. Messrs. Palmer and Price, of
| the Department of Labor and Indus
try, will look after the State end
of it.
Commission's Work. —The Public
j Service Commission spent most of the
t day in discussing routine matters.
I The Commission will adjourn for the
I week to-morrow.
For Suffrage.—There appears to be
general support on Capitol Hill in
favor of the woman suffrage amend
j ment as suggested by Senator Pen
rose. The coming meeting of the Re-
I publican State committee will likely
i declare for woman suffrage and pho
; hlbition amendments.
Held In Germany.—Governor Tener
j has issued a requisition on the Ger
man authorities for Frank Palanrani
; alias Parroli wanted in Philadelphia to
1 answer a charge of murder.
Bnller Returns. —State Commission
-ler of Fisheries N. R. Buller has re
turned from Allentown where he had
a series of conferences with manut'ac
-1 turers regarding pollution of streams
jin that section. People have been
j warned to stop pollution as the effect
I upon the fish has been disastrous.
j Wharton nt York. —Secretary Broni
) ley Wharton, of the State Board of
I Public Charities, is at York where he
J made an inspection today of the alms
house which has been ordered re
moved. He believes that a new one
will be built soon.
Pottsville Armory.—Governor Tener
and prominent Guard officials will be
| invited to attend the dedication of the
| State's new armory at Pottsville on
I January 23. There will be a notable
military demonstration and Washing
\ ton's birthday celebration combined.
I Judge Ewing's Illness. —Statements
j to the effect that President Nathaniel
I Ewing, of the Public Service Commis
| sion, is seriously ill at his home in
j Uniontown suffering from a .ervous
| breakdown, are not credited at the
I Capitol. The judge planned a south
j ern trip, but could not go. In ftle
! phone talks with colleagues the
judge's voice did not sound like that of
I a man very seriously ill.
Simpson Here.—Warren I. Simpson
former member of the House from
Huntingdon county and one of the
active men in 1909, was here yester
day for a short time.
[Continued From First Page]
Through the Aero Club of America,
Mr. Wanamaker last night announced
that Glen H. Curtiss was building to
his order an Immense hydro-aero
plane in which an attempt would be
made this summer to cross the Atlan
Would Take Fifteen Hours
When the order for the machine
was placed Mr. Curtiss told Mr. Wan
amaker that in his opinion a motor
could be perfected of sufficient power
and endurance for an over-the-ocean
j Might. His and other aviators' experi
ences had proven, he explained to Mr.
Wanamaker, that a motor can be run
for forty and fifty hours without mis
hap. The Wanamaker flier is destined
to make the ocean flight in fifteen
hours. Concerning the machine, it
self, Mr. Curtiss was confident that his
plans would produce a model air
Advises Another Motor
Alfred J. Moisant, who to-day ad
mitted that he was working on an air
ship for an ocean flight, was of the
opinion that Mr. Wanamaker should
modify his plans as to motive power,
substituting a 800 horsepower motor
for the 200 horsepower which his an
nouncement says he contemplates us
Mr. Wanamaker in commending up
on the proposed flight declared that Its
accomplishment had been a cherished
vision of his for years. His purpose,
he said, was in the interest of world
peace and by this he explained that a
trip over the ocean in one flight would
awaken the world to a realization of
the tremendous importance of aviation
In warfare.
By Associated Press
Boston, Mass., Feb. 5. —Claims of a
score of residents of Boston and vi
cinity to possession of Twlzel Castle,
part of the historic Flodden field, and
other property in England will be
filed shortly In an English court. The
solicitor of the British treasury has
granted permission for the entering
of the suit. The property has a pres
ent value of about $5,000,000.
By Associated Press
Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. s.—Dr. Ray V.
Pierce, of Buffalo, welt known as a
manufacturer of proprietary medi
cines, died at his winter home on
Saint Vincent's Island, Florida, last
CT*a#a.i TnnMrooLeTcwtriChieMmßfi'#
State Engineers Will Confer With
Commissioners on Matter
This Evening
Engineers of the State Highway
Department will meet with ahe Swa
tara township commissioners at Ober
lin this evening to go over pinna ami
estimates for the rebuilding of aonio
of the township roads.
One of the roads that has been
badly in need of repairs for some
time past is the road at Beaver Sta
tion. A stretch of this road several
miles long is in bad condition. At
to-night's meeting It will be decided
whether sections of this read will be
paved or macadamized and just what
part of the expense will be borne by
the State.
The matter of having a new map
made of the entire township will be
taken up. P. A. Shaw, a civil engi
neer of Lancaster, will be present and
will give an estimate of the probable
cost of the work.
The commissioners jvlll also elect
a township solicitor to-night. Several
prominent attorneys have been men
tioned for the place.
Woman's Auxiliary
of Archdeaconry Meets
Nearly 100 delegates were present
to-day at the annual meeting of the
Women's Auxiliary of the Archdea
conry of the Harrisburg Diocese of
the Episcopal church held in Trinity
parish house. Pine street.
Holy communion was administered
this morning by Bishop James H.
Darlington, of Harrisburg, as cele
brant, assisted by the Rev. Harwick
Arthur Lollis, rector of Trinity Epis
copal church.
Bishop John B. Tyler, of North
Dakota, preached the sermon. He
used for his subject, "Launch Out
Into the Deep," and contrasted the
missionary movement to fishing. He
advised the delegates to "launch out
into the deeper waters where your
catch will be the largest, even though
the waters be rougher and the winds
At the noon recess a box luncheon
was served to the delegates. Mrs.
W. J. Middleton poured tea and Mrs.
W. E. Abercombie poured the coffee.
A business meeting took up the
greater part of session this afternoon.
Miss Kathleen Watts, of Chambers
burg, organizing secretary of the
auxiliary, presided. An address was
delivered by the Rev. D. A. Reese,
general missionary to the Italians in
the diocese of Bethlehem and editor
of "The Truth in Love," the only
English-Italian church paper in the
United States. The liev. Mr. Reese
spoke of the work of the missionaries
to the Italians.
English-Italia nchureh paper in the
Mrs. John W. B. Bausman, of Lancas
ter, president of the Harrisburg Arch
deaconry Auxiliary, and William Mc-
Gowan, of Chambersburg, secretary
of the auxiliary.
A dog that has been causing a great
deal of disturbance to the residents
of North Second street, near Pine, was
shot last night by the borough's of
ficial dog catcher, Walter Pearson.
Residents of this district complained
to the police about the dog and last
evening the dog catcher got on the
William H. Stonesifer, head of the
clothing department of the Steelton
Store Company, left to-day to attend
the thirty-third annual convention of
the Tailors' and Merchants' Associa
tion in Wasihngton, D. C. It is at this
convention that many of the Spring
styles will be originated.
Miss Ethel Griflln, Myers street, snd
John L. Frost, of the Hotel Kelm,
were married in Newport on Monday.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Mr. Collins, pastor of the Church
of God. Mr. and Mrs. Frost are now
"at home" at the home of the bride's
parents. They will tender a reception
to a large number of friends next
Monday evening.
Plans are now beifig drawn for two
sets of bleachers to be erected on
the Cottage Hill baseball field for the
Steelton Athletic Club. Each set of
bleachers will seat about 200 people
and will be built along the first and
third base lines. A meeting of the
baseball committee of the association
will be held next week to select a
manager for the team In the Central
Pennsylvania League during the com
ing season.
Charged with trespassing on the
Pennsylvania railroad, Thomas Mad
den, Joseph Walse, Thomas O'Leary
and Mike Mahoney, who gave their
residence as New Jersey, were ar
raigned before Squire Dickinson last
evening. Each received a sentence of
ten days in jail. The arrests were
made by Officer Grove.
Members of the St. James' Tennis
Club will entertain their ladies and in
vited guests at an entertainment and
dance this evening in the club's hall
in North Front street.
The lecture given by the Rev. Geo.
I. Brown, rector pf St. John's Epis
copal Church, Lancaster, in Frey's
Hall last evening was well attended.
The Rev. Mr. Brown lecture on "Why
I Am a Socialist." The lecture was
attended by a large number of women.
A butterfly dance was given last
evening by Division No. 1, Ladles'
Auxiliary to the Ancient Order of
Hibernians. The affair was given in
the Orpheum Hall and about fifty
couples were present.
The Citizens' Fire Company, No. 1,
of Highsplre, will hold a banquet Sat
urday evening in celebration of the
purchase of a new motor chemical
truck. The Highsplre band will fur
nish the music. Tho program is as
follows: March. "Live Wire," M. A.
Althouse; serenade, "Old Church Or
gan," W, P. Chambers: march, "To
boggan Slide," B. G. McFall; overture,
"Lost Chord," A. S. Sullivan; march,
"Aviator," J. M. Fulton; cornet solo,
selected. Edward Duncan; "Franklin
Marche's Two-Step;" selection, "Melo
dies from 'Faust'," Gounod; march,
"Sons of the Brave;" piedley overture,
"Young American," H. C. Miller;
march, "Electorate," George Rosen
krano; serenade. "Soldier's Dream," |
W. 6, Ripley* "Star-Spangled Ba*ner,"
FEBRUARY 5, 1914.
Citizens Fear Vice Crusade Will
Send Harrisburg Women
to Steelton
It -was decided at a meeting of the
executive committee of the recently
organieed Good Citizenship League, in
the First Presbyterian Church last
evening, to take drastic measures to
secure the enforcement of the Sunday
closing laws and to suppress all other
forms of law violation In the borough.
The efforts of the new league for
better citizenship in Steelton will take
four distinct lines of end<h.vor and a
separate committee will be in charge
of each branch of the work. The first
thin# that the new league wants to ac
complish is the rigid enforcement of
the Sunday "Blue Laws," and to this
end a committee was appointed to
confer with a similar committee from
the Merchants' Association to see what
steps will be necessary to secure the
enforcement of these laws. As chair
man of this committee is the Rev.
Harwich Arthur Liollis, pastor of Trin
ity Episcopal Church. He will confer
with Lawrence Eckles, chairman ol
the Merchants' Association commit
tee within the next few days.
It was reported to the league at last
night's meeting that Steelton was
likely to become a "dumping ground
! for Harrisburg's outcast scarlet
women" as a result of the present
vice crusade there. It was further
reported that several houses were now
being used for immoral purposes. One
of them is wild to be in South Front
street. The purity committee, of
which B. F. McNear is chairman, was
I instructed to investigate this report so
| that some action may be taken to pro
■ vent the women locating here. W. H
Whitebread, a prominent merchant,
i was appointed chairman of the com
i mittee whose duty it will be to elimi
i nate all forms of gambling in the
| borough. Charles McCoy, prominent
, in church woork, was appointed chalr
| man of the temperance committee.
The annual election of officers of
1 the Middletown Automobile Club will
be held this evening at a meeting in
the offices of Adam Luckenbill. The
' meeting is called for 8 o'clock. An
1 Invitation lias been extended to all
owners of automobiles to attend the
meeting to discuss good roads.
The Middletown High School bas
i kttball team will leave to-morrow for
a two days' trip to York and Hanover.
; Under the careful training of Coach
Ootwalt the team has developed into
a fast bunch of players. The follow
ing men will take the trip: Coach
Gotwalt, Captain Seltzer, Beard,
Dupes, Snavely, Kupp and Lingle.
At a meeting of the Women's Club
i this afternoon at the home of Mrs.
, John Few, Main street, the'following
program was rendered: Current
events, map talk, Mrs. Young; read
ing, "First of the Mikados," Mrs.
Doutrich; sketch, "Finger the Amazon
I of Japan," Mrs. Few; reading, "The
Decline of the Mikados," Mrs. Rewalt;
piano solo, Mrs. Few.
' The Rev. L. Shelhorn, a noted sing
ing evangelist of New Jersey, has
, opened revival services in the Meth
odist Episcopal Church. The Rev.
Mr. Shelhorn conducted successful re
vivals at Wilkes-Barre and Nanticoke,
where he succeeded in converting sev
eral saloonkeepers. These men burned
their licenses and closed their bars.
I-ENHAUT • - - -1
The Rev. S. T. Stouffer, of Harris
burg, has been elected pastor of the
Church of God to succeed the Rev. C.
I. Behney, who died recently. Revival
services are now being conducted by
the new pastor with much success, a
number of conversions having been
Harry Weushinsky, the 19-year-old
youth who shot himself at the home
of his sweetheart, Sara Fuhrman, 16
years old, of 1329 Thompson street,
. the morning of January 17, because
she objected to his carrying a gun,
has been discharged from" the Harrls
burg Hospital. He has returned to
work at the Pennsylvania steel works.
Cases of contagious diseases have
been repdrted to the board of health.
Special efforts are being made to en
force a strict quarantine and notices
have been posted explaining the quar
antine laws.
Miss Sara Kriner entertained a
number of friends at her home in
Second street Tuesday evening. Games
of five hundred and music helped pass
a pleasant evening. Refreshments
were served.
Stanley Livingstone, of New Castle,
is spending his vacation with his par
ents in town.
Max ,Fessler has opened a barber
shop at his home in Front street.
Charles Beshore, a clerk in the
Steelton National Bank, has recovered
from a serious illness of pneumonia.
Miss Lucy Crawford has returned
from a visit to Miss Cora Wealand in
Miss Edith Peck will spend the
' week-end with her parents near Mid
Miss Emma K. Brlndle has returned
from a visit to Carlisle.
William Kilo has recovered from his
recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. George Snavely, of
Indianapolis, Ind., are spending sev
eral weeks with Mrs. E. E. Snavely. in
Front street. This Is Mr. Sn&vely'b
first trip home since he left for the
West six years ago.
By Associated Press
Glasgow, Scotland, Feb. 5.—A suf
fragette giving the name of Rhode
Rdbinson was arrested here to-day and
taken to Dunblane, Perthshire, in con
nection with the incendiary fires at
tributed to militant, suffragette "arson
squad," which occurred yesterday at
Aberuchill Castle, the "House of Ross"
and St. Ftll&n's Mansion In that
county, ,
Piles Quickly
Cured at Home
Instant Relief, Permanent Cure-
Trial Package Mailed Free to
All in Plain Wrapper
The Pyramid Smile
Many cases of Piles have been cured
by a trial package of Pyramid Pile
Remedy without further treatment.
When it proves Its value to you, get
more from your druggist at 50c a box,
and be sure you get the kind you aak
for. Simply fill out free coupon below
and mall to-day. Save yourself from
the surgeon's knife and its torture,
the doctor and his bills.
Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mloh.
Kindly send mo a sample of Pyramid
T'lle Remedy, at once by mall,
FREE, in plain wrapper.
i Name
1 Street
City State...
[Continued From First Page]
after physicians in this country and
Europe had vainly tried to cure him.
It was found that the disease had
made such Inroads upon liim that lit
tle could be done to help him and that
the fight against death would be made
with all the odds against him. Mr.
Bremner was optimistic, however, and
tubes containing SIOO,OOO worth of
radium were applied to the growth.
J tallied Surprisingly
For a time the patient seemed to
Improve and members of his family
frequently expressed the belief that ha
would recover. They clung to this
hope until a few days ago when the
sick man was seized with a sinking
spell. From that time on Mr. Brem
ner grew steadily weaker, although
he several times rallied in a surpris
ing manner, aided by his strong vi
tality and powerful will. In hia last
days of suffering Mr. Bremner still
fought on and insisted that he would
get well. He declared that he want
ed to go back to Congresß to fight for
a bill to have a government-owned ra
dium Institution, so that this mineral
could be at the disposal of the rich
and poor alike.
Friends of President
Air. Bremner was a warm personal
friend of President Wilson who was
kept constantly advised of his condi
tion and who frequently sent him mes
sages of sympathy and encourage
ment, accompanied with flowers.
Mr. Bremner's election to Congress
was accomplished while he lay In bed
111. He did not made a speech. The
election is said to have been a tribute
to his pluck.
On the night before the election
President Wilson, then governor of
New Jersey, visited Passaic and made
a speech for Bremner.
Relatives at Bedside
Representative Bremner's wife,
three of his seven brothers and a sis
ter wero at the bedside when the end
came. The patient had been practi
cally unconscious since Monday, al
though there were times when he ap
peared to bo aware what was going
on around him and occasionally ho
would talk intelligently. Since yester
day morning, however, he had been
unable to articulate.
Among his last requests was that
the Rev. Father Kiernan, rector of
a Catholic church at Passaic, assist at
his funeral. Mr. Bremner was not a
Catholic, but he was warmly at
tached to Father Kiernan and they
had been close friends for many
The funeral services will. be held
at Mr. Bremner's late home at
Passaic, where the body will be taken a
possibly to-day.
Resolution of Sympathy
to Be Drawn Up in House
By Associated Press
Washington, Feb. B.—Represent*-!
tlve Bremner's death, though not un
expected, was a shock to his friends
in congressional circles, whero his
fight for life had been watched with
much sympathy. After conferences
between Speaker Ciark and Demo
cratic Leader Underwood It was de
termined not to adjourn the House at
once, because of the great pressure of
business, but a resolution was agreed
upon for adjournment as soon as the
business arranged for the day had
been disposed of.
Another resolution was drawn to
express the sympathy of the House
and a committee was appointed by
Speaker Clark.
Mr. Bremner *was last In the House
the day Congress adjourned for the
Christmas holidays and while he chat
ted freely and was smiling he was In
much agony.
While he was dying last night the
House was discussing his bill for a
bureau of labor safety. It was his
Catarrh Cannot Be Cored
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the sent of the disease. Catarrh is a blood
or constitutional disease, and in order to cure It
you must take Internal remedies. Hail's Catarrh
Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly upon
the blood and mucous surfuces. Hull's Catarrh
Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was pre
scribed by one of tup best physicians In this
country for years and Is a regular prescription.
It Is composed of the best tonics known, com
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect!
combination of the two Ingredients Is what pro
duces such wonderful results in curing catarrh,
9»nd for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O,
Sold by Druggists, price 75c.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation
t 1 -v
Red Tag Sale
7 booth Market