Blood Medicine That orlO* ted in ■ f« mou * doc " tar's , u «esßful prescription, that ia madarom the purest and best ingredi that haa a record of relief fd benefit believed to be un«qu>«d th« world over—such Is H<5D'S SARSAPARILLA. fßlj COMMITS SUICIDE Special to The Telegraph Plygrove, Pa_. Feb. s.—Miss Ruth SchoStet, a half hour after she was dls c/ered by Mrs. Cyranus Clemens siggering in the street Deafness Positively Cured Cure Yourself at Home. Five Mirate Treatment Will Conviaot the Host Skeptical. Head Noisea Beleved from the First Trial Yon Wont \H the Beit Have to Strain Curs. Send Coupon, The secret of how to use the mysteri ous and invisible naturo forces for the cure of Deafness and Head Xolses has at last been discovered. Deafness and flead Noises disappear as if by magic • under the use of this new and wonder ful discovery. Dr. Ij. C. Grains Co. (Physicians and Scientists), will send all who suffer from Deafness and Head Noises, full information how they can be cured, absolutely free, no matter how long they have been deaf, or what caused their deafness. This marvelous treatment Is so simple, natural and cer tain that you will wonder why It was not discovered before. Investigators are astonished and cured patients them selves marvel at the quick results. Any deaf person can have full information how to be cured quickly and cured to stay cured at home without investing a cent. Write to-day, or send the cou pon, to Dr. K C. Grains Co., 126S Pul sifer Bldg., Chicago. 111., arid get full information of this new and wonderful discovery, absolutely free. FREE Information Coupon DR. L. C. GRAINS COMPANY, 120 M Pulnlfer illdic., Chicago, 111. , Please send me without cost or obligation on my part, complete In formation concerning the new method for the treatment and cure of deafness or head noises. If I wish you to make a diagnosis of my case after hearing from you, you are to do so FIIEE OF CHARGE. Name Address I Town State What Thin Folks Should Do to Gain Weight Physician's Advice For Thin, Un % developed Men and Women Thousands of people suffer from ex cessive thinness, weak nerves and feeble stomachs who, having tried ad vertised flesh-makers, food-fads, physi cal culture stunts and rub-on creams, resign themselves to life-long skinni ness and think nothing will make them fat. Yet their case is not hopeless. A recently discovered regenerative force makes fat grow after years of thin ness, and is also unequalled for re pairing the waste of sickness or faulty digestion and for strengthening the nerves. This remarkable discovery Is called Sargol. Six strength-giving, fat-producing elements of acknowl edged merit nave been combined In this peerless preparation, which is endorsed by eminent physicians and used by prominent people everywhere. It is absolutely harmless, inexpensive and efficient A month's systematic use of Sargol should produce flesh arid strength by correcting faults of digestion and bv supplying highly concentrated fats to the blood. Increased nourishment Is obtained from the food eaten, and the additional fats that thin people need are provided. Geo. A. Gorgas and other leading druggists supply Sargol and say there Is a large demand for it. While this new preparation has given splendid results as a nerve-tnnic and vitalizer, it should not be used bv nerv ous people unless they wish to gain at least ten pounds of flesh.—Advertise ment. BUNG RELIEVES STOMACH TROUBLE » A Prominent Physician's Advice. "Eat good foods and plenty of them. Dieting. In many cases, is almost crim inal. Get back to normal. To do so von must have the proper quantity of nourishment. You need it for brain or physicial work. Probably there is nothing the nrnttfej" with your stomach except acidity. That is merely an ab normal secretion of acid In the stom ach Neutralize that aclde and your stomach trouble will end at once. Neg lect may mean ulcers If not cancer of the stomach. Do not take patented medicine or pepsin tablets for dyspep sia. Simply take a neutralizer of acid Decidedly the best neutralizer Is or dinary druggist's hlsurated magnesia. Ton can get it at any drug store for » few cent. Take a teaspoonful in a quarter glass of water after each meal. "Hie relief will be immediate." Ad vertisement. THURSDAY EVENING, MOSLEM WORKERS HE TOMOIOW Services Afternoon and Evening in the Grace Church, State Street Telegrams from the Moslem Mlssio nary Campaign party In Michigan, which have been received by James W. Barker, . *| chairman of the Har- L IBM risburg lnterdenoml ! . national commit tee, » JH" saya that great lnter- I est and enthusiasm has been aroused in BajflinHßL the two cities so far visited. The campaign tour was opened at Grand Rapids on txLjalJLaJ Monday, c.nd yester day was spent in Detroit. The party is coming east by long jumps and will be in Harrisburg to-morrow. Final arrangements are being made for the local meetings, which will be held In Grace Methodist Episcopal Church In State street at 4 and 7.30 p. m. Friday. The afternoon meeting, while no less Interesting than the evening meeting, will be limited to ninety minutes. Mr. Barker will pre side at both meetings. The Rev. Dr. John D. Fox, pastor of Grace Church, will conduct the devotional exercises. Bishop James H. Darlington will be present in the evening and will offer the closing pray and benediction. The evening music will be in charge of Professor C. A. Elienberger, with Henry W. Stratton at the organ. In Grand Rapids the pafty had the whole day and the program was more extended than the local one. Marion Lawrance wired Mr. Barker that the party held a ministers meeting, a business men's luncheon, a reception to Sunday schools, a children's rally and an evening mass meeting and that all were packed and intense enthu siasm aroused. Five thousand dollars was pledged for extending the forward movement for children in Moslem lands. The Detroit campaign was similar to the one in Grand Rapids, Detroit pledging $8,500 Jn addition to the Grand Rapids pledge. Mr. Lawrance says the appeal for childhood among the Moslems has struck home and that great things are expected in Harris burg. The speakers here will be Mr. Lawrance, the Rev. Dr. S. M. Swem er, missionary to Egypt, and the Rev. Stephen R. A'an Trowbridge, mission ary to Turkey. Y. M. C. A. MEETING A gospel meeting will be held, for men only, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association, Second and Locust streets, Sunday aft ernoon, at 3.30 o'clock. There will be an address along Bible lines by a well known speaker. The praise ser vice will be under the direction of the association chorister, W. H. Kautz. The topic to be presented will be a sequel to "The Old Creation and the New," presented last week. All men arc cordially invited to be present. Religious Work on Hill. —What is probably the most determined effort to get nonchurchgoers to the church on Allison Hill Is now reaching the climax in a strong religious move ment. The Stevens Memorial Metho dist Episcopal church has started a house to house campaign to remind people of their duty to the church. Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker is thor oughly modern in his methods of of work and is determined to press the habit of attending church services among conlirmed week-enders on Al lison Hill. In the determination of the church workers that no one shall be allowed to forget the church and their duty to it. the church census committee has been kept busy for several weeks. The results of the re ligious census canvas are still being tabulated. A card index Is being pre pared and is to be kept at the church for reference. A record will be made ot' all the families on the Hill. Many have expressed no religious belief or church preference. The index is to be open for Inspection of all visitors and church workers. The careless and unaffiliated church folk will be looked up. Dr. Smucker has been in a three weeks' evangelistic service and has been preaching to large con gregations. He has been assisted by a large men's chorus led by Ross K. Bergstresser. The service begins to night at 7:45. To Preach to Kiremen. The Sham rock Fire Company will attend a spec ial service at Bethany Presbyterian Chapel on Sunday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. The Rev. John H. Warden, chaplain, will preach to the firemen on "Counting the Cost." There will be special music and the firemen will at tend in uniform. C'htireli Supper. The Aid Society, of Immanuel Presbyterian Church, will give an a-la-carte supper in the church, at Sixteenth and Juni per streets, on February 12 from 6 to 8 o'clock. AXGELUS AND CELIX) RECITAL What promises to be the musical event of the season will be given at the Board of Trade next Wednesday evening, February 11. On this occa sion the J. H. Troup Music House will present Hans Kronold, violinist, of I New York, assisted by Mme. Bum baugh, soprano, and Sara Turner, vio linist. A feature of the recital will be that all accompaniments will be played on the Angelus which will be in the hands of Mr. Van Yorx, of Pittsburgh, world famed Angelus player. Tickets of admission are free and may be secured at the J. H. Troup Music House, February 10, 11, 12.—-Advertisement. IiEGISLATORS VACCINATED By Associated Press Frankfort, Ky„ Feb. 6.—A large number of members of the Kentucky Legislature and many residents of this city are nursing sore arms to-day, the result of vaccination due to a small pox scare which developed yesterday when it was announced that Senator J. Forest Porter, of Dixon, and Rep resentative J. Oliver, of Allen county, were 111 of the disease. AMBASSADOR'S BROTHER DEAD By Associated Press Warren, Mass., Fob. 5.-—D. Edward Pcnfleld, brother of Frederick C. Pen field, United States Ambassador to Austria-Hungary, died here to-day. He ■was 71 years old. NEXT STOP AT PHOENIX Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 6.—Secre taries W. G. McAdoo and D. M. Hous ton, constituting the organisation committee of t he Federal Reserve Board, arranged to leave late to-day for Phoenix, Ariz., their next stop on a tour of the country. STOP AND LOOK At the photograph produced by the new process a» the Kellberg studio 302 Market street. Something new in the show cases every «*▼.—Advertise ment. I These Extra Special Friday Bargainsl On Sale at Kaufman's Rummage Salef Children's Underwear o ne lot of 50 women's one lot of 75 women's one lot of Misses' Wash Ladias' Brassieres 0 _ , „ , an d Misses' up to $4.50 and Misses' up to $6.00 Dresses in sizes 14 16 n T j * *t> X Q v , chlldren ® Dresses <£"| Qr Dresses (JO and 18 vears va i ues . Ladie ® ® raa * * * fleece lined undervest and tDXet/O f or *o y ed,rs > values sieres, all sizes, embroidery til w pants, 25c value. Fri- |Qp One piece Sergo Dresses, In One-piece Cloth Dresses, In as- ® $3.95, trimmed,. 50c value. C $ w day only, assorted colore and assorted sizes. sorted colors and assorted sizes. lOr Friday for Q Q Children's Tam O'Shanters WOMEN'S WAISTS Ladies' Hose Supporters Children's Gowns A A _ , A .m..,, , ... One lot of Women's Tailor-made Waists, SI.OO A 100 pairs of Ladies' Silk One lot of Children's Stripe X m , Children a white value. Friday for P fi d Hose Supporters, 50c Flannelette Gowns, sizes 2to 2? w Tam O Shanters, oOc 1 Q/-» , value, all colors. Fri- n 8 vears old, 50c value. \H r * X value - tor... WOMEN'S BLOUSES day only, Friday only iJL § X """ .. One lot of Women's White Voiles and Lawn Blouses, L————————-i ——————————— © BOYS' KNIT values up Odd, and end,. Friday for 03C Children's Supers _ - rw,i ok a 0116 ot of Women's Handsome Blouses, made of chiffon, hwv nnd u-hito nil Coats, $4.00 value; slightly A and mescaline up to soiled'. Friday | LADIES' HOSE 1)11111111306 Sale Of All WOmOll'S and LADIES' NECKWEAR I 200 pairs of Ladies' Black and Col- 9 »n ■ 300 pieces of Ladies' Fancy Neck- * ored Hose, odds and ends, value up to Hn|CCO£ 1W itlf At" COJIiC wear, manufacturers' samples; values V 15c. Friday only, 7//, r m VVIIIIVI wuai * up to 50c. Friday 1 f\ r Q nn ; r ' /•V' The materials are Mixtures, Astrachans, Ural Lambs, Arabian Lambs, Persiana and nr ,i, r I"v ' Fancy Cloths—all this winter's best models. oniy w CO "71% F° r Women's and Misses' Winter Coats. §— ——————————i %3 Values to $9.00 X SILK PETTICOATS _ n - F Women's and Misses' Winter Co«ts. GIRLS' DRESSES X 1100 "Women's Messaline Silk Petti- ShOiDO Women s and Misses Winter coats One lot of 20 Girls'all Wool Serfte X coats, all new spring shades, 11.5U Dresses, sizes up to 14. Value C| © $3.00 value. Friday 0n1y,.. For Women's and Misses' Winler Coats. up to $5.00. Friday 0n1y,.. SJO.JU Values to $14.00 —J O C* Q Cl| For Women'a and Misses' Winter Coats. ■ 0 GIRLS' DRESSES Values to SIB.OO MUSLIN GOWNS X One lot of Girls' Washable Dressses, 1% For Women's aud Misses' Winter Coats. 55 Ladies' Good Quality Muslin and X all sizes, Gto 14; value up to 05c Values to $22.50 Longcloth Gowns, slightly soiled, AQr* S $2.50. Friday only, Misses' sizes 14 to 20; Women's sizes 36 to 42; Extra sizes 37 to 51. Tahie up to sl ' 2s ' day only> 2 Men's Trousers 1 Rummage Sale of Our Entire Stock )■ The Greatest Sale 1 § Less Than 14 of Wom ® n 's Coat Suits of Men's and g Right for Dress or Boys' Suits and g Business Wear. 350 ues 10 " 2 50, for " a/ues ,0 }2s ' oo ' for Overcoats in i W This lot consists of Serges and Diagonals, ™ . ~. . V 1 . . H o Pairs. Values to $3.50 ». 2 FOR Bizea but not all sizes> of each color. I J#* » . s S _ one to i of women's « Qc Winter § 8 ftl •SO $9-75 g Q JL • This lot consists of mostly odds and ends. I /alueS to $25, fOf .... a The colors are blacks, blues, browns, etc. f / mm 3? Jg ALL SIZES IN THIS LOT ,I As orted sizes, but not all sizes of each j The colors are blues, browns and greys I I Wfw fQ € C |s ' Q J color. (no blacks). Sizes 48, 45, 47, 49, 51. "If W hW Jj O O Come Early and © g A Great Rummage Sale of Men's and Boys' Furnishings Secure the | O | All Odds and Ends at and BelowCost==StartsFriday Morning TheseG°Jat © q One lot of Men's Per- 100 paris of Men's and One lot of Men's Black One lot of Children's Rarnainc O Q cales Dress Shirts, coat Boys' Suspenders, and Colors Hose, Ql/ Zc Wool Coat Sweaters, val- Ddrgains g G styles, SI.OO value, AQ„ 20c value, for 15c value, for .... ues up to Young Men's Over- O O sizes, for t/U _— £ or l c/C coats, values to $7.50, © Cf - r | Hno lAf nf Mor'c and 200 doZfiTl of Q-Ordon 01> $1.95 IS S Onp lot of Men's Mad- Bo y s ' Suspenders, Rubber Collars, all sizes, n ra«? and Percales Dress 15c value > for all shapes, 25c val- 1 One odd lot of Women's Young Men's Suits, a O and percales JJreso Wqol Coat gweaterS( a values to Jg O S'for .. 79c one lot of Men's Medium little soiled, values o Weight Under Shirts only, 100 Ladies' Gloria Cloth U P to $4 00 ' for • • Men's Suits and § 5 One lot of Men's Silk ValU ®' 10C Steel Kod Umbrellas, Overcoats, values to Q Q Four-in-hand Neckwear, • • SI.OO value, 45c Women's and Men's $12.00, QA Hr O damaged, 20c value, p for Heavy Grey Coat Sweat- or * 9 O for One lot of Men's and pr _ flll _ i7P _ «■, rrn „ T I Q O Boys' Dark Colors Work One lot of Men's Heavy "2e for ' $ 79C 0 X g One lot of Men's Silk ® h ;^' V^U6 ' 15C forking Sieves, gg c Overcoats, g Four-in-hand Npckwear, sl-00 value, for .. ** £ or 3) / .DU § g 25c value, Q p —————— One lot of Men's Per- ——— Q q for One lot of Men's Nat-' Women's and Men's cale Dress Shirts, Men's Suits and Q o Wool Under Shirts Wool Coat Sweaters in 75c value, for .... Overcoats, values to Q g One lot of Boys' Flan- f" y ' sl,oo valU6 ' 29C blue and SIB.OO, $9.75 ft 80 nelette Pajamas, for value, $9 QQ for $ 50c value, for for V6.OV 100 Men>s Blue Cham . —_ © One lot of Men's Fleeced bray Work Shirts, collars . s Work- p:Qp v O __ . _ Lined Underwear, Shirts attached, 50c val- 00-o mg Pants, ... Jg - QO/» .Mens „ LtuC, ———. O 1° Fast Colors Blue Hand- ues to 75c for OOC All Pure Wool Fancy and ue ' lor Men's Fine Bib O kerchiefs, 5c value, "| n ' Plain Weave Coat Sweat- ———— Corduroy Pants, $3.00 Q for One lot of Men's Kid 6 ' $1.79 @ Gloves, values to CQ„ Unior Suits, SI.OO gQ c q One Mof Men's Mer- $1.50, for C Women , g am] Mpn , s vaJue ' for Boys' Suits and g cenzed Neck Muf- Hr* _ women s ana men s , nvPWMtQ voinco +« C 3 flprs 25c value for • C Shaker Knit Coat Sweat- uvercoaxs, values to ' ' 200 pairs of Men's Fast ers in grey and garnet, 100 pairs of Men's Can- $7.50, QO QP Jg ——— Black Hose, 10c val- $2.50 value, (jl 1 Q vas Gloves, 10c val- for g One lot of Men's Gold ue, for, a pair, for fP±«±t/ ue f or a p a i r „ . a I —— J O HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 5, 1914. 5