14 f ' 1 Here s a Page Full of Values That Cannot Be Matched in Price Attractiveness at Any Other Time of the Year Months of careful planning are back of the offerings to be found in the Mill and Factory Sale. As the big semi-annual event pro gresses from day to day you will find merchandise surprises of the most interesting character. But there will be many groups of bar gains cropping out at unexpected moments, which we will not be able to advertise on account of the small quantities available. To day's news is principally of bargains for Friday only. And it is mighty good news. 25^ighlyM e rcen ze d Poplin Limited Number of Undermuslin Pieces The Mill Factory Sale Brings Sewing rooms will begin to hum next week with the Goes Into the Sale at Surprising Reductions the Best Shoe Values of i7dFaTtorvsak'to-moTrow" TheMiuand FactorySale " romisesa richre, » raforearlyshop . pers in theun " the Winter Season in the sale cannot be duplicated later, so it will be to the in- dermushn section to morrow. Scores of styles, representing a limited number of terest of every woman who sews to see these attrac- pieces in each style, will be offered at lower prices than we have quoted for similar It's the Final clearance period of the season. tlons: values at any time this year. All broken lots of men's, women's and children's 25c plain poplin highly mercer- 17 C piisse crepe white and col- j ndicative of the manv attractions are the following Winter shoes are reduced and the Mill and Factory lzed, large lines of shades, bought ored grounds, and plain shades, muiumc 01 me uidiij duidtuuua aic uic iunuv\ expressly for this sale, yd., .yard 50c printed silk pongee, 36 in- 25c plain crepe in a choice line .. , , so ;i ec | •i n nink light blue lavender and chemise; with lace or embroidery trimming. MEN'S shoes mui and Factory ches wide, white pound with Mat of new .shades, yard ....... IS* Lim ited quantity. One to a customer. Mill and Factory Sale price 60* , "aKnta'' Bo,* ...M SMln «lf Shui ora eec s, yar ........ . ? uy 2 c robe prints. 3b inches s , . 95 25c muslin drawers; bunch tucks and plain Cair'and Boi' Calf "shoes!' button and laoe stsles w,th soUd lea,her 50c tub silks, silk and cotton, wide, for comfortable coverings, Mill and hactofy bale price . rir Q . . lace styles in Uie lot, all have Good- sizes 2% to 5% $1.20 32 inches wide, white ground with yard S}/ $2 yS to S3 95 lony crene kimonos •in navv - v 1 year weUed •...WOMEN'S SHOES . • , . , i /-,/ to long crepe Kimonos, in navy, _ Men's 53.00 Tan and Illack Storm • , nn satin stripes and neat colored prints, neat styles on , . Xf; ,, „ m i F artnrv c a i P Calf Shoes, made In full toe lasts. Women's $3.00 Tan Calf Button stripes, for shirt waists and men's white ground, yard ai 1 ' 1 ' 50c nainsook gowns; embroidery edge trims with two heavy Goodyear welted soles, Shoes, made on high toe last with ~ \ J ' 4>olA Clnnt> a- \i ■ 1 a nrire 51.95 , , , , _ , . all sizes in the lot $2.49 st luhcd soles and high Cuban or low shirts, yard SI.OO Ratine, 47 inches wide, P ri <- C neck and sleeves. Mill and hactory Sale price, Men's 52.00 and $2.50 Gun Metal Calf hee , g >235 25c. crepe, white ground with blue and mixtures, yard ... .">!)? 39c and 50c short lawn dressing sacques. } ^k S „ k |'tu S h£S> Women's »2.50 Tan Calf and Gun ■ Jund burto we^thrie I "shaSs "sard MW a " d "♦ ChUdrof. muslin drawers; buuch tuck and o™ M.», ciVI'KS SL- ' with floral designs, yard . . 170 ' ' 'tSf f SO to 3 ' )5 cou,lter soilcd nainsook com- plain hem trimming. Mill and Factory Sale ••I*""' «*», l.» l.rol. SI." 30c mercerized pongee in solid 6'/ 4 c cotton challis, Persian de- bination corset cover and drawers or short P rice —••••—;••••••; ••••••; ■ • • • • £«£ w,th . hand -. 9ewea . oak . le s!% Gun'°Meul $ c°alf "But^^'^nd" 1 il'co shades, silky finish, all new signs, yard 40 skirts; lace or embroidery trimmed. Mill and women s waists specially Friced BOYS'SHOES Shoes, heavy stiu-hed soles with low shades, yard - cahr° iiu«on °shoe" ,^ade C on f f uli d ldgh he tvomen's $i.75 Black kid Skin iiace 15c crepe, white ground with stripes and solid shades, vd„ r _ ored and semi-tailored waists; a limited quan- to«i lasts with welted and stitched Shoes and Gun Metal Calf Button „ . in I n,/ 1 ir SI.OO to $1.50 nainsook drawers; lace or em- t : tv T : m : t one to a riir AT ill soles, sizes Itos y a sl.#o Shoes, made on full toe lasts with neat floral designs, yard ... 10# 10c and percale, 36 * ' tity. Limit, one to a customer. Mill and Fac- Boys-52.00 Box Calf and Black Kid heavy stitched soles si.is 614 c apron gingham blue inches wide white grounds neat broidery trimmed. Mill and ractory i~>ale tory Sale price 25it Skin i.ace Shoes, made on medium Women's $1.50 Black Kid skin But ro4 „®, j ' ' i ' Qt/ . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor full toe lasts with heavy stitched soles, ton and I .ace Shoes, heavy stitched checks, fast color, yard .1# pin stripes, yard Bprice O\t

. I W? is hound to interest you. LflSt 0f WilltCf Trimmed I $87.60 epong-e suits in navy; coat trim- $25.00 suits In brown, black and navy _ _ _ d v 1 1 tJ*" If\ f L*' \ I ] || f, med with velvet collar and large buttons. one-button model; trimmed with small only $2.5 0 I —l Q MP I 111 Qf"|H nl 1 iC / J I II / Mill and Factory Sale price $18.50 velvet buttons, draped skirt. Mill and SIOO and $1 \mer' - 11 LlilU Vl. 1 J 11 / $35.00 Buits in eponge; cut veiour and Factory Sale price si«.so ican y Final clearance of all Winter millinery—trimmed and untrim- \ / I; A wool corduroy cutaway and military $39.50 diagonal serge suits in walnut corsets 690 i i \ g 15 /tl\ models, fur trimmed collar, colors, ma- shade, one-button style, trimmed back, i cn A "* t & E ,ve " awa y P"Ces. / ■ /MA hogany, brown, taupe and navy. Mill and velvet collar, draped skirt $16.50 and $-.50 American Lady Trimmed Hats at 490, SI.OO and $1.95 f I/M l Factory Sale price $18.50 $45.00 brown cloth suits fancy model, corsets $l >SO UNTTUMMED HATS AT , PLUMES AND FANCIES 1/mfill $37.50 brown novelty cloth suits, one- trimmed with velvet co lar and ¥ml bUtt ° n Btyle> I' ards basting cotton 3c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart -Street Floor. coats, 43 to 48 inches long, convertible collars, belted backs, full lined; Women's, Misses' and Children's Outergarments 1 Turkish Rocker® - Specials in a One-Day Sale sls.ooovercoats,s7.so $15.00 Suits at $7.50 Exactly Like Cut I $7.95 and Factory Sale price •'».-? s.*{.so For Friday Only For Friday Only Other Notable Furniture Savinsl2.so Sport coats in rose and white, Women's $5.95 chiffon waists, in navy, „ ~ , • , ... . . All 6 d sizes for misses. Mill and Factory Sale brown and taupe. Friday only .. $3.50 Grey camel s hair cloth overcoats Worsted and cassimere suits, $10.50 golden oak extension tables $7.50 price $3.50 $5.95 net waists, trimmed with crepe de with shawl collars, belted back, three-button sack coats; sizes 44, $12.50 golden oak dressers $9.50 Children's $2.98 raincoats and capes, chine collar and finished'with fur. Fri quarter Venetian lined, fancy plaid 46,48 and 50; regular $15.00 $17.50 Princess dressers, in golden oak, mahogany and bird's- with hoods and school bags. Friday only, day only $3.50 backs, 43 inches long, all sizes; values. Special in the Mill and Fac- eye maple sl3 95 $2.#5 $2.98 net waists, with fronts of pink $15.00 value. Mill and Factorv tory Sale $7.50 $29 50 golden oak china closets #l9 OO , Women ' s $3 " 95 waists ' n m chiffon and finished with cleopatra pearl C„1„ "Prir>*» Xn Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Men's Clothing— goiaen o c ina ciosets brown, grey, navy and helio; sizes 40 to buttons. Friday only $1.50 I oaie jrrice Second Floor, Rear. Diveß - Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. Friday only $2.25 D ' ve ". Pomeroy* & Stewart, Second Floor. THURSDAY EVENING, HAJIfUBBURG dSBSi TELEQR3KPH FEBRUARY 5, 1914.