I RUMMAGE SALE [RUMMAGE SALE 1 Women's & Misses' Coat «- - ' m _ ~X Small Women ' s Winter CJt Kaufmans Big Febrixary L in assorted color. pttmmaqf. aAT.T! RUMMAGE SALE OF SILK Four Small Size Coat ® EVENING DRESSES rsrs««> Starts To-morrow - -JHcafc* -i— -1-,™ Black only and size 14. V\P w W 1k7 0116 Lot of 20 Handsome Evening \® Thursday Morning al 8 O'clock CJr skirts, values M l L. 3 „'? o b'ii° r „ <1 «iJ otei We are inaugurating this sale to enable us to clean out all remaining WINTER COATS [ww "*' Bl ) Winter Merchandise. All odds and ends, all broken lines must and o» J.* "<»■ Y w*™ « o I Rummage Salo w iH be sold at prices which border on the ridiculous. Sale starts to -5 p ur q m j s morrow, Thursday morning. Continuing for a short time only, "$375 8 Jgm&st AND will be a truly great rummage sale ® opossum collar and cuffs; . . f ° r ■■■■.■■■■■■■■ 11l # x: i .■« aa. aa ' r ————Assorted colors, sizes 6 to 17 o Rummage Sale of Our Entire Stock Rummaae Sale Of All Women's and «= © Sizes 80 and 38 _ ___ _ _ f o -*• of Women's Coat Suits Misses' Winter Coats our Entire stock of eioth 3? Six Fine Russian Pony A , llt ' The materials are Mixtures, Astrachans, Ural Lambs, Arabian Lambs, Persiana and JJj(jrtC (-nfPK THE 6 Skin Coats, all handsome- ° ne °J Womensand torn Ar One lot of Women's *4 AAA Fancy cioths-aii this winter's best models. diimmapc QAIC Bly lined, worth $37.50, Misses Coat Suits. Val- 4U|»tFel and Misses' Coat Suits. VI \b"" fi*Q 7R For Women's and Misses' Winter Coats- HUMMAGt SALt 8 $45.00 and $55.00. Choice ues lo s l2 - 50 ' for Values to $25.00, for. AV JSJ Values to $9.00 I | Serge Skirts in all colors, Pla d I 8 *L- $i5.00 tZTZSTA»• - —r k '' WU "' b — 55.00 FOr WOmen ' B V.?ue B "o ß »Uso Winter Co,,s - 0": Skirts, Q 36, 38 and 40. sizes are 16 to 43. and grays. All kinds of materials. All V allies lO ?11.9V Values tO OPC i: =; On, 10, of Women's »» «r *" °°* $6.50 Wome Winter Coats. $ 3.50 for **••«> RUMMAGE SALE and Misses'Co,, Suits 9?.% One lot of Women's * A nr R(U For Women', .nd Misses'' Winter Cost.. to loflK One Lot of Girls' Winter Values to $20.00. for.. Extra Large Coat Suits. 5J1.1® S>UbDU Values to SIB.OO <64 50 for Coats, to 79 c J- -j. 1/a/ues ,o s2s, for .... *> «-i O |JQ For Women's aud Misses' Winter Coats. One Lot of Dress Skirts, Sizes a'to 4 years only. Only 13 Assorted sizes, but not all sizes of each The colors are blues, browns and greys ▼ " Values tO $22.50 Values tO Q Pv coats in the lot. color. j (no blacks), sizes 43, 45, 47, 4», si. Misses' sizes 14 to 20; Women's sizes 36 to 42; Extra sizes 37 to 51. $6.50, for ... N ~ «- ■* Rummage Sale of] Rummage Sale of Rummage Sal. of' Rummage Sale Rumma . e Sa | e [Rummage Sa/e of Women's WOMEN'S K s * Girls' Women's Dresses n One lot Of Women S ■ninrlr Pnttnn Pnttirontl ' 100 Infants' Stripe Flannel- . | lIC |\J |i r "\X7"f k< fl "t* X TWain Pln„ floo BIaCK OOttOn ette Saeques, 160 value. for llCtiVWCdl _ . . 13 rercaie isiouses, nign 50c value, IG/> one lot of Women ' 9 Fun f or 1C ——— One lot of Girls Wash Q necks, 50c value, IQp « Ivl/ ,e .^ gth . Kimonos, , One lot of Children's Cashmere One lot Of Women's Dresses, sizes 6to 14*. O for > ' _ for 68 39c Rummage Sale °? lf Oloveß, a,c 10c Neckwear, values 1A p values up to 75c, OQ p 2 One lot of Women's Women's Underwear v ue ' to 39c, forfor "UK, § One lot of Women's Silk Messaline Petti- t U te ii» J£bS d%S lot Women ' 9 Kid „ I T77T". w * Messaline Silk Blouses, coats, values up QpT Kimonos, values to on mostly smaii sizes, \^n 9r , oioves, SI.OO value, CQr _ One lot ot Girls Wasn M odds and ends, values Sup to $3.00, C(\„ * ' . I Neckwear,values lA, to $1.50, JQ r g for - tosl '!lZL tor " -^, S One lot of Women's coats vai ue dergarments—A Great Saving In one lot of women's D?e?ses rtof ™iuel w up O White Lawn and Voile lor ° Neckwear.valiifla oo Hf\„ 0 Blouses, values 96 Everv Item Quoted Here tosiso ode vJ ' Mc Qto sl, for > r—Z ~ xr 8 J 8 ' 8 #f Princess Slips Combination Suits J fl f s nibbed Underwear $1.35 Women's Princess Slips for 70/ 1 Rummage Sa/e of women's IZZZ^ZZZ'-~~Z71': r :::::: o Women's and 36c $1:95 Men's and Boys' Suits, g Children's orie lot 0 ? women's Corset Covers Une 10t OI WOmen S 35c Women's Corset Covers for llDllirlm drivfc* _ _ § Hoslerv Fleeced Lined Ribbed B oc women-s corset covers for iviusiin DKirTS Many Actually 14 and Less 8 200 pairs of Women's sizes, 25c vaTf Olh„ °"°™ ~3C. ,3C Wom " , ;' , M " lla MEN'S PANTS at .. 59^ O and Children's Fast ue, for ® DfHWPfS $i -o w™™'" mu«uo suit! for oal MEN'S CORDUROY PANTS at > ...79^ 5 Black Hose, 100 s >?J S 07.o 7 . wZ, Z MEN'S CASSIMERE PANTS at .90^ O yalne, for - | ....YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS at . $1.95 S f -q » j Rummage vSle Of SI.OO Ladies' Muslin Drawers for ... Jol \ r YOUNG MEN'S SUITS at 8 GirS&tckTibbed Ctrsttt , u r MEN'S OVERCOATS at —^.53.95 O Hose, slightly impS*- One lot of Women's Chlldretl S MUSIinS 75c women-.Musimoown. for 45 i MEN'S SUITS at Q feet, 20c value, Corsets, 75c val- 50c children's oowns for O for OC Ue, for Oi/V/ 75c Children's Oowns for O One lot of C.-B. SI.OO ' 250 Children', Drawers for § 200 pairs of Women's Corsets, not all Qnoriol r nA/ .;.I MEN'S SUITS at > $9.75 5 Pure Thread Silk Hose, slze P> for DpeCldl DpeCIBI BOYS' OVERCOATS at —^.51.49 ft lisle garter top, all col- One lot of C.-B. $1.50 200 Children's Good Quality Mus- 100 Ladies' Good Quality Muslin BOYS' OVERCOATS at > $2.49 g ore, 39c value, 1Q n Corsets, not all lin Drawers, 12^c value, sizes £ jj 2n Gowns, 50c value, cut full, BOYS'SUITS at Tl'f.l 8 for > sizes, for > 2to 17 years, for I for £DL SUITS at ...... ) '^*qq g AGreatßumma e Sale of Men's I BOYS' CORDUROY KNICKERBOCKERS at 79^ 5 and Boys' Furnishings Starts Fri- I BOYS' WINTER CAPS at i 19^ q day Morning. See To-morrew'e Papers BOYS' CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS at $2.95 OQQQQOQQQQQQOQQQQQQQQQOimQQQQOOiM3WmMMOQQ®OWmmM®O®QQQQQO®QWmM? QWMWQOQQQQQOWWQQQQQOW&QQfa ROYAL ITAIjIAN BAND AT HEAD OF ROCOO FUNERAL Headed by the Royal Italian Band under the supervision of Vincent . Blanchl, fti which mora than thirty Italian musicians participated, the fu neral services of Camberrl Rocco, an Italian employed on the Pennsylvania Railroad, who was struck and tnstant • ly killed by a train at Division street Tuesday morning, were held this aft ernoon from the St. Patrick's Cathe dral, State street. The Rev. Father Benjamin Sama, pastor of St. Ann's WEDNESDAY EVENING HARRISBURG ffijjftl TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 4, 1914. Roman Catholic Church, Steelton, conducted the services. Burial was made In the Catholic Cemetery. Mr. Rocco was well-known among Italians of this city. He was an active member of the Italian Social and Beneficial Society. He is survived by his wife and two sons. THE MERCHANT OF VENICE TO BE GIVEN BY KIRK BROWN Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice," has for yeara been one of the most popular studies of the English literature classes In the public schools and In view of this fact Kirk Brokn's production' of this popular Shakes pearean work at the Majestic theater to-morrow night la attracting unusual attention among the teachers and scholars of the high schools in the city and in consequence they are purchas ing a ldrge number of seats, and to- Ketlier with the teachers who are to be the guest of the management, the largest night of the week is looked for at the Majestic.—Advertisement. TANGO MAD In the early morning, when the frost is on the bough. See us turkey trotting, for it's In our system now; Trot while we are shaving and the while we fix our tie„ Trot into our trousers as the last ten minutes fly. Then It's "bear" to breakfast as we give the cook a prance— Oh, you heart-throb music and you happy tango d&noal AB we part with wlfle at the doorway, hug her tight, "Swing the Castle" with me and re mind her of to-night; "Eight-ten" blows its whistle near the station as you run— Tango It with Perkins or "the glide" with any one. In your downtown office give that bet ter self a chance. Kiss the typo-girlie as you do the tango dance. Fifth looks mighty purty at the noon time o' th' day, Tango off to luncheon In your whole souled sort of way; Tango with your lobster yes, and tango with your 'tasse, Tango all the afternoon and watch the hours pass. Then, as night comes stealing with its vintage and romance, Start all over, sonny, with that bloomln' tango dance. —W. L. Lamed, in New York Review. BURNED BY IjTMF In an explosion of quicklime which ho wajs preparing for a Job of white 5 washing at a hotiso In Cameron Btree yesterday William Johnson, of 261 Frunklin street. Steelton, had his fac< and eyes badly burned and his now and cheek lacerated by a piece o flying- wood. He was treated at th< Harrisburg Hospital. HAS APPENDICITIS Clyde Briggs, of Blairs Mills, wa brought to the Harrisburg Hospita yesterday suffering from appendicitil He has not been operated on.