Lost LOST lady's sold w*tch andl Job with H. H. T. S. N. red cross 1910 class pin on fob, on February I. m Mlii tison street thsnce on 7:30 P. M.. Mtd rtletown or Steelton car to Fourth ana Market, thence to Fourth and Walnut- He ward. Address k.. 938, care o frraph. LOST Carved tortoise Saturday evening at MaJe» North Set- Reward If returned to 2201 North sec ««nd street. , .»lelp Wanted— Male ability and tlon commanding saJay selling •lon Is open for popula r one of the best rs f or Harrisburg and medium price tars lor partlcu vlcinlty. Address K^ n c B on r fl u d entlal un lars. which will M ne»" f153 care u f til interview is had. W.. c are Telegraph. » <• pa .2? oTkMft at once. _ CANVASSERS WANTED. Apply the mediately. Good proposition. Watch and Diamond Co., i O2 Aiarsei street. Second Floor. EXPERIENCED grocerv solicitor; must be well recommended. Apply »• Sherman, Enhaut, Pa. ____ EXPERIENCED McKay i*wer. AP; jply Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Hams burg, Pa. | HUSTLER to act as our representa tive. Position will require ability " Solicitor and Collector. Opportunit> rot advancement. Young, married man preferred. Salary and commission. G«v e age and name of last employer. AU dress Box B. 941, care of 'telegraph. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED. Splendid Income assured rlgnt man to act as our representative after learning our business thoroughly by mall. Former experience , :. All we require Is honesty, abiiity. am bitlon and willingness to learn a jucra tive business. No sollcltlngor trasei ins. All or spare time only. 1 ® „ an exceptional opportunity for a man In your section to get Into a big pal ing business without capital and become In dependent for life. Write at once for full particulars. National Co-Operative Realtv Company, L-910, Marden Build ing, Washington, D. C. MARRIED man, with farm experi ence, to work on fruit farm; references needed. Apply H. F. Hershey No 2, Harrisburg. Pa., or in person at lieis ter Farm, River Road. I 'Tien AND WOMEN to qualify for Government positions, several thou sand appointments to be made next tew months. Full Information about open- , ings, how to prepare, etc., free. Write immediately for booklet G-J--, Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. PARCEL POST means many appoint ments from the February 21 Railway Mail Clerk Examinations in Harrisburg. Commence J75.00 month. Common edu cation sufficient. Sample questions— FREE. Write Immediately. I< ran Klin Institute, Dept. 563-K, Rochester. N. Y. Help Wanted — Female A MIDDLE-aGED lady as house keeper for widower with family. Lal». or address, 133 College street, Palmjra, Pa. . GIRL for general housework. Call 234 West State street IMMEDIATELY, experienced sales women for our l,nce. Glove anil Notion Departments. Highest salary paid. Permanent position. Apply to Air. Greene, first floor, Astrich's, Fourth and Market streets. LOOPERS. TWO WANTED Good wages and steady employment. New Idea Hosiery Co., Fourteenth street and Mayflower avenue. RELIABLE woman for housekeeper for widower without children; refer ence required. Address S., 940, care of Telegraph. SEWING MACHINE operators, also learners, to make aprons, etc. Harris burg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, State street, rear entrance. WHITE woman to do laundry work and help with the cleaning; reference; Address W„ 952, care of Telegraph. WOMAN over 21, cashier, groceries. Reference and experience. Address "Cashier." care of Telegraph. Situations W anted —Male A MIDDLE-AGED white man, first class houseman and boilerman, wants Job right away; best reference. Address A. A. C., care of Telegraph. BY young white man, position In bakery, five years' experience, or any kind of work; can furnish references. Address, or call, 201 Mulberry street, corner of Second street. POSITION wanted as clothing or shoe salesman; four years' experience; can give best references. Address J. M. L., care of Tele- "aph. SITUATION by middle-aged man, ex- j {lerienced in grocery and furniture i (usiness; would accept any other simi- I lar occupation; references given. Ad dress S., 937, care of Telegraph. SITUATION In doctor's office as In- i tcrpreter, advertisement distributor, office man. by middle-aged, educated man; speaks seven languages. Address P. O. Box 791, City. WORK of any kind by young colored man. Address, or call, 215 North River avenue. YOUNG man desires position as lunch counter clerk; lias had several years' I experience; can furnish reference. Ad- < dress all answers to Mail Box No. 264. Situations Wanted—Female ' ''COLORED girl wishes a place for : general housework. Address 515 South . street. COLORED girl wishes day's work or . by week of any kind. Apply 1613 Aprl- , cot avenue. COLORED girl wishes general house work or to work as chambermaid. Ap ply 1324% James street. COLORED woman wishes dav's work ! of any kind. Apply 203 Mulberry street. , FOR RENT | HOUSES < 1800 Boas St., 2% s. b., 7r„ ,X.. kiO ! 1106 N. Cameron St., 2 s. f., 6 r 810 ! ! 1908 Greenwood St., 3 s. f., 8 r ' Sli ' 692 S. 20th St., 6 r. & b . ' 2206 Logan St., 3s. b., Br. & b.. *ls , 1538 S. 13th St.. 2 % s. b„ 8 r.&b. an; 717 Cowden St.. 3s. f Jl fl ! 658 Emerald St., 3s. b «IT f 1527 N. Second St.. 3s. b BIT -,n ' 2109 N. 3d St.. 3 s. b.. 10 r. K. ' 15 N. Front St., 3 B. b., 10 r. and 2 b. APARTMENTS 128 Walnat St., Housekeeping apart ments —second floor—3 rooms and bath —city steam heat furnished, 808 Jf. Third St., Housekeeping apartments—third floor—s rooms and bath city steam heat fur nished >135 The Donaldson —(\*o housekeeping;) —Second, near Locust St.. very desirable single rooms and suites of two, three and four rooms. SUBURBAN North of West Falrvlew— 2%-storv frame 81*5 H tS bß f^ e ' S K ec i na ,' i' enr Lombard St., 2'. 2 s. b. & f. Lot 80x200 *l2 White Hill— Hummel Ave., ... / J,2 HOUSES FROM Al'ltll, i 218 Mulberry St., 2 s. b„ 6 r. 1403 N. Front St., 3 s. b„ Sr.&'b' 2014 N. 3d St.. 3 s. b„ 9 r. & b" Sli 2108 N. 3d St.. 3s. b.. 9r. & f« 412 Market St., 2 office rooms', on second floor g . n Mlddlletown—Store room on ' Union s t reet $35 Miller Bros. & Nee'e Federal Square Opp. Post Office x ; t ■ ' K * • *■ . -«•- | i WEDNESDAY EVENING HARRISBURG TELEGRXPBD FEBRUARY 4, 1914. | Situations Wanted—Female ' COLORED woman wishes position as s cook for dinner parties or by the day. " Call 520 Brown avenue. 1 GENERAL housework or dny's work •| by colored woman. 1224 North Seventh " j street. HALF-GROWN girl wants work be • tween or after school hours. Call 804 • Capital street. SMALL washings to do at home. Call s 804 Capital street. I WHITE woman wants washing and , ironing to do at home or bundle wash -9 ing. Call, or address, 522 Dauphin j street. J WOMAN' desires position In private family. Address A., 940, care of Tele ,. graph. Agents Wanted £ STORY OF MEXICO. New Epoch j, Making Book. Thrilling, Sensational. . Timely. Low Price. Sells on sight. Big Terms. Sample Book Free. Act Qulck • ly. Universal House, Philadelphia. i Rooms For Rent 1 ! t j UNFURNISHED ROOMS. suitable (for light housekeeping. Stoves fur- free. Laundry, phone and bath ; room privileges. Also Janitress service. . | Bishop Building. 429 Broad street. | PLEASANT, furnished rooms; city - I steam heat: desirable location; five • j minutes' walk to Market Square. 719 North Sixth street. » FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en i site; all conveniences, Including phone; • rsference required. Apply 1015 North l Front street. NICE second floor furnished rooms. In private family; only gentlemen need . apply. 923 North Second street. t FURNISHED ROOMS, with board; • | also rooms for light housekeeping. Ap ■ | Ply 37 North Sixteenth street. I SUITE of two rooms, with private . use of phones; gentlemen only, j 1006 North Third street. , | TWO furnished rooms for light ; | housekeeping. Address F., 949, care ot Telegraph. . ; LARGE unfurnished front room. 1419 . j Market street. Rooms Wanted ' BY young lady, In private family near Thirteenth and Market streets; refer ence furnished if required. Address E., . care of Telegraph. ' Apartments For Kent i COMMODIOUS second floor apart-' ment. Front and Herr streets: large front porch overlooking river; electric light and gas; hardwood floors. Also garage in rear for rent. T. B. Rocka fellar. Second and North streets. Board Wanted , ® E S TL P ME N BOARDERS WANTED. li 3. North Sixth street. Wanted W *° Ineet every business i man in Harrisburg: who is anticipating J the purchase of a new safe, or making I any changes in his present one. Chan&~ j ing - combinations and grold lettering; a ! specialty. Address F. H. Stone, 4iU j Walnut street, City. BOOKS WANTED. A representative • A. Worarath. Inc., Booksellers, N. j i. City, will be in Harrisburg for a few j days prepared to pay cash for old and second-hand books of every descrip tion. State what you have. Address I Books, care of Telegraph Office. THE address of a stenographer, who will do copying at home, with or with out a machine; can furnish machine.: Address B„ 95u, care of Telegraph. ,- TO HS.I- a smal '. good-paying bust-! P .^X 111 T)a >" cash - Give full particu lars. Address C., <)44, care of Telegraph. A SECOND-IIAND reed baby coach; i must be in. good condition. 'Address i oa< h, No. 951, care of Telegraph. .TO buy good second-hand upright! piano. Must be cheap for cash. Ad dress P. O. Box 281. Business Opportunities ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers: i experience unnecessary. Send for par port N' Y Syndicate, 798, Lock- I * MADE $50,000 In Ave years in the mail order business, began with >5 < bend for free booklet. Telia how. Hea-i £Q£k ; _3os Lockport, N. Y, Business Personals Harrisburg Paste Works „ . r ..,. 1 r° N. C ameron Street PAPLRHANGERS', billposters', book hinders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone XIB6L. j FEATHER RENOVATING | fti are now Renovating Feathers, j Making Pillows and Folding Feather -Mattresses at the corner of Tenth ana Paxton streets, near Cameron. B. J i Campbell. 11ALLINU 11. W. LATIIE, Uuardinif Stable and Nutionri Traiutfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul. 1 . *hg- H. W. loathe, Manager, Fifth and I "treeta Bell phone No. | u * al l' n 8 hair try Gross' Quinine i Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the i Urugglst and Apothecary. 119 Market 1 street. Harrisburg. Fa Telephone; 1960 18 * en prompt attention. Bell. |, „ . WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL | J ca.n take a few more students. Perfect'; fitting is taught before sewing. Make ! your entire dress while learning. Don't delay coming, 22 North Fourth street. 1 MANIFACTI RBRS, TAKE NOTICE [ \ \\ E will build for you a steel and j ' concrete building suitable for your 1 business and rent same to vou. Bell ! Realty Co., Bergner Building. J REPAIRING ANI7 UPHOLSTERING i! with best material and by expert help. > Send us your worn furniture. Our beat 1 efforts Insure your satisfaction S. N. 1 ] street. j Real Estate For Sale FOR SAI,E TWO fine homes, will be finished < March 15. Nine rooms and latest and s only practical, common sense bath- 1 room. Steam heated; large front and i back porches; ornamental fixtures 1 throughout; reception hall; open stair case; laundry room and stationary 1 wash tubs; outdoor sleeping chamber i with south side exposure, size 15x8; 12 1 minutes by trolley to Market Square, c For further information call P. Vander- s 100. Masonic Temple Building, Third and 1 State streets. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS MILLER BROS. & BAKER ANNOUNCE A CHANGE IN FIRM MEMBERSHIP EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 1914. BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT THE INTEREST OF W. HARRY BAKER HAS BEEN ASSUMED BY L. F. NEEFE AND THE BUSINESS WILL IN THE FUTURE BE CONDUCTED UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF MILLER BROS. & NEEFE FEDERAL SQUARE HARRISBURG, PA. Real Estate For Sale B „ FOR SALE '• __ PROPERTY near Nineteenth and perry streets. Brick building 30 ft. by - 60 ft., with heating plant. Lot, 30 ft. 1 by 115 ft. Now occupied as a Garage. 1 Can be used for manufacturing pur poses. Well rented and an excellent opportunity for garage and repair - plant. Terms reasonable. Address N. 4 S. Badorf, 1831 Berryhlll street, Harris burg, Pa. 1 ON SHELL STREET. PROGRESS One square from trolley new double J dwelling 3-story frame nine rooms 1 each bath and steam heat front - and rear porches lot. 60x125—within 1 five-cent rare limit both for $3,800.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut ■ streets. B . NEW brick house, No. 2313 Derry > street; large front and back porches; all Improvement*; steam heat; gas and electric lights; eight rooms and bath; hardwood finish; cemented cellar. Ap- ply 1432 Derry street. CHEAP, new 3-story brick, corner, E 7 rooms and bath; all Improvements; - cemented basement, with hot and cold . water. Easy terms. Must be sold by February 15. Address J., 948, care of Telegraph. " IN LEMOYNE 2BO and 282 Herman . avenue 2^4-story frame 7 rooms . and bath room each front and rear porches lot. 35x160. Brlnton-Packer • Co., Second and Walnut streets. " $2,400* WILL BUY an uptown brick ' house 8 rooms bath gas fur , nace porch cemented cellar. Sub urban lots may also Interest you. Bell » Realty Co., Bergner Building. I 206 BRIGGS STREET 2-story | frame dwelling 6 rooms and bath hot and cold water no furnace cltv steam in street. M. A. Fought 272 North street. ' . 207 BRIGGS STREET 2-story . frame dwelling 6 rooms and bath . hot and cold water no furnace—oitv ; steam in street. M. A. Fought. 272 North street. j 933 NORTH SECOND STREET 3- story frame dwelling 9 rooms and bath all improvements size lot 16x . 80 ft. M. A. Fought, 272 North street. : 402 CUMBERLAND STREET 3- 1 story brick dwelling all improve- I ments 8 rooms and bath. M. a I ! Fought, 272 North street. 1 i J 812 GREEN STREET 3-story frame t dwelling 8 rooms and bath hot | and cold water —no furnace. M A Fought. 272 North street . ONE of the most prominent houses for transient and permanent trade In the city of Harrisburg. Address R., 923, i care of Telegraph. I $5,200 BUY'S three two-story brick • houses, which pay $47.50 per month in rent. Call Irwin M. Cassell, Real Estate i and Insurance. 219 HERR STREET 2 '4-story frame dwelling; lot. 15x105; price, $2,- 000. Bell phone 3619W, or 2012. Real Estate For Rent KUK KTIAL 1839 Zarker St $20.00 IC2B Regina St. 25.00 J. E. GIPPLE. 1251 Market Street. ' HUSTON'S SUMMER HOME, along 'the Conodoguinet creek, one mile from IHogestown; large house with conveni ences and pleasant rooms; stable; fine I boating, bathing and tlsliing. Apply A. I J. Huston, Mechanicsburg. I THREE HOUSES No. 3018 North I Second street. $2; No, 524 Peffer street, i dwelling and store room, $35; No. 1524 1 j Jefferson street. sl3. Particulars at] I Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. I 1907 NORTH FOURTH STREET, 3- story brick house; all improvements; front porch; possession at once. Apply 1* G. Dimm, Fourth and Muench 1 streets. I I THREE-STORY frame house, 12 | rooms, all Improvements, stable, lot 35x 160, SIS.OO per month. Immediate pos session, if desired. 124 West Keller ; street. Mechanicsburg, Pa. | THREE-STORY brick residence, 813 North Second street; nine rooms and ' bath; good condition; all improvements; j possession April 1. Apply on premises. i DWELLINGS NO. 40 and No. 42 South Court avenue, with conveniences; rent, SIB.OO. Chas. Adler, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. HOUSE NO. 29 South Sixteenth street, 9 rooms and bath. Rent, S2O per month, j Possession February 14, 1914. Inquire 31 North Sixteenth street. j ! THREE-STORY brick dwelling, No. j 1015 Market street; every convenience; possession at once. Inquire 213 Pine ! street. I i ... ■ ' Real Estate Wanted WOULD like to buy a farm with about 10 to 15 acres of ground. Build ings must be in fine condition and within ten miles of Harrisburg. Price must be reasonable. Address George A. Urlch, Penbrook, Pa. For Sale ~ FOR SALE I The Board of Commissioners of Pub ' lie Grounds and Buildings will offer at public sale in front of the State Capi | tol Building, at entrance Fourth and | State streets, Harrisburg, Pa., at 10 '.o'clock, a. m., February 14. 1914, the .following buildings and structures upon j the premises within the boundaries of I the proposed extension of Capitol Park, ■ In Eighth Ward, City of Harrisburg; State Street. 433-514-514 rear. Walnut Street. 414-630, Cowden Street, 124. South Street, 426-500-^4, Cranberry Street, 408, West Avenue, 532, North Street, 715. The purchaser shall pay to the Com- : monwealth of Pennsylvania, through i the office of the Superintendent of Pub-, lie Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, I Pa., by certified check or United States I Currency, the amount at which the said; building or buildings and structures, are awarded to them, as follows: A' cash payment of 25 per cent, shall be j made on day of sale and the balance! before entering upon the property to j remove the material purchased. In all cases where the premises are: unoccupied, possession will be given • the purchaser immediately. Where the premises are tenanted, possession will be given immediately after the prem ises are vacated. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any damage to property after possession Is given. 1 1 Purchaser shall state at the time of | their offer the time required to remove, the buildings and material after being j' given possession by the Common wealth, which in no case shall be long er than 60 days. All building refuse I shall be carted away from the premises' by the purchaser. All foundation walls' must be taken down and removed at l least three feet below level of street. I The Board of Commissioners of Pub-1 lie Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, i The work of removal shall be perform- ! ed under the direction of and to the:, satisfaction of the Superintendent ofi Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE: The sidewalks and street|l _ j For Salt . pavements are not to be removed by " purchaser of buildings or structures * under this schedule. [•; By order of the board, C. P. RODGERS, Secretary. I SAMUEL, B. RAMBO, £ Superintendent. '• WHITE and Buff Orpingtons, Barred Plymouth Rocks. White Leghorns and Rhode island Reds. Good breeding and 1 laying stock. Must sell on account of ~ room. Eggs for hatching and day-old ~ chicks. Custom hatching done at 3c ■ per egg. Apply 2438 Camby street, „ ; Penbrook. Pa. A. B. Davis. ' | FORD TOURING CAR. Model T. in I I very good condition. Could be convert |ed Into delivery at small expense, or ' used as Is for pleasure. >200.00 to quick purchaser. Carter. 311 Walnut street. "! . FOR SALE A FINE mottled slate parlor mantel at sacrifice price by reason of altera tions. Apply Penna. Realty & Improve ment Co., 132 Locust street. j ONE Iron bed, with springs and mat j* tress; chiffonier, porch rocker and small V articles. Call to-night or any time 1 Thursday, 29 South Sixteenth street, near Market. n FIFTEEN Utility S. C. Black Minorca ° Pullets. Your choice at $1.25 each, or I the lot for »15.00. W. F. Kendall. 228 r North Third street, or Camp Hill, Pa. " ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of * 12 pt. O. S.. with Antique Linotype " Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co., - Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE CIGAR STORE and Pool Room in a 1 good college town. Address P., 95-1, care - of Telegraph. y • - AN Aquarium, about 3 feet square, with table. Address A.. 402, care of - Telegraph. ONE Detroit Jewel gas stove; will f sell cheap. Call 2122 Pent, street. FOR SALE CAHDa on sale at the ■» Telegraph Business Office. 1 * For Rent STORE ROOM FOR RENT on the . corner of Third and Cumberland streets, No. 1200. Show windows side and front. In a live part of Harrls - burg. The largest and best market -9 house, two of the best banks and many t first-class business hovses in the same square. In center of population. Size of room 33x100 ft. 14-ft. ceiling. Up - to-datc in every particular. Rent from r April 1, $125 per month, including heat, a J. S. Sible. 256 Herr street. c i FOR HENT Desirable offleen In the 3 Telegraph Building, Htugiy or en-suttr. I Inquire uf Uuwlueoa Office. r OFFICE ROOM in the most desirable . location in the city; suitable for lawyer. Address 942, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can oe > secured at the Telegraph Business j Office. , storage 1 HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two - large brick warehouses, built ex j pressly for storage. Private ooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer ■ chandlse. Low storage rates. South i St. and Penr". R R. ; STORAGE t IN 3-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household good* In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to . | P. G. Dlener, .Jeweler, 408 Market St. , STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 cents i per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. Financial MOI OY TO LOAN on Real Estate : security In any amounts and upon any 1 terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. ; Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a r.ow plan of loaning money by which borrowers , share profits of lenders. Legal rates. easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms I 6-7, 9 North Market Square. Card of Thanks MR. AND MRS. MOSES AND FAMILY wish to extend their thanks to the friends and neighbors who were so kind during their recent bereavement by the death of their daughter, Mary. MR. AND MRS. MOSES, 1227 Fulton Street. Died REED On Wednesday, February 4, 1914, Mrs. Elsie Reed, wife of the* late John B. Reed, aged 75 years. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from her late residence. The relatives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. Flowers omitted. The Rev. Daniel Rupley will officiate. Burial In Oberlin Cemetery. Lc~-' Notices NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on the 25th day of February, A. D„ 1914, by William Al bright, H. J. Hamme and C. D."Stewart, of Harrisburg, Pa., under the Act oi Assembly entitled "An Act to provide j for the Incorporation and regulation of 'certain corporations," approved April 129, 1874, and the supplements thereto, i for the charter of an intended corpora tion to be called The Harrisburg Real Estate Co. The character and object lof which is buying, selling, leasing j renting, exchanging and holding real I estate, or mortgaging, improving the I same and erecting buildings, thereon I for dwellings and manufacturing or ! other purposes to have, possess and en | Joy all the rights, benefits, and prlv | lieges of said Act of Assembly, and sup plements thereto. C. L. McCOBB, Solicitor, j Pittsburgh, Pa. President of Republic of Peru Made Prisoner by Rebel Soldiers By Associated Press Lima, Peru, Feb. 4.—The president. lof the republic of Peru, Gulllermo ; Billinghurst, was taken prisoner to- J ■ day by military revolutionists. 1 The rebels suddenly attacked th» j presidential palace this morning under i ■ the leadership of Colonel Benavides. | General Enrique Vareia, premier I and minister of war, was killed in the j sharp fighting whictl ensued. Dr. Augusto Durand, a former revo- ] I lutionary leader, whose arrest was ( sought by the police yesterday, took i possession of the palace. It is gen- ' erally believed that he will at once j organize a new government. \ Peru's sudden revolutionary trouble j is due principally to President Billing- i hurst's earnest efforts to place the j finances of his country on a sound j basis. Ills scheme for doing this in- I volved the strictest economies through- i out the public service and naturally ! proved unpopular, particular among I office who saw their salaries ' and estimates pruned with a merciless J hand. ; MONITOR SURGEON DIES t New York, Feb. 4.—Dr. Daniel C. J Logute, former surgeon on the Monitor J and believed to be the last survivor 5 of the famous battle with the Merri- i mac, died yesterday at his home in C Bellmore, Long Island. He was born ( In Otisville, Orange county, N. Y., In j 1832. . i Few Variations in Prices of Stock Quotations Today After Few Minutes of Early Trading Market Eases Off Very Slightly By Auoeiatid Prtss New York, Feb. 4. There were few variations of Importance at the begin ning of business to-day. After a few minute* of trading, however, the mar ket eased off slightly. Rock Island, St. Paul. Pfd., and western Maryland lost n point. General Motors fell back four points to flfty-two, as compared with yesterday's high price of sixty-three. Furnlahed by H. W. SNAVBLY, Arcade Building. New York. Feb. *. Open. 2.50 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines .23 23% Amal. Copper 77 American Can 31% ' American Can pfd). .. 93% Am. C. & F 53% American Cotton Oil 44% 44% Am. Ico Securities.. .. 2 8 Am. Locomotive 36 American Smelting ... 70% ' American T. & T 122% Anaconda .. 38% Atchison 99 Baltimore & Ohio .. .. 95% Bethlehem Steel 30 Bethlehem Steel pfd 77 77 Brooklyn R. T 92 % California Petroleum .. 29% Canadian Pacific .. 219% Central Leather ... .. 29% Chesapeake & Ohio. .. 67% C„ M. & St. P 106% Chlno Con. Copper ... 43% Col. F. & 1 33% Corn Products 12% Distilling Securities . 17% 18% Erie 31% Erie Ist pfd 4 9 Goodrich, B. F 26% Goodrich, B. F., pfd 91 Great Northern pfd 134% Great Nor. Ore subs. 38% 38% Interboro-Met 16 Interboro-Met. pfd 61% Lehigh Valley 154% Louis. & Nashville 139% Mex. Petroleum 71% Mo., Kan. & Texas . 23 23 Missouri Pacific 27% Nev. Con. Copper 16 % New York Central 94% N. Y., N. H. & H 72% Norfolk & Western 105% Northern Pacific 117% Penna. R. R 113% Pittsburgh Coal 23 Pittsburgh Coal pfd. . . 93 Pressed Steel Car . 44 44 I Ray Con. Copper .... 20 Reading 168% Republic Iron & S. 26% Rock Island 95% Rock Island pfd 15% Southern Pacific .... 98% Southern Railway ... 28% Southern Ry. pfd. . 84% 85 Tennessee Copper ... 35% Texas Company 147 Union Pacific 164 162% U. S. Rubber 59% 60 U. S. Steel 65% U. S. Steel pfd 111% Utah Copper 55% Va. Car Chem 31 30% Wabash . 3 3 Western Maryland 32% Western Union Tel.. .. 64 Westingliouse Mfg.. .. 72 Woolworth 100% STRANGE DISEASE FOUND By Associated Press Grove City, Pa., Feb. 4. Nearly 1,000 residents of Groce City are suf fering from a strange malady which physicians are unable to name. The disease resembles winter cholera and is contagious. Many persons were stricken in church Sunday and were removed to their homes. So many men are ill that several industrial plants are crippled severely. MONUMENT TO KEARNEY fly Associated Press Washington, D. C., Feb. 4. —An equestrian statue of Major-General Phil Kearney, killed In the Battle of Chantilly, Va., in 1862, is to be erected in Arlington National Cemetery by the State of New Jersey with the ap proval of Secretary Garrison. It will be the first equestrian statue to be erected in the cemetery, as heretofore no permit for such a monument has been given. GIRI>, 16, ENDS HEII LIFE Pottsville, Pa.. Feb. 4.—Ruth Schoff stall, 16, of Tremont. was found on a porch at Pinegrove this morning with an empty carbolic acid bottle by her side and died an hour later. It is said that she went away with a traveling man yesterday and was caught by a relative and sent home from Pine grove. VALUABLE PICTURE STOLEN Morrlstown, N. J., Feb. 4, The housekeeper at the home of the Misses Margaret and Susan Rawes to-day discovered that thieves had cut from its frame a Madonna ascribed to Rap hael, which the sisters obtained abroad years ago. Nothing also in the house was touched. The picture had been removed apparently by ex perts. The Misses Hawes are in Italy. TIIF. NEW MARCUS AURELIUS A tnan of tact and moral principles j should not complain of his mistress' infidelity to her husband. He should | rather boar such unhapptness in silent i and dignified woe. , Life is not only painful and tiresome | but also expensive and extremely wasteful of time. Never judge people according to their clothes. Even a man who wears a velvet necktie can be a human being. A girl who has a different lover for i every day in the week is sure to be methodical and trustworthy; but if J she has more than seven lovers she is ! flighty and frivolous. The fact that you despise Shakes-' peare does not prove conclusively that j you are a dramatic genius. Poverty Is not a crime, but it usually leads to it. —February Smart Set. j«H?CH>OOCKHJaOOCK>t>oi ers, ll@i 12c; ducks, 16© 18c; do., spring ?i'£M R o geese, 15@17c; turkeys. 16 Mjp 18c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 17® 18c; do., medium sizes, 16®16c; do., small, li® 14c; old roosters, 14c; roast ing chickens, fancy, 19®20c; broil ing chickens, fancy. 20:!:)r. do f-ilr 18® 19c; turkeys, fancy, 24@25c; do. 'a-ir, 20®23c; ducks, ll®18c; geese 11® 16c. i Potatoes Weak; New York and Eastern. 75®78c; Western, per bushel, 75@78c; .Jersey, per basket, 20%50c. Flour—The market is steady; winter, V" , 'V/ 1 '" 1 straiunta. Penn sylvania, $4.05®4.55; western, $4.15® V o ', .Patents, $4.50@4.86; Kansas, straight, Jute sacks, $4.10®4.30; spring, ' * ls . clear. $-1.u0w4.20: straight.s•( Hi, „ patent*. $4.60fffM.65 The market is weak; tim othy, No. 1,, large bales, $17.50018.00; •S2? lum bales. $17.00®17.60; No. 2, $16.00016.50; No. 3, $14.00@16.00. ~ entr n,ixed: Light mixed, $16.00® No - 1,515.00® 15.50; No. 2, $14.00 @14.50. CHICAGO CATTLE! By Associated Press Chicago, 111,, Feb. 4. Hogs Re- Cf'P*?. MOO; steady. Bulk of sales, $8.35 @8.45; light, $8.15®8.46; mixed, $8.20© 8.45; heavy $8.16®8.50; rough, $8.15® 8.2o; pigs, $6.75®8.25. Cattle Receipts, 15,000; steady. ? e 0 e n? s ' **>.90@9.50; Texas steers. $6.90 <5 s -°0; stockers and feeders, $5.40® 8.00; cows and heifers, $3.50@8.40; calves, $7.50® 10.50. Sheep— Receipts. 17,000; steady. Na tive. $4.70®6.00; yearlings, $5.70@6.85; lambs, native, $6.75@7.85. SHOES GIVEN ON BOW ERY IN MEMORY OF "TIM" SULLIVAN By Associated Press New York, Feb. 4.—On the Bowery to-day there is a continuous procession of new shoes and the wearers are blessing the memory of "Big Tim" Sullivan, member of Congress and for years the political dictator of Lower East Side. Yesterday, the anniversary of the birth of Mr. Sullivan's mother, the beneficiaries of his estate con tinued the custom established by him years ago of distributing shoes to all who called at the rooms of the Tim othy D. Sullivan Association, the or ganization through which he collected the vote of the East Side. ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY; STEAL OTHER SIX DAYS By Associated Press New York, Feb. 4.—Following bur glary as a business six days a week, attending church services on Sunday and throwing away religious trinkets which they stole because it was op posed to their scruples to sell such articles, Charles and Gustave Beeke, brothers, to-day continued to point out to detectives the victims of their many operations in Brooklyn. To the police the brothers con fessed to having committed one rob bery daily for six months, except on Sunday. I "V[OW is the time to be planning the building of your own home. The most ideal place in which to locate it is BELLEVUE PARK. For Prices, Terms, Etc., apply Bellevue Park Sales Office 2nd Floor Mi.ler Bros. & Baker Building Bell 'Phone 3551 Locust & Court Sts. > 1 ~ Our facilities for handling lumber are the best in the city; we are, therefore, able to furnish GOOD LUMBER AT LOWEST PRICES. Wittenmyer Lumber Co., sZmsu. MONEY TO LOAN If legal rates and easy terms, combined with HONEST METHODS, la what you are looking for, you have found the placa. WE BOTH LOSE If you go elsewhere Let us prove this to your satisfaction And tou a . r^.A s " ur S, < ? ot . PROMPTNESS. PRIVACY, COURTESY and CONSIDER. ATION. We "make good our promises. Come and ••• us. Writ* or phone to Pennsylvania Investment Company NO. 132 WALNUT STREET. HAHRISBURG. PA. BELL. PHONE. Office Hoursi BA. M. to aP. M. Saturday, BA. M. to 8.80 P. M. 2 .7 In New York City during 1913 Automobiles caused 302 deaths, Trolley cars 108 and Wagons 132 ARE YOU INSURED AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Edwin J. Fager & Son No. 31 North Second Street INSURANCE IN AML ITS BRANCHES 15 PUBLIC SALE of Valuable City Property QIC SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1914, AT 1.80 P. M. IX FRONT OF THE COURT HOUSE IX THE CITY OF HARRISBURG, PA. Will b« offered at public sale that moat desirable property, consisting of three dwellings, situate at and known by the numbers 1808, 1805, 1807, State state, Harris burg, Pa. This property front* fifty-five (65) feet on said State street and extends back a dis tance of one hundred and sixty five (165) feet, more or less, to an alley at the rear, and con sists of three eight-room brick houses equipped with electric I light, gas, steam heat, bath, all modern improvements and all easily rentable at attractive rentals. The houses are com paratively new, having been built but a matter of thres years, are easy of access and lo cated In one of the best resi dence sections of the city. This is an exceptional oppor tunity to purchase residence property which Is attractive as an investment. These properties will be of fered separately and as a whole. Terms will be made known on ilay of sale by Isaac I. Wingert \Executor of the Estate of Wil liam V. Starllper, Deceased. | REAL ESTATE ' FOR SALE Several select Allison Hill resi dences in good locations. A good selection of Investment properties at reasonable prices. A special bargain house on East iMarket street J. E. GIPPLE 1251 MARKET STREET V———————_ MONET FOR BAL.ARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Ailnni* A Co., n. 304, 8 !*. Market Sq. MONEY to loan in amounts of $5 to S2OO to honest working peo ple without bank credit at cheaper rates than the law of 1913 allows. Comparison of our rates, terms and methods of doing business with other loan of fices will convince the most skeptical borrower that this is the place to come in time of need. Open daily 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut Street THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen lary will be open dally except Suad&r a: 8 P. M.. at its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor.