Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 04, 1914, Image 1

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" j v stato Library , t , . ..
__ / Harris burg Pa .'•
Franklin Coitftff "Bad Men" Who Kille
LXXXIII— \No. 30
Chamber of Commerce, Improve
ment and Municipal Leagues
Are in the Fight
Death Trap to Hundreds of Work
men Shown by Slides at
Big Mass Meeting
Unanimous action favoring: a sub
way beneath the Pennsylvania Rail
road tracks at Division street the
only logical entrance to Wildwood
Park —was taken last night at a large
ly attended mass meeting held in
Camp Curtin school building by the
West End Improvement League, pre
sided over by Robert A. Enders.
In this move the West End boost
ers were given emphatic endorsement
by Mayor John K. Royal, and repre
sentatives of the Marrlsburg Chamber
of Commerce, Municipal League and
Citizens' Association of Riverside.
Facts substantiating the arguments
of the members of the West End Im
provement League were presented in
an interesting and intelligent manner
by George Tippett, a member of the
committee which for several months
has been planning to have Division
street opened for the accommodation
of the public, with the necessary cross
ing and protection, until such time as
better facilities can be provided.
Pictures Prove Point
Mr. Tippett, with the aid o' stere
opticon views, showed Wildwood Park
and its surroundings, including the at
tractive scenery and entrances to the
park, and then presented a series of
pictures to prove the value of Division
Btreet as an entrance to Wildwood
Park, showing how this was impas
sable because of the blockade of thir
ty-two tracks, a crossing half way
over that is blocked all t\e time with
cars and the lack of a watchman for
protection of pedestrians.
Mr. Tippett in his-remarks said that
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
practically stole Division street for its
own use and said in part:
Only Two Outlets
"The West End section starts at
Forster street and ends at Division
street. In this territory there are 41,-
000 people and but two unobstruc\ed
outlets from the west to the east side
of the railroad, at Herr street and
Maclay street.
"Below Forster street there are only
21,000 people with five outlets to the
Eastern section of the city. State
Btreet, Market street. Mulberry street.
Paxton street and Dock street bridges
have been provided.
"To get to Wildwood Park one now
must pay a 10 cent car fare to the
Linglestown road or walk two or more
miles to the upper end of AVildwood
Park, or walk by way of Maclay and
Cameron streets, a distance of two
Division Street Jx>gical Entrance
"If Harrisburg's reputation for its
excellent park system is to be con- 1
tinued and facilities afforded for easy
access to Wildwood Park, then Divi
sion street is the only logical entrance
and should be provided with a sub
"In addition to the need for this '
improvement in order to add to the 1
value of Wildwood Park as an attrac
tive place to visit with its large lake, '
beautiful natural scenery and fiorai !
beauties, there is a class of men who 1
need consideration.
"The Pennsylvania Railroad has
committees going up and down their
system for the purpose of providing
safety first methods for the protec- ,
tlon of life and limb, but these com
mittees are overlooking Division street
with its blocked crossing, making it
necessary for from 300 lo 400 men to
climb over cars lo get to and from
[Continued oil 1 'age X]
Late News Bulletins
Philadelphia, Fell, I.—The State Supreme Court here to-day grant
ed n change of venue to luhuird M. liigclow. State highway commis
sioner, and tlm-e of his suhiirdiilutcs who are under indictment In
Schuylkill county, charged with failure to keep public roads In repair.
The Supreme Court ordered that the men he tried in ♦lie Dauphin coun
ty court.
New York, - Feb. 4.—Joseph Cassidy, former Democratic boss of
Queens county, and William Wlllett, a former congressman, were sen
tenced to-day to serve a year and six months in Sing Sing; Prison and to
pay SI,OOO fine,
Lima, Peru, Feb. 4. —President Billinghurst has been taken by the
rebels as a prisoner to Callao, from which port he will be sent into
exile in a foreign country.
New Orleans, Feb. I.—Dealers In war material here to-day began
to prc|>are supplies for shipment to rebels in Northern Mexico as a
result of the decision of President Wilson to lift the embargo on ship
ments of munitions of war into the southern republic. About one hun
dred men are working at warehouses packing rifles, cartridges and ma
cldne guns.
Chambcrsburg, Feb. 4.—Abe Barnes died at 12.45 from the wound
Inflicted by the State police, lie was 34 years old. He said he did not
mean to kill Daywalt.
Dr. J. M. J. Itaunick and a party of officials and newspaper men
made an Inspection trip through another section of the "slums" of the
a ' tc rnoon in an effort to learn more about housing conditions.
1 hiladclphlu, Feb. 4.—Because of the prolonged mild weather the
anthracite COHI companies are continuing to curtail their output. The
collieries of the Susquehanna Coal Company will be shut down to-night
for the remainder of the week, and those of the Heading company will
lie closed to-morrow night for the week.
Philadelphia, Feb. 4.—John H. Jones, formerly general coal freight
ageot of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company, died to-day
of heart trouble. Mr. Jones retired from the railway service in 1907
when he attained the age or seventy years. He served In the Civil War
and was a cleric on the staff of General Howard.
. , *•—Counsel began to sum up to-day at the second
trial of Hans Schmidt for the murder of Anna Aumuller. The first trial
resulted in a disagreement.
, Minn.. Feb. 4.—Five men are dead and seven seriously ln
jerded in a lire which destroyed a hotel at Kelleher near here to-day.
New York Ciosing.—Amal. Copper, 77%; Atchison, 98%;TaIti
more-Ohlo, 94Mi; Brooklyn-Rapid Trans., 01%; Canadian Pacific
218%; Chesapeake-Ohio, 36%; Lehigh Valley, 153% ; New York Cen'
tral, »4V,; Northern Pacific, 117* ;Reading, 168% sZuifW Pachic"
98%; Union Pacific, 153; V. S. s£el, 05%; P. R. R„ 113™. '
Situation Unprecedented Since
Outbreak of Internal
U. S. Soldiers, However, on Border
Will Remain on Duty For
Some Time
By Associated Press
Washington, D.' C., Feb. 4. The
right to ship arms and ammunition
across the American boundary Into
Mexico through the regular channels
of commerce to-day was extended to
both the forces of the Huerta govern
ment and the constitutionalists —a sit
uation ynprecendented since the first
outbreak of internal hostilities in that
republic in November, 1910.
Instructions went forth to customs
agents of the American government
along the border, as well as to the
army officers in charge of the border
patrol, notifving them of the procla
mation by President Wilson raising
the embargo on arms.
The border patrol insofar as it has
been preventing the smuggling of
arms, may now relax its vigilance to
some extent, though its services still
will be required to prevent maraud
ing bands from crossing the inter
national line or to keep armed com
batants from moving back and forth
from one country Into the other.
Unlike Any Situation
The status of the arms question is
unlike any situation that has hitherto
existed, though its operation will re
semble more closely than anything
else the state of affairs existing be
fore the joint resolution of Congress
of March 14, 1912, was put into effect.
Whereas the United States at that time
permitted consignments of arms to
pass through at those customs houses
held by the, regularly constituted gov
ernment, it allowed no shipments
through other ports of entry even
though occupied for months by revo
lutionarv forces. The constitution
alists hold most of the customs houses
on the Mexican side of the interna
[Continued on Page 12]
Would 1 Prohibit Divorce
in AH United States by
Constitutional Amendment
By Associated Press
Washington. D. C., Feb. 4.—Divorce
with the right to remarry would be
prohibited forever in the United States
and in all places under the nation's
jurisdiction by an amendment to the
federal Constitution proposed in tht>
Senate to-day by Senator Ransdeli, of
Louisiana. Enactment of uniform di
vorce laws for all States and Terri
tories, with provision for separation
without permission to remarry, would
be directed by the amendment.
"If the United States were to write
in the Constitution an amendment pro
hibiting absolute divorce, said the sen
ator, "it would not be taking such a
radical step as might at first be
thought, but would be following a
beaten path. Our own State of South
Carolina —all honor to her—forbids
divorce. It is absolutely prohibited in
Italy, Spain and to two-thirds of the
population of Austria-Hungary, while
the Latin American countries of Mex
ico, Argentine Republic, Brazil, Peru,
Chile and others have similar laws."
Baltimore, lid., Feb. 4.—The con
dition of Congressman Bremner, of
New Jersey, who has been lying at the
point of death for several days at a
sanatorium here with cancer, was
weaker to-day. No hope whatever
was held out for so much as a tem
porary recovery and his death was
momentarily expected.
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The Telegraph presents herewith etchings of two of the lantern slide
views shown at the West End Improvement Association's meeting last
evening. They illustrate the need of a subway at Division street. The
upper looks east from the tin mill and the lower shows the dip into Wild
wood park and illustrates the contention of the association that the sub
way would not require much grading.
Will FIGHT Eli!
No-License League to Oppose All
Attempts to Transfer of
Immediate action against several
new license applications will be taken
by the Dauphin County No-Dicens©
League, which was given permanent
organization at a meeting yesterday
afternoon at Masonic Temple. The
constitution and by-laws adopted place
the business in the hands of the ex
ecutive committee.
The league authorized the secretary
to call the executive committee to
gether for plans to make remonstrance
against all new applications. The
eight licenses held by men in the
Eighth ward where the Capitol Park
extension will drive them out will be
fought so that they are not transferred
to any other point in the city. The
Lancaster Hotel, mentioned In the re
port of Colonel Hutchison to the Jan
uary criminal court, was mentioned as
one against which a remonstrance
would be made, and the Paxtonla Inn
Is another against which It is said the
league will take action.
These officers were elected after It
was decided to defer the election of a
president for a short time: Vice-presi
dent, Harvey Knupp; secretary, Ben
jamin Whitman; treasurer, J. Henry
Spicer. The executive committee con
sists of the Rev. J. H. Daugherty, of
the Civic Council of Churches; Mrs. M.
Marjorie Stees, of the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance Union; J. Frank Pal
mer, of the Christian Endeavor So
ciety; J. Gilbert Aldinger, Dauphin
County Sabbath School Association;
the Rev. Alfred Kelley, Anti-Saloon
League; the Rev. A. S. Lehman, Hum
melstown; O. B. Leese, Linglestown;
I the Rev. J. W. Boyer, Williamstown;
Aaron Daniels, Gratz; H. M. Miller,
Ellzabethville; Dr Seabold, Millers
burg, and the Rev. Clarence B. Fen
! ton, Halifax.
I Before February 18, the last day for
j filing remonstrunces, it is the plan of
tho league to have every force against
j the saloon lined up. Reports were
' received of the work in the upper end
| of the city, where sixty petitions are
| out against the attempt of Isaac Mar
cus to get a wholesale liquor license
at 1103 North Third street. The league
!i promised aid In this fight and called
on the whole county to help.
Dirty Dairies Are
Denounced by Douglas
Causes of bad milk and methods by
I which good milk can be secured were
shown In a stereoptlcon lecture given
by Dr. Henry R. Douglas, City Milk
Inspector, at the Academy of Medicine
last night.
Dr. Douglas showed dairy scenes
and followed the milk in pictures from
the cow to the home. Dirty dairies
and careless handling were vividly
shown in the pictures and denounced
by Dr. Douglas. He declared that
dirty cows, filthy stables, unsanitary
milk houses and careless farmers
caused the poor milk supply In cities.
He said farmers must he Induced to
handle milk carefully by showing the
> public who are the best milkmen.
Secretary of Labor Wilson De
clines to Be the Victim of
the Democracy
By Associated Press
Washington, Feb. 4.—Representative A.
Mitchell Palmer will be a candidate in
the Democratic primaries for governor
]of Pennsylvania and Justice S. Leslie
Mestrezat will make the race for the
United States Senate, while Secretary
Wilson of the Department of Labor,,
will remain in the cabinet, declining
to be a senatorial candidate.
This was decided upon to-day by a
conference of Pennsylvania Democra
tic leaders after talking with President
Wilson. Participating in the confer
ence were Representative Palmer, Sec
retary Wilson, ex-Mayor Vance C. Mc-
ICormick, of Harrisburg, and Roland
iS. Morris, of Philadelphia, Democra
tic State chairman.
To Plan Fight on
Cameron St. Saloon
at Mass Meeting
First Ward residents are making
a stubborn fight against the attempt
of Patrick T. Sullivan, an Eighth
ward saloon keeper, to move to 854
South Cameron street.
Many signatures have been placed
on remonstrances which are being cir
culated. A mass meeting of protest
will be held on Saturday afternoon
at 3.30 in Trinity Lutheran Church.
Speakers will include the Rev. R. M.
Meisenhelder and the Rev. Harrv B
The Harrisburg Colored Nursery
Home was visited to-day by Bromley
Wharton, secretary and general agent
of the State Board of Charities, and
W. J. McGarry, assistant general agent,
on a tour of inspection. Mr. Wharton
will recommend that certain changes
be made in the conduct of the place.
By Associated Press
Heilbronn, Germany, Feb. 4.—A life
sentence in an asylum for the crim
inal insane was pronounced here to
day on a school teacher named Wag
ner, who on September 5, after set
ting fire to the village of Muehlhau
sen, Wuerttemberg, murdered his wife
and four children and afterward shot
26 villagers, killing ten of them. The
court found that "Wagner was ir
responsible when he committed the
crime, as he was suffering from the
mania of persecution."
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Feb. 4.—Since
the Federal Board of Mediation and
Arbitration was created but a few
months ago eighteen cases of a serious
nature have been laid before it and
all of them have been settled amicably
either through mediation or arbitra
tion. according to a report by the
board to-day.
Commissioner of Parks Taylor An
nounces Plan For Solv
ing Problem
To Be Paid From Loan; From
Verbeke to Calder Streets
Section to Go
One whole block of the "Hardscrab
ble" district will likely he removed
to make way for a great city play
ground along the river front.
From Verbeke to Calder streets is
the block Intended for the purpose.
Funds for the project, should the
movement be successful, will be pro
vided from the SIOO,OOO park and
playground improvement loan.
By this plan the "Hardscrabble"
problem could be partially solved, a
fine playground Ideally located In a
congested district provided, and the
necessary money for the Improvement
made easily available, it Is believed.
Details of the scheme and the ques
tion of the legal status of the proposed
move are matters that are yet to be
worked out.
If the plan proves feasible the initial
! steps will be taken just as soon as the
| money is obtained by the issue of the
park improvement bonds.
■ | Taylor Announces His Plan
Ij Announcement of this Idea was
made yesterday by City Commissioner
Al. Harvey Taylor, superintendent of
parks and public property, following
a tour of inspection over the "Hard
scrabble" district and the adjacent
' water front with Park Commissioner
William E. Bailey and J. R. Hoffert,
assistant superintendent and engineer
for the park board.
"Of course the plans are only ttenta
tlve as yet," said Commissioner Tay
lor, "hut I've gone over the ground
with Mr. Bailey and the park board
engineer and to my mind the scheme
is an excellent one.
"Unquestionably It would help solve
the 'Hardscrabble' problem, I think.
Then, too, it will give the city a play
ground In a district where It will be
badly needed and where It will be
splendidly located. ,
Playground Along River Front
"Could one think of a better place
for a playground than along the Sus
quehanna—especially when Harris
burg's river front is finished? Moth
ers could take their children there and
enjoy not only the river scenery, the
air, the trees and so on, but they
would have the added advantage of
being at hand while their little ones
are at play."
"How would the city acquire the
ground? Has any line of action been
decided upon?" Commissioner Taylor
was asked.
"No, not yet. As I said before the
whole idea is only in the formative
stage as it were, and the details are
yet to be worked out. The city solici
tor will be asked as to how we could
"Would the properties in question
be acquired by condemnation proceed
Pay For It From Pnrk I/oan
"That Is the way It would be done
I've no doubt unless we could pur
chase the property In question to as
good, or better advantage. But as I
say, I'm not sure just what method
of procedure will be adopted along
that line."
"The money could be provided for
from the park loan, couldn't It?"
"Yes, that Is the only way, I sup
pose, that the funds could he pro
vided. The double purpose of elimi
nating the 'Hardscrabble' district or a
portion of It at least, and at the same
time helping to continue the park and
playground system, can be readily
"My view of the matter is that we
should try to get the upper section of
Hardscrabble —that portion lying be
tween Verbeke and Calder streets,"
concluded the Commissioner of Parks,
"that would provide wide, ample space
for a fine playground. Just when the
matter will come to a head I can't say
but we're working on the details
She Refused to Marry
Him, So He Tried to
Give Her Black Eyes
Because she refused to marry him.
Francesco Jullano, 210 South Second
street, last evening tried to give Mins
Emilia Donoto two black eyes, accord
ing to testimony given last evening at !
a hearing before Alderman Hilton. !
According to Emilia, who had Fran- '
cesco arrested on an assault and bat
tery charge, honey would not have
turned sour in her lover's mouth until
she said the final No! and then he ]
struck her In the right eye. He struck '
her again she told the alderman, the i
left eye receiving the impact of the t
second blow. ' <
2 "Bad Men" Who Killed
Policeman Captured After
One Is Mortally Wounded
Barnes Brothers, Mountaineers, Fire on Sheriff's Posse
From Barricaded House ; State Trooper Shoots Slay
er of Policeman by Clever Ruse; Officer Murdered
While Taking Part in Running Pistol Battle in the
Special to The Telegraph
.^ n ff boro '. P "' F ? b - 4.—William Day wait, a Waynesboro poll reman,
was Miot through the a Women and almost instantly killed last night by
, a "bad man*' of Glen Pumey, a mountain village near
WajiH'shoro'' en * w h s brother William, he was ordered out of
lnnd hm' ,m " U(1 w "" am to their home In the forest near the Mary-
men ": ore captured to-day after a fight with the sheriff and a
rnP n which Aliram was mortally wounded.
.. , Th ,V "* ht occurred at Glen Furney. Abram confessed to the murder of
ua> wait alter his arrest.
Barnes Hoys "Got Dmnfe"
I The Barnes boys went to Waynes-
II boro last night and as usual "got
j drunk. About 10.30 o'clock they
, were ordered from the streets by Day
wait because of their noise and pro
fa",ty- , They went up an alley and
called back that they would "get"
Daywalt. He followed and they shot
- nve shots at him in the alley. Day
wait then called Chief of Police Staley.
While Staley followed the pair Day
wait went after a warrant.
The chief and another officer, named
Harris, followed the Barnes boys, who
left the town and took to tho ro.*d.
. I There Daywalt, following in a cab,
t Joined the police.
The Running Battle
Staley and Daywalt went after the
I S e fi ng men ' who had taken to the
nelds. The police and the fugitives
exchanged shots and Daywalt, being
faster, gained on the Barnes boys.
Staley heard Daywalt suddenly ex
claim "They hit me," and when he
reached his associate found him on
his hands and knees.
Daywalt told his chief he was dying
I collapsed and was dead in a few min
. utes. Word was sent back to Waynes
boro and to Chamberaburg. Sheriff
' George Walker and State Policeman
Curtis Davies organized several posses.
, It was after midnight when Walker
. and Davies, accompanied by a posse,
i reached the Barnes home. Upon their
appearance the Barnes boys opened
' " r ®- Some of their bullets barely
t missed the sheriff and his men. The
L party returned to Waynesboro and
» e 2 P rl> l * hlß morning renewed their
, efforts to arrest Daywalt's murderers.
Canjclit by Ruse
Approaching the Barnes' home they
I saw a team driven by Barnes' sister,
) Rose, going in the direction of a house
where the outlaws had gone into hid
[ lng. Davies got into the wagon and
, ordered the girl to drive ahead. When
, the team reached the house the Barnes
boys came running out. Davies, from
the buggy, leveled his gun at the
elder Barnes and ordered him to
throw up his hands. Barnes started to
run and Davies fired, the load enter
ing his left side. The man fell, mor
tally wounded. Meanwhile the posse
closed in on William Barnes and cap
tured him. The elder Barnes made a
statement admitting the killing of the
policeman. The younger brother was
handcuffed and taken to Wavnesboro
where Magistrate Potter committed
him to Jail without bail.
Physicians from Waynesboro hur
ried to Glen Furney to attend tho
dying man.
Daywalt, who was killed, is from
Emmitsburg, Md. He came to
Waynesboro five years years ago. He
is survived by a wife and six small
Democratic Party Is
on Record Against
Woman's Suffrage
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Feb. 4.—The
Democratic party was formally placed
on record to-day as opposed to na
tional legislation conferring the right
of suffrage on women by Majority
Leader Underwood on the floor of the
Representative Underwood declared
he believed, with the party, that the
suffrage question was fofr the States
and not the national government to
Dr. J. M. J. Raunick is looking for
a negro, short and fat, who tried to
obtain admission to a house yesterday
by saying he was an inspector for
the City Health Bureau. The man
came to the home of W. Leinmy, 141
North Cameron street, and said he
was from the Board of Health. He
wanted to inspect the plumbing In the
house. Mr. Lemmy was suspicious and
refused him admittance. Dr Raunick
learned of It this morning, and is
waiting to catch the man if he turns
up again.
By Associated Press
Glasgow, Scotland, Feb. 4.—Two
destructive fires, the work of suffra
gette "arson" squads, caused heavy
damage to-day in the neighborhood
of Perthshire village of Comrle, fa
mous for its Druidical and Roman
By Associated Press
Boston, Mass., Feb. 4. —Public library
employes may benefit by a pension
fund through the delay of studious or
careless readers in returning books If
a recommendation made by the trus
tees to the mayor in their annual re-
I port made public to-day Is carried out.
I It Is proposed by the trustees to de
vote the fines collected on overdue
books to retiring on a pension em
ployes worn out in the service of the
library. The fines amount to over
16,000 a year.
The Harrisburg Life Underwriters'
Association will hold a meeting on
February 6 at the Engineers' Club.
The speaker of the evening will be
Ernest J. Clark, president of the Na
tional Association of Life Under
Would Find Suitable Room in Each
Building Where Work Can
Be Taught
An inspection tour through the
grade schools of the city for the pur
pose of planning domestic science
courses in tho lower grades will be
decided upon at the meeting of the
school board on Friday night.
William A. 8011, chairman of the
special committee appointed to look
into the proposition of putting a do
mestic science course in grades below
the high schools, said this morning
that he hoped to have the committee
visit each building in the district by
next week and determine whether in
stallation of the course would be prac
On the committee are these direc
tors: President, Harry A. Boyer,
Adam Houtz and A. F. Werner.
At the meeting Friday night the
whole board will be asked to discuss
the matter, Mr. 801 l said, and if pos
sible, tentative plans made that the
inspection can be more intelligently
made. The committee wants to find
!a suitable room in each building where
all the pupils taking the course will
receive instruction in cooking, sewing
and other household work.
The flnanpe committee meets on
Thursday night, but Mr. 801 l says
nothing of importance will come up
except the payment of bills.
For Harrlnburg and vicinity: Pair
to-nlglit and Thuradayg colder to
night, with lowest temperature
about VR degree*.
For Eastern Pennsylvania! Fall
and colder to-night and Thurs
day; light went winds.
The river and all Ita tributaries w«I
fall to-night and Thursday.
General Conditions
It 1* somewhat warmer In the Mid
dle and North Atlantic Mates.
Alabama, Tennesaee and la the
Interior of North Carolina and
much colder in the Ohio Valley.
''"■fV. r «K'»n. lower Missouri,
Middle and Upper Miaalssippl val
Temperaturei N a. in., 2«» * p. m., 441.
Sunr Risen, 7ilß a. m.| sets, 5i40
I*. in.
Moon i Full moon, January 10, 12iSS
P> m.
River Stage: 8.« feet above low
water mark.
Yeaterday'a Weather
Highest temperature, 40.
Lowest temperature, 29.
Mean temperature, 34.
Normal temperature, 28.
William r. Myers. Wormleysbur*.
and Reba I. Bard, cltyi!
Ugo lachelll, Hers'hey, and Natalie
Corsi, Swatara.
Mike Koren and Mary Horwath. Steel
Two Can Push
Harder Than One
That '« llteraliy true when
both are pushing in the same di
It clearly states the case re
garding the new Idea of co-oper
ative work between dealer and
manufacturer for the pushing of
goods advertised in the news
In this case both are pushing
in the same direction towards In
creased sales and better service
to the consumer.
It Is the most parctlcal mer
chandising idea that has been
suggested in half a century and
is another evidence of the great
power peculiar to the newspa
pers of this country as a sales
producing agency.
Advertisers long ago realised
that the newspapers were the
surest and most efficient adver
tising medium.
But they did not begin to reach
the great depths of productive,
ness which the newspapers af
forded, until the possibilities of
co-operative campaigning became
This year more articles of
national reputation will be ad
vertised in the newspapers than
ever before, and In nearly every
Instance this will be backed up
by earnest exploitation on the
part of the local merchants.
Any manufacturer or mer
chant interested in this co-oper
ative work is invited to address
the American Newspaper Pub
lishers Association. Bureau of
Advertising World Building, New
York City.
Booklet on request.