EX-MEMBERS OF CITY GRAYS— OLD PARADE— I9OS - <-C In the above picture the ex-members of the City Grays are as follows: Platoon Commanders: E. Laubensteln Harman A. Perkins John B. Fisher Philip German In line—Prom left to right. Robert Bender (fanner) William W. L>nch John Y. West A. W. Davis Ed. Huggins DeWitt Fry William Reese Albert L. Dunn, Jr. liarry C. Young J. R. Poffenberger Frank D. Boyer Frank Fisher James Fahnestock J. A. Orth Alex. W. Bergstresser Charles Wennel William H. Slentz Wilmer Crow Harry Davis William Bentley Christian fJauss George Royce Monroe Cassell W. C. Henry Charles Barnita Frank Bell A. G. Keet Ernest A. Miller Thornton A. Bell J. B. Laurie Edward C. Humer George Barnits Andrew Marshbank Thomas S. Peters • T. W. Burd W. C. Shellenberger William D. Block George Adams Samuel L. Killough J. F. Rohrer Clinton Heyd John Bulger H. Bender Frank Fahnestock William Eberly James Reedy William M. Malley Domer C. Harris L. Hippie J. J. Houser Ed. C. West William H. Hoyer D. Miller Mailey Chas. Fisher Frank L. Hutter 'Con>pil*c l by Lieui. Cbar/esP M«ck \nmsT amvoAve ' art-ox** L-" " 'I MEMBER OF C/TY MAYS 1 1 '.I ELEVENTH SECTION YKTKRAN ASSOCIATION OF FIRST CITY ZOUAVES AH® CITY <»R*YS (Continued) j| ~ | |, I #- t /f jo* i MAJOR JOHN T. ENSMINGER, President Veteran Association. Major and Aide-de-Camp on staff of Major-General Thomas Jordan, Fifth Division, N. G. P., under Governor Geary—lß7o. Aide-de-Camp and Paymaster, with rank of Major, on staff of Major- General J. K. Siegfried, Fourth Division, N. G. P., under Governor Hart ranft—lß74. First City Zouaves and City Grays Veteran Bodies Veteran Associations of Members of the First City Zouaves and City Grays have organized at different times, and reunions and banquets have been held at intervals in order to keep up interest in every way in the work of the present active Na- Every Rheumatic Should Read This A Certain Way to Cure KfcenmatUm and Stop Pains In 48 Honrs If any ono suffering from Rheuma . tism, Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica or Neu ' ralgia, will try this treatment, it will be found to positively stop all pains In side of 48 hours, and if continued, can be absolutely relied upon to cure. This remedy b.\s produced astonish ing results. It is called Tennel. It is absolutely different from anything ever before prepared for the troubles above mentioned, containing no opiates, habit forming drugs, salicylic acid or alcohol, and does not affect the heart or injure the weakest stomach. Tennel Is a true uric acid solvent, and by removing the cause of rheumatism and other allied diseases, destroys the disease itself. Try the Tennel treatment to-day. get It right now, and be free from pain in 48 hours. The Tennel treatment, consisting of a bottle of Tennel at SI.OO, and a box of Tennel Capsules at 60c, is sold under guarantee, by Edward Z. Gross, C. M. Forney, George C. Potts, Croll Keller. —Advertisement. TUESDAY EVENING, tional Guard organizations. The Veteran Corps, City Grays, held a banquet at the armory April 21, 1892, attended by a very large number of ex-members of the com pany and Invited military guests. This organization quickly went to pieces and then several attempts were made to reorganize at different per iods between 1892 and 1905, but none of them proved very successful until a determined effort to form an asso ciation of the two commands —First City Zouaves and City Grays—was made Just previous to and In prepara tion for Harrisburg's Old Home Week celebration in 1905. This organiza tion became permanent and is in ac tive work to-day. The members of the Veteran Asso ciation turn out on different military occasions and keep in close touch with the present excellent companies of the National Guard, known as "The City Grays"—Company D and Com pany I, Eighth Regiment. N. G. P. Among the ceremonies, parades and banquets attended by the association, may be noted: Funeral of Captain Thomas F. Ma loney, January 23, 1891. Old Home Week parade, October 3, 1906. February 6, 1906, attended inspec tion of Co. D, Eighth Regiment, at armory. On Memorial Day, 1906, the Asso ciation took part in the parade and In the evening had a banquet at the City Grays' armory. July 26, 1906, the Veteran Assocla- tlon visited the Division Encampment of the National Guard of Pennsyl vania at Gettysburg as guests of Co. D and Co. I. The veterans were met by the Eighth Regiment Band and es corted to camp. Dinner and supper was taken with the men of the two active companies, half of the veteran association going to each command. Memorial Day, May 30, IS>O7, the Veteran Association held a banquet at the City Grays' armory, at which General Thomas J. Stewart, Adju tant General of Pennsylvania, was the guest of honor and made the prin cipal address. June, 1, 1908, the Veteran Asso ciation held a banquet at the City Grays' armory, with Mayor Ezra S. Meals as the principal guest of honor. On the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of President Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1809, the Vet eran Association took part in the pa rade and ceremonies of the day and in the reception to Vice-President Charles W. Fairbanks, the guest of honor and orator of the day. Pwwent Organization The following members constitute the Veteran Association of the First City Zouaves and City Grays at the present time (.1914): OFFICERS President—John T. Ensmingcr «- Treasurer Christian Xauss Secretary—Philip German MEMBERS FIRST CITY ZOUAVES AND CO. A. 127 TH KEGT. Attick, Oliver JicGowan, George S. Bishop, William T. Parthemore, Matthias Day. Peter R. Redifer. William S. Demming, Henry C. Reinhold. Henry L. Eby, Maurice C. Khoads. Joseph E. Ensminger, John T. Stormfeltz, John Heller, George W. Swope, A. Carl Hippie, William H. Vaughan. Robert V. Hoy, Francis H., Sr. Yingst, Frederick W. CITY GRAYS AND CO. I>, EIGHTH REGIMENT Adams. George W. Hutter, Frank L. Anderson, John O. Hutter, John R. Backcnstoss, Ed. R. Hutchison, Harry C. Bailits, Chas. H. Hutchison, Joseph B. Barnitz, Chas, H. Kaulz, S. H. Barnitz, George P. Keffer, Wash. B. Bell, Thornton A. Lauhenstein, Ezekias Bender, H. C. Laurie, J. B. Bender, Robert S. Leonard, Joseph L. Bergstresser, Alex. W. Lynch. William W. Bernheisel, Chas. H. Macklin, William E. Black, Harry Q. Mailey, William M. Block. William D. McFarland, William C. Booser, Harry W. Meek, Charles P. Boyer, Frank D. Melvin, M. H. Burd, J. W. Mikle, Frank H. Crist, Uriah S. Napier, Robert Crow, Wilmer Nauss, Christian Dapp, John Orth, J. Andrew Daugherty, H. L. Palmer, Albert S. Davis, Albert W. Poffenberger, I. R. DeHart, Elmer Perkins, Harman A. Deimler, R. R. Peters, Thomas S. Devlin, John Reedy, James Dunn, Albert L„ Jr. Reese, William P. Eberly, William E. Rhoads, Daniel Ellinger, George W. Ritner, Henrv C. Etter, Chas. F. Rohrer, J. Frank Fahnestock, Frank G. Royce, George C. Fahnestock, James W. Satchell, George P. Fisher, Chas. S. Sawyer, William A. Fisher, Frank C. Schell, Edward H. Fisher, John B. Schell, Jacob Fitting, J. W. Schlayer, William H. Fritchey, Ross H. Schmidt, Charles Frey, Jacob G. Shader, Fred G. Fry, DeWitt A. Shellenberger, Wm. G. Fulton S. G. Shrenk, A. H. Gamble. Robert Slentz, Wm. M. Garberich, Charles H. Sourbier, George H. Garverich, Charles A. Spangler, John K. German, Philip Stackpole, Edward J. Hantzman, Charles L. Stonesifer, J. D. Harris, W. Doraer Stroh, Daniel Hartman, Jerry J. Swope, Harry R. Henderson, W. H. Wennell, Chas. E. Hippie, Lewis West, Edward H. Houtz, Harry C. West, John Y. Hoy, Francis H.. Jr. West S. A. Hoyer, William H. Wiestling Wm. E. Huston, Fred W. Young, Harrv C. Huston, John W. Ziegler, Frank E. IX EXPLANATION" In the opening chapter of this his tory of the First City Zouaves and City Qravs it was stated that this would be "a series of articles covering part of the work of this excellent com mand during its fifty-two years of service in peace and war"; that it would not nor could not be made'a complete record of all the operations of the various companies in this long period of service; that names would be omitted that ought to be in and some inserted having no right to be there. This was unavoidable because of loose methods used Jn some cases and in the loss or misidying of var ious books and-papers of e»>ly days that would have been invaluable. The data for the various sections was collected from many sources and in some cases required a great deal of search, not only to find the mate rial, but to verify names and dates, and to correct errors known to exist in some of the books and papers. However, it has been made as com [TO KEEP YOUTH \ and beauty—to prevent wrinkles and' 'crow's I feet" and deep black circles under the eyes— I nothing is as good as I Pierce's FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION J Give it a fur trial for banishing those distressing pains or drains on one's vitality. This prescription of Dr. Pierce's regulates all the womanly functions. It eradicates and destroys "Female Complaints" and weaknesses that make women miserable and old before their time. Every girl needs ft before womanhood. Every mother needs it. It is an invigorating tonic for the female system. All medicine dealers have sold it with satisfaction, to customers for the past 40 years. It is now obtainable in liquid or tablet form atdrugstorea—or send 60 one-cent stamps for trial box, to R.V. Pierce, Buffalo. DR. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS regulate and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. HARRISBURG frftKftg TELEGRAPH News Items From Points in Central Pennsylvania Heading. Their three-year wag® scale being due to expire on March 1, local members of the International Brewery Workers' Association at a meeting here yesterday decided not to sign a new scale unless their demand for a $2 a week Increase In all three classes of labor In their ranks Is granted. Mahanoy City. James Shean, of Mahanoy Plane, was ground to death on the Philadelphia and Reading tracks while attempting to board a train. Reading. For the fifty-third suc cessive year. Frederick P. Heller was elected president of the Washington Library Association yesterday. Pottstown. "Good-by, folks, I'm going to die," declared John Richards as he lay down on a couch where he was found two hours later by his brothers. His body was cold and a physician said that he had been dead more than an hour. Shamoidu. —There Is a serious fire In No. 14 vein, Buck-Rudge Colliery. One hundred employes were sent home. A terrific explosion of gas oc curred In the morning when prepara tions were being made to flood the burning section. Norristown. —John Talap, convicted of murdering his wife In the suburbs of Pottstown, while being returned to jail after hearing argument for a new trail, struck Sherilt Schwartz on the head while they were about entering the jail. Recorder of Deeds T. Dar lington Buckwalter hurried to the Sheriff's aid and Talap was over powered. Shenaiuloali. —Fire In the storage house of the Roberts Powder Works, at Krlb's Station, caused a dozen fam ilies to flee to the hills, fearing anni hilation. The loss Is about $2,000. Shenandoah. Two hundred em ployes of the Locust Mountain Coal Company colliery here went on strike yesterday. Rending.—Grief over the death of his 2-year-old son, who died a week ago, is believed to have hastened the death here yesterday of Ralph I. Bech tel. 30 years old. Wllke^-Barre,—Ouster proceedings were started by District Attorney John H. Bigelow yesterday against Con troller William T. Kelly, of Larksville borough, the claim being that the or dinance creating the office in Invalid. Pottsville. Fire yesterday de stroyed the cafe at Schuylkill Haven owned by Douglass Kauffman. The loss is about SB,OOO. The stock of the adjacent millinery store of Mrs. Sei- plete as the records and the ability of the compiler permitted; and It is hoped it may prove satisfactory to all. In making plates from the photo graphs, considerable difficulty was en countered in producing good results in engraving from copies which were in many cases faded by age or scratched and broken from handling. This is not surprising when it. is con sidered that many of themX were nearly or altogether fifty years old. Some of the late ones, also, were in bad condition and could not be repro duced clearly. THE COMPILER. This ends the series of articles and cuts in the history of the First City Zouaves and City Grays so far ns pub lication In the Telegraph is concerned. The entire collection will be printed In book form and wiU be sold to those who wish to subscribe for copies of it. Orders can be given to Sergeant Philip German, secretary of tfce First City Zouaves and City Grays Veteran As sociation, 25 North Fonrtli street. UEL WUH uamuKeU by smoke and water. York. — In granting a charter to the Modern Countrymen, an association of citizens of Manhelm township, Judge N. Sargent Ross yesterday announced that the court will not grant charters to alleged art and literary societies which are Intended mainly for drink ing purposes. Catasatiqua.—With a marriage li cense obtained last Christmas, Miss i Carrie Fehr and John Posh, both of Catasauqua, were married by the Rev. i J. Sieger. Sunbury. The grand jury In the I case against Harry C. Strlne, a Mil ton councilman, who was charged by the State police with gambling, ig nored the bill in court here. The same was done In the cases of Hurley Wllvert and E. L. McDonald, charged with conducting gambling houses. Fifteen Pennsylvania Weddings at Hagerstown Special to Tfcg Ttligraph Hagerstown, Md.. Feb. 3. Fifteen couples from Pennsylvania came, ap plied and were married In this Gretna | Green of Maryland within the past j week. The Rev. E. K. Thomas, pastor I of the First Baptist Church, maintained Ills reputation as the "Marrying Par- I son" by uniting five of the couples. I Miss Eva M. Bowman and Harry I Urlch, both of Lebanon, were married |by the Itev. Mr. Thomas yesterday. i Saturday evening he married Miss Marie I E. Ranch, of Mechanicsburg, and John B. Keeser, of Camp Hill. The other couples married by the Rev. Mr. Thomas were: Miss May E. Crlminel and George J. Carolus, both of Lewls town; Miss Frances M. Henry, of Scot land, and P. Ray Shoemaker, of Cham bersburg. Miss Maud Miller, of Chambersburg, and M. O. Dick, of Waynesboro, were married by Elder O. S. Hlghbarger, of the Dunkard Church. Mrs. Maud T. Wagner, of Green t'astle, and Samuel B. Horn, of Waynes boro, were united In marriage at thv, parsonage of Bt. Paul's United Brethren I'hurch Saturday evening by the Rev. Dr. A. B. Statton. Mrs. Joseph Coover, of Shippensburg, and Joseph A. Miller, of Ch&mbersburg, were married by the Rev. Dr. S. W. Owen, pastor or St. John's Lutheran Church. Miss Mazie C. Clever, of Greencastle. and Herbert R. Cordell. Chambersburg, also were married by the Rev. Dr. Owen. Miss H. Maye Sword and John Se crest, both of Mercersburg, were mar ried in Olearspring at the Lutheran parsonage by the Rev. W. K. Diehl. Miss Marguerite L Davis, of this city, and John T. White, of Greencastle, Pa., were married here Saturay evening by the Rev. Dr. J. S. Simon, pastor of Trin ity Lutheran Church. H I I Every place of business, every ■ I I I B home, every school and pub- I fl ■ lie institution should have a Q I I V copy of this great canal text 1 1 mJ L/ SATURDAY Look here! There are only a few chances NOW, for the Telegraph's offer will be withdrawn Saturday. So if you didn't save that little expense amount from last week's sal ary you'd better "go easy" on the lunch money this week. Tell Your Friends About It Let them know that the drawers are few to get the Tele graph's Panama book, for after date of closing it can be had only at the Stores for $4.00. Everybody needs it—here's a X chance—a LAST CHANCE. \ jjjlJ no time in taking advantage BjjpiVyKH ill 01 this wonderful offer. We H' give you the great saving be tween the publishers' price of | ar^a ' n P" ce Clipped from another column ffijj As explained in the certificate, l|| out-of-town readers may have ||| this book by mail if they in irKWlBF elude the amount named, r which covers the exact cost P° sta £ c * Address Greatly Reduced Illustration—The Big Book is 9x12 Inches There's Are Only a Few Days to Get It FOR THE DISTRIBUTION Positively Ends Saturday Night I FEBRUARY 3, 1914. rail SINGER AT LEBANON VALLEY Mme. DeSylva, Operatic Contralto, Is Sent to College by "Friends of Music" Special to The Telegraph Annvllle, Pa., Feb. S.—Through the generosity of monled people In New York city, among whom la Mrs. Rus sel Sage, who have at heart the rais ing of musical appreciation in" the United States, an unusual opportunity will be given the students of Lebanon Valley College to hear one of the great operatic contraltos. Mme. DeSylva, an Austrian by birth, a protege of the Roumanian poetess-queen, Carmen Sylva. Lebanon Valley College is one of the twenty-four colleges that will hear this great artist. The society, which is called The Friends of Music, will also send to Ihe school later in the season David Blspham, the well known baritone, formerly of the Met- j ropoliton Opera Company. Mme.! DeSylva will appear in the Engle Con servatory of Music Saturday, Feb ruary 7. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Special to The Telegraflt Newport. Pa., Feb. S.—Mr. ajul Mrs. H. Munson Corning announce the birth of a daughter on Sunday. Feb ruary 1. Mr. Corning Is the principal of the borough schools and Mrs. Corn ing before her marriage was Miss Florence Klsner, of Carlisle. An Appeal to Wives You know the terrible affliction that comes to many homes from the result of a drinking husband or son. You know of the money wasted on "Drink" that is needed in the home to purchase food and clothing. ORRINE has saved thousand* of drinking men. It is a home treatment and can be given se cretly. Your money will be refunded if, after a trial, it has failed to benefit. Costs only SI.OO a box. Come in and get a free booklet and let us tell you of the good ORRINE is doing. George A. Gorgas, 16 North Third street; John A. McCurdy, Steelton, Pa.; H. F. Rrunhouse, Mechanlcsburg, Pa.—Advertisement. Mother's Advice To Her Daughter A RMI UW Doll to Fond!* bVW Graat—t Happlnan One of the most Important matter# abeol trhlch women concern themaelvaa la thail future itatua as a grandmother. And aba te wlidotn ltaelf who know* of OC learns of tliat famous remedy, Mother's Frlead. Tula Is an internal application for tho abdominal muaclos and breaata. It car talnly baa a wonderful Influence, allays all fear, banlahea all pain, la a moat grateful encouragement to the young, expectant mother, and permits her to go through the period happy lu mind, free In body and thus destined to anticipate woman's great est happiness as nature Intended she should. 7he action of Mother's Friend make* the muscles free, pliant and responsive to ex pansion. Thus all strain and tension upon the nerves and ligaments Is avoided, and. In place of a period of discomfort and con sequent dread, it 1b a seaaon of calm repoaa and joyful expectation. There Is no nausea, no morning sick ness, no nervous twitching, none of that constant strain known to so many woman, hence Mother's Friend la really one e( the greatest blessings that could be devtaed. This iplendld and certain remedy can be baf of any druggist at SI.OO a bottle, and la sure to prove of Inestimable value, not only upon the mother, but upon the health and future of the child. Write to Bradfleld Regulator Co., 182 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga„ for their book to expectant moth era, u PATENT" YOUR IDEAS and make I «»• »®« *v mm oooT" " HOW TO err THEM*. money | »aw </ah.n m Apncx nuqi « Vw » IM hnmM. «mnu« - JOSHUA R. H. POTTS.I 928 OHK3TNUT6T. PHILADELPHIA \lts C St. WnUnt—. B.C. ES.lWl»raßt..fU~r' 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers