Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 03, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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A* Gnat Enftllah DlMmtrj CryatolU
•Hirow* Hair In SO D«r»."
91,000.00 Reward If We Fall On Our
PoMtlve Rnirentrr. Try It At
Our Rink Mall Coupon
Thla Man I» Growing Raid—•Crrrtolli"
la Juat the Thing for Such
In Europe "Crystolis." the New
English Hatr Grower, has been called
the most wonderful discovery of the
The judges of the Brussels and Paris
Expositions enthusiastically awarded I
gold medals to this marvelous hairl
Already since we secured the Amerl-1
ca.n rights hundreds of men and wo-j
men have written telling of the phe- i
nomenal results obtained by its use. I
People who have been bald for years
tell how they now glory in beautiful
lialr. Many report new hair growth in
30 days or less. Others who have had
dandruff all their lives say they have !
got a clean healthy scalp after a few
applications of this wonderful treat-J
We do not care whether you are)
bothered with falling hair, prematurely;
gray hair, matted hair, brittle hair or
(stringy hatr; dandruff, itching scalp, or
any or all forms of hair trouble, we
want you to try "CRYSTOLIS" at our
We give you a binding guarantee
without any "strings" or red tape, that
It won't cost you a cent If we do not
prove to you that "Crystolis" will do
all we claim for it, and, what's im
portant we have plenty of money to
back our guarantee. SI,OOO nas neen
deposited in our local bank as a Spe
cial Fund to be forfeited If we fail to
comply with this contract. Cut out the
coupon below and mail it to-day to
<'reslo Laboratories, 244-B Street. Bing
hamton, N. T.
The C.reßlo Laboratories,
244-B Street. Blnghamton. N. Y. I
I am a reader of Harrisburg Tel
egraph. Prove to me without cost
how Crystolis stops falling hair;
grow! new hair, banishes dandruff !
and itching scalps and restores pre- ;
mature gray and faded hair to nat- !
ural color Write your name and
address plainly and PIN THIS COU
For Grey Hair
1 Will Tell You Kree How to Rentore
to "Vour Hair the Nuturnl
Color of Youth.
No l>ycs or Other Harmful Method.
Results In Four Hays.
Let me send you free full information
about a harmless liquid that will re
store the natural color of your hair, no j
matter what your:
age nor the cause!
\lpfs simple method lie
wr "W had perfected after i
\ / years of study. I i
S followed his advice
and In a short time!
my hair actually was the natural color
of my girlish days. This method is I
entirely different from anything else I
have ever seen or heard of. Its effect i
is lasting and it 'will not wash or rub I
off or stain the scalp. It is neither I
sticky or greasy, its use cannot be de
tected: it will restore the original nat
ural shade to any grey, bleached or
faded hair, no matter how many things
have failed. It succeeds equally with
both sexes, and all ages.
Write me to-day giving your name
an address plainly, stating whether
lady or gentleman (Mr. Mrs. or Miss)
and enclose 2 ct. stamp for return post- |
age and I will send you full particu
lars that will enable you to restore the
original color of youth to your hair,
making it soft, fluffy and natural!
Write to-day. Address Mrs. Mary K.
Chapman, Box 821-F, Exchange St.,
Providence, R. I.
1 ffjmwmiprfl
rA'i V 418
L 1
The Bear Saw Ma Shndnn. All
Bight, and It'n the Best Shoiv of ih» C # 1 F\
9 _ sorority Days
Darling of Paris -< -■ «
Kimberly & Mohr and f H | 11/*'
a Big Show Too \J\*
- _ S
will you have, Mr. Man,
* » for your evening at home or at
the club—a quarters worth of nickel
cigars or the same amount of
if quantity is your sole object you get
it with your purchase of nickel cigars.
But if you are after quality the All-
Havana Moja Cigars will justify
their selection. Thty will get right
do wn to the root of that appetite for
tobacco as no nickel cigars can do.
Made by Jehn C. Herman & Co.
In Original Terms All Asiatic*
Would Have Been
By Associated Press
Washington, Feb. 3.—The modified
"Hayes amendment" was before the
House to-day when it resumed the
tight on the Asiatic exclusion feature
of the immigration bill.
I As modified by Representative Len
' root's amendment, adopted last night,
lit would bar Asiatics and Africans ex-
Icept those whose entry to the United
'States has been provided for by treat
ies or passport arrangements which
now exist or may later be entered
into. lis supporters contended that in
such a form it did not disturb nor
affect the status of Chinese or Japa
nese imrrilgration. In its original terms
the Hayes amendment would have
excluded all Asiatics,
j Chairman Burnett, of the immigra
tion committee and his followers be
gan work early to-day, however, in an
attempt to beat the American entire
ly and lease the Immigration bill en
tirely free of Asiatic exclusion fea
tures. They contended that exclusion I
clauses would invite a presidential veto
of the entire immigration bill.
Controller Gough Is
Serving City and County;
Auditors Win in Erie
Judge Paul A. Benson, in Common
Pleas Court at Erie yesterday, handed
down a decision by which the county
commissioners were instructed to hand
over the books of the county to the
auditors for audit, instead of to the
newly-elected county controller.
The auditors brought suit against
the commissioners to restrain them
from turning the books over to Con
troller Joseph Leslie, who assumed the
duties of his office January 1. In his
decision Judge Benson said: "We are
of the opinion that the provisions of
the act of 1895, as amended by the
act of March 27, 1913, should be con
strued as prospective and to take ef
fect on the expiration of the terms
of the present county auditors."
In Dauphin county. Controller
Gough has assumed the duties of his
office, but is at the same time acting
as City Controller. He is serving the
city without pay, pending the test of
the county controllership law.
Special Music to Feature
Moslem Mission Campaign
Arrangements have been made for
special musical numbers in the line of
congregational singing at the Moslem
Missionary Campaign meeting In
Grace Methodist Episcopal Church on
Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Pro
fessor C. A. Ellenberger will lead the
music and Henry W. Stratton will pre
side at the organ. The devotional
services will be in charge of the Rev.
Dr. John D. Fox, pastor of Grace
The afternoon meeting, from 4 to
5.30 o'clock, will not be so pretentious
because there will be less time at the
disposal of the speakers and because
it is not so easy to obtain volunteer
leaders for afternoon work. The
speaking at the afternoon meeting,
however, will be similar to the talks
In the evening by the same speakers
and will be just as interesting. James
W. Barker, chairman of the local in
terdenominational committee arrang
ing for the free meetings, will prob
ably preside at both meetings. The
speakers at both will be Marion l.aw
rance. of Chicago; the Rev. Dr. S. M.
Zweiner, of Egypt, and the Rev. Ste
phen V. van Trowbridge, of Turkey.
Pottsville, Pa.. Feb. 3. John F.
Zerhey. i>np of the oldest United States-
National Rank examiner, has resigned
because of present ill health, growing
out of bloodpoisoning. resulting from a
slight injury to his hand.
Mr. Kirk Brown
To-night ••Thai*"
To-morrow Mat.,
"The Womnn In 'the Case"
To-morrow Micht,"The Matchmaker"
PRICES: Mat., 10-i!oe, Excepting
Saturday Mat.. Specifil Production,
"Two Orphan*," lOc, HOo. Few at 30e.
Eve*., lOe, 20c. 3<>o. Few at 50c.
Governor and Mrs. Tener Will Be
Honor Guests at Banquet in
Masonic Temple
Rotarians from Harrisburg and
abroad will participate In the annual
souvenir dinner to the Ladies of Ro
tary at the Masonic Temple to-night.
Governor and Mrs. John K. Tener will
be the guests of honor.
Indications point to the event being
the biggest in the history of the Har
risburg Rotary Club. In addition to
the presentation of many souvenirs
150 gifts will be> presented to the
Indies in attendance, which will In
clude two tons of coal, furniture,
handsome robes, lamps, bread suffi
cient to supply a family for a long
time, monthly milk supply and many
other valuable articles. The toast
master will be John S. Musser, presi
dent of the club. Toasts will be re
sponded to as follows:
"Our Guests,'-' President John S.
Musser; "He," Mrs. Charles J.
Wood. Jr.; "Rotary and the State,"
Governor John K. Tener; "She," Wil
liam S. Essick; "It" (meaning the Ro
tary), Glenn C. Mead, ex-president
International Rotary Clubs, Philadel
phia: Rotary magic, Do Kor See
An Der Son.
Man Who Took Raunick's
Car, Says He Is Harvard
Graduate Down and Out
"I will plead guilty," said William J.
Daley, this afternoon, when he faced
tho charge of stealing the automobile
of Dr. J. M. J. Raunick. city health of
ficer, yesterday afternoon.
Daley was captured at Middletown.
He claims he is a down-and-out college
graduate from Harvard and that his
home is In Lynn. Mass. That he stolb
the auto because he wanted money and
would go into court Monday morning
and tell his story.
Colonel Hutchison gives Daley's story
little credit and will send photographs
and Bertillion measurements of the
young man to the larger cities, believ
ing that he is a professional crook and
a slick individual.
The rules of the Democratic party
in Pennsylvania are being revised to
day by a committee appointed for that
purpose by the State committee. Ar
thur McKean, Beaver Falls, is chair
man of the committee, and the other
members are Parke E. Davis, Easton;
Bruce F. Sterling, Uniontown; Wil
liam T. Creasy, Catawissa, and Roland
S. Morris, Philadelphia. The proposed
revisions are to make the rules con
form to the new primary law. The
revisions will be subject to the ap
proval of the State executive commit
tee, which will meet at an early date
for that purpose.
The Public Service Commission to
day gave a hearing on objections filed
to the contract between the Philadel
phia Electric Company and the City
of Philadelphia for street lighting
during the year 1914. Paul S. Keller,
the complainant, objected to the rates
as being too high. Vice-President W.
H. Johnson, of the electric company,
said Philadelphia was getting cheaper
rates than other large cities.
Unless sufficient money is received to
pay for a railroad ticket to St. Paul,
Minn.. Frank Rosenthal, aged 14 vears,
will be sent back to Philadelphia, this
evening, by the Pennsylvania Railroad,
and from there to New York. The boy
landed in Harrisburg last night with a
story that he was on his way to St.
Paul to see his mother and only had
$2.40 in cash.
The boy was placed in charge of
I David Goldberg, the Interpreter, who
(wired the mother. No reply had been
received late this afternoon. Young:
Rosenthal tells an interesting tale
about graduating from the Jewish high
school, at N'ew Tnrk. on Fridav, and
deciding to go to St. Paul.
Senior boys al Central High School
are preparing for the Lamberton
I essay and oratorical contest, which is
j scheduled for Friday afternoon, Feb
ruary 20. The arrangements are not
completed yet, but the judges will be
selected within a short time.
Technical High School students and
teachers, too. are busy this week. It
|is the time of the midyear examina
tions. They will continue until Frl
| day. The new term begins next Mon
! day.
By Associated Press
Houston, Texas, Feb. 3.—Property
damage estimated at nearly $1,000,000
was done at Clinton, Texas, to-day
when between 15.000 and 20,000 hales
of cotton were either consumed or
badly damaged by fire.
Piles Quickly
Cured at Home
Instant Relief, Permanent Cure—
Trial Package Mailed Free ta
All in Plain Wrapper
The Pyramid Smile
Many cAses of Piles have been curetj
by a trial package of Pyramid Pile
Remedy without further treatment, i
When It proves its value to you, get!
more from your druggist at 5.0 c a box, |
and be sure you get the kind you ask'
for. Simply fill out free coupon below
and mail to-day. Save yourself from'
the surgeon's knife and Its torture,
the doctor and his bills.
Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
Kindly send me a sample of Pyramid
Pile Remedy, at once by mail
FREE, in plain wrapper.
1 -i• v State
Rothert's February Furniture Sale J
I Sweeping Reductions on our entire stock of Furniture and Floor |
I Covering. While the prices have been reduced our liberal terms prevail |
las usual. Your credit is good for all you require. Buy now and save
Golden Oak IS?® Golden Oak f
» sl7 50 Dresser at sl3 50 MT v
! SIB.OO Dresser at $14.00 "ir* ') $17.50 Chiffonier, with mirror, j>
$19.50 Dresser at $17.50 ft at $15.00 §
<6?i mn k $20.00 Chiffonier, with mirror, $
SZI.OO Dresser at $lB.oO at $17.00 p
A 5-year guarantee with every Dixie—no com-
I $28.50 Davennort I A Cf\ but , do n0 - restrain the mVm %- ?lt has no tufts, nc?ciirt I
g q i I pockets, its surface is smooth and can be easily brushed §
0 oed at H* m * or wiped'clean. The only Felt Mattress guaranteed for f
X This massive Davenport is instantly convertible into full size bed. SO long' a tillie. $
5 Full tufted upholstering of Boston leather and selected oak frame. Verv si i • 9
5 special at this price. * Made in 2 parts at SIO.OO S
X $
1 1900 Washing ~ H Sewing Machines JIL j
ft S? flAfil 1 O I are guaranteed, sold o
I Guaranteed w IVULIICI L O On Our club plan at
X clothes in 6 minutes. Sold I sl7 50 rmrgSi^
X on our easy payment plan, |k^|
$«!oo M Mm. 312 Market St. SS jpW
| $14.00 { | $45.00 %£ZMir
[Other Personals on Page 5.]
Many Social Events
Planned For Mrs. Metzger
Mrs. Metzger, of New York, who is
visiting Mrs. Samuel Kades, of 1831
North Second street, is being: much
entertained during her stay in the
city. Mrs. Kades has given a charm
ing bridge party for her house guest,
with an elaborate dinner served after
the games. Mrs. David Kaufman en
tertained the Monday Bridge Club yes
terday, with Mrs. Metzger as honor
guest, and every day this week there
is some special pleasure arranged for
her. <■
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius were given
a shower of housekeeping gifts at a
surprise held at the home of Mrs,
Miller, 327 Hamilton street. The
rooms were prettily decorated for the
occasion and the guests were served
with supper after the games and con
In attendance were Miss Carrie
Shook, Miss Jane Harris, Miss Cleo
Miller, Miss Viola Hammaker, Mist,
Minnie Warfel, Mrs. E. B. Dunlap,
Mrs. A. F. Foltz, H. O. Fosch, Mr.
Warfel, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius, Mr.
and Mrs. Miller.
Guests of Mr and Mrs. Robert Nel
son, of 663 Camp street spent a pleat*
ant evening at their home, with cards
and music. Mr. Nelson giving much
pleasure by his vocal solos.
The decorations of primrose and
ferns and a supper was served to Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Hoffman. Miss Beryl
Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fllson,
Robert Howdershot. Miss Pauline
Wolfe, Charles Hogg, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Kathryn Leeder, of Germantown,
Is visiting her cousin. Miss Effie
Dunsmore, of State street.
Interesting Program
For Measuring Social
A now way to secure money for
charity or church treasury is to have
a "Measuring Society," sending each
invited guest a little sack with instruc
tions to put in it three cents for each
inch of their height. Mrs. George
Barunger and Miss Edith Springer
have arranged such a party for the
benefit of the primary department and
the Ladles' Bible Class of the Memo
rial Lutheran Church, Thursday even
ing of this week.
The program will include Scotch
songs, William Webster; piano duet,
Miss Clara Blessing and Catherine
Barringer; reading, Miss Catherine
Shlillnger; duet, Mr. and Mrs. McEl
hoes; solo, Mrs. Sellers; violin solo,
Miss Elizabeth Miller; reading, Miss
Catherine Keene; piano solo, Herbert
Springer; reading, Mrs. Edward Her
§hey; mandolin duet, Mr. Barringer
and Miss Barringer.
$285,000 FIRE IX IH SINESS i
Philadelphia, Feb. 3. The fire
which threatened a whole 6quare of
wholesale business houses at Second
and Arch streets early to-day was ex
tinguished after five hours' hard work
with losses estimated at $285,000. The
fire started in the five-story factory of
Edward Darby & Sons Co.. manufac
turers of metal wire and iron goods, |
23.1 Arch street The place was prac
tically destroyed, 1
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michlovitz gave
a party last evening for the thirteenth
birthday of their son. Morris Mlchlo
vitfl. Their home at 606 Forster
street was decorated with festoons and
flowers and there were games of all
sorts for the amusement of the chil
Refreshments were served to th«
! Misses Sarah Abrams, Alba Levine,
| Fannie Williams, Bessie Shuey, Liliie
Lapkin, Lena Lapkin, Lena Koplo
vitz, Anna Lack, Florence Broudo,
Blanche Cohen, Esther Sigerman and
Reba Michlovitz, Rsenberg, Albert
Baenner, Samuel Arch, Arthur Bat
umi, Morris Michlovitz, Harry Michl
ovitz, Hymen Abrams, Moses Kramer,
I Samuel Sherman, Samuel Klein, Mor
ris Abramson, Misses Bessie Michl
ovitz, Ella Kramer, Kae Broude, Es
ther Arch, Anna Michlovitz, Helen
Arch, Fannie Cohen, Hose Gross, Benj.
Michlovitz, Lewis Glazier, Bill Miller,
Michael Wolfe, Airs. p. Houck, Mrs.
D. Furman, Mrs. F. Lack, Mrs. A.
Michlovitz, Mrs. A. Abramson, Mrs.
P. Michlovitz and Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Marguerite McClow, of Sha
mokin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry McClow, and Frederick Nagel,
of Pittsburgh, were quietly married
Saturday morning, January 31, at the
parsonage of the 54ion Lutheran
church, this city, by the Rev. Stewart
Winfield Harman, the pastor. A wed
ding breakfast at the Commonwealth
followed the ceremony.
The bride is an elocutionist of more
than local fame, and the bridegroom
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nagel, |
of Pittsburgh, and is employed an en
gineer in the engineering department
of the Westinghouse electrical plant,
at East Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin E. Leiter, of
319 Dauphin street, announce the
birth of a daughter. Clara Elizabeth
Leiter, Thursday, January 8, 1914.
Mrs. Leiter was formerly Miss Sarah
Sutcli, of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Erford, of
West Fairview, R. F. D. No. 1, an
nounce the birth of a daughter Friday,
I January 30, 1914.
Surely use Hyomel. It's the right
to-the-point remedy not only for ca
tarrh. but for head colds, sniffles,
bronchitis, laryngitis or croup of chil
dren. You breathe it—no stomach
You will like Hyomei. It not only
gives instant and lasting relief, but is
entirely harmless, pleasant to use, and
economical. Money refunded by H.
C. Kennedy if you are not benefited.
Hyomei Is a combination of anti
septic oils that mixes with the air and
quickly reaches the irritated and in
flamed membrane of the nose. Its
sure and safe healing begins imme
diately—you feel better at once.
If suffering from watery eyes,
husky voice, discharge from the nose,
or that choked-up feeling, try Hy
omei now—to-day. All druggists sell
it. Ask for the complete outfit.— SI.OO
FEBRUARY 3, 1914.
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Satchell, of
1227 North Front street, gave a de
lightful party last evening in honor
of the eleventh birthday of their son,
George, Jr. Music, games and re
freshments were enjoyed by the Misses
Helen I„ouise Snyder, Catharine Plow
man, Beatrice Plowman, Sarah Bless
,ing, Mildred Snyder, Margaretta Wal
lace, Gladys Hartley, Caroline Bow
|""f FADA l-i Sick-headache, bilious head
' 7 ache, dizzy headache, throb
bmg headache, are all very frequently due to an inactive liver.
You cannot have a clear head and steady nerves when your liver
is sluggish. Ask your doctor about arousing your lazy liver with
Ayer's Pills. He knows best. Sold for over 60 years.
At the New Rug Store
Our entire new stock of rugs and mattings is now
arranged for inspection Beautiful new patterns in
floral and Oriental designs. Our name tells the
story. We aim to undersell on rugs and matting.
We quote a few prices and want you to see the
quality so that we may prove to you that we really
do undersell our competitors:
8-wire Tapestry, 9x12 $9.98
10-wire Tapestry seamless, 9x12 . . .$12.98
Axminster 9x12 Rug $17.98
Velvet Brussels, 27x54 Rug 98^
Tepee Rugs, Indian Design 980
Axminster 27x54 Indian Design $1.69
Axminster, 36x72, Indian Design ...$3.49
All-wool Smyrna, 30x60 $1.49
Matting Rugs at Lowest Prices
Underselling Rug Co.
Fourth and Chestnut Streets
ers, Dorothy Snyder, Nellie Blessing,
George W. Satchell, Edwin Ruppley,
Newton Swails, Clifford Morton, Ray
Essig, Paul Fickes, Wesley Plowman,
Chas. Blessing, Ellworth Long, Mrs!
Nelson Snyder, Jr., Mrs. John Plow,
man, Mrs. George Satchell, Sr., Mrs.
Charles Blessing, Air. and Mrs. Clar
ence Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. William
Morton and Mr. and Mrs. George i>