Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 03, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Bstablishtd 1831
B. 3, 6TACKPOLE, Pres't and Treas'r.
P\ R. OYSTER, Secretary.
fttTS M. BTEINMETZ, Managing Editor.
Published every evening (except Sun
day), at the Telegraph Building, 216
Federal Square.
Eastern Office, Fifth Avenue Building,
New Tork City, Hasbrook, fatory &
Western Office. 12S West Madison
street. Chicago, 111., Allen & « ard.
Delivered by carriers at
six cents a week.
Mailed to subscribers
at $3.00 a year in advance.
Entered at the Post Office in Harris
burg as second class matter.
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HIS friends all over the State
would be mighty glad to have
the opportunity to vote for
George Kunkel, president Judge
Df the Dauphin county court, for the
Vacant place on the Supreme bench.
His friends here at home would be
more than delighted to do the same
thing, but there is one phase of the
situation which is not pleasing to his
hosts of admirers in the home town
»—the fear that his elevatien to the
highest tribunal of the State would
remove him from this community.
However, that need not disturb his
friends here Inasmuch as the time
must soon come when the Supreme
Court shall cease its peripatetic flit
tings over the State and settle down
lo permanent sittings in tho capital.
Long ago the occasion for the Supreme
Court sitting outside of Harrisburg
ceased to exist and the dignity of
the court, as well as its usefulness,
would be advanced by a permanent
location on Capitol Hill.
The interest of the client and the
Interest of the State both favor a
change in this respect. It may be
pleasanter for the jurists and the
lawyers to carry their litigation to the
metropolis of the Commonwealth, but
the other branches of the govern
ment having been concentrated on
Capitol Hill, there is no reason why
the judiciary should continue to have
Its principal habitat in one corner of
the State.
Industrial reports show some im- |
provement in the iron and steel busi- j
jiess during the llrst month of the year,
and it is the hope o£ those who have
watched the recent developments of the j
backbone industry of the State that
there may be still further improvement
toward the close of the first quarter.
I I OLIVER occupied the pulpit of
a Philadelphia church last Sun
day on the invitation of the
pastor, who had criticised him for his
public attitude on certain matters of
legislation and public policy. It was
a most unusual position for a Senator
of the United States, and this fact
was evidently appreciated by Senator
Oliver, who declared in his remarks
that he would probably not have ac
cepted the invitation to make clear
his position had not the invitation
contained something like a challenge.
He confessed to having some old
fashioned notions about the time and
place for political discussion and ob
served that the Lord himself had said
"My house shall be called the house
of prayer," and that Paul, speaking
to the Corinthians said, "I am deter
mined to know qpthing among you
save Jesus Christ and Him crucified"
and that when Paul addressed the
multitude at Athens he did not touch
upon political issues, but preached the
gospel only.
Senator Oliver gave expression to
his own view of the criticism of pub
lic men when he declared that he had
no quarrel with any member of the
Senate because of radical differences
of- opinion; that those who advocated
policies which the speaker believed to
he contrary to the best interests of
the people were no less patriotic or
earnest or disinterested on that ac
count. Perhaps no man in public life
lever made a more honorable stand
with respect to his personal responsi
bility to the people whom he serves
than did Senator Oliver in the Phila
delphia pulpit.
He disclaimed any antagonism to
the pastor of the church and compli
mented his critio for the great work
which he had been doing in his com
munity. This clerical critic, having
listened to a prominent Progressive
senator in the same pulpit, comment
ing thereon, said In effect that It was
a. pity that Pennsylvania had no Sena
tor who could be asked to speak in a
church. While this statement was
■ubsequently modified by the pastor,
it was nevertheless construed as a re
flection upon the United States Sena
tors from Pennsylvania and Senator
Oliver felt impelled, nothwithstandlng
his old-fashioned notions about the
pulpit being a proper political rostrum,
to personally appear in the place
where he had been attacked and state
his views on the various questions
submitted by the pastor.
He made it clear that he was not
interested in a steel company; that
he has always been in favor of pro
gressive legislation regulating both
child and woman labor; that he op
poses the initiative and recall as be
ing unwise and against the theory of
a representative government; that
when propositions htave been sub
mitted to the voters for their con
sideration the interest in the referen
dum has been slight as compared
with the total fote; that he doubted
the wisdom of the State-wide primary
for the nomination of the State offi
cers and United States senators; that
he favors a submissirn of woman's
suffrage to the vote if the people
and that he favors local option; that
the principle of arbitration is correct
and that he does not seek the title of
leader and expects to retire to pri
vate life at the expiration of his pres
ent term.
He then went on to explain that his
elder brothers had started a factory in
Pittsburgh when he was a boy and
that although he has never owned a
dollar's worth of stock in the institu
tion or had a word to say in regard to
its management, his political enemies
In this State have endeavored to ruin
the reputation of the Oliver company
and his reputation along with it by
making it appear that he is the domi
nant factor in the Arm and that its
affairs are being managed without any
regard to the humanities. The rest
of the questions were similarly direct
and in some instances, impertinent.
For example, the Senator was asked
whether he was the representative of
the class of people known as "the in
terests" or whether his record showed
that he was a representative of the
plain people.' Another question sought
to prove that the newspapers which
he controls and directs are confessedly
liquor papers, although he showed
that his newspapers are the only two
daily newspapers in Pittsburgh which
have come out fairly and squarely in
favor of local option and have never
occupied any other position before
the public. He stated also that neither
of his newspapers accepted liquor ad
Senator Oliver took occasion to
point out the fallacies of the Demo
cratic tariff law and dwelt upon the
prosperity that had come to the peo
ple through the protective system. As
a result of the reversal of the Repub
lican economic policy the mills are
now running on large orders taken be
for the tariff bill was passed and It
remains to be seen what will be the
result of the competition of foreign
labor. He also referred to the fact
that the revenues surrendered by
Uncle Sam under the present tariff law
would now go into the pockets of for
eign manufacturers without any bene
fit to the American consumer; that the
foreign manufacturer and the middle
man are reaping all the benefits.
Could there have been a more force
ful illustration of the shameless abuse
and misrepresentation to which men
in public places are subjected nowa
days? Not a single one of the in
sinuations against Senator Oliver could
stand in his presence. Every Intima
tion of political or moral laxness that
had been made against him was
proved to the face of the calumniator
and before several hundred auditors
to be a base falsehood.
Senator Oliver makes no preten
sions as an orator, but if any Pennsyl
vania statesman or statesmen from
any other State ever made a more
straightforward, sensible, convincing
and impressive speech we have no
knowledge of It.
"Bigger bustles" is the decree of
fashion for the coming year. Now Fee
what we get for making fun of the
THE Toledo Blade comes forward
with a really enlightening con
tribution to the growing and
widely read literature of the
high cost of living. It is from a Penn
sylvania subscriber and Is in the form
of extracts from the day-book of a
country storekeeper of Amity town
ship, Berks county, in 1814.
We have been told so often that
prices of everything are the highest
now in the history of the country—
with the possible exception of the pe
riod of artificial values in Civil War
days—that we have come to accept
the assertion as fact. Figures from
• this old account book, however, indi
cate that prices are merely reversed;
that, whereas meats and all farm
products were very low in those daye,
■ the cost of manufactured products
I soared to almost unbelievable heights.
When it iS considered that wages were
much lower then than now the ad
vantage in the cost of living is not
Here are some of the items:
Calico was 37% cents to 75 cents
per yard.
Tea was a dollar a pound.
In one charge, a man bought one
quarter of veal at 4 cents per
Eggs were never more than 10
cents per dozen, with 6 to 8 cents
the commoner prices.
Chickens, 12% to 18 cents apiece;
geese, 25 cents to 37% cents apiece.
Beef, 3 to 4 cents; wool, 10 cents
to 12% cents per pound; muslin, 50
cents per yard.
The climax was reached in one
charge—one bushel of salt, sl6.
Regardless of what may be said, we
are living better now than ever before
and at no greatly increased cost. If
we choose to live as did the people of
1814, for instance, we could do it as
cheaply as they.
Berwick reports that the idiot who
rocks the boat has been replaced there
by lunatics who go canoeing among- the
Ice floes In the river.
The man who is forever boasting of
being level-headed ts apt to turn.out to
be a blockhead.
The troubl* with these boycotts
against meat eating because of high
prices Is that they don't get you any
If this is groundhog weather, let's
have more of it.
evemne- cb&r
The celebration of the thirty-fourth
anniversary of the pastorate of the
Rev. C. E. Haupt at Grace Lutheran
Church in Lancaster furnishes an in
teresting link with the past. This
well-known clergyman is a native of
Harrisburg and spent his early years
in this city, although he was edu
cated at Philadelphia, taking his de
gree in the University of Pennsylva
nia. Mr. Haupt has spent his years in
this part of Pennsylvania and has been
a frequent visitor to the city of his
birth. His father will be recalled bv
the older Harrisburgers as one of the
great engineers of the country, the
man who built the first Rockvilte
bridge, then one of the engineering
wonders, and who carried through the
Hoosac tunnel and the wonderful en
gineering works on the Northern Pa
cific. He was the General Herman
Haupt who occupied so large a place
in the technical works of the time.
The brother of the Lancaster minister
is Professor Lewis Haupt, a member
of tho first Panama Canal Commis
sion, and who was reared here and
never lost his interest in this city. In
deed, it was the suggestion of Pro
fessor Haupt that led to the first pro
position for Improvement of the River
Front, the publication of which in the
Telegraph started the public improve-1
ments which have made Harrisburg
fumous throughout the land.
In reply to the Guard captain who
on Saturday in this column asked the
question, '"When did the United States
ever go to war except in April?" his
attention is called by a veteran to the
fact that the War of 1812 with Great
Britain commenced June IS of that
year. "War with France began July 9,
1798; war with Tripoli, June 10. 1801,
and the Florida Indian War Decem
ber 23, 1535. The War of the Revolu
tion, the Mexican War, the Civil War
and the Spanish War commenced In
This is a week of anniversaries for
Harrisburg, the first and foremost be
ing tho seventeenth of the burning of
the State Capitol. That was one dav
when the groundhog did not see his
shadow, for there was about six inches
of blush. The other anniversary is the
seventh since the destruction of the
Grand Opera House, whose site is still
occupied by a large and elegant hole.
That fire occurred on the night of
February 1, 1907, and it was also
marked by a heavy storm of snow and
sleet, a very fortunate thing for Har
risburg, especially because the cinders
were found for blocks about the scene
of the fire.
A. H. Woodward, counsel of the
Dairy and Food Division, who figured
in the test cases of the cold storage
act a few days ago, has been selected
by the of the Clearfield County
Courts aS member of the committee
on rules of the bar of that county.
Tlie death of James A. Beaver leaves
but three living ex-Governors of
Pennsylvania. They are William A.
Stone, who served from 1899 to 1903,
Samuel W. Pennypacker, from 1903
to 1907, and Edwin S. Stuart, from
1907 to 1911. General Beaver was
the third Governor from Centre
It is not often that corporations
seeking charters from the State send
to the Capitol parchments already en
grossed and all ready for the signa
tures of the executive officers. Gen
erally they take the charters prepared
by the departmental clerks and head
ed by the State arms and the an
nouncement that the action is in the
name and by the authority of the
Commonwealth. It happens that the
other day the Liberty Co-operative
Association, of Philadelphia, applied
to the State for a charter and sent
with its application a huge sheet of
paper, fully a yard long and almost a
yard wide, with the name, objects and
everything else all set forth on it It
was ornate in the extreme, having
gold eagles and fancy flourishes and
everything else that goes to make a
charter a joy forever.
[Philadelphia Ledger]
If there was a lobby at Harrisburg
which caused "the diversion of $3,-
300,000 to private institutions not en
titled to the bounty of the State," it
may have been "unwholesome and
baneful," but certainly it was not
"criminal." There has been great
abuse in appropriations, it is obvious,
but the institutions getting the money
have generally put it to good use.
46th Semi-Annual Clearance Sale
| Of 6000 Pairs of Men's, Women's and Children's Stylish Dependable Shoes
Tl VERY pair is from our regular stock, guaranteed, and can be exchanged
money refunded same as when sold at regular prices. This sale has BP/fMpk
been looked forward to by hundreds who take advantage of this oppor- \
tunity to secure high grade foot-wear at the price of inferior shoes.
fNote the Reductions
$7.00 and $6.50 grades, now $5.48
$6.00 grades, now .... $4.98
$5.00 grades, now .... $3.98
$4.50 grades, now .... $3.69 Kf*>] \
$4.00 grades, now .... $3.29 9Jf Jjr \
$3.50 grades, now .... $2.89 W W / j I
$3.00 grades, now .... $2.39 A
$2.50 grades, now .... $1.89
$2.00 grades, now .... $1.69 [ -\
About 200 pairs of Ladies' Satin Slippers in black and colors, oar regular tf hO BK/> I
$3.50 grade. Your choice ■ O
About 400 pairs of Ladies' $3.00 to $4.00 Shoes—variety of styles—<f QQ
If / ** ze * ap *° ** ln width. Your choice per pair J) I• sO /
\ P* h WfFl?omomhpv These are not a lot of old out of style shoes. We turn \
Ay fe V iYZmeinuer our stock too fast to allow old styles to accumulate. {MR*'' A
■ ii
for men
Believed That He Will Come to
Rescue of Palmer in Fight
With Ryan
Coming Thursday to Discuss Pos
sibilities For Gubernatorial
President Woodrow Wilson Is to be
the life saver for the Democratic State
machine. The President has been ap
pealed to for the striking of the key
note of the campaign and will make a
speech at Easton in June, when the
nominations have been mado and the
issues are to be defined.
The announcement of the candidacy
of Michael J. Ryan has provoked a
fresh outburst of scolding from the
Democratic newspapers lined up with
the reorganization bosses, but they are
much annoyed by the appearance of
tho Philadelphia!! In the field. They
count on the Influence of the Presi
dent to defeat him and believe that
wh«n Congressman Palmer finally
makes up his mind to run that the
orders will go out from Washington
that Palmer must be supported.
The Democratic State committee's
rules committee is busy to-day poring
over the rule dope sheets gotten out
for it by the bosses. This
committee will solemnly
Democrats ratify what has been laid
Tinkering out for it and the execu-
Wlth Rules tive committee, which
laid it out. will then
meet to ratify the rati
fication and the State committee will
be called to ratify the ratification of
the ratification. This meeting of the
State committee will be held late this
month and it will then be determined
whether the Democratic State ma
chine is to be bound by the State pri
mary law. The rank and file of the
party believe that a chairman must be
elected in June and Scoutmaster Mor
ris may have to accept this view, al
though it may mean his defeat.
It's rather amusing to read the
mourning organ of the reorganization
gangsters pleading for the defeat of
Michael J. Ryan on
the eround that he is
trying to disrupt the Patriot Now
"organization." It is Defender of
only a short time ago Organization
that the McCormlck
paper was denouncing
everything in the shape of an organ
ization. To-day it is out as the staunch
defender of the machine and for once
in its scolding career it is seen in its
true colors. Any organization not in
accord with it must be cut down and
cast out to wither. The organization
with which it is connected is the one
to bo protected at all hazards and
kept up by contribution of federal
office holders.
Democrats in the Northumberland-
Snyder-Unlon district are not very
anxious to get into the senatorial fight,
according to some of the
statements that are
Democrats brought down the river.
Fuss Over It seems to be generally
the Toga believed that" ex-Senator
William Calder McCon
nell, of Shamokin, will
be the candidate of the Republicans
for the remainder of the term of the
late Senator John T. Fisher. The
Democrats are all shot to pieces up
that way over the way patronage has
been hapded out in that part of the
State and no one seems to want to be
a target. George B. Relmensnyder, of
Sunbury, who has been urged to be a
candidate. Is quoted as saying that he
will not enter the race unless he gets
the nomination without opposition.
Prominent Republicans from the
eastern section of the State will attend
the dinner of the Lincoln Club of
Bethlehem on February
12 at Bethlehem. This
dinner is one of the Bethlehem
events of the winter in Will Have
Pennsylvania politics, es- Big Dinner
pecially among Repub
licans. for it Is generally
at this gathering that keynote
speeches are made. It corresponds to |
tho Allentown meeting of the Demo
crats in the Fall. It is probable that
Senator Penrose and other big Repub
licans will attend the dinner. Some
of the congressmen and legislators in
tend to be present. •
Candidates for the Progressive
nomination for Governor will be dis
cussed at a conference of Washington
party leaders, call
ed by Chairman
Detrich, in Harris- Progressives
burg on February WIU Meet Here
5. Chairmen and On February 5
vice-chairmen of
county committees
have been invited. Congressman-at
large Fred F. Lewis, of Allentown, It
was announced to-day, would be ad
vanced by the Washington party as a
candidate for Lieutenant-Governor.
He had intended to seek re-election to
the House, but the leaders wish him
to enter the State fight. Progressive
leaders say that the fight for the
Washington party nomination for
Governor has narrowed down to Wil
liam Draper Lewis, State Treasurer
Robert K. Young and Representative
M. Clyde xCelly.
It became evident last night that
the Democrats of the Pennsylvania
delegation, in Congress, would stand
probably almost as
a unit behind the
Berry Wants candidacy of Con
to Run Against. gressnian Palmer.
Hyan For (.ov. Most of those who
were willing to be
quoted said that
they felt that Palmer was the man to
make the tight. Representative Dono
hue, of Philadelphia, was in favor of
compromise plan, whereby Mr. Pal
mer would be candidate for Senator
and Mr. Ryan candidate for Governor.
"That would make a good ticket," he
said. It was stated on good authority
that If Mr. Palmer should decided not
to run for Governor, William E. Berry,
Collector of the Port, would imme
diately announce himself a candidate
for that place.
Representative William David B.
Ainey, the modern David in Pennsyl
vania politics, who, according to his
announcement, has
thrown down "his
gauntlet to the Ainoy Says
modern political Go- He Will Make
llath ( Penrose Hot Campaign
added to his decla
ration yesterday
that he "would make a State-wide tour |
of Pennsylvania, fighting Penrose in i
every nook and corner of the broad |
Commonwealth." To be accurate, the I
program for his campaign was issued 1
from his bedside. Mr. Ainey is con
fined to his hotel with tonsilitis. There, i
aided by his brother and two or three
admirers from Susquehanna county,
he was preparing for the campaign. But
his condition grew worse shortly after
noon and an indefinite sick leave was
asked in the House by one of his col
leagues. Mr. Ainey says he is a seri
ous candidate. His sponsor, Repre
sentative Charles E. Patton, chairman
of the Republican congressional com
mittee, as: ures Congressmen who in
quire into the real significance of the
fight against Penrose that Mr. Ainey
is the "logical man to dethrone the
Goliath." The Ainey boom, which has
been going about the cloakroom of the
House for several weeks, did not cre
ate any real stir in the Pennsylvania
delegation. It did create a smile and
those who would discuss it said it had
no significance politically and repre
sented merely a protest against Pon
roseism that would not be strdng
enough to attract the large body of
voters who desired to see a real oppo
nent in the Republican primaries
against Penrose.
—Ryan appears to be an anti-Demo
cratic machine candidate.
—Wonder if the reorganizers know
or care that Monday is the centenary
of Tilden's birth.
—Clyde Kelly's boom has been
launched at home. It may have
trouble to get over the mountains.
—Just think of the Patriot de
nouncing a man for being a candidate
against a party organization. Times
have changed.
—The Stuart boom seems to be
worrying folks in the Square.
—Congressman Ainey will make
speeches in support of his candidacy
against Penrose.
—There is gossip that Henry Houck
may not run and that Sisson may bo
candidate for Secretary of Internal
Affairs. Uncle Henry has not said so
FEBRUARY 3, 1914.
nvurrLfr- noraease i
-u !
Her brother had told lier so much
about the magnetic charms of his col
lege chum that she looked for It the
first thing, but there wasn't anything
on his waAcli, magnet or otherwise, that
she could see.
"What are you grinning about?" ask
ed Mr. GUibb.
"At a department in this magazine
headed "Woman's Talk," replied Mr.
"Well, what's funny about that?" de
manded "Mrs. Gabb. •
"There is only a column of It," de
clared Mr. Gabb.—Cincinnati Enquirer.
Y6r ARS - AY
[From the Telegraph of Feb. 3, 1864.]
Must o' Seen It
The ground hog must have seen his
shadow yesterday. This morning the
people were surprised to find the
f round covered with a coat of snow.
his will add to the quantity, if not to
the quality, of the mud In the streets.
Y. M. C. A. Concert
The concert to be given Friday
evening, for the benefit of the Young
Men's Christian Association, promises
to be one of more than ordanlary merit.
-ofcivil* war
[From the Telegraph of Feb. t, 1864.]
Would Destroy B. A d.
Baltimore, Feb. 2. lnformation re
ceived from the Upper Potomac to
night Indicates that the rebels ar»
making great efforts to de
stroy the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
The telegraph lines were cut about
| noon to-day, east of Cumberland, and
the bridges nt North Branch and Pat
terson's creek were burned.
Guard Attacked
Cumberland, Md„ Feb. 8. The guard
of the company of infantry posted at
Patterson Creek bridge, eight miles east
of Cumberland, was attacked at 1:30
o'clock yesterday afternoon, by 600
rebel cavalry, under Colonel Rosser,
and after a spirited resistance. In
which two of our men were killed and
I wounded, the greater part of the com
pany were captured.
—Councilman Frank Ruth, of Read
ing. says that he sees no occasion for
any law to regulate street parades.
—Congressman M. Clyde Kelly, be
ing boomed by Bull Mooscrs for Gov
ernor, runs a newspaper at Braddock.
—Fred AY. Hays, former legislator,
has been elected city solicitor of Oil
—William D. Alcorn, head of the
Western Pennsylvania Firemen's Asso
ciation, has arranged for the August
meeting In Connollsvllle.
—Dr. W. Harvey Hartaell, former
head of the State Medical Society, has
sailed for the Holy Land.
[Philadelphia Ledger]
Senator Penrose should be careful.
He said at Pittsburgh, "To-day Penn
sylvania presents a spectacle of splen
did Industrial development which has
never been equaled in the history of
civilization, and which it would be dif
ficult to parallel in any equal stretch
of territory on the fact of the globe."
If this fact becomes generally recog
nized, Congress will begin serious leg
islation looking toward the repression
of prosperity in Pennsylvania.
[New York Tribune]
Another cup of coffee for Mr. Wil
son, please!
Some One Should Speak to Mr. Ford
[From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.]
Garage proprietors charge that 10
per cent, of the motor ear owners of
fit. Louis are poor pay. Evidently they
need a IS minimum wage.
In ■ Moment of Depression
[From the New York Telegrapin.]
Every <lay the necessity for man
working for a living becomes more and
moro inexplicable.
In a bright little candy shop
Where laughter to linger is prone,
Two women sat Idly toying spoons,
Each at a tablo alone.
Into the little candy shop
, Peered a wee little face, like a bird,
A wee little foot cume tripping In,
A wee little voice was heard.
'. nt 2 a " ttlo candy Bhop
With her Mother, a tot had strayed-
Only a bundle of flesh In furs,
And only a moment she stayed.
And yet In the little candy shop
Two women's hearts had burned:
A f s " e "tight never know.
The other for past days yearned.
For one in that little candy shop
Felt strongly the pangs of regret-
Knew that she'd forfeited all worth
When that little one's smile she met.
j And in the same little candy shop
t Another sobbed under her breath"
I For her home had held Just such an
Who's eyes were now closed in death
Ah, yes, a little candy shop.
Is a place of joy, you'll agree.
But there's never a place so gay or
Where no sad heart will be.
Paxtang, Pa.'
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor of The Telegraph:
Where are the graceful steps that
were in our midst live years ago? Ah,
ask the girls. The old, dreamy waits
steals as of yore from the orchestra,
but, ah me! The dance has changed.
Mark you yon girl, tall and attenuated.
In a tight skirt doing the tango. "O
wad some power the glftle gle us to see
oursels as others see us!" Doesn't she
look for all the world like a folding
ladder that opens and shuts! In slow,
swaying circles, she would be poetically
?;raceful, but In the tango, she's a
reak. She's all angles. Look at that
other pair. No, they are not doing a
vaudeville stunt, though they are
bizarre enough to get an engagement
In a flve-cent theater. Tho prancing
I of those other twain is the "horse trot."
Well, that ought to be left to the mule
—the creaturo that boasteth not of his
ancestry, and hath no hope of poster
! Ity. In many academics dancing was
taught for the sole purpose of making
the girls graceful. The new dances
are a conspiracy against the poetry of
motion. That other maiden is reclin
ing languidly on the narrow "bussum"
of her partner, as the old-fashioned
heroine did In the books our mothers
r ®a<3—-some new form of dance! Another
girl has her body bent at such an angle
that we shudder lest she pitch against
the Wall or a flower pot. And so we
find them, one worse than tho other.
When will the tide turn? When will
good taste so reassert itself that people
who count, will frown on this latest
and silliest of fads, the freak dance?
Let It be soont Sit in a sequestered
noolc and study tho young feminine of
to-day; note her shoulders, with their
very irregular slope; notice awkward
movements of her hips, the ungainly
twisting* of her neck, and then tell us,
if you dare—"Let the dance go on." No,
out with it! The world Is bleak, and
needs grace and beauty. Don't let those
ugly dances come in, and spoil what the
world needs.
"My salary is 12,500
per year. What would
become of my family
should I die sudden,
Free Booklet. No im
103 N. Second St,
Isaac Miller, 1 i.oeal
F. O. Donaldson, I Agents.
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