4 X&OMen r^Jirreßes THERE IS NO DEATH, SAYS ELLA WHEELER WILCOX (Copyright. 1913, by Star Company) BKYOXD It seemeth such a little way to me Across to that strange country, the Beyond: And yet not strange, for it has grown to be The home of those of whom I am so fond: They make it seem familiar, and most dear. As journeying friends bring distant countries near. So close it lies that when my sight is clear I seem to see the gleaming of that strand; I know I foel those who have gone from here Come near enough to even touch my hand. J often think but for our veiled eves, .We would find Heaven right rotind about us lies. 1 cannot make it seem a day to dread When from this dear earth I shall Journey out JTo that still dearer country of the dead |KAnd join the lost ones so long dreamed about. V love this world, yet I shall love to go meet the friends who wait for W me, I know. Z never stand above the bier and see The seal of death set on sc*me well loved face I But that I think—One more to wel- L come me ■ When I shall cross the intervening B space feet-ween this land and that one I Over There; lOn* more to make the strange Be f yond seem fair. (And so to me there Is no sting to death. | And so the grave has lost its vic tory. Ft is but crossing, with suspended breath And white, set face, a little strip of tsea, > find thei loved ones on the other Fhore, ore beautiful, more precious than before. BkSSSP A man who says is a great stu *jyEß,dent and that has the re 'S^ollß - urges me to be "sensible" and discontinue writing or talking about "God" or" "Heaven" or "Future Life." H He says all these 'LJ things are supersti tions, which people J •)* intellect must or resign all claim to intellec nn j n . dividual who sits holding his own photograph close to his eyes and says, "There is no universe, no sun or ekies; there is only this card on which I see my face." The perfectly balanced human be ing forms a complete triangle. Physi pfo 7 if Droadwau ii: In Jones f|| > > i From the Play of j\ ► > I George M. Cohan !«J : — : : E .> I o 1 > Bu §<► C ; EDVTABD MARSHALL |J J !I I—-—I |; ► f> Wtt rWW< inm Sttm ia tW Ph» |«* |ob«7>vu, wa. by C. W. Dillingham Oompaog • Bhe Bmlled at him. She cared noth ing tor the cheering, but she would tell .fciim about it, because she liked to talk (to him on any subject. "Well, you lahouid have heard them cheering! They've made more noise than this (Did town has ever heard before." •' Tea, I dare say It is," he granted, )u new cheers burst forth. But he did not go to see the dem lonatration, which indicated to him ithat he must find something most at tractive in this village belle's com pany. What other woman could have held him from the sight of Broadway iJonee In his first effort as an orator? "Fanny," he remarked, and smiled Wt her; "I was thinking of you as I passed the drug store Just now." She laughed, delighted. ' That's fetrange. I've been thinking of you, jtoo!" ( "Have you really?" • J "Yes. Oh, those chocolates were (fine! I ate them all before I went to Kd." Then, reproachfully, "but you ouldn't be spending your money the (way you do!" He was unconscious of any mad ex penditure of which she could be cogni zant and, therefore, was surprised. |"What?" "Mr. Jones told me that you were a iregular spendthrift." This from Broadway, the most fa mous spendthrift of New York's recent years! "When did he tell you that?" he asked, endeavoring to hide the meaning of his smiles. "Just a little while ago. He said you ■pent over twenty-five dollars one Aight!" For a second this extraordinary ■tatement almost choked him. He had teen with Broadway when that sum would have been regarded as a modesl tip for a head-wa'ter. "Oh, did he tell you about that Slight?" he asked, still carefully en deavoring to conceal the nature of his ■miles at least And as he smiled it came upon him that for reasons which he did not un derstand as yet he should be sorry to fcave thiß particular girl learn details o# some nights which he and Broadway Jones had passed together on the fa mous street they knew so well. "Yes," she said, prettily admonish teg, "and you mustn't waste it in that TUESDAY EVENING, cully strong:, mentally strong, splrltu ally strong-: the three natures are li perfect harmony. We find few such beings, and con sequently the world Is tilled with those who are in some respects dwarfed or deformed. There is the robust athlete. whos« prowess lies in the physical realm He had not developed his brain ot his spirit. There is the hysterical spiritual be ins. w>ho thinks only of the world beyond and neglects his mind and his body. There is the intellectual giant, who has a stunted body and no spirituality, or who has two sides of the trian gle developed, body and mind, and t'nly a blank space where the spirit ual line should be. No one of these Individuals is liv ing the life God wants man to live. Kach one must he sent back to earth in many incarnations until he learns :o make the perfect triangle of him self, and then, being complete, he can ?ass on to other work, in other Man sions, in other Realms. My correspondent may be a strong nan physically and mentally, but he s dwarfed and stunted spiritually; ind because ho is so, he thinks there s no spiritual truth in the universe; »s the man born blind might think hero was no light of sun or moon'or itar. Fortunately there are hundreds of jrilliant minds ready to give their estimony to the contradiction of this nan's statements that earth and hu nan life are accidents, and that chance rules all things, and that here is no life beyond this life, and io realm beyond earth. One of the greatest men who ever ived on earth, a great scientist, a rreat humanitarian, a great scholar, vas Swedenborg. And this man gave ip position and power and place imong the ambitious people of earth o devote his mature years to telling he world the marvelous facts he had earned about Realms within Realms ind Life beyond Life. When he was dying at the advanced ige of eighty-three, he was ofTored all he solaces of orthodox religion It" le would say that he had not heard hese voices or seen visions. "But I lid see and did hear," he replied. And :hose were almost his last words. Swedenborg's opinions on politics jr science left no marked impression an the world; very few people even know that he was renowned in those lays. But Swedenborg's great relig ious philosophy is the comfort and the strength of thousands of intel lectual and useful human beings. There is an old Hindoo phrase which reads thus: He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, he is a fool; shun him. He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, he Is simple: teach him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, he is asleep: wake him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, he is wise; follow him. Swedenborg was the latter. He was the perfect triangle. Great in all ways. There are thousands of other human beings living, and thousands who have lived, strong of intellect. 1 way any more." She shook her finger at him playful ly, but with a serious light of eyes be hind the playfulness which seemed to indicate proprietary interest in him. It amused him —but he found it untnis-1 takably pleasant, too. The excited Sam came in. Sam al ways seemed to come at Just those 1 inoments which without him would have been more interesting. "He's shaking hands with everybody," he volunteered. "Who? Mr. Jones?" asked Clara. "Yes Gosh! He was—afraid to make —a speech! I bet —I wouldn't —bo afraid! If ever I amount to anything the first thing l'm going to do is to make a speech about myself!" Wallace laughed. "You've got the right idea, Sammy." "You bet l've got the right idea! I've got darned good ideas if I ever get a chance to use 'em!" Clara was reproving. "Sammy, stop this constant talking about yourself!" "Stop your own talking! You don't unuerstand me. I've - got brains I have!" "No one can tell," said Wallace. "Maybe he has." "I'll surprise you all some day!" Clara smiled at Wallace. "Alnt it funny. He really thinks he'e going to be a big m;m." "Well, maybe he will," said Wallace, considering Sammy's bulk reflectively, "and then, again, he's liable to fall away to almost nothing." She laughed, delighted at his humor. "Oh, I see what you fnean! You're always Joking, aren't you?" _■* "Aren't I the cut-up, though?" he gently guyed her. It was very silly, and he knew how very silly it was, but, none the less, the city man enjoyed the persiflage with this red-cheeked rural maiden. In the extraordinary ebullition of his spir its he reached out his hand for hers, found it, and stood swinging it. She blushed, he laughed. He was really burlesquing a flirtation, but she did not know it. nor was the impulse of his foolery entirely burlesque. He was very much confused when an amused, cough from behind them told that Josie bad come in. He whirled. "Oh, good morning, Miss Richards'" "How do you do, Mr. Wallace?" She smiled with definite satisfaction. "Mr. Jones is causing quite a sensation in the works." "So I understend." "Shall I teil him you are here?" asked Clara. "I wish you would, if it isn't too much trouble. Miss Spotswood." "Not at all. I'll be only too pleased." Bhe smiled at him. "Nobody ever calls me anything but Clara." Wallace felt that he was most em phatically in clover. "Oh, you Clara!" He was a large young man, with a large, smooth-shaven face, particularly broad. It was one happy smile. wf.rM • Wh ° haVO Ven to th« knowi»i testimony of absolute knowledge of the existence of lnvia- i b ' '°n d 8 about us - and Invisible our PC /* r" " s - Jußt M travelers on ami d?ff P r^f POrt dllTer,?nt oondlUona Southprn if scenes In Northern and l and Equatorial loca serv«" fnfoi Var , l ° us conditions In the splr varlitv '?n th Ther . e la J ust «s much and 2Jh h realm » as In our own. and eaih Seer sees according to his t°o hi s P °nw erS ° f B,Kht « d according velopment a " d B P' rltual «»•- The architect, on earth, who is ab walk*with°M in M buiWi nßs, takes a (or n*tii» an artist who cares only tell am thi'n K° ne re,urns unable to flow»r« g B^°Ut the P'ants, trees, flowers or scenery, but evervthtna at]°»t *** s t-vle of houses he has seen* while the artist has not even no'lced a house, but Is filled with facts con t°he n trf s ,h th land " oa, ' e > the streams, tne trees, the verdure. Precisely so with the man who },a« the open eye in spiritual realms. I know a quiet. Industrious business man respected by his fellows, ""ve" his associates, who seeks neither , y . '," >r rlt ' hps - and who is ever rcadj to serve his friends or his enemies with good deeds. This man has the open eye and he is privileged in being able to see the invisible realms and'the invisible helpers who mo\e about among us. Naturallv possessed of the clear seeing eye, he m . t !. ev l elo ' ,ed th o power of the "in! Inn thinking, and living and preparation. There are a few S H C I I t ] n eal "th, and to meet and talk uplift! 18 10 Pain a Kreat "P'fitual Without a faith in other states of existence, this life at its brightest and best would be insupportable to a finely organized and loving soul. The sudden calamities which befall dear ones, the sorrows and tragedies which w Vfry Ufe - would make this u Vm . ' taV , a » has tly Jest were it not that we know it as only one room In our Father's mansion', and that we are to enter other room* dressed in other bodies, after we have passed from this. Other realms, other lives await us but one of many spheres thi ough hich we pass. We shall meet and recognize those who were our spiritual kin, in these otner realms. Vital, deep, beautiful affection can never die. Only ephemeral loves die with ueath. Ambition for worldly honors, enjoy ment of wholly physical pleasures ana a.I that is based on selfishness) and avarice eventually die with the body. They continue for a time after death, because they have fettered the spirit and prevented it from progres sing at once. They make the spirit earthbound for a season, but after a time the spirit gains its knowledge of higher ideals of happiness and goes on to the various heavens, and from those higher heavens it is al lowed to come at times to earth to sustain and uplift and help those who remain. There is no death. There are no dead. I - She was giggling as she hurried to ward the factory. "I'll tell him, right away." Wallace turned to Josie. "Has Mr. Pembroke called?" "No; Mr. Jones was saying he ex pected him at eleven o'clock." | "Well, it isn't quite eleven, yet." "He told me of the advice you gave him. We nave a good deal to thank you for. I'm sure of that." "I don't see why," he protested. "He's only doing what is right. Any man with a conscience would do the same. Of course my influence may have had some bearing on his decision, but, believe me, his mind was made up wh#n you got through with him last night." She was very earnest. "Oh, It means bo much to so many!" "Any way, I think he'd be a fool to ■ell." "You do?" "Certainly. A proposition which showed the profit this did last year— without any advertising! Why, it's wonderful! I know what I'm talking about. I'm with the biggest adver tising firm in New York city." "But we couldn't afford to advertise, except in a small way," she said in ex planation of what he evidently thought their lack of enterprise, "and the big Arms wouldn't take a petty contract." "Why didn't you try the Empire Agency?" She shook her head. "We did. They refused to handle us at all. They do most of the Consolidated's work, you see. I guess that was the reason." He was quick to deny this. He did not wish anyone to think that the great Empire Agency would favor, one concern to the extent of shutting out another in fair competition. "Oh, no," he confidently asserted, "we don't make that sort of agree ments. No corporation can dictate to us. The Empire's my firm. My Guv'- nor's its president." "Oh, well, then, perhaps, you know all about it." She evidently did not care to be so firmly contradicted. This daunted him. "You say they refused to handle your work?" "Absolutely." For a moment he stood lost in thought, then suddenly reached a res olution of importance. "May I use your phone?" he asked. "Certainly." "Give me long distance," he demand ed of the operator; then, while he was waiting, he turned back to Josie, say ing almost angrily: "That's a pretty rotten trick, if it's so—to Bqueeze the little fellow out like that. You're ab solutely sure it was the Empire?" "Yes; we tried all the big advertise ing firms." "There isn't any other big advertis ing firm," he valiantly declaimed. His business patriotism was unquestion able. "If there was we'd whip it over to the Empire in pretty quick shape." The receiver, which he held at his ear, showed signs of life. "Hello, I want New York," he told the operator. Then, to Josie: "What's this num- j ber?" I *To lie Continued.] j HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH fti, ,■VTaW ifS§&>MiTstarewonsH m I TAILOREDtoMEASURE ■ K\\ *T LESS THAN COST ■ /*wT 11 THIS GIGANTIC MONKT SAVING AN- $22.50 »d 111 - WM&T FI IIXULW t *&S»/5Pb N, Al - stock cijearing sai.k ib ort- *ne nn l>" #s\Vx VWJ* W MP -WIUM* D TINU bigmior and rigger kvery day. S/n.Ou ™ Nj\. 7 M A.]*T /. Ml"' rtK J/ /L/MIB M "> mJld youn* mm reallve thai (U«h an .. . K FKMN/l/, f) W HFw opportunity tu wear hl«h claaa tailored g*r- VfllllAl \\\\\ Jio— «k !'/1 mm&\ nieatV bio BiTrr before been known. IVI ■ BIUC3| \V\A . X A] 'III /MMY »™ forced to mtk« room /\¥ T/JV/M rfc MY (|JT lOCB OR""» JS SOW. Uiwn fnuu thp mo Jf luit ilroinni thr worltl'n Ui-nt looiiin liatr ever produced . >w/£r Every enrmrnt tailored to perfection. FOR YOU, tailor- V fflf i M ■ "O'ic# |"*q ■ UVBFREEH ■j ijjjjulj JJIiV/O.M ffi F |p| T H ATTRACTIVE STYLE OF FANCY BLOUSE One Cannot Have Too Many Dainty Waists to Wear With Coat Suits i 8126 Fancy Blouse for Mis«es and Small Women, 16 and 18 years. 1 j WITH LONG OR THREE-QUARTER j Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns. JAMES IS PREVENTED FROM RESIGNING BY HEAVY VOTE By Associated Press 1 ! Champaign, 111., Feb. 3.—President James, of the University of Illinois. , was prevented from resigning last night when the faculty passed a vote ;of confidence in his administration. President James called a meeting of the faculty last night and announced that he had received Sequent reports ' that he did not possess the confidence ( and support of the faculty. The fac ulty, in secret ballot, by a vote of 188 yeas to 4 nays, declared confidence in President James. SIO,OOO FOR MEMORIAL By Associated Press Washington, Pa., Feb. 3. An nouncement was made here last night at the completion of the fund of $lO,- 000 donated by women of the United Presbyterian Church of North Amer ica as a memorial to Mrs. Sarah F. Hanna, of Washington, the founder of ; the missionary society work among the women of that denomination. UNWRITTEN DAW SHATTERED By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Feb. 3.—The un written luw that has been Invoked by the Interstate Commerce Commission since its creation that no woman shall be employed in the various offices coming directly under its supervision has at last been shattered. Scarcity of male stenographers and typewriters is the cause. KEDFIELD TO SPEAK By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Feb. 3.—Secre tary Redfleld, of the Department of Commerce, will open the discussion of anti-trust legislation, which will be the i feature of the program of the Cham ber of Commerce of the United States at its annual meeting here on Feb ruary IH. Wants Divorce Because Husband Made Her Feed 7 Dogs and Tend Bees Constant complaining about her cooking, laziness, seven howling dogs, and four hives of bees were among tho reasons the Dauphin County Divorce Court learned to-day, that Mrs. Wil liam A. H. Seltzer, daughter of ex- Sheriff Shellenberger, of Middletown, is seeking legal separation from her husband. The respondent, is now among the missing, according to the wife, elud ing a court maintenance order. The couplo was married October 7, 1896. All was happiness until March 15, 1909, when the wife in the role of a good Samaritan, advisd her husband to stop work, so that he might regain his former good health. The trouble started, the wife said, when Seltzer, who has fully recovered was advised to seek employment. On several oc casions Mrs. Seltzer says she was stung by the bees, and she said Seltzer enjoyed poking fun by making nasty remarks regarding her swollen face. She said further that her husband made her feed seven dogs, that he made a practice of chasing her about the house and striking her many times and complained much about the cook, ing. Girl Threw Baby Down Sewer, Say the Police Blanche Williams, a 17-year-old colored girl, daughter of George Wil liams, 131 Ridge street, Steelton, was arrested by Detective Gore this morn ing on charges preferred by Andrew P. Bomgardner, constable. The infor mation charges that on, or about, Oc tober Id, the Williams girl gave birth to a child which died. The death of this child, it is charged in the informa tion, was concealed. It was believed by the authorities that the dead child had been buried in the cellar of the Williams home in Ridge street or near by. The girl, however, when brought before Squire Gardner this morning, is said to have broken down and told a story to the effect that the child was thrown down a sewer. This, the authorities say, the girl admitted this merning. In de fault of SI,OOO bail the girl was sent to jail. Taft Warmly Defends Courts of the Country New London, Conn., Feb. 3.—Speak ing last night before the Connecticut Bar Association, ex-President William Howard Taft warmly defended the courts of the country after Sherman L. Whipple, a Boston lawyer, had criticised the judicial system and con tended that it did not favor a fair, thorough trial, but rather tended toward "concealment, chicanery and trickery." Mr. Taft said he did agree that "something has happened to impair the confidence of the people in our courts." but declared that the trouble did not lie with the Judges, the law yers or the methods of procedure. In his opinion tho trouble had arisen be cause of "misstatements and misrepre sentations of demagogues as to the character of courts and of their de cisions." VISITING LODGES Hr.HK Visiting members from Goldsboro Council, No. 15; Penbrook Council, No. 328: Middletown Council, and the Co dorus Council, No. 116, of York, Junior Order United American Mechanics, were the guests of the local branch, the Pride of the National Council, No. 3, last evening, when a class of ten candidates were Initiated into the local branch at Its lodge rooms, 304 North Second street. The degree work was conferred by Codorus Council, No. 115, of York. An address was delivered by W. H. Painter, State Councilor of Pennsyl vania. MISSION DOES GOOD WORK Fifteen people have been converted by the American Rescue Workers dur ing December and January. During that time the little band has held 288 meetings, 210 of them in the open alt during the cold weather. The poor have been given 271 free meals, 132 articles of clothing and 66 pairs of shoes. Pro visions have gone out to 63 people .and 58 destitute persons have been given lodging. FEBRUARY 3, 1914. MAXY WOULD BE MAIL CLERKS Applicants for employment in the railway service are unusually numer ous this year, according to officials at the Post Office. More than a hun dred have applied for the examination to be held on February 21 and It is believed that at least seventy-five more will apply beforo the middle of the month. The last day for applying is February 16. The papers must be in Washington six days before the ex amination. ISI DEVELOPED ONE OUNCE A DAY ■£' ■ Givei ,: $' | Quick ' •I Jdge fi, truth of what I say to you—that the crowning feminine attribute Is a bust of beautiful proportions, ilrmness and exquisite development. Then ask your self how much you would like to have such a photograph of yourself, showing the glory of womanhood with it's lines of infinite charm and grace. It would be worth far more than a two-cent stamp, would it not? Then let me give you my message—let me tell you of what I have learned and let me give you recent pictures of my self to prove what I say—for if you will write me to day I Will Tell YouHow-FREE I will tell you gladly and willingly. Why should any woman neglect an op portunity to escape the pain and heart ache of being skinny, scrawny angular and unattractive in body? Misery is not our heritage. Nature planned that you—a woman—should have the rich, pulsing lines of warm, living flesh molded after the mother of us all. the description of whom, perfumes our sacred literature with love and admira tion for the divinity of woman's form. For why should there be that pitiful aspect—the face of a woman and the form of a man. Write To Me Today I don't care how fallen, or flaccid, or undeveloped your bust now Ib—l want to tell you or a simple home method—X want to tell you how you can gain per fect development one ounce a day. No physical culture—no message, foolish baths or paste—no piasters, masks or injurious injections—l want to tell you I of an absolutely new method, never be fore offered or told about—insuring im mediate success and permanent beauty. Send No Money Just write me a letter—address It to me personally—that's all. I will ans wer it by return mall—and you can develop your bust one ounce a day—you can be what you want to be. Believe me when X say that you wll\ bless me through years of happiness for pointing the way to you and telling you what I know. Please send your letter to-day to the following address: MRS. LOUISE INGRAM Suite #44, 40» Adams St., Toledo, Ohio, Advertisement Carbon in Coal It's the life of fuel—it's the fac tor that determines its best effi ciency, its worthiness as fuel. Kelley's Coal is fresh from Pennsylvania's famous anthracite veins and has that known quality of carbon richness that gives the largest percentage of heat with least waste of ashes and clinkers. Try these in your furnace— Kelley's Hard Egg.... $6.45 Kelley's Hard Stove $6.70 H. M. KELLEY & CO, 1 N. Third St 10th and State Streets. THE LEADER OF THE CLASS is the child with the least handicaps. There are children who are cross and Irritable because of eye strain, wrong glasses now or the lack of glasses may bring a lifetime »of eye trouble. I study the child's needs and fit glasses with absolute exactness, never advising glasses except when absolutely neces sary. c %D.s£ S k>o(sb\ With 11. C. Cluster, 302 Market St, Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Uflect November 40, 1911. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburg at 1:03, *7:62 a. m., *1:40 p. m. For Hajfferstown, Chambers burg, Car lisle, Mecnanlcaburg and Intermediate stations at 5:08. *7.62. *11:53 a. m, •8:40, 6:82, *7:40. *11:16 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanicsburg at »:4« a. m.. 2:18, 8:17. 6:80, 8:80 a. m. For DUlsburg at 6:03, *7:61 and *11:68 a. m.. 2:18. *1:40, 6:82 and «:30 p. m. •Dally. All other trains dally except Bunday. H. A. RIDDLE, I. H. TO NOB. Q. P. A. WDt EDUCATIONAL MAKE NEW YEAR RESOLUTION to enroll next Monday In Day or Night School. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE I 15 S. Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa. Harrisburg Business College Day and Night. Business, Shorthand and Civil Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. 329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. undertakers RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Embalmer 813 Walnut St. Bell Phone Try Telegraph Want Ads.