Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 03, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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It is an Epid«mio Catarrhal Fever
Caused by a Bacillua that Genar*
ally Laavaa tha Patient Weak
Aftar tha Acuta Stag*
Haa Pattad.
Grip Patients Grateful to Peruna, tha
Expectorant Tonic.
Do not make the error of regardln*
grip as an exaggerated cold. There
la a big difference between the two.
Grip Is an epidemic disease that poi
sons the vital organs. When a per
son has grip, the air passages are
alive with millions of bacilli poison
ing the blood. The Infected person
feels tired and exhausted.
Peruna ia a Tonlo Laxative.
It requires a good tonic laxative to
keep the body of the patient as strong
aa possible to counteract the effect of
the poisons created by the grip bacil
lus. An expectorant tonic with some
laxative qualities Is the safest rem
edy. Such ia Peruna. Beware es
pecially of coal tar powders or tablets
because they lessen the vitality of the
There Is no specific for the grip.
Peruna has been used with good
success In former grip epidemics. In
dications point to the return of grip
this winter.
Do not fail to read the experience
of former grip patients with Peruna.
Mrs. Gentry Gates, 8219 First Ave.,
Bast Lake, Ala., writes: "I had a
bad case of grip. I tried Peruna and
it cured me. I can safely say it is a
fine medicine."
Mrs. Charles E. Wells, Sr.. 230
South St., Delaware. Ohio, writes:
"After a severe attack of la grippe I
took Peruna and found it a good
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Feb. 3.—Every
post office in the United States would
he made an employment agency, in
which a list of cities where labor is
wanted would be kept, under a bill
which Congress will be urged to pass
by Alexander law. president of the
Sight-Hour League of America. Mr.
Law arrived here to-day in the inter
est of the proposed legislation.
A Message To Thin,
Weak, Scrawny Folks
Ab Kaxy W ay to (>aln 10 to 30 U»*. of
Solid, Healthy, Permanent FleNh
Thin, nervous, undeveloped men and
women everywhere are heard to saw
'T can't understand why I do not get
fat. I eat plenty of good, nourishing
food." The reason Is just this: You i
cannot get fat. no matter how much I
you eat, unless your digestive organs
Rsstmilate the fat-making elements of ■
your food Instead of passing them out !
through the body as waste.
What is needed is a means of gently
urging the assimilative functions of the
stomach and intestines to absorb the
oils and fats and hand them over to
the blood, where they may reach the
starved, shrunken, run-down tissues
and build them up. The thin person's
body is like a dry sponge—eager and
hungry for the fatty materials of which
it is being deprived by the failure of
the alimentary canal to take them from
the food. The best way to overcome
this sinful- waste of flesh building ele
ments and to stop the leakage of fats is
to use Sargol, the recently discovered
regenerative force that is recommended
so highly by physicians here and
abroad. Take a little Sargol tablet with
pvery meal and notice how quickly your
cheeks All out and rolls of tlrm, healthy
flesh are deposited over vooir body cov
ing each bony angle and projecting
point. George A. Gorgas and other
good druggists have Sargol, or can get
it from their wholesaler, and will re
fund your money If you are not satis
fied with the gain in weight it pro
duces as stated on the guarantee In
each package. It is inexpensive, easy
to take and highly efficient.
Caution:—While Sargol has produced
remarkable results in overcoming
nervous dyspepsia and general stomach
troubles. It should not be taken unless
you are willing to gain ten pounds or
more, for it is a wonderful flesh-builder
.Mne-trntfaa of All Stomach Trouble
Said to Be Due to Acidity
A Phyniciau * Advice on C'aiiMe and
A famous physician wiiose success
ful researches into the cause and cure
of stomach and intestinal diseases
L™?. ®? rned him an international
leputation. said in the course of a re
cent lecture that nearly all intestinal
troubles, as well as many diseases of
the vital organs, were ciirectlv trace
able to a deranged condition' of the
stomach which in turn was due nine
times out of ten to excessive aciditv
commonly termed sour stomach or
whl i' h , not on, V i"ltated and
inflamed the delicate lining of the
ntSmaph' Ilwi 1 T Set , up gastritis and
stomach ulcers. It i s Interesting to
note that he condemns the use of pat
ent medicines as well as of medical
treatment for the stomach, stating tha
he and his colleagues have secured re
markable results By the use of ordinarv
bisurated magnesia, which, by neu
tralizing the acidity of the food, re
moves the source of the irnnhlo
contends that it is ns fool%h to treat
the stomach itself as it would he for a
man who stepped on a tack to rub lin
n»n^ntiht foc £ wl(h ""t first remov
ing the tack. Remove the tack and
the foot will heal itself—neutralize the
acid and stomach troubles will disap
pear. Irritating medicines and medi
cal treatments are useless, so lone as
the contents of the stomach remain
add; remove the acidity, and there will
i's r,",S® ed /?i' the inflam
?».»!♦ 5 the st ° ma °h will then heal
itself. Sufferers from acidity, sour
stomach or heartburn should get a
small bottle of bisurated magnesia from
their druggist, and take a teaspoonful
in a quarter of a glass of hot or cold
water after meals, repeating in fifteen
minutes, if necessary, this being the
dose which the doctor has found most
efficacious in all cases. Advertise
Good Coal Means Less Coal
Boy «Ir rood fuel Bad youll buy leaa. Gno4 coal (ITM off heat
ateadlly and the consumption U leaa than It would be It mixed with alate
and other Impurities which decrease heat ralne. To hay our coal la to hoy
good coaL It eoata more—try it.
Father Johnson Each Week Dis
cusses History in Its Re
lation to Church
So valu&hie have
the Sunday after
noon lectures on
history and the
Bible, given by the
Rev. T. B. Johnson,
.* Ija at St. Patrick's
t LMti Cathedral, become.
* 'IH.. .that in opening the
. - class this year the
members asked
(HJi* that the class be
made twice as long,
l.ast year a half
hour was devoted
to study. This year
F *■ * ,T * * it has been length
ened to an hour. From 76 to 150 at
tend these weekly classes.
Each week a phase of history in its
relations to the Roman Catholic
Church is taken up and Father John
son explains the movements of the
period. Once a month the class takes
up the study, of a book of the Bible
in place of the history course.
Ten minutes each day are devoted
to a discussion ot current ©vents and
problems under the head of "Town
Topics." Any member can bring up
the sub.iect and the whole class joins
In the discussion.
The subjects of the series of lectures
are of interest: Sunday, February 8,
"Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, the Con
cordats and Febronianism"; Sunday,
February 16, "Effects of French Rev
olution in Belgium and Holland, the
Catholic Party and Catholic Social Ac
tion"; Sunday, February 22, "The Kul
turkampf, Bismarck"; Sunday, March!
1. "Moses the Lawgiver; the Piaguesj
of Egypt, and the Journey Through j
the Mountains of Sinai"; Sunday,]
March 15, "The Russian Church and
Catharine II"; Sunday, March 22, 1
"Italy and the Carbonari"'; Sunday,!
March 29. "Gregory XVI"; Sunday, I
April 5, "The Conquest of Canaan;
Judges"; Sunday, April 19, "A Last]
Word on the Church in the Austrian
Empire"; Sunday, April 26, "Russia
and the Balkans"; Sunday, May 3,
"Kings; David"; Sunday, May 10, "The
Anglican Church and the Restitution I
of the Hierarchy"; Sunday, May 17,
"Pius IX. September 21st"; Sunday,
May 24, "Pius IX; the Vatican Coun
cil and After"; Sunday, May 81, "The
Church in England; The Repeal of
the Penal Laws"; Sunday, June 1,
'Kings; Solomon": Sunday, June 3,
"England, the Oxford Movement;
Notes and Comments."
Three New C. E. Societies.—Three
new Christian Endeavor Societies were j
received into the Harrisburg C. E. I
Union at the first of the big "Booster" !
rallies held in the Trinity Lutheran i
Church, Lemoyne, last night. Morel
than 400 attended the meetings. The)
new societies are United Brethren, I
New Cumberland, H. B. Prowell, presi-1
dent; Church of God, Xew Cumber-1
land. John D. Seitz. president; Church i
of God, Camp Hill. D. W. Appier, |
vice-president of the C. E. Union, pre-!
sided, and the Rev. E. D. Keen con
ducted the devotional service. A boos
ter chorus under J. Frank Palmer
sang a number of songs, among the
features being a "Down With Booze"
chant, which made a hit The speak
ere were the Rev. M. S. Sharp, of the
Lutheran Church, who talked on the
"Christian Endeavor Soldier"; M. A.
Hoff, of New Cumberland, who spoke
on "Christian Endeavor—The Train
ing School of the Church"; the Rev.
G. B. Renshaw, pastor of Wormleys
burg United Rrethren Church, who
urged "A Saloonless Nation In 1920."
Preliminary to the big C. E. rally to be
held In Bethlehem Lutheran Church
oh Thursday night, two district ral
lies will be held in Trinity Lutheran
Church and Fourth Reformed Church
to-night. The Rev. E. E. Snyder will
talk at Trinity and O. P. Beckley will j
talk at the Fourth Reformed meeting.'
Bible Study.—Opportunty to study
the Bible under the White teaching
method, will be given by the Rev. An
drew Fraser. a returned missionary
to China, who will open a class in the
Kelker street markethouse. Fourth
and Kelker streets, this evening. The
class is open to the public and will
last ten days.
Bishop Confirms Class.—At his an
nual visit to St. Mark's Church, Lcw
istown, on Sunday, Bishop James
Henry Darlington confirmed a class of
fifteen. In his sermon on the divinity
of Christ. Bishop Darlington refuted
statements in the Inside of the Cup,
where the miraculous birth of Jesus
is questioned.
Men'* < Ihnn llniil* Banquet The
Men's Bible Class of the Fourth Re
formed Church, Market and Sixteenth
streets, last evening: celebrated the
fifth anniversary of its founding with
a banquet served in honor of the teach
er, W. M. Robinson. Ninety men sat
down to the bier feed which was served
by members of one of the Wimen's
Bible classes of the church. During
the evening addresses were made bv
James R. Sheple.v. a student in the the
ological seminary of Franklin and Mar
shall College, Lancaster; the Rev
Harry Nelson Bassler, pastor of the
Second Reformed Church: Paul A. ICun
kel; and the Rev. Homer S. May, pas
tor of the Fourth Street Church The
class presented Mr. Robinson, the
teacher, with a silk umbrella. The
Rev. Mr. May made the speech of pre
sentation. The class was organized
with fifteen members five years ago- at
the present time it has an enrollment
of 110.
Special to The Telegraph
Annville. Pa.. Feb. 3.—The Annville
Alumni Association and the pupils of
the high school will again give their
annual entertainment this year. The
time and place have not yet been de
cided. The alumni association com
mittee consists of the following: Misses
Mattie Bomberger, Anna E. Kreider
Blanche Black and Mabel Detweiler]
Abe and Homer Fink.
Special to The Telegraph
Sunbury, Pa., Fob. 3. —M. L. \V
T,ahr, assistant principal in the Sun
bury high school, was to-day chosen
principal to succeed Major W. W. Fet
zer, who was made superintendent of
the Milton public schools. He will
get $l5O the first month. His salary
will be increased at a later period.
Miss Fields, Leading Lady, 1 ells |
; of Woman's Influence on Stage!
Advises Parents to Have the Children Read Good Plays
at their Homes
Miss Marguerite Fields, the tal
ented leading lady with Kirk Brown
and who is appearing with him at the
Majestic theater this week, says that
women can do much to help with the
uplift of the stage.
After reviewing the general scope
of the theater, its possibilities and
limitations, the temptations that assail
actors—and the commercial reasons
for the production of so-called objec
tionable plays. Miss Fields turned to
the influence a woman c.-m exert on
the stage. She advocates the sys
tematic education of this and ooming
generations to the reading of good
plays as the greatest single factor in
the desired uplift.
"Teach them to read the plays,"
said Miss Fields. "Theater-goers of
to-day know plays only in the visual
way—they see them, but do not read
them. Take the classic drama. "The
Merchant of Venice." If you read It
you will be more interested later in
the visual exposition of the mental
picture you have formed and its act
ing will excite the deeper and more
lasting memory of it.
Club women should advocate the
reading of plays, this vital question
will be carried into the home. While
the basic idea of the stage is enter-
Palmer and His Allies Take Every
Thing For Themselves; Others
Out in Cold
According to the Washington cor
respondent of the Philadelphia Pub
lic Ledger the weight of the bosshlp of
the Democratic machine in Pennsyl
vania is preventing Congressman A.
Mitchell Palmer from attending to his
sworn duties as a congressman. He
is compelled to work overtime seeing
applicants for places and keeping the
party straightened out.
The Ledger article is interesting for
it is first hand information about one
of the leading lights of the faction
that parades the importance of serv
ing the people and not the party. It
"Distribution of Federal patronage
for Pennsylvania is assuming the im
portance of an issue in the coming
Democratic campaign in Pennsylva
nia. The satisfying of the army of
hungry office-seekers, who were with
out hope of Federal preferment for
sixteen years, has widened the po
litical gulf between the practical active
workers of the Old Guard and the
leaders of the triumphant Palmer-
McCormick faction. it also has ab
sorbed the time of Representative A.
Mitchell Palmer so as to make his
work as a legislator almost negligible
in this Congress.
"For months the sweep of prospec
tive office seekers to Mr. Palmer's
office. has been constant. He keeps
three secretaries busy answering the
Inquiries and searching the depart
ment offices for vacancies. The de
mands on his time have been so con
tinual that Mr. Palmer is rarely seen
in the House except on occasions when
distinct party measures are under con
sideration. The result has been that
Mr. Palmer is a slave to the Demo
cratic place hunter and no time is
allowed him for constructive work in
Congress. He has been forced into
the role of a political boss—eclipsing
his ambition to become a leader in
"There has been no effort on the
part of Mr. Palmer and his associates
to appease the followers of the de
feated faction. The places have been
apportioned without exception to the
men who, two years ago and .previous
ly, maintained opposition to the bi
partisan machine. But this policy has
accentuated the differences and
strengthened the fighting ardor of
the defeated faction. It is now ap
parent to the reorganization, facing
the May primaries, that one of the
issues that will be employed against
them by the Old Guard will be the
patronage distribution,
lg.eoacuniectofv far dar dar dar far
"With the appointment of the inter
nal revenue deputies for Philadelphia
and the Ninth district all of the big
places, with the exception of Commis
sioner of Immigration at Philadelphia
and Superintendent of the Mint, are
disposed of. There are about fifty
post office vacancies in prospect be
fore the primary, and these will be
used as soon as the Republican incum
bents can be crowded out."
Commonwealth Band Will
Play at Firemen's Bazar
Mechanicsburg. Pa., Feb. 3.—The
Commonwealth Band, of Harrlsburg,
will be the attraction this evening at
tho bazar now being held by the
Washington Fire Company and will
furnish music. While the attendance
at the bazar has been large, the above
musicians, it is expected, will give
added interest, as many people will
avail themselves of the opportunity
to hear the concert. Dillsburg will
probable send a large delegation also,
as the hose company from that place
will be fraternal visitors and assist
in making the bazar a success. Many
contributions have been made by the
citizens and will continue every day
until the close of the effort being
made by the firemen.
Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Pays
Druggists refund money If PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure Itching,
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles.
First application gives relief. 50c.
Waynesboro. Pa., Feb. 3.—Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Barnett will spend two
and a half months on a trip to South
America, during which they will visit
a number of the leading cities of the
chief centers, cross the Andes to the
Pacific and on their return make the
voyage in the same ship as Colonel
Roosevelt. They will leave Waynes
boro to-morrow.
Sore Throat Wisdom.
To relieve Sore Throat you must get at
the seat of the disease, removing th(
cause. Nothing else does that «.
quickly, safely and surely asTONSILINE
A dose of TONSILINE taken upon the
first appearance of Sore Throat may save
long days of sickness. Use a little Sore
Throat wisdom and buy a bottle of TONSI
LINE today. You may need it tomorrow.
TONSILINE is the standard Sore
Throat remedy—best known and
most effective and most used. Look til
for the long necked fellow on the j'j
bottle when you go to the drug store 111
to get it. 25c. and 50c. Hospital [ft
Size SI.OO. All Druggists. W
talnment tt also is educational and,!
being: educational, should be made an I
important part In the training or the j
young mind. It should be taken into ,
the home.
"Women's clubs are wonderful or- :
Sanitations. They are the gathering
together of the representative women
of the city and that means a force of
education, refinement, ambition and
energy, backed by the executive abil
ity to carry to its end any sociological
advancement they may inaugurate or
foster. It Is this combination of'
brains, power and numerical strength '
that will mean a trinity of basic worth j
that must needs be considered In and '
by any project in which those or- I
ganizations may become Interested.
"It Is a woman's world after all. 1
Women are realizing more and more'
each year their strength and they are |
beginning to develop the means of'
handling that strength and wielding
their natural weapons. It is the
awakening to activity in public life of
that force which makes of the mother
the guide and support of the house
no d. Take the stage into the house
hold. give it into clean handj, clear j
minds and pure hearts and it will be '
purified of its uncleanllness that I
some times attaches, but which is not
a real part of it or Its mission."
wine OF PIS. '
Pretty Girls and Clever Dancing
Make Act Well Worth
If you like pretty girls, graceful
dancing and pantomime you will cer
tainly be pleased with the Orpheum's
headliner this week, "The Darling of
Paris. The act is cleverly enacted
and much more gorgeous than when it
was here several years ago.
one of the best acts on the bill is
gixen by Knapp and Cornelia In "The
Clubman." Roth men have exception
ally good voices and they sing some
raJtfm* ♦ the usual va, iclevtlle
agtime lot. 1 hat they pleased was
and W hv th t ' le aPP'ause they received
ana b> the reluctance with which the
audience let them go.
'The Boatswain's .\iate," an English
alehouse comedy with a Tommy At
kins just back from the front, a
burglary-rescue-murder farce, and a
young and pretty hostess, set every
rvL r U F h,ng " - Mart ha Chapin and
f red Lewis, in "Two Eooney Kids"
tw <Tv. tainl l what they are billed.
More than that could not be said, as
they cannot sing, cannot dance, and
are certainly not excruciatingly funnv
ihnw°°, k as ;T he ° n «-Man Vaudeville
tK» u, he usual features of
the \audeville bill j n a way that
i-oh U K-n truth than fiction.
Bob Knapp and Chris Cornelia, com
ed> acrobats and patterers, open the
bill, I.oughlins trained dogs close it
Young Girl Walks Street
in Sleep Clad in Night
Dress and Counterpane
Special to 7he Telegraph
Columbia, Pa, Feb. 3. Marie
Gruel, the 15-year-old daughter of
Conductor John Gruel, of tho Phila
delphia and Heading Railroad, was
found late last night by Dr. S. S. Mann
and another man, walking through
the streets clad only in her night dress
and a thin counterpane wrapped over
her shoulders. She. had in a spell of
somnambulism arisen from bed and
left the house unknown to her nar
ents Chief of Police Campbell was
notified and found her at a street cor
ner six blocks from her home, walk
ing along the street, but sound asleep.
He conveyed her to her home, where
it was found that she suffered little
lrom her peculiar experience, except
from the cold and exposure.
Constable Captures Fleeing
Man After Long Chase
.Sfecial to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa.. Feb. 3.—Yester-
T? thlet ,i. C i?* s of Constable
William Day wait, the greyhound of
the \\ aynesboro police force and a
convenient trolley car enabled that
officer to capture Frank Keckler after
the latter had got a start of several
hundreds and was racing awav to
freedom, as he fancied.
Keckler had jumped from the ses
ondl story of the. Abram Helser house
in Cleveland avenue when the officer
went there with a search warrant to
make an examination of the premises
for some stolen milk. Keckler was
upstairs and when he heard the officer
below he jumped out of a window
and started over the hills for the
mountains. Constable Daywalt start -
ed after the fleeing man, but faV be
hind. Down past Cold Spring Park
Keckler ran and the constable was
able to gain something on him bv
climbing aboard a passing trolley car
From Cold Spring Keckler ran to the
Harry C. Shank place and there was
caught by the officer.
Special to The Telegraph
Columbia. Pa., Feb. 3.—Horace B
Kerlin, leading actor in the Colum
bia Stock Company, which has been
playing nightly in the opera house
here for the past two months, was
taken ill and collapsed on the'stage
as the curtain fell in the last act of
a play on Saturday night. Mr. Kerlin
had been ill for a few weeks, but ap
peared regularly on the stage against
the advice of his physician. H e was
taken to the Columbia hospital where
an operation for appendicitis was per
formed yesterday and his condition
is reported as favorable.
Special to The Telegraph
Marietta, Pa., Feb. 3. A pretty
wedding was solemnized yesterday
afternoon at the home of William
Rice when his daughter, Miss Beulah
Rice, was married to Edward K. Ad
ams, of Lancaster. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. B. F. Allaman
pastor of the St. John's Lutheran
Church. Lancaster.
Special to The Telegraph
Shippensburg, Pa., Feb. 3.—William
Mowers died on Saturday night from
a stroke of paralysis. He was 75
years old and is survived by his wife
and these children, Ewing E. Mow
ers. a printer at the Chronicle office;
William Mowers, Bertha, Webber,
Ava, Anna and David; also two
CALL 1991-ANY*PHONE. < flr
FOUNDED 1871 ——
!pi if r I
; Vou Would Be Proud to Own Any Piece "1
• of Furniture in Our February Sale J
► because it has been selected with the same care and discrimi- J
► nation as to design, construction, quality and finish as though -J
► it were picked for regular stock.
y This is the largest assortment with which we have prepared for any of our
. semi-annual Furniture Sales— • >lr
► There is furniture of every desirable description—embracing many *
y excellent pieces in period styles—The woods are Mahogany in rich dull *
y finish, and oak in the fumed and early English finishes as well as golden
► oak, bird's-eye maple and tuna mahogany and white enamel. < j
► Bed Room •'
► Dining Room [
Library 00 '" FllTllitUre !
; Parlor on -
Drawing Room w^ <
► you <
* 4
► save 4
► 10 to 40 <
► per cent '
K Purchases held until you want delivery made. <
► On Sale on the sth FIoor—BOWMAN'S > 4
To-day—Kirk Brown and His Company.
To-day, matinee—"The Matchmaker.
To-morrow, matinee — The Woman In
the Case." ,
To-morrow evening— The Match-
Thursday, matinee and night Comedy
Day—"Brown's In Town."
Friday, matinee —"The Middleman.
Friday night—"The Merchant of
Venice." ~
Saturday, matinee—"The rwo Or
phans." _ .. _
Saturday night—"The Wall Street De
Keith Vaudeville —Every afternoon and
Vaudeville and Pictures—Every after
noon and evening.
Something out of the ordinary had
been promised in the coming of Kirk
Bl own and his company to the Majestic
Theater this week and judging from the
performance yesterday, matinee and
night, all promises had been kept. The
production of "Thais," Ellison Harvey's
famous novel of romantic eharactet
with its atmosphere of the Far East,
was presented in a most pleasing man
ner, while the performance at night of
Clyde Fitch's "The Woman In the
Case." goes to show the pleasant week
that is in store for theatergoers this
week. Commenting at length on Mr.
Brown's great portrayal of the roles in
the two bills of yesterday, as he has
won a commendable reputation in both
characters, and devoting the spare
space to the production in general. It
can be truthfully said that Mr. Brown
has a supporting company that deserves
every credit that the public can give
them. Referring to the scenic produc
tion of the plays shows that Mr. Brown
has devoted much time and expense,
and in some cases much more than
many of the dollar and a half attrac
tions. The bill for this evening will
be "Thais," which is repeated by popu
lar request, while for the matinee to
morrow "The Woman In the Case" Is
announced and at night "The Match
"The Darling of Paris" heads the
finest Keith bill the Orpheum has had.
And "The Darling of Paris" is easily
the most pretentious and most cleverly
enacted one-act production shown at
the Orpheum this season. That seems
like pretty loud praise for the current
offering, but that was surely the con
census of opinion of those who witness
ed either of yesterday's performances.
Yesterday afternoon and last night
two capacity audiences were on hand
to inaugurate an offering that on paper
looked to be a winner, containing more
big names than any bill that we have
bad the pleasure of seeing for some
time. And from a mighty clever danc
ing duo, namoly, Knapp and Cornelia,
down to a dog act that has more good
fun In It than a three-ring circus, the
applause and approval was rock-solid.
There are Kimberly and Mohr, "The
Clubmen," In a singing and piano act.
Just the kind of an act that Harris
burg always takes to, and Percy Warain
and company In a rattling comedy
character sketch entitled "The Bosun's
Mate," a really bright and unusual
skit, in the hands of real artists. But
all this is taking us away from the
headliner, "The Darling of Paris," a gi
gantic dancing spectacle employing a
cast of some twenty young men and
women and women and a scenic equip
ment that is a treat to the eye. With
its beautiful staging, costuming and
clever presentment, "The Darling of
Paris" is hard to beat.—Advertisement.
"Sorority Days," a rollcklng one-act
musical comedy with Its pretty girls
and clever youths in lively song's, good
dancing and bright fun is certainly
faking tilings lively the Busy Cor-
FEBRUARY 3, 1914.
Girls! Girls! Save your hair!
Make it grow luxuriant
and beautiful
If you care for heavy hair, that
glistens with beauty and is radiant
with life; has an incomparable soft
ness and is fluffy and lustrous, try
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it im
mediately dissolves every particle of
dandruff; you cannot have nice, heavy,
healthy hair if you have dandruff.
This destructive scurf robs the hair of
its lustre, its strength and its very life,
nor. The act is a real "big time" at
traction and is just the sort of a clever
beauty show with good music and nice
scenery that never falls to score with
local theatergoers. The act is an un
usual feature for the Colonial, and It
Is proving a tremendous drawing card.
It is surrounded by clever talent and the
always good "movies."—Advertisement.
At this theater to-day the great play,
"Fortune Hunters" has been produced
in motion pictures and will be shown
in four acts. "Unto the Weak" is a
very interesting American picture
which takes a prominent place In the
program, and "The King," a Majestic
picture. This" theater has made ar
rangements with the Perkins Detective
Agency to protect all of Its patrons. It
is the only theater in the city which
has made such arrangements.—Adver
Because it cleans everything you
gj quickly make your oilcloth or linoleum M
Always ready for its endless uses. ||||
and if not overcome it produces a
feverishness and itching of the scalp;
the hair roots famish, loosen and die;
then the hair falls out fast.
If your hair has been neglected and
is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too
plly. get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine at any drug store or toilet
counter; apply a little as directed and
ten minutes after you will say this waa
the best investment you ever made.
We sincerely believe, regardless of
everything else advertised, that if you
desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and
lots of it—no dandruff—no itching
scalp and 110 more falling hatr^-yom*-*■
must use Knowlton's Danderinu. It
eventually—why not now?
Mechanicsburg. Pa., Feb. 3.—Geo,
Rltter, of New Kingston, was found
dead at the village blacksmith shop
in that place, where he was employed,
on Sunday evening. Two hours before
his body was found he was seen walk
ing about the place. There was no
evidence that he had taken his lite
or had met with foul play, as the
physician who made an examination
stated that death was due to natural
causes. Ho was married and a brother
of O. A. Ritter, of this place; Frank,
of New Kingston; John, of
and Mrs. John Nisley, of Carlisle.
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 3.—William
A. Record. Beartown. was in Waynes
boro yesterday trying to sell two gray
foxes he caught In traps near hia
home. He has them in a cage and
they seem contented.