Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 03, 1914, Page 12, Image 12
12 Handsome Oak, Mahogany &b Walnut Suites in the Feb ruary Furniture Sale at Substantial Savings Dining Room Suites Bedroom Suites Furniture that shows its excellence in designing, construction and finish---furniture that will stand the examination of critical eyes and carry conviction as to its worthiness---furniture that will grace any home for a life time and longer. For these suites are the finest examples of cabinet making and t ebruary sale prices offer opportunities for saving. ™t e $,39 a oo°™iue. fl-Tl ' Price $79.95 ruar >' Sale Pnce *p117.51) Mahogany dining room suite Mahogany Dressers and $275.00 value. Feb- *£oo C fjQ Chiffoniers i^ a '° '• . $16.50 mahogany dressers, chif (hnnig room suite, foniers and Princess dressers. Feb fuaTsak Prke $250.00 ** $12.95 Mahogany bedroom suite, , cn , , . $315.00 value. Feb- CIQC fl H m f h °g» n y chiffoniers and ruarv Sale Price....4>iyO.UU 0 mahogany dressers and Walnut bedroom sale. $254.00 £" ncess ( - d , re " e . rs - $0 0) value. February <CIQC Afl February Sale Pnce. Sale Price IC/O.Vyvy Golden Oak China Closet Mahogany bedroom suite, $29.00 golden oak china closets. $224.00 value. Feb- <£l'TQ *7 C February Sale <£lQ CH ruary Sale Price... .*P *■ *■ O. / O Price Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. i}— l ==== dL 1—• — — ~ -- lIPPi Mayor Has Plan to Abolish the Minimum Water Rates in City In the near future Mayor Royal will teonfer with Commissioner of Public i Safety Bowman upon a plan to abolish the minimum water rate entirely. "What the scheme is the Mayor •wouldn't say other than to admit that < Vie has had such a schem eln mind for a long time and would confer with the Public Safety Superintendent some timo. The Mayor suggested the same thins Jn his message and when the Bowman measure reducing the. minimum water rate from $6 to $5 was passel finally PHUADKLPHIA'S _ ON ™ E C ' TY '" 4QO ROOMS - 400 BATHS '''MlifffiV BEAUTIFUL RESTAURANT. /sjjiSi A BANQUET AND BALL ROOMS I ADELPHIA HOTEL CO.. DAVID B. PROVAN. MANA<HN« DIHICTO* TUESDAY EVENING, the Mayor vote along: with Council, but said he believed a step further should be taken. "What do you mean, Mr. Presi dent?" asked Mr. Bowman. "Why," said the Mayor, "I think that you should go one step further with regard to the minimum rate and abolish it entirely." "Well," smiled Mr. Bowman, "if you should do that you would have to provide, some other means for taking care of your sinking fund." "The plan I have in mind would get around that, 1 think," returned the Mayor. "I'll take that up with you sometime." Ordinances passed finally included: Providing for opening and grading of Nineteenth from Chestnut to Mulber ry; Twentieth from Market ta Cliest- nut; Mulberry from Eighteenth to Nineteenth; Hlldrup from Eighteenth to Twntleth; Chestnut, Eighteenth to Nineteenth; providing for new nieth o& advertising paving and grading bids. New measures included an ordi nance by SCoinmissloner Lynch pro viding for a new method of levying paving assessments by the per foot front rule. Where the lots are on an angle the paving cost will be re duedd. Commissioner Lynch submitted the city Highway Department report for the year, and Commissioner Taylor the Fire Chiefs report for January. An application for position as pa trolman was filed by J. O. Stutzman, 1529 North Third street. The Third Class City League invitation for Ilar rlsburg to pay its 1914 dues of $35 was laid over. Commissioner Lynch offered a reso lution turning into the department's contingent fund the balance of $333.- 40 remaining from the salary appro priation for ex-Highway Commissioner E. E. Frltchey. By resolution of Mayor Uoyal, As sistant City Clerk R. R. Seaman was authorized to collect and compile the records of Select Council, and another resoluton by Mr. Taylor authorized the Mt. Pleasant Fire Company to hold Its fair in the firehouse March 7 to 14. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS BRIEFS Ixmdon. —John Redmond and Au gustine Birrell were closeted with Premier Asi|uith, it being understood that the government had determined to make another effort to conciliate Ulster oh home rule. Berlin. —lt was announced from Berlin that there was a strong prob ability of Dr. von Bethmann-Holl wegg resigning as Imperial Chancellor to become Viceroy of Alsace-Lorraine. Ixmdon. —A definite settlement was reached of the claims of the three daughters of the late King Leopold of Belgium in connection with the prop erty left by him. London. Five hundred thousand dollars was bequeathed to Yale Uni versity by Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, the total of nis bequests to education aid charity being $2,375,- 000. Albany. —Governor Glynn asked the New York Legislature to petition Congress for relief from caring for alien Insane admitted by defective Im migration laws. Houghton. —Only five of the deputy sheriffs accused of the murder of two striking copper miners In the Calu met region appeared in court at Houghton, Mich., when the trial was called. The sixth defendant, Thomas Haleigh, had disappeared. and his bond was declared forfeited. HARRISBURG 6688$ TELEGRAPH SERVICES OF ALL CITY EMPLOYES rContlnued from First Page] first day of December, 1913, adopted a resolution containing, inter alia, the following pro vision. viz: "Resolved, That all employes and subordinate officers whose po sitions were created by law or ordinance. Including the members of boards and commissions, now In office or in the employment of the city, are hereby continued in such offices or employment which they were respectively occupying prior to the first Monday of De cember, 1913, except the Board of Revision of Taxes and Appeals and the Clerk to Select Council, until they shall be dismissed by the Council or their places filled by persons duly and regularly ap pointed or elected under the pro visions of said act of June 27, 1913." and Whereas, the continuance of the subordinate officers and employes in their respective positions, as therein provided, was a temporary expedient, to enable the Council, after assembling the various de partments directed by the law of June 27, 1913, and after becom ing more familiar with the char acter and progress of the public work then in various stages of completion, as well as better ac quainted with the general stand ard and quality of all the work ing forces as then constituted and continued from the previous ad ministration, to more intelligently and more deliberately recast and reshape those working forces so that the purposes of the new scheme of government might be best accomplished In accordance with the true intent and meaning of the law, now, therefore. Resolved, That all the subordi nate officers and employes of the city in every department of the government, who were retained In their respective positions by virtue of the resolution adopted the first day of December, 1913, except such aj? have been reappointed subsequently by the Council, and except such as have had their terms extended by operation of the law, be and they are hereby dismissed from their respective offices and positions, which dis missals shall take effect on the first day of March, 1914. Wholesale Removals Are Not Contemplated, Only Necessary Changes Commissioner Lynch, asked by the Telegraph representative whether his resolution meant the retirement of all employes, made this statement: "The resolution fixing March 1, 1914, as the date on which will termi nate the service of all municipal em ployes who have not been reappoint ed by the present Council, except such as have had their terms extended by operation of law, does hot contemplate the removal of all these employes. It simply means that by fixing a date for the expiration of the service of those now in the employ of the city, it will be possible for the heads of the sev eral departments to make such ohangps as may be deemed advisable in the Interest of economy and effi ciency. It is also only fair that those who are now employed by the muni cipality shall have sufficient notice so that in the event of their dismissal they may have opportunity to make other connections. Many employes have been disturbed about probable changes, and In order to relieve their anxiety and perfect the organization of the different departments the reso lution was introduced. It will now be possible, after a conference of the entire Council and the department heads, to reappoint those who are to be retained in the city's service or fill the vacancies thus created by the appointment of new men. "Of course, such a resolution is apt to cause more or less speculation as to the individual employe, but as no action can be taken for several days, the whole matter of who shall go and who shall remain will be determined hereafter." No End of Gossip as to Changes; Some Are Not Affected No end of gossip has been started by the introduction of the broadside resolution this afternoon, but it is said the results are not likely to be so serious as some of the em ployes feared when the news first fil tered through the crucial screen. It appears from official remarks to be the main purpose of the resolution to get through with the changes of per sonnel in the several departments so that the more important matters of administration may be taken up and disposed of as rapidly as possible. These include tho making of a. budget for the new year, the revision of the license ordinance, which will prob ably entail the appointment of an offi cial similar to a mercantile appraiser for the city, and the mapping out of a comprehensive program for the year, including ordinances for an in crease of the cluster lighting of the highways, the purchase of play grounds, the completion of the park system, important changes In the con duct of the water department and the fire department, the creation of the Planning and Shade Tree Commis sions and other constructive work. In municipal circles It is explained that too much of the time of the commis sioners has been consumed In discus sion of the jobs and they want to get down to business. As is well known, the several boards, including the Board of Public Works, Park Commissioners, Board of Health and the Health Officer, Dr. Kaunick, have all been retained, but the resolution covers the chief of the fire department, the building inspec tor, employes of the park commission, the force of the board of puhlic works and others, the salaries ranging from $1,500 down. It was stated late this afternoon that there will be a general confer ence on the make-up of the list of employes before next Tuesday. It is a matter of gosaip that Building Inspec tor Moeslein will be displaced by a new man, probably James CJrove, and that Assistant Fire Chief Spicer may also drop out. Park Superintendent Forrer is also said to be slated for re tirement. Clark E. Diehl, the city electrician; City Clerk Charles A. Mil ler, Assistant City Clerk Ross Seaman, City Engineer Cowden and his entire force (who are retained under the law); City Solicitor Seitz and his clerk, Mr. Taylor; City Treasurer Copelin, City Assessor Bickley, Sealer of Weights and Measures Keel, Plumbing Inspector Bradley and others will not be disturbed, according to one of the city fathers to-day. There has Ueen a considerable cut ting down of the force of the High day Department during the winter and only a few remain on the payroll of this department at the uresent time. Highway Commissioner Fritchey | having resigned Saturday. Quite a number of policemen are certain to be retained. It Is not believed that of Police Hutchison nor Detec tive Ibach will go. It is said that the office of sealers of weights and meas ures having been created prior to the Clark act creating the commission form of government, Mr. Reel, who holds that office under previous ap pointment, is not subject to removal before the end of his term. The officials and employes em braced in the provisions of the Lynch resolution number several hundred, but it is reported that the entire force of the board of public works that is the city engineer, many of the police officers and clerks and stenographers will be reappointed, but there is found to be more or less uncertainty until the reorganization shall have been Anally completed. Taylor and Royal in Sharp Debate Over Lynch's Resolution The launching of Commissioner -W. [II. Lynch's second thunderbolt of its kind in City Council this afternoon was followed by a lively tilt between Commissioner of Parks Taylor and Mayor Royal during which the park commissioner referred rather pointed ly to some inconsistencies of the city's chief magistrate. Commissioner Taylor "started some thing" when he seconded Mr. Lynch's motion to adopt the resolution. "To my mind,"' said Mr. Taylor, "we ought to get down to the serious work of the city government. There Is no reason why we, as a nonpartisan body, should accept nonpartisan gov ernment without closely taking up and considering the personnel of the gov ernment. This does not mean that everybody will be ripped out and kept out. But I believe that the five com missioners should get together and go over all the appointments and get down to a working business basis for the conduct of the affairs of the city. If we started with a partisan govern ment there is no reason, now that we have gone into the nonpartisan form, that we shouldn't accept the nonparti san government—" "What d' you mean?" inquired Mayor Royal. "You said here on the floor of coun cil," replied Commissioner Taylor, "that you wore elected on a partisan ticket and under a partisan govern ment. Two years ago you dismissed a man presumably because he had been interested in politics: only a short time ago you opposed the dis missal of a man whom, It was general ly understood, had worked for several political candidates." "Now," went on Mr. Taylor, "I'm not for changing the personnel of the city government particularly; I'm for efficiency and efficient men regardless of politics." Mayor Royal: "You know what I told you a short time ago along that line." Commissioner Taylor: "Don't you think this method the proper one?" Mayor Royal: "That just depends upon how it is done." Commissioner Taylor: "And don't you think these men should have been dismissed?" Mayor Royal: "Yes, one of them, perhaps." Commissioner Taylor: "Well, I think all of them should have been reappointed December 1." Mayor Royal: "There was a reso lution covering that, Mr. Taylor." Commissioner Taylor: "That I don't think was the proper way, and I think this is." The Mayor: "But it could all bo done without this resolution and with out Council getting together on the matter." Commissioner Taylor: "Still, if we did get together we should have to fix a date anyway, shouldn't we?" Then Commissioner Gorgas got Into the discussion with a suggestion that the resolution be permitted under the rules to lie over for a week and that the copies of It be printed and sub mitted to the members. When Mr. Lynch was having the resolution read Commissioner Gorgas asked if there was any objection to allowing' it to lie over. "Oh, no, indeed, certainly not," re plied Mr. Lynch. When asked as to his reference to the apparent inconsistency of Mayor Royal's action in dismissing a man from the police force a year or so ago for political reasons and opposing similar action for the same reasons now. Commissioner Taylor said he had Patrolmen Kd. Murphy in mind. "That the Mayor had discharged Murphy a couple of years ago for sup porting- or working for Dr. Hassler was pretty generally talked round at the time," said Mr. Taylor. "Now he opposes the dismissal of another man of his own force for practically the same reasons—why," added the com missioner, "a man who not only worked but pretty nearly 'panhandled' politically for not one but for several candidates." HAVE YOU A CHILD? Many women long for children, but becauie of some curable physical derangement are deprived of this greateet of all happiness. The women whosAiames follow were restored to normal health by Xydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. Writs and ask them about it. iiyflpWE"! "I took your Com |ST* «1 |:j pound and have a fine, js ly! Strong baby. " Mrs. " ,OHN MITCHELL, Maa sena, N. Y. K;: " Lydia E. Pinkham's |j Vegetable Compound is a won d e rful medicine for |[;la *ll ill expectant mothers." 14 ~ | I Mrs. A. M. MYERS, Gor- S'lwPl onv '" e ' i MrsArl. Mytrs "I highly recommend I a Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg | fflSpßyl | etable Compound before ilfcislpi! child-birth, it has done so M j much for me."—Mrs. E. T If M - Doerr > R- R- 1, Con shohocken, Pa. Ijjlliitofe! j "I took LydiaE. Pink llSr * lam ' a Vegetable Com fifEs pound to build up my PIA Jl B y s tem and have the i! dearest baby girl in the world."—Mrs. MOSE MJSL BIaKELEY - Imperial, Pa. :<|g£pjDpL "I praise the Com pound whenever I have Tm*) a chance. It did so much i I|-, jraSl for me before my little j i P r ' was born." Mrs. E. W. SANDERS, Rowles | burg, W. Va. j "I took your Com- I i pound before baby was |I « 1 | born and feel I owe my : I F L>F E TO it. "—Mrs. WINNIE Winter Haven, Florida. FEBRUARY 3, 1914. Bum* For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always J Bears the Signature / /IV'iii nf 11\. If ILMy \J\jj fw a /» Use I ■ (V wwu 1 llv mm V Jv Fnr fluor v/ rui u ■ ui •ii , %m inirty "Bars CASTORIA Exact topy 01 wrapper. TMI ctHTAUH oom „ HXi Mlw yOBR 01TY . EL HEADACHY, DIZZY. BILK? CLEAN YOUR LIVER!—A DIE A BOX Sick headaches! Always trace them to lazy liver; delayed, fermenting food In the bowels or a sick stomach. Poi sonous, constipated matter, gases and bile generated In the bowels, instead of being carried out of the system, is reabsorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion and that dull. 10 CENT BOXES-ANY DRUG STORE SLEEP DISTURBING BLADDER WEAKNESS BACKACHE-RHEUMATISM, QUICKLY VANISH Even Most Chronic Sufferers Find Relief After A Few Doses Are Taken Backache, urinary disorders, and rheumatism, are caused from weak Inactive kidneys, which fall to filter out the Impurities and keep the blood pure, and the only way on earth to permanently and positively cure such troubles, is to remove the cause. The new discovery, Croxone, cures such conditions because it reaches the very roots of the disease. It soaks right into the stopped up, in active kidneys, through the walls and linings; cleans out the little filtering cells and glands; neutralizes and dis solves the poisonous uric acid sub stances that lodge in the Joints and muscles to scratch and irritate and cause rheumatism; it neutralizes the urine so it no longer irritates the tender membranes of the bladder, and cleans out and strengthens the stopped up, lifeless kidneys so they ;; This New Illustrated Book for Every Reader f ii I J : I PANAMA ANDTHE CANAL 11 ; S Iff HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH |f j§ jj I! FTI - A« EXPLAINED BILLOW ; | ;; Kit See the Great Canal in Picture and Prose IfrPl ;; i EMf?iPlfSiPPPtfa][iilPlii]fg|ol ii 11 Read How Yoo May Have It Almost Free j I i £"! mm* present H at tkle efftee with thr : ■ | PANAMA Thls beautiful big Tolim* la written by Willis J.) ! ! ! Abbot, a Writer of International renown, and la! 1 ' u. . .. . . the acknowledged standard referenoa work of tbel i rANAI «T«at Canal Zona. It la a splendid large book of V/AIIAL almost 600 pages, ixll Inehea In slse; printed ll In Picture and from new type, large and clear, on apeoial paper'! ; Prose bound In tropical red vellum cloth; title stamped! i | Illustrated '»* Kold, with Inlaid color panel; contains morei 1 ' V? Edition than 600 magnificent illustrations, including beaa-< > i I tlful pages reproduced from water color studies' ' in colorings that far surpass any work of a stmt- 1 » ( lar character. Call and see this beautiful book I 1 > I | that would sell for 14 under usual conditions, but ■ Aawsmtei 1 i i which Is presented to our readers for OVE of the A A ! I II abore Certificate, and SI.UU j | Sent by Mall, Portage Paid, for f1.40 and 1 Certificate. ! ' - . I Try Telegraph Want Ads. sickening headache. Cascarets will re move the cause by stimulating the liver, making the bile and constipation poison move on and out of the bowels. One taken to-night straightens you out by morning—a 10-cent box will keep your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels regular, and make you feel bright and cheerful for months. Children need Cascarets, too. filter and sift all the poisons from the blood, and drive it out of the sys tem. bo sure, so positive, so quick and lasting:, are the results obtained from the use of Croxone, that three doses a day for a few days are often all that is required to cure the worst case of backache, regulate the most, annoying bladder disorders, and over come the numerous other similar condltiofis. It Is the most wondertul prepara tion ever made for the purpose. It is entirely different from all other remedies. There is nothing else on earth to compare with it. It is so prepared that it is practically impos sible to take it into the human sys tem without results. You can obtain an original package of croxone at trifling cost from any first-class drug store. All druggists are authorized to personally return the purchase price if Croxone fails to give desired results, regardless of how old you are, how long you have suffered, or »hat else has failed to cure you.—Advertisement.