Herrisburg Pa . ~••• ' " Murphy's Friends in New York Want HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LXXXIII— No. 29 MAYOR RAPS POLITICS IN CITY COUNCIL; HE URGES CIVIL SERVICE Says Commissioners Should Not Allow Personal Feeling to Enter Work MORE POLICE ARE NEEDED Would Extend Fire Limits; Wants Workhouse and Place to Lodge Prisoners What the Mayor Asks in Annual Message t: I i 111 inn t ion of politic* 111 Ailing otticrx. Ten more patrolmen. Placing of I'iillcf Department 11n»lor civil wnliT, Erect ion or detentlon rrllii. Krectlon of norkhouar jointly iillli county. Kxtennloii of nro and ctnwter light ing nrca. Streft Hlgnw on every mrirr. Paid tire department. Humiliation of nilnlnium natrr rates. Adoption of Comment nyntem for milking II»*CNKIIIC nt*. Elimination of electric ntreet ■lcrnn. Appointment of two anslwtant officer* and nurse, Mayor John K. Royal surprised city council to-day by reading his an nual message now long due. The Mayor raps certain phases of the commission form of government, saying the commissioners should not allow personal desire or anything of a political nature to enter "into the workings of the various departments, and makes various recommendations among the more important of which is one urging the appointment of ten more patrolmen and the establishing of civil service in the police depart ment. The Mayor's message ends up with the following opinion on the com mission form of government and cer tain procedures 011 the part of city commissioners: "The present form of government is 011 trial and it is the duty of each one of us to do his utmost to make it a success. "Wo should not allow personal de sire, or ambition, to becloud our judg ment and above all nothing of a po litical nature should enter our delib erations or the management of the several departments. "Differences of opinion are bound to occur, but these differences should not lead to dissensions that may mar the harmony of the body. "We must remember that we, as well as the form of government, are on trial and our actions will be care fully scanned by the taxpayer, hence let our actions be such that should the law not be a success we cannot be censured for its failure." Mayor's Recommendations Among the Mayor's recommenda tions are the following: "TIIO appointment of ten more pa trolmen along with Mime form or civil service whereby tenure of office should rest alone on efficiency and good be havior. As it is at the present time there is not much incentive for a pa trolman to he efficient, not knowing when he is going to lose his position. 1 can say the present force taken as a whole is the best Harrisburg ever had. but it is too small." "The establishing of a place for de tention of prisoners and lodgers. At present we are obliged to take care [Continued on Page 7] Men in Salvation Army Home Overcome by Smoke St. John, N. P., Feb. 3.—Several men overcome by smoke were carried unconscious from the burning Salva tion Army lodging house here early to-day. Many others among the seventy-five lodgers, forced into the street lightly clad, suffered severely from exposure. There was no loss of life. The seven-story building was destroyed. r Late News Bulletins In Federal Court this exceptions filed against the sale of the Neranton Tribune and Truth Newspai>ers now in the hands of the receivers, the date of the sale lie ing March 10. Briefs were presented and Judge Witnier will an nounce his decision later. Despondent because or long Illness. Maurice Gearing, aged 55, a farmer of llanoverdale, South Hanover township, to-day, committed suicide by hanging himself to a beam in his barn. Gearing's lifeless body was found by a son. West t'airview last evening agreed with the State to build a quar ter mile of brick road from the Northern Central bridge at the upper end of town to Pyne's corner. The supervisors of the township*will meet to-night to consider the extension of the paving toward Enola. Washington, I eb. —All the Asiatic exclusion amendments were knocked out or the immigration bill after a hot debate, in which Re pubUcans and Democrats united in urging their defeat and the Republi cans ap|>culcd to the Democrats to leave the Asiatic problem free rrom legislation entangl its. while President Wilson and Secretary Brvan were treating it diplomatically. Juarez. Me*., Feb. 3. —A warning was issued by General Fran* Cisco \ ilia to-day that all Spaniards captured in Torreon campaign will be shot. * Sioux City. lowa. Feb. 3.—-George 1). P-Vklns, editor and publisher or the Sioux City Journal ror 45 years, ilfed here to-day. Mr. Perkins years old. Mr. Perkins was prominent in the <-otiiicils or the Re publican party and had served rour terms in congress rrom the Eleventh lowa district—lß9l to 1899. Trenton, X. J.. Feb. 3.—The House to-day passed, 19 to -I the reso lution for a constitutional amendment extending the rhrht or suffrage to women. The resolution will now go to the Senate, ir that bodv adopts It the resolution will liavt to Ik- passed again bv the next lecis laturc before it can be submitted to a vote or the people. Washington, Feb. 3—AIS Asiatic exclusion amendments to the im migration bill were dclcated to-da > in the House The amendment was beaten 103 to 51 after an overwhelming defeat of a similar amendment by Representative Raker. Washington, Feb. 3.—To expedite Alaskan railroad legislation the House Rules Committee to-day renortcd a special rule to substitute the Chamberlain government ownership railroad hill, already passed the Senate, for the Wickersliam bill, under consideration In the House. M"?'. 11 *' —Amal. Copper, 77%; American Sugar,oß%: Atchison. 9914 ; Baltimore & Ohio, 95: Brooklyn R. T., 91 : Canadian 3 1 ?.' & Ohio. 07y H : Pennsylvania Railroad, 113k,- l/chlgh \ alley. ].>&: New Central. 9I?„: Northern Pacific H7.v- I Reading. 168%: Southern Pacific, 98}»: Union Pacific, J•' I I States Steel, 66'4. ' *' 1 n,,wl ~ 1 FRIEISSpPHY WANTIuSINED AS TAMMANY LEADER Action of National Democratic Gab to Be Carried to Governors ONLY 125 ATTEND MEETING Club President Declares Proceed ing of Organization Was AVA Illegal F ; Py Associattd Prist New York, Feb. 3. Friends of Charles F. Murphy, whose retirement as leader of Tammany Hall Is de manded in a resolution adopted last night by the National Democratic Club to-day announced their intention of appealing to the board of governors of the club on the ground that the aye and nay vote was illegal. Thomas F. Smith, secretary of Tammany Hall, who with other friends of Murphy fought the resolu tion and the method of its adoption, denounced the action of Edward F. O'Dwyer, president of the club, In re fusing to put the question to a rising vote as "the worst instance of boss rule I ever law." The whole proceeding was Illegal Smith declared and he said the mat ter would be taken before the board of governors in the form of a protest. It was also announced that another meeting of the club will probably be called and an attempt made to re scind the action taken last night, or declare it illegal. Only 125 Present The full membership of the club Is 725. Only 125 attended the meeting last night. The board of governors consists of twenty-four men, most of them independent Democrats. Among theni are Thomas F. Smith. Judge Warren W. Foster, Nathan Strauss. Richard Croker and Richard Croker. Jr. The attack on the resolution, Smith announced would be based on a pro vision of the clubs bylaws which, he said, state that the club shall take no action on State or municipal politics. The resolution presented by Presi dent O'Dwyer and which friends of Murphy contend was illegally adopt ed follows: "Revolved, That we favor the im mediate reorganization of the Dem ocratic State committee and of the county committee in the greater city: we are opposed to the leadership of Charles F. Murphy and declare our belief that the interests of the Demo cratic party, its future prestige anil success demands his immediate re tirement from all participation in party affairs." President Favors State Control of Water Powers Washington, D. C., Feb. 3. —Presi- dent Wilson, will shortly outline his policy relative to the control of water powers on navigable streams. Demo cratic leaders expect the President to take a position on this question that will bring his Administration into sharp conflict with the school of con servationists headed 'by Gifford Pin chot. The President's policy, it is under stood. will be favorable to State con trol of such public works. Unless there is a change of attitude he will express disapproval of the proposal made by 51 r. Pinchot and those asso ciated with him that water powers built in streams over which the Fed eral government exercises jurisdiction shall be taxed. RHOTIIKR ta-rrs MIMAON* Special to The Telegraph Metuchen. N. J., Feb. 3.—The will of James Weaver Sterrv, who died here January 3, has been probated by Surrogate Clayton. The entire estate, which is valued at $1,000,000, is be queathed '.D his brother, William De wltt Sterr.v, of Roselle, N. J., with the exception of $5,000, which goes to the testator's cousin, Harriett Sterry X'ark, of New York. HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1914. PENNA. GUARDSMEN Mil AN ATTACK INATIONAL CAPITAL Citizen Soldiers Will Repeat Charge Made by British 100 Years Ago DATE NOT DETERMINED UPON Militiamen From Other States of East Will Be Ready to De fend Washington By Associated Frtss Washington. I). C., Feb. 3. —The na tional capital will be attacked next summer by citizen soldiers during the maneuvers to be held here then. One hundred years ago next September Washington was attacked by the Brit ish. During the coming summer the attacking party will be the 10,000 members of the Pennsylvania National Guard. The capital will be defended by the militiamen of Maryland, Dela ware, Virginia and West Virginia, re inforced by cavalrymen from Fort Myer, Va. Twenty-five thousand sol diers will participate in the maneu vers, which are being planned by the War Department through Brigadier- General Mills, chief of militia affairs. The date of the attack has not yet been determined. Boy, 2 Years Old, Sent Home by Parcel Post For Eighteen Cents By Associated Press Wellington, Kas., Feb. 3.—Mrs. E. H. Staley, of this city, received her 2-year-old nephew by parcel post to day from his grandmosther in Strat ford, Okla.. where he had been left for a visit three weeks ago. The boy wore a tag about his neck showing it had cost 18 cents to send him through the mails. He was transported twen ty-five miles by rural route before reaching the railroad. He rode with the mail clerks, shared his lunch with them and arrived here in good condi tion. BURGLARS BLOW UP*' MT. HOLLY SPRINGS POST OFFICE SAFE After Stealing Horse and Buggy They Rob Dwelling and Break Open Federal Building Special to The Telegraph Carlisle. Pa.. Feb. 3.—What are be lieved to have been professional vegg men made a wholesale clean-up and easy getaway in Mount Holly Springs, a small borough near here, early this morning. The largest loss and dam age occurred in the post office, the door of which was forced open and the safe looted. It is believed that the yeggmen op erated a little after 2 o'clock but the discovery was not made until 6.15 o'clock when Miss Kranciscus, a clerk in the post office, reported for work. ? It appears that the pocturnal visi tors first entered the stable of John K. Garman, a butcher. There they appropriated a horse and buggy, went to the Mullln residence, where they ransacked the house in order to ob tain matresses and bed clothing. Miss Alice Mullin Is the postmaster, an office she has held for nearly three years. After getting armfuls of bed clothes, the yeggmen bored a hole In the rear door of the post office build ing In order to locate a sliding bold that went into the middle of the jamb. They missed the hole by about six inches but with the use of a jimmy pried open an entrance. This morning, when an investigation of the place was made, the bed clothes were found all about the iron box. The safe door had been blown open and the box Itself had fallen over on its side from the force of the explo sion. It is beJieved that nitroglycerine w.is used to crack it open. A canvas of the town shows that it was done so quietly that not a person in the town heard any noise. There was very little money in the safe and only a few stamps. The total loss is not known, but post office inspectors are on the job. This morning the horse and buggy owned by Garman were found at Craighead's Station and it is presumed that the yeggmen made their getaway on a freight along the Reading line. 1,000,000 Jews Oppose Literacy Test Clause By Associattd Prtss | Springfield, Mass., Feb. 3.—A eom i mlttee appointed by the convention of B'nai B'rith, representing 1,000.000 j Jews, presented to President Wilson i and members of Congress a resolution opposing the rlause in the immigra tion bill relative to the literacy test. The resolution asks for the exemption from the literacy test of "all aliens i seeking admission to avoid religious persecution, either through overt act 1 or by oppressive laws." IMPORTATIONS FALL OFF By Associated I'ress j >jew York, Feb. 3.—The January | importations of precious stones of all ! classes fell off $2,120,858 compared •he same, month last year, ac- I cording to figures made public by Wil iium t.. Treadwell, government's gem examiner at this port. Services of All City Employes Under Clark Act To Cease March 1, Under Resolution Presented in City Council Today; Many Will Be Re-appointed Fed His Wife Beans Until She Fled to County Divorce Court Got 'em For Breakfast, Dinner and Supper, She Says; Then He Warmed Over What Was Left Not only did Melvin Danner sleep 'till 9 o'clock most every morning, but when his wife was ill and it was Just naturally necessary for him to prepare the meals, about all he fed her was beans for breakfast, beans for luncheon—and some more warmed over for supper. And usually If theie were any beans left, he warmed 'em up the next morning for breakfast. This in brief is only a portion of the testimony offered in February di vorce court this morning when Mrs. Anna Danner sued her husband for TWO THOUSIHD PAY TRIBUTETD MEMORY OF GENERAL BEAVER Governor Tener, His Staff and Many Other Prominent Per sons in Attendance By Associated Press Bellefonte, Pa., Feb. 3. More than 2,000 persons attended-the funeral of General James A. Beaver, former Gov ernor of Pennsylvania, to-day. In the assemblage were Governor Tener and his staff. State officials, three members of the Superior Court, members of the State College faculty and many old sol diers who fought under the General during the Civil War. The body lay In state from 9 to lt> o'clock in the Presbyterian Church, but the time was too short for all to take a last look. The services were in charge of thi, General's pastor, Or. George E. Hawes, and were brief. There was no sermon, only the regular church burial service. A quartet sang the General's favorite hymn, "bead, Kindly ljight." From the church the body was taken to the Union Cemetery. Two Mail Deliveries a Day Granted to Riverside Residents Two mail deliveries a day in River side, affecting 500 people, began this morning following an announcement from Washington to Postmaster Sites that liis request for additional service to the suburb was allowed. For many months the Riverside folks have been asking for twice-a-day service in place of the one-a-day visit i of the rural deliveryman from the Ma [clay street substation. This morning, I following effort on the part of Post master Sites to bring about better ser vice, city carriers from the Maclay street station made the first delivery and this afternoon the residents of Riverside will see the mailman a sec ond time. The matter was taken up several months, ago at the town meetings of Riverside, and a bl K ' petition was cir culated. This petition was sent to Washington with a recommendation from Postmaster Sites, and the extra L SUI vice was approved yesterday. GOING ANDY ONE BETTER divorce. The case was one of half a dozen tried before Judge Henry. Another case that occupied Judge Henry was the suit of George W. Armpriester against his wife, Eliza beth. February divorce court, the largest in several years, would be finished be fore evening adjournment it was ex pected to-day. While Judge Henry was busy in No. 2 room, President Judge Kunkel was equally busy in No. 1 room and he disposed of at least a dozen cases. The list included forty-six hearings. ill 1 EXPORTATION OE ARMS TO MEXICO WILL SOON BE LIFTED President Wilson Will Soon Issue Proclamation Raising Embargo By Associated Press Washington, Feb. 3—President Wil • son had decided to lift the embargo on exportation of arms to Mexico. A proclamation under the authority of the congressional resolution of 1912 which will restore the status of the 1 arms question to where both Huerta I forces and Constitutionalists may ex port arms from the United States soon will be issued from the White House. , President Taft issued the proclama tion which barred the exportation of i arms to all sides on March 14, 1912. He did that under the authority of a • Joint congressional resolution which ■ empowered the President of the ' United States to take such action i whenever he should find that "in any ■ American country, conditions of do ' mesfic violence exist which are pro moted by the use of arms and muni tions of war procured from the United States." Park Superintendent V. Grant Forrer Able Leave the Hospital II Park Superintendent V. Grant For . | rer has returned from the Harrisburg Hospital where he has been con , | valescing from an operation for the j last few weeks. | The Park Superintendent is grad ually regaining his strength and ex pects to resume active Jurisdiction of the parks within a few days. He will likely be at his desk a part of to-day and to-morrow. ORGANIZE RELIEF PARTY By Associated Press St. Petersburg, Feb. 3.—A relief ex pedition to search the Arctic seas for Lieutenant Sedoff, the Russian explor er, who started for the North Pole from Archangel in August 1912, is being organized by the Russian gov ernment. NO-LICENSE IEI6IIE EFFECTS PEBMIBIT omannr Plan Remonstrance Against All New Applicants For Liquor Licenses Permanent organization of the Dau phin County No-lleense League will be made at a meeting this afternoon at the office of James W. Barker, in the Masonic Temple. The committee on organization is composed of James A. Stranahan, tem porary chairman of the league; James W. Barker, representing the Sabbath School Association; the Rev. Alfred Kelly, of the Anti-saloon League; Mrs. M. M. Steese, of the Women's Chris tian Temperance Union; Benjamin Whitman, of the Christian Endeavor Union, and the Rev. John H. Daugh erty, president of the Civic Council of Harrisburg Churches. I This committee will report the con stitution and by-laws for the league and will move their adoption. The names of officers under the permanent organization will be proposed in the report, and the election will follow. It is expected that the organization will be followed by the making of plans for remonstrance against ail new applicants for liquor licenses filed with the Dauphin County .Court. Cassidy and Walter Are Awaiting Sentence By Associated Press New York. Feb. 3.—Joseph Cassidy, former Democratic leader of Queens county, and Louis T. Walter, Jr., his lieutenant, who were found guilty late last night of conspiracy in selling a nomination to the State Supreme Court bench to William Willett, a former congressman, are locked up in Ray mond street jail to-day awaiting sen tence. This, it is expected, will be imposed to-morrow. The maximum penalty is two years in prison and a fine of $3,000. Ex-Congressman Wil lett was convicted ten days ago of buying the nomination for a Judge ship. All Night Hill Cars Not Likely, Says Davis Rumors heard to-day that the Har risburg Railways Company would run all night cars on Allison Hill were de nied at the offices of the company this morning by Felix Davis, superinten dent of transportation. Mr. l)avls said there has been no re quest for such service, and thought no action would be taken without a de mand for service. Mass Meeting Tonight on Division Street Subway Arguments in favor of the subway under the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Division street, will be pre sented with stereoptlcon Illustrations at a meeting of the West End Improve ment League, to be held in the Curtln Heights school building to-night. The president of the West End body, Robert A. Enders, will preside. The meeting will start at 8 o'clock and will be attended by committees from the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce and . Municipal Leugue. 12 PAGES * POSTSCRIPT. New Commission Plans to Clear Decks For Thorough Reorganization of Forces MEASURE LIES OVER WEEK BEFORE VOTE Mr. Lynch Says Decapitation Resolution Is Preparatory to Serious Work of Year March 1. 19H, is the day of days for practically all, of tho municipal employes of Harrisburg. On that date their service will cease and determine unless they are protected by acts of Assembly or shall have been retained by further action of the City Council. Proceeding on the theory that it la no more painful to cut off those who are on the payroll by one swoop of the ax than by the piecemeal method, a resolution was presented at the weekly session of the Council this afternoon fixing the tenure of all boards, com missions, officers and employes who arc subject to the supervision and con trol of the new commission govern ment. It is expected that, many of the mu nicipal employes embraced in the reso lution will be retained, but those who are to get the pink slip will go on the first of March. The Resolution Commissioner William H. Lynch in troduced the decapitating resolution, as follows: Whereas, the Council on the [Continued on Page 12] giMMMlill For Harrlaliurg; and vicinityi Un settled and warmer weather to night, with lowest temperature about 40 degrees; Wednesday fair and eolder. For Eastern Pennsylvania! Warmer to-night, with oeeaalonal llKht loeal rains i Wednesday fair, eolder In west and north por tions; moderate south shifting to west winds. River The Sus