8 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Established 1831 PUBLISHED BY THE TEIiBGHAI'H PRINTING CO. B. J. STACKPOLE, Pres't and Treas'r. B". R. OYSTER. Secretary. BUS M. BTEINMETZ, Managing Editor. Published every evening (except Sun day), at the Telegraph Building, 216 Federal Square. Baatern Office. Fifth Avenue Building. New York City, Haabrook, Story & Brooks. Western Office, 123 West Madison street, Chicago, 111., Allen & Ward. k. Delivered by carriers at six cents a week. Mailed to subscribers at $3.00 a year in advance. Entered at the Post OfTlce In Harris burg as second class matter. ®The Association of Amor- ( 1 lean Advertisers bas ox- ( 1 ■mined and certified to 1' the circulation of this p«b- 1 I lication. The figures of circulation 1 1 contained in the Association's re- 1 11 port only nre guaranteed. 1; Association of American Advertisers ; > J, No. 2333 Whitehall Bid|. ». T. City ■worn dally sicrsi* for tic month of January, 1914 * 22,342 iTtrsgs for the year 1918—21,577 Average for the year 1012—21,178 Average for the year 1811—18,881 Average for the year 1810—17,485 TELEPHONES! Bell SHvstc Branch Exchange No. ZO4O. , United Business Office, 10S. feMtortm! Room SBS. Job Dept. 303. MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2 OW THE FIRING LINE ONE month of the new year has been torn from the calendar and with the beginning of the second month the new munici pal administration may be reasonably expected to get into its proper stride, there Is much to do in the present fear and the councllmen who are working out the theory and practice tf the new commission form of gov ernment have ahown In a number of wayn a disposition to do constructive •vork. Each of the department heads has now had about two months In which to get his bearings, and during the next few weeks, and before the epening of Spring, the program of the pear will probably have been fully developed. Harrisburg has a reputation to maintain and it is gratifying to note a. disposition on the part of the new officials to proceed along progressive lines in the improvement of the city. Our citizens are accustomed to things being done in a broad, modern way, and the municipal officials have al ready felt the inspiration of a citizcn- ehlp which supports and encourages the working out of plans for the en — vilre community. Already some things have" been accomplished which com mand the approval of the people and the indications are that still other features of a progressive administra tion are about to be announced. As Is always the case In the change »f any administration municipal, county, State or national —more at tention is given to the mere political phases than to the creative measures Which interest the people more. By reason of this fact the efforts of the commission to increase the efficiency and bring about a better condition of affairs in several of the departments have been overlooked. But in the last Mialysis results count and the people are certain to give credit where credit Is due. Perhaps no policy of the new ad ministration has been more generally rommended than the policy of retain ing the several boards and commis sions which so admirably served the city under the old system of govern ment. It Is expected that the new City Planning and Shade Tree Com missions will be created without de lay and these will co-operate In the Important program of the year. Generally speaking, the commission government is on trial and there Is no Inclination anywhere to unfairly critl else what has already been done pending the working out of the new *ystem. Three hundred thousand dollars of vnoollected wares and salaries remains b» the treasury In the city of New York. What a blot on the reputation of Tam many. THE CUMBERLAND ROAD CONGRESSMAN HENRY A. BARNHART, of Rochester, Ind., has Introduced in Congress a bill for continuing the Cumberland Ttoad through the States of Ohio, In diana. Illinois and Missouri. in 1802, Ohio was admitted to :tie Union, the general government gpvt /its written pledge that one twenfletb of the net proceeds from iht> sale of all public lands situated within the State would be applied by Congress to the building of a national road from tidewater on the Atlantic coast to and through the State of Ohio. Similar contracts were entered into by the government with the States of Indiana, Illinois and Mis souri upon their admission to the Union. Subsequently, the government sold the public lands thus reserved and pledged to the purpose of building roads, and appropriated the available proceeds to the building of a road known as the Cumberland Road In the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Only a small part of the money was spent In any of the "Public Land" States, and none of It reached Missouri. \ Congressman Barnhart's bill calls for an appropriation of $5,000,000 for continuing the construction and pro viding for the maintenance of the Cumberland Road In those States. Ohio, Indiana and Illinois are each to yet $1,000,000 and Missouri 12,000,000. J ■ r. x •• -• ' " ' .7 •• MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 2, 1914. The bill authorizes the President of the United States to appoint three na tional highway commissioners to have full charge of the construction, re pairs and maintenance of the road. They are to serve three years and re ceive $5,000 a year each for their services. The road follows the route of the National Old Trails Road and Is a part of the system of 50,000 miles of na tional highways proposed by the National Highways Association. The Cumberland Road does not touch Mr. Barnhart's district, but he recognizes, as Lincoln did, that "no public Im provement is so local as to be of no general benefit." The rebuilding and renatlonallzation of tills road would not only benefit Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, but every Stato in the Union, those who are back of it assert. Some enterprising newspaper might get Governor Tener and General Villa to collaborate on an article entitled "What I Think of the Federals." SHORTAGE OP MEAT ESTIMATES made by the United States Department of Agricul ture show that the United States is short nearly nine beef cattle, seven sheep and three hogs for each 100 of our population, as com pared with conditions in 1910. This is an actual decrease of 7,305,000 food animals in the face of an estimated increase of nearly 7,000,000 inhabi tants. The total value of the live stock has, however, increased over the much larger number of 1910. Instead of railing at the Meat Trust for boosting prices, it would seem to be the duty of Congress to enact a proper range leasing law permitting the economical management and util ization of ranges, since it is well known that one of the prime reasons of the shortage is the encroachment of farms upon the range territory. One of the peculiar features of the decrease in meat animals is that while the average value has increased, the farmers and stock raisers, Instead of making more profit, are making less, the cost of production having grown more rapidly than the selling price has advanced. Pennsylvania farmers are not rais ing as many beeves as formerly and hog cholera has cut down the pork supply. The temptation to sell live stock at prevailing high prices rather than to continue to carry It with high priced feed, possible loss from disease or aocident, and uncertainty as to prices, has been great and doubtless is in part responsible for conditions. In this State farmers are not taking ad vantage of vast stretches of vacant land, especially In the northern tier, that could be turned into flrst-class cattle ranges and upon which stock could be raised at comparatively low cost. It is difficult to understand why nobody has given this serious thought. Prices will certainly not decline in years, and there would seem to be a fine opportunity for cattle raising on a large scale on land that Is now not under cultivation and not yielding its owners one penny of revenue. Huerta says his is a "stable Gov ernment." Has a bad smell, anyhow. CITY ANT) COUNTRY THE trolley cars are lilled every evening with hosts of home ward bound suburbanites, has tening away from their daily work in the city to the quiet of the countryside. The city dweller looks at them either enviously or with whimsical tolerance, but mostly the latter. He cannot understand why anybody should willingly remove from the radius of "city steam," the bright lights and paved crossings. The city spells comfort for him and the sub urb is an unexplored wild to be con sidered only from the standpoint of the comic weekly. And it is pretty hard for the sub urban or country dweller who spends his days in the city to explain to his friend Just how he feels about it. In a recent publication Louis Untermeyer does it for him in two charming stanzas that every open air man should carry in his vest pocket for purposes of illustration. Even then the city resident might not under stand. Anyhow, here they are: All day with anxious heart and wondering ear I listened to the city; heard the ground Echo with human thunder, and the sound Go reeling down the streets and disappear. The headlong hours in their wild career Shouted and sang until the world was drowned With babel-voices, each one more profound. All day It surged—but nothing could I hear. That night the country never seem ed so still The trees and grasses spoke without a word To stars that brushed them with their silvery wings, logether with the moon I climbed the hill And in the very heart of Silence heard The speech and music of im mortal things. "Butter is weak," says a market re port. Better that than strong. STEELTON CHARITIES PROMINENT men and women of Steelton are engaged in the re organization of the charity com mittee that did such excellent service during the dull times of 1907, when idle mills brought distress to hundreds of families in that place. Those at the head of the movement are not acting in the fear of another season of depression, but upon the theory that in a town of the size of Steelton there are always some worthy people In want whose needs should be met by those who have plenty. The committee believes that by or ganization the work of charity may be systematized and rendered more efficient and in this it is following the lines laid down by successful associa tions of the kind in Harrisburg and other cities. Ha saw it! AN EVENING THOUGHT It Is a way of calling a man a fool when no heed la given to what he says.—L'Esirangle. Evening chat^S] GENERAL JAMES A. BEAVER To the people of Harrisburg the an nouncement of the death of General James A. Beaver at Bellefonte on Saturday brought a sense of keen per sonal loss and it may be said that not even in his home town, where he was noted in a community famous for its big men, is there more sincere mourn | Ing for the passing of the soldier and executive and judge than there is in the State's capital. Through his long connection with the State government and the National Guard, his deep in terest in religious activities and strong personality and family ties James Ad dams Beaver was almost a citizen of Harrisburg. He is well remembered as the occupant of the Executive Man sion for four years, for frequent social visits to Harrisburg homes, as the speaker upon many occasions In Har risburg churches and institutions, as the central figure of military pageants and as a member of the Superior Court. And before me is a photo graph of him on almost the last pub lic occasion on which he came to Har risburg, the dedication of the statues, created by the genius of his fellow townsman, George Grey Barnard. General Beaver took a prominent part In the program on that occasion In the Fall of 1911, the fifth anniversary of the dedication of the Capitol, and when the exercises were over walked along the Susquehanna, which he so' much admired, and remarked upon the great strides taken by the city which he had called home for a while and which he loved to visit. Harrisburg people can recall the great interest taken by General Beaver in its churches. Long before he became Governor he was well known as a speaker at religious-meet ings of the synod of the Presbyterian Church, speaking at Pine Street and other churches, assisting in anniver saries at the Young Men's Christian Association and being in sympathy with every movement for a better city. Largely to his aid the Olivet Presby terian Church owes its beginning and for years after he left Harrisburg he remained officially connected with it. While Governor he attended Pine Street Church and his last address in a Harrisburg church was given there. Few know that General Beaver was an ardent advocate of extension of the Capitol Park and he regretted upon more than one occasion that he had been unable to bring it about. During his term as Governor he sev eral times suggested that the time was at hand to acquire the property that is now embraced in the Capitol Park area, but State revenues in those days were not as great as they are to-day and there were so many other de mands that his thought could not be worked out. Once he suggested in pri vate conversation that estimates be made of the cost of the undertaking and advised some people who urged the widening of tile streets surround ing the Capitol Park to wait until the park was extended. When the new Capitol was projected the General re marked publicly that he hoped that occasion would be taken to enlarge the park while the building was going on. And it might he added that had his remark been taken up. the exten sion might have been effected and the Treasury not have felt the differ ence. General Heaver was the Governor who Inaugurated the custom of giving candy to children at the Executive Mansion on Christmas morning, one of the events of the great holiday in Harrisburg ever since. He would go to the door and greet youngsters and added quarters to the candy he gave. It will be recalled that the coming of the Heavers to Harrisburg was marked by the sudden illness and death of his youngest born, James A. Beaver, Jr., a bereavement which called forth ex pressions of sympathy throughout the whole State and especially in Harris burg. Notwithstanding his loss of a leg in battle General Beaver was a surpris ingly agilfe man and he attracted wide attention by his activities on the cam paign platform. He was one of the nevP6-DißParcF>e3~ CIVIL-WAR [From the Telegraph of Feb. 2. 1864.] REBELS ENLIST IN NAVY Boston, Mass., Feb. I.—About 300 rebel prisoners arrived in this city at a late hour last evening. They were escorted to the navy yard and were paroled after taking the oath of alleg iance and enlisting In the navy. Forty (40) men of the First Illinois Regi ment guarded them from Chicago in this city. MAKE IIHJ HAUL New York, Feb. I.—The Richmond Enquirer of the 29th ultimo reports the capture, by rebel cavalry, near Natchez, of twenty-five prisoners, slxty-ftve wagons, a lot of cotton and about eighty negroes. •UVbARRISBURfr-nFy- yfr/vns Afro-roDAy [From the Telegraph of Feb. 2, 1864.1 RECRI'ITIXCi GOBS ON Recruiting goes "bravely on." Large numbers arrive daily at this point where they are sworn in, uniformed and "greenbacked." WOULD ENLARGE VERBEKE ST. Colonel Alleman has presented, in the House of Representatives a petition from citizens of our county, asking for a law to change the width of a por tion of Verbeke street, in this city, pprn iriom.-81DeU6;hT^] —Senator Oliver last night spoke in a Philadelphia church, declaring for local option and the child labor laws. His remarks did not satisfy his clerical most effective campaigners known in Pennsylvania and discussed matters with a frankness that at times dis mayed the managers of his party's affairs. They used to say he never sought a controversy, but he never dodged one, and if a question was put at him that was dangerous he handled it with sincerity and did not care where the chips flew. In fact, it was this very openness of mind and free dom of speech that led to the famous message from Quay, one of the classics of Pennsylvania politics: "Dear Beaver: Don't talk." General Beaver was thrice wounded in battle and liis third wound, which took away his leg, is believed to have Indirectly caused his death. He came of a long-lived and fighting family of the people who settled the Juniata Valley and who number among their descendants so many prominent Penn •sylvanlans. It was characteristic of him to leave an envied place In the law office of one of the great lawyers of the day to go to war. His prompt ness to enlist was shown by the fact that his company was in the Second Regiment and his record Is told by service until 1864, when he was sent home without a leg and with en comiums of his superiors. Including a personal letter from the brilliant Hancock. The General was wounded at Chancellorsvllle, Petersburg and Ream's Station. The first time he thought he was mortally wounded and told the men who came for him to get the men who needed help, adding that it would be time to look for the dead after the battle. The second time he was blown up by a shell, which ex ploded at his horse's feet, and he had to be sent home for care. He ap peared at Hancock's headquarters not fit for duty and was sent home again, sorely against his will, and only when Hancock personally ordered him awav. His third wound, which cost his leg, was while he was waiting for the start of an attack. T.lie man who saved him from the advancing cavalry horses' feet was Ferdinand Rohm, a Juniata countian, who is now ser geant of the Capitol police. General Beaver never forgot him and appoint ed him to a place on the "Hill." There was something heroic about Beaver's Christianity. Armies are not Sunday schools and profanity some times is heard more than prayers. General Beaver used to have prayer meetings in camp and before he went into battle he would have prayers rißht in front of his command. Ijike P"rederick the Great's hard-fighting field marshal, Leopold of Dessau, he believed prayer was a necessary pre requisite to battle: but once devotions were over the Amalekites were to be smitten. It might have been the lot of this distinguished son of Perry county to have been President of the United States. In 1880 he was a member of the famous "306" which stood for the nomination of Grant in the Repub- Mean national convention and because of his commanding position as chair man of the Pennsylvania delegation he was much in the minds of delegates. He was asked by delegates from Penn sylvania, Ohio, Tennessee and other States to permit the use of his name for Vice-President. The offer was backed by the dominant figures of that great gathering, but General Beaver declined. Garfield was nomi nated for President at that conven tion, elected and died, and Arthur, who accepted the vice-presidential nomination, occupied the White House. The very next year Beaver was within reach of a senatorial seat. When the great deadlock occurred and the la mented Henry W. Oliver withdrew they asked Beaver to be a candidate. He stood for the balloting, but the party breach was too great to be healed. In 1882, when the same party schism prevailed. General Beaver went down to defeat as Reoubllcan candi date for Governor. The candidates were Pattison, who won; Beaver and John Stewart, now justice of the Su preme Court. But four years later the Republicans had learned their les son and Beaver won by 40,000 over Chauncey Forward Black, of York. General Beaver was the son-in-law Hugh Nelson McAllister, who was allied in marriage to one of this citv's families and who died at the consti tutional convention of 1873, to which he had been chosen because of his great ability as a constitutional law yer. Mrs. Beaver was one of the most charming women who have graced the Executive Mansion and for years has been a welcome guest in Harrisburg homes. The eldest son of General Beaver. Gilbert Addams Bea ver, married the daughter of the late Judge John W. Simonton, adding to the ties that bind his family to this city. When the war broke out Andrew Gregg Curtin, the Governor, showed his confidence in Beaver by having him elected to command the infantry company of which he had been him self the chief. He personally gave him his commission as a colonel and when the war ended he apDolnted him commander of a brigade of the Na tional Guard. When Beaver became Governor he selected Daniel Hartman Hastings as adjutant general and placed him before the people and when Hastings became Governor he appointed his former chief as one of the first judges of the Superior Court. The last of three remarkable men, "the Center county Governors." the life of James Addams Beaver should furnish an inspiration to the young folks not only of the town among tho mountains where he lived and died, but in the city where he resided as chief magistrate and In whose welfare he showed so keen an interest. critic, who announced that he waa a Bull Mooser. —The Bureau of Municipal Re search now says the Phiadelphia mu nicipal court is all right. —William L. McLaughlin, Plttston. has been named as a deputy revenue man by Fritz Kirkendall, who seems to be taking care of his own county. Next? —Congressman Vare may decide to stay in Congress and not run for mayor of Philadelphia. —Michael J. Ryan will be some candidate to beat. As a stump speak er he Is known all over the State. —Senator Oliver's answer to his critics ought to satisfy anyone. —Mention of Brumbaugh's name for governor seems to be extensive among Bull Moosers who want to re turn to the fold. —Plnchot is planning a series of speeches in the eastern counties. —Norristown will vote on a SIOO,- 000 sewer loan. —Congressman Palmer will need Wilson in his own district before the campaign ends. —Herr Moesleln's candidacy for the State committee seat Is being launched amid the cheery sound of the whetting of knives. —The Republican State committee Is billed for a meeting next month. -—Thomas B. Moore, of Bloomsburg, may oppose Congressman Lesher for congress. —lt is going to cost a pretty penny for the reorganization gangsters to win enough seats In the Democratic State committee to. hold on to the machine. —Scoutmaster Morris has started off the Democratic campaign by de claring war on Charles P. Donnelly. here aot alone became price. are lower, bat beeauae qualltle. are bcttoßßlD^Eiai^s 1 Two More ,0 IjtgM Exceptional O * Our Pre-lnventory Sale | Thursday we take inventory. Before that time you may share in some of the □ most exceptional bargains we've ever offered. This is the final notice. I Millinery Muslin Underwear Men's and Boys' Wear I I »<-»«' «■«*•—« Hat., soc io Lot Flaa.elett. Diaper ~o f Men-. Heavy Wool Ribbed Ho.e, • 1.00 value 10c Children'. Muslin Drawer, with 2Bc value 12V4c 111 Lot Children'. Trimmed Hata, BOr to laee and hemstitched ruffle, »l«e Lot Men*. Heavy Ribbed Underwear y #I.OO value 10c . 2 only, 12Vfec value Be T(W, ...I • . Lot Children'. Drawera and Skirt", -Be n Lot Buckram Shaped Be 15c and IMe vl| i ue l,ot Men'a Dre.a Shirt., BOc value, II Lot Feather Fancies, BOc to SI.OO Lot Ladle.' Drawera, 2Bc value, ISc __ a loc lOt n "" k «>—. -® c value, |ln the Dry Goods Department pir RFDIIPTIONS ,ot Knltted 10c value. 1U Lot Curtain Net. In cream and eeni " U n , V l r f Lot Men'a Silk Tie., BOc value, 10c 0 with border., 25c value ... .i2Hc In the Honseho.d Department p., f ||| I.o>t Curtain Neta, 10c value Be Toque, and Aviation Cape. n value 8c ut Clothe, Line., 10c value Be 2Bc value | Lot Cottoa Wash Fabric., 12 Vic and Lot Clothe. Hooks, 10c value, dozen. Lot Uoya' Wool Pant., antall .liea 1 I <'/Lik'wrf vII lit 1 8c Faint Brushes, 10c value ....Be 2.» c value 10c | Lot Silk Stripe A ollea 2Bc value, j,ot odd Forka, 10c value Sc Lot Chlldren'a Rompers, alae 2, BOc Q 12lie Lot Shoe I'oll.hes and Outfit., 2Bc value ] ODDS AND ENDS . A . P ™"". mu * - Wrialt '' ot G,i " Salta and Peppers, large ...... 0 opeciais ,0c value 3o Tk- Art Needle Wnrlr Plena rf m. , I,ot Water Glasses, Be value lc IDe A " neet "® nOT Ik Uepart 1 }'°! F il™ , J "ii iii" U C Lot Mirror., IBe and 10c value... ,7c 1 M__ Lot Ladlca' Neckwear, .lightly aoll- Lot Cake Cirtters, 10c aad Be value. mSnt Contributes Many | ed, BOc value Be a< . * B 110t H ' SI? I'* 1 '* IVeckwe " r > »"*l«tly "oil- Lot Clothea Forka, 10c value .He Bargains I Lot |Soiled Tooth Brn.hca, 10c to {lot roidetTctattei'hack.^"iiSc value) White Austrian China for Hand I Lo« B jraU*Buire'ra| 'aßc value !. !l»c Lot Ironing Hoards 20c value 10c Including Plaqnea, y Lot Soiled Handkerchief., 12'/ s c and Lot Carpet Beat"., IthfWlJe ! Be Hair Receiver., Bon Bon (il . l s< » T. uI y e „-• J - .-•• V. n,< Lot Fibre Lunch Boxes, 10c value, Dl.he., Pin Tray.. Ink Well., Lot Soiled Handkerehlefa, 10c and 3p Candleatlck Holder., Sn K ar. and . 1-V4c Lot Straw Shoppers. 10c value... ,2c Crcnm. Vaaea etc iiw> .«„ ' I'°! V"»; -,?<• value 7c Lot Leather Chair Seats, 2Bc value, " "1* " etc » ,0p ' 15c ' 18c ®L. The course as chosen will have a quar 'f.?'' 8 "tart, a mile runaway and a must Imv