33PPR*-';;. • • - • • . • ■ .-r- ? ■■v.* ■ -■;< MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG $&&&£ TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 2, 1914. COD LIVER OIL AND IRON Two Most World-Famed Tonics Combined in Vinol. Cod Liver oil and Iron have proved to be the two most successful tonics the world has ever known—iron for the blood and the medicinal curative elements of cod liver oil as a strength and tissue builder for body and nerves, and for the successful treat ment of throat and lung troubles. Two eminent French chemists dis covered a method of separating the curative medicinal elements of the cods' livers from the oil or grease which Is thrown away, but to these medicinal elements tonic iron is now Jtdded, thus combining in Vinol the two most world famed tonics. I As a body-builder and strength ere-' ntor for weak, run-down people, for feeble old people, delicate children, 1o restore strength after sickness; and for chronic coughs, colds, bron chitis or pulmonary troubles we ask you to try Vinol with the understand ing that your money will be returned It it docs not help you.—George A. Gorgas. Druggist, Harrisburg Penna. ' Inol Is sold In Steelton by T. Prowell. P. S. For pimples and blotches try our Saxo Salve. We guarantee it.— Advertisement. EDKCATIOX\L MAKET NEW YEAR RESOLUTION to enroll next Monday in Day or Night School. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa. Harrisburg Business College Day and Night. Business, Shorthand and Civil Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. 329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. FUNERAL DIRECTOR HARRY M. HOFFMANNI (Successor to J. J. OgFlaby) UNDERTAKER 810 NORTH SECOND STREET ONLY 5 DAYS It's getting pretty close to the LAST CALL now and those " who have been waiting until to-morrow had better hurry— i there are only FIVE DAYS MORE and every day leaves less books. So act quickly. You want this book—you NEED it—and for these few days you can get it for A Certificate and (as explained therein) the small expense amount of expense Greatly Reduced Illustration—The Big Book Is 9x12 Inches "Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose" intelligently sets forth the true purpose of the wonderful waterway. It not only gives its history, but foretells its future; suggests its policy; explains its possibilities. Don't Wait Another Minute Where is there a more useful book to "> put in the hands of school children? It MAIL ORDERS adds to their knowledge of history; it Those residing at a . . . , distance can have puts them in touch with the world's the book on the great progress; it teaches them to do big same terms b y in * , . eluding the amount tilings. named in the certifi cate to cover the ex- OFFER ENDS co " of NEXT SATURDAY i-'-V-v;. L_—' ■ ... Excellent Program by High School Literary Society Special to The Telegraph Willi&mstown, Pa., Feb. 2. Wil liamstown High School Literary So ciety rendered a program in the hljh school room on Friday evening to & large audience. There was included; I Music, high school choir; re&tatlon, j Miss Estella Moffett: discussion, "New j York Water Supply," Alva Barnes; oration. Norma.n Bolton; historical jtclection. Clair Row; vocal duet. Miss 'Clco Haller and Florence Hoffman; j debate, "Kesolved, That the pulpit has ! been ft greater factor in the world's | history than the school teacher's desk," affirmative, George Bond, Miss | Mary Griffith, negative, Arthur Kllng er, .Miss Ruth Mason, judges. Profes sor A. B. Crook, John Dyer and Mrs. Benjamin Holler, decided in favor of tile affirmative; humorous selection, Jacob Mellon; Instrumental duet, Mildred rook and Elizabeth Watkens; extracts, Olive Boyer. Ham Haas, .Margaret Budd, Gordon Shuttels worth, Charles Ivllnger, Margaret VVatklns. Margaret Dinger and Hattle Williard; solo. Miss Annie Bhadel, chorus by high school choir. The next public program will be rendered in two weeks. KINDIG-MILLICR WEDDING Spttial to The Telegraph Marietta, Pa., Feb. 2.—Miss Kath ryn K. Miller, of Millersvllle, was mar ried yesterday to Chester M. Kindig, by tlie Rev. H. S. Shelley, pastor of the Reformed Church at Willow Street. Think what Is stopping Itl Think of 9U the terms and diseased tissues which poison every breath! Here la the bis point in the treatment by (.- Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly. It purifies the air U. as ft enters the nosf, throat and mouth. Its V action ia simple, soothing and scientific. No I harmful druga. - , I*l 1 6 , . the unprecedented success of Certain test by which you can know the wearing quality "ftousands upon t. n « of thou™*. of that's in the roofing you buy, and how long it ?£""£? h t^ e s^^^ d o b .^in e^^ £& will last. Proof on the roof is the only test. I roofing, users of all good roll or shingle roofings. i'"or, while we con- Look to the manufacturer for the protection of your pur- i!-yea?f^?f£g ,< to b h e e thHeJt^nn* chase. Certain-teed Roofing is guaranteed for 15 years— W h a rmany &van*age!™ve£ e tiX it will last longer. Roofs do not near out—they dry out. 01 And yl Vhiie savin* thousands upon , thousands of dollars for roofing owaui, r— ——————— i Lertain-teed, built on a soft center asphalt the sun-ess of certain-teed rooflng has , T", ■ / , . . ; made thousands upon thousands of dol- A Certain-teeA Contraction base With hardcrasphalt protecting surface, lnrs in profits for roofing dealers— not Aurtamtecd construction y r ..V • ' only the dealers In Ceitain-teed rooflng. Roof ones Very MOW iy, indeed. Asphalt, a mIII- but the dealers in all good modern root tor buildings of the most perma- eral, never having been a gas, will not ln S»- For the success of Certain-tMd nent type appeals to architects. »„ , r roofing lias meant the very large suo engineers and builders as well return to gaseous torm. cess of the entire roll rooflngf industry, as to owners. . . - . , Modeni roofing has come to stay. It A Certain-teed Construction Roof The three biggest mills in the roofing industry is a gigantic and successful industry— is a buiu-uproof and is the mod- are behind the 15-year guarantee on every roll thanks to t lie success of Certaln-tMft ein scientific process of cover- and crate of Certain-teed —that responsibility is is based on modern, scientific ing—whether a aable roof or a .1 t „ j , - ,11 methods, efficiency, economy and better flat roof \viUi jx>or drainage thc best ad« 11 w, v with >ii» mniv _ . I? 1 " ,s buildings and a better protec pot and as no gravel is used.does Certain-teed is always sold at a reasonable price j'°n f °r hif3 investment than he has ever eve'y°raiu 9 - by everywhere There are roofings time it means a good. It is a sanitary roof you can buy as low as one-third less in price. Your fair proflt to the rooflng dealer and blg- Co*ti more, but worth more. Ap- saving, however, is but a few dollars at most, e j: and better business than he ever did plied only by respousible roofers. and it is poor economy. Certain-teed is always OertalS^Md^roofng 06 Istabfilhed least expensive in the end. modern rooflng as one of the longest steps In the scientific management of f f mm f • building—the Introduction of modern General Roofing Manufacturing Co. fntTnSSs!" 01 '^^^^^^: World's largest manufacturers uf roofing and building papers teed roofing in this respect has meant Buccess to all good prepared roofings. It E. St.Louis,lll. York.Pa. Maneillai, 111. 'NewYorkClty Boston Kansas City has put the modern rooflng industry on Minneapolis Sai. Francisco Seattle London, England Hamburg. Germany the map. Cer