2 Lvan WEST SHORE NEWS MIIEfSM FOLK ARE WEDDED 20 YEIRS Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hemmer Will Entertain Many Friends This Evening Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hemmer, of Wormleysburg, are to-day celebrating the twentieth anniversary of their wedding. To-night they will enter tain nearly a hundred of their friends In honor of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Hemmer were inar died in York February 2, 1894, by the Rev. A. G. Fasnacht. pastor of the Lutheran Church in that city. Mrs. Hemmer, who was Miss Adabelle bn> - x\ Y\ V \ starthng February Furniture Sale ... . fe Vr^/\j \ every other line, you 11 be surprised with the p TSSgW J jjSyJ J \ Brass Beds splendid assortment as much as with the Start- | \ $10.50 Brass Beds now marked $.5.75 ling Prices. § \ $18.50 Brass Beds now marked $10.75 * \ . $25.50 Brass Beds now marked $19.00 Buffets JZ&WB\ ' $32.50 Brass Beds now marked $24.50 „ * '#*. $45.50 Brass Beds now marked $33.75 $28.50 Buffets now marked $18.50 NSk $55.50 Brass Beds now marked $42.00 $38.50 Buffets now marked $29.00 If* All (uarantccd I«cqner. f $46.50 Buffets now marked $34.50 §1 /)rpcco»-e $53,5 ° Buffets now marked $40.00 H BBH y»6ssers $58.50 Buffets now marked $44.00 ° J $12.50 Dressers now marked $9.50 $65.50 Buffets now marked $49.50 p $29.50 Dressers now marked $22.75 $75.50 Buffets now marked $56.50 |i; llfnjl In IB j7 $38.50 Dressers now marked.. $29.50 $96.50 Buffets now marked $72.50 pi EQIb I $49.50 Dressers now marked $37.50 n - - D ___ t $65.50 Dressers now marked $49.50 UMinCJ rfOOm » ClO/eS VsMi U Chiffoniers $14.50 Dining Room Tables, marked $10.50 fi 19,5 ° Dinin ? Room Tables, maiked $18.50 >vT~\ $14.50 Chiffoniers now marked $ll.OO $24.50 Dining Room Tables, marked $15.00 ly $29.00 Chiffoniers now marked $17.50 $27.50 Dining Room Tables, marked $21.00 m yM&sfifS. 1 $42.00 Chiffoniers now marked $23.50 $29.50 Dining Room Tables marked $22.25 % $49.50 Chiffoniers now marked $31.50 $32.50 Dining Room Tables marked $24.50 f| " $52.50 Chiffoniers now marked $32.50 $40.50 Dining Room Tables, marked $30.50 $55.00 Chiffoniers now marked $34.50 $45.50 Dining Room Tables, marked $34.50 No Cash Required ' I\JQ Mi/'/TO A A/H LC A No Cash Require J] I Will deliver any of the mWM mmm Lfcvffl "m # W Mmf Mm WW mm Will deliver any of the 0 for^vmi 8 r W h Zeamer - J - H - °s wWler Bucher and Horace Det- Farmers Have Combined to Increase Price of Tobacco Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa.. Feb 9 ' 200 farmers have become* affiliated ' fhi «s n ::r% n i ztMon to 1,0 *now n a« 1 ' ® M e ? Tobacco Growers Com- 1 pany, in this county, and they have joined issue with R. L. Klmborough j a promoter, to increase the price of l h a v« We i e iK!> Mr ' Klmboro »Sh claims to have 1,452 acres of the 1913 crop pledged to his plan, which will be three million pounds of tobacco^' A packing and storage house has been 1 secured. PARTY ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. Nelson Snyder, Jr., of West Fairview, entertained in honor of her birthday Thursday evening. The evening was spent in playing games singing and instrumental music, after which a delightful luncheon was served. The following persons were present: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hockly, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dyer Mr and Mrs. John Yost, Mr. and Mrs Crist Day, Mr. and Mrs. George Kline, Mrs Charles Ossman, Jr., Albert Senior bawrence Fox, W. Peffer, Miss Jane Snyder, Miss Mary Snyder, Fred Sei del. Miss Mildred Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Snyder, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Nel son Snyder, Jr. SALE rorms 1 * SCHLEISNER'S ~~ ) SALE GOODS Each day a differ will not be sent on "TIM AI Oil XSTTS. . approval or 1 UlrtL UflLlLl _ see daily an- C ° D - Fall and Winter Garments-- "° I T o-morrow—T uesday WE PLACE ON SALE DRESSES ' SERGE DRESSES- DANCING FROCKS of highest grade materials, navy blue only, Smart designs in Pastel shades, low necks, values $15.00 to all correct of the values $16.50 to *37.50 $7.95 Taffeta Dancing Frocks— Crepe de Chine Dresses— -I'etching models in new Spring shades, An extensive assortment to select from, »£5 $12.90 297 . 5 , ° $16.50 Train Evening Gowns All Avhite, all black and light shades, values $31.50 to JLO.OU ~ WEDNESDAY---The Waist Department \\ ill .offer some wonderful values in Blouses. 28-30 and 32 North Third Street Try Telegraph Want Ads. Try Telegraph Want Ads.Try Telegraph Want Ads