- ' * " ~C ■' ■ _ * MONDAY EVENING, • HAWUBBURG tlf&f&b TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 2, 1914. 14 Quite the Most Important Sweater rgn News of the Winter Is this S2O © 1 1) Silk Garment for $14.98 q=B I *h i'li iL A pure silk sweater in two-tone shades of-Copenhagen and black, I | M fAWSW TjTj - 4 Copenhagen and white, gold and black and white and black. The colors if Pip l Ml are guaranteed not to fade and the fitting qualities of these rich gar- P&Nrte. W$ ments are recognized to be perfect. <4J A maker who was overstocked sold us every one he had on his \"" r " I —* (J HI shelves at a substantial price revision,, so we are able to offer $20.00 silk \ sweaters to you for $14.98. Imported Angora' Sweaters: In a Sale 'he proverbial storms of February call for snug apparel for those who find it necessary to TL R C j_t | * j * 1 I ' -t comes the opportunity to buy SIO.OO to $12.00 imported Angora sweaters at pronounced savings. Much or trie rumiture in the February .* reprao " s ™""""" sam " lc Ita '- coiors «/ Beginning to-morrow the price will be $5.98. Q "I T TV T /* -f 4 -4 • Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. bale Is New-of Standard Quality- clo rnc -, — , _ d a. c i jeu d i $18.50 Full Length Coats of Serge Bought for Less and Sold Below and Cheviot in Sizes for Mlsses B Regular Prices DuringThisMonth and Large Women: $8.50 Ihe F Uriliture Sale is a long established institution, bringing the home furnisher good, de- ur cnl ' rc remaining stock of full length serge and cheviot coats for misses and women, in pendable furniture at lowered prices two periods during" the vear---Februarv and August Orders SIZCS from 16 !" 46 ' ,s now , entered in . a complete clearance at exceptional savings. Every gar- Were nlired month* kw in +li».> loarliurr - I \\T 1* 4.1 • , " ment is new this season. The materials are of the finest grades and each coat is lined through were placed months ago HI the leading lactones 111 the East and West by the various stores out with yarn dyed satin. During the wyUer season these coats sold at $18.50. Choose to-mor ainea \\ ltn tne syndicate lradmg Company, representing a purchasing power second to none in row aiul all this week at 58.50 Maniit ictnivr* ri th ir I+l+ a +l. •1 4. • 1 Women's $4.95 Dress Skirts of Serge Reduced to $2.98 . lanutacturers saved then choicest lots and gave their best prices to these buyers, and with . «n r t f r rt ... . . 0 . SUch advantages it IS not to be wondered at that OUr furniture Values are incomparable. uresis now reduced in the to'an Th^gul^pHcet Brass Beds—Guaranteed Lacquer Golden Oak Extension Tables • ?495 SlHClall -' P ri^d . thl " D 7 v " k rom v r ;;' & ''^Vona' fiooV. ' ,1U ' 1)!S Brass Beds! Februarv Sale Price s ' 6 fect extension, 45-inch top. , $22.50 Brass Beds. February Sale Price . $10.50 February Sale Price $16.95 Q1 rtTr7 ' _£ ]\J O ! 1 $19.50 Brass Beds, February Sale Price $15.75 $23.75 extension tablcs, 6 feet extension, 48-inch top. Feb- OIIOWIIIP Ol 0W wIVIOS lO p i • i d i r- • ruary Sale Price $18.95 LOt/ Golden oak, mahogany and walnut— ssoo Worth of Parlor and Library | IVloUrnillf? HfltS $25.00 mahogany dressers, 42 inches long, 3 ply backs and rn < , . « * ooU Our new mourning hats, copied from photographs of the latest ary Priced?!?'.. Ch,tt ° l ! ,C . r !" niatclimg P attcrn - Mahogany tables in the newest designs— London and Paris models, are distinctive in shapes and trimmings. 522.50 mahogany Princess dressers in matching pattern. '' $ () .95 mahogany tables. February Sale Price $6.95 Medium size mourning hat with narrow brim and soft crown of silk trimmed with wing February Sale Price $1<),50 $7.50 mahogany tables. February Sale Price .... $4.95 of silk and braid ornament $6.50 $29.50 oak and mahogany dressers 42 inches long, 24x30 $15.00 mahogany tables. February Sale Price ... $9.75 Small black turban with silk brim made of folds and bow on right side s<>.so mirror. 3 long and 2 short drawers, dust proof. February $17.50 mahogany tables. February Sale Price $11.95 Mushroom hat of black silk with left side flared, high bow of silk and crepe, folds of crepe Sale Price $25.00 «?q sn 1 r - 11.- i,m .< 1 i> •. tisio"-n around the crown $0.50 $28.50 oak and mahogany chiffoniers in matching pattern. n,a luy ' an - N a /, < ' S ' .- C . ' ll31 ' , a , C ntC " Large black turbans of silk faced with white crepe trimmed with large bow of black silk February Sale Price * $25.00 mahogany tables. February Sale Price .. $12.50 lined with white crepe $8.50 $29.50 oak and mahogany Princess dressers in matching $16.50 mahogany tables. February Sale Price .. $10.95 lyr * n . \r • i pattern. February Sale Price $25.00 $3.50 mahogany tables. lebruary Sale Price .... $2.50 INeW V eilS $16.50 oak mahogany and bird s-evc maple bureau cliif- $4./5 mahoganv tables. 1 ebruary Sale I rice .... $3.50 Face veils $1 50 fonieres and Princess dressers, full swell front and shaped $5.50 mahogany tables. lebruary Sale Price .... $.{.95 Face veils edged with crepe or grosgrain ribbon $2.50 and $!J.95 mirrors. Pebruary Sale Price $12.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Millinery, Second Floor, Front. That Stubborn Abscess it is Healed Only by Getting the Blond in Actinn Here are some very valuable facts tor all who have any blood trubie with external outbreaks. Do not cover it so as to interfere with perspiration or the formation of protective scabs. Keep it clean and bandaged. If it is a stubborn case, Jiush your blood with 8. S. S. This famous blood purifier works wonders. And you can easily give your blood a good, thorough cleansing by using S. S. S. There is no need for anyone to be despondent over the illness of blood impurities. No matter how badly they attack the system or how unsightly becomes the skin, just re member what a distinguished doctor said: There is one ingredient in S. S. S. that so stimulates the cellular tissues throughout the body that they select their own essential nutriment from the blood. This means that all decay, all breaking down of the tissues. Is checked and repair work be gins. S. S. S. has Buch a specific influence on all local cells as to preserve their mutual wel fare and afford a proper relative assistance to ?ach other. Marc attention Is being given to scientific medicine than ever before, and S. S. S. Is the highest achievement in this line. Do not fail to get a bottle of S. S. S. to day. If your abscess is of *uch a nature that you would like to consult a specialist, write to the medical department. The Swift Specific Co., 311 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Beware of any attempt to sell you something else for the blood. Many people have been imposed upon by having some mineral mixture palmed off on them. Ask for S. S. S. and Insist that S. S. S. is what you propose to get. OO Nose pieces like above cut for $1.50 Worth $3.50 Gold .filled frame and spherical lenses' for reading and sewing. SI.OO Worth $3.50 This offer is for this week only. Eyes examined by Oculist and Opto mertrlst. NATIONAL OPTICAL CO. 34 N. Third Street Otbt Footer's Store, \f«r Po«« Office Try Telegraph Want Ads. | Well-planned Surprise For Mrs. Sophia Slyder Special to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa.. Feb. 2.—A well | planned birthday surprise was given iby .Mrs. George Ross, North Tork (street, on Saturday afternoon in honor lof her mother, Mrs. Sophia Slyder, | who was 70 years old that day. In | the diningrooin a centerpiece of pink and white carnations decorated the table. Supper was served to Mrs. Susan Raffensberger, Mrs. Harry Hertzler, Mrs. M. H. Spahr. Mrs. Lizzie Fetzer. Mrs. Annie E. Lloyd, Miss Kate Poole. Mrs. Sophia Slyder and Mrs. G. B. Ross. Mrs. Slyder received many good wishes and remembrances ! of the day. MISSION SERVICES NEXT WEEK Special to The Telegraph, Mechanicsburg, Pa., Feb. 2.—Be ginning next Sunday evening, Febru ary 8, at 7.30 o'clock, a mission will bo held in St. I.uke's Episcopal Church. There will be mission preaching every evening, concluding with Saturday evening. The Rev. H. B. Pulsifer, rector of St. John's Church, Marietta, will be the mission ary, assisted by the Rev. C. Stuart Kltchin, rector of St. I.uke's Church, Mt. Joy. RUB RHEUMATIC PAiN FROM ACHING MS 1 Rub Soreness, Stiffness and Pain Away in a Few Moments OLD TIME RHEUMATISM OIL | Instant Relief—No Waiting—Getj a Small Trial Bottle of St. Jacobs Oil Stop "dosing" Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one case in fifty | requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right on the "tender spot," and by the l time you say Jack Robinson—outf comes the rheumatic pain and distress. St. Jacobs Oil conquers pain! It is a harmless local rheumatism cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn or discolor the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from ach ing Joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia and reduces swelling. Limber up! Get a small trial bottle of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and In a mo ment you'll be free from pain, aches and stiffness.—Advertisement Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Special to The Telegraph Gettysburg. David Kitzmiller, 74 years old, died at Ills home In Balti more street on Friday night. Mr. Kitzmiller was postmaster at Gettys burg from 1890 to 1894. He was born in Adams county and has been a resident of Gettysburg nearly all his life. He is survived by his wife and one daughter. Miss Eva, and one son. Charles B. Kitzmiller. He has been a member of Gettysburg Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows for the past fifty-three years. Funeral was held to-day. Conestoga.—Franklin A. Haines. 73 years old, a veteran of the Civil War, bricklayer and contractor, died yes terday from a complication of dis eases. His wife, six children and sev eral grandchildren survive. Marietta.—Mrs. John Cashmere, 60 years old, died yesterday of cancer. She is survived by her husbond, six children and five grandchildren. Sunbury.—George Malick, a promi nent railroadman, stricken with apo plexy, died at his home in Reagan street here at the noon hour on Sat urday. Dlilsburg.— Charles March, motor man of the Dillsburg and Mechanics burg motor car, died on Saturday at the home of his brother-in-law, Harry Bushey, of near I-atiniore, where ho, with his family, had been living since he was compelled to give up work on I the car on account of lung trouble. Mr. March was 38 years old nnd is survived by his wife and two children, j Stewart and Katherine March; one sister, Mrs. Bream, of Gardner's Sta- J tion, and one brother. About a year ago a brother of Mr. March was acci- I dentally shot to death while hunting I deer. Two months ago his sister's ! husband. Mr. Bream, died, and a few j days later a brother of Mrs. March, ; Clayton Bushey. died after an illness low two days of pneumonia. I Shippenshurg.—Mrs. Hinton, a col ored Woman, died at her home In ! West Orange street. She is survived 1 by her husband, who is an employe of Ir. P. Tel). | Shippensburg.—U M. Funchion, ofi j Fast Orange street, died yesterday of ! heart trouble. i INJUNCTION VR.MNST COMPANY I ('amp Hill. Feb. 2. —On Saturday (the Cumberland county court granted m temporary Injunction against the I Uiverton Consolidated Water Company [from collecting the Increased water rate from the property owners, who have been making a protest. This Is another step In the rate war ot the citizens of the borough against the water company. It Is probable that the Public Ser vice Commission will render a decision In the matter within a short time. An effort was made by the citizens to compromise with the. water com pany until the Public Service Commis sion rendered a decision, but it would not arbitrate. I Mrs. J. Emery Fleisher Hostess to Woman's Club Special to The Telegraph I Newport, Pa., Feb. 2.—As is Us an i nuiil custom, the Woman's Club en jtertained on Friday evening with Mrs. J. Emery Fleisher, hostess. Mrs. Car | rie Eby Jeffers and Mrs. J. Harry Mc- I Culloch rendered a piano duet, and I the president of the club, Mrs. James M. Kunkle gave a reading. There were also guessing contests for the en tertainment of their guests. Elaborate were served. The mem bers of the club were Mrs. Horace Beard, Mrs. Edith Brandt Barton, Mrs. LemueJ W. Brimmer, Mrs. Henry O. Orris, Mrs. James M. Kunkle, Mrs. I William Dorwart, Mrs. Robert M. Ramsey, Mrs. John 8. Leiby, Mrs. Carrie Eby Jeffers, Mrs. J. Harry Mc- Culloch, Miss Ella Fleisher, Miss Jen nie Linn MilllgHn, Miss Anne Lynn Irwin, and their guests, Mrs. Hiram M. Keen, Mrs. Charles C. Brandt, Miss i Mary McCulldch, Miss Carrie Diven, Miss Grace McManigal, the Rev. James M. Runkle, the Rev. Robert M. Ramsey, the Rev. William Dorwart, J. Holmes Irwin, Hiram M. Keen, John S. Lelby. Dr. J. Harry McCulloch, Frank H. Gantt, John S. Eby, George P. Bistline, J. Emery Fleisher. Funeral of Little Girls Killed in Mountain Accident i Special lo The Telegraph Newport, Pa., Feb. 2.—Yesterday Emma and Elda Hamaker, little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hamaker, took place from the home of the parents near Montgomery's Ferry. The little girls were killed when an oil wagon, drawn by three horses, driven by Charles E. Cook, skidded on the icy mountain road and tumbled over an embankment. Cook was injured so badly that he died in a short time. Two other children riding on the wagon escaped injury. 1 The two little bodies were placed in [one casket and funeral procession I went from the home of the parents jto the little Hill Church a mile away, | where services were held and buriul made. KLGCT OFFICERS i The altar chapter of St. Haul's Guild ' i has elected the following officers. Mrs A. I>. Horn, president; Mrs. Hel en C. Brown, vice-president; Mrs. Ed ward Hughes, treasurer; Miss Florence Miller, correspondence secretary; Miss' j Mary Harsh, recording secretary. CASTORIA For Infants and Childrtfi bn Use For Over 30 Years - Signature of LEBANON IRON TRADE REVIVES Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., Feb. 2. —The Ameri can Iron and Steel Manufacturing I Company, the largest employer of ! labor in this city, to-day gives employ ment to hundreds of skilled workmen in the resumptoin of its mills on the double shift. For months during the present trade depression the mills have been operated on single shift. The past week has witnessed a healthy revival of trade in the local iron mar ket and there is a strong intimation that it will mean the relighting of the fires in the idle furnace plants of the Pennsylvania Steel Company in this city and those of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel Company in this city and Cornwall. FUNERAL OF MRS. GLEIM Mechanicsburg, Pa., Feb. 2. The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Gleim was held this afternoon at the home of Daniel Bates, South High street, the Rev. Joseph E. Guy, pastor of St. Paul's Reformed Church, officiating. Burial was i,nade in the Trindle Spring graveyard. 1)R. WASHINGER WILL SPEAK Shippensburg, Pa., Feb. 2.—Dr. W. H. Washlnger, of Chambersburg, con ference superintendent, will preach at Messiah United Brethren Church on Wednesday evening. Rich Red Blood I* your# if you take HOOD'S SARBAPARILLA, which make* the blood normal in red and white corpuscles; relieves pimples, boils, scrofula, salt rheum or eczema, catarrh, rheumatism, dyspepsia, nervousness, that tired feeling. ■ ■ SM| sreeurmble. All kinds ! ■■ I ■ B El mean suffering sad mm ■ ■ Iftfl danger. The CAUSE I ■ I 9 I* always internal. I I Ikk Dr. Lronhardt's . HEM-ROIDj fj/itProdijce amazing results by attacking the INTERNAL CAUSE. The piles are dried up and permanent!* cured. 24 days' treatment, SI.OO. | DR. LEONHARDT CO, Buffalo, N. Y. (five beak) Bold by Kennedy Medicine Store, Hsrrtsbais, J. A. McOurdy. Steelton. and dsalets. Quick Relief for Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness. Clear the Voice—Pine for Speakers and Singers. 25c. GORGAS* DRUG STOREB 16 N. Third St. Pcnna. Station Thinking of Quality These days, most men when they think of a smoke, think of King Oscar 5c Cigars It's the way quality always affects the mind. Its influence is simply irresistible. Think of soap, silver, flour and what not and the quality kinds are the ones you instinctively think of. It's a good thing, too. k ' D. B ■ or> drop j Try Telegraph Want Ads.