Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 31, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    xpwen rMTeResT^
Common Sense Versus Hysterics
Dead L<ve Can t Be Restored —The Woman Who Lets Her Hus-
Go if His Love Is Dead Deserves Praise For Sanity
By Dorothy Dix
I A man in New
Jersey grew tired
of his wife and fell
in love with an
other woman,
whom he wanted to
marry. Instead of
lying to his wife,
and deceiving her,
and indulging in a
eland f stine ro
mance with the
other woman, the
man went frankly
to his wife and told
her all about it.
It was an unfor
tunate and tragical
stat/ of affairs, but the wife had the
goo sense, the good taste, and the
goc Judgment to meet it in a no
blefind dignified manner.
he simply eliminated herself,
he permited her husband to go
tdKeno and get a divorce on tech
njal grounds without any scandal, or
lid throwing, or any dirty family
lien being washed in public to shame
humiliate her children whenever
Jeir father's name was mentioned,
/nd to be a lasting disgrace to themr
fills Woman Deserves a Monument in
Her Honor
I I think that this woman deserves
/to have a monument built in her
/honor for having set a fine example
for other women in a similar plight
to follow, for in the great crisis of
her life she displayed not only cour
age. but sanity.
Out of the wreck of her marriage
she, at least, sav«d her self-respect
as a woman. /
Her husband's /ove was gone, and
she let him go it. She was too
fine, and too prtiid to keep the body
after the soul of love had fled. She
refused to hold /by the chain of the
law the liusbany who had wearied of
her, who begri/iged her claim upon
him, who foum her society a bore,
and who loath/d the very thought of
her as a wife./
Sho knew tlat he felt this way to
ward her, aif that everything that
made their Carriage holy and right
had vanished and so with her own |
hand she i/'ened the door of the
gMtMNiowmmiNHMMuaiaiaiMMuaiaNiMii** J J
|| Roadwau i jj
fh Jones r |
I i From the Play of 1
X | George M. Cohan 2
« | With Piot»rT»»k» Itot Scums in tin thy ! ♦
Cofrlgbt, 1913, by C. W. Dillingham Company
sighed, then looked at Broad
wf with an inquiry upon her face. He
She thrust the paper he had
gfen her into the top drawer of her
dpk. "All right Sammy; tell them
t come in."
With a gravity like that of the
phinx, but with a glint of malice sat
sfied in his small eyes, the fat boy
ambled heavily to the door. With a
voice as disproportionate to his years
as were his calves, he cried invitation
to his mother and his sister. It was as
if they waited on the other side of a
wide stream and he was battling a
howljng tempest with his tones. Hio
"AH right, mom, come on in," rasperf
Broadway's nerves; the fact that|h/*
had failed in the delivery of the briff
eloquence which had been fruit of mid
night and past-midnight oil at the Jn
speakable Grand, a certain feeing
(such as all of us had) thaf he
was doing worthily while gettlngless
than proper credit for it. made>him
hate Sammy at that moment.
He wondered if he might not tlrottle
him in some deserted spot before the
day was over, looked him over tareful-
Jy, observed the size of his columnar
neck, and hopelessly ajkndoned
thought of it. His hands never
reach around it! The victors ap
peared. J
While attention was distorted from
her, In answer to ir-yjstible lm-
Hospital Size, sl.
.» j ju.i. cr.^~z:2Tt>-
To goPrompt relief from pain
—to remove the soreness and re
duce tA swelling—apply
tb'antiseptic remedy that's fine
frbruisss, cuts, burns, and
Mrs. H. B. Springer, Mi Flora St..
Azabeth. N. J„ writes : "I fell and
Irained my arm and was in terrible
kin until told to use Sloan's Lini
iient. It took all the pain away, and
howl can use my arm and hand again."
At all dsslert. Pries 25c., 50c. t SI.OO
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass.
limn mmmmm*
home that had become a hated prison
house to him, and let him go his way
In peace.
There the three of them all
miserable—the woman her husband
loved, and who loved him; her hus
band loving another woman, and tied
to her; and she still loving the man
who loved her no longer.
It was In her power to make two
of the three happy, and she did it.
and. perhaps, in so doing did the
best thing she rould to secure her
own happiness since happiness Is so
often found In unselfishness.
Certainly she could have done noth
ing to secure her own peace of mind
in keeping the other two apart, and
binding to her a man who would hate
her more and more for standing in
the path of his desire.
The only dignified and rational way
to deal with a recreant husband is as
this woman has done, and as a
sas woman did, who went to her hus
band's affinity and said to her, "For
$13.50 I'll give you a quit claim to
John. It's about sl2.3ii more than
he's worth, and I feel that I will be
cheating you in taking it, still If you
fancy him!"
Of course, the woman who hangs
on to a man after he's deadly
weary of her and wants to be rid of
her always claims that she does so
because she believes she can win
back his love.
No woman In the world is foolish
enough to really believe this. She
knows that of all dead things nothing
is so absolutely dead as dead love.
For it there is no resurrection day.
Once the charm and illusion that
a woman has had for a man is gone.
It can never be conjured up again,
any more than you can turn the shat
tered rose back into a bud again.
It is, of course, very, very sad when
a husband ceases to love his wife, but
when it happens she cannot alter the
catastrophe by hanging on to him.
She only makes a bad matter worse by
so doing, and she can save her face,
as the Chinese say, if not her heart,
by voluntarily releasing him.
It is most encouraging to read of
cases like these of the New Jersey
and Kansas wives, because it indi
pulse, yosie tooK nom the desk draw
er the paper Broadway had intrusted
to her, and thruit It into a sacred, se
cret place within her shirtwaist.
Mrs. Spotswood, filled with the fine
excitement of the matron who Is cer
tain that romance 1b working in her
neighborhood, was devoured by that
modification of the spirit of the chase
which sends the ladies, rich or poor,
good or bad, upon the scent of such
elusive news with all the zest of sports
men after squirrels or elephants. She
was inclined toward worry in regard
to Joneeville's fate and also inclined
to confidence In it because she had
known Broadway 6ince he was a little
hoy (ah, what errors have good women
made because they have known some
one since he was a little boy!) and
I knew that while he might be "wild" he
i was not wicked, for his baby curls had
been so sweet; pleased beyond ex
pression by the deep Impression which
her own delicious Clara had made up
on Broadway's affluent, well-mannered,
1 plainly competent friend—animated by
j these various emotions and not less
; than twenty others which I have not
j mentioned. Mrs. .Spotswood wore a
fluttering smile as she accepted her
1 baby-mastodonic son's infant fog-whis
l Ue invitation.
| "Good morning, Josie."
Josie smiled at her, although she
had regretted her arrival almost aB
much as Broadway had. She had so
wished to read the words upon the ho
tel letter paper which her new em
plover had spent half the night in
Mrs. Spotswood's smile expanded till
it fairly beamed at Josie before she
turned her eyes to Broadway, and then
she started with surprise. It was be
cause she had been certain he was
there that sho had come; a visit from
her to the factory was an unheard-of
thing; she had distinctly heard his
voice as she had passed outside the
open door, but now her deep astonish
ment because he was within the room
seemed almost overwhelming.
"Oh, hello, Broadway!"
He smiled nervously and hurried for
ward. Things had not gone as he had
wished, but he was not resentful. Nev
er had he been so humble. Had he
not, the night before, defaced that pa
per with the tale of his humility and
the details of his good resolves? Be
sides, had not Mrs. Spotawood guard
ed him in childhood against wrath at
home on more than one occasion, and
had she not, the previous evening, with
the understanding and good humor of
an angel, prepared for him that lemon
ade which held the magic touch for
which his system yearned?
"I'm awfully glad to see you here in
the plant," she earnestly assured him,
and meant every word of it. Then:
"Did you have a good night's sleep?"
Even the question was a nervous
shock, but he smiled bravely, although
he shuddered slightly as he asked in
answer, "How do I look?"
"Grand!" she exclaimed.
Now his shudder was not slight.
"Don't mention the name, please."
"You must come to our house to sup
"Believe me, I shall be glad to get
it," he said fervently.
Now her soul paid tribute to that
subtle hint of romance which waa in
the air. "You, too, Josle."
"Oh, thanks, Mrs. Spotswood."
"Is the Judge here?"
She knew perfectly well that he waa
not; she had seen him through the
window of his little one-roomed, peak
roofed office building Just across the
street as she had turned Into the
graveled, flower-lined path which led
to the works' entrance.
"I thought he might be here. We've
been er—shopping, and were going
by, so I thought I would run In and
have a word with him."
_ Even Mrs. Spolspood did not shoo
cates that women are at last begin
ning to show common sense Instead
of hysteria In sentimental matters
and to discover that life has a few
other things besides love In It.
The enlightened attitude toward
love which men have always held is
being slowly but surely acccepted by
women. This Is that, while love is
the ornament of existence, it is by no
means the whole shooting match.
Up to our grandmother's time It
was the proper thing for a young
maiden who had been disappointed
in love to pine away and die of a
broken heart, or, if she happened to
have too strong a constitution for
even morbid sentiment to kill her, to
go through the world with the Bad,
sweet smile of a blighted being.
But you never hear of anybody dy
ing of a broken heart in these days,
and instead of being blighted, a girl
who is jilted gathers up the warmest
of her love letters and takes them
into the breach of promise court.
In our mother's time it was es
teemed absolutely necessary to a
woman's happiness for her to be
loved, and in consequence the old
maids who had been passed over
by Oupld were pitied as bank
rupts in life. Now. while we still
recognize that love is the crown of
existence, we know that a woman may
be exceedingly happy and jolly and
comfortable without it. and so nobody
is wasting any tears on spinsters.
Many n Wife Would Be Willing to
<}ITC Her Husband Away
Up to this present moment there
has been a tradition that no matter
how lazy, and trifling, and drunken,
and disagreeable a husband was, if
he deserted his wife she should be
moan her lot in sackcloth and ashes,
instead of getting up and rejoicing
that she was rid of a loafer that she
had to support or a brute that beat
The truth is that many a wife, in
stead of being broken-hearted at los
ing a husband, would be perfectly
willing to hand him over to any other
woman that would take him. Ifence,
perhaps, the philosophy with which
the wife of the recreant husband
meets his side stepping.
thus early in the morning, save for
groceries; moreover, she did not wear
her best black silk dress when she
went shopping for her groceries, and
the shopping district occupied the re
gion farthest from the works upon
the other side of her own home—but
these things did not matter.
Then, as she saw Broadway's atten
tion wavering, and that Clara was en
deavoring to hold it long enough to
ask for Wallace, she turned beamingly
to him, although behind the beam
there was a genuine anxiety. "Any
thing new, Broadway?"
Clara's courage had augmented by
that time, and she gave him insuffi
cient time to frame an answer, so Mrs.
Spotswood went to Josie, and, as
Broadway answered questions about
Wallace, assuring Clara that he'd be
there before long, out of the corner of
his eye he could make certain that
Josie was explaining things to Mrs.
Spotswood. He rather thought and
hoped that she was explaining them
with real enthusiasm.
Clara was shyly excited over Wal
lace, and took full advantage of this
chance to talk of him with his best
friend. The long standing of her
friendship for Broadway made her feel
at liberty to gossip freely.
'1 think Mr. Wallace is an awfully
nice fellow," she said gravely.
"Do you really?" Broadway smiled
at her although he bitterly resented
her Intrusion on his talk with Josie.
"I'll tell him you said that," he gaily
"He is," she stated positively. "He
ordered ice cream twice last night" A
reminiscent hunger came into her
eyes. "Bought me a box of chocolates,
"Oh, he doesn't care what he does
with his money." Broadway's manner
indicated that asking twice for Ice
cream and the purchase of a box of
chocolates represented to his mind the
extreme Insanity of spendo-mania.
"Doesn't he?" she asked, her tone In
dicating that delightful horror which
unmarried ladies feel at hearing of the
exploits of equally unmarried, possibly
eligible young men.
"No," said Broadway, with the sir
of one revealing something at oacb
horrible and fascinating, "he spent
over twenty-five dollars one night."
His audience was as vividly im
pressed as any speaker could have
wished. "He must have just thrown it
But the mad tale of Wallace's ex
penditures was never told. The con
versation was at this point interrupt
ed by the sound of cheers in the great
workrooms at the back.
Hlggins, erratic, demagogic, often
vicious tempered, was, when once his
championship had been enlisted, an en
thusiastic advocate. As he himself had
said, his heart was "In the right place,"
and that morning, as he went through
the plant explaining that the young
new owner had decided not to seU out
to the trust, but would stand by Jones
ville, Jones' Pepsin gum and those res
ident in one and employed in manufac
ture of the other, Broadway lost none
of merit through his declamation.
In that heart In the right place Hig
gins had admired the way the smallish
city man had stood up to his five feet
ten of brawn and threatened to throw
him out of the building, discharge him
from the plant, and drive him from the
town if he did not cease threatening a
woman. He was sorry he had lost his
temper while with Josie.
[To Be Continued.]
For if ye forgive men their
trespasses, your Heavenly Father
will also iuitfhe you.—Jesun ,
Blouse Portion Made in Japanese
Style With Little Shirred
8124 Empire Negligee,
34 to 42 bust.
No sensible woman allows herself to
be without pretty negligees. They
are always attractive ami dainty and, at
the same time, they mean comfort and
relaxation. This one is peculiarly charm
ing. It includes all the very newest
features, it takes'pretty, graceful lines
and, what is a very great advantage in
these busy days, it takes very little time
for the making. The blouse is cut in one
with the sleeves in the Japanese style
and the three-piece skirt is joined to it,
there being shirring at the slightly raised
waist line. Scarcely a prettier effect
could be suggested yet it is obtained at
the minimum of labor. Challis, albatross
and cashmere make pretty gowns of the
kind for cold weather while the same
gown will be pretty made from cotton
voile, tissue and the like for warm
weather, aitd January is ever the month
of fascinating cotton fabrics.
-**-•- j—
_ The pattern of the gown 8124 is cut in
sizes from 34 to 42 inches bust measure.
It will be mailed to any address by the
Fashion Department of this paper, on
receipt of ten cents.
Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns.
w ' m
c M,adame Is el) ells
•■Beauty Lesson♦
Mabel C. F. —The rough condition of
your skin may be due to sunburn or
to an improper habit of washing
your face. Moat soapa in common use
ronghen the skin. For the moment,
until your face Is better, use no soap
at all, but Instead a good cleansing
cream or cold cream. Clean the face
■well at night with cream and a piece of
old linen or cheesecloth that has been
washed. Then rub a little massage
cream into the skin and let It stay on
during tbe night. Bathe the face in
the morning in very cold water. Be
fore powdering, rub in a little cfeam.
In this way the skin is kept always
lubricated and the rough condition
will disappear.
Mr». F. G. B.—l do not think you are
at all extravagant, and I certainly
think you make -the most of your mod
est dress allowanoe. You say you
make your wash gowns yourself. If
they are cut and bang well, there is no
reason why you should be afraid to
make a woolen gown. The one-piece
gowns so much worn now present no
more difficulties .made up in woolen
than in cotton goods. Be sure yon get
a good pattern. Why not Invest in a
long coat thia whiter instead of a
tailored suit?
Lottie.—The yellow condition of the
whites of the eyes comes from a dis
ordered stomach or sluggish liver. To
my mind it is a most unfortunate de
; feet in a woman's looks and yoa
should correct it at once. Change
your diet. You are probably eating
too much sugar and starch. Avoid
hot bread apd eat plentifully of fruit
and green salads. Every other morn
ing before breakfast take the juice of
half a lemon in a cup of hot water.
Eat occasionally a raw onion, well
Mrs. G. F. C. —At near fifty, my dear
friend, it Is not strange that the hair
should begin to turn gray. Do Dot
think of dyeing it; it means expense
•and constant trouble. Keep your scalp
free from dandruff, brush the hair and
massage tbe scalp every night; if you
keep your hair in good condition, th«
graying locks will not be unattr*ctlv&
TKe genuine*
y|Tm Baker's Cocoa and
Hl l Bakers Chocolate/ .
Hi ///111 have this trade-mark on every
miML package.
I REG. U. 3. PAT-OFF. _
Phila. Students on
Visit to Harrisburg
Senior students of the Southern
high school, Philadelphia, with mem
bers of the faculty, visited Harrisburg
to-day on a sightseeing trip.
The big feature of the day was a
visit to the Capitol. It had been ar
ranged to have Governor John K.
Tener welcome the students late this
afternoon, but he is in Pittsburgh. Dr.
N. C. Schaeffer, Superintendent of
Public Instruction, may take the place
of Governor Tener.
The speakers for the high school
students were Dr. Lemuel Whittaker,
principal of the Southern high school,
and Prolcssor Frank W. Melvin.
Luncheon was served at The Plaza,
formerly the Hotel Russ. It required
twenty automobiles to take the vis
itors around the city.
Vanderbilt Yacht Crew
in Perilous Position
By Associated Press
New Orleans. La., Jan. 31. The
wireless was silent here during the
early hours of to-day regarding the
condition of Frederick W. Vanderbilt's
yacht Warrior, which went aground
off the Colombian coast Monday.
Information was received here last
night that the crew of forty-eight men
who refused to leave the yacht when
Mr. Vanderbilt and his party were
taken off by the United Fruit steamer
Almlrante were in a perilous position.
Get a 10 cent package of Dr.
James' Headache Powders
and don't suffer
You can clear your head and relieve
a du(l splitting or violent throbbing
headache in n moment with a Dr.
James' Headache Powder. This old
time headache relief acts almost
magically. Send someone to the drug 1
store now for a dime package and a
few moments after you take a powder
you will wonder what became of the
headache, neuralgia and pain. Stop
suffering—it's needless. Be sure ypu
get what you ask for.—Advertisement.
f \
"Lucky Nugget," 3 Acta—"Won In
a l ionet" "Slim Hogan'a Get-a
way" "The Cure" Klnemaeolor '
Pleturea are "Dainty lingerie" and
"Morning Dressed" and "Plcgen In
? vrum
ts«Ssig=gst I m®S4&& I s^:^S"-?351 J ggrssdjszs
This Box Contains Twelve of the Herbs Used in
We have supplied 10,000 dealers with these demonstration boxes so that they can show YOU!
the actual herbs and roots that give GofFs Cough Syrup its wonderful healing, soothing and
curative properties, and prove its absolute freedom from all harmful drugs. Each box contains;
Horehound: Loosens phlegm and produces Pleurisy Root; Aids in diseases of the respira- ?
expectoration. Relieves tickling in throat, hoarse- toiy organs; excellent for pleurisy, pneumonia and
ness, asthma and irritable coughs. (" consumption.
Boneset: Breaks up a cold, fever or chills. Re- Elecampane Root: Tonic for the pulmonary
heves aching m the bones. Acts directly on the organs. Used by physicians in consumption and
bronchial tubes. chronic throat affections.
, Mullein: For sore throat, coughs, bleeding
from lungs and catarrh. Allays inflammation.
Prevents hard coughing:—
and also Blood Root, Field Balsam, Lobelia, Skunk Cabbage, Burdock, Pipsissewa and Sassafras; in all, 12 of
the strength-giving herbs that are in every bottle of Goff's Cough Syrup.
piese harmlessi herbs are combined and harmonized in the most effective combination according to the formula !
handed down by great-grandmother Goff over 100 years ago. Goffs isn't the new kind of cough syrup made
with powerful synthetic dnigs and dope that harms the system. It is the old-fashioned kind, used for years,
and a safe, reliable remedy for severe or slight Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Grippe, Croup and i
Whooping Cough. For children it is pleasant to take and harmless, absolutely.
Keep a bottle of Goffs Cough Syrup at home all the time—it is a
safeguard against sudden colds. Buy a 25-cent bottle—if it does
not help you the dealer will return your
money without question.
JANUARY 31, 1914.
Mrs. Steve Stiner, who was shot
twice by her husband on Thursday
night is in good condition at the Har
risburg: Hospital. No danger is feared
from the wounds now and it is be
lieved the woman will recover. Steve
Stiner has not been located.
Miss Agnes Allwood, of Hanover,
Pa., died yesterday morning at the
Pennsylvania State Hospital. She was
54 years of age. The body was taken
to her home at Hanover this after
noon by Undertaker S. S. Speece for
Dlllsburg, Pa., Jan. 31.—0n Tues
day evening. February 3, the Citizens'
Hose Company, of Dillsburg, will visit
the Washington Fire Company, of
Mechanicsburg. A special train will
leave Dillsburg at 7:35 and return
leave Mechanicsburg at 11:30.
TW Cjic&telcM" Cold Crecuiv
Softens and Relieves Chapped Skin.
For Sale at
Bowman's (Toilet Articles Counter)
And Potts' Drug Store, Third and Herr Streets.
25c the Jar.
Good Coal Means Less Coal
Buy only good fuel and you'll bny lua. Cood coal gives off heat
steadily and the consumption la lesa than tt would be If mixed with slate
and other Impurities which decrease heat value. To buy our coal la to buy
■ood coal. It costs no more—try It.
- u -- - - " -
Last Day to Hear Your Last Chance
Next Week Next Week Bessie Leonard
DARLING OF PARIS The Gir '" the Horse
Biggest Dancing Art In thr Word
» - —I
Special to The Telegraph
Carlisle, Va., .lan. 31.—Last night the
stable at the rear of the New Well
ington Hotel was burned, but all the
horses were Rotten out In safety. Sev
eral small sheds were also burned, and
the loss Is estimated at about $3,000.
Spanking does not cure children of bed
wetting. There Is a constitutional cause
for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Bor
w, Notre Dame, Ind., will send free to
any mother her successful home treat
ment, with full Instructions. Send no
money, but write her today If your chil
dren trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child —the chances are It can't
help it. This treatment also cores adultg
and aged people troubled with urine diflt
eulties by day or night. .