Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 31, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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Brlndie Bull Terrier dog, with white
neck and half of face; white feet with
one nail off; ears trimmed, but not tali.
Reward If returned to 1113 Montgom
ery street. ,
Terrier dog; white with a brown race
and ears. A liberal reward for dog, or
Information to Its whereabouts. An
dreas 128 South Second street. >
LOST Raccoon fur neckpiece, be
tween Calder and Hamilton streets, on
Third, Friday evening. Liberal re
ward if returned to 2035 Logan street.
Help Wanted —Male
DRUG CLERK for period of three
or four months; state age and place of
employment. Address Box H, 936, care
of Harris burg Telegraph.
Thorough Instruction, $6. Returned If
not appointed. Particulars free. Ameri
can Civil Service School, Washington,
D. C.
— — \
to get. My free booklet, Y-872, tells
how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop
kins, Washington, D. C.
I WILL START YOU earning *4 daily
at home In spare time, silvering mir
rors; no capital; free instructive book
let, giving plans of operations. G. F.
Redmond, Dept. 268, Boston, Mass.
I«ARGE Canadian Mail Order House
wants men everywhere in the U. S. to
show samples. Will pay sl6 weekly.
Position permanent Dominion Grocery
Co., Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
ED. No canvassing or soliciting re
quired. Good income assured. Address
National Co-Operative Realty Co., V
-910, Marden Building, Washington, D. C.
MEN to sell our seed and nursery
line. Big profits. Pay weekly. First
National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.
MEN with patentable ideas write
Randolph & Company, Patent Solicitors,
Washington, D. C., for lists "Needed In
ventions." Advice free.
ORGANIZERS to solicit members
and organize lodges. Order of Owls,
South .bend, Ind. ,
OUT OF WORK? We can give you
employment at good wages—whole or
part t le. Outfit free. Best season.
Burr Nurseries, Manchester, Conn.
PARCEL POST means many appoint
ments from the February 21 Railway
Mail Clerk Examinations In Harrisburg.
Commence $76.00 month. Common edu
cation sufficient. Sample questions—
FREE. Write immediately. Franklin
Institute, Dept. 363-K, Rochester, N. Y.
Carriers. Thousands needed. Splendid
salaries. Examinations soori. I con
ducted examinations. Trial Examina
tions Free. Write Ozment, 64-D, St.
l>ouis, Mo.
burg Examination February 21. Salary,
$75.00 monthly. Write immediately.
Bureau of Instruction, 565, Rochester,
N. Y.
S9OO first year, promotion to SI,BOO. Ex
aminations February 21 in every State.
Common education sufficient with my
coaching. Full information free. Write
for booklet C-372, Earl Hopkins, Wash
ington, D. C.
Experienced edge trimmer.
Apply at office of the Lindner
Shoe Co., Carlisle, Pa.
$3,000-SIO,OOO yearly easily made. Our
system insures success. Unparalleled;
become established. Valuable book
free. Interstate Realty Co., Pittsburgh.
time at home. Mail order business —•
don't worry about capital. Boyd H.
Brown, Omaha, Neb.
Help Wanted—Female
A GOOD woman agent to handle a
nice, respectuble facial cream. Big
profit. Write H. P. Coles, Wiconisco,
ANY lady can earn SIO.OO weekly,
copying letters, spare time at home;
booklet lu cents In silver, tells how.
Capital Letter Writing Co., Box 364,
Washington, D. C.
BRIGHT girl to take charge of flat
work department; must be competent
to handle girls. Apply Troy Laundry,
1520-26 Fulton street.
CAPABLE, middle-aged woman for
companion and nurse to aged couple;
ideal home to right party; send refer
ence with application. Address P., 928,
care of Telegraph.
CAPABLE woman for general house
work; must have references. Apply
1717 State street.
CIGAR PACKERS; steady work guar
anteed. Apply Dauphin Cigar Co., 710
State street.
LADIES. ALSO MEN—Address enve
lopes. mail circulars at home —$10-S4O
weekly. Spare or whole time. Full par
ticulars 13c stamps. Commercial Co.,
F-209, Pontiac Building, Chicago.
LADIES, sewing at home. Material
furnished. No canvassing. Steady
work. Stamped envelope for particu
lars. Calumet Supply Co., Dept. 1395,
Milwaukee, Wis.
LADIES Work at home making
neckwear; $3 dozen; experience unnec
essary; dime for pattern instruction.
Pearl Mfg. Co., 25 Salamanca, N. Y.
LADIES. $6.00, SB.OO a week. maJcing
plain aprons, home; no canvassing; le
gitimate; we pay you. Particulars and
full-sized sample apron sent for 25c.
Domestic Supply House. 1332 Schofield
Building, Cleveland, Ohio.
every town to sell the Leona three-in
one garments, combining corset cover,
skirt and drawers. Patented. It Is a
pleasant way to make money. No ex
perience necessary. We will show you
how. Leona Garment Co., 248 Maine
street., La Crosse. Wis.
SEWING MACHINE operators, also
learners, to make aprons, etc. Harris
burg Apparel Co., over City Star
Laundry, State street, rear entrance.
TWENTY more thoroughly experi
enced operators on power machines.
Jennings' Manufacturing Co., 414-16
State street
WHITE girl, about 17 years of age,
for housework; family of three; no
aooking, washing or ironing; good
home to right party. 1626 Penn street.
TOTTNG lady to file letters and assist
in office work. Good chance for ad
vancement. Address P. O. Box 542, City.
"Grand View" Poultry
2 Acres of Ground
Fifteen miles south of Harrls
burg, t at CLY, a station on the
Northern Central Railway.
Just four squares west of the
railroad station.
Chicken house eighty feet long;
will accommodate two hundred
Eight-room, new frame house
with bath room and furnace.
New frame sth-ole and wagou
A delightful location.
Price and further particulars
upon Inquiry.
Miller Bros. & Baker
Federal Square Ifarrlabtir*
Situations Wanted—Male
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly "experi
enced D. E., familiar with office details,
would like position where executive
ability will merit reward. R-, 933, care
of Telegraph.
POSITION as gardner, fult and vege
table grower. Bedding plants and mar
ket gardening up to date. Best refer
ence. Address H. H.„ 1426 Susque
hanna -street.
POSITION WANTED as chauffeur;
seven years' experience; can make own
repairs; reference. Apply C. A., 926,
care of Telegraph.
YOUNG colored man desires position
as porter or janitor; can give good ref
erence. 1412 North Seventh street
YOUNG colored man wishes position
as butler, or houseman; can give ref
erence. Call, or address, 132 Liberty
street. •
YOUNG, married man wants any kind
of work. Address 2024 Wood avenue.
YOUNG, married man wishes work of
any kind. Address E., 927, care of Tele
Situations Wanted —Female
COLORED girl desires work between
school hours. Call, or address, 1415
Court avenue.
COLORED girl wants general house
work or hotel work. Address 1416
Seventh street.
COLORED woman wants cleaning.
Ironing or cooking by the day or week.
Call, or addrefs, 1707 Elm street.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes posi
tion as housekeeper or general house
work; reference. Address B. E., 931,
care of Telegraph.
NEAT colored girl desires position to
assist in kitchen. Call, or address, 1338
Mayflower avenue.
POSITION at general housework by
young woman, with child seven
months old; can give reference; good
home preferred to big wages; place
with no children preferred. Call, or
address, 112 South Second street.
REFINED girl of 21* years, wishes
position as child's nurse: best refer
ences; two years' experience. Address
L., 932, care of Telegraph.
ft <
WASHING or children's«eewing to do
at home. 318 Granite avenue.
YOUNG girl, 17 years of age. desires
position as nurse girl or general house
work; good cook. Call, or address 1332
Williams street.
YOUNG woman desires washing to do
at home. Apply 912 Nlneteenth-and-
One-Half street.
Agents Wanted
AGENTS Men and women in every
town, whole or spare time, to represent
a firm manufacturing a line of attrac
tive goods used ;n every home that will
bring you a steady income from repeat
orders the year around. Splendid op
portunity, valuable premiums given to
agents. Write for particulars to Jeff
reys Manufacturing Co., Dept. K, Ches
wlck. Pa.
MEN OR WOMEN can earn $lO to
SSO a week taking: orders for our fast,
selling soven-bar box, high-grade
Toilet Soap; Big Seller—loo per cent,
commission; repeat orders assured.
Credit given if desired. Write at once
for full particulars. Crofts & Reed
Co., Chicago, Dept. S.
AGENTS Our Triple Weave NON
BREAKABLE inverted Gas Mantel is
a winner. Can't break when putting
them on. Regular 35c mantle. Sample
mailed 15c. Big profit. Non-Breakable
Co.. 644 North Fifty-third street, Phila
AGENTS Get particulars of one
of the best paying propositions ever
put on the market. Something no one
else sells. Make $4,000 yearly. Send
postal to-day for particulars. E. M.
Feltman, Sales Manager, 8089 Sycamore
street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
REGULAR or spare time; fast sell
ing article: 100 per cent, profit; every
.housekeeper wants one. Particulars
free. Keystone Supply Co., Dept. A,
Hanover, Pa.
AGENTS Chance to make big
money calling on automobile owners.
Get our proposition to-day. The R. C.
Hall Co., 2942 N. Taney street, Phila
delphia, Pa.
Making Book. Thrilling, Sensational.
Timely. Low Price. Sells on sight. Big
Terms. Sample Book Free. Act Quick
ly. Universal House. Philadelphia.
SOAP AGENTS Our Sanitary Skin
Soap has everything beat for profits;
we protect you In territory; sample and
premium list free. Daley Mfg. Co., St.
Louis, Mo.
AGENTS in every town; best selling
household articles. Large demand. $25
to SSO a week. Investigate to-day.
Baker Supply Co., Dept. A, Greenville,
AGENTS Big profits easily made;
fast seller; no experience necessary.
Particulars free. Write at once to £>.
Hartz & Co., Box 132, Lancaster, Pa.
AGENTS for a money-maker. Some
thing new. Fast seller. Sure repeater.
Particulars free. F. and M. Co., 736
Redgate avenue, Norfolk, Va.
IF we had your address we'd show
you how to make $25 —not one week but
weekly. G. Mfg. Co., Warren street.
New York, Suite 345.
FOR article which no housewife can
resist. Sells at almost every home. The
H. A. Hall Company, Box 173, Blooms
burg, Pa.
AGENTS Wanted to sell to auto
owners the best spark gaps on earth.
Address B. J. Hill, Grainger, N. C.
Salesmen Wanted
EXPERIENCE unnecessary, easy
work, big pay. Write for large list of
openings offering opportunities to earn
SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn.
Address Dept. 417, National Salesmen'!)
Training Association, Chicago, New
York, Kansas City, San Francisco.
SALESMAN to sell well-known line
of Fruit Ciders In small country towns.
25 per cent, commission, $35.00' weekly
drawing account. Oldest cider firm in
the United States. Red Cross Company,
204 South Main street, St. Louis, Mo.
Dept. 6.
SALESMEN Office -specialty and
necessity. Exclusive or side line.
Salesmen's reports show $lO to S2O
easily made in a day. Bin F. Newton,
SALESMEN* for complete line of Paint
and Specialties. Men capable of inter
esting large consumers. Address The
Tropical Oil Company. Cleveland, Ohio.
SALESMEN, desiring advancement
by merit. Week-end trips Belting Spec
ialty. Proven superiority. Cleveland
Core Compound Co., Cleveland.
SALESMEN Acquainted with gro
cery trade; large demand, liberal com
mission, pocket sample. Wlrth Sales
Book Co., Chicago.
Rooms For Rent
for light housekeeping. Stoves fur
nished free. Laundry, phone and bath
room privileges. Also janltress service.
Bishop Building, 429 Broad street.
TWO large rooms on Second floor, one
front and one bay window room; hot
water heating; use of phone. 117 Pine
TWO furniched rooms for light
housekeeping; centrally located; steam
heat; gas; use of bath and phone. Ad
PLEASANT, furnished rooms; city
steam ,heat; desirable location; five
minutes' walk to Market Square. 719
Nonth Sixth street.
FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en
site; nil conveniences, Including phone
reference required. Apply 101S North
Front street.
Green street.
Apartments For Kent
North Fourth street, four rooms,
kitchen and bath; rent, $20.00; posses-
Si 011 once. Inquire Mehrlng Drug
Store, 2000 North Fourth street.
VERY pleasant third floor apart
ment, 3 rooms, bath and kitchenette,
convenient location. Possession at
once. Inquire R. H. Herman, 130 Looust
Boarders Wanted
BOARD and room, young man; in
private family preferred, within six
blocks of Market and Third. Address,
stating rates, A. T. T„ care of Tele
1737 North Sixth Btreet.
BOOKS WANTED. A representative
v A: w °n?rath. Inc., Booksellers, N.
Y. City, will be In Harrisburg for a few
days prepared to pay cash tor old and
second-hand books of every descrip
tion. State what you have. Address
Books, care of Telegraph Office.
Business Opportunities
SIOO.OO BUYS a business In Harris
burg that pays $25 to S3O profit per
month, spare time only. Also repre
sentative wanted for Steelton. Address
Box K„ 984, care of Telegraph.
word, places your ads in 133 different
magazines. Send copy now for next
Kln S' s Magazine, Box 1316, Lit
tle Silver. N. J.
. ANY Intelligent person can earn good
income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press syndicate, 798, Lock
port, N. Y.
time at home. Mail order business
don t worry about capital. Boyd H.
Brown, Dept. E. Omaha. Neb.
I MADE $50,000 In Ave years in the
mail order business, began with $6.
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
Business Personals
Harrisburg Paste Worka
„. _ 120 J[, Cameron Street
PAPIJRHANGERS', billposters', book
binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt
shipment. All paste guaranteed. UeU
pnone 1186 L.
H. W. LATHU, Boarding Stable and
NatlontJ Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul.
Ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. UeU phone No.
2603 R. ,
n r a'Hng hair try Gross' Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street, Harrisburg, Pa Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell,
with best material and by expert help,
bend us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N.
Cluck. 220 Woodbine street.
Of all designs. Old floors made new.
Ask for catalog. J. M. Smith. 2219
Brookwood street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell
phone 1391 L
Real Estate For Sale
(200) ACRE (Farm) East of Sunbury,
(1) mile to Danville (12,000) business
population, half mile to trolley, handy
to Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
main valley to Bloomsburg. Two
houses, one ($2,000) fine home, bank
barn for (20) head of stock, (new) out
buildings. large crystal spring, one part
heavy timbered, (woodland) valued
manufactured ($2,000). Cultivated 2
ways (500) Elberta peach orchards, ap
ples, cherries, plums, quinces, grapes,
(50,000) selected strawberry (500)
raspberry plants, hot beds and crops
included. Joins ($18,000) stock farm.
Business demands moving away. Time
is limited and (half price) sacrifice
only (S2O) an acre. (Photographs). In
quire during special telephone hours
(7 to 8) mornings and evenings
(whether Bold) before you start? Bell
11-R, and United 140-E. • George B.
Ostrander, Danville, Pa.
FARM of A. S. Speece Estate, at
Speeceville, Pa.; 200 acres, with good
buildings; running water at buildings;
16 acres orchard; 25 acres second
growth timber; 175 acres cultivated
land; N. C. R. R. runs through farm;
station on border of farm; twelve miles
from Harrisburg along Susquehanna
river, S6O per acre. Apply Walter and
Howard Speece, Speeceville, Pa.
ton 3-story brick l2 rooms, bath
and furnace front and rear porch—
corner property lot, 25x100. Reduced
to low price of $3,600.00. Brlnton-
Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets.
MODERN two-story Bungalows, six
rooms and a bath. All Improvements.
Beautiful design and desirable location
Price low. Only two left. Apply to the
Wittenmyer Lumber Company, Seventh
and Schuylkill streets.
NEW brick house, No. 2313 Derry
street; large front and back porches;
all improvement*; steam heat; gas and
electric lights; eight rooms and bath;
hardwood finish; cemented cellar. Ap
ply 1432 Derry street.
SALE No. 910 Sixth street all im
provements room for garages
price reduced large portion may re
main at 5 per cent. Bell Realty Co..
Bergner Building. '
—New well arranged improve
ments .porches either one or both
can be bought now vielding over 8
per cent...net Investment. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building. y
new houses in a good neighborhood
brick construction all improvements
—rented to good tenants. Prices, $1,760
J? ifS'i"*®' Rell Realty Co., Bergner
—Prices ranging from $1,500 to $2,200
Several of these are brick houses 6
rooms and bath gas furnace. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
THE three-story brick house 11
rooms, all improvements, one block
from Capitol; leaving the city. Inauire
at 410 firiggs street.
NO 131 HANNA STREET 8 rooms
and bath gas lot, 20x142. What Is
this property worth to you? Other
cheap property. Bell Realty Co.. Ber*-
ner Building. 6
ONE of the most prominent houses for
transient and permanent trade in th«
city of Harrlsburg. Address rT 923
care of Telegraph. ' '
$5,200 BUYS 3-story brick houses,
which pay $47.50 per month In rent
Call Irwin M. Cassell, Real Estate and
Insurance. u
Real Estate For Rent
nut street, near Fourth street, three
stories and basement, elevator service
size. 23x80. Lease for two years. Suit
able for most any business or manu
facturing, in hjjart of business seotton
Chas. Aaler, 1002 North Third street
Harrlsburg, Pa.
1839 Zarkor St S2O 00
7 North Thirteenth street, apart- '
ment 30 00
I*2B Reglna St. 26 00
1251 Market Street.
NO. 1859 Sponcer street. S2O; No 12
North Thirteenth street. $18; No ituo
Greenwood street, $10; corner Ella and
Daisy. sls; small shop, 1316 Zarker 16
A.. W. Swengel. 219 South Thirteenth
THREE-STORY brick residence 813
North Second street; nine rooms' and
bath; good condition; all Improvements'
possession April 1. Apply on premises!
DWELLINGS NO. 42 and No. 44 South
Court avenue, with conveniences- rent
$16.00. Chas. Adler, Real Estate and
Insurance, 1002 North Third street
HOUSE No. 264 Herr street, three
story brick with all improvements Au
ply 1615 Park street. P
For Salt
The Board of Commissioners of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at
public sale in front of the State Capi
tol Building, at entrance Fourth and
State streets, Harrisburg, Pa., at 10
o clock, a. m., February 14, 1914. the
following buildings and structures upon
the premises within the boundaries of
the proposed extension of Capitol Park,
In Eighth Ward, Citv of Harrisburg:
State Street, 433-514-614 rear,
Walnut Street. 414-630,
Cowden Street, 124,
South Street. 426-500-<*,
Cranberry Street, 408,
West Avenue, 532,
North Street, 715.
The purchaser shall pay to tlm Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, through
the office of the Superintendent of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg,
Pa., by certified check or United States
Currency, the amount at which the said
building or buildings and structures
are awarded to them, ns follows: A
cash payment of 25 per cent, shall be
made on day of sale and the balance
before entering upon the property to
remove the material purchased.
In all cases where the premises are
unoccupied, possession will be given
the purchaser Immediately. Where the
promises are tenanted, possession will
be given immediately after the prem
ises are vacated. The Commonwealth
will not be responsible for any damage
to property after possession Is given.
Purchaser shall state at the time of
their olTer the time required to remove
the buildings and material after being
given possession by the Common
wealth, which In no case shall be long
er than 60 days. All building refuse
shall be carted away from the premises
by the purchaser. All foundation walls
must be taken down and removed at
•east three feet below level of street.
The Board of Commissioners of Pub
• / 3roun< J s and Buildings reserves the
right to accept or reject any or all bids.
The work of removal shall be perform
ed under the direction of and to the
satisfaction of the Superintendent of
Public Grounds and Buildings.
NOTE: The sidewalks and street
pavements are not to be removed by
purchaser of buildings or structures
under this schedule.
By order of the board,
C. P. RODGERS, Secretary. '
6-piece Ebony parlor suit, oak bed
room suit, oak dlnlngroom suit, oak
hat rack, washstand, small tables, re
frigerator, wood stove, carpets and
many useful articles. House will be
opened Friday and Saturday, January
30 and 81, Monday and Tuesday, Febru
ary 2 and 3, from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Everything will be sacrificed. 1605
North Second street, H. W. Snyder.
A |1,200 "GREEN" Soda Fountain, 10
ft. long, with back bar, large beveled
mirror, mahogany finish, electric car
bonator, used less than six months, at
less than half price. A big bargain. Ap
ply A. Lichtentnaeler, 341 North Eighth
street, Lebanon, Pa.
6 PER CENT. First Mortgage Guar
anteed Real Estate Bonds on Pittsburg's
largest department store building. De
nominations SIOO, SSOO, SI,OOO, 15.000.
For information audress A. S. Wlest.
Box 72, Harrisburg, Pa.
SEWING MACHINE; never used; all
attachments; drop head; a good ma
chlne at a bargain price; can be seen at
18 North Market Square, Herman &. Co.
Ask for Mac.
AUTO FOR SALE, in good condition;
rour doers, five-passenger, electric
lights, extra tire and tube. Price, $375,
to quick buyer. Address D., 929, care of
1 400-EGG, hot-water incubator;
brand new, used only once; price,
$24.50; worth SSO. See it at 23 North
Fourth street, or call Bell telephone
AT GABLE'S, 111, 113 and 117 South
Second street. Redtips, Can't Slip,
Sure Grip, Rowe and Always Sharp
horseshoe calks, and emergency shoes.
fully equipped, in good condition; cheap
to quick buyer. Call, or phone, Monn
Bros., Seventeenth and Swatara.
ONE first B flat (Behm) clarionet, in
good condition, at a reasonable price.
Bandmasters, take notice! Call at 44
North Seventeenth street.
SEVERAL fine R. C. White Bantam
cockerels, also two Golden Sebright
cockerels, cheap. Address P. O. Box
55, Duncannon, Pa.
ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of
12 pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype
Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
S. C. RHODE ISLAND RED cockerels,
direct from Tompkins' Best Eggs. Bar
gain prices. O. H. Watts, Millersburg,
FOR SALE 25 shares Se
curity Trust Company stock. Ad
dress P. O. Box 783, City.
AN Aquarium, about J feet square,
with table. Addreus A. 402, care or
FOR SALE CAKDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
For Rent
corner of Third and Cumberland
streets, No. 1200. Show windows side
and front. In a live part of Harris
burg-. The largest and best market
house, two of the best banks and many
flrst-ciass business houses In the same
square. In center of population. Size
or room 33x100 ft 14-ft. celling. Up
to-date in every particular. Rent from
April 1, $125 per month. Including heat.
J. S. Stole, 256 Herr street.
FQR RENT Desirable offices li the
Telokraph Building, singly or en-aalte.
Inquire at Business Office.
secured at the Telegraph Business
For Exchange
FOR EXCHANGE for Carlisle prop
erty 2%-story frame, new seml
bungalo dwelling located In the center
of Camp Hill 8 rooms, bath and
steam heat large porches grano
lithic walks lot, 6i>x2oo. Value, $4,-
500.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and
Walnut streets.
EVERYBODY should have the last
edition of Dr. Hall's "Sexual Knowl
edge," 320 pages of sex education for
sex problems. sl.lO postpaid. F. W.
Hurst. Lebanon, Pa.
large brick warehouses, built ex
pressly (or storage. Private "oomi
for household goods and unexcelled fa
cilities for storing all kinds of mer
chandise. Low storage rates. Soutb
St. and Pen:--. R. R.
STORAGE 4l» Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, |1 to *B. Wagons. 76 cents
ger month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411
Toad street. Both phones.
Money to Loan
of loaning money by which borrowers
share profits of lenders. Legal rates,
easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms
<-7. » North Market Square.
. Died
FISHER On Tuesday morning. Janu
ary 27, 1914, Mrs. Robert Fisher, of
West Falrview, Pa., aged 29 years
and IS months.
Funeral on Sunday, at 2:30 P. M. t
from her late residence, in North Third
street. West Falrview. The relatives
and friends are Invited to attend with
out further notice. Burial Enola Ceme
tery. j
In Memoriam
IN loving remembrance of our dear
wife and mother, Lottie A., wife of
Wesley Fisher, who departed this life
January 31. 1910.
Both Investment and Speculative
Buying Contracted Sharply;
Conditions Improving
By Associated Press
Nojlv York, Jan. 81. Quotations fell
off slowly in the stock market this
week, until the reaction was definitely
checked by a strong upward movement
yesterday. Both investment and
speculative buying contracted sharply
by comparison with the business trans
acted on the rise of the preceding fort
night. The reactionary movement In
progress during tho greater part of the
week was regarded as a natural
sequence to the extended upturn which
preceded it and was due largely to re
alizing sales.
The turn In the market yesterday
was largely in response to tho ptriking
Improvement in foreign markets. Re
duction of the discount rates of all the
great European banks recently, and a
notable Increase in Investment demand,
led up to a buoyant rise in securities
at London, and large purchases of
stocks here for foreign account.
Conditions continued to improve in
the domestic money market, and sev
eral large bond sales were negotiated
with a degree of success which Indicat
ed a distinct improvement In the out
look for enlisting new capital. Copper
metal prices advanced, and reports from
the steel trade were optimistic. Rail
road returns, however, failed to show
betterment. Most of the large sys
tems, In their December statistics, re
ported heavy decreases In earnings.
Furnished by H. W. SUVGLY,
Arcade Untitling.
New York, Jan. 35.
Open. Clos.
Amal. Copper 77 % 77
American Beet Sugar 27 % 27 %
American Can 34.% 33%
Am. C. & F 51% 51%
American Cotton Oil 43 4 4
.Aim. Locomotive ... 36% 36%
American Smelting . 69% 69
American Sugar ... 108% 108%
American T. & T. . . 124 124
Anaconda 37% 38
Atchison 99% 99%
Baltimore & Ohio.. 96% 96
Bethlehem Steel ... 37% 36%
| Bethlehem Steel pfd 77% 77%
Brooklyn R. T 91% 91%
California Petroleum 27% 27%
Canadian Pacific ... 219% 219%
Central Leather ... 28% 28%
Chesapeake & Ohio. 67% 67
C\, M. & St. P 106% 160%
Chino Con. Copper . 42 41 %
Col. F. & 1 33% 33%
Consolidated Gas ..137 137%
Corn Products .... 13% 12%
Erie 32% 31%
Erie Ist pfd 49% 49%
General Electric Co. 147% 147%
Goodrich, B. F. 23% 23%
Goodrich, B. F„ pfd. 87% 87%
Great Northern pfd. 131 132
Great Uor. Ore subs. 38% 38%
Illinois Central .... 114% 114%
Interboro-Met 16 15%
Interboro-Met. pfd. .62% 62
■Lehigh Valley 155% 155%
Louis. & Nashville . 140 140
Mex. Petroleum .... 67% 67%
Missouri Pacific ... 28% 28%
Nev. Con. Copper . . 16 % 16 %
New York Central . 96% 96%
N. Y., N. H. &H. . . 75% 75%
Norfolk & Western. 105% 105%
Northern Pacific ... 116% 117%
Penna. R. R 115% 115
People's Gas & Coke 124 123%
Pittsburgh Coal ... 22% 22%
Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 92 91 %
Pressed Steel Coal . 43 45
Ray Con. Copper ... 198 19
Reading 170% 169%
Rep. Iron & Steel . 26% 26%
Rep. Iron &S. pfd.. 89 89%
Rock Island 14 % 13 %
Rock Island pfd. .. 20% 19%
Southern Pacific .. 99% 99%
Southern Railway . 27 27%
Southern Ry. pfd... 84% 84%
ennessee Copper .. 25% 35%
Texas & Pacific ... 16 16 %
Texas Company ... 145% 144%
Union Pacific 164% 164%
U. S. Rubber 60 59%
U. S. Steel 67 66 %
U. S. Steel pfd 112',4 112
Utah Copper 55% 55%
Va. Caro. Chem. ..31% 32
Wabash pfd 10 10
Western Union Tel..
"Vyestinghouse Mfg.. 71% 71%
Woolworth 100 100
w '
in house with improvements free for
light service in return. Inquire at
Office, 429 Broad street, between 9 and ,
12 A. M. or 2 and 4 P. M.
Legal Notices
No. 510 Equity Docket.
Harriet Gardner, Plaintiff, against
Lewis Starry, Scrip-lit Starry, Emory
Coulson, Ivan Coulson, Elmer Coulson,
Sarah Miller,. George Starry, - Irvln
Starry and the heirs of Irene Starry '
Hink, deceased, defendants.
To Elmer Hunter, Lewis Starry, and
the heirs of Irene Starry Hink, deceas
Take notice that the plaintiff In the
[above case alleges a mistake and omis
sion in the description of land Intended
to be conveyed by deed of Adam Starry
to Harriet Gardner, the plaintiff, and
John Y. Gardner, by deed dated April
13, 1906, said omission being the part
of said premises fronting eleven (11)
feet on North Second street, Harris
burg, Pa., and extending eastwardly
fifty-two (52) feet to a line: and prays
the court to decree the reformation of
said description so that it shall be the
correct description of the land and
premises, viz: No. 1327 North Second
street, Harrisburg. Pa., intended to be '
conveyed by said deed.
That January 21, 1914, the court made
an order that you. Elmer Hunter, Lewis 1
Starry and the heirs of Irene Starry
Hink, be and you are hereby required
to cause an appearance to be entered for
you and to file answers to said bill
within twenty days after February 7,
If you fall to comply with said or
der you will be liable to have the bill
taken pro confesso, and a decree made
against you in your absence.
HARRY C. WELLS, Sheriff,
Harrisburg, Pa.
• S. S. RUPP.
Solicitors for Plaintiff. .
In the District Court of the United
States for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy. No.
2621 ln the Matter of Louis Cohen,
THE undersigned trustee will expose
for sale, on the premises of the bank
rupt, Willlamstown, Pa., on February
12, 1914. at 2 o'clock P. M., the follow
ing described' personal property, to
Stock of merchandise, including
clothing, shoes, dry goods, notions and
groceries, and also the fixtures. Terms
cash on day of sale: a forfeit of S2OO
in cash to be deposited by those pro
posing to bid thereat.
/" \
Cards neatly snd attractively •
printed i van be secured at
216 Federal Square
' .Jj
JANUARY 31, 1914.
j Artistic Homes For SaleJ
| 18th and Forster Streets ||
I 8 rooms and bath, steam heat, gas and electric |
j lights, large front and back porches, balcony, square |
j living rooms and reception halls. |
| These Homes Are Built in a Beauti- j
I ful Residential Section I
Price $3250 I
1 For terms call on premises, or |
| H. A. SHERK, Home Builder jjj
gj 1325 STATE STREET 1
iLaairirsgagini iim-* :iKn=a=inr==ini inr inr===nmi^-n-Jirir=ai
NOW is the time to be planning the
building of your own home. The
most ideal place in which to locate it is
For Prices, Terms, Etc., apply
Bellevue Park Sales Office
2nd Flbor Miller Bros. & Baker Building
Bell 'Phone 3551 Locust & Court Sts.
t i
Our facilities for handling lumber are the best in
the city; we are, therefore, able to furnish GOOD
Wittenmyer Lumber Co., scMunk
* » i—————^
Furnished by H. W. SNAVEI,V #
Arcade Building.
Chicago, 111., Jan. 31.
Open. High. Liow. CIOB.
May 93%
July 88%
May 66%
July 66%
May .... .... 39%
July 39%
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Jan. 31. Wheat
Lower; No. 2, red, export, 96@96%c;
No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.00%
Corn Steady; new, No. 2, yellow,
natural, local, 69%@70%c; new. No. 2,
yellow, kiln dried, local, 72@73e.
Oata—Steady; No. 2. white, 45%®46c.
Bran Market firm; winter, per
ton, $27.50@)28.00; spring, per ton,
$26.50 @ 27.00.
Refined Sugars Market nrjn;
powdered, 4.15 c; fine granulated, 4.05 c;
confectioners' A, 3.90 c; Keystone. A.
3.90 c.
Butter The market is steady;
western, creamery, extras, 27c; nearby
prints, fancy. 30c.
Eggs The marKet is nrn»;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases, $10.50 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $10.20 per ca.se;
western, extras, firsts, free cases, $10.50
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $10.20
per case.
Live Poultry Weak; fowls, 15% w
16% c; youn chickens, 13@16%c;
broiling chickens. loteti'i7c; old roost
ers, ll@12c; ducks, 16@18c; do., spring
ducks, 16@17c; geese. 15®17c; turkeys
Dressed Poultry Weak; fowls,
western, fancy, heavy, 17©18 c; do.,
medium sizes, 15@16c; do., small,
12@14c; old roosters, 14c; roast
ing chickens, fancy, 19@20c; broil
ing chickens, fancy, do., fair
14@18c; turkeys, fancy, 24@26c; do.,
fair, 20@23c; ducks, ll@19c; geese,
11016 c.
Potatoes Weak; New York and
Pastern, 78®80c; Western, per bushel.
78@80c; Jersey, per basket. 20@25c.
Flour Th market is weak; winter,
clear, s3.7s'i#4.uu; straights, Penn
sylvania. $4.15@4.30: western. $4,259
4.40; patents, $4.60@4.86; Kansas,
straight. Jute sacks, $4.10@4.30; spring,
I st s, clear. $4.00®4.20; straight.* t.-u-ii
4.40; patents, $4.50*34.66.
Hay The market is weak; tim
othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.50019.00;
No. 1, 1, medium bales, $18.00018.50; No.
2, $17.00017.60; No. 3, $14.00 016.00.
Clover mixed: Light, mixed, $17.00®
17.50; No. 1. $16.00® 16.60; No. 2. $14.50
By Associated Press
New York, Jan. 31. The statement
of the actual condition of Clearing
House Banks and Trust Companies foi
the week shows that they hold $39,-
852,900 reserve in excess of legal re
quirements. This is an increase of
$1,787,160 from last week.
The statement follows:
Actual Condition
I-ioans, $2,009,216,000; increase, $23,-
Specie, $399,031,000; increase, $1,503,-
Legal-tenders, $82,619,000; increase,
Net deposits, $1,932,562,000; increase,
Circulation, $43,096,000; decrease,
Banks' cash reserve in vault, $417,-
Trust Companies' cash reserve in
vault, $63,808,000.
Aggregate cash roserve, $481,650,000.
Excess lawful reserve, $39,852,000; in
crease, $1,787,150.
Trust Companies' reserve with Clear
ing House members carrying 25 per
cent, cash rese.rve, $77,497,009.
These properties are offered
for sale in bulk or in blocks.
Nos. 304-308-310-312-314 on
Mulberry street; Nos. 130-132-
134 on Dewberry street; Nos.
313 - 315 - 317 - 319 - 325 - 327 -
328-329-330 Cherry street. The
time to buy cheap property is
when you have the oppor
Particulars at our office.
Bergner Building
Chicago. 111.. Jan. 31. Hogs Re
ceipts, 6,000; higher. Bulk of salsa.
$8.4008.60; light, $8.2008.50; mixed.
$8.2608.60; heavy, $8.2008.60; rough,
$8.2008.30; pigs, $6.5008.26.
Cattle—Receipts. 100; steady. Beeves,
$6.8009.60; Texas steers, $6.9008.00;
stockers and feeders, $6.4008.00; cows
and heifers, $3.60@8.50; calves, $7,600
Sheep Receipts, 1,000; slow. Na
tive sheep, $4.8006.00; yearlings, SS.BO
■q.ii.ltQ; lamha. {6.75 @7.00.
and others upon their own namea.
Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden
Adnms A Co., H, 304, 8 N. Market Sq.
THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dlspen
«ery will be open dally except Sunday
at 3 P. M.. at Its new location. 1701
North Second street, for the tree treat
ment of the worthy poor.
Bargains in Real
|1 61 0 North, 3-story brick.... $3,700
'1350 North, 3-story frame, $2,200
1402 North, 3-story frame... $2,100
1526 Walnut, 3-story brick
(a bargain) $3,800
2578 Boas (Penbrook), 130 x
180 $2,300
2836 Main (Penbrook), 16x
245 $2,000
1837 Briggs, 2 %-story frame,
15x110 $1,300
621 Forster, 2 %-story frame,sl,7oo
No. 1938 Penn street, 3-story brick,
8 rooms, bath, all improvements;
open stairway, front and back;
side, rear and front entrance,
$2,800 —$2,000 mortgage can be
left on.
No. 230 N. Fourteenth street, brick
and frame, 3-story; large lot; all
improvements. Rents for S2O
per month, $2,600.
New houses on Seventeenth, North
and Regina streets.
Irwin M. Cassel
This May Happen
To You
Life, limb and sight are of all
capital the most exposed to anni
hilation or Impairment.
Injuries and sickness cut down
earnings and Increase expenses.
One person In every seven is In
jured every year.
There are so many risks you
must carry; why not let us carry
the risk of accident and sickness
which you can't.
The new policies of the General
Accident are strictly up-to-date and
will help the clouds roll by.
General Agent
103 North Third Street
Bonding & Insurance
Bell 084. 222 MARKET STREET