Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 31, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Mutt Evidently Has No Sympathy For the Bards,
' I
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TO 'AAK.E F\ NF\TA.E FOR. /* ~~~ " BOT NO 5*Y TNA>T F' RH G OLD | 1
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Opinion From Attorney General
John C. Bell Raises Ma
jors' Hopes
''fiteiai to The Telegraph
iSew York, Jan. 31. The first real
hope for the National League recover
ing baseball stars from the Federals
came in an opinion from John C. Bell.
Attorney General of Pennsylvania,
given out following a conference with
John C. Toole, author of the reserve
clause, at which the contracts and re
serve clause were carefully scrutinized. ]
Mr. Bell declared that the stipulation
of a portion of the salaries named foi
the privilege of holding an option on a
player's services are valid.
Under the exlsltlng conditions it will
be possible for the National League to
demand the return of Joseph Tinker,
Mordecai Brown, Otto Knabe and other
players who have lined up with the
Federals. The contention of Mr. Bell
opens the path to the court for both
National and American League club [
owners who have loßt players in the I
expansion of the Federal League.
After a meeting in National League [
headquarters, which was attended by
Messrs. Bell and Toole, John A. Heyd
ler, secretary of the National League;
D. Leßoy Reeves, baseball secretary to
Governor John K. Tener, president of
the National League, Mr. Bell said:
"The present contract in use by the
major league is absolutely binding."
Mr. Reeves said that the conference had
firmly established faith of the club
owners in the reserve clause and thai
he was of the opinion that the contracts
would be declared valid in any court.
Prom the new angle which major
league solons now view the situation,
the Federal League has no basis for
action against the National League or
organized baseball.
In both the lvillifer and Kirkpatrick
cases the attorneys in conference con
tend that the Federal League claim
against the players is shattered by the
existence of the reserve clause in the
contracts under which the playqers
served in the National League last
A man, who has been mentioned as
backer of a Federal I>eague team in
New York for 1915 said that the Fed
eral League would take up a tight
against organized baseball on the claim
that the present contracts will not
hold. It was declared that the ten-day
release clause which gives club owners
a right to terminate a contract at any
time made the contracts one-sided.
John O. Toole insisted that no contract
could be more binding. •
to enroll next Monday In
Day or Night School.
IK 8. Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa.
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night. Business,
Shorthand and Civil Service. In
dividual Instruction. 28th t year.
329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa.
Breaks a Cold Over Night
kman Tablets—Buy to Tik*—Cent*
M >Mtk Third It Ptmu. Statloa
mmmammmmw n
Thinking of Quality
These days, most men when they think of a smoke, think of
King Oscar 5c Cigars
It's the way quality always affects the mind. Its influence
* is simply irresistible. Think of soap, silver, flour and what
not and the quality kinds are the ones you instinctively
think of.
It's a good thing, too.
Local Bowlers Are
in Very Bad Repute;
Lebanon Is Sore
Harrisburg bowlers arc in bad re
pute at Lebanon, according to the
following letter received from Edward
Matthews, manager of the Casino
bowlers at Lebanon:
"What Is the matter with the Har
risburg bowlers? is a question that is
being asked among the lovers of bowl
ing in Lebanon. Is it a case of cold
feet or are they just simply scared,
or simply afraid of losing their repu
tation ?
"A few weeks ago the Casino team
of Lebanon bowled the Harrisburg
boys on their own alleys with the un
derstanding that a return game was to
be bowled January 2 3 at Lebanon. In
the meantime the Harrisburg boys
evidently found out that they were
due for a trimming and decided the
best thing to do was to call the game
off. which they did with the flimsy ex
cuse that two of their men were sick,
notwithstanding the fact that the Leb
anon team bowled them on their own
alleys\with only three of their regular
team, yet they take this loophole to
escape the trimming, which they evi
dently expect to receive.
"In a telephone conversation held
with the writer they promised to play
on January 30; instead now they come
with another flimsy excuse that one
of their men has two boils on his
neck. It seems to the writer that any
excuse at all just so we can get out of
bowling the boys.
"It surely is not a matter of expensta
for the writer told them over the
phone on Thursday that we would
send an automobile up for them if
they would only bowl us when they
arrive here, and they promised to let
us know by 7 o'clock Thursday even
ing. but evidently their memories
failed them as their nerve must have
fniled them on the previous engage
"Trusting that the fair-minded
sports of Harrisburg will understand
this is not a knock, but only a desire
to show that the Dutch team of Leb
anon can bowl as well as talk, we
beg to remain."
Garnets Come Here
For Game Tonight
Harrisburg tossers will give the Gar
nets, of Philadelphia, something real
in basketball work at the Armory to
night. This game is one of the most
important on this season's schedule.
The Garnets played at Wilmington last
night, winning by a score of 29 to 28.
Harrisburg has made good with the
patrons this season and there are still
better attractions coming, Including
the Eastern League stars. The game
to-night will start at 8.15 and will be
followed with dancing. The line-up
will be:
Garnets. Harrisburg.
Dienes, f. McCord, f.
Haire. f. Bumbaugh, f.
Hoover, c. Geisel, c.
Nessler, g. Gaffney, g.
Ehlers, g. Atticks, g.
In the second pool game in the
series between Lemoyne, West Fair
view and Midway the latter won last
nluht's contest, defeating West Fair
view; score, 196 to 140.
The game was played at Bender's
: store. Hlppensteel was high run man
| with a score of 18.
The next game will be played at
I Day's rooms, West Fairview, Monday,
February 2. The first game was won
jby West Fairview over Lemoyne;
score. 200 to 152.
Connie Mack to Pick Manager
According to John H.Myers
Reading Backer Arrives in Reading and Hands Out Base
ball Cheer; Reserve Players
Special to The Telegraph
Reading, Pa., Jan. 31.—That Read
ing will have the best team in the
Tri-State League and will be a. farm
for the Philadelphia Athletics was the
emphatic declaration of John H. My
ers, of Lancaster, who is president of
the local organization. He visted this
city yesterday to look over the situa
tion for the racing of the former At
lantic City franchise, here. President
Myers said: •
"Owing to the war between the
big leagues and the newly-organ
ized Federals, which prevents the
owners from making definite nego
tiations with me for the securing of
a big league player to take hold of
the Reading team, I am unable to
state at the present time who will
manage the club. But I can give the
assurance that the manager will be.
Won From Maroon and Gray Af
ter Hard Fight; Rote
the Star
In a game that was featured with
brilliant floorwork by both teams,
Ceneral High last night defeated Tech
High, score 24 to 12. Rote was the
one particular star who had Tech up
a tree throughout the battle. Only
twice did the plucky boy fail to break
Tech's guarding.
In the opening half Tech was out
played most of the time. Professor
Grulib's boys appeared to bo suffering
from stage fright, but they pulled to
gether in the second half and gave
Central their hardest battle of the
season. This victory adds to the gen
eral opinion that Central will quit the
season scolastic champions. It was
the first game with Tech, the next hat
tie to take place on Central floor in
There were roughhouse periods
during which Referee Guyer, of Leb
anon Valley College, one of the best
officials who has ever directed a game
in Harrisburg, was kept busy calling
fouls. The men who were prominent
with Rote were Gerdes, Yoder and
Fisher. Beck. Ebner and Tittle were
Tech stars. As an added feature the
Central scrubs defeated the Tech
scrubs, score 16 to 14. The line-ups
and summaries follow:
First Game
Central Tech
Rote, f. Scheffer, f.
Yoder, t Steward, f.
Gerdes, C. Tittle, c.
Fast, g. Ebner, g.
Fisher, g. Beck, g.
Field goals—Rote, 2: Yoder, 2;
Gerdes, Steward, Ebner. Foul goals—
Yoder, 13 out of 30; Ebner, 8 out of
21; Fast, 1 out of 3. Substitutions —
Centi-al, Bowman for Rote, Rinken
bach for Yoder; Tech, Melville for
Steward. Referee —-Guyer, Lebanon
Valley. Scorers —Bowman and Mc-
Cord. Timer—Saul. Time of halves
—2O minutes.
Second Game
Central Scrubs Tech' Scrubs
Ford. f. Melville, f.
Smith, f. Yoder, f.
Burns, c. Emanuel, c.
Bingham, g. Scheffer, g.
Roth. g. Yoffee, g.
I Field goals—Ford, 2: Smith. 2;
Bingham, Yoder. Foul goals—Ford.
6 out of 12; Melville, 10 out of 22;
Yoder, 1 out of 3. Referee —Garner,
P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. Scorers —Saul
and Knauss. Tinier —Bowman. Time
of halves—2o minutes.
Steelton High walked all over the
Shippensburg Normal School live Inst
night. winning by a score of 50 to 14.
Krout was the big sensation. The
line-up and summary;
Steelton. Shlppensburg.
Krout. f. Barnhart f.
Kelm (Boyles), f. Ainsworth, f.
Boyles (Crump), c Boden. c.
Oayhoff, g. Coons, g.
Gardner, g. Sciever, g.
.Field uo.tls. Krout 0. Keim 7, Crump
2, Boyles 2, Ilayhoff, Gardner, Barn
hart 2. Ainsworth 2. Boden 2. Foul
goals. Boyles C, Barnhart 2. Referee,'
White. Timer. Attlcks. Scorer, Mil
ler. Time of halves. 20 minutes.
The annual meeting of the Motor
Club of Harrisburg will be held in the
Crispen Motor Car Comnany rooms,
February 9. at which the following
officers will be elected:
Frank B. Bosch, president; H. W.
Stubbs, first vice-president; C. *W
Penny, second vice-president; H. H.
Hefkln, third vice-president; J. Clyde
Myton, secretary and treasurer; F. H.
Bomgardner, R. C. llaldemau, ",V.
Spry Hurlock and D. M. Dull, board of
I governors.
During the year the Motor Ciuti
paid out S2OO in the interest of good
ronds and $l3O in entertaining 300
procured from Connie Mack, and
he will be a playing manager. Three
men, prominent in the baseball
world, are being considered."
It has been intimated that Bill
Coughlin, the veteran baseball pilot,
who brought a pennant to Reading
in 1911, in the Tri-State, is considered
for the management. When queried
on this subject, Mr. Myers would
neither verify or deny the report.
Couhlin recently secured his re
lease from Allentown, which he man
aged last season, and is now a free
Mr. Myers stated that in all events
Reading would be the farm for the
Philadelphia Athletics and that the
local team would secure all the sur
plus players on the world champions'
team, besides one or two other big
.league clubs.
Bowdoin College Gets
Bequest of $500,000
By A ssociated Press
New York, Jan. 31.—Announce
ment is made here to-day that Bow
doin College, Brunswick, Maine, has
received a bequest of $600,000 from
the estate of the late Edwin B. Smith,
a former assistant attorney general of
the United States, whoh died in New
York on January 5. Mr. Smith was a
graduate of Bowdoin in the class of
By Associated Press
New York, Jan. 31.—The war on
gangsters and gunmen Instituted a
month ago by Police Commissioner
Douglas I. McKay on orders from
Mayor Mitchel has, according to po
lice reports for January resulted in a
decrease in the number of murders
and serious shooting affrays in sec
tions of the city infested by organ
ized bands of idle young men and
Week of Dancing in Store
For the Vaudeville Fans
"Darling of Paris/' With Big Cast, Opens Week at Or
pheumon Monday
\j x
t - ' "' ~ r< -
A gigantic vaudeville production, called "The Darling of Paris," Is an
nounced for the Orpheum next week. It employs a cast of some twenty
men and women and is quite different from any other act on the vaudeville
stage. It is a spectacular dancing novelty, performed by capable artists.
The stage is gorgeously set to represent the Palais de Da use, In the Latin
Quarter of the French capital. The ln-st conspicuous llcure in the cast is
Mile. A. Kremser, a very capable actress and dancer. The play is full of
action, grpcedt by the poetry of motion, and there is a tragic finale that is
•JlOSt effective.
Firemen Will Assist
Council to Erect Fire
House and Town Hall
Members of the Wormleysburg
Fire Company, at a meeting last even
ing voted to offer SSOO to the town
council to help pay for the erection
of a new town hall and firehouse. In
addition they decided to pay one-half
of the interest on any bonds which
may be needed to pay for the con
struction of the building. Council, it
is said, can borrow a sufficient amount
to pay for the structure, but it is be-;
lleved that a special election will be
ordered to give the residents a chance
to vote on the proposition.
A firemen's committee composed of
George It. Chambers. Vernon Kister,
Jacob Reigart, J. F. Twigg-and E. F.
Arney will meet the members of coun
cil on Monday evening and present the
fire company's offer.
The Waps in the Elks' L/eague se
ries yesterday trimmed the Reser
voirs, margin 347 pins.
The Philadelphia and Reading car
shop bowlers defeated Rutherford
Y. M. C. A. last night, margin 62
The Garnets, who play at the Ar
mory to-night, arrived from Wilming
ton at noon to-day.
The Neldig Memorial five defeated
Maclay grammar school last night,
score 96 to 33.
The Martins won the duokpin game
last night, defeating the All-Stars by a
margin of 81 pins.
The Neidlg Memorial scrubs were
winners over the Baldwin A. C. team
of Steelton last night, score 96 to 33.
The Enola Orioles ha.ve organized
and will start the baseball series April
25. W. H. Harris is manager.
The Central grammar school of
Steelton defeated the Lincoln gram
mar school, score 22 to 9, and are now
the undisputed grammar schools
champions of Dauphin county.
The Holtzmans won the duckpin
series last night, defeating the Su
periors, margin 108 pins.
Middletown High lost to Reading
High at Middletown last night, score
31 to 29. it was Middletown's first
defeat at home. The second team
won from Oberlln High, score 17 to
The Foxes moved up in the P. R. R.
Y. M. C. A. bowling series last
night, winning from the Wolves by
a margin of 19 pins.
JANUARY 31, 1914.
Associated Charities
Ask SIOO Subscribed
to Complete Its Year
So heavy has been the demand upon
the financial resources of the Asso
ciated Charities for temporary aid, in
vestigation and other administrative
purposes during the year just closing
that the treasury has been exhausted.
Just SIOO is needed to successfully
close the year, which, by the way, ends
The Charities has had an unusually
busy year and the co-operative plan
with the other organizations has been
worked out on a more extensive scale
than ever before.
In an effort to obtain sufficient con
tributions to make up the SIOO de
ficiency, a letter was sent out to-day
requesting subscriptions. Donald C.
McCormick, Dauphin Deposit Trust
Company, is treasurer.
In the current issue of Farm and
Fireside. Elizabeth J. Rice, who lives
In Southern California, describes her
experience In keeping a goat. She says
that for five months her goat gave a
gallon of milk a day:
"The milk is of the finest quality, su
perior, if possible, to the finest Jersey
milk, although the cream does not sepa
rate so well, but there Is a very nice
cream If the milk is allowed to set
twenty-four hours.
"We find a milch goat is the cleanest
animal there is. No flies ever trouble
them and they are clean In all their
habits. We feed alfalfa hay and beets.
In this climate we can keep beets
growing all the year and we can get
alfalfa hay at any time. A few rows
of Golden Tankard beets and 600 pounds
of hay will feed a goat for the year."
•ever achieved. 7 H. P. Twin
equipped with Eleoirio Head Liiht, Electric Tail Light. Electric Signal,
Two Seta Storage Bntteriea and Corbin-Brown Rear-Drive Speedomet
er. Price $260.00. See Catalog for detailed deacription.
60,000 brand-new red machines will go out'over the Indian
trails during the coming year—the greatest motorcycle produc
tion in the history of the industry. <
They will flash forth fully armed with " Thirty-Eight Better
ments for 1914!" Armed with powerful and beautiful Electrical
Equipment! Armed with a New Standard of Value which must
completely overturn all existing ideas of motorcycle worth.
All standard Indian models for 1914 come equipped with electric
head light, electric tail light, two sets high amperage storage bat
teries, electric signal, Gorbin - Brown rear-drive speedometer.
You cannot fully realize the 1914 Indian without a thorough itudy of the 1914
Indian Catalog. It makes plain a host of compelling Indian facts that all motor
cycle-interested men can consider to their real profit. Send for the 1914 Indian
Catalog—the most interesting volume of motoreycle literature you've ever read.
The 1914 line of Indian Motocycles consist* of:
4 H.P. Single Servioe Model $200.00
7 H.P. Twin Two-Twenty-Five, Regular Model 235.00
7 H.P. Twin Two-Sixty, Standard Model 260.00
7 H.P. Twin Light Roadster Model 260.00
7 H.P. Twin Two Speed, Regular Model 275.00
7 H.P. Twin Two Speed, Tourist Standard Model 300.00
7 H.P. Twin Hendee -Special Model (with Electric Starter) 325.00
Pries* F. 0.8. Factory
All Demonstrating Models in Stock
West End Electric & Cycle Co.
Green and Maclay Streets, Harrisburg, Pa.
On© afternoon In Santiago there
was a parade of employes on a strike
I do not know whether the strike.
Itself was justified or not. Companies
of troops, mounted and on foot, ac
companied the strikers "to preserve
tranquillity." A squad of women fac
tory workers led the parade. Most of
them were girls, but a number were
older women. During a pause, when
the procession halted a moment, I
asked one of these older women whai
her wages were. "Thirty-eight cents
a day, senor." "Have you any chil
dren?" "I have four. lam a widow.
We live with my mother, who is also
a widow. She works, too."
Yet it must not be understood that
the Chilean government is indifferent
to the welfare of its larboring classes.
The government has taken hold of tin
question of providing suitable houses
for wor.klngnien, and this phase of
the general welfare movement has
been made a matter of national policy.
—Christian Herald.
Where did this letter go?
One of Representative Oscar W. Un
erwood's secretaries mailed a query to
a Mrs. Charles Anderson in Alabama.
After a long delay he received this re
plv from a perfoct stranger:
"Vour letter was sent to Mrs. Charles
Anderson and did not reach us as
quickly as it should. Mrs. Anderson is
dead."—The Popular Magazine.
"Stuffy" Mclnnes, first baseman for
the Athletics, was feeling in amiable
mood after a game in which he had
made two singles and two doubles out
of four times at bat. He even pitied
the pitcher whom he had slaughtered
"Poor old fellow!" he exclaimed. "Hp
didn't have even a prayer on the ball."
—The Popular Magazine.