Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 30, 1914, Page 5, Image 5
'Tied Into a Knot From Rheumatism Certain War to Cure Rheumntt.ra and ■top Pala. In a Few Bonis. Get a package of Tennel. Watch the Block, and In 48 hour* if your pains are Are Ton Tied Into a Rheuinatl.m KnotT Tennel Stopa It la 48 Hour*. knot absolutely gone, banished for good l*o that you don't feel a twitch any- Ltrhere, we will agree to refund your ■noney without question. V Tennel is a marvel. It is new. It Is Hlfferent. It contains not a drop of Poplates, habit-forming drugs, salicylic i aold or alcohol. L It Is a wonderful tonic, too, and gives lb hearty appetite. Nothing like it has ■ver been produced. A It is equally successful not only in ■heumatism, but also in gout, lumbago, Hciatlca and neuralgia. a package of Tennel today and the difference in 48 hours. Tennel treatment, consisting of ■Tbottle of Tennel at SI.OO, and a box of Vennel Capsules at 60c, is sold under guarantee by Edward Z. Gross, C. M. ■Forney, Geo. C. Potts. Croll Keller. May Help You If I Lungs Are Affected R Proper diet fresh air and temperate Inabits are beneficial to persons suffer ing from Lung Trouble; but in a great ■iany Instances reports show that the Hdditlon of a medicine for this affection Aas materially helped in bringing about For more than fifteen years ■Sckman's Alterative, a medicine for Vhroat and Lung Troubles, has accom plished good results. Ilead what It did this cuse: ■ Madison Lake, Minn. ■aken with hemorrhage of the lungs KVlch confined me several weeks, each ■jtiMe to my bed. My doctor advised me go West. In November 1 started for Col. After my arrival T met Brody, who, upon learning of condition, urged mo to take Eck ■in's Alterative. I kept on taking the "Hndiclno and improved fast. In March, IJBIO, I returned home. 1 am entirely have a good nppetlte and sleep ■'ell. When 1 left Denver my weight ■•as 130 pounds. I now weight lfio, my ■ ormal wolglit. I thank God and your ■lterative for my health." ■ (Affidavit) PAUI, L. FASNACHT. | (Above abbreviated; more on re- B" Eckman's Alterative lias been proven ■>v many years' test to be most effica cious for severe Throat and Lunjr Af fections, Bronchitis. Bronchial Asthma, Ktubborn Colds and in upbuilding the pystem. Contains no narcotics, poisons for habit-forming drugs. Sold bv lead- Ling druggists. Write the Eckman Lab oratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for booklet Belling of recoveries and additional evi dence. —Advertisement. LhEARTS TREATED FREE I W- Dr. Mile., the Great Speclall.t Who ftScnilH a New fti.KO Treatment, Free. ■ Heart dlseaso ia dangerous, hundreds ■ rop dead wiio could have been saved. Rial]y have been cured after doctors ■ailed. lo prove the remarkable ef ■cacy of his new Special Personal veatmont for heart disease, short ■"eath, pain in side, shoulder or arm, Htpresslon, Irregular pulse, palpitation, ■notherlng, puffing of ankles or ■ opsy. Dr. Miles will sond to afflicted ■rsons a $2.60 Free Treatment. Bad ■ises usually soon relieved. ■ These treatments are the result of 30 ■ara' extensive research and remark- Be success In treating various ail ■■nts of the heart, liver and stomach, Cgjiich often complicate each case, for Itemarknhle Cure, in Tour ■ State ■Sn wonderful are the results that he ■ishes every sick person to test tills ■nous treatment at his expense. Af- persons should avail themselves liberal offer, as they may never such an opportunity again. De ■fys are dangerous. No death comes ■ ore suddenly than that from heart ■Send at once for his Free Book and H-ee Treatment. Describe vour dls- Hse. Address Dr. Franklin Miles. Dept. 625 to 535 Main St., Elkhart, Ind ■Advertisement. Ror Father, Mother, I Brother and Sister Hll'e easy to plea.e every member of H: family when you .UKge.t I<ax Hike, the dellclou. candy laxative, ex- flavored with spearmint. They Hue because they are «afe and po.l- Only n-ny to keep well I. to avoid That', what Lax I.lnk. prevent. Get a box, B/2g§fzizssO SALICINE CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. iOFFS ■UGH SYRUP the cause of sore throat, heals loosens and raises phlegm sura and safe relief. Con "dope" of any kind. Made health-giving herbs that used for a century. Money the dealer if it doesnt help and 50c. bottles. Sold by Send for a bottle today. 9| an curable. All kind. 9 moan Buffering- and ■■ danger. Tha CAUSE I? alwajrg internal. Dr. Loonhardt". , HEM-ROI D .*f2P In IS L rMU , b r attaoklnp th. CAUSE. The piles are dried up and TO! LKONIIASpT N. Y. (frMbook) ■old by KonnedT Medicine ftokt, HanUkaxg. J. A. McOurdy. Stoelton. and douua. / • FRIDAY EVENING, BAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH /- ' JANUARY 30. 1914. GO TO JESUS FOR SPIRITOIIL 111 Ellis Points Out Unfairness of the Materialist b His Re ligions Views The International Sunday Scliool Wes son For February 1, Is "The Un friendly Neighbor"; W(C 11:1-13 (By William T. Ellis) This la tha day of the "expert" and the specialist. The scientific spirit requires us to accept the ver dict of tha highest authority. Why then, in the name of all that's rea sonable, should we be expected tf take the word of a physicist upon subjects essenUally spiritual? This constant appeal to "science" grows tiresome. The man whd has spent his life in the study of wholly mate rial and natural laws may not be ex pected to have the last word upon the mystical relaUonship between a personal God and the men and wom en whom He calls His children. Thus was Darwin, for instance, sceptical concerning the value or meaning of poetry; he saw nothing in it. Like wise, some poets could see nothing in Darwin's theory of natural selection. Each knows his own specialty. Clearly, if we are going to consult specialists, let us not go to an aurist to have our eyes attended to, nor to a nerve specialist to have a club foot straightened, nor to a geology spe cialist to have our views upon spirit uality quickened. "Stick to your last!" cried the painter to the shoe maker, who, elated over his success in criticising a shoe in a painUng, foolishly tried to pass Judgment on the general artistic excellence of the work. There are many humble, un lettered saints, rich in experience of personal relation with God, who are beter authorities upon prayer than the latest German critic of the Bible. Let us be scientific enough to admit that some things lie "Beyond the Natural Order," which by the way, is the title of Nolan Rice Best's pene trating little book on prayer. An Expert's Counsel Nobody ever thinks of turning to the words of Jesus for information upon mathematics, geography, his tory, or the physical sciences. Those were not His subjects. He was avow edly a specialist upon spiritual truth. He was time's greatest ex pert upon the subject of God. To make God more understandable was His mission upon earth. Through all the ages since. He has been the world's most illuminating teacher of the spiritual life. Concerning this He speaks with authority. This is thekobvlous reason why His friends and Tollowers asked Jesus to teach them about prayer. They realized that the subject was one to be studied; they needed expert ad vice upon it. Therein they were wiser than millions of Christians who have never read a single book upon prayer, never given an hour's thought to the subject; and who do not know the difference between a child's bedside petition and a minis ter's pulpit prayer. In answer to His disciples' request, | which was called forth by tho fact of | finding Jesus Himself in prayer, tho .Teacher propounded a model form of prayer. Its principle embodied the right ideals of man's petitions sent to God. Wo call it "The Lord's Pray er"; it really is the form given for use of disciples. By no means is it to be recited as a mere collection of words; there is no especial efficacy in the particular English words into which it was translated In 1611. The spirit, the idea, the principle—that alone counts. The rendering of the Twentieth Century New Testament makes vivid the genius of the origi nal; 'When you pray," Jesus answered, "you should say—'Father, May Thy Name be held holy, and Thy Kingdom come. Give us each day our bread for tho day before us; And forgive us our sins, for wo ourselves, too, forgive everyone in debt to us; And do not take us into tempta tion.' " The School That Broadens Life The wise parent sends his son to the school that will broaden his life, as well as impart certain information to his mind. That quality eh. racter izes the school of prayer which the Master kept for His friends. There is a profound educative t value in praying Jesus' kind of prayers. No body can remain small-minded who has been a diligent student in this school. The first word of the Ideal Prttver lifts one above self and self's petty concerns, and cries out for an object so exalted that none of us can truly grasp its reach and immensity —the glory of the ineffable Ncme, "May Thy Name be held Holy"—that is a prayer worthy of the ever-be holding archangels about the throne of Heaven. Get a person into the frame of mind which seeks first to hallow tho reputation of Jehovah and you have lifted him out of the im prisoning pettiness of selfishness. We shall be delivered from the smallness of the saints when once we all get to praying that God's Name may be hallowed. Tho best training a young lawyer or doctor or editor or preacher or business man can get is to be in personal association with a really great master in his chosen calling. Just to share the office of John Marshall was enough to fire a young man of capacity with broad views of the law. The disciples of Jesus got their kingdom Ideas (rather slowly, it is true, for they were un promising material) by keeping company with Him. Naturally, He taught them to pray for the coming of that Kingdom to which He had given His life. To enter the Master's School of Prayer is to learn to think kingdom thoughts, to bear kingdom burdens and to be fired by kingdom ambitions. That is the second les son in prayer, and it is allied to the first. A supreme objective is thus kept before the spirit s eye, to draw one s powers forth to their greatest extent. This puts a kingdom plumb line alongside of life. It imparts a final standard of values. Contrast it with the storied and wicked peti tion, "God bless me and my wife, my son John and his wife; us four, no more. Amen." An observer of present usages- in world affairs finds that the men who bear the largest kingdom responsi bilities are the most insistent In their emphasis upon the need of prayer. "With prayer or not at all" is the battle-cry of the Every-Mem ber Canvass. The Laymen's Mis sionary Movement frequently issues special calls to prayer. The devoted hearts In the homeland which cease not to travail In prayer for the king dom are as important a factor in the victories of the cross as the men and women who fight on the firing line. Bread and Cake Food I have heard that the Kussian ver sion of the Ideal Prayer carries with it, in the petition for daily bread, the Idea of Borne condiment along with the bread. Well, that is the way Christendom's prayers have been answered. Very few persons In our land and time know what it is to subsist on the bare necessities of life. God has given us bread Kaufman's Clean Sweep Sale Ends To-morrow, Saturday, at 9 P. M. ■ ii- I. 1 Women's Blouses Women's Petticoats Up to $4.50 Value (or i Continuation To-morrow of the Sale of Women's 1 value $3.00 for $2*49 I ® hisses' Dresses From the Carlisle Garment Co., Ca Pa se 1 $1• 39 a n r women-. uaiutsoTuo sin. 11Newest Cloth Dresses at Prices Far Less Than Cost to Make If and Net Shadow Uce Blouses; all gg day only $1.39 t054 : 50 :....52.49| LOT NO. 1 rkF* 1/ , iir • Z If Carlisle Garment Co.'s Women's and \I %l m GreCQUC Corsets at Women $ Blouses g Misses' up to $4.50 Dresses For .. . j| Reduced Prices Value up to $3.00 for fi Onc-piecc Serge Dresses, in assorted colors and assorted sizes. M 52.00 Corsets for ... $1.69 CD"I A A H LOT NO 2 ihM$ 2S0Corsets for... $2.15 $ 1 •4:9 I , r , r r ; ur , , tt: •/ QC I s3.ooCorsets for... $2.39 One table of Women's Silk, Net and g| f T M $4.00 Corsets for .. . $3.15 rrUr I Misses up to $6.00 Dresses For . . ** 1 Co,sets price Ijg One-piece Cloth Dresses in assorted colors and assorted sizes. . r . i , n M IOX Mf) o £§ Another Big Shipment Uirls Dresses M n ~ \A > \xt > x> Ok iof Ladies' Newest Neck- Value up to $2.00 for 1 £ rM ? Ga " £?« Women S & MHJ I wear J UBt Received for * * I Misses up to $12.00 Dresses For . T Aft/V |Less Than Half Price £IA ft jp? This lot contains a good many samples of all kinds of materials, all good styles, assort- Up to 39c Ladies' *1 O /L* • V/ jg e( j colors and sizes, but not all sizes of each style. Neckwear for 'M. fit /2C 25° Giris-washable sc hool Dr' None Sent on Approval—None Sent C. O. D. SL U ? l ° 7 f sc LadieS ' IQr made of Percales. Ginghams and Gala- £eV rvrUAWPCn ZSH Neckwear for 1«/ V .„g NONE EXCHANGED i Up to $1.50 Ladies' Oft silzes, 6to 14. Sale 7Q 6vhsyTTart , , r Vf {*■ price lifC Neckwear for «J«/V> Radical Reductions On All Women' 6 To-morrow's Values are the Bi $*% AC FOR WOMEN'S a A FOR WOMEN'S rf» A AT FOR WOMEN'S (PA 7P FOR WOMEN'S J."D AND MISSES' Jr.UU AND MISSES' Jp J.Uj AND MISSES' AND MISSES' t)= Coat Suits J Coat Suits Winter Coats Q— Winter Coats Values to $lO Values to sl2 Values to SB.OO Values to sls Mndc of nil wool mixture*. Choice of Black and Browns; a&Morted ilsea. Aanorted colors and alzea. Aaaorted colon* and ai/.cn. 7C FOR WOMEN'S dtfl mp FOR WOMEN'S A Aft FOR WOMEN'S Oil *7C FOR WOMEN'S ftJ./D AND MISSES' <|)||.|D AND MISSES' $ (".(JU AND MISSES' sll. It) AND MISSES' 0= Coat Suits j££ Coat Suits J Winter Coats U= Winter Coats Values to $lB Values to $25 Values to sl2 Values to $lB Aaaorted color* and aligi, Asaorted color, and .lues, Assorted color, and all sizes. I Aanortfd color, anil sizes. $1 C.OOTND S S All Extra Large Coat Suits and Coats for E*;.QQ F AND MISSES ,S lj= Coat Suits Extra Large Women, Sizes 37 to 51, Coats Values to $35 at Extra Low Clean Sweep Prices Values to $25 A.SOrted color, and SIZC. m—^^ _______a__________ » —- mm — mm AMOrtfd color, and .|CM, A Sale of Men's Suits and Overcoats 500 Boys' Suits and A Saving of $5 to $lO on Your Purchase s^> Men's Suits and Men's Suits and I Men's Pants ) Ql - Overcoats The greatest pants bargain 200 Boys' Polo Style Over- |k| Values to SIO.OO Values to $20.00 ever offered in Harrisburg; 500 Ito years " j j pairs; values to $3.50. $5.00 ,$ 9 - 75 $1.50 Ihe best values in Suits and Over- JL. 6 W Wt Fancy Cheviot and Worsted Suits; coats ever offered In this city. In- ■ sizes Bto 16 years J ■ Mack and pray oxford kersey and eluded in tills lot are the Stein make fancy Cheviot Overcoats; handsomely for extra Worsteds and Cheviots; belt loops made. Sizes 32 to 44. large men. —plain and cuff bottoms. 100 Boys Norfolk Suits, 6 tO| f\ £\ ~~~~— l7years \Q 89 Men's Corduroy Pants p^f^^; al -. d -sl.oo] On sale to-morrow, are lined throughout, Boys' Knic ke r Boys Hats, values extra sewed, fine rib, values elsewhere $4.00, at I Pants t0 to " morrow » M |■ ■ U Wr ■AJ at %JZ/ K* 4|b * a A [ laj V 1 Size. <o val- £ . Jf_* CP 1 H A uea to 7Bc. * tH I _ I I 9 A 1 Choice of Boys' Double Breasted d» QQA ■ Suits, values to $8.50, to-morrow .. well buttered, and cake also. The daily prayer, expressed in trustful petition and in faithful labor,, for our supply of food has been abund antly answered. Also the spirit of brotherhood has brown, under the influence of the teachng of "Our Father," so that whoever is in real need has but to make known his wants to have them met. Wise indeed is -this plan for hav ing all men everywhere pray daily that their common needs may be met That tie links children to the Father. And It teaches us the great, deep lesson that nothing that affects us Is too small to command the interest of Him who marks the sparrow's fall. Nothing reveals the greatness and fatherliness of God more than His solicitude for human welfare in even the material things of life. Because He is a good Father, God cannot ignore our profoundest hu man need, which is for forgive ness of sin and freedom from sin. The Teacher put .this Into the pat tern prayer which He taught His learners. The quality of forgiveness ,—that of the one who prays being linked up inseparably with that of the Omnipotent Answerer of prayer —is basic to the higher lire. We all need forgiveness; the best of us, In ' His highest hours, confesses Himself but a sinner saved by grace. And by the same token we need to for give—that door leads into the like ness of God. The Story-Telling Teacher Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth keeping on doing. Persistence brings more than brilliancy In any market. That men should "pray without ceasing," Jesus taught by the story of the man who went to a friend at ihidnight for bread, to feed wayfaring guests. The friend was sleepy, and lay, with his whole family, on the common Oriental floor-bed. His house was locked np for the night. So he cried out —the East still has no social proscrip tions against screaming messages loudly—that He could not grant the i request. But the neighbor persisted, with a din that roused the house- - holders, nearby; and at length, to i still the disturbance and secure a chance to go to sleep again, the un- . friendly neighbor got up and gave the three loaves that were desired. The story teaches Dy contrast. If that is churlish man's way, how much better is the gracious Heav enly Father's way? Even from this i Inadequate parallel, learn, said i Jesus, to keep 011 asking until you 11 receive. Man's iniportuntiy gives) God an opportunity. God will give you what you really seek; for He is better than an earthly father. How ever, like other parents He loves to be asked by His children for gifts. Therefore, the threefold injunction of Jesus, which in English makes an acrostic: A sk Seek * K nock But, after all, Insists some render, how does God answer prayer? That is one of many God's ways which I do not understand. I do not know how He creates life. I do not know how He maintains the universe. I doesn't know how He executes His countless operations in nature. X do not know how He speaks to the spirit that trusts Him. For all tnese I am content to accept the evi dence of results. That He does answer prayer I know; and so do tens of millions of other Christians. Also we know that "Prayer is the Christian's vital breath." Wthout prayer the relations be tween God and man grow distant and formal and joyless. As one has said, "God quickly fades out of the ■ life that forguts to pray." The law 11 of prayer is beyond the natural or i der; but it is a law of the spiritual life which may not be broken wlth i out disaster. IF YOU ARE A DRINKING MAN You had better stop at once or you'll lose your Job. Every line of business is closing its doors to "Drink ing" men. It may be your turn next. By the aid of ORRINE thousands of men have been restored to lives of sobriety and Industry. 1 We are so sure that ORRINE will benefit you that we say to you that if after a trial you fail to get any 1 benefit from its use, your money will be refunded. When you stop "Drinking," think of the money you'll save; bet des, so ber men are worth more to t leir em ployers and get higher wages. Costs only $ 1.00 a box. We have an interesting booklet about ORRINE that we are giving away free on re quest. Call at our store and talk it over. Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 N. 3d St. John A. McCurdy, Steelton, Pa. H. F. Brunhouse. Mechanlcsburg, Pa.—Adv. MERCHANTS A MINERS TRANS. CO. Florida Tour O-day trip, personally conducted to Savannah. Jacksonville and St. Annua sso.oo Including transportation, meals and stateroom accommodations on steamer, hotel accommodations, drives, etc. Leave Baltimore on New S. S. Somer set, Monday, February 16. For itiner ary, reservations, etc., address W. P. Turner. P. T. M.. Baltimore, Md. EDUCATIONAL MAKE NEW YEAR RESOLUTION to enroll next Monday In Day or Night School. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. Market Square, Hanisbnrg, Pa. H&rrisburg Business College Day and Night. Business, Shorthand and Civil Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. 329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. Try Telegraph Want Ads. 5