Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 30, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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    V Lost
Brlndle Bull Terrier dog, with white
n«ck and half of fa<"e; -white foet ylth
one nail off; earn trimmed, but not/tan.
Reward If returned to 1113 Montgom
ery street. y
Terrier dog; white with a brown face
find ears. A liberal reward for dog, or
information to its whereabouts. An
dreas 12« South Second street.
FOUND Silk neck scarf. Own® l
may have same by paying for this ad
•vertlsement. Apply 1629 Reglna street.
Help Wanted—Male
~~ A MARRIED couple !? v m «nd
by month or year, for small dairy an
farm work. Address W H. WUlia.
Duncannon, Pa., R. P-» No. k
MAN to assist in 8 r « c "y «tore ; must
have reference; giv®
dress X., 026, care or Telegrapn. -
MEN with patentable wrlte
Randolph & Company, Patent So 11 cllor s,
Washington. D. C . for lists "Needed In
ventions." Advice free.
OUT OF WORK? We can give you
Burr Nurseries, Manchester, lonn.
"PARCEL POST means many "PP"'" 1 "
ments from tho February -1
Mall Clerk Examinations in Harrisburg.
Commence $75.00 month. Common edu
cation sufficient. Sample
FREE. Write immediately. Franklin
Institute, Dept. 363-K. Rochester, N. Y.
BALESMEN We want capable men
who either own or can secure the use
of an Automobile as District Agents
for our Four-In-One Auto H
Heats from exhaust. Sells for $-5.
Demonstration insures sale. * dUU vi
! 11,000 per month for light men. Moa-
Lcrate capital required. Sales Manager,
I] 148 Bedford aveniflj- Brooklyn, New
Experienced edge trimmer.
Apply at office of the Lindner
Shoe Co., Carlisle, Fa.
.Help Wanted —Female
A GOOD woman agent to handle a
nice, respectable facial cream. Big
profit. Write H. P. Coles, Wiconisco,
Pa. .
BRIGHT girl to take charge of flat
work department; must be competent
to handle girls. Apply Troy Laundry,
1620-26 Fulton street.
CAPABLE, middle-aged woman for
companion and nurse to aged couple;
ideal home to right party; send refer
ence with application. Address P., 925,
care of Telegraph.
CAPABLE woman for general house
work; must have references. Apply
1717 State street.
CIGAR PACKERS; steady work guar
anteed. Apply Dauphin Cigar Co., ilO
State street.
LADY or girl wanted each town, good
pay spare time, copy names for adver
tisers; cash weekly; stamp for particu
lars. American Adv. Bureau, Dept. b.,
Lelghtons Corners, N. H.
every town to sell the Leona three-in
one garments, combining corset cover,
skirt and drawers. Patented. It is a
pleasant way to make money. No ex
perience necessary. We will show you
now. Leona Garment Co., 248 Maine
street., La Crosse, Wis.
SEWING MACHINE operators, also
learners, to make aprons, etc. Harris
burg Apparel Co., over City Star
Laundry, State street, rear entrance.
TWENTY more thoroughly experi
enced operators on power machines.
Jennings' Manufacturing Co., 414-16
State street.
WHITE girl, about 17 years of age,
for housework; family of three; no
cooking, washing or ironing; good
home to right party. 1626 Penn street.
WOMAN of education and energy to
fill a position with good Income. Per
manent for right person. Inquire F.
D., Patriot Office.
YOUNG lady to file letters and assist
in office work. Good chance for ad
vancement. Call Bell phone 1058R, or
address P. O. Box 542, City.
Help Wanted—Male and Female
AX office boy or girl, to do typewrit
ing and general office work; short
hours. Apply Hupmobile, 120 Market
bituauons Wanted—Male
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experi
enced 1). E., familiar with offico details,
would like position where executive
ability will merit reward. R., 933, care
of Telegraph.
COLORED bov wishes work ot any
kind. Albert Curtis. 613 State street.
MAN, middle-aged, wants position as
stationary fireman or engineer; has had
experience; can give good reference.
Address 131 Vine street.
POSITION as gardner, fuit and vege
table grower. Bedding plants and mar
ket gardening up to fl,ate. Best refer
ence. Address H. H.„ 1426 Susque
hanna street.
POSITION by registered graduate
druggist; fifteen years' experience. Ad
dress Drugs, Box 22, Elizabethtown,
POSITION WANTED as chauffeur;
■even years' experience; can make own
repairs; reference. Apply C. A., 926,
care of Telegraph.
YOUNG colored man desires position
as porter or janitor; can give good ref
erence. 1412 North Seventh street.
YOUNG colored man wishes position
an butler, or houseman; can give ref
erence. Call, or address, 132 Liberty
YOUNG, married man wants any kind
of work. Address 2024 Wood avenue.
YOUNG, married man wants position
of any kind; had five years' experience
In shoe business.
YOUNG, married man wishes work of
any kind. Address E., 927, care of Tele
Situations Wanted—Flmale '*
COLORED frirl wants general house
work or hotel work. Address 1416
Seventh street.
MIDDLE-AGED woman desires a po
sition as housekeeper for widower; best
of reference. Address C., 924, care of
MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes posi
tion as housekeeper or general house
work; reference. Address B. E., 931
care of Telegraph.
NEAT-colored girl desires position to
assist in kitchen. Call, or address, 1338
Mayflower avenue.
1815 N. Third St.
Lot 20x102
A one story frame building
with store room.
Miller Bros. & Baker
Federal Square Harrlnbnrg
* s
Situations Wanted—Female
POSITION at general housework by
young woman, with child seven
months old; can give reference; grood
home preferred to big wages; place
with no children preferred. Call, or
address. 11l South Second street.
WASHING or children's sewing to do
at home. 318 Granite avenue.
YOUNG girl, 17 years of age, desire*
position as nurse girl or general house
work; good cook. Call, or address 1332
Williams street.
Rooms For Rent
TWO large rooms on Second floor, one
front and one bay window room; hot
water heating; use of phone. 117 Pine
TWO rooms on third floor front and
two on second floor front; all modern
conveniences and telephone; rates rea
sonable; gentlemen only. Apply 1233
Mulberry street.
PLEASANT, furnished rooms; city
steam heat; desirable location; five
minutes' walk to Market Square. 718
North Sixth street.
FURNISHED ROOMS, single or an
site; all conveniences, Including phone;
reference required. Apply 1015 North
Front street.
THIRD FLOOR furnished room, de
sirable location. Call Bell phone 2321.
Green street.
Apartments For Rent
North Fourth street, four rooms,
'kitchen and bath; rent, $20.00; posses
sion at once. Inquire Mehrlng Drug
Store, 2000 North Fourth street.
Boarders Wanted
737 North Sixth street.
VV anted
MEN AND WOMEN to sell to men andf*
women Sick and Accident Insurance
under Pennsylvania laws. Sebourn &
Wanbaugh, 63 Union Trust Building,
TO BUY, a late model light touring
ear in A 1 condition. Will pay cash if
reasonable and in good order. Address
G. t 904, care of Telegraph.
Business Opportunities
SIOO.OO BUYS a business in Harris
burg that pays $25 to S3O profit per
month, spare time only. Also repre
-1 sentatlve wanted for Steelton. Address
Box K„ 934, care of Telegraph.
ANY intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press syndicate, 798, Lock
port, N. Y. ,
I MADE $50,000 In five years in the
>. mall order business, began with $6.
Send for free booklet. Telia how. Hea
cock. 35& Lockport, N. Y.
Business Personals
H. W. LATHE, Boarding Stable and
Natlonrl Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul,
lng. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and
woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2503 R.
FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street. Harrisburg, Pa Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell,
with best material and by expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction. 8. N.
Cluck. 220 Woodbine street.
Real Estate For Sale
TWO fine homes, will be finished
March 15. Nine rooms and latest and
only practical, common sense bath
room. Steam heated; large front and
back porches; ornamental fixtures
throughout; reception hall; open stair
case; laundry room and stationary
wash tubs; outdoor sleeping chamber
with south side exposure, size 16xS; 12
minutes by trolley to Market Square.
For further information call P. Vander
loo, Masonic Temple Building, Third and
State streets.
VALUABLE Corner Home; size of lot
90 ft. by 196 ft.; fruit of all kinds;
large grape vine; greenhouse; 2V4-story
house with 8 rooms; papered through
out; water, gas and electric lights; ex
cellent location; near trolley. Apply to
M. J. Sheaffer, 2635 Penn street, Pen
brook, Pa.
NO. 910 SIXTH STREET. 3-storv
corner brick house, 11 rooms and bath;
other improvements; paved street on
three sides; price greatly reduced; large
portion may remain at 5 per cent. Bell I
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
MODERN two-story Bungalows, six
rooms and a bath. All improvements
Beautiful design and desirable location'
Price low. Only two left. Applv to the
Wittenmyer Lumber Company, Seventh
and Schuylkill streets.
NEW brick house. No. 2313 Derry
street; large front and back porches;
all improvement*; steam heat; gas and
electric lights; eight rooms and bath
hardwood finish; cemented cellar. Ac
ply 1432 Derry street.
SEVEN new brick houses, six rooms
bath, gas, furnace, porch. Yielding sllO
per month, or over 8 per cent, net Lo
cated on Boas street, near Sixteenth
Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building.
—Prices ranging from $1,500 to $2,200
Several of these are brick houses 6
ropms and bath gas furnace. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
1351 VERNON STREET 3-story
fraifre 9 rooms, bath and furnace
lot. 19HX91 possession Jn 30 days
Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut
ONE of the hiost prominent houses for
transient and permanent trade in the
city of Harrisburg. Address R. 923
care of Telegraph.
*0 ACRES level limestone land
near trolley 6 miles from Harrisburß
Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut
streets. ,
Real Estate For Rent
nut street, near Fourth street, three
stories and basement, elevator service
size, 23x80. Lease for two years. Suit
able for most any business or manu
facturing, in heart of business section
Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street'
Harrisburg, Pa,
1839 Zarker St S2O 00
1821 Market St 26 00
7 North Thirteenth street, apart
ment 30.00
1628 Regina St 25 00 I
1251 Market Street |
NO. 1859 Spencer street, S2O; No. 12 i
North Thirteenth street, $18; No. 2130
Greenwood street, $10; corner Ella and
Daisy, sls; small shop, 1315 Zarker, $6
A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth !
THREE-STORY brick, 8 large rooms, 1
water in kitchen, private alley, 1054
South Ninth street, sll monthly. For
key inquire George G. Young's Grocery,
Cameron and Hemlock.
BUSINESS ROOM and dwelling all
improvements No. 524 Peffer street - i
also large warehouse, with electric ele
vator. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build
ing ,
DWELLINGS NO. 42 and No. 44 South
Court avenue, with conveniences; rent,'
$16.00. Chas. Adler, Real Estate and
Insurance, 1002 North Third strati.
For Sale
6-piece Ebony parlor suit, oak bed
room suit, oak dlnlngroom suit, oak
hat rack, waahstand, small tables, re
frigerator, wood stove, carpets and
many useful articles. House will be
opened Friday and Saturday, January
30 and 31, Monday and Tuesday, Febru
ary 2 and 3, from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Everything will be sacrificed. I*os
North Second street, H. W. Snyder.
FORTY FEET of oak office parti
tions, large safe, sanitary, double ped
estal, flat-top desk, office tables, bent
wood chairs, cabinets. Royal typewriter,
etc. All In first-class condition and can
pe bought at a money-saving price.
Second Floor, 208 Market street
6 PER CENT. First Mortgage Guar
anteed Real Estate Bonds on Pittsburg's
largest department store building. De
nominations SIOO, SSOO, SI,OOO, $6,000.
For Information address A. S. Wlest.
Box 72, Harrisburg, Pa.
SERVING MACHINE; never used; all
attachments; drop head; a good mi
chine at a bargain price; can be seen at
18 Nortremarket Square, Herman & Co.
Ask for Mac.
AUTO FOR SALE, in good condition;
rour doors, flve-passenger. electric
lights, extra tire and tube. Price, $375,
to quick buyer. Address D.. 929, care of
1 400-EGG. hot-water incubator;
new, used only once; price,
$24.50; worth SSO. See It at 23 North
146 U street, or call Bell telephone
AT GABLE'S, 111, 113 and 117 South
Second street, Redtips, Can't Slip,
Sure Grip, Rowe and Always Sharp
Horseshoe calks, and emergency shoes.
fully equipped, in good condition; cheap
to quick buyer. Call, or phone, Monn
Bros., Seventeenth and Swatara.
5 .GOOD Organs, $5 each; 1 organ,
worth SSO; 1 Organ, $16.00, worth
J; „ n any Payments. Winter Piano
Store, 23 North Fourth street.
ONE first B flat (Behm) clarionet. In
good condition, at a reasonable price.
Bandmasters, take notice! Call at 44
Seventeenth street.
. n i, w ,? GMAN Upright Piano, price,
fi ", lo P« r cent, off for cash; $5 down,
F. P® r month. Winter Piano Store, 23
North Fourth street.
BREWSTER Upright Pia.no, like
new, $149; sold new for $300; $6 down,
V P« r month. Winter Piano Store, 23
North Fourth street.
ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of
O- with Antique Linotype
Matrices. Ihe Telegraph Printing Co.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
* sacrifice to early buyer. J. M.
. lies West Fairview, Cumberland
County, Pa.
8*^ A £L printing outfit, 6x9 hand
press, 32 cases of type, imposing stone,
SFjl® bargain. Call Room 1. 21 North
Third street.
..®; C. RHOI)E ISLAND RED cockerels,
direct from Tompkins' Best Eggs. Bar
fa C. H. Watts, Millersburg,
FOR SALE 25 shares Se
curity Trust Company stock. Ad
dress P. O. Box 783, City.
AN Aquarium, about 3 feet square,
with table. Address A.. 402. care of
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
For Rent
corner of Third and Cumberland
streets, No. 1200. Show windows side
and front. In a live part of Harris
burg. The largest and be«t market
house. two of the best banks and many
first-class business houses in the same
square. In center of population. Size
of room 33x100 ft. 14-ft. ceiling. Up
»°. n f « very particular. Rent from
£ a d> montl >. including heat.
J. S. Sible, 2.->6 Herr street.
FOR RENT Desirable offices !■ the
Telegraph Building, singly or en-sulte.
Inquire at Business Office.
WE have stable room for 7 horses at
fifteenth and Chestnut streets. New
building—everything complete. United
Ice and Coal Co.. torster and Cowden
secured at the Telegraph Business
large brick warehouses, built ex
pressly for storage. Private -ooms
?,1 household goods and unexcelled fa
cilities for storing all kinds of mer
chandise. Low storage rates. South
St. and Penr-. R, R.
IN 3-story brick building, rear 40K
Market irtreet.
Household goods In clean, private
rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to
P. G. Ulener, Jeweler, 408 Market S«.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise Pri
vate rooms, $1 to »S. Wagons. 75 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411
Broad street. Both phones.
mo: -5Y TO LOAN on Real Estate
security in any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower. Address P O
Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa.
Money to Loan
of loaning money by which borrowers
share profits of lenders. Legal rates,
easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms
6-7, 9 North Market Square.
Legal Notices
In the District Court of the United
States for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy No.
2639 ln the Matter of Frank F
Kramer, Bankrupt.
To the creditors of Frank F. Kramer
of Harrisburg, in the County of Dau
phin, and District aforesaid, a bank
NOTICE is hereby given that the said
bankrupt was duly adjudicated as such
on January 29. 1914, and that the first
meeting of the creditors will be held
at the office of the Referee, No. 7 North
Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa., at 2 P
M. o'clock, on February 10, 1914 a t
which time the said creditors may at
tend, prove their claims, appoint a
Trustee, examine the bankrupt and
transact such other business as mav
propertly com© before said meetln*
Referee in Bankruptcy.
January 30, 1914.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Pa No. 606 Equitv
Docket, A. D. 1913. Berks County
Trust Company, Trustee, vs. Derrv
Block Apartment Company
THE undersigned, having been ap
pointer Auditor to make distribution of
5!? e tl* . an Sf shown by the account Bf
the Berks County Trust Company, Trus
tee, to sell, etc., filed to the above stat
ed number and term, notice is herebv
given to all creditors and to all other
persons in interest that the undersign
ed has fixed Friday, February 13 i<ii4
at 2 o clock F\ M., at - the Dauphin
County Court Library, situate in the
Court House at Harrisburg, p a .. as the
time and place to attend to the duties
of his appointment, when and where all
creditors and parties interested mav
appear and they will be heard
Estate of Isabella Stout, late of Har
rlsburg, Pa., deceased.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Letters
Testamentary upon the Estate of said
decedent have been granted to the un-
fob ram COUPEE
Brakeman Weiser and Bride Cor
dially Received in Harris
burg Yesterday
A shower of rice and many congratu
lations and cheers greeted Mr. and Mrs.
Warren M. Weiser, who Were married
at Huntingdon yesterday morning, on
their arrival In Harrisburg, yesterday.
The bridegroom is a popular Middle Di
vision passenger brakeman. The young
couple occupied seats in a car bound
for Washington, D. C., and thought they
would get through Harrisburg with
out any of their friends knowing it.
Telegraphic messages travel faster
tlian trains and the reception commit
tee Included trainmen, ushers and sta
tion attaches.
The wedding took place In the Hun
tingdon Lutheran Church yesterday
morning, at 11 o'clock. The Rev. Fred
erick R. Wagner officiated. The bride
was Miss Helen Dickinson, a popular
young woman of Huntingdon, who also
has many friends in Harrisburg.
The bridegroom is a passenger brake
man on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and
runs between Harrisburg and Altoona.
He is the son <Jf Samuel Weiser, bag
gage agent at the Pennsylvania Rail
road station.
Following a trip to Washing-ton, D.
C.; Baltimore, Md., and New York, Mr
and Mrs. Welser will be at hotne after
February 15, at 1851 Regina street, this
General Superintendent of Motive
Power J. T. Wallace, at Altoona yes
terday, received authority from Phila
delphia to place orders In advance of
the regular 1914 program for the fol
lowing equipment:
Thirty-four Class "E" passenger lo
comotives, to be built at the Juniata
shops. These engines are of the big
Atlantic type in use by the company
and will keep the shops busy for some
An order was also received for" the
Altoona car shops for 50 class P-70
passenger coaches and 1,000 class S-25
box cars. The latter will be steel
combination cars of the best type.
Action on orders for the present
year WHS taken at the meeting of the
board of directors of the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company on Tuesday.
While New York express, eastbound,
No. 32, due here at 4.59 a. m. yester
day, was coming around the Horse
shoe curves, drawn by two locomo
tives, an axle broken on the drivers of
the front engine and the englneman
threw on the emergency air, in order
to stop the train before a wreck might
As the emergency air was applied
many of the passengers in the train,
especially those not in berths, were
tossed from their seats and consider
ably shaken tip, while some confusion
prevailed until trainmen informed
them what had happened and that
there was no danger. The passengers
escaped with a few slight bruises.
A program or unusual interest is
promised to-night at the P. R. R. Y.
M. C. A. when the third entertainment
of the series arranged by the commit
tee on entertainment will be given.
The employes of Engine House No.
1 of the Pennsylvania Railroad, of
which Isaiah Reese, Jr., is foreman,
will be on the program. The entertain
ment will start at 8 o'clock and will
Include solos by Abner W. Hartman,
the well-known bass: recitations by
Miss Margaret Shoop; soprano solos
by Mrs. Clem Shorter Leftwich, and
a monologue by Lew Colien, a local
comedian. Admission will be by card.
President Judge Kunkel Hears
Tales From Weeping Culprits—
One to Glen Mills
least a dozen boys
and one girl had been heard; their
stories didn't differ very materially
from many a tale that has been told
in Juvenile court. Only one of the
twelve boys was sent away; he will go
to Glen Mills. Several times the
youth had been in Juvenile court and
had promised to behave and broke
his promise. The others were turned
over to the care of Mrs. Middleton of
the Children's Aid Society or to Mrs.
Simonetti, the probation officer.
Among the dozen boys was a quar
tet ranging from eleven to fifteen
year of age. They had pushed in 1
the show window of George Bogar's
sporting goods store and taken all
they could scrape together in one fell
arm swoop. Judge Kunkel sternly
glanced at the trembling, knicker
bockered culprits, each of whim was
barely tall enough to peep above the
judge's roll top desk.
"What did they steal?" he de
manded of Mr. Bogar.
"About a dozen pocket knives, five
or six packs of cards, several dice, a
box of poker chips, and—"
"Go on."
"A safety razor."
To Submit Plans For Changing
Prison Windows, —County Engineer
C. M. Hershey will meet with the
Board of Prison Inspectors on Tues
day to submit a tentative plan for
changing the windows of the first
floor of the county jail. At present
there are fifty-two windows, each of
which is three Inches wide and two
feet long. This is all the light and
ventilation from the outside that is
supplied to the upper and lower tier
Lc —J Notices
dersigned. All persons indebted to said
Estate are requested to make payment,
and those having claims or demands
against the same will make them
known without delay, to
No. 222 Market Street.
Harrisburg, Pa.
NOTICE Letters of Administration i
d. b. n. c. t. a. on the Estate of Reglna
C. Mitchell, late of Harrisburg, Pa de- '
cease#, having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons Indebted to said
Estate are requested to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims
will present them for settlement
-Administrator d. b. n. c. l'*.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division—llo crew first
to go after 1 p. m.: 122, 111, 112, 127,
I 107, 101, 106, 120, 129, 125.
Engineer for 101.
| Firemen for 111, 121.
i Conductors for 106, 125.
: Flagmen for 125, 126.
: Brakemen for 101. 106. 107, 127.
! Engineers up: Blnkley, Wenrlck,
Howard, Sellers, Downs, Albright,
Shelter, Baldwin, Newcomer, Gemill,
Shocker, Hogontogler, Kitch, Sober,
Blssinger, Hublet, Brubaker, Sifert,
Grass, May, Maxwell, Spease, Kord.
Firemen up: Winand, Newman, Walk
age, Fisher, Cover, Dettllng, Eckrlch,
Henry, Miller, Deitrlch, Naylor, Powers,
j Sqwers, Ressler, Losch, Horstlck, Cook,
Baker, Hayes, Jackson, Deck, Neu
hauser, Culhane, Shimp, Slattery, Itling
young, Kost, Donache, ivutz.
Conductors up; Horning, Fink, Sad
1 Flagmen up: Umholts, Buyer, Hart-
I man, Brenner, Wanbaugli.
Brakemen up: Ranker, Bogner, Car
roll, Balnbridge, Karstetter, Moore,
1 Miller, Dengler, Mumma, Shope, Col
, 11ns, Simons; Slier. Hill, Hogentogler,
| Murray, R. Collins, Gilbert, Brown.
Middle Division—2s crew first to go
I after 12:10 p. m.: 26, 21, 19.
j Marysvllle: 2, 7. 3, 6, 8.
, Engineer for 21. \
I Fireman for 21.
Conductors for 19, 8.
Flagmen for 25, 6.
, ' Brakeman for 19.
Engineers up: Havens, Bowers, Web
ster, Ulsh, Hummer, Dorman, Tetter
man, Albright, Kugler, Brlggles, Smith,
Steele, Lewis, Harris, Grove, Ciouser.
Firemen up: Reeder, Gunderman,
Miller, Rupp, Belsel, Lukens, McAllcher,
Paul. Hunter, Murray, Parsons, Libau,
Shalley, Mumper, Shettel, Dyslnger,
Kohr, ltapp, S. S. Hoffman, Masterson,
Kepner, Whltesel, J. D. Hoffman, Wag
ner, Bruker, M. W. Z. Hoffman.
Conductors up: Fralick, Keys, Pat
| rick, Cummlngs, Dissinger, Wenrlck.
I Flagmen up: Wesson, Heam.
BraKemen up: Walmer, Eley, Quay,
Elchels, Stalil, Beers, A. V. Dare, Kest
ler, Kimberling, McNalght, G. E. Dare,
I Fleck, Roebuck, Blessing, Palmer,
1 Walk, Williams, Plpp, Musser, Trout,
| Harner, Putt, Adams, Schmidt, R. C.
, Myers, Sutch, Burd, Bolden, Foltz, Mon
nilller, Edwards, Murray, Durr, A. M.
Myers, Sultzaberger, Delhi, Henry,
Wrigh, Sclierick, Borhman.
Yard Crews—To go after 4 p. m.:
Engineers for 213, 707, 14.
Firemen for 1886, 707, 14, 1699.
Engineers up: Blosser, Mallaby,
I Rodgers, J. R. Snyder, Loy, Rudy,
Htahl, Swab, Silks. Crist, Harvey, S&ltz
man, Kuhn, Pelton, Shaver, Landls,
Hoyler, Beck, Harter, Biever.
Firemen up: Ford, Klerner, Craw
ford. Bostdorf, Schiefer, Rauch,
i Weigle, Lackey, Cookerley, Maeyer,
Sholter, Snell, Bartolet, Getty, Hart,
darkey, Sheets, Balr, Eyde, keever,
Knupp, Haller.
Philadelphia Division —23l crew first
to go after 2:45 p. m.: 243, 217, 245, 223,
210, 206, 224, 227, 209, 241, 211, 248.
; Engineers for 231, 248.
I Fireman for 215.
I Conductors for 210, 227.
Flagman for 233.
i Brakemen for 206. 209, 211, 217, 227,
227, 233, 233, 234, 235, 241, 245.
I Conductors up: Keller, Brunner, Frae
llcli, Libhart, Carson, Lewis, Shirk,
Walk, Benhour.
Flagman up: Krow.
| Brakemen up; Myers, McCall, Long 1 ,
Doestler, McGovern, Kochenour, Sherta
er, Wine, Hutchison, McComb, Malseed,
Crossby, Stlneley, Gilbert. Campbell,
Stehman, Hutton, Waltman, Short, Mc-
Illroy, Wetzel, Hoak.
Middle Division —lls crew first to go
after 3 p. m.: 109, 112, 101, 113.
Fireman for 110.
Brakeman for 101.
Harrlsliurg Division—l! crew first to
go after 2:45 p. m.: 17, 16, 1, 7, 6.
East-bound, after 2:45 p. m.: 63. 54.
71, 660, 52.
Helpers' crews: Ferner, Freed, Wynn.
Engineers up: Wyre, Pletz, Fortney,
Woland, Crawford, Masslmore.
Firemen up: Walborn. Dowhower?
Nye. Grumbine, Hoffman, Longnecker,
Sellers, Boyer, Henderson, Lex, Hollen
bacll, Anderson, Brown, Reed. Anders.
Ely. Fulton, Snader, Zukoswkl, Ken
nedy, Bishop, Woland, Buinbaugh, Hoff
man, Brown, Chronister, Hoffman, Kel
ly, Trawitz. Holbert.
Brakemen up: Sherman, Hoover.
Kapp, Reach, Clark, Gardner, Taylor.
Rauftman, Fleagle, Freethy, Stephens.
Mumma, Hoover, Martin,. McHenrv
cells. By Mr. Hershey's plan each of
the windows will be enlarged to a
width of two feet and a length of
four feet. The plan must then be
submitted to the State Board of Char
•F an ? Corrections for approval and
if that body favorably passes upon It,
the Dauphin county prison board will
likely make the change.
Judge MrCarrell Busy.— Although
still not well enough to retume his
A ?5f« on , the bench . In chambers.
Additional Law Judge S. J. M. Mc-
Carroll has recovered from his recent
ilness to such an extent that he is able
to handle a lot of work at his home.
He handed down several orders and
a couple of divorce decrees to-day.
The latter included George F. Paine
against Sarah F. Paine, and Frances
M. Machamer against Charles Mach
Realty Transfers.—R-ealty transfers
yesterday included the following:
John E. Fox to Harrisburg Trust
company, 2122 North Third street $l
- J- He ' nl >' to Hugh W Norris',
1713-15 Apricot street, $3,400 - J F
Brenneman to Mary A. Houck, Pen
brook. $1; B. Romberger to H. D.
Romberger, Elizabethville. $4,450;
C harles M. Forney to Maggie C. Lud
wig, Penbrook, sl.
Representative Aron Files Answer.—
An answer to the return made by Au
ditor General Powell to the request
for a mandamus by Representative
Max Aron, Philadelphia, to compel the
Auditor General to pay him mileage
and salary as appointed representa
tive, was filed in the Dauphin county
court to-day. Aron says the man
damus should issue as the answer is
insufficient, informal and contains
matter that Is irrelevant.
Discuss Mothers' Pension.—At to
day s session of the countv commis
sioners the mothers' pension plan for
Dauphin county was discussed infor
mally, but no definite action was
taken. The commissioners voiced the
opinion that the amount of money
which Dauphin county would be en
titled to receive from the State plus
what the county itself should appro
priate would not amount to enough
to warrant the expenditure of the es-
InlT . BUm neceSß ary to distribute it.
The C ivic Club recently brought the
matter to the county commissioners'
attention and submitted a tentative
estimate of the cost. This amounted
to between SI,OOO and $1,500. Dau
phin county would receive a little
more than $3,000 from the State and
the county would have to appropriate
the same sum. If Dauphin county
should adopt the plan, the commis
sioners say, they think that the re- i
lief could Just as readily be dis
tributed by the poor directors
Young Bombtthrowfer
Expected to Confess
By Associated Press
New York, Jan. . 30.—Angelo Syl
vestro, the young bomb thrower, re
puted leader of a Black Hand gang
that terrorized the East Side, lost all
his bravado to-day and persuaded the
court to postponed his sentence until
he could se the district attorney. Al
though Sylvestro, after his conviction
last night went back to his cell snarl
ing and threatening vengeance, it waa
reported to-day that he wanted to
make a confession, and after consul
tation with the prisoner's attorney
Judge Otto Rosalsky deferred sentence
until February 16.
Bullish Traders Bid Up Prices Confidently During Morn-
ing; Bond Are Firm
By Associated Frets
New York, Jan. .TO. The reac
tionary movement of the week WM
chfiecked definitely to-day and prices
rose in spirited fashion. Bullish trad
ers, convinced that professional at
tacks would no longer provoke llqulda-
J? 1 . ■ up P r ' c ® s confidently. The
optimistic feeling in foreign markets
was reflected In purchases for foreign
account, which assisted the rise.
Denial from Washington of recent
reports that important developments
in the Mexican situation were imminent
removed an obstacle to bullish specu
lation. Gains of one to two point* were
well distributed through the list. The
decision of the Federal Courts agalnsi
the railroads in the Missouri rate case
led to selling of some Western railroad
stocks shortly before noon, and Mis
souri Paoiflc reacted a point.
Bonds were firm.
Furnished by H. XV. INAVBLY,
Arcade Building,
New York, Jan. 30.
... _ , Open. 2.30 P.M.
Alaska Gold Mines . 22% 22%
Amal. Copper 75 % 76%
American Can 38% 8 4 vi
American Can pfd.. 95 95%
Am. C. & F 49% 61%
Am. Ice Securities.. 25% 25%
Am. Locomotive ... 35% 36%
American Smelting. 68% 69%
American T. & T. . . 123% 123%
Anaconda 37 % 37%
Atchison xd. 1 %... 97% 98%
B. & O. x d. 3 04% 951^
Bethlehem Steel .. . 35% 36%
Bethlehem Steel pfd 77^
Brooklyn R. T 91 91 4
California Petroleum 26 27T4
California Pet. pfd .62 62
Canadian Pacific ... 215 217%
Central Leather ... 27% 28
Chesapeake & Ohlb. 66% 66 v.
niii M " % St P 104 % 105%
Chlno Con. Copper . 40% 41V;
Consolidated Gas ..13 5'% 186%
Corn Products 12% 12%
Erie sos i j/
Erie i«t pfd 48 £
General Electric Co. 146 146
Goodrich, B. F 22 22
Goodrich, B. F„ pfd'. 86% 87
Great Northern, pfd. 128% 129%
Great Nor. Ore subs.. 37 38
Illinois Central 113% 113%
Tnterboro-Met 15% 15 a/
Tnterboro-Met. pfd.. 62 62
Lehigh Valley 154% 154%
Mex. Petroleum ... 62% 67%
Mo., Kan. & Texas .23% 23%
Missouri Pacific 28% 28%
Nev. Con. Copper . . 16% 16%
* e^ Y ° rlt Central •• 94 % 95%
N. Y., N. H. &H. .. 73% 75%
Norfolk & Western. 104% 104%
Northern Pacific ... 114% 115%
Pacific Mall 26% 26%
Penna. R. R 1 14
People's Gas & Coke 122% 122%
Pittsburgh Coal ... 22 n%
Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 91 91%
Pressed Steel Car .. 4 2 41 %
Ray Con. Copper ..19 19
g eadl "K 168% 169%
Rep. Iron & Steel . 24% 25%
Rep. Iron & S. pfd. 88% 88 '
Rock Island 14%
Rock Island pfd.... 21% 214
Southern Pacific ... 97 981/
Southern Railway . 26% 26%
Southern Ry. pfd... 8% 8%
Tennessee Copper . 34% 35
Texas Company ... 144% 145%
Union Pacific 161% 163
U. S. Rubber 59% 591/
U. S. Steel 64% 66%
U. S. Steel pfd 11174 111%
Utah Copper 54% 54%
Va. Car. Chem. ... 31% 31%
Wabash pfd 9 % ] 0
Westinghouse Mfg.. 70 70
Wool Worth 98% 98%
Hearings on Trust
Legislation Opened
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Jan. 30.—Hear
ings on proposed trust legislation em
bracing President Wilson's recom
mendations for trust reform were in
augurated to-day by the House com
mittee on inter-state and foreign com
merce. While the committee had only
the inter-state trade commission bill
before it In printed form, Chairman
Adamson said information would be
sought from the witnesses on general
subpjects, including the proposed rail
ways securities bill, and other phases
of the trust question over which his
committee- will have jurisdiction.
Catholics Can Only See
Plays on "White List"
By Associated Press
New York, Jan. 30. Hereafter
there will be a censorship according
to the standards of the Roman Cath
olic Church of every play on the New-
York stage and after February 2,
when the Catholic theater movement
will be launched, no member of the
church in good standing may see any
play not on te "white list." There will
be 110 black list.
and others upon their own names
Cheap rate*, easy payments, confiden
Adama A Co., R. 804, 8 N. Market 9fl.
Our facilities for handling lumber are the best in
the city ; we are, therefore, able to furnish GOCD
Wittenmyer Lumber Co.,
rtass <%Tyin:vrsJiy?j';f.s. ONMT METiioDa ■■
If roil »o elsewhere Let us prove this to your satisfaction AnA ««<■
ATION We make good our promises. Come and ae« us. Writ* or
pnont to
Pennsylvania Investment Company
Office Hourai 8A.M.t06 P. M. Saturday, BA.M. to tUO P. H.
To Worklngiiien and I louse keepers
910.00 and Upwards No Publicity
At Legal Rates
Strictly confidential. Private room for ladles.
Bell Phone U M. Market Square Take llmtet
Licensed by tke State of Prnasylvanla.
Furnished by H. XV. SfIAVBLY,
Arvade Building.
Chicago, ill., Jan. 80.
Open. High. Low. Clot.
May 98% #3% 93% 93%
July 89% 89% 88% 89%
May 67% 67% 66% 66%
July 65% 86 65% 66%
May 39% 40% 39% 39%
July 39% 39% 89% 39%
Philadelphia, Jan. 80. Wheat
Steady; No. 2, red, export, 96% 097o;
No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, sl.ol©
Corn Steady; new. No. 2, yellow,
natural, local, 69%®70%c; new, iNo. 2,
yellow, kiln dried, local, 72073 c.
Oats—-Steady; No. 2, white, 45%@44c.
Bran Market firm; winter, per
ton, 127.5016)28.00; spring, per ton,
Refined Sugars Market firm;
powdered, 4.15 c; fine granulated, 4.060;
confectioners' A, 8.95 c; Keystone. A.
3.90 c.
Butter The market Is lower;
western, creamery, extras, 27c; nearby
prints, fancy, 30c.
Eggs The market is steady;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases, $10.50 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $10.20 per case:
western, extras, firsts, free cases, £10.60
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $10.30
per case.
Live Poultry Weak; fowls. 15%#
16% c; youn chickens, 13®16%c;
broiling chickens, 16%4»17c; old roost
ers, 11012 c; ducks, 16®llc; do., spring
ducks, 16017 c; geese, 15017 c; turkeys,
16® 18c.
Dressed Poultry Weak; fowla,
western, fancy, heavy, 17018o; do.,
medium sl*es, 16016 c; do., small,
12® 14c; old roosters, 14c; roast
ing chickens, fancy, 19020 c; broil
ing' chickens, fancy, 20® 23c; do., fair
1 4 018 c; turkeys, fancy, 24025 c; do.,
fair, 20023 c; ducks, 110190; geese,
11016 c.
Potatoes—Weaker; New York and
Eastern, 78@80c; Western, par bushel,
78080 c; Jersey, per basket, 20025 c.
Flour—The market Is steady; winter,
clear, $3.75®) 4.00; straights, Penn
sylvania, $4.1504.80: western, $4,250
4.40; patents, $4.5004.85: Kansas,
straight, Jute sacks, $4.1004.80; spring,
' sts, clear. $4.U004.20; straight.s4.2U(J
4.40; patents. $4.60(3)4.65.
Hay The market Is weak: tim
othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.60019.00;
No. 1, 1. medium bales, $18.00018.60; NO.
2, $17.00® 17.50; No. 3. $14.00015.00,
Clover mixed: Light, mixed, $17,000
17.50; No. 1. $16.00016.60; No. 2. $14.(0
Chicago, 111., Jan. 30. Hogs Re
ceipts, 13,000; strong. Bulk of sales,
$8.258.45; light, $8.1008.87%; mixed.
$8.1608.45; heavy, $8.1608.60; pigs,
Cattle Receipts, 1,000; strong.
Beeves, $6.8009.50: Texas steers, $6.60
08.00; stockers and feeders, $5.4008.00;
cows and heifers, $3.6005.50; calves.
Sheep Receipts, 6,000; steady. Na
tive. $4.8006.00; yearlings, $6.8006.90;
lambs, native, $6.7507.90.
Prisoner Makes Trouble
at County Prison
John Malley, the Italian from
Marysville with whom Pennsylvania
Railroad police had trouble at Union
Statllon on Wednesday when he tried
to kill an o%cer, has given Warden
Caldwell trouble at the county jail.
His actions led to an examination by
a physician, who said he is demented.
This morning he suddenly became
violent and had to be put in a soli
tary cell. An effort will be made to
have him returned to Perry county.
A Full Set CT
of Teeth, r J
Come In the morning. Have
your teeth made the nine day.
Plates repaired on short notion
810 Market Street.
Open Days and lilvonlngg.
Horses For Sale
All In flrat-ol&ra condition. W«
have more than we need for the
United Ice & Coal Co.,
Forster and Oowden St*.