Members of Crew Killed When "Pennsy" Train Is Wrecked Near Conemaugh HARRISBURG SSllii TELEGRAPH LXXXITI— No. 25 Immigrant Children in Harrisburg Brighter and Better Than Native-Born So Asserts Mrs. Anna H. Wood After Study of the Local Situation THEY POSSESS ALMOST UNCANNY APTITUDE "They Are a Force to Be Reckoned With" in Future, Writer Say* (This Is the flrst of a series of articles or the immigrant child and the schools, as observed by Mrs. Anna H. Wood. What Harrisburg is doing for these little foreign born newcomers and how they take to study will be her theme.] By Mrs. Anna H. Wood Quietly but steadily, like the un noticed growth of a plant which will suddenly burst Into leaf, is the hold which the immigrant people are ob taining upon the life of America. With the work of the average foreign adult in industrial plants and elsewhere we are familiar but the rising genera tion which is filling our public schools Is a force to be reckoned with. These children possess an almost uncanny ability to grasp our tongue and our teaching, hiving in homes where only their mother tongue is used they yet learn to speak English freely in a few months. Mike Costa, a dark-eyed, young Roumanian boy of the foreign quar ter. speaks and reads Hungarian. Eng lish and Roumanian. His shrewd handsome face is full of ambition. And he is only one of hundreds. When a certain Italian family came to this "land of promise" a year and a half ago they all passed the rigid examination of Ellis Island but the youngest son, a boy of seven. Re cause of a serious eye condition he was sent back. Until cured, a matter of little over a year, he remained with his grandmother in Italy and then came alone to America to join his peo ple. He has been in one of our schools two weeks and can read fluently from the first reader by the present system of sound reading, although as yet, un able to understand the meaning of the words he utters. All Nationalities Bright This apptitude is not confined to na tionality but is the same among the Germans. Hungarians, Roumanians, Poles or Russian Jews. The constant tendency of the par wits is to take the children out of •school to put them into factories. Against this the teachers have to keep viligant watch. However, they have a wholesome dread of American law. < »ne father who recently insisted that his child should help to bring in the family income was visited by a boy pupil sent in place or the truant of ficer because of his knowledge of the Roumanian tongue. The irate parent fContinued on Pace S] LARGE OIL TANKKR UUNCHEI) By .Associated Press Newport News. Va.. Jan. 29.—The John D. Archbold. largest oil tanker ever built, was launched here to-da.v with a ceremony which President Archbold. of the Standard Oil Com pany, and many officials and guests came on a special train to attend. Mrs. M. M Vanburen. of New York, Mr. Archbold's daughter, christened the ship. MNOiiKUJI INVENTOR DIES By Associated Press Miami, Fla., Jan. 29. David N. Melvin, of Port Richmond, Staten Island, said to have been the inventor of linoleum, died at his winter home here Tuesday night of heart failure. Late News Bulletins ICE IN RIVER MAY GORGE »w..fcln t L. r^. or c from . ,he l,K ; al WCA,her bureau are that the Ice lias r lv,r at Clearfleld at I.SO this afternoon. The river stage is 4 feet 5 inches and it is rising. It may possibly gorge somewhere in west branch. 1 J J "'V 2» —Because of the mild weather and conse- demand Tor anthracite coal, the collieries of the Sus- ' a Pe " n *J' ,vania Railroad Corporation, will Miut clown to-night for the* remainder of tlie week . p ekta«. < hlna. Jan. 29—A hill prescribing the worship of Ileaven ( ''"m "" ■ *. 'J 10 T, 7' >i,,rn ' «' f'e Chinese republic was passed administrative council which took the place of the Chi nes Parliament, recently dissolved by President Yuan Shi Hal. The measure «as submitted to the council by Yuan Shi Kal himself. Washington, Jan. 29.—Lucy Bums, vice-chairman of the Con gre* ional Lnion for Women s suffrage, to-day wrote President Wilson a " y 11°* non ' he I >art of that organization to attack Mrs Me/tiiT*^. S , wa * oh " ree , ,, a letter to the President from AsßOdatfon or " ,,< k ' of the NaUonal American Woman's Suffrage . JL' os A"®*". Jan. 29.—According to an anonymous letter recelv ? J? a , "joralng paper, Francis Lewi (lark. Uie Spokane milUonalre ransom of $75,000 by "blackmailers" In or near this £j y " « £ disappeared from Santa Barbara January 17 after seeine It \ ra '.l anl ' Was lhoUKht to have committed suicide by tnrowing himself iu the oceai*- Washington, Jan 29.—Administration rural credit bills were in troduced simultaneously in the Senate and House to-day. The hills behitroduc«d o lat°r* term farn< loa " 8 ' BiUs for short Urm loan s wlu Washington, Jan. 29.—President Wilson to-day wore a red carna tion in memory of the late President McKlnley. . Jan -„ 2 J?I —A J 1 "" 11 of n,,l,:ant suffragettes to-day besieged tlie archbishop of Canterbury, the KnglLsli primate, in Lambeth Palace and eventually forced hint to capitulate and receive one or their num ber in order to discuss the Question of forcible feeding. ""J York, Jan. 2»—The market rlcmrcl weak. Stock* were liberally ■applied to purrhnnrra, whlek encouraged the bear faction to attack pricea vtjtoroualy. Wcakneaa of Induatrlal atocka, particularly ateel, had mnrh to do with undermining tke market for ataadard railroad akarea. New York, Jan. 29.—Closing—Amalgamated Copper. 74%; Ameri can Smelting, 68%; Atchison, 99%; Baltimore & Ohio, 97%; Brooklyn Rapid Transit, 91%; Canadian Pacific, 213 >4; Chesapeake & Oh'lo 66%; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, 104: Lehigh Valley, 153%- Xew York Central, 91%; Northern Pacific, 114%; Reading, 168; Southern Pacific, 96*4; Union Pacific, 161; United States Steel, 64%; Pennsylva nia Railroad. 111. bs ■ BK, -- ■ OWEN EDISON GRIMM DAUPHIN I BOY NAMED BY KBEIDER FOR IVY SCHOOL Harrisburger Is First Alternate; Lebanon Youth Nominated as Second i Special to The Telegraph Washington. D. C., Jan. 29.—Con gressman Aaron S. Krelder, of the Eighteenth Congressional District, this morning nominated for a scholarship to United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. Owen Edison Grimm, of Pillow, Dauphin county. Aa first alternate ' 'orHTtescman Krei dei named Clayton Koss Willis, of 1500 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Joseph Albert Thomas, 209 Eehmanj street, I.ebanon, Pa., was nominated' as second alternate. Owen Edison Grimm is the son of Professor C. L. Grimm, of Pillow, this county. He gets flrst chance at the appointment. If he fails in the en trance examinations, the flrst alternate will take the examination, and if lie fails, the second. Young Grimm is one of the best known young men in the upper end of the county. He is both studious and athletic and is thoroughly pre pared for entrance to the academy, service in the navy having been long an ambition. He was notified of his appointment by telegram to-day. Clayton Ross Willis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Willis, 1500 Market. The young man is now a student of the Technical High School, being a member of the Senior class. SHOE MEN PROTEST By Associated pres.- Washington, " Jan. 29.—Shippers' protests against the proposed five per cent, general increase of freight rates in official classification territory again occupied Examiner Gerry of the Inter state Commerce Commission to-day, the boat and shoe industry representa tives being heard. CONFERENCE ON WABASH OPENS By Associated Press St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 29.—A confer ence between the receivers and bond holders of the Wabash Railroad was begun here to-da.v and was looked up up by the local financiers as the "be ginning of the end" of the road'a re ceivership. HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 29, 1914. *SB•• • ft :j " ' ; • R JBEMSE J'JH* **" J^ v --> ■•» Z >■ ■aßpfSi te From left to right, Generals Flero, Villa. Ortego and Medina. Pancho Villa, and the men who remained with him now seem to be the strongest force in Mexico outside of President Huerta himself. The ox-bandit, who some weeks ago was merely one of the generals of the forces led by Provisional President Carranza, has by his numerous victories at Juarez, Chihuahua and Ojinaga risen to overshadow his chief. For weeks Mexicans fighting Huerta have been anxious for the time when Villa and Car ranza would get together for a concerted attack on Huerta. but so far th*re has been no move of this kind. Thero are now grave douhts if Villa will recognize the authority of Carranza. Men familiar with the Mexican situation insist that Villa will now go it alone. If he does not feel strong enough to march on Mexico City, they believe, he will hold what he has in Chihuahua and adjacent territory, and thus virtually set up a government of his own. GOETHIUS TO ACCEPT Pill CilL ZONE JOB, SAYS QAIISON Terms of Acceptance Not Made Known by Secretary of War Goethals' Nomination Forwarded to Senate By Associated Press Washington. D. C., Jan. 29. President Wilson sent the nomina tion of Colonel Ueorge W. Goethals. to be Governor of the Panama Canal zone after April 1, to the Senate to day. —_—_————— By Associated Press Washington, D. C„ Jan. 29.—Secre tary Garrison announced to-day that Colonel George W. Goethals had sig nified his intention of accepting the governorship of the Panama Canal Zone to be proffered him by President Wilson. "I am not able to give out the terms of Colonel Goethals' acceptance at the present time," said Secretary Garri son, "but it was whole and complete. When President Wilson sends his name to the Senate I shall probably be able to make an interesting state ment." As chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission, Colonel Goethals now is paid 515,000 a year. The Panama Canal act fixes the salary of the gov ernor at SIO.OOO. Representative Brit ten, of Illinois, to-day Introduced a bill to amend the law to make the salary of the governor 515,000 so long as Colonel Goethals holds the office. To Build St Lawrence's Roman Catholic Church at 6th and Forster Sts. St. 1-awrence's German Catholic Church will be located at Sixth and Forster streets, it was learned from an authoritative source to-day. It is said that the School Board has been asked to name a price by Bishop John W. Shanahan, and that, a satisfactory agreement has been reached in the matter. As Bishop Shanahan is not in the city, the official conlirmation of the story could not be obtained. Mem bers of the building committee, which yesterday met to fix the price of the old St. Paul's Chapel, have nothing to say on the matter. It is said the School Board will approve the terms of a private sale of the property at its meeting on February 6. COMMITKE FAVORS INQUIRY WITH WHITMAN IN CHARGE By Associated Press Albany, N. Y., Jan. 29.—The Joint! Republican committee appointed to recommend a policy with reference to a complete legislative investigation of the affairs of the State reached an In formal agreement to-day but declined to give any information relating to it. It was reported, however, that the committee is in favor of an investiga tion of a special committee of eight' assemblymen with District Attorney Whitman in charge. PANCHO VILLA WITH THREE OF HIS GENERALS LONDON FINANCIERS IMPATIENT AT LACK GF ACTION BYWILSON Commercial Body May Ask Great Britain to Join France and Germany By Associated Press London. Jan. 2 9. —Relations of the ; United States with Great Britain in [ regard to the Panama Canal tolls; the j controversy between Washington and | Tokio over the California land owner ! ship legislation, ynd President Wil ! soil's policy toward Mexico, are the subjects of lengthy dispatches to-day from British newspaper correspond ents in Washington, but there is a singular lack of editorial comment on these questions. The Pall Mall Gazette is the only newspaper to mention Mexico edi torially. It says: "President Wilson has laid himself open to a charge of having chalked up 'No Huerta' and then run away. It is a position that becomes worse for the prestige of the Washington government every day on which nothing happens." Financiers here interested in Mexico are becoming Impatient at the lack of action shown by President Wilson. A meeting of the Melxcan section of the London Chamber of Commerce is to be called shortly to discuss the replies to a circular recently sent out to its members asking them for their views "as to whether it will be advisable for Great Britain to join with France and Germany in asking President Wilson to take some steps to adjust the finan cial position of Mexico." Reading Seeking U. S. Armor Plate Plant Special to The Telegraph Reading, Pa., Jan. 29.—A United States armor plate plant for Reading is requested in a resolution offered at the meeting of City Council yester day afternoon. The measure also calls for a survey of the Schuylkill river from Philadelphia to Reading with a view to deepening the channel and making it navigable. The deepening of the Schuylkill channel would not be as much of an engineering feat nor so expensive as the proposed deepening of the Dela ware river as far as Kaston, it is as serted. The Schuylkill has less fall for the same distance and the present average depth is greater than that of the Delaware, it is said. The co-operation of the Chamber of Commerce will be enlisted. There are numerous farms along the river, in or just beyond the city, that would make splendid sites for such a plant. HOUSE TO GET RADIUM BILL By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Jan. 29.—Final consideration of the bill proposing Federal regulation of radium produq-j tion in the United States was under taken by the House mines committee I to-day, with the expectation of pend ing the redrafted measure to the House with the committee's approval, before night. MUSS EVA BOOTH IMPROVES By Associated Press 'New York, Jan. 29.—Miss Eva Booth, head of the Salvation Army in ' this country, spent a restful night and was better this morning, according to anouncement made at the army bar- i racks, where she has been confined to bed for more' than a week. It was said that she probably would be out again within a wetik unless complica tions developed. COITIONS m men SCHOOL REDUCE BEST STUDENTS' HGES Report For First Half Year Shows Big Falling Off in 92 Per Cent. Class Cramped conditions at the Central high school, requiring a double session day, has worked its greatest hardship on the bright pupils, according to the report of standing for the first half year. The report was read in chapel this morning. Only 45, or 5 per cent, of the pupils in the high school, are classed in the 92 per cent, class. Of these 16 are seniors. Professor Steele in comment ing on the number this morning said that this number is about three-fifths of the number of high grade students in other years. The number of 92 per cent, students has been falling off steadily in the last few years. "The average of the students is about the same as last year, I am glad to say," Professor Steele re marked. This average varies among the classes, the freshman class lead ing the school with u class average of 84.86 per cent. The seniors are next with 84.03 per cent. The juniors are rated at 81.32. The "sophs" come along behind with 80 per cent. Two hundred and sixty-seven of the Sfil pupils listed attained an average of 87 per cent, or over. The seniors [Continued on Page 12] College Presidents Pleased With Training Camp at Gettysburg By Associated Press ' Washington, Jan. 29.—The work of j the student army camps undertaken | last summer at Gettysburg, Pa., and near Monterey, Cal., and to be con ' ducted on a larger scale this season, is commended in a statement from | nine university and college presidents 1 made public at the War Department i to-day. I "The military instruction," says the ! statement, "was thorough, the disci pline was strict; but.the work was so i well arranged that It caused enjoy iment rather than hardship. The food, I sanitation and medical care were | good and the lessons received by the i students in these matters were scarce ; ly less valuable than the military in struction itself. We commend these camps to the attention of college au thorities as a most important adjunct | to the educational system of the United States, furnishing the student a | healthful and profitable summer j course at moderate expense." | The statement is signed by Presi dents Hibben, Princeton; Lowell, Harvard; Hadley, Yale; Flnley Col lege of the city of New York; Hutch ins, Michigan; Denny, Alabama; (Nichols, Virginia Military Institute;; Wheeler, California, and Drinker, Le high. Safe Resists Robbers in Eldorado Post Office Special to The Telegraph Altoona, Pa., Jan. 29.—Breaking into the post office at Eldorado last night, by cutting a hole In the door and reaching through and opening the i lock, burglars ransacked the place and made oft with |l3 worth of stamps, $3.25 in money and SSC worth j of merchandise belonging to Postmas-1 ter A. Shew, who conducted a store i along the post office. They missed the big loot In the safe, which resisted all efforts to open • it. postal funds, stamps and valuable .papers were inside. Mrs. Gerhold and Mother Arrested on Charge of Murdering Floyd Keller "Isaac Heckman Did It, I Saw Him," Prisoner Says; Hopes "Hell Will Burn Him to a Cinder;" Sordid Tale of Love Gone Wrong Revealed by State Police in Franklin County Chambersburg. Pa., Jan. 29. Charged with the murder fourteen months ago of Floyd Keller. Mrs. Zelila Keller Gerhold and her mother, Mrs. Reuben Rlcker, were arrested to-day and committed to jail without bail. The tirst named woman was Keller's wife and since his death she married John Lewis Gerhold. The latter wedding occurred December 31, 1913. Keller, a prosperous farmer, died ROAD DRUGS MIGHT BE USED TO MUCH IflM NOW Lancaster Man Says They Could Make Highways Passable Until Reconstructed Dr. Donald McCaskey, of Witmer, Lancaster county, appeared unexpect edly at this morning's session of the State Hoard of Agriculture to outline to the board what he regards as nn entirely feasible plan to get good roads throughout the State while the road advocates are planning ways and means of finance and waiting for the Legislature to act. Mis idea is proper use of the King split-log road drag and he demonstrated his points with lantern slides of the "before and after taking" type. "I came up here to-day," said Dr. McCaskey, "because Governor Tener, according to newspaper reports, yes terday appealed for help on the road question. Here It is. Let the State Highway .Department have these road drags In use ail over the State. You need nothing else for Improvlog the roads you now have." "The cost Is, trifling." ho explained. "Whatever financing: plan may be de vised, you cannot get the money for about eighteen months. Use the drag in the meanwhile. Our roads cost lis S3O per mile the first year, sl2 the second and $5 the third. "The Highway Department probably has sufficient money for this work. If not, let the farmers and supervisors do it themselves. You'll have some trouble. When T was supervisor in my township and first began to use this drag an injunction was obtained from the court to prevent me using it. The injunction didn't stand, but here's [Continued on Page ll.] Emperor's Reply First to Cross Atlantic Ocean By Associated Press Washington, Jan. 29. —■ Emperor William's acknowledgement of Presi dent AViison's birthday greetings is said to have been the first official wireless message between the United I States and Germany. The emperor's reply was at the State Department to-day where a suitable reply was I being framed. The wireless came di |rect from a station in Germany, across ] the Atlantic to a commercial station at Tuckerton, N. J., and on overland * wires to Washington. ! Whites Are Prohibited From Teaching Negroes Special to The Telegraph I Columbia. S. C., Jan. 29.—The lower (branch of the General Assembly yes terday passed the Former bill pro hibiting white persons from teaching 'in colored schools. Amendments to Hhe measure adopted provided "that the provision of this bill shall apply to closer Intimacy of the races," and that the bill shall include "white nurses employed In colored hospitals jor t? nurse colored patients at any hospital or sanatorium." | A State hospital for the study and j treatment of pellagra would be estab lished in South Carolina under a bill | favorably reported by the Senate Fl- I nance Committee. The measure would (appropriate an initial fun of $35,00 for | the purpose. UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN U. S. AND JAPAN IS HOPED FOK By Associated Press Tokio, Japan, Jan. 29.—Hopes are expressed in official circles here to day that a basis of understanding on the California Alien Land Owner ship question will be found by the United States and Japanese govern ments which are both actively seeking a solution. The chief concern here at present 'seems to be a big regard to future | legislation in America and it is said any additional enactments unfavor able to Japan would be considered a serious menace to the traditional friendship of the two countries. AUTO HIT MAN John C'alahan, who says his home is In Boston, Mass., last night was struck bv an autolst, whose name has not been le'arned, on the Mulberry street bridge. At the .Harrisburg Hospital he was found to have a fractured right hip ano lacerations of the head. The driver of the car brought the injured man to the hospital and left without giving his name. MECHANICS' BANK READY APRIL By April 1 the Mechanics' Bank will be located on the first floor of the new eight-story Mechanics' Bank Building, at Third and Market streets. The build ing will be finished by the end of March and, acordlng to C. A. Kunkei, cashier of the bank, more than half the offices have been rented. 12 PAGES * POSTSCRIPT. on the night of November 9, I#ll, and chemical analysis developed that the stomach contained enough poison to kill four men. The case was sur rounded with mystery until letters written by Mrs. Keler to Isaac Heck man, her alleged lover, came to light. The State police took up the case and to-day arrests resulted. When arrested Mrs. Gerhold ex fContinued on Pnffo 7] THREE MEMBERS OF PENniCHEW HILLED 111 WRECK Engineer Unable to See Block Signals Because of Heavy Fog Over Tracks By Associated Press Pittsburgh, Jan. 29.—Pennsylvania passenger train No. 19, New York to Pittsburgh, was wrecked near Cone maugh. Pa., to-day, when It ran Into a freight train going west. Three members of the crew were killed and one was injured. The passenger train was running at a high rate of speed when as it rounded a curve, the engineer saw the lights of the freight train directly in front. He applied the emergency brakes, but the heavy engine crashed into the caboose killing A. D. Richey, conductor of Youngwood, Pa.; A. Lelchliter, brakeman, of Youngwood, Pa., and H. C. Parnell, flagman, Al toona. Pa., and Injuring H. W. Todd, brakeman, Youngwood, Pa. The engine and the mall car on the passenger train were derailed, blocking three tracks. Passengers were tossed about by the force of the collision, but none was seriously hurt. A heavy fog hung over the valley and the engineer of the passenger train was unable to see the signals of the automatic block system with which the division f s equipped. For Hnrrlshurg and vicinity! Un nrttldl to-night and Friday! prob ably occasional light rain) warm er to-night, nlth lowest tempera •turc about 48 degrees) colder Friday; much colder Friday night. For Eastern Pennsylvaniai Unset tled to-night and Friday, prob ably loeal rains; warmer to-night, colder Friday) brisk south and aouthweat wlnda. River The rlrer and Its principal trlhu tarlea will continue to rise alow ly to-night and Friday and local movements of Ice are probable. General Conditions The western atorm ha* been divid ed by n strong high preaaure area attended by a cold wave that has moved Inland from the I'aclflc ocean and Is now central over Utah. The principal depression In located over Wisconsin and the secondary over Southern Texas. Temperature) 8 a. in., 38| 2 p. in* 43. Suni Rises, Tils a. m.{ aets, 5i22 P. m. Mooni New moon, tlrst quarter, February 3, 8i33 a. in. River Stage: 4.1 feet above low water mark. Yesterday's Weather Hlghrwt temperature, IHS. Loweat temperature, H Mean temperature, 44. Normal temperature, 28. MARRIAGE LICENSES Wayne Klalss. Steelton, and Anna Ruth Bowers, city. Leon Hartman and Virginia Millar. city. George R. Hartman and Hanna 18. Wllber, Lykens township. Caspar Gross and Stella M. Star, Gratz. N The Solid Gold Twins These two 24 karat angels of good fortune are called MIiR CHANDISK and SERVICE. When they are wedded In the Successful bond of ADVERTIS ING they become parents to all the children of PROSPERITY. Mr. Local Dealer: The work of the manufacturer might De said to end when he makes a good article and sells it to you at a fair, price. ilut he Is too wise to stop there. He assists you In service to the public by advertising his goods In the newspapers which your customers read. The manufacturer has already dono a little more than his share. Hp expects that you will at least let the public know that you have the goods. He expects you to furnish service. Only to the extent that you do give service arc you entitled to a profit? Link the right kind of service with tlie work of the manufac turer and see how taut your busi ness will grow. The Bureau of Advertising, American Newspaper Publishers Association, World Building New York, will gladly furnish without charge to manufacturers contem plating newspaper advertising campaigns special data on local conditions in all parts of the United States and Canada.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers