6 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Bitobluhtd lift PUBLISHED BT ID TELEGRAPH HUNTING CO. & J. STACK POLK, Prea't and Treas'r. Jf. R. OYSTER. Secretary, on 1L BTJEINMETZ, Managing Editor. Ynbllahed every evening (except Sun day), at the Telegraph Building, tit Federal Square. Xaatern Office, Fifth Avenue Building. New York City, Hasbrook, Story A Brooks. Western Office, 12J West Madison ■treet, Chicago, 111., Allen & Ward. Delivered by carriers at JrHißn" six cents a week. Mailed to subscriber! at 18.00 a year in advance. Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg as second class matter. ® The Association of Amer- ( 1 ican Advertisers has ex- / a mined and certified to i' j I > thacircaiatioaof thispab- / •,1 lication. The figures of circulation i I II aontaiaed in the Aesociation's re- i i 1 pert only are guaranteed. i '! Asseciation of American Advertisers ; i No. 2333 Whftihill Bldg. N. T. City ! ' ■ ween dally average (or the iralo, President of the Dayton Shoe Co., The Rev. T. P. Wilson, City Mlsson; J. C. Newcomer, Alderman; James WQson, Railroader and Alva Metzger, Mechanic. IT WILL BE FULL OF INSPIRATION AND HELP ITtie Singing ts a Big Feature at rAlir All of These Meetings-Help Us Your Will aid Its I Many Advantages 1 111 The advantages of mak- BHI H a will are these: You jy PI Mi name your executor in stead of leaving the ap- ||j L—-———J pointment to the court. Uaupmn powers of administration |i which the other would Deposit not have. j| You select a guardian of Trust known responsibility for your children. Comoanv ou are assurec * °* having ; " * your estate managed and set- . tied as you would do it your -213 Market St. self , ~„«««« And a Trust Company is the Capital, $300,000 • j j most experienced and respon surpius, $300,000 s^}e executor you can choose. J Open for deposits Saturday evening from 6 to 8. A SESSION with MOJA All- Havana quality is worth more to the smoke critic than a dime's worth of nickel cigars. MOJA lOc CIGARS are worth the dime every time. They get right down to "brass tacks" at the first puff and keep on the job of sat isfying right through to the end. Made by Jmhn C. Herman & Co. ♦UMjAimWBURfr-fMpy- " I Y&AR3 AftOTCH>Ay-1 [From the Telegraph of Jan. 24* 1164.] Many Recruit Large numbers of men arrlp* here daily and are mustered into the ser vice of their Uncle, who In retmfn for their patriotism, rewards them with a liberal bounty. Bully for Uncfea Sam, the recruits and greenbacks. Ask For Bids The superintendent of th% State Lunatic Hospital advertises for pro posals ftor supplying the hospl'tyl with fresh and corned beef, during ttte year. Proposals will be received until Friday morning next. t>ewß*DißP«rcftea~ 1 I -Qf-The- civnogAß f [From the Telegraph of Jan. 2«, lIM.] Rebel Soldiers Desert Cincinnati, Jan. 23. A speotal dis patch to the Commercial, dwted the 21st, says that the orders of tEe rebel Government requiring soldiers to serve three years more, caused hundreds of them to desert. Fifty-six cam* in to day in one squad. Rebels to Raid Kentockit Cincinnati, Jan. 23. A special Louisville dispatch to the Gazette says that city is filled with an in tended raid into Kentucky, it is said the raiders will enter the State bv three different points. Three hundred rebel prisoners from Knoxville arrival at In dianapolis on Saturday. The Commercial Situation The country's commercial conditions are classified by statisticians Into nln«e groups. Each month a report is issued by this institution covering the actual situation in these nine groups. Every businessman should have a copy of these reports. We want to send It to him without charge. If you are not on our mailing list do not hesitate to request tho letter by mail, phone, or in person. Immediate attention will bring the February report, which is about ready for mailing. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY 222 Market Street