Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 24, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Big Machine Shop and Foundry to
Ble Erected at Flinch
baugh Works
160 New Books For Circulation
Added During the Past
By Special Correspov.dciu t
Pa.. Jan. 2 4.—l.and for
the new Fllnchbaugh shops was sur
veyed this week and the plans havo
been Approved by the building com
mitteeu The committee has decided to
erect two buildings, a machine shop
and foundry. The former will be 80
l»y 200 feet. —G. F. Zlegler has sold
his double dwelling in East Baltimore
street to J. E. Shrader.—Miss Ruth
Johnston, daughter of G. M. Johnston,
near Greencastle, underwent an op
eration. for appendicitis at the Cham
bersburg Hospital this week.—A. T.
Gordon has been confined to his home I
by Illness. —Dr. Charles Henneherger, |
Portland, Ore., was called to Green
castle this week by the death of his
father, George Henneberger, which
occurred in the < "hambersburg Hos
pital on Monday.—The Rev. Dr. 1. X.
Peightel. spent Sunday in Frederick.
Md. His pulpit was filled by the |
Rev. Dr. A. C. Witt in ore, of Wayne
borg.—Miss Phyllis Philips returned
home this week from the Chambers
burg Hoepital, where she recently un
derwent an operation for appendicitis.
—Oliver Stewart, Chicago, delivered
an eloquent temperance lecture in
Grace Reformed Church on Monday
evening.—The new officers of the cir
culating library havo organized for
the ensuing year. The book commit
tee added 160 new books to the
library the past year. Mrs. Jacob
Shank has returned from a visit to
New York.—Mrs. John Baer and son
are spending a month with relatives
at Washington, D. C. —Mrs. William
Weakley has returned to York after a
sojourn with her parents. Dr. and Mrs.
J. A. Keepers.—Mrs. H. H. Bally spent
the past week in New York. lra
Strite has been confined to his home
with rheumatism.
Personal News Items
From Nearby Towns in
Central Pennsylvania
By Special Correspondence
I.emoyiit*—John Boyer, of York, was
the guest of friends here, this week.—
L. M. Bricker, of the West Shore
Bakery, visited friends in Baltimore,
this week.—Mrs. William Sherman is
spending some time in Florida. —Ches-
ter Lefever spent Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lefever,
near Lisburn.—Floyd Hemp, of New
Cumberland, was a Sunday visitor of
Margaret Kunkle. Mabel Baker is
visiting friends in York. C. H. How
ard is undergoing treatment in a
Baltimore hospital. Robert Cr. Bit
ting, of Bynum. Montana, spent the
week with friends here. —William L.
Sansoni, of Clarion, Pa.. was the
guest of Mrs. Raymond Fettrow, on
Tuesday. —■ Mrs. Victor Shope is suf
fering with an attack of rheumatism.
—Pearl Jacobs, of Millerstoivn, is vis
iting her brother. B. S. Jacobs. Mr.
and Mrs. Russel May and son, Arthur,
of Richmond, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Fettrow, of Eberley's Mills, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
Fettrow, on Sunday.—Mrs. E. S. Jacobs
is ill with an attack of pneumonia—l.
B. Klinger, of Bethel, was the guest
of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Stupp,
this week.
Plketowu —Samuel Seigler, of Ilar
risburg, called on friends here, on
Wednesday. The Kev. Jonas Martin
spent several days tilts week with
friends In Harrlsburg. Miss Eliza
beth Shartzer, of Camp Hill, is the
guest of Mr .and Mrs. John Reed. ■ —
Mr. and Mrs. John Lingle spent Sunday
evening: with Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Strohm, near here. —G. \V. Fox was a
visitor in Harrlsburi?. on Thursday.—
Airs. Reuben Noll, of FishlnK Creek Val
lov, visited Mrs. Joseph Mummn, on
Monday.—Harry Shoemaker, of Beaver
Creek, on Sundav visited Simon Weaver
and family.—Miss Prlseilla Ramsey was
a. week-end fcuest of Mr. and Mrs. John
Westhafer, at Hershey. lsaac Seigcr,
of Fishing Creek Valley, spent Sun
dav with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Strohm.—
Miss lOmma Mcgonnel after spending
some time with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Cross, in lln rrisburg, returned lionie
on Monday. I). C. Runkie made a
business trip to Ifarrisburg. on Thurs
day. William Baker, of Harrisburg.
spent I his week witli Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Lingle.
ThninpNontiMvn Mrs. Marfrarctt"
BittinKer will make a two-month visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Edna Carpen
ter, at Trenton, N. J.—Mrs. Thomas
Haldeman is the guest of her mother.
Mrs. T. S. Thompson. Gilbert Ney
hart and Miss Lena Sowers will be mar
ried at her parents home, this evening.
—William R. Long attended the funeral
of his cousin. Mr. Manbeck, at Adams
burg. on Wednesday. Charles Spotts,
of New York, visited his mother, Mrs.
Spotts, a few day*.—Mrs. Staiiey has
had a very successful operation per
formed on her nlne-month-old* son in
the Methodist hospital, in Philadelphia.
—A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Thompson, and a daughter to Mv.
and Mrs. Charles Knight, last week.—
Mrs. Hostetter visited her mother, Mrs.
AUman, at Lowistown,
Sew Cumberland. Teachers, of
Elkwood and Lower Allen township
will attend a special teachers' meeting
at Lemoyne, on February 6. —Mr. and
Mrs. William Burns are visiting the
former's brother, at T.odi, Ohio.—Mr.
and Mrs. John Reutzei. of Elkwood,
spent Tuesday at Newville. The Rev.
Mr. Hutchinson, of Carlisle, visited
friends here, on Monday.—Mrs. William
Reed and Charles Kunkle visited Lee
Martin at Mt. Alto sanatorium. Dr.
and Mrs. Eby, proprietor oMhe Central
drug store, returned from a visit to
friends in York.—J. H. Reiff was at
Carlisle on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.
Gott, who have been sruests of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Bioderett. returned to
South Carolina. The Rev. A. S. Fa-
Bick, district superintendent. will
preach In the Methodist Church, Jan
uary SO. —Mrs. ITattie Hoffman, of Ft.
Wayne, Ind„ is visiting Airs. John Sny
der. The Rev. A. O. Stone preached
in the Methodist Chrch, on Tuesday
evening. The Rev. Mr. Leitz, pastor
of the United Brethren Church at
Chambersburg. visited friends here on
Thursday. Mrs. John Stare, of Pax
tang, spent Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Taylor, In Bridge street.
Kreitmer p. V. Thomas transact
ed business In Mlddtehurg' Inst week
—.Tames visited friends in
Lewlstown. A. H. Ttlonrh and Georce
Gordon visited at Mlddlebura- H
Kreamer visited friends In Sunbiirv,
on Sunday. Selln Meeklev trans
acted business In Mlddlebure.—Harry
Rome, of Malnevllle, Pa., visited his
parents this week.—Levt and George
Aurand were at Mlddleburpr on Mondav.
—Miss Mull was shopplne in
Sellnsffrove. on Tuesday. William
Ttaucli. of Seattle, Wash.', nald a visit
here on Tuesday, H. n. Meek of
SelinSßrove, was here on Monday.
T.emoyne. Pa., Jan. 24.—Yesterday
sfternoon tbe hemoyne TTlffh School
Sewlntr Circle met at th« home of
Mi*s Clare Pepscr Miss Edith Mutn
iii.-. ■« fhe Instructor \''ter the rejru
lnr Viu9lne!«s was transacted refresh
ments were served.
Lieut. James Gordon Steese,
Injured Army Officer, Is
Native of Mt. Holly Springs
Special to The Telegraph
Mount Holly, Pa., Jan. 24. —Lieu-
tenant James Gordon Steese. who had
his leg broken in a coasting accident
in which one man was killed and sev
eral others injured at West Point Mili
tary Academy yesterday, is a son of
James A. Steese, of Mount Holly, who
is connected with the State Depart -
1 ment of and Industry at Har
| risburg. Lieutenant Steese Is a grad
[ uate of West Point and is in the engi
neering corps and is now assigned as
aa instructor there. He was appointed
to the Military Academy by the late
Congressman M. E. Olmsted.
Mrs. Edwin Bower Hostess
For Middleburg Thimble Club
By Special Correspondence
.Middleburg, Pa., Jan. 24.—Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Kreeger spent several days
in Philadelphia.—Jerome. Thompson,
of Wilkes-Barre, spent several days
with his brother James Thompson.—
Mrs. J. M. Barton, of Peru Lack, spent
several days with her brother. Prof.
R. M. Barton.—The Thimble Club was
entertained at the home of Mrs. Ed
win Bower, on Thursday afternoon. —
D. H'. Barton, of lowa, is visiting his
brother. Prof. R. M. Barton. —The
Rev. Humpher, of Mt. Union, will fill
the pulpit of the Lutheran Church,
Monday evening.—Waldo Witten
meyer, of Harrlsburg, was a business
caller in town, of Tuesday.—Fred
Stetler, of Northumberland, spent
Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Stetler. Superintendent of
schools, T. ,A. Stetler, is visiting the
schools in the eastern part of the
county this week.—Mrs. George W.
Wagenseller spent several days at the
home of Harry Harter in Sunbury.—
Waldo Stuck, of Northumberland, is
visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Mary Walter.—A. D. Gougler was a
business caller at Fremont and Dalma
tia Saturday night —T, A. Stetler spent
Saturday with his parents at Shamo
kin Dam. —Mrs. Lank Hare, whon un
derwent a surgical operation at the
German Hospital, Philadelphia, re
turned home on Tuesday much im
proved in health.—The county com
missioners made extensive improve
ments in the register's and recorder's
office in the courthouse this week.—
Mr. and Mrs. William Roush were
callers at Freeburg on Sunday.
Aged Woman Falls Over
Hot Stove and Is Burned
By Special Correspondence
MlllprNburK, Pa., Jan. 24. While C.
W. Hoch. a resident of East Union
street, was out doing the chores on
.Saturday, lus aged wife was stricken
with paralysis and rendered unconsci
ous. Mrs. Hoch, in failing, was badly
burned on one of her arms, which
rested on a hot stove, and which she
was unable to remove, her husband just
arriving in time to save her from a
horrible death. The aged woman has
not regained consciousness and tliero
are small hopes of her recovery.
Twenty-seven conversions are reported
from the United Brethren revival, in
progress at the ehurch, in Market
The condition of the Kev. ('.
G. white, who is receiving- treatment
In « Baltimore hospital, is not encour
hrihk. Mrs. T-f. I'., Mark ley. who un
dorwent an operation In the Medico
< hi Hospital. Philadelphia, last week,
Is reported as Improving:. John F.
Witnier, while hauling- a cake of ice
from the river, on Wednesday, slipped
0,1 a plank and injured one of his leg.v.
The J lev. J. Karl Bowman will preach
at the morning and evening: services in
the ljutheran Church to-morrow.
Thomas Radel, ferryman, is seriously ill
with eatarrhal fever at his home across
the river, opposite Millersburg. Wil
'?' ®ni I. \\ inercrt is home from Gary,
Ind.. where he had been emploved for
almost a year. The condi'tion oi
Henrv A\ ert, who Is a. patient in the
Harrlsburg Hospital, is said to be im
Bold Highwaymen Attempt
to Rob Physician on Road
Manhelnt. ,Tari. 24. The other night,
while Dr. s. Becker was driving along
a rather lonely road, his horse stumbled
over a log placed across tho road and
nearly fell. Two men sprang from the
side of the road, one going to the
horses head and the other turning a
flashlight into the doctor's face. But
the physician was too quick for tlleni,
and foiled them in their purpose by
giving his horse the whip and free
rein. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Galbraith
spent Sunday at the home of his broth
er, John Galbraith, at Landisville
Mr and Mrs. John Rutt spent Sundav
with his parents, at Ephrata. E C
Stuinp, sergeant of the hospital corps
at Fort DuPont, Del., is spending a brief
vacation with his sister. Mrs. J, B
Mowery, and brother, Thomas Stump.—
Charles Hendricks and David Hostet
ter, employed at Sparrow's Point Md
are visiting their parents.
Mrs. Über Entertained
Keystone Bible Class
Milroy, Pa., Jan. 24.—Many teachers
were at the institute held at Sigler
ville last Friday evening.—The Metho
dist people closed their evangelistic
meetings last Sunday night. Ten new
members were added to their church.—
Mrs. J. M. Über entertained the Key
stone Bible Class of the Lutheran
Church. About twenty-five were pres
ent. After the business session sev
eral live topics were ably discussed
and refreshments were served. Re
vival services are in progress at the
Congregational Church tills week. The
singing of the men from Edwardsvllle
Is quite an attraction. The men of
the Lutheran Church, will make the
"every member cahvass" in the near fu
ture.—Miss Margaret Romlg, teacher
at Woodlawn, was a Milroy visitor on
Tuesday evening. Miss Ruth Fultz
was at Lowistown visiting Mrs. Heid
er. Edward Hunt is visiting his
daughter. Mrs. D. K. Warfield is on
the sick 11st. Ned Thompson went
to Texas on a business trip The
Lutherans have ordered a new organ
for their church. Wilbur Norrla Is
still confined to the home with rheu
matism Mrs. C. E. Lykens had a
surprise pall for her husband in honor
of his birthday.
Wedding Dinner For Five
New.y Wedded Young Couples
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lemon Fasnacht Give Pleasant and Enjoy
able Affair at Their Ephrata Home
lSphratA, Pa., Jan. 24.—0n Sunday,
last Harry W. Hoi linger, son of Mr J
and Mrs. Andrew Bollinger, of near
Mill way, and Mis* Ellen S.. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ephralm S. Fa us, of
near Litltz, were united In marriage
by the Rev. A. S. Fahnestock at his
residence near Pottnville. A splendid
wedding dinner was served the same
doy at the home of the bride's par
ents.—Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Potts en
tertained a number of their friends at
their beautiful home in West Main
street, Ephrata. Gaines and music
were Indulged In and a tine luncheon
was served. Dr. Oeorgo S. Royer,
proprietor of Royer's drug store, Is
spending the week in New York city,
attending the sessions of the annual
meeting of the ..merican Druggists'
Syndicate, ho being a member of the
organization which has 17.0U0 mem
bers scattered throughout the coun
try.—A spelling bee will be held in
Lincoln on Saturday evening, Janu
ary 31, under the auspices of the
Lincoln secondary school, Curtis S.
Withers, teacher.—The Sunday school
of the First Reformed Church, Eph
rata, has elected these officers: Super
intendent, Thomas Schweitzer; assist
ant superintendent, A. C. Beam; sec
retary, Katie Bechtel; assistant secre
tary, Olive Moyer; recording secre
tary, Katie Krlch; treasurer, Mrs. Su
san Schweitzer; librarians, Katie
Kirme3 and Minnie Hagy; assistant
Northumberland Young People
Will Give Operetta in High
School in February
By Special Correspondence
Northumberland, Pa., Jan. 24. —A
number of local young people, under
the direction of Miss Jean B. Priest
ley, have started rehearsals for "The
i Pennant," an operetta, which will be
presented in High School hall the lat
ter part of February. The entertain
ment will be given under tho auspices
[of the Civic Club and the proceeds
will be used for park improvements.—
Miss May Lesher has returned to
I Clifton Springs, N. Y., after spending
her vacation with her parents.—Misses
Maden and Faust, of Shamokin, were
recent guests of John Baird.—S. B.
Morgan, of Watsontown. was a recent
guest at the home of Mrs. C. J. Ulp,
in Duke street.—Mrs. Eli Gable has
been called to Watsontown because of
the serious illness of her sister.—
Clyde Wliitmire, of Canandaigua,
N, Y., spent Saturday with his uncle,
H. P. Whitmire. Mr. Whitinire is one
of the musicians in the famous Canan
daigua Band. —The Parent-Teachers'
Association will meet in High School
hall on Monday evening, January 26.
A lecture will be given.—
Miss Marie Brouse has gone to Phila
delphia to make her home in that city,
Miss Lou Miller, of Nescopeck, has
returned home after visiting her sis
tor, Mrs. Myron Geddes. —Miss Stone,
of Scranton, was the guest of S. A.
Douglass recently.
Mt. Joy Catcher Signs
With San Antonio Club
By Special Correspondence
Mt. Joy, Pa., Jan. 24. Bank Ex
aminer Tillman was in town on Tues
day and examined the First National
Bank, which he found to be all right.—
Evangelistic services will commence in
the Cross Roads Meeting House, on
Sunday evening, bp the Brethren in
Christ denomination. Miss Mary
Heist was given a "shower," at tho
meeting of the Sewing Circle, at the
residence of Mrs. Jay Nissle.v. A mis
sionary offering will be lifted in the
Presbyterian Church next Sunday morn
ing. The Rev. Frank G. Bossert, in
the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday
evening, will preach on the "Parable
of the Tares." The congregational
meeting which was to ho held in tho
I.utheran Church, on Monday evening,
lias been postponed until Monday
evening, February 2. —The Rev. Frank
G. Bossert, in the Presbyterian Church,
on Sunday evening, celebrated the fifth
anniversary of his pastorate by preach
ing from the same text which he
preached his first sermon five years
ago. During the past five years fifty
seven persons were added to the
church, twenty-five baptisms, thirteen
funerals and three marriages were per
formed by the pastor. - Bison O.
llauensteln, son of Daniel L ilauen
stein, of Mt. Joy. has signed a contract
to plav during the coining season with
the San Antonio Baseball Club, of tho
Texas League. He will leave Mt. Joy
early in March for Spring training.
The seasin opens April t. He played
on this team for about a. month last
summer, during which time lie caught
every game for sixteen consecutive,
days. Photographer W. W. Amos, of
Lancaster, was in town on Tuesday,
the guest of ,1. R. Mlssemer.
Modern Woodmen Install
Officers at Dalmatia
By Special Correspondence
>inHn. Pa., Jan. 24.—Dalmatia Camp. l
No. !>074. Modern Woodmen of America,
Installed these officers al their regular
meetiim on Saturday night: Consul. F.
G. Potteiger; adviser, Alva M. Zerbe;
hanker, I. W. Drelbelbis; clerk, Charles
H. Kerbe; escort, John A. Spotts; watch
man, D. L. Boliner; sentry, George Wal
born; trustees, E. J. Klingman, J. A.
Martz and J. E. Byerly. During the
past week or two some real estate has
changed hands. Newton linker bought
his father's farm for $4,000; Grant Shaf- I
fer bought David I<. Long's farm, the
consideration not made known, while B. i
F. Zerbe sold his farm to William L.
Kopeuheffer for $1,200. James M.
Snyder, who was employed at Port
Royal for some time, returned home on
Monday. George H. Kauffman, of
Sunbury, is calling on relatives IK re. •
John Zerbe, of Dalmatia, spent Sunday
at the home of his brother, Webster, of
near town.
By Special Correspondence
Mctiellan. Pa., Jan. 24. A party
was held at the home of Mr. and .\Jjs
C. E. Vanatta, in honor of their son
Bryson's 20th birthday. Refreshments
were served to the following guests i
Misses Grace Pritz, Carrie Baillie, of
Harrlsburg; Esther Holtman, Lena and
Emma Mummery, Sara Burris, Marga
ret and Mary Vanatta, Mary Albright
Mary Lebo, Blanche Graeff Mrs. Ray
Graeff, Miss Clayton Lebo, Mrs. .Tames
Herb, Mrs. Charles Vanatta, Messrs.
Howard Prletz, J. E. Albright, Miles
Albright. Paul Lebo, Raymond Hoff
man, William ITrlch, Harry and Ralph
lvuntzelman, Elmer Reed, Harvev Bow
man, Master Ray Graeff. Bryson Van
atta, James Herb, Clayton Lebo, Hay
Graeff, Charles Vanatta, Fred Newark
The evening was spent in playing
frames and by musical selections on the
piano by .Miss Grace Prltx.
librarian, Elva Lehr; organist, Mainle
Snyder; assistant organist, l)r. Mar
cella Schweitzer. Church officers have
been elected as follows: Elders, John
Ludwig; deacon, Israel Muckel; trus
tee, Howard Sheaffor; secretary and
treasurer, Charles Snader: organist,
Dr. Marcella Schweitzer; janitor, A. C.
Beam.—On Sunday last, Air. and Mrs.
J. Lemon Fasnacht gave a wedding
dinner to give newly-wedded couples
and a number of other guests at their
home near Ephrata.—George Kleln
felter and Harry Lewis are spending
the week in Chicago.—Harry W. Kel
ler spent Tuesday In Philadelphia.—
Mrs. C. G. Mohler, of Lancaster, and
Mrs. W. O. Knabe, of Reading, visited
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Glass, this week. —E. Stoner will
leave in a few days for Florida,
where he will spend the remainder
of the winter.—Miss Emily Leber is
home from a month's stay In Phila
delphia. Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Cox
are spending the week with the for
mer's sister. Mrs. Dr. C. E. Bowers, in
Mlddletown.—Wr. John C. Price, of
Harrlsburg, chief medical Inspector
of the Bureau of Labor and Industry,
accompanied by his wife and daugh
ter. spent several days In Ephrata
visiting Misses Anna and Mary Eber
ly.-—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mcssner, re
siding near Ephrata, are both ill with
typhoid fever, the former being in a
icritical condition.
Washington Camp, of Dillsburg,
Has Added 24 to Rolls in
Past Month
By Special Correspondence
Dillsburg, Pa.. Jan. 24.—At the reg
ular meeting of Washington Camp,
No. 777, Patriotic Order Sons of
America, fourteen propositions for new
members were presented, making a
total of twenty-four new members
during the last month. A special
meeting of the camp will be held to
night to obligate several new mem
bers.—J. S. Kapp, W. P. Deardorff and
D. W. Beitzel, members of the Dills
burg school board, attended the di
rectors' convention at York on Wed
nesday and Thursday.—W. C. Thum
ma, district president, installed the
officers of Davidsburg Camp, Patriotic
Order Sons of America, on Tuesday
evening.—» Two horses driven by Peter
Wentz, who delivers bread for ,T. L.
McCreary, ran away on Tuesday,
breaking the wagon and injuring Mr.
Wentz.—Percy W. Baker, of Mt. Alto,
is spending some time at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1-1.
Baker. Mrs. Charles Altland is
spending some time a,t the home of
Mr. and Mrs. McCleary, at York.
Mrs. J. R. McClure spent several days
this week at York. Pink eye has
become epidemic among the small
school children and by order of the
department of health' they are ex
cluded from school.
JS.v Special Co rrcspo nden ce
Mexico, Pa., Jan. 24.—A surprise
taffy party was given at the home of
Mrs. O. H. Crlmmel on Tuesday even
ing. Those present were Mrs. Daniel
Martin, Mrs. George Martin, Mrs. Mil
ton Wolfgang, Mrs. J. J. Book. Mrs.
Tunis Vosberg, Mrs. D. A. Rhine,
Mrs. Bertram Hubert, Mrs. Sue Arbo
gast, Mrs. Samuel IMckenbaugh, Mrs.
Boyd Caveny, Mrs. John Foster, Mrs.
Winlleld Hack, Mrs. M. B. Patterson,
Mrs. Thad Caveny, Mrs. ,T. W. Burris,
Mrs. H. J. Unas, Mrs. llalderman, the
Misses May Caveny and Ada Knlsely.
—Members of the K. L. C. E. Society
of the United Evangelical church
elected the following officers to serve
for the next six months: President.
Samuel Rickenburg: assistant, J. W.
Burris; secretary, Mrs. J. VV. Burris;
treasurer, Mrs. Wm, Fry; organist.
Mrs. John Burris.—Miss Victoria
Morst visited friends at Port Royal re
cently.—Miss Delia Burris is ill.—
Miss Naoini Casner spent Saturday at
Mifflin.—The Rev. Rose, of East Wa
terford, conducted services in the
United Presbyterian church 011 Sun
day.—The Misses Margaret Landis
and Mary Martin were recent callers
at Mifflintown.—Crawford Browers
and Leslie Kepler, of Mifflin, called
on friends at Mexico on Saturday
evening.—airs. J. "VV. Burris spent
Saturday at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Cole, of Lewistown.— Mr.*. D. A. Rhine
and daughter, F.lda, spent Saturday at
the home of Mrs. Hart.—Mr. and
Mrs. Palmer Shelenberger entertained
.it their home tin: following persons:
Mr. and Mrs. William Hostetler, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Miller and Mr. and
Mrs. John Ritzman, of Millerstown.—
Miss Martha. Fry, of Dennisville, vis
ited relatives here over Sunday.—The
Misses Madge Martin and Esther Hal
devman were business callers at Mif
flintown 011 Saturday.—Miss Carrie
Casner spent Sunday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. L. ft. Moist at
Port Royal.—Miss Jennie llalderman,
of Mifflintown, spent Sunday with her
mother. Mrs. Enos llalderman.
By Special Correspondence
I.ewlKlierry, Pa.. Jan. 21.—Sacrament
of the Lord s supper will be admin
in ( ' ,e United Evangelical
Church, 011 Sunday morning. The pre
siding elder, the Rev. J.-W. Thompson
will deliver the sermon. Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Hoy and children. Lester
and Eleanor, of Harrl.sburg", spent
Sunday with DanleJ Hutton and his
granddaughters, Margaret and Georg
etta Hutton. Miss Pearl Casey, of
Carlisle, is spending some time with
Mr. and Mrs. Rh!ne"mith.—Mrs. W. S
Hammond is vlsitlns Mr. and Mrs. W.
S. Nortenheiem, in Philadelphia.—J. A
Kilmore and daughter. Miss Lorena
of Mechanlosburs spent Wednesday
here, attending the funeral of a rela
tive, Rankin C. Potts—On Sunday
morning February 1. the district su
perintendent, the Rev. Dr. A Fasick
of Carl l !e. will deliver a iti
the ifethocllst EpUconal Church. On
Monday rvonlner, Pel ruarv 2 Dr Fasick
>vlll preach and hold th» fourth nunr
terly conference at Lisburn in the \t.
10. Church. —Miss Mangle Ross spent
Tuesday with relatives at Wellsville
Miss Linda Erney, of New Cumber
land, is spending the week with her
mother, Mrs. Sophia Erney, who recent
ly fell and broke a rib while visiting
at the home of her brother, Harry ,T.
Myers. Mrs. Rebecca Frankeberger
Is confined to her home by illness.
The Rev. D. L. Dixon held a cottage
nrayer service at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Tinker, 011 Monday after
noon. Services In the M. E." Church
Sunday, will be as follows: 9.30 a. 111
Sunday School; 2 p. m., Junior League'
6.30 p. m, Senior League. Miss Mary
<\ Rudlslll, leader: 2 p. m.. son*? ser
vice. A sermon und revival services. |
District President of P. 0. S. of A.
Travels Eighteen Miles
in Sleigh
United Ice and Coal Company
Hires Perry County People
For Ice Harvest
By Special Correspondence
New Germantowii, Pa., Jan. 24.
District President David C. College,
of Washington Camp, No. 497, Patri
otic Order Soils of America, of this
place, accompanied by Professor Rus
sell F. Swartz, drove In a sleigh to
Elllottsburg, a distance of eighteen
miles, on Thursday evening, where
the former Installed the officers of
Washington Camp, No. 487. They got
back homo at 1 o'clock Friday morn
ing.—School Directors M. H. Shearer,
Oliver S. Bistllne, J. A. Noel and J. T.
McConnell visited some of the schools
of Toboyne township last week.—One
morning recently Forester H. E. Bry
ner on going to the stable found his
driving horse dead In Its stall.—On
Wednesday morning Ira C. Morrison,
Arthur Morrow, Mr. and Airs. C. E.
Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shearer,
of New Germantown, and Mrs. Edna
Kreamer,, of Blain, went to Harrls
burg. The men have been engaged by
the United Ice aud Coal Company to
help fill their ice houses and the
women are to assist in the cooking.—
George M. College is attending court
at New Bloomfield as a traverse juror.
—Those who attended the funeral ser
vices of the Rev. E. D. Book at Three
Springs, Jackson township, on Sunday
afternoon were Henry Eby, Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Trostle, Mr. and Mrs.
James Baltozer and Lucy,
Ruth, Florence and Madeline. Mrs. H.
N. Hart, Mrs. Amanda Gutshall, Mrs.
Lizzie Berrier, Mrs. Ella Beaston and
son Wilbur and daughter Viola.
Represented Heidelburg
League at C. E. Convention
Krnporti Pa., Jan. 24. Mrs. Gilbert
H. Frank entertained lier mother, Mrs.
Uriah Shuinan, of Thompsontown, and
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sellers, of Mil
lerstown. Mr. and Mrs. l->. B. How
anstine spent Sunday with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Perry Ulsh, of Millerstown.
Ernest Spaeth, of Jeannette, Wy., was
a recent guest af Mr. and Airs. Edward
E. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. L. M.
Blatzer and daughter, Charlotte, were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Por
ter Smith, of Harrisburg. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles W. L.ohr spent Tuesday in
Harrisburg. Frederic V. Rockey was
a guest of his cousinn, Max Mathes,
over Sunday. The Misses Margaret
E. Flurie and Sylvia Kaufman, of New
Cumberland, were entertained by Mrs.
Andrew Shover, on Sunday. Dr.
George S. Smoyer and daughter. Miss
Elizabeth Smoyer, have gone to Orange
ville, Pa., to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Smover's mother, Mrs. Stewart Ruckle.
—Mrs. Edward E. Marshall was the
guest of Harrisburg friends for sev
eral days. Mrs. H. M. Corning enter
tained her father. Dr. J. C. Klsner, of
Carlisle. Miss Mary Kathryn Camp
bell is the guest of Mrs. William Wan
baugh, of Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Adair and daughter, Selma,
of Gettysburg, are visiting Mrs.
Adair's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Ntekey. John S. Eby, Edward G.
Slieaker and Paul K. Hombach attend
ed the banquet of the Past Grands' As
sociation, of the Southern District, ot
Dauphin County, which was held at
"The Dauphin," Harrisburg, on Thrus
day evening. Miss Mary K. Blatzer
is entertaining the Misses M and Chris
tina Schnieder, of Harrisburg. Jesse
E. Butz, of New York, spent Sunday
with his parents, Mr. .and Mrs. J. S.
Butz. The Misses Carrie Myers and
Alda Eyth spent yesterday in Harris
burg. The Rev. J. C. Collins, D. D.,
assisted the Rev. H. C. Burkholder,
pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, Yeagertown, in special evange
listic services this week. Singer J.
Smith, of Mifflin, was in town on Thurs
day. Miss Rose Miller, represented
the Heidelberg Eeague of Christian En
deavor, of the Reformed Church of the
Incarnation, at the second annual
Perry county Christian Endeavor con
vention, which met on Thursday.
Miss Jennie Dinn Milligan, who had
been undergoing treatment at the Pres
byterian Hospital, Philadelphia, has
returned home much improved.
Teacher Training Class
Pupils Given Diplomas
MirflintoTin, Pa., Jan. 24. Mrs.
Howard Neely, Miss Fannie Espen
shadc. Miss Thompson and Mr. Auker
were presented with diplomas in the
Presbyterian Church, Sunday morning,
having finished the course in teacher
training. Mrs. Annie M. Kurtz, of
Allentown, Pa., Is spending a few weeks
with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Fall 11 io
lllnkcl. Miss Grubb spent a few
days at Hewistown. The Bev. and
Mrs. John B. Rendall, of Muscatine,
lowa, are guests of the latter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Mussel'. Mrs.
Norinan Kurzenknabe, of Harrisburg,
spent a neek, the guest of her mother.
Mrs. Klleu Pomeroy, at. Port Royal.
Dr. Herbert Robinson, of Roaring
Springs, Pa., visited his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. William Robinson, at Port Royal.
Miss Hazel Groningcr, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James .Gronlnger, of
Mifflin, was united in marriage at
Conneaut, Ohio, to John S. Rlst They
have gone to housekeeping at Conneaut.
—-Revial services have commenced in
the Methodist Episcopal Church, con
ducted by the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Dea
ver. Miss Ida Barton, of New York,
was the guest of Miss Alice Graham, in
Spruce Hill. • Miss Hannah Yoder, of
Camden, N. J., spent a few days with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Toder,
of Spruce Hill, on her way to the home
of her sister, Mrs. Walter Shirk, in
Akron, Ohio.
KlizabethvtUe, Pa., Jan. 24. Dr.
i and Mrs. J. C. Stroup spent several
days in Philadelphia this week.—The
local Modern Woodmen installed of
ficers on Tuesday, after which they
had an oyster supper.—Mr. and Mrs.
James A. Hoffman now occupy their
spacious mansion in Broad street-
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gohn are home
from a visit to York. Mrs. R. L.
Maice and daughter have gone to
Philadelphia, where they will stay for
some time. —The Hev. H. B. Ernest,
of Tarentum, Pa., spent several days
with Charles E. Deibler. —A teachers'
local institute will be held here this
evening. The district includes the'
I borough* of El'sabfthville, Millers
! bnre apd Upp r Paxton township.
D niel S. Martin, of Philadelphia.
• r nsacted bu ■ s In town Ihis wepk.
—J K. Bertsfle'd spent several days
in Harrisburg.—Jacob Schwenk, Sr.,
suffered a stroke of paralysis on Mon
day and Is in a critical condition.—■
Mrs. Carrie Romberger, of Harris
burg, spent the week with Mrs. George,
Harner.—John H. Shoop has moved
his family to Harrisburg, where he has
secured employment.—Miss Lucy Dep
pen, of Dalmatia, is the guest 'of Dr.
and Mrs. J. C. Stroup.—lra P. Rom
berger, of Harrisburg, spent several
days In town.-—Dr. Gardinier, of Mil.
lersville, is the guest of D. M. Stine.—
Mrs. D. C. K. Smith and child, of
Boone, Town is visiting the Blram '
Smith family. 1
JANUARY 24, 1914.
Dillsburg Editor Head of
More Secret Organizations
Than Any Man in Section
Special to The Telegraph
Pa., Jan. 24. —The above
is a picture of William M. Flicker, of
South Second street, who has the
unique distinction of being high officer
in more lodges at one time than any
other man in Dillsburg and probably
more than any to be found in this sec
tion of the State.
During the last month Mr. Ellcker
was elected arclion of Dillsburg Con
clave, No. 306, Improved Order of
Heptasophs; consul of Camp 9148,
Modern Woodmen of America, Dills
burg, and president of Washington
Camp, No. 777, Patriotic Order Suns
of America.
Mr. Ellcker Is editor and publisher
of the Dillsburg Weekly Bulletin and
is one of the most energetic and pro
gressive business men. ever using his
personal efforts and his newspaper to
advance any good movement. Mr.
Ellcker is also a member of the Dills
burg borough council, having been re
elected with a good majority last No
Fanners and Dairymen
Will Buy and Sell Feed
Hununelstown, Pa., Jan. 24. —Jo-
seph Early and George Zellers spent
Wednesday afternoon in Harrisburg.
—Mrs. Whitmoyer has returned to
Harrisburg after spending some time
with her daughter, Mrs. John Zerfass.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kayior, o£
Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Rhoads.—The farmers
and dairymen who met at the can
ning factory on Monday afternoon did
not organize a pure feed company.
The purpose is to buy and sell grain,
hay, straw, corn and all kinds of feed
and make use of the old factory.—
The Rev. Dr. Victor W. Dippell, in
structor in languages at Franklin and
Marshall College, Lancaster, preached
in the Reformed Church on Sunday
evening.—The Ladies' Mite Society of
the Reformed Church held a social
at the home of Mrs. Grover C. Buser
on Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. C.
Baker, Misses Maude Baker and Bar
bara Hummel attended the Majestic
Theater in Harrisburg on Wednesday
afternoon. —Miss Marion Espenshade,
of Harrisburg, spent Sunday wjth her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Espen
shade. Benjamin Heilman has re
turned from a week's trip to Dauphin
with relatives.—Harry Relber, of Me
chanicsbtirg, spent Thursday after
noon in Hummelstown. —Samuel YVolf
transacted business in Philadelphia
on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Bobbs, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Bobbs' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Elias Earnest. —Mrs. Jacob Men
gel spent Wednesday afternoon in
Harrisburg.—Mrs. George H. Ettele,
of Reading, and Mrs. Francis F. Grif
fiths, of South Bethlehem, hpent Sun
day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard J. Earnest.-—Robert J. Wal
ton is converting Ihe old Reformed
Church into four ilwellinghotisos.
John P. Kline, of Rutherford Heights,
spent Wednesday afternoon in Hum
melstown.—Victor O. Yingst transact
ed business in Harrisburg on Wed
nesday afternoon.
Placing Steam Heat Pipes in
Williamstown High School
By Special Correspondence
WillinmMovt n, Pa., Jan. 24. An-'
drew and James Budd transacted busi
ness at Danville, on Monday. J. Ben
jamin Nace was at Harrisburg on
Monday, on business. Attorney L.
C. Carl transacted some legal business
at the Courthouse, on Monday. James
Darby, of Pottsville, spent several
days in town with bis mother. Mrs.
Darby. Squire Shadel was at Harris
burg attending court, last week. —■
Charles Hoke slipped on the iee at. the
corner of Tunnel and Market streets,
arid broke his ankle. Ho was taken to
the Harrisburg Hospital. The work
of excavating and cementing of llie cel
lar and walls at the liikVi school build
ing, in order to place steam heat in
the building, is progressing very rap
idly. William Morgan is the contrac
tor for the cement .work and Arthur
Adams lias the contract for placing the
steam heat apparatus.
Two Pastors Agreeably
Surprised by Congregation
By Special Correspondence
Jonestown, Pa., Jan. 24.—0n Tues
day evening the members of St. John's
Reformed Church tendered their newly
installed pastor, the Rev. D'avid
Schelrer, a surprise party, bringing
him a bountiful supply of the neces
saries of life.—On Wednesday after-
I noon, members of the Walmer's and
I Sattezalin's congregation, of the Lu
| theran parish, at Jonestown, p.srreebly
surprised their pnstor, the Rev. George
, It. Deisher, arriving with quite a num-
II er of carriages and wagons well load
ted. The afternoon was spent In a so- 1
cial. way. An address was made by
John H. Hauer and responded to by the l
pnstor.—The brothers and sisters re
siding in this sectin • were n titled of i
I the serious illness of Milton Shtiey, at
TTlrich's store.—Miss Malinda Oopen
haver residing a short distance west
ief town. Is seriously ill. Arthur L.
Ttlouch. of Pcranton, is visiting Ills par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Allen R'ouch. —:
"ntpuel K. Ulirlch. of MMlersville, T.an-!
caster county, spent Tuesday after
noon In town.
fir'-ntvine. Pa., Jan. 24.—Ornntvllle
school wa« e'nsed fc r n»vprnl daye on
pecornt of H'p l"ne'*s o f the • tepnher,
cjupqr* aVi ney, "]vn«ss Shoey ha ■ r«-
e iver«d nrd resumed her w~>rU—Dr. H
W. Rhlrev end family have left this
place for the western pnrt of th n State
on a visit to the former's mother.—
Edmund Shell, of Sliellsvllle acted as
substitute teacher for Miss Shuey. on
Monday. Harry S Dingle and Mary
C. Care were married on Saturday
evening by the Rev. O. R. Bittner at
the narsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
I.ingle, of Hershey. visited ills brother,
Reuben Lingle. and his aged mother.
Mrs. Caroline TJngle. on Sunday.—The
revival services which were in pro
gress in the United Brethren Chi rcli,
have closed. Regular services were!
held In the United Brethren Church on]
Hundsv evening. Mr. and Mrs. Un
derbill. «f Harrisburg. registered nt the I
Grantvllle hole! on Sunday. »
Films Will Siow Pupils Coining
From Buildings in Lykens
and Wiconisco
Many Guests at Birthday Party
Given in Honor of Miss
Bertha Hoffman
By Special Correspondence
Ijjkensi, Pa., Jan. 24. Public
school* of Lykens and Wiconisco, as
well as the various factories and tho
mining industry, will bo shown In
moving pictures In the Budd Thca
torium on January 29, 30 jnd 31.
Clinton C. Young, of New York, and
A. J. Schumann, of Jlarrisburg, took
the pictures of the schools Thursday
as they Hied out of their rooms for
dismissal, fiOO strong.—A heavy thun
derstorm passed over this vicinity on
Wednesday evening. The lightning
was terrilic and a bolt struck the elec
tric light plant near Wiconisco.—A de
lightful surprise party was held at the
home of Air. and Mrs. Charles E. Hoff
man on Monday evening in honor of
the nineteenth birthday of their
daughter Bertha. Tho evening was
spent very pleasantly in playing
games, music and dancing, after which
supper was served to the following
guests: The Misses Susan Shriner,
Gertrude Lehr, Elsie Bowman, Lizzie
Wohlslager, Ursula Schmuch and
Bertha Hoffman; Earl Bowman,
Charles Shriner, Earl Lehr, Ray Oood.
Forrest Wagner, William Radel, Ar
thur Evans, George Krobath and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Hoffman and
family.—A very snecessful revival is
being conducted in the United Breth
rent Church at present by the Rev.
H. S. Kierer. The O. A. B. C., knowa
as the King's Daughtera, taught by
W. R. Zimmerman and Mrs. H. S.
Kiefer, was organized last Sunday with
forty-five members. Mrs. George Die
trich was elected president; Mrs.
Harry Blyler, vice-president; Mrs. C.
E. Rettinger, treasurer, and Mrs. Wll
liatn Romberger, secretary. The
Men's Bible class, organized two
weeks ago, has now eighty members.
—Arthur Hoffman has resigned his
position in Steelton and moved his
family to Lykens the past week.
—The school boards of Lykens and
Wiconisco held a joint meeting to dis
cuss matters relative to holding the
county directors' convention here
some time in February.—Dr. Spenser
has charge of the medical examina
tion of school children during the ab
sence, of Dr. Lehr, who had his arm
fractured while cranking his automo
bile several weeks ago.—The Lykens
I ost Office did the largest business in
its history during the Christmas week
of 1913, having handled 57 sacks of
solid matter in four days. They wrote
82 money-orders in one day, and took
in $1,566.31 in one day.
Thirteen Snows Have Fallen
at Lewistown This Winter
By Special Correspondence
Lewistown, Pa.. Jan. 24. —Mrs. John
Xsenberg is very ill with pneumonia.—
Harry Fishman, of Harrisburg, is call
ing on friends here.—Max Lewin has
returned from a business trip to Du
bois. —O. Fciker and bride have taken
up residence in Kansas City, Kan. —
Dr. Charles McCoy has been in Phila
delphia on a business trip.—Harry W.
Limes and family, of Steelton, have
been spending some time with friends
here. —A. J. Teager has gone to New
York on a trip.—Miss Nora Greene is
on a visit to friends in Harrisburg and
Philadelphia.—Thirteen snows have
fallen to date here this winter.—
George Phillips is In Philadelphia vis
iting his wife, who Is a patient in a
hospital.—Miss Emily Black has gone
to Indiana State Normal School.—Mrs.
James .Mac Donald has returned home
to Germantown after a visit here.—Fox:
hunters are on the trail in this countv.
—S. Bennett, expects to go to Mary
land to take a position.—John Ken
nedy continues at his trade, brick
laying, at the age of almost fourscore
years.—Mr. an'd Mrs. Henry Metzger
have returned from Brackenridge,
where they resided for some time.
Miss Mollie M. Burns Will
Take Extended Trip South
By Special Correspondence
Selinsgrove, Pn„ Jan. 24.—Miss Mol
lie M. Burns left here tills week for
an extended trip south, on which sh«
will visit St. Augustine. Tampa and
Ocalo, Fin., besides taking an excur
sion to Cuba. While in Ocalo Miss
Burns will be the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. P. V. Lavengood.—Mi3S Sylvia
Gross, of Bloomsburg, Is Visiting her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Weis.—Brewster Schoch left her*
this week for Harrisburg, where hs
has secured a position In the Wltten
myer lumber yard.—Members of th*>
Young Men's and Young Women'*
Christian Associations of Susqueh&nnn,
University held their winter term re
ception in Seibert Hall this week.—•
31 rs. R. F. Johnson, of Northumber
land, is spending a few days at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. House worth, of South Market
street. —Charles H. Albert, formerly
of this place and one of the faculty
of Bloomsburg State Normal School,
was here this week.—Miss Lucy John
son, of Northumberland, was a vis
itor Sunday at the home of Miss Anita
Houseworth, of South Market street.
Wormleysburg, Pa., Jan. 24. A.
Shoop, of Harrisburg, spent Monday
, with J. J. Hemmer. Miss Edna
Eckert entertained the Embroidery
i Club Monday evening at her home in
Second street.—The Rev. G. B. Ren
shaw has been spending a couple or
days at Lyken«, Pa. Mr. and Mrs.
Elias Arney were visiting in York last
Sunday. The Rev. J. Green, of Le
moyne, preached in the United Breth
ren Church on Wednesday evening.—
Miss Reeser ha.« been spending the
week at J. J. Hemmer's.—Miss Sue
Rodes, of York, is spending some
time with her sister, Mrs. Russel
Hummel. —The Rev. L. Walter Lutz,
of Chainbersburg, took dinner at the
United Brethren parsonage on Wed
nesday.—The Rev. Mr. Getz preached
in the United Brethren Churcli
Thursday evening. The Women's
Christian Temperance Union will meet
at the home of Mrs. Getz next Friday
Students at the Harrisburg academy
last niglit beard Dr. Wirt W. Barnita
tell of his experiences. "Girdling th»
Globe" partly as a Journalist but for
the most part as a trainp. He sang
some Oriental songs, gave a dramatic
monologue, and gave the muezzin's call,
lie snlri (hp Japanese government if be
coming progressive.