Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 24, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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L. W, Cook r< The Quality Store 99 W. Cook
We are going to reduce our entire stock of rugs of all kinds and sizes,
and have therefore made a special reduction price for that reason-. All
the best makes are represented. Many rich colorings and designs to
make selection an easy matter.
A Bis sell Carpet Sweeper F* ree
With Every Rug Purchased Amounting to $15.00 or More
Folk Lore and Fairy Tales at
Story Tellers' League
There's a new delight for each
meeting of the Story Tellers' league,
and next Tuesday evening, January 27,
the prograth will be of "Folk Ixjre and
Fairy Talcs," with Miss Ruth Forney
in charge.
The numbers will include "Johnny
Chuck and Reddy Fox." by*Gclett
Burgess, related by Miss Forney; "The
Boy and Three Goats," by Poulson, a
Norwegian tale, told by Miss Mary'
liudy; "Nimmie, Nimmie Not," from
English talcs, by Miss Martlia Cox;
an Irish folk tale, by Miss Isabelle
Turner; "The Little Half Chick," an
adaptation by Bryant, given by Miss
Dale, and "The Three Sillies," adapted
by.Jacobs from the English and told
by Miss Boone.
An informal criticism of the pro
gram follows, led by Miss Ethel Fair,
one of the assistants of the Public
A big men's meeting will be held
to-morrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock in
the Chruch of God at Progress. The
meeting will be evangelistic in its
character. The address will be made
by the Rev. George Sigler, D. D., pas
tor of the church.
I lVinfY Not you alone, but all of your
LilVing family will benefit through
« - the living conditions at Her-
Means More shey - The freed ° m **<* ae
light of the suburb combined
4f. ~ vith t^e conveniences of the
HCI Miey city; in a small measure illus
trate the advantages of living
You must see Hershey to ap
preciate it. The broad ave
nues of macadam lend their
impression of grandeur to the
homes built with common
sense restrictions. You'll
like Hershey the moment you
see it. We will deem it a
privilege to be permitted to
show you the real estate op- I
portunity we offer.
Lots range in price from j
$600.00 upward for 40 feet
frontage. Representatives
are always on the ground.
Write or phone.
Hershey Improvement Co.
Tills being tlie second adventure of Kathlyn from tills world-wide
serial story now running in all metropolitan Sunday papers,
A wonderful two-reel feature made by SeJig See this remarkable
production to-day in addition to live other exceptional reels. ,
■_ =- ==■
Young People Attend
Dance of the J. T. Club
Members of the J. T. Club enter
tained their friends at a pretty little
dance Thursday evening in Hanshaw's
Hall. The dancers included the Misses
Marjorle I-utz, Mary Simonton, Nelle
Shrum, Hilda Fleitz, Hattie Debo,
Grace •Daniels, Minnie Lutz, Cora
Swayne, Mellie Reigle, Anna Cubbi
son, Celia Hoffman, Ethel Baldwin,
Emily Haller. Florence Clark, Olive
Singiey. Blanche Flelsher, Ann Fisher,
Daisy Kuhn, Bess Huber, Elizabeth
Bretz. Ivy Miller, Kathryn Powers and
Violet Cole.
Raymond Baker, J. Eose.v, A. Shaull,
Halph Seiders, John Simons, Dr. R. J.
Reigle, Wayne Heckert, Claude Hart
man, J. W. Cooper. Louis Munnell, F.
Hatch, H. Haller, J. Dutz, Frank War
ner, Walter Johnson, William Daniels,
Air. Parks, Francis Powers, Mr. Kin
ney and G. Fry, of Newport.
Informal Dancing
at the Country Club
Among the guests attending an in
formal dance last, evening at the Coun
try Club of Harrisburg were Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Willis Davis, Mrs. W. Walley
Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Lesley McCreath,
Mr. and Mrs. Neil 10. Salsich, Miss
Mary Blaikie, Miss Mary Williamson,
Miss Margaret Williamson, Miss Helen
Hammond, Miss Virginia King, Miss
Frances Bailey, Miss Etnily Bailey,
Miss Marian Watts, .Miss Marjorle
Bobbins, of Springfield, Mass., Thomas
Baldwin, Jack Magoon, John Ericsson,
George Comstock, Jr., Edwin Bevan.
George Moffitt, Albert Stackpole and
William McCreath.
The. next dance of the winter series
will be on February 14 and Feb
ruary 23.
Winter Dance of Central High
Students Is the Most
Over one hundred Central High
students and other guests danced to
the merry music of F. Marion Sour
beer at Hanshaw's Hall last evening
at a most attractive and pretty dance.
The dance, which was a subscription
one, was under the auspices of Ed
ward Roth and Samuel Froelich, jun
iors at Central Hfgh. Streaming ban
ners of red and blue decorated the
ball In a most artistic fashion.
The dancers chaperoned by Mr.
and Mrs. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Sloan
Miss Helen Gilbert, Miss Anna Ba
con, Miss Mary Stark, Miss Mary Roth,
Miss Martina. Moeslein, Miss
Fry, Miss Margaret Welsh, {Catherine
Peters, Minnie Moeslein, Minnie Bur
rows, Sarah McLaughlin, Anna Niss
ley, Miss Katherine Thorne, Edna
Wanbaugh. Bertha Templar, Agnes [
Moeslein, Clarabelle Claster, Gertrude
Berry, Gertrude Kerson, Ruth Wykoff,
Anna Gamber. Dorothy Helman, Anna
Forgarty, Eva Selhelmer, Mollie
Freedinan, Miss Edwards, Pauline
llouck, lA>is Reifsnyder, Marian
Britsch, Mae Griffith, Katherine Pow
ers, Hazel Fra'im, Marie Daugherty,
Helen Smith, Dorothy Schmidt, Helen
Steener, Martha Miller, Helen Smiley,
Marian Eandis, Mary Wimer.
James Finn. Edward Roth, Charles
Sanders, William Edmunds, Harold
Black, David Shotwell, Carroll Denny,
Foster DeHart, Art Flower, Clarence
Cooper, Karl Peters, A. R. Parker,
Richard Hamer, Harold Coover, Ray
Burns, Charles Cooper, William Hil
ton, M otter Fletcher, Richard Coover,
Edward McManamy, William Britsch,
George Kinnard, Harry Leese, William
Edmonds, Herbert Gournley, John
Carey, Jamfs Zimmerman, Edward
Foster, Clinton Keister, Warren Got
walt, J. Kinnard. H. T. McFadden,
Albert Sawyer, Ulmont Rudy, Donald
Smith, Francis Bowers. Henry Bren
ner, ,T. Casper Wohlfarth, Charles
Yowler, Samuel Brenner, Elwood Bak
er, William Fisher, John McGulre and
I Samuel Froelich.
Among the pharmacists 0 f this city,
who are attending the druggists' con
vention In New York, are George C.
Potts, Croll Keller, of Harrisburg; Ben
Ely, of New Cumberland, and Roy
Holmes, of Enola. Mrs. Ely la with her
The meetings are being hold In Madi
son Square Garden and the attendance
is the largest ever known, nearly every
State being represented.
Dr. W. C. Anderson, of Brooklyn,
dean of the Brooklyn College of
Pharmacy, has been elected president
for the coming year.
Mrs. Otto ,T. Buxbauin has returned
from Baltimore whore she visited her
sister, Mrs. Jonas Fuld.
Mrs. James Q. Handshaw
Is Hostess at Cards
Mrs. James Q. Handshaw, of Second
and Forster streets, entertained inform
ally at cards yesterday afternoon, in
honor of Mrs. E. W. Somera, of the
Elphinstone, who Is removing 1o New
York City, her former home, with her
husband and daughter.
Jonquils, primroses and carnations
were used in the drawingroom decor
ations. Supper for twelve was served
in the dining room, with the table ap
pointments of pink. KiUarney roses in
a large silver vase graced the center
of the table. The pink shaded cande
labra gave a soft glow and the favors
were heart-shaped baskets on tripods,
filled with bonbons.
Clarence Wolfe and John Hoover have
gone to Philadelphia to attend the com
eneement exercises at Girard College.
Attorney Robert Rosenberger is home
after a trip to Philadelphia..
Miss Jean Wallis entertained the
members of her Sunday School class
of the Christ Lutheran Church last
evening at her home in State street.
Miss Caroline Lynch, a student at the
Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, is spend
ing the week-end at her home, 211 West
State street.
Constable Trvin Grove Is home after
a trip to "«ork.
Guests of Mrs. F. Harry Baldwin, of
127 South Fourteenth street, enjoyed
games of Five Hundred last evening,
with a buffet supper following. Tn at
tendance were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
■ Sherlock, Mr. rind Mrs. Hartley, Mr.
'and Mrs. John J. Grady, F. H. Bald
win, William Morgan, Miss May Mor
gan, Grant Ramey and Miss Ethel IC.
• Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Stouffer have
returned to this city to reside after
spending the past three years at At
lantic City.
Miss Rebecca Kline, who is well
known throughout the city, is serious
ly 111 at "The Home," Fifth and
Muench streets.
Samuel P. Shunk, of Monroe, Jfich.,
is visiting Philip and John Troup at
2115 Moore street.
Samuel C. Todd, State executive
controller left last night for Michi
1 ~~
DR. B. S. BEHNEY, Dentist
| Has removed to 202 Locust Street
has removed bis parlors from 912 N.
Third St. to 908 N. Second St.
Other Personals I'ogc 12.
Officers Elected and Reports
Presented at Annual Meet
ing Last Evening
The election of officers at the an
nual meeting of the Young Women's
Christian Association last evening re
sulted in the re-election of the fol
lowing people: Mrs. John W. Reily,
president; Mrs. J. K. Smith,' Mrs. E.
Z. Wallower, Mrs. George Preston
Mains. Miss M. Caroline Weiss and
Miss Mary Jennings, vice-presidents;
Miss E. Blanche Clute, recording sec
retary. and Mrs. J. Frank Palmer,
The directors elected were Mrs. Ed
ward Bailey, Mrs. B. F. Campbell,
Mrs. John H. Weiss. Mrs. Robert A.
Lamberton and Miss Mary Gorgas.
The president's report was read by
Mrs. D. M. Gilbert in the absence of
Mrs. John D. Reily; the treasurer's
report by Mrs. J. Frank Palmer; the
general secretary's by Miss Ella M.
Stitt, who announced that the pledges
of the $125 by the T. M. T. M. Club
and $165 of the R. F. O. M. Club
toward the building had both been
paid in full.
Mrs. Thomas Blair reported for the
religious department; Miss Jennings
gave Miss Weiss' report for the edu
cational department. The Rev. S. F.
Lisse is in charge of the German class,
fflrs. E. W. Harvey, of the Camp Fire
"Girls; Mrs. Herman P. Miller and Mrs.
Edward Manser, of the dressmaking
classes, and Miss Edna Sprenkel, of
the girls' branch.
Miss Alice Ainsworth Graydon, new
chairman of the extension committee,
told of the work carried on in the
Blough manufacturing and Moorehead
knitting mills.
The report of the building commit
tee by Miss Weiss was read and re
ceived with thanks.
Professor stave several
piano numbers.
The report of the membership com
mittee, presented by Mrs. David S.
Funk, showed that fifty-eight new
members had joined the association
through the current events class held
by Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones at the
rooms and following this statement a
movement was made to start a mem
bership campaign to raise the roll
from 640 to 1,000 members this next
Spring Blossoms Prevail
in Table Decorations
Miss Mary Emily Reily's guests at
bridge last evening at her home, Front
und Reily streets, were invited to
meet Miss Klise Haldeman and Dr.
William E. Wright. The table deco
rations for the late supper were un
usually attractive, with small vases of
Spring blossoms, violets, daisies, helio
trope. primulas and lilies of the valley
standing here and there.
Tfce players were Miss Haldeman,
Dr. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Reily, Jr., Miss Elizabeth Bailey, Mrs.
W. P. Mackenzie. Robert McCreath,
Frank K. Brady and Richard Halde
Miss Annie Mae Creese, of this city,
and Charles Beck, of East Waterford,
were married Thursday, January 22,
at East Waterford, Pa., by J. B. Fer
guson, justice of the peace.
Mrs. William O. llickok, of North
Second street, with Mr. ami Mrs. W.
I Orville llic kok, left to-day for Dover,
Mass., to visit Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A.
Miss Elizabeth Brandt, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Austin Brandt, is en
tertaining a few young friends this af
ternoon, at her home, 603 North Fourth
Mrs. J. H. Lynch and Miss Sara
Lynch, of SO North Seventeenth street,
were recent guests of Mrs. Raymond
Zimmerman, at Camp Hill.
Mrs. Edward J. Stackpole gave a
luncheon to-day in honor of her guest.
Miss Florence Sadtler, of Baltimore.
Miss Florence Westbrook, of Old
Orchard, has gone to Pottsville for u
little visit.
Dorothy Minnier, of 141) Cowden
street, had a party yesterday afternoon,
to celebrate her fifth birthday.
William R. Denehey and Ills daugh
ter, Miss Sarah Denehey, of 142:! North
B'ront street, have gone to Palmerton
to visit their relatives, Mr. and Mrs.
George E. Loveland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Neiffer, of
Riverside, are going to Florida next
week to spend the remainder of the
Public Service Board
Takes Questions Home
Public Service Commissioners ad
journed late yesterday and took the
pass question home with them. The
board will take no action regarding
free passes reduced fares until
after the briefs, now being prepared
by some of the petitioners for these
concessions, shall have been filed. At
the hearing in this matter statements
were made that additional facts would
be furnished the commission in sup
port of the proposition to restore the
pass arrangement, and it seems to be
the attitude of the commission to ob
tain all the information possible before
indicating its view on the question.
In reply to numerous queries as to
| the method which shall be observed
by steam railroad companies in sup
plying sanitary cups for drinking pur
poses on the trains and in the sta
tions, the commission has decided for
the present to leave that to the car
riers, without any designation as to
the manner in which the public is to
be served in this regard.
The 'IVo Ordeals, Today, Photo Play
The second adventure of Kathlyn
will be shown to-day at the Photo
Play, in addition to four other special
reels. The adventures of Kathlyn.
taken by Selig, Chicago, is from the
world-wide story now running serially
in two of the largest Sunday news
papers in the world. This second ad
venture, "The Two Ordeals," tells a
complete story in itself, being an inci
dent during the story of Kathlyn in
India—full of thrills and interesting
situations. The third and fourth, ad
ventures of Kathlyn will follow short
ly at the Photo Play.—Advertisement.
Hotel Clerk Found Dead
in Market St. Club Room
Robert F. Kepner, forfherly a clerk
at the United States Hotel, was found
dead this morning shortly after 3
o'clock at the club rooms of the Ben
Franklin Association, 428 Market
street. Coroner Bckinger and Dr.
Samuel F. Hassler pronounced his death
due to heart trouble.
For tile past two months Mr, Kep
ner had made his home at 411 Walnut
street. Ho loft for the club room late
last evening and remained at that
place over night. He was found dead
by tho stewart, Charles Williams. Mr.
Kepner was about .">5 years of ago. He
liad no relatives in this oily but had a
sister living in Mlllersburg. The body
was turned over to Undertaker Spicer.
t 1
| The SALE of All SALES §
£ The Biggest Monday Sale of the Season g
This Is the Last Monday Before Inventory 5/1
g and We Are Anxious to Clean Up! j*
g Prices Are Cut Away Out of Proportion to Cost or Values 2
Everything in the line of MILLINERY will be offered this Monday at
such ridiculous prices that our tables should be cleaned up before the day is
co over *
We will deviate from our usual custom by putting up special lots at
sway down prices.
1 Velvet and Plush Hats J values 1 monday |
All shapes of best erect pile velvet; also moleskin ■mm f I
plush hats, all shapes $2.50, at \J VI J
| Hatter's Plush Hats [ ° ND £ Y . |
Finest zibeline plush hats, plush hats with velvet » M wwiw S
brims, Hatter's plush hats with plush brims ' !3*
y, Genuine Moscow Beavers ! values ) monday
to Best quality, all the best shapes for ladies, misses 1 ' '~ J f fe
Srf and children 1 $3.00, at II J
fej White Moscow Beavers values §
The best flir beavers made, pure white, ail * f f
shapes 1 ss ' oo ' at I <*\J VIJ
| Clipped Fur Beavers . j 1 ™° NDA * |
fej Fine, close clipped, silky nap, looks like velour. ° J5
All the best shapes ...... $4.00, at \J S tIJ g
g Imported Velvet Hats Values | I j
Soft finish, black and all colors, genuine Austrian $6 U oo,°at I I ? CfS hl
oc velour
3 Finest French Felt Hats values ] Monday g
Black and all colors, including two-toned hats— °at C | S
!jj plenty of nice, shapes for middle-aged women, ' J
| All K '"i h Imported Flowers Values I
including Jack Roses, American Beauty Roses, j $2 00 at ' jJ kr Ca J
Plush Roses, Gold Flowers, French Bouquets [ ' I ___
| c&T Ostrich Fancies v u a p "f o s J £|"o Y o
Qjj Including the newest plume effects; amazon fancies: all I $5.00, at j J/M»UO 3
the high colors—cadet blue, peacock, gold, tungo, etc. [
" &« Ostrich Bands J ! *
White, black and all colors; X yard long, 3 M inches $4 00 at Jy /[ 0 %Jf \J
wide; heavy wide flues, beautiful curl —hand sewed. [ I *
| All Kin J' Fur Trimmings v*» 0 M °" ,JAV . |
Black, white, brown and gray, 1/zto 1 inches $2 50 at
wide, plain and spotted •• • [ ' J
| Extra Large French Plumes ll "
OS 18 to 20 inches ions'; heavy tips, wide llucs, best made j
stock; black, white and all the newest high colors. I $6.00, at j^»
g AT SI.OO, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 £
S-| Ladies' Trimmed Hats „ . I MONDAY 20
Misses'Trimmed Hats a lies
55 Trimmed Velvet Hats s3!oO,°at ! J I»UU
Children s 1 rimmed Hats j *
g Hand Draped Velvet Turbans | values
Velvet and plush hats—draped velvet bonnets—t'hil- $6 00 at k£r mm
OS dren's velvet hats, shiriL ; l .!'l: [ ' ' L__
Hatter's Plush Hats Values | MONDAY *
Hats with Ostrich Bands j up to
£ Velvet Hats, Slurred Ribbon Facings 1 $ 7 . 50 , at !3 D »UU fe
Misses \ el vet Poke Hon nets t J
£ French Room Models values |
Hats trimmed with plumes, Hatter's plush hats D mwwF
with bands, close-fitting velvets and moire turbans, •. <at hfr MO\J \f
| Children's Trimmed Velvet Hats [ values MONDAY
jjj with lace trimming—also Velvet Bonnets and Hats °at CJ ffS
E** with fur trimmings '
Make Jovenich, a paroled prisoner
from the Western Penitentiary, who
was picked up at the Pennsylvania
Railroad station last night by Parole
Officer Henry Schamm, of Pittsburgh,
may not be taken back. Numerous
telephone calls from Pittsburgh and
inquiries by Colonel Hutchison and
other members of the police depart
ment failed to locate the parole officer
this morning. It is understood a pro
test will be filed against the return
of the man to Pittsburgh.
Fannie Levine, aged 14 years, in
company with two men at Fourth and
North street at 4 o'clock this morning,
was arrested and turned over to her
mother, of 504 Cowden street by the
police department and warned to keep
off the streets at night. The girl said
she had attended a dance and was on
her way home when the men stopped
her. •
JANUARY 24, 1914.
Chicago, Jan. 24. —Patrlfk J. Far
rell, solicitor lor the Inter-State Com
merce Commission expected to begin
preparations to-day for the filing of a
mandamus stilt in the United States
Circuit Court to compel F. W. Ellis,
vice-president of the Armour Refrig
erator Car Lines, to disclose informa
tion to the commission concerning the
affairs of th% corporation.
! To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism,
1 whether muscular or of the Joints, sciatica,
I lumbagos, backache, pains in the kidneys or
1 neuralgia pains, to write to ber for a home
' treatment which has repeatedly cured all of
{ these tortures. She feels it her duty to send
it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself
|at home as thousands will testify—no change
lof climate being necessary. This simple
I discovery banishes uric acid from the blood,
i loosens the stiffened Joints, purifies the blood
I and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and
I tone to the whole system. If the above
interest* you, for proof address Mrs. It.
Summers, Box R, Notre Dame, Ind.
Heady to Wear —— Made to Order
and Itemodeled.
Gentlemen's Fur-lined Coats.
Skins for Millinery Purposes. *
Po»t Office. Bell phon«.
Dr. Wm. P. Clark
Ofllce Hours: » a. in. to 1 p. m.
2 p. ni. to 5.50 p. ni.
Bell Phone
Try Telegraph Want Ads.