Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 24, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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How to Banish
Complexion Troubles j.
Wintry winds will have no terrors
Tor the woman who uses a plain maya
tone lotion for her complexion, be
cause even In severest weather the
skin will be clear, soft and velvety.
This lotion is made by dissolving an
original package of mayatone In one
half pint witch hazel. Using this gives
to the skin a charming smoothness
and fineness of texture and Imparts to
It the tint of lilies and roses. It is fine
for pimples, blackheads, blotches and
other complexion upsets.—Advertise
Dr. James' Headache Powders
Relieve at Once—lo Cents
a Package
Nerve-racking, splitting or dull
throbbing headaches yield in Jtist a
few moments to Dr. James' Headache
Powders, which cost only 10 cents a
package at any drug store, it's the
quickest, surest headache relief in the
whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve
the agony and distress now! You can
Millions of men and women have
found that headache and neuralgia
misery Is needless. Get what you ask
Dayton, 0., Jan. 24.—Fire in the
factory section of this city early this
morning destroyed the plants of the
American Pure Food and Spice Com
pany and the Gem City Machine Com
pany. The total loss is estimated at
First dose of Pape's Cold Com
pound relieves all grippe
Don't etay stuffed-up!
Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose
of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken
every two hours until three doses are
laken will end grippe misery and
break up a severe cold either in the
head, chest, body or limbs.
It promptly opens ciogged-up nos
trils and air passages; stops nasty
discharge or nose running; relieves
sick headache, dullness, feverishness,
sore throat, sneezing, soreness and
"Pape's Cold Compound" is the
quickest, surest relief known and
costs only 25 cents at drug stores.
It acts without assistance, tastes nice!
and causes no inconvenience. Don't
accept a substitute.—Advertisement
Funeral Director and Embalmer
313 Walnut St. Bell Phone
To the Mediterranean
January 24 '
February 21 March 7
0 Broadway, X. Y.» or Local Agt*.
Newest Steamer in the Trade
Triple«i AIIDFVTir 14392
» ° & y« JANUARY 31 * 175 Upwtwrd
Other Cruises March 4 and April 4-
16 to 29 Days $145 to $175 Up
White Star Line - 9 Broadway, N.Y.
This New Illustrated Book for Every Reader
f=n _ - „AS EXPLAINED BELOW l=J \\
tHJI See the Great Canal in Picture and Prose Ifp3| ;;
Read How You May Have If Almost Free j j
Cat oat the above conpoi. and present it at tkla office with the
th e TtTmTT, t"Jke J B r* "P. PO * U ' lhr " t7 }° *•'«*»*« (which co-era
.„ 2? * paoklna. expreaa from the factory, check-.
tIK h " EIPK " SIC -»«• receive j
PANAMA Thl " be *«» f ul W* volume la written by Willi# J. J|
• Abbot, a writer of International renown, and la 3
AND THE the acknowledged atandard reference work of the#
rANAI Canal Zone. It la a splendid large book of"
vm,nl ' almost 600 pages, 9x12 Inches in size; printed"
la Picture and from new type, large and clear, on special paper:! !
Prose bound In tropical red vellum cloth; title stamped,!
#J Illustrated i* l Bold, with Inlaid color panel; contains morel
Edition than 600 magnificent illustrations. Including beau-< >
tlful pages reproduced from water color studlaa'
In colorings that far surpass any work of a slml- l" - """-""- I I
lar character. Call and see this beautiful book I <
that would sell for M under usual conditions, but ■ *«"oaatof 1
which is presented to our readers for ONE of th* (> 1 aa ] (
above Certiflcatee. and «pI.UU
Sent by MaU, Postage Paid, for $1.40 and i Certificate '
Other Personals Page 3.
lIWHH M In ll flH 1 t' ' lull » &&
■X * y**»% 4 V ***"-
In the cut are Miss Sarah Miller as the "Queen of Hearts," and John
Leßoy Strock as jolly "Old King Cole," two of the principals in the Sun
shine Society operetta, "The Lost Princess 80-Peep.'* Those who saw
"The House That Jack Built" will remember that after the "King of
Hearts" dissolved into thin air in liis chase of the "Knave of Hearts" with
the luscious tarts, the queen married "Old King Cole." From their appear
ance in the new opera, their life is a happy one.
Work of the Sunshine Society
Will Be Aided by Bright
Many. Kay theater parties are being
formed for "The Lost Princess Bo-
Peep," prominent anions which are
Governor and Mrs. Tener, Vance Mc-
Cormick, Mrs. M. E. Olmsted, Mrs.
E. JJ. Pierce, Mrs. A. Carson Stamni,
Mfs. William E. Bailey. Mrs. C. H.
Burtnett, Mrs. Howard Lloyd, Bishop
As an incentive to sell tickets an
honor roll has been started, the fol
lowing persons having sold ten or
more lickets: Frank Witherow, John
McCullouch, Frederick Long, Jean
Moses, Tine Eager. Dorothy Bushnell,
Mary Harris, Helen Harris, Theodore
Kauffman, Francis Hause and Mrs.
William Seel. This roll will grow from
day to day. The Sunshine Society,
under whose auspices The Lost Prin
cess 80-Peep is being given, is uni
que in Its work, as there help is as
varied as the needs require. The
Visiting Nurse is giving aid by loans
of sheets, towels, ice-bags, hot water
bottles, etc. Several crippled children
are looked after by specialists and
operations performed when necessary.
The house rent of several old ladies
is being paid in the summer, many
are sent to the country for fresh air
and pure milk. These are only a few
of the many avenues of help extended
by this band of women. Many of our
young people are aiding in the rais
ing of money for this splendid cause.
•Miss Louise Crozier, of North Third
street, is recovering from an opera
tion for appendicitis.
Surprise Miss Sowers
on Eighteenth Birthday
A merry party of young folks sur
prised Miss Brma Sowers last evening
at her home, 135 South Sixteenth street,
In celebration of her eighteenth birth
day. Gifts, flowers and cards were
presented Miss Sowers. The amuse
ments of the evening were games and
music with a buffet supper.
The guests were Miss Grace Lutz,
Miss Httth Hitman, Miss Vera Myers,
Miss Rose Osier. Miss Nellie Hitman,
Miss .Feanette Martzinger, Miss Sarah
Matzinger. Lucknow: Miss Vireie Ruby,
Miss Ida Hoyer, New Cumberland. Wil
mer Burkepile, Dillon Niekey, William
Strankeeker. Raymond Hitman, Harry
Hitman, Luther Osier. George Osier,
Paul Sowers, Harold Meek, Lucknow;
Mr and Mrs. Sowers.
Mrs. A. L. Bishop, of Philadelphia,
will lie guest of honor this evening
at a dinner of thirty covers given by
Mrs. C. AV. Burtnett, of this city, at
the Colonial Country Club. The ap
pointments will be of green and white.
Mrs. O. C. Brittin, of West Fairview,
who is visting Mrs. Frank Ellis, of the
Ellis House, Yonkers, N. Y., will stop
at Philadelphia on the way home to
visit her brother, Elmer E. Keys.
Ex-Alderman William Windsor, of
711 Capital street, is spending a week
in Boston.
Mrs. Levi Tittle. 1906 North Third
street, entertained at five hundred last
evening in honor of her husband's
birthday anniversary.
Richard Miller, of Rockford, 111., is
here to attend the funeral of his
grandfather, Emanuel Holtz, of Me
Trenton Bridegroom
Offers Wrong License
.s/itrial to The Telegraph
Trenton, N. J., .Tan. 24.—George W.
Curt in, a well-known restaurant
keeper of this city, was married at
Bordentown last night to Miss Jo
sephine B. Flynn, of that town, and in
the excitement qf preparing for the
ceremony, picked up a gunner's li
cense instead of the wedding certifi
Placing it in his pocket he hurried
with the bride to the home of the cler
gyman, and there presented the wrong
"You are now through with hunt
ing," was the comment of the latter,
after he hail glanced at the docu
ment. The bridegroom sent a mes
senger for the proper certificate and
the ceremony was completed.
Games and Contests
Features of Pleasure
Guests of Miss Nellie Bonsall. «26!
Verbeke street, last evening were en- !
tertained with games, reading, vocal ,
and instrumental music.
Refreshments were served to the I
Misses Margaret Moselein, Katherine I
Reed, Mary Mead, Clara Webster, Ruth I
Bonsall, Laura Brenteholtz,- Nellie Bon-!
sail, Marietta Branyan, Irene Bonsall !
and Ethel Beam. Mr. and Mrs. Orlando I
Bonsall, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bon- I
Mrs. Fannie Leak way, a pupil nurse 1
at Medico-Chirurglcal Hospital, Phila- !
delphia, has completed her three!
years' course of training and has been
retained as one of the assistant head j
nurses. She entered upon her new j
duties January 21. Mrs. Leakway is a'
daughter of Mrs. James Nalen, 423 !
Herr street.
Boys' Suits, Choice $1.79
one of the boys' suits in our
store, including Xorfolks, and in val-l
ncs up to $5.00, may be had this even-1
ing at National Supply Company, 8
|South Fourth street.—Advertisement,
Nearly All Denominations Have
Now Selected Leaders
For 1914
Practically every Christian Endea
vor Society in the county has elected
its officers for the coming year. A
list of these officers has been prepared
which includes In some cases only the ]
president. More complete records
were not obtained in out-of-town
The following are names of officers
grouped according to denominations
and churches. The list is;
Market Square—President, John E.
McCullough; vice-president, John V.
Booker; secretary, Miss . Marjorle
Hause; organist. Miss Lillian Miller;
treasurer, Miss Maryland Gourley;
corresponding secretary, Margaret
Pine Street —President, Miss Anna
McKelvey; vice - president, Martha
Dunlap; recording secretary, Mary
Long; corresponding secretary, * Rutli
Tack; pianist. Miss Catherine Heikes;
treasurer, Helen Smille.
Calvary—President, G. G. Young.
Paxtang President. Miss Jean
Capital—President, W. H. Creig
Emanuel —President, W. F. Slay
Westminster President, A. J.
I-ightner; vice-president, Mrs. E. Ray
sor; treasurer, Miss Anna Bockus;
corresponding secretary, Miss Mary
Orth; recording secretary. Miss Ellen
Reeves: pianist, Anna Hammelbaugh.
Bethany—President, Miss Bertha
llerr; vice-president, Miss Leah Gut
achall; corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Grant Senig; recording secretary, Mrs.
Ross Kelly; treasurer, H. Winter Da
vis; pianist. Miss Maud Duey.
Olivet—President, Mrs. F. H. Laird;
| vice-president. Miss Anna Holbert:
secretary. Miss Anna Boyer; treasurer,
Miss Elizabeth Woolly.
Covenant —President. Lloyd Lutz.
Steelton—President, W. F. Bechtcl.
United Brethren
Derry Street President, J. W.
First—President, Mrs. Charles Har
ris; vice-president, Paul Parthemore.
Otterbein—President, Russel Car
State Street President, F. W.
i.ingle; vice-president. Mrs. J. H. Mil
ler; recording secretary, Mrs. W. C.
Goudy; treasurer, Frank Oyler; organ
ist, Miss Edna Row; secretary, Miss
Edith Basehore.
West End—President. B. B. Drum.
Steelton —President. G. F. Wright;
vice-president, John Morrison; secre
tary, Miss Viola Pierce; correspond
ing secretary, Charles Black; treasur
er, H. J. Sanders; pianist, James Tol
Penbrook —President, S. G. Snoddy;
vice-president, Miss Emma Nisley;
recording secretary, Arthur Aungst;
corresponding secretary, Miss Violet
Condren; treasurer, John Omholtz.
Wormleysburg President, Miss
Elizabeth Eckert.
Oberlin —President Ernest Echen
Park Street—President,C. S.Wrich;
vice-president, W. E. Reickert; re
cording secretary, Miss Maud New-
THE TELEGRAPH'S distribution of the wonderful Panama book must be withdrawn
soon. Those who have not accepted this liberal offer will have this LAST CHANCE.
I Clip your Panama Certificate TO-DAY—there's no time to lose now. Don't
wait another minute, but ACT AT ONCE.
>1" The Biggest Book
pictures ii "v r q
:::: wpilMM You tver haw
Wa iWm 'Mb 1 en t * mes as ar S e as tbe accompanying illustration and
studies in | h gpl I a hundred times m o r e beautiful than we gm A A
full page 1) Hi 111 VI can describe -— a volume that could not | " "
plates of 1 pif OTS Iral 1 at a cent * ess tban . under any I
4 " I B || ° ther circumstances ' but given to you JL # ZZZ
JfnMm || And a Panama Certificate
I *' Printed Daily in Another Column
MAIL ORDERS—See Certificate for prices by
xh' tl d d 1 mail, which includes exact cost of postage
lustration of the $4 volume. 12* 1
WV Aa the size of your thumb compares J J |\ |
\ with your hand, so this volume com
-9x12 inches. WORK for a raise. How? Learn some-
thing the other fellow doesn't know. Go
ahead. It's a cinch that you'll get a raise if you gain knowledge that has an actual cash value
—you'll COMMAND more cash because you are WORTH MORE than one that lags behind.
Whatever position you now hold you must keep up with the times if you would ADVANCE.
Better still, you should keep AHEAD of the procession. The latest and greatest NEW
knowledge concerns the Panama Canal. To know about this modern wonder is to have some
thing "up your sleeve" that will add to your "market value."
Your Money Refunded if Not Satisfied
comer; corresponding secretary, Miss
Mary Forayth; treasurer, Arthur
Stabler; organist, Grace McKelvey.
Harris Street—President, J. J. Nun
gesser; vice-president,Wilmont Troup;
secretary, Ines Miller; corresponding
secretary, E. S. Schilling; treasurer,
T. E. Schwartz; pianist, Blanche Se
Steelton—President Benjamin Hock.
Lemoyne—President, Miles Kice.
Second —President, Oliver H. Sen
senlg; vice-president, G. T. Burtnett;
treasurer, Miss Ida Hull.
St. John's—President, L. C. Spang
ler; vice-president, Paul Rimer; secre
tary, Miss Mabel Johnson; treasurer,
Charles Hoke: pianist, Mrs. L. C.
Spangler; assistant pianist, Miss Edna
Whlteomb; chorister, H. W. Keltel.
Fourth President, William H.
Mauser; vice-president, John F. Kob;
recording secretary. Miss Lois Seldel;
corresponding secretary, Miss Grace
Snow; treasurer, D. L. Lenker.
Market Street —President, C. A.
Mount; vice-president, H. W. Her
man; recording secretary, Miss Ullie
Foulk: corresponding secretary, Mar
garet Gilger; treasurer, Pearl Herman;
pianist, Elizabeth Newcomer.*
Steelton—President, W. J. Ickes.
Wesley A. M. E.—President, J. Rob
bin Bennett.
State Street A. M. E.—President, M.
H. Layton.
1 ,ut lierans
Bethlehem—President, Charles Mit
chell; vice-president, Catherine Mil
ler; recording secretary, Mabel Wil
bur; corresponding secretary, Annie
Schlayer; treasurer, Charles Mehring;
pianist, Annie Tittle.
Messiah —President, Miss I. W. El
Augsburg—President, Miss Cather
ine Koons; vice-president, Miss Mary
Ebner; treasurer, Funk Witherrow;
secretary, Miss Margaret Murray;
corresponding secretary, Eleanor Traf
ford; organist. Miss Elizabeth Guy;
assistant organist, Miss Pearl Geis
Church of Redeemer —President, E.
S. Wolf; vice-president, George Lebo;
secretary, Clyde Behney; treasurer,
Mr. Follette.
Christ —President, G. W. Xagle.
Trinity—President, !Miss Prances
St. John's, Steelton —President, Miss
Gertrude Hupp; vice-president, C. M.
Zerby; secretary. Miss Mary Epping
er; assistant secretary. Miss Mildred
Critchley; corresponding secretary,
Miss Mabel Rupp; treasurer, Miss
Mary AUeman.
St. Mark's —President, W. H. Kell.
Penbrook President, Charl.es
New Cumberland —President, Grov
er S. Neagley.
Trinity,' Lemoyne—President H. R.
Zion, Enola- —President, Miss Carrie
Knaby; vice-president, Mrs. Ida Dyer;
secretary. Miss Mabel Seitz; corres
ponding secretary, John Roth; treas
urer, Miss Sadie Eslinger.
Oberlin —President, George Lebo.
St. Matthew's—President, John Cri
der; vice-president, W. H. Jacobs;
secretary, L.aVene Grove; treasurer,
Howard Hillner; organist, Florence
Gallager: assistant organist, Mildred
Church of U(HI
Maclay Street President, Wrs.
Wallace. .
Green Street President, W. M.
Main Street, Steelton President,
Charles H. Rider.
South Front Street, Steelton —
President, A. M. Sweigart.
Fourth Street — President, Charles
S. .Meek; vice-president, Guy McDon
nald; secretary, Miss May Enders; as-
JANUARY 24, 1914.
sistant secretary, Miss Anna Dugan;
treasurer, T. D. Richardson; corres
ponding secretary, Hattie Weiden
Nagle Street—President, Mrs. Jo
seph McCool; vice-president. Miss
Anna Dickey; secretary, Clyde Nless;
assistant secretary, Lewis McKay; cor
responding secretary, Robert Cooper;
treasurer, Joshua Charles; organist,
Mrs. Clyde Neiss.
Penbrook —President, F. E. Elsie;
vice-president, Charles A. Bobb; sec
retary, Charles H. Wirt; assistant sec
retary, Miss Sylvia Pipes; treasurer,
F. J. Zeiders; pianist, H. S. Bright
Pleasant View—President Chalmer
President John S. Musser, of the
Harrisburg Rotary Club; Vice-Presi
dent C. Harry Kain. Secretary Howard
C. Fry, Director W. R. McCord are
leaving for Washington Sunday after
noon. They wiir be present with a
delegation consisting of President
Russell I. Greiner, of the Rotary Clubs
of the World; United States Senators
and Congressmen of Texas, other
Southern United States Senators and
Congressmen, many of whom are
members of Southern rotary clubs, to
I call upon President Wilson to invite
him to be present at and address the
1914 convention of the World's Ro
tary Clubs at Houston, Texas, in June
The Sunday vesper service will be
held at the Women's Chris
tian Association rooms, North Third
street, to-morrow afternoon at 3.30
o'clock. Miss Alice A. Graydon will
lead and Miss Ella AVllson will sing.
Miss Elder, the general secretary of
the Hershey Y. W. C. A., will make
an address.
The Trinity Lutheran Brotherhood Is
arranging an entertainment for Thurs
day evening, January 29, in the Tech
nical High School auditorium.
A number of the young folks of the
church will participate in the pro
gram, which will inslude the sketches,
"Uncle Dick's Mistake." "The Long
Lost Nephew," and "The New Night
School." Much Interest is being taken
in the entertainment.
Miss Editli Rourke has gone to Lan
caster to be the guest of Miss Theresa
McAvoy. Miss McAvoy will sing the
leading role in the comic opera. "Er
minio," which will be given bv the r.an
ca.stor Operatic Society in the Fulton
Opera House, on January 26 and 27, for
the benefit of St." Joseph's Hospital.
A Single Application
! Banishes Hairy Growths
I ; I
(Toilet Talks)
Much interest is manifested among
beauty specialists in the new, painless
treatment for superfluous hairs. This
consists of a paste which is made with
a little powdered delatone and water
and applied to the objectionable hairs
for about 2 or 3 minutes, then rubbod
off. Following this treatment the skin
I should be washed to remove the re
j .naming paste and it will be left free
i from hair or blemish. Care should
I be used to see that it is delatone you
I get, otherwise the result may be dis-
I appointing.—Advertisement.
When constipated, headachy,
bilious, stomach sour,
breath bad.
Get a 10-cent box now.
You men and women who can't Ke!
feeling right—who have headache,
coated tongue, foul taste and foui
breath* dizziness, can't sleep, ar*
bilious, nervous and upset, bothered
with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach;
or have backache and feel worn out.
Are you keeping your .bowels clear
with Cascarets, or merely forcing t
passageway every few days with salts
cathartic pills or castor oil?
Cascarets work while you sleep
cleanse the stomach, remove the sour
undigested, fermenting- food and fou
gases: take the excess bile from th<
liver and carry out of the system al
the constipated waste matter an<
poison in the bowels.
A Cascaret to-night will straightei
you out by morning—a 10-cent bo
from any drug store will keep you
stomach sweet; liver and bowels reg
ulac, and head clear for months. Don'
fofget the children. They love Cas
carets because they taste good—neve
gripe or sicken.
Rosa Bell Minor, colored, who reside
at 205 North Kentucky avenue, Atlanti
City, is anxious to find her brothe
John Minor, who has been missing fc
ten years, and Is supposed to be In llai
risburg. The Police Department ht
been asked to locate the mlssin
brother and convey to Minor the mes
sage of his heart-sick sister.
'Between Harrisburg and New Yor
commencing January 25tli. "HAI
RISBURG SPECIAL" will run dail
leave' New York 8.45 a. m„ arri\
Harrisburg 1.40 p. m.; leave Harrl
burg 4.35 p. m.. arrive New York 9.:
p. m. Dining car service on this tra
Our repair department is a spec
feature with us. We do High Gra
Work at reasonable prices and can
place any broken lens without a p
scrlptlon. Try us and see.
Gohl Optical C<
8 North Market Square
(Where Glnnsea Are Made Hlglit.)