10 Terrible? Terrible? Jeff You Deserved It • By "Bud" Fisher * Th (VJBUL THBN ] O* A Su/eLt GA«b I SAV MUTT 866P I* COU> I what Does fwHY P'G 1 m ( wetc AN6 I " 60 Ho^e I Por.< C o*ve YOU Poor. H ""eee T> oe * «§ «* motton «ret»F> M ON«4KT J J t=R.Oiv\ fS SIMP lIH Beep Coft.ve\ p *°«* cows IHI Tee Hee! G£Ty a margin of 51 Dins. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH until the last man is out on Labor Day. President Graham proposes to do some scouting himself and when he finds a promising youngster he intends to let the Tri-State managers know all about him. "I believe the opportunity is here to make the Tri-State League the most talked of six-club ot-ganization in the country," said President Graham in a letter to a Harrisburg friend, "and I am going to do my best to get the fans organized into one big army of boosters." Interclass Games at Lebanon Valley Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa., Jan. 24.—The first of the interclass games for the cham pionship of Lebanon Valley College was held last night on the gymnasium floor and resulted in the Seniors de feating the Juniors, 13 to 8, and the Freshmen team winning from the Preps, 39 to 11. The scores: Seniors. Juniors. Strickler, f. Snavely, f. Charlton, f. Stickell, f. Heffelfinger, c. Statton, c. Schmidt, g. Rerew, g. Walters, g. Eby, g. Goals Statton, 1; Snavely, 1; Stickell, 1; Strickler, 4; Schmidt, 1. Foul goals, Snavely, 2; Strickler, 3. Freshmen. Preps. W. Swartz, f. Berger, f. Donahue, f. Wheelock, f. Loo mis, c. McClure, c. S. Swortz, g. Mackert, g. Hupp, g. Wine, g. Goals Swartz, 6; Loomis, 9; Swortz, 3; Wheelock, 3; McClure, 1. Foul goals—Wheelock, 2; Swartz, 3. Referee, Hollihger. Millersburg Teams Won Pool Match In the pool series between Millers burg and Williamstown teams, played at Alvord's pool portion last night, Millersburg won by a score of 286 to 225. The scores follow: Williamstown, McNutt and Wil liams, 65; Stokes and Lake, 100; Browning and Alleman, 6s; total, 225. Millersburg, Lodes and Fry, 100; Newbold and Newbaum, 86; Johnson and Day, 100; total, 286. NEW COUNTY LEAGUE REPORTS RESERVE LIST The Central Pennsylvania League will start, the season with fifty-seven players, assigned as follows: By Middletown—Aderholt, Weirich, Baunibach, Balnier, Loc.kard, McKin ley. Moore, Hippensteel, Shellenberger and Shatto. By Highspire—Boyd, Drake. Bon lioltzer, Bam ford, Wilson, Beinhauer, Peters, Krause, Newashe, F. Ktter White, It. Etter, R. Leedy, J. Leedy, Snyder, Megary. By New Cumberland—Wertz. Strick ler, Maurer. Kurzenknabe, Lighter, Moore, Guistwhite, Stonesifer, Crane, Rote, Raffensberger, McCord, Walz, Embick, Fisher and Ruby. By Steelton Reagan, Blever, S. Books. Nebinger, J. Leeder, Murphy, Kimmel, C. Books, Schultz, Waidley, Atticks, L. Williams, S. Crane, Bough ter, Bulger. FITZSIMMONS BARRED BY COMMISSIONERS fly Associated Press New York, Jan. 24. —Bob Fitzsim mons, former heavyweight champion of the world, is too old to again enter the ring, even in ten-round bouts, members of the State Boxing Commis sion say. On Tuesday when the mat ter comes up before the commission the members Will vote to prohibit the one-time champion from boxing in the State. This action against Fitzsimmons, the members of the commission say. will be taken "for humanity's sake." They say that Fitzsimmons is too old to enter a boxing contest and to allow such a bout would be In the light of licensing a farce. RAMSEY MAKES TRADE Special to The Telegraph Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 24.—Man ager Hank Ramsey, of the Troy club of the New York State League, has turned Second Baseman Billy Cranston and a bunch of money over to the Binghamton club for Outfielder Mcliesney. He has also traded Out fielder Somlerlot to the Pittsfield team of the Eastern Association for Out fielder Gough. M'CORMICIC CLASS WON In the Pine Street Presbyterian Sun day School League series last night the H. B. McCormick Class won from Frank Palmer's bowlers; margin, 198 pins. ATHLETICS TOO FAST FOR RESERVOIR FIVE The Athletics moved up a few points in the Elks' League last night, bowling a vHtory over the Reservoir five; margin, 181 pins. BLEtSE TELLS IK HE PARDONED 992 Gives Series of Reasons in Booklet Sent to Members of the Legislature Special to The Telegraph Columbia, S. C., Jan. 24. Why Governor Cole L. Blease granted par dons, paroles and commutations of sentence to hundreds of convicts last year is set forth In a message trans mitted to the Legislature. It is a printed book of 38 3 pages. Since as suming office three years ago Gover nor Blease has extended clemency In 982 cases. The striking feature of the report is the bold manner in which he ex presses his opinion of negroes. He speaks of them as "on the order of lower animals." "Then egro race," he asserts, "has absolutely no standard of morality. They are, in that respect, a class by themselves, as marital infidelity seems to be their most favorite pastime." The Governor remarks, in report ing that he has paroled J. E. Murray, a negro bigamist: "If every negro In this State that is guilty of bigamy or marital infidelity is brought up and convicted labor will be much scarcer than it is, and many acres that are now cultivated will be idle." Could Be No Assaults Time and again in reporting the lib eration of white men convicted of criminal assaults on negro women, Governor Blease declares, the charge is ridiculous —that such a crime can not be committed on a negro woman. He expresses in very plain language the belief that a pure negro woman is an unheard of prodigy. In telling of a parole granted to Sam Gaskins, a negro convicted of manslaughter, Governor Blease says: "This negro, being engaged to a negro girl, called to see her, and in fooling with a pistol it went off and killed her. It seems to have been a very sad accident; however, after a second thought possibly it was for the good of humanity, for had they married no doubt they would have brought forth more negroes to the future detriment of the State." No Crime to Kill Another Commenting on his action in com muting the sentence of Stake Morris, a negro murderer, from death to life imprisonment, the Governor says: "This defendant was convicted of killing another negro. lam naturally against electrocuting or hanging one negro for killing another, because if a. man had two fine mules running loose in a lot and one went mad and kicked and killed the other, he cer tainly would not take his gun and shoot the other mule, but would take that mule ami work it: therefore, I believe that when one negro kills an other he should he put in the peni tentiary and made to work for the State." Notwithstanding the contemptuous attitude which he assumes toward ne groes as a class, Governor Blease in the message expresses compassion for individual negroes who he says have been ill treated In the penitentiary and frequently gives as a reason for liberating black convicts that they are "white men's negroes." Central High Stars Trimmed York Five Central high tossers proved the best attraction of the season at York last night, defeating York high, score 41 to 24. Both teams played a brilliant game. Central excelled in tossing and floor work and in the second half had a brilliant spurt giving them a lead that York could not overcome. Tech's Easy Victory From Millersburg Tech tossers had little trouble in de feating the Millersville Normal school five last night, score 42 to 28. The Tech scrubs won from the Methodist Club, score 25 to 15. GIRLS' SECOND TEAM WILL PLAY ELIZABETHTOWN The second girls' basketball team of the Central High school which has recently been formed, will play Ellz abethtown February, where they will meet the girls' high school team of that town. The players will be: Mary Elizabeth McCormick, center, captain: Susar Rhoads and Beulah Starrey, forwards; Rose Richards and Helen Kleckner, guards. The girls will be chaperoned by Miss Bowers, faculty advisor of the Girls' Athletic Association. AMUSEMENTS r —\ EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY VICTORIA THEATER TO-DAY "C'oralcan Blood," Multiple reel. "How Motion Picture* arc Made," Key-atone t'omle. "Hthpl Barry more" nml "The Boy Scoiita" In Kln emarolor. ADMISSION Br *■ M JANUARY 24, 1914. AGRICULTURE HID THE GOVERNMENT Unique Meetings Will Be Held at the Capitol During the Coming Week The State Board of Agriculture, which has been holding meetings every year since 1876, will, during the coming week, hear for the first time a series of addresses by officials of the State government on what their departments mean to the agricultural interests of the commonwealth. This arrangement, which is pronounced de parture from the former program which dealt with agricultural matters brought up only by members of the board, was made for the purpose of stimulating interest in what the State has undertaken for rural districts. The question of highways, purifica tion of water supply, equalization of educational advantages, taxation, safe ty laws, fire prevention and even li brary work will be presented with their relation to farmers and farming life. Governor Tener will call the meeting to order on Wednesday morn ing and there will be seven sessions, dosing on Friday when reports on proposed legislation will be submitted. In addition to the addresses there will be reports by specialists of the Board of Agriculture and its various branches throughout the State and the methods of .the new bureau of sta tistics of the department of agricul ture will be explained. This bureau is engaged in making a census of the farms of the State and making a com pilation of reports on the crops. It is probable that some attention will be given to the county law pro viding payment for scalps of noxious animals and birds and the legislature be asked to make an appropriation to nay counties which have made pay ments to hunters, but which cannot be reimbursed because the Legislature did not make a sufficient appropria tion. Thinking of Quality These days, most men when they think of a smoke, think King Oscar 5c Cigai It's the way quality always affects the mind. Its influei is simply irresistible. Think of soap, silver, flour and wl not and the quality kinds arc the ones you instinctiv think of. MAJESTIC ThEATER " ,tMER - ':; v T T * ArrE ' TO-NIGHT, 25c, 50c, 75c and SI.OO ROWLAND & CLIFFORD OFFER WM. ANTHONY McGUIRE'S PLAI THE DIVORCE QUESTIOr* A Piny tlint has formed the outline for more nermong tlinn any play pr< dueed In reeeut yearn. MONDAY, JANUARY 26, MATINEE AND NIGHT KIBBLE AND MARTIN'S UINGLE TOM'S CABIIN THE GREATEST PRODUCTION OF UNCLE TOM EVER PRODUCED PRIPFS MATINEE, Adult*, anci Children. 10c. * IXlV ' t *° EVENING: lOe, 20c, 80c, OOc. > - - - - " - i - A SHOW WITHOUT WIGGLES BUT PLENTY OF GIGGLES FUN IN A TURKISH BAT Even PRUDENCE Will Laugh at i i or* n DE VERNE & VAN John & Emma Ray „ ARRYSAUBER "0* the Rio Grande" i a*—n* * lAMuseMeflts MAJESTIC To-day, matinee and night—"The D vorce Question." Monday, January 26, matinee and nig) —Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Friday and Saturday. January 30-3 matinee Saturday Robert Disbro Lloyd Sunshine Society, presentir "The Lost Princess, 80-Peep." Entire week of February 2, matin dally—Kirk Brown and His Ow Company. ORPHEIM Keith Vaudeville —Every afternoon ai evening. Vaudeville and Pictures—Every afte noon and evening. 'THE DIVORCE QUESTION" The Catholic Church's firm stand the subject of divorce is ardently chai pioned in "The Divorce Questioi which is now playing at the Majes Theater to-day, matinee and night, Rowland and Clifford. The author, W liam Anthony McGuire, shows a the ough knowledge of his subject and li staged a most realistic picture of the who strive to defy society and in admirable manner he presents his si of the question long discussed.—Advi tisement. "UNCLE TOII'S CABIN" The Majestic Theater mnnageim announced this morning that Kib and Martin's big revival of "L'n Tom's Cabin" will be brought to tl popular playhouse Monday. JanuHrv matinee and night. The announcemi will no doubt be hailed with delig for Ilarrisburg theatergoers are alwi anxious to witness a production that being praised by the press and pull It is said that over fifty people are e ployed in the production and scenery magnificent to behold.—Adv tisement. STOLE CHICKENS FOR SEVEN Mil, Mountvllle, Pa., Jan. 24. For a c tance of seven miles between here ; Kahler's, chicken thieves raided henneries of farmers on Thursday nil and stole hundreds of chickens, ms of them being valuable ones. A waf was necessary to get away with plunder.