COMPANY I AT INDIAN RIDGE COLLIERY. SHENANDOAH—I9O2 I 2 PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN ON ROAD LEADING DOWN FROM EtGHTH REGIMENT CAMP ON TOP OP INDIAN RIDGE, MORE THAN 400 FEET ABOVE BOROUGH OF SHENANDOAH. ndYf ggr ClTVggg^ CoypHmJ by L am* GWe 5 PMack r>*sT CITYTOUAYt ' c/Tr SWAr EIGHTH SECTION •STATE FIELD SERVICE IX COAL REGION* IN 1900 AND 1902 (Continued) Camp in Pleasant Location The camp was pitched in a field j cast of the town and it was quite a j change for the men to get into a j farming country,'after spending near-, ly two months at Shenandoah, where ! i liere is no cultivated land, but a great 'leal of underbrush, rocks and coal j dirt. Thousands of visitors came to I the camp, and at the first Sundayl evening parade it is estimated that aj crowd of more than 3,000 witnessed ' the ceremony. The camp was located in the center of the Laekawanna-Lu-) Kerne coal field, and within a few miles were the towns of Duryea,! Lackawanna, Avoca, Moosic and Tay-| ior and many large colliery opera- \ tions. employing many men. Details were sent to the neighbor- i ing towns on frequent occasions and ! a number of times the company was ■ in West Pittston on provost duty.' While there the men were quartered i in the armory of Company M of the) ROSTER OF COMPANY I—STRIKE OF 1902 (July 31 to Oct. 30) On duty with regiment at Shenandoah lifty-six days; at Shenandoah, 0 and sla.OO. every reason right EWiIII J „ . Ve 7, ™"u Ua ' circun,stan « brought these coats here in these suits and wil l / to ««o sen at these prices; • . overcoats - that you Our buyer happened mon a mamrtactifrer just at buy it to-morrow. - the moment when he needed cash and needed it badly. Ask one of the m'tm® • , b " v " made h ' m a P nce for the entire lot Clothing men to show' Wswfflßmm which originally was 92 coats. In his stress of circum- you the lines • • UwM stances he accepted the offer. " * 7 i cn . The most important thing to you beside the low Q•* jn * wj '/jfl price concerning these coats is that the materials arc Uvercoats \ W halt's Arabian Lamb and Haine & Harrison Ural d* ftt fVl vu H Lamb. 1 hese are the two real Persianna fabrics. ' k M . These coats are lined with guaranteed yarn-dyed fcfr 1 satin black or fancy. • Full size range from 14 misses' 'a l a^a M to 46 women's. Length of coats are 48 and 54 inches. .• » mm_ On Sale on the Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S I hour very good values for Saturday in this lot of Women's Reliable Winter Gloves Women s $1.25 Gloves, sl.lO Women's 25c Gloves, 19c . clt m ana | B,oves that I Women s $1.50 Gloves, $1.35 Women's 50c Gloves, 39c """"" vSTJStSSAST and unMned: '" n - |- atVMi^pJ!!^' cash ~ ° n Sale the Alain Floor, Bowman's. Suits and • OveTCOOtS A New Spring AN OBSERVATION '^o7^ Model in a Good at . «P/% • V . *7 "7 lost hei $45.00 in the regular way: She remarked, "I save a I Dorset at // C ? deal °. f money at this sale and I will have drapery enough " ' ' for my entire room." mmmm^^m facturers n ma°ke °up For the benefit of those who have not shared the first sls 00 to SIS 00 of corsets to sell at, a low price. J„ v ~,,'1l j-l « . * . 'r MU ' vv So he stretched a point for (iual- ful\ VV e VYlll COlltinite the , Stilts Ond flllPYcnnt* ity and put into these corsets ex- o > r p. . , T t ««IM UHH VVeTCOOH baie draperies and Upholstery Goods 07C ZftL :,'KS C B r ; Purchased in New York at auction recently. . *¥ B JI d sure to see it to-morrow. , 91 Br ~ Fancy figured twiii, me- ' cn uiills disposed of their surplus stocks Ia B ' hose 1 supporter^attachment^" an ? s ?mple lines in that auction sale. We were the *' tin«> embroidered finished only individual buyer represented from this section . . r . vuiife l fea?ure. of the country. Our portion of the purchase con- °" !L t priceisV7 n c! roducethcm s,sts of some of the. best draperies that have been —just a-few days- un- BOWMAN'S Second Floor. shown thisjeason, and you can save about half reeu- til we list the bovs' . lar price. The following list will give you some idea clothing stock. Hence \Y 7 11 of what you can expect. W 3.11 SI . OO Snnfast Drapery, Sale Price, 69c yd. n q i $3.98 Kashgar Couch Covers, Sale Price, $2.49 1 SIDCr ksale 22c Tapestry Border, Sale Price, 8c yd. r/j„ irr || p„ nov $6.50 Sanfast Curtains, Sale Price, $3.69 SPM T * ' nu jo ' $3.50 Bagdad Couch Covers, Sale Price, $1.98 M§ Roll, 18c 69c Oriental Stripes, Sale Price, 43c yd. t and English printed goods in SI.OO to $1.50 Armure Remnants, Sale Price, 39c rli'Mi Kk m i?ray, brown and green, two ira , ' V\ U| 11 tones and Jrndomme blue; flflu t )"C yd. y regular at 18c $$M i c° 7 ii $6.50 Sunfast Curtains, Sale Price, pr., $3.89 W Jc, be, / l-£c Koll $6.50 Sunfast Curtains, Sale Price, pr., $3.29 "f / ' f\_T_£ $2.00 Table Scarf, Sale Price, $1.15 XA> ||ff moderate. $4.50 Armure Portieres, Sale Price, $3.29 /c? i I BOWMAN S i'ourtli Hoor. On Sale on the Fourth Floor—Bowman's. , . the former price to sell Women's $3.50 Tango Boots, $1.85 SafCSTSa ° ' —listing. BSI7C ' le ' an go Boot is all the rage. We show them in black and BoVS OvWCOfltS MMjU . an - the size range is broken we have reduced the price for w JH]. Saturday's sale as an inducement to close out this line. Instead of " ere fl'Vo |T| OC $3.50, Saturday's price is $1.85 at. ... . Women's $1.50 and $2.00 Shoes, 95c Pair Were $2.98 tf* 1 AO / r 1 This lot consists of sizes 3, 3%, 4 and 4% only. If any of these sizes fit nt wJL (trO rCfr-k V >O 4 y , 01 ? wln set an exceptional value. Leathers are patent colt, gun metal, "'* ' T v \ ' in