14 Mutt Should Have Been Shot For This One :By if _ ( SHUS H-W-H-M- J . * I AND * GO6SS TN6YU I H6LCO MOTTO T , J f" \ * * Y - J c B. . CAST NHtHT /W D jSnoor H«*\ "roO x> lß C6U L CAST# ' , ItL <3o ter a BUNCH OF < |AJ . J _ I /-X voy **■ I cweeßh(*a up. I | ■JTOEHJfATK )X AI. LEAGUE ! HAS NEW UMPIRES i tfcimi *. The TtUfraph Slwr IMI. Jan. 28.—The umpiring mtmtr go] Spring training: quarters 0t tbm TlrtiW 1 League clubs were HtntnuMcd y««Urday by President Ed « Crt O. Barrow. The names of three MV noqAM* appear in the 1914 list, «MA fammUtm «f C. B. Owens, W. B. i Qarp—#>r. W"» I\ Finneran, John Iful- I tea, Wiltfazn KalHsan. Hugh Rorty. ■ Hnr lf»l LlWa. O. W. Millar and Rob- ] art HavC A* new arbiters are Rorty. : Wl>« MM tram the New England t mm; Hurlaon. from the New York State T i—gw*. and Millar, from the Oarote* Xuaatio. Tha Matb| oaaapa selected by the mrioua dWt* of the league are as follow*: Bttffalo, Charlotte, X. C.; Rtxtlmfr, ATntetoti. Ala.; Toronto, Martin Sprtrma, Tecnur, Montreal, CbMblUMvftK Va.. Baltimore, Hot Bpriasa Va.; Savannah, G