Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 22, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Established 1831
X. J. STACKPOL.E, Pres't and Treaa'r.
9. R. OYSTER. Secretary.
©US M. BTEINMETZ, Managing Editor.
Published «verj r evening (except Sun
day), at the Telegraph Building, 218
Federal Square.
Eastern Office, Fifth Avenue Building,
New York City, Hasbrook, Story &
Western Office, 123 West Madison
atreet, Chicago, 111., Allen Ward.
_^gmDelivered by carriers at
six cent 3 a week.
Mailed to aubacrlberi
at $3.00 a year in advance.
Entered at the Post Office In Harris
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IT Is beginning to lilter through the
ambitious think-tanks of certain
political marplots that the average
voter Is becoming wise to the plot
ting and scheming of that class of
men who without regard to party have
determined to prostitute for their own
purposes the possibilities of the di
rect primary law. But the awaken
ing of the voter is the disturbing ele
ment in all their ambitious dreams.
Many good Republicans did not vote
for Mr. Taft simply as a'protest
against methods of procedure in legis
lation and party management with
which they were not in sympathy,
knowing full well that in all probabil
ity the result of their action would be
a Democratic administration of our i
national affairs. These voters were j
actuated by sincere motives in that j
they believed this to be the most ef
fective way to demonstrate their dis- j
approval of conditions which in their J
judgment demanded a change.
Their protest has had Its lessons,
and the effect upon the Republican
party is shown in the elimination of
almost, if not all, of those things
which were offensive to the sincere
objector in the party. It is, therefore,
not reasonable to suppose that, having
punished or disciplined 'his party, he
is going to continue to do so indefi
nitely simply to please the whim or
advance the personal ambitions of
disgruntled would-be leaders of other
Of course, the Republican party is
not perfect; nor is the Democratic or
Washington, or any other; but the
thinking voter must choose that party
■which to him seems best fitted to rep
resent the principles for which he
Republicans are now making a
more careful study of the results of the
Jast national election. And they are
not going to continue the support of
a party which, instead of revising the
tariff, for instance, has cut down the
protection tree. Nor are they greatly
impressed with the policy of the party
in power, which, deriouncing Repub
licans for choosing those of the same
political faith to fill the offices, has,
■with utter disregard of ordinary po-
Jitical decency, and without reason or
lexcuse, appropriated all the offices in
night and violated every principle of
civil service reform. Not satisfied
•witli bouncing Republicans right and
left, regardless of their experience
ttud efficiency, the Democratic Con
gress is now placing upon every possi
ble bill a rider intended to further
a*p out efficient officials to make room
tfor hungry Democrats.
Yet not a word of disapproval front
those Democratic reformers and their
newspaper organs who a few months
ngo were promising the people an en
largement of the civil service or merit,
wystem and pledging a more efficient
administration of the national gov
Right hero In Pennsylvania, A.
'.Mitchell Palmer and the group asso
ciated with him have been reaching
out in every direction, regardless of
tlio civil service, to build up a huge
political machine that will enable
them to accomplish their own selfish
ambitions without reference to the
people whom they profess so much to
be serving.
It is inconceivable that
body of Republican voters prefer these
conditions to .the more conservative
and righteous expression of the prin
ciples of their own party now intelli
gently responsive to the will of the
Texans are complaining that grass
hoppers are annoying them. As we
throw another shovelful of coal on tho
lire we pause to reflect that Texans
must be hard to please.
THE need of additional means of
crossing the tracks of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company in
the West End of Harrisburg is
emphasized by the movements simul
taneously inaugurated by the West
Knd Improvement Association and the
people of Riverside for subways at
Division and Lewis streets. The an
nouncement or the railroad company
that it will build a bridge at Lucknow
Is gratifying, as filling a long fell
. • ' - ' ' * . r . - • • t
need, but nobody conversant with the
situation will agree that only one
safety crossing between Maclay street
and Lucknow will be sufficient to
meet the growing needs of the West
Harrisburg has spent thousands of
dollars in the purchase and develop
ment of the wonderfully beautiful
Wildwood Park. Wlldwood to West
End people is what the Itlver Park
is to those of the central part of
town, the Hcrr street playgrounds to
that section, Cameron parkway to
those of the lower end, and Reservoir
Park to Allison Hill. But they are
separated from their park by the
right-of-way of the Pennsylvania Kail
road. Either they must go to Ott's
lane or to Maclay street to got into
the park, if they ilo not care to run
the risk of life and limb crossing tlig
tracks of the railroad company pR
some point between, and even that jm
impossible save at one or two platifl
llarrisburg owes much to the PenflJF
sylvanla Kailroad Company and IP
.should stand ready at all times to do
what it can for the benefit of the
great corporation upon the prosperity
of which it so largely depends, but
on the other hand the railroad com
pany owes to the city hearty co-opera
tion in everything that will tend to
make this a desirable place of resi
dence for its hundreds of employes
and their families. Subways at Divi
sion and Lewis streets, or at one or"
the two, would be largely for the
benefit of the big railroad population
of the Tenth ward. There has been in
the past little demand lor subways
or bridges above Maclay street, and
it is but natural for those responsible
for the management of the railroad
company to refrain from making large
expenditures for safety crossings that
were apparently so little needed that
they had not been sought by the pub
lic. Hut conditions are changed now.
The city is growing. Uptown people
are demanding means of crossing from
one side of the railroad to the other
above or below grade. It will be
cheaper to provide euch means now
than when property values Increase
and make the consequential damages
more than the nominal sum that they
would now involve. Doubtless the
railroad otflcials realize this and it
may be expected that those interested
will get together shortly on some rea
sonable plan.
falling over himself in an effort
to bring about harmony between
himself und the Secretary of
State, who is still regarded by the
Speaker and his friends as the one
individual who stood between Clark
and the Presidency. In a public state
ment ay to why he declined to attend
a dinner at which Secretary Bryan
was to bo present, Speaker Clark in
dicated pretty clearly that even among
distinguished Democrats at Washing
ton there is a sentiment favorable to
the cessation of attacks upon business.
Among other things he said:
The people,of the country are not
interested to any considerable ex
tent about dinners in Washington,
but they are interested very much
as to what Congress does and when
It does it. and I am trying my best
to expedite business so that we can
get away from here before the frost
tiles next Fall and give the country
a rest. That is a good policy for
both the country and the Demo
cratic party.
President Wilson has always
been a consistent and persistent
advocate of the merit system in
the civil service.
This,, from the esteemed Patriot, is
rich reading in view of the bombard
ment of the civil service which has
characterized the present Administra
tion at Washington almost from the
first day of its inauguration. One
drive after another has been made
against the principle of the civil ser
vice and contrary to its regulations.
These instances are so frequent that;
only a purblind organ of the Admin
istration would have the temerity to
make a defense of its course in this
Postmaster General Burleson has
very properly taken a position against
a rider on the post office appropria
tion bill, providing that assistant post
masters shall be taken out of the
classified service, but this action will
not excuse the wholesale raid that
has been 011 for months against every
principle of the civil service.
Now that the poles are being re
moved from the streets of Harrisburg,
let the improvement go on until the
last pole shall have disappeared. May
we not hope that the Superintendent
of Highways and Public Works will at
once discover what corporation poles
have not been marked for slaughter and
see to it that they all come down? There
should be no discrimination in the
passing of the poles. One corporation
is the same as another when it comes
to a public improvement of this char
An unpopular poem in Harrisburg—
"Curfew Shall Not Ring To-night."
T is not tho Prohibitionists, the Anti
| Saloon Leagues, the W. C. T. U.'s
I and the Loyal Temperance Legions
alone that are spreading the gospol
of temperance throughout the length
and breadth of the land. Liquor trade
publications are prone to rant and rail
at what they choose to term tho "fa
natics" who aro advocating restric
tions in the sale of intoxicants. But
read this account of yesterday's
"Gangster" murder in New York, as
reported by the New York World:
Three women sat last night at a
table In the rear room of a saloon
at the northeast corner of the
Bowery and Second street. At an
adjoining table were live men. The
room was heavy with smoke and
glasses of beer stood on the tables.
The place Is known to the police as
"The Tub of Blood."
The men talked in whispers. One
of the men was addressed by the
others as "Gyp." The police say lie
has been known as "Gyp tlio
Blood" since the original "Gyp the
Blood" was sent to tho death house
In Sing Sing for the murder of
Also at the table drinking was
Thomas Murphy, a machinist em
ployed :it No. 30 East Fourth street
urn! living at No. 23 Stuyvesani
In the front of the saloon were
.1. .1. frilly, proprietor of the pla<e,
and his bartender, Joseph Mera.
These two men and the three wo
men, according to atatements made
to the police, heard the man ad
dressed as "Gyp" say to Murphy:
"You squealed and sent him up
the river.
The five men arose from the
table and Murphy stretched out a
friendly hand, but "Gyp" did not
take it. Instead, lie drew a re
volver and shot three times. Every
bullet took effect In Murphy, who
crumpled up and fell to the floor.
He died inßiantlj-.
There is a temperance sermon for
"The Tubs of Blood" are the great
est temperance advocates in the coun
try. Their voices are being raised
more loudly in the land than that of
the most eloquent Prohibition lecturer
that ever addressed nn audience. "The
Tubs of Blood"—the legalized hell
holes where men and women congre
gate together for all the crimes that
the calendar knows—these are the In
fluences that arc working for prohibi
tjjpfn as never prohibitionists worked.
xHf those who are powerful in the
counsels of the liquor-selling Interests
,Bro wise they will pay more attention
to abolishing the "Tubs of Blood"
than to making futile replies to tho at
tacks of those who are bending their
efforts toward the enactment of laws
in restraint of the saloon.
evening cMt
While traction companies in other
cities have been making a great fuss
about carrying policemen without re
quiring car fare when they arc in uni
form, the llarrisburg Railways Com
pany Is carrying out tho policy of tho
Central Pennsylvania Traction Com
pany in furnishing such free trans
portation on the broad ground of pub
lic policy. Tho Central inherited that
plan from the Harrisburg Traction,
which in turn got it from tho East
Harrisburg and the Citizens lines,
which merged into the Traction, and
the old City Passenger used to do the
same. In fact, for years and years the
furnishing of rides to policemen when
in uniform was considered as entirely
proper, and in fact advantageous, be
cause it enabled men to get from part
to part of "the city on duty, and in the
days when tho city did not have a
patrol wagon It was as big a help as It
is to-day when there Is a hurry call
for policemen and the wagon or am
bulance Is busy elsewhere and there
are no automobiles in sight to com
mandeer. The traction lines have
never extended the free ride privilege
to firemen, except when they are go
ing to a fire in another part of the
city and are in their accouterments or
when they are taking them to help In
an adjoining place. Perhaps when
the city gets a paid fire department
the traction company will do the same.
No one believes that the Public Ser
vice Commission is going to upset the
rule of years, which Is accepted all
over the country, and certainly the
Legislature never contemplated such
enforcement of the act. Meanwhile
the traction company may be tech
nically violating the law, but no one
appears to be looking down his nose
because it is doing so.
Jet, the black cat in charge of the
mice extermination force at the Gor
gas drug store, is probably the oldest
oat in active patrol duty in Harrisburg
mercantile establishments. Jet being
a lady is naturally adverse to giving
data on age, but it is creditably re
ported that she has passed her four
teenth year. Jet is a house cat, sel
dom stirring as far as the front door
and being fonder of observing the
passing throng from the safe vantage
point of a high stool at a soda foun
tain to taking first-hand views from
the curb. Furthermore, she never
goes out after dark and has not fig
ured in any fights as far as police rec
ords go. Jet is getting a little thin
11 nd shows her age, but she is still on
the job.
11. P. Gillette, who appeared here
yesterday as expert in the valuation
of the Bell telephone properties, is
one of the best known experts In the
country and has handled more big
tilings than the average man dreams
of. Mr. Gillette was connected with
the Railroad Commission of Washing
ton and knows more about water
power and things like that on the
Pacific coast than anyone in business.
His general knowledge of public utili
ties is very extensive and he is fre
quently a witness before the Inter
state Commerce Commission and in
big investigations. His testimony yes
terday was heard with the closest at
tention by the commissioners, who
went into detail with him on his
methods of ascertaining figures.
"This town of yours is a hustler and
the way you are fixing up your river
front and improving things generally
should be an inspiration to the cities
of the State. I like to watch the city
develop and I certainly like your way
of treating your river front," re
marked Senator Charles A. Snyder, of
Pottsville, while here yesterday.
James Scarlet, the eminent attorney
who is engaged here on some State
cases, was being asked the other day
why he did not move to Harrisburg
and be done with it. "The fishing is
no good around here and I like to go
to Danville for quiet," he replied.
"Well, why not run for Governor or
something and get a real residence
here?" was suggested. "That is a
horse of another color and I'm a law
yer first," was the answer.
Ilj- Winn Dinger.
Our live City Council is busy
AVith hundreds of things, that's a
But the new City Planning Commission
is something on which it should act.
Of course such a body should number
The best men the town can afford,
And who could be found bettor fitted
Than those who made up the Park
They've given their time and their ef
For many a year to the cause
That has helped everyone in the city.
And they haven't sought fame or
But rather to stay in the background,
They have In the past been content,
And the pleasures they've brought to
ihe public ,
Arc the outcome of money well spent.
I think that the new City Council
With glory can cover itself.
By naming the men of the Park Board,
Whose thoughts are of others, not
Let's have the new Planning Commis
Let's have the men we know are
Let's all get together for progress,
And work toward that end oay and
I A-UTfLft- norweme i
"What is the secret of success;"
asked the Fool.
"The ability to conceal your lack 01
nhillty." replied the Sage.—Cincinnati
"Is she good to the children?"
"Very. She lets them do everything
their father doesn't want them to do."
I —Detroit Free Press.
Afraid to Call a Meeting of the
State Committee For Chair
man Election
Division Chairmen Will Be Elected
For Two Places Within a
Short Time
Although bosses of the reorganiza
tion faction of tho State Democracy
are busy conning law books and work
ing themselves Into the belief that the
primary act of 1913 did not apply to
the Democratic party, matters are
gradually working around to a. point
where a formal demand for a meeting
of the Democratic State committee
will be made for a change of rules. It
is contended- that the party machine
has been running along without mak
ing its rules conform to the primary
act as the Republican and Washington
parties have done.
Part of the cry of the dominant
gang in the Democratic State machine
has been that it is against special
privilege, but it is to bo noted that the
Democrats secured an exemption from
the operation of the. primary law last
year. Now they are trying to make it
appear that the law will not affect it
this year, either. The reason for this
presumption is (hat the bosses want to
keep State Chairman Morris in his
chair, it he does not fall out of h's
own weight, as long ae possible.
Some of the folks who do not be
lieve In the bludgeon methods of the
reorganization gangsters are Insisting
that the committee have a meeting in
May after the election of State com
mitteemen. as other parties will do.
Division meetings are to be called
by the Democratic State committee at
Reading and Wllkes-Barre shortly.
Herr Kremp, appointed an
assistant United States at-
Division torney, has given formal
Chairmen notice of retirement as
Ketlring division chairman Aid it
is presumed that Fritz
Kirkendall, the new reve
nue collector, will do the same thing
with his division chairmanship. These
meetings will afford an opportunity
for more resolutions expressing con
fidence in Wilson and Palmer. The
division headed by John T. Matt, who
downed Congressman Warren Worth
Bailey in a fight for supremacy, had
a meeting yesterday at Altoona and
resoluted as per instructions from
headquarters in this city.
Senatorial gossip Is commencing to
be heard in various sections of the
State and the chances are that there
will be a number of
booms developed. In
Northumberland ex-Sen- Senatorial
ator McConnell may be Togas Are
a candidate to fill out the In Demand
unexpired term of the
late John T. Fisher, of
Shamokln. and there are several
Democrats after Washers' place in
York. James M. Clark will b£ a can
didate in Powell's old district and W.
H. Semmens is also a candidate for
the upper house in the district in
which he lives. Walter McNichols
will be a candidate to succeed himself.
City Democrats nro commencing to
gel restive over the possibility that
Jesse J. Lybarger may be dragged out
of the Patriot's For
gettery again and forced
Democrats upon the Democratic
Talking ticket for member of the
of Member Legislature. Jesse has
been a candidate as
often as wanted and in
the opinion of some Democrats more
than wanted. Sentiment is in favor of
the nomination of T. K. Van Dyke,
who is a real Democrat, or some other
man who is not trotted out only when
noisy speeches are desired by some
boss. In the county it is likely that
the untrammeled Democrats will put
up their candidates without much re
gard to the bosses.
—C. C. Truax, prominent Pittsburgh
merchant, is engineering a big plant
in which Smoky City merchants will
manufacture their own commodities.
—W. D. Gerlach, of Hazleton, is one
of the city's councllmen elect, but he
cannot take his seat until he is re
lieved as postmaster. His successor
has been designated, but not con
—George H. Lamb, head of the
Carnegie Library at Braddock, is pre
paring for its silver anniversary. It
was the first Carnegie library.
—Henry Loeb, a former Reading
councilman, says people should give
the city's new councllmen a chance.
This applies to other cities, he says.
—Judge C. A. Groman, of Allen
town, says that people must answer
questions in the new marriage license
law and is prepared to enforce it.
To say that the President's recom
mendations are not radical would be
absurd. They are radical. They were
intended to be radical. Hut this radi
calism Is the radicalism of sanity and
justice.—New York World.
The President's suggestion of a trade
commission * * * is more obviously
feasible.—New York Evening Post.
The President's attitude is sufficient
ly conciliatory to Inspire business with
the hope that at last it will be allowed
to move forward with confidence.—
Philadelphia Ledger.
Peace, freedom and prosperity in
commerce and industry were the'kev
notes of President Wilson's flftli mes
sage.—Boston Globe.
George J. Gould, touching on two
points in the message, said that he was
optimistic on business. "1 feel en
couraged," he said. "Sentiment is more
cheerful and I believe that business
will bo better. The situation depends
largely upon Washington."
It Is with the greatest ploasure and
relief that The Sun discovers both In
the tone and also in the substance of
the President's last message ground
for regarding- it as epochal; that is, as
closing one epoch and beginning an
other In the experience of American
business.—New York Sun.
Too Durned Many Flues
. I From the Philadelphia Inquirer.]
A Are destroyed $50,000 worth of
Swiss cheese recently In New York.
Well, we can imagine that If a fire got
a small start In Swiss cheese there
would bo sufficient draught to push It
along fiercely.
\«l No Popular «■ the Other Thing
(From the Houston Post.]
The Wisconsin eugenic marriage
statute is the law that made Milwaukee
1 furious.
•WWWWWWyBny here aot alone beeause prices are lower,' bat because qualities are
Potpourri of Distinctive
| M&te) Values in Wanted Articles
J For Personal and Household Use
/ i— ——— ——_________ Plain and Figured Denim.
/ HHii,-,.. and 115 c
1 »I M'IAL ISO. 1 I'laln Color Burlap tile SPI4CIAI. NO. 3
} , 40-inch Crepe Voiles x^U^'hinE 1 10c . a °*. Gray Enamel Ware
> 40-In oh inereerlced crepe voiles Wemple Oil .Shades, all colors, com- Special direct purchase of grnv
j / In blue, black, lavender, jfrcen, piete 25c ennmel Mare In Difih l'nnw,
. «-»»«* MEN'S FURNISHINGS 2T'" """
5 Zsc Noteworthy. in Quality and 25c
}. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR ~ , Pnce rtrrom<;
' o • i »~krr • „ Men's Coat Dress Shirts, nil aires, KIBdUNo
■, special Offerings in Our •"•<* value an.- Of the Better Kind
• O 1 H en " Wopk Shirts, all slr.es ... 25c oeller ft ' lnQ
% January White oaJC Men's Hllk ISeckwrnr, special, 10c All Silk lllhlion In all colors,
5 , „ Men's Knitted Ties Tc . 10e
£ I<a<llea Draivern, special. Men'* Simpciiilcrn. 1214 c, l!)c and 2.% c Satin Klhbona, all colom,
5 , „ 13c, iiOc and 25c Men's 4-ply l.lncn Collars .... 10« _ 10c
C Corset Covers, Men's Caslimcre Wool Hose. . 12Vi<* Tafret ltlhbon, full line of colors, at
5 ■ 10c, laVjc, 15c, 10c and 25c Men's Silk Hose 25c 12He, 15c, 18c and 25c
C Brassieres !»,. H , lt | 2 5c Men's l.lsle Hose ISVic Satin IllbhnnN. all colors, 10c and 25c
J White Skirts 25c Men's Extra Heavv Mixed Hose, 0c Moire Itlbbons, all colors, 19c aud 25c
5 I ndies' Corsets, all slses with far- _ Fancy Dresden Itlhlxtns, 10c and 25c
5 ters attached 25c SDCCiaI in the Plaid Hlbhons 25c
5 l.adles' Sanitary Supplies full line Wnsh Hllibons, rip, .Ic, sc, 7e, 8c and
< nt low prices. NOTION DEPARTMENT tWc '
5 Children's Drawers, WXiVJIN X IVIH,IN X Colored Velvet Hlhho.is, yard .. 25c
5 ...... 15c ' U>c «»«' 2Sc Dress Shields. 10.-, 15c, 10c aud 25c 81,,ck Velv '« R,bbo »"-
? I t!!2 , Skirt* 25c Pins, pack 2c, 5c and 10c . mT ~ r ,,o > ""d 35c
J Children s Lnderbodles, Hooks and Kyes, card. Art Needlework News of
5 15e " nd 25e „ le. 3c, 5c and 10c Interest
> DAPERIES, ETC. s£?ely F p|i*"ea"nl, d 3c? n sci 7c and' 10c SPECIAL SAI.H OF STAMPB3D
J offerCd the Df y G ° odS
C Figured White Scrim 10,. Inside Belting 10c and 25c Stamped Waists of Lawn nnd Voile,
J Dotted, Striped and Figured white Hair Xets, all colors .... 5c and 10c value 15c
C Scrim 13V&C Shell Goods, new stvles, llarretten Stamped Haby I'lllows. 25c value, 15c
J New line of Curtain >ets with and Combs, nil colors. 10c to 25c Stamped Kimonos In Crepe, 50c
t double border, all new designs. I.ndles' and Children's Hose Sup- value 25c
% 10c and 12"/4 c porters 10c to 25c Ace die Craft Instructions. 13',i value,
% Hemstitched Curtnln Nets, In new Buttons, all*slr.es and colors, 5c un 3e
5 designs 17c nnd J»e Mirrors SPHCIAI. SALK OF YAIUVS
S Fish Xets 111 white, ecru and green, "»lr Brushes 25c Shetland Yarn, skein Re
> 10c. 13He and 15c 1-adles' all-leather I'ockethooks. 25c Saxony Varn. skein Sc
White Figured Madras, l.adles' Imitation I.eathcr Ilandhags, 4-fold tiermantown, nkeln Se
\ Ise, 10c nnd 25c 25c 8-fold tJcrinant«wn. skein 10c
% Plain and Figured Sllknllne. " Music Bolls 25c Cblnclillln 4 and S-fold (iermnn
% 10c nnd 121 i,. .Natural Hair Switches; light," me- town, skein 10c
% dluin and dark lirorrn, at our Eiderdown, special, skein, 10c
J usual low prlcrs ____________________
j All-wool Storm Serge MILLINERY UcJZSZSZL*.
r 40-Inch all.wool storm serge. In ,J "< »f I.ndles' French Felt and Silk
/ black, navy, brown and green Finish Hats 10c New lot Shadow Corset Cover
t extra special value, half yard! I'Udles Intrimmed Hats ... 10c I.aw, yard 25c
i _ I.ot Children's Trimmed Hats . . 10c New lot Shadow 27-Inch Flounc
f. 1 I.ot Buckram Shapes 10c ""*• I,a,f y ard l»c
{ IVV I.ot Feather Fancies 10c New lot 27-lnch Swiss Flouncing,
C Just received—Niew lot of ' Ostrich yard 25c
J —— Tips, Fur and Marlbou Trimmings. ____________________
| All the latest Ilc to 25c Department Store fAI the newest 1
I popular music, where Every Day Is Bargain Day
\ culntlng library,
| 100 ,215 Market St. Opp. Courthouse, ' Day
—No, Scoutmaster's address is not
a clarion call or a bugle blast. It
sounds like a scared squeak by a man
who is afraid to face the music.
—Some Democrats do not think that
the primary act or 1913 applies to
—Big Bull Moose Flinn is planning
to take a rest before he undertakes to
start the campaign.
—District Attorney Jackson, of
Allegheny, is stirring up tjie clubs that
are not on the level in Pittsburgh.
—Wilson McAlicher last night pre
sented the West End Democratic Club
with portraits of Wilson and Marshall.
—Democratic reorganizes are in
fear and trembling over the next move
of Stormy Petrel McNair.
■ —Again the confidential information
is given that Congressman Palmer
will announce his plans on the gov
ernorship this week or next.
—Representative Dunn, of Philadel
phia, is planning to run again.
—As soon as a few post offices are
out of the way Democrats can turn
their attention to getting some of the
Jobs Kirkendall has to give.
—The Democratic city committee
still continues shy about meeting.
—Lybarger evidently reminds some
of the city Democrats of Bryan. He
wants to run so often.
—D. Clarence Gibboney refused a
$5,000 job in Philadelphia because he
wanted to be a free lance.
—Hats are off to Herr Kremp. lie
shows some idea of propriety.
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor of The Telegraph:
Sir: The unsightly poles are coming:
down. Good! But what of the over
head signs? Why not make a real
clear-up while we're at it?
These hideous, creaking things, that
hang menacingly over the heads of the
passing populace, and occasionally in
high winds come clattering down, as
several did last week —isn't there a city
ordinance prohibiting them?
If there Is such a law. why don't the
police enforce it? If not, why don't the
now Councllmen pass one?
The overhead.* swinging sign is a
relic of village days. It is barred froih
all well-regulated cities.
Harrisburg, Pa., January 22, 1914.
Exceptions Taken to
Royal Five Claim;
Reasons Are Explained
To the Editor of The Telegraph:
Sir—ln your issue of the 21st in
stant you have a statement from the
manager of the John K. Royal basket
ball team with reference to the Has
sett Boys' Club five's cancellation of
the game recently schcdulod for the
Armory floor. The facts of the case
are as follows:
When the manager of the John K.
Royal team interviewed the Hassett
Club manager he stated there would
be no other team representing the
Pennsylvania Railroad Young Men's
Christian Association than the Royal
team, and that under the name
chosen, because the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A.
would not have a team representing
the association. Kor this reason the
Hassett management, while not ar
ranging a game definitely, neverthe
less considered the proposition. But
when the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. put a
team on the floor and bogan playing
the Harrisburg and other fives the
Hnssott management would not con
sider a second team, which is what
the Royal team then became.
The Armory game was scheduled,
without the approval of the director
of the Hassett Club, and for that rea
son was cancelled. The Hassett Boys'
Club five is not a second class team
and will not play between the halves
of any game In the city. The Haasett
management is willing to play the
Royals, if they are the representative
team of the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A., but
not In their present form as the scrub
team of the association. Further
more, the Hassett five is willing to
meet either the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A.
first team or the Harrisburg Col
legians, or any other first class team
In Harrisburg or vicinity on any floor.
When the Royal team becomes a first
class flve, the Hassett Club will con
sider a challenge.
Director Hassett Boys' Club.
JANUARY 22, 1914.
[From the Telegraph of Jan. 22, 1864.]
H»bel» Need Food
Headquarters Army of the Potomac,
Jan. 20. The news we get to-day Is
unimportant. A few deserters have
come over during- the last two days,
who confirm the reports already pub
lished of the rebel want of subsistence.
Blockade Runner* Destroyed
New York. Jan. 22. betters to the
Herald, dated oft Wilmington, on the
13th, give details of the capture or de
struction of the blockade runners \
Ranger, Bendlgo and Hero.
[Pittsburgh Gazette-Times]
A notification which Representative
A. Mitchell Palmer, of this State, is
said to have given Representative
Claude Kitchin, of North Carolina, has
been interpreted to mean that Mr. Pal
mer has made up his mind to be a
candidate for something other than
his present seat In the House. He is
said to have told Mr. Kitchin that he
will not compete with him for the
chairmanship of the committee on
ways and means on the retirement of
Oscar W. Underwood. But this may
only mean that Palmer foresees the
impossibility of winning the chair
manship and House leadership which
goes with it against the North Caro
linian, who is popular, who is the
ranking member of tho committee
after Underwood and, under the usage
of the House, entitled to promotion,
and who is almost certain to have tho
Southern representation solidly behind
him. Underwood has announced his
intention to retire from tho House at
the end of his present term if not
elected to the Senate, so that there
will be a vacancy. Palmer may '\ave
discovered that a Pennsylvanlan can
not win House leadership against a
Southerner and his determination not
to contest may have no relation what
ever to State politics.
Then and there was formed an en
during friendship between Hill and
Smith, a friendship which stood ter
rific tests. Upon the advice of Mr. Hill.
•Smith invested heavily In the Northern
Pacific as it was built up. In time his
holdings grew to 20,000 shares, held as
an investment and not for speculation.
When the strenuous fight for control
of the Northern Pacific was In pro
gress, the interests opposed to tile Hill-
Torgan control sent an ambassador to
I<ord Strathcona and offered him, it is
Baid, $20,000,000 for his shares.
He replied:
"When I was young and with little
money James J. Hill was one of my
best friends. His railroads have beeii
my best Investments since. No amount
I of money would persuade me to turn
against him now.''
The greatest thing a man can do
for his Heavenly Father is to be
kind to some of his other children.
—Henry Drummond.
V 2 Price
Is Now On
This Includes All Suits
and Overcoats
ygrARS- AfrCH-O-PAy
[From the Telegraph of Jan. 22, 186
Must I'rrxent Claim*
All persons having claims for wo
done in assisting to remove the boo
of the State Library, in June, 1863, v
immediately present the sam« at t
State Library rooms, for settlement, t
tween the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 o'clc
p. m.
Draft Subject* to Meet
All residents of the Fourth Wa
who are subject to draft, are request
to meet at the Hope engine house t
evening, at 7 o'clock. Let every o
Our B7 years'
experience is yours
for the asking; but
you must ask. We
shall not bother
you. Get free book
103 N, Second St.
Isaac Miller. ) r,oc*l
F. O. Donaldson, f Agents
"Plenty of Winter Ahead"
That ii the warning of the Weather
Bureau. Follow the sunshine to the
Panama Canal H
West IndiesH
Two cruises by the world famous HH|
steamer " Grosser Kurfuertt" HEB
the Hjfl
Feb. 12 —29 Days $175 lp H
Cubs, Jamaica, Panama, Vaneauala,
Trlnldsd. Barbadoa, Martinique, Bt.
Themaa, Porto Rico and Babamaa.
Mar. 19—SI nay.—»lßO mp.
Cabs, Panama, Jamaica, BreW
Porto Blew.
Writ# for new booklet, BH
| "To tho Canal and Onrlbbeiaa." HHR
lOBLRICHS * CO., Oea. Act*., W
I 5 Broadway, New York QH
I Or I»cal Asrrnt*.