Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 22, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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lisle Institution Will Be Investi
gated by Agent From
Washington, D. C., Jan. 21. Inves
tlon into a series of charges in
t'lnK the administration of Superin
dent Friedman, of the Carlisle In
li School, has begun as the result of
inquiry into the education of In
ns by a joint committee of Con
iccordingr to information, a special
nt was sent to Carlisle to-day. The
rges are asserted to reflect upon
system instituted by Mr. Fried
ienator Robinson ia chairman of
congressional committee, ap
nted several months ago at the
gestion of Indian Commissioner
Is. This committee Is to inquire
? the entire field, with a view to
>rovlng the administration of In
n affairs generally. Among the
rigs brought to its attention was the
iduct of the Carlisle Institution.
charge Is that there is no organ
tion at Carlisle: that the superin
dent is exploiting himself and nes
ting his duties.
The sale of liquor to the Indians at
rllsle and an allegation that whisky
s found In tho institution will be
estimated by tho agent sent to the
tttution to-day. •
This .loint committee has full au
>rity to investigate the administra
n of Indian affairs and make rce
mendations. Therefore the reso
ion introduced by Senator Penrose
appoint a committee of seven to do
s same work was not necessary. His
olution merely will be referred to
s committee already existing. If
. Dixon, of tho Wanamaker expe
ion, has anything to suggest toward
ipliorating the condition of the In
iiis, he can place it before this com
Superintendent Friedman was in
Wellington to-day, it was reported at
rliale. and would remain ihere for
•eral days. It was also stated that
: agent had not as yet arrived.
Cheap and
Easily Made, But Ends
a Cough. Quickly
How to KTake the Very Beit
Cough lteined> at Koine.
Fully Uuarantced.
This pint of cough syrup is easily
,de at home and saves you about $2.00
compared with ordinary cough reme
?B. It relieves obstinate coughs—even
looping cough—quickly, and is splen
1, too, for bronchial asthma, spas
idic croup and hoarseness.
Mix one pint of granulated sugar with
pint of warm water, and stir for 2
nuteg. Put 2% ounces of Piuex (fifty
its' worth) in a pint bottle, and add
e Sugar Syrup. Take a teaspoonful
ery one, two or three hours. Tastes
This takes right hold of a cough and
i'es almost instant relief. It etimu
tes the appetite, and is slightly luxa-'
re—both excellent features. > '
Pinex, as perhaps you know, is a
»st valuable concentrated compound of
jrwav white pine extract, rich in
taiaebl and the other natural healing
lie elements.
No other preparation will do the work
Pinex in this mixture, although
rained honey can be used instead of
e sugar syrup, if desired.
Thousands of housewives in the United
,ates and Canada now use this Pinex
id Sugar Syrup remedy. This plan has
ten been imitated, but the old suecess
-1 combination has never been equaled,
s low cost and quick results have made
immensely popular.
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction,
money promptly refunded, goes with
is preparation. Your druggist has
nex. or will get it for you. If not,
[nil to The Pinex Co.. Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Best Remedy for
Chapped Lips
and Hands
Ret- u. S. fat. Off.
Camphor Ice ;
Are your lips rough and sore?
Are your hands chapped,
cracked and smarting? ij
Vaseline Camphor Ice brings
quick relief. For saJe every
-1 where. In tubes and tin boxes,
ji Interesting ' Vaseline" booklet
mailed free on request.
Chesebrough Mfg. Co. I
17 Sta»e St., New York City
More Carbon, More Heat
When Kelley's Coal conies in
he cellar coal troubles go up the
hituney. '
Kelley's Coal has the highest
>ercentage of carbon of any coal
lined. Carbon is that essential
if fuel which makes for coinbus
ion and heat. \
The more carbon the more
teat, and the more heat the less
oal troubles.
Burn Kelley's Coal and get all
he heat that's in the coal.
Celley's Hard Stove #0.70
Celley's Hard Egg $0.45
1 N. Third St.
10th and State Streets.
$ * V"
School Authorities Get Letter*
From Prominent Men I
Over United States
Lack of Attention on Part of
Mothers Is Cause For
This, They Say
Nearly a hundred letters have been
received by D. D. H&mmelbaugh, sec
retary of the school board, from
school board presidents, secretaries,
superintendents and other public edu
cators throughout tho country, in
which co-education in the high
schools is not only approved of but
enthusiastically commended.
The data Is now being compiled by
Secretary Hammelbaugh in connection
with a similar report being made up
by School Superintendent Downes for
presentation to the school board when
the separation of the rexes is dis
Whether or not the problem after
all will be threshed out at to-morrow
afternoon's board meeting is a ques
tion; the letters have all been filed,
however, should the question be
brought up.
To date eighty-nine replies have
been received in answer to the hun
dred letters sent out by Secretary
Hammelbaugh to school heads and
educators in various cities of the
country from Maine to California and
'from the Great Lakes to the Gulf.
Unreserves! Approval
Of the eighty-nine replies, eighty
one approve unreservedly of the co
educational idea; among "the heartiest
advocates are several women school
superintendents. The remainder do
not actually declare against the plan
but raise the question as to the possi
bilities. They, as a rule qualify their
statements, with the explanation that
their knowledge is limited to schools
in which the sexes are kept separate.
Three questions were asked by Mr.
Hammelbaugh In his letter: Whether
co-education was being followed in
the town of the recipient; whether co
education lead to immorality among
the members; and whether, should or
ganization of the high school be un
der consideration, would the recipient
advise the adoption of the co-educa
tional idea.
And here are some of tlio replies;
Helen B. Jones, president school
board, Denver—ln my opinion co-ed
ueation does not lead to immorality,
and if we were to organize our high
school anew I should vote for co- ed
11. P. Lewis, superintend, Worces
ter, Jlass.—Surely the co-educational
plan. I believe in co-education from
the kindergarten through to the uni
,1. Grier Long, superintendent, Spo
!:ane, Wash.—The animal boy and silly
girl will always lie a factor requiring
"ireful supervision in schools and out.
Charles E. Gorton, superintendent,
Tonkers, N. Y.—l believe the nearer
■ve can preserve "the family relations in
he schools —the better.
G. V. Brickliaver, superintendent,
iklahoma City—ln my judgment co
education stimulates a regard for
moral conduct and gives to the chil
lren a. fuller knowledge of the oppo
site sex.
Luther B. Evans, secretary and su
perintendent, Augusta, Ga.—We now
■lave separate high schools for boys
uid girls. I am in favor of co-educa
ion and see no reason to cease from
■t. If I should reorganize our schools
! would have but one high school —for
oth sexes.
A. E. Eames, commissioner of edu
ation, Chattanooga—Does co-educa
lion tend to immorality? No, but lack
if attention by mothers and lack of
healthy surroundings at home—does.
[Continued From First Page]
and the linal job was completed De
cember 22.
In all that time, according to the
official reports, just 2,782 square yards
of top, or surfacing, and 2,375 square
yards of "skin patching" was done for
the city; the private repair work to
te led B,2GG yards .
The private repair work included
such section as had been torn up for
laying pipes, making connections by
plumbers, etc., for the various public
utilities, firms and individuals.
For putting down the concrete and
the surfacing ?2 per yard was allowed,
while $1.25 was the charge for "cuts,"
;or places where the concreting had
been done at the owner's expense and
only the surfacing, or "top," was nec
essary by the contractor.
"Skin patching," of which 2,375
yards was done for the city, is the
process of cutting down into asphalt
to half its depth, oiling the sides and
floor of the cut and then filling in the
depression with new asphaltum.
ilarrisburg's repair contract with
Alderman Walter will extend into an-
2for_2s_ots ! _Clnctt. Peshody A C o». In»
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect November 40. 1912.
TRAINS leave Harrlsburg—
For Winchester and Martlnsburs at
1:03, *7:62 a. m., *3:40 p. m.
For Hagerstown, Chambersburg, Car
lisle, Mechanlcsburg and Intermediate
stations at 6:03, *7:62, *11:63 a. m
•8:40, 6:32, *7:40, *11:16 p. m.
Additional trains for Carlisls and
Mechaulusburg at 9:4e a. m . 2:18, 3:27,
6:30, 9:30 a. m.
For Dlllsburg at 6:03, *7:62 and
*11:53 a. in., 2:18. *3:40. 5:32 and «:S(l
p. m.
•Dally. All other trains dally except
Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE),
3. H. TONGK, G. P. A.
JAUAV M M. mm MM M m m mmm M m
1 ' —l 11 'I'I '' ' I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I itiii' iiiliiii iiii ' i i i I,! iii l 1 t r 1 ~' r
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| Something Rich! Something Superb! |
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H A Beautiful 12-Page J|
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g This Supplement is the first issued from the PUBLIC LEDGER'S new Intaglio presses, built in jjl
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• Interesting pictures exquisitely reproduced in sepia by the Intaglio process J
H —the latest development in fine printing j|
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H| A New Portrait of Mayor Blankenburg H
j| Beautiful Women in Philadelphia Society |j|
|§ Sixteen Paintings, the Latest Work of the Foremost ||
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Hz Interior and Exterior Views of Beautiful Suburban Homes
gj Copperplate Pictorial Section Violet Oakley's Paintings * s
|j 16 pages of current news photographs in The seventh instalment of exquisite col- if
lg black and white —an always popular fea- ored reproductions of the famous William M
I! ture of the Sunday PUBLIC LEDGER. Penn pictures. §§
|H Don't Miss This Issue Place Your Order Early HI
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•.jj Next Sunday's
H| First Thing in the Morning Since 1836 jj
Agent for Harriaburg, Pa.
||i 102 S. Second St. Bell Phone 1667 W. United Phone 781 H§
HI nt
other year and it is doubtful if any
thing definite in the way of providing
for the repair plant will be taken up
until the expiration of this contract.
Norfolk's Plant
All over the country the problem of
erecting municipal repair plnnts is
being discussed. In a recent issue of
| the Municipal Journal is a description
of a plant in Norfolk, Va., that was
erected at a cost of $250 with a daily
capacity of from 100 to 150 square
Part of an old smokestack was
made use of for a drum. A shaft
with blades attached was placed
through the center of the section of
stack. This drum is supported upon a
brick foundation and is made to re
volve by means of gearing driven by a
flve-horsepower electric motor.
Old asphalt pavement, chopped up
and enriched with about 2 per cent,
of asphalt cement, is fed into the
drum at one end. and as the drum re
vohes the mixture is tossed about and
worked backward and forward by the
blades attached to the shaft. At the
end of ten minutes the mixture, com
prising a charge of about 1,000 pounds,
is discharged from the revolving drum
by means of a door operated by the
foreman. It is then shoveled into carts
and is ready for the street.
The cost of the repair work has
varied from 30 to 80 cents a square
yard. This includes removal of the
patches that were worn out, down to
the concrete, and replacing with new
material. Length of haul and differ
ent working conditions are the causes
of this variation in costs.
During the months of June and
July, 1913, 2,000 yards of sheet as
phalt repair work was done at an
average cost, including all labor and
cart hire, of 45 cents per square yard.
New asphaltlc cement added 5 cents
per yard, making the total cost of re
pair work 50 cents per square yard.
fctate of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County, as.
Frank I. Cheney mokes oath that bo la senior
partner of the flrtn of P. J. Cheney & Co., do
ing business in the City of Toledo, County and
Btato aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for
each and every case of Catarrh that cannot b»
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence, this oth day of December, A. D., 1880.
Seal. A. W. OLBASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally and
sets directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Send for testimonials,
V. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists. 7«se*
Take Hall's Fau'llj rills tot constipation, jf
\ '
Too Much Excitement at Night
Occupies the Attention of
the Modern Child
Loss of sleep among school children
was blamed for much of the inat
tention and poor work by Miss Nora
Skane, one of the teachers at the
.lieily street building in a paper read
before the Parent-Teachers' Associa
tion of the building.
Miss Skane was ono of a number
who read papers or diacussed parts
■of the evening's subject of "The
Health of the Growing Child." Others
who talked were Dr. C. C. Cocklln,
who discussed the care of the eyes;
Dr. C. A. Sheely. who told of mouth
hygiene; Dr. Thomas 8. Blair, who
spoke of the digestive organs. These
talks were followed by a conference
on the subject in which the teachers
and parents took part.
Miss Skane pointed out that the
"beauty" sleep and the health sleep
must be obtained before midnight.
She remarked that many children are
not getting this qleep between the
hours of 9 and 12 when they should,
and their lack of concentration in
school the next morning Is the result
>f this loss. She said the excitement
I jf going to picture shows, parties and
hings of that sort in addition to de
priving the child of the best sleep adds
poison to the mind already weakened
by loss of sleep, so that effective work
is almost Impossible.
The other speakers gave advice on
the care of eyes, teeth and the gen-'
eral bodily welfare of the children.
The mothers were given the viewpoint
of the physicians who talked. Alter
the open discussion the social commit-
refreshments. It was the
annual social meeting of the associa
tion. More than seventy members at
Company Will Not Pay
For Kiddies' Education
By Associated Press
| Koebling, N. J., Jan. 22. The model
town established here by the John A,
Hoobllngs' Sons Company glowed with
.iust pride a few years ago, when It
! gained a national reputation by its
record of birth rate, but now it must
pay the price of many children, for the
Roebllng Company has announced Its
Intention no longer to pay the expense
of the town school.
Time was when the company was
willing to educate all the children of
Roebllng, but there are so many now
that this has become too vast a respon
sibility, as the company indicated In
Its notification to the township Board
of Education.
Year 1913 Was Record
Breaker on Great Lakes
By Associated Press
Detroit, Mich., Jan. 22. The year
1913 wan a record-breaker for the Lake |
Carriers' Association, both in volume of i
business and in disaster, according to j
the report of William Livingstone,
president of tho organization, submitted
nt (he annual meeting President
Livingstone, in Ills report, also referred I
to the Wilson-LaFolette seamen's bill,
which if passed, lie said, would "work
great hardship on the lake fleet."
The second week in November was
responsible for the great casualty rec
ord of the year. During that time 235
lives were lost in the series of storms
that swept all the lakes, according to
the report.
John W. Dougherty
Denies Steel Co. Offer
John W. Dougherty to-day denied
a report that he had been offered an
important position with the Pennsyl
vania Steel Company at Sparrows
Point. He said there was i\o truth
whatever in the rumor. Mr. Dough
erty went from Steelton to Midland,
Pa., some yeras ago to become one of
the active heads of the Crucible Steel
Company and says he has no intention
of leaving there.
Gettysburg. S. t>„ Jan. 22. The
Phillip herd of buffalo, kept In a 10,000-
acre pasture near Fort Pierre, S. D., has
been placed on the market by Philip
Phillip and George Phillip, administra
tors of the estate of their father, James
Phillip. Tills herd of bufTalo, the larg
est In,, the United States, now Includes
seventy yearlings, flfty-flve two-year
olds, and 275 older.
TANUARY 22, 1914.
Troubles of Former
Governor Set Forth
in Court Petition
Some of the financial problems of
ex-Governor William A. Stone were
set forth In a petition Harry S. Cal
vert, receiver for the Mercantile Trust
Company, Pittsburgh, submitted to the
Dauphin County Court yesterday aft
ernoon and In which an order wu
granted by Additional Judge
McCarrell at his home.
The receiver asked permission to
accept $1,260 and the transfer to him
of certain cscuritles in payment for
some notes he held as the receiver
against Mr. Stone.
The petition set forth that the bal
ance due on the notes. Including un
paid principal, interest, and so on,
totaled $8,209.36. He pledged all he
had toward the liquidation of his
debts, it was further set forth, except
what he might raise on the sale of |
securities. The receiver added that ,
I Mr. Stone, when payment had been
J demanded, submitted a statement
shewing that his indebtedness to
banks and individuals totaled in tho
neighborhood of $400,000.
The name "William A. Stone"
j nroused considerable curiosity among
the attorneys and the question was
raised as to whether the former Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania was meant.
Paul A. Kunkel, who represents Mr.
Final Notice
Our Christmas Savings
Club Will
Next Mo
36-38 N. Third Street
Open Saturday Evening 7 to 9
Calvert, was asked if the Mr. Stone
mentioned was the ex-Governor.
"Yes," said Mr. Kunkel, "I under*
stand it is."
Weak From Loss of
Food, Old Man Falls
Down Flight of Stairs
Weakened by the lack of food, Rich
ard Poolman. a 70-year-old bachelor,
who lives alone at 1015 South Ninth
street, last evening fell to the bottom
of the flight of stairs in his home and
lay unconscious without attention for
five hours.
At 3:30, seven hours after the acci
dent occurred, the old man half drag
ged himself into the Ilarrlsburg Hos
pital with his face mangled horribly
from the effects of the fall. His nose
and the point of his chin were almost
torn off by contact with the stairs.
Old Poolman lived alone at the South
Ninth street house after his aged par
ents died. A few weeks ago he lost his
job, and since then he has had a pinch
ed existence.
His answer, when the doctors at tho
Harrlsburg Hospital asked him if he
had anything to eat, was, "Yes, I drank
a little coffee."
New York, Jan. 22. Whooping
bronchitis is the name physicians are
giving to a combination oi' bronchitis
and whooping cough which has appear
ed in this city following the recent
variable winter weather.