Iffßl * Day at Karfnan's the Greatest Ever,! I P y Sensational Clean Sweep Bargains Throughout the Store j j | Biff «„ P \ n t/w I I For Friday Only I FOR FRIDAY Mul I BROOM COUPON FOR FRIDAY J j $ House Dresses and tljlj' = WOflieil S KlltlOllOS, 9(|a = One Lot of Gifls* Winter fi} \ Chemlsittei for I Bring This With Ypu ( > | W W 'Z p :Z 'ZZTt 111 ffortll Up t0 mf#r * • W# Coats, Worth lip to $3.56 for " '° 'Bi 40 »h. «> X I W (slightly imperfect); all sizes. AH cut length; assorted colore and sizes. „ ; mMImIIM m MA .L J 111 ——— Made of aU WOOI chinchilla; sizes 6to 14 years. ■|OiM | ||Q BdCll * 1 |H U II ~ [j >|Jj fa HH On Sale from 8.30 to Jj g D For Friday Only For Friday Only For Alll © O ffl One lot of Women's Blanket Q0« _ One Lot of Infants' Caps, | One Lot of For Scarfs AA a I The newest style I | Sold only to customers I 0 g I Bath Robes, Valnestos3.sofor ~ Worth Bp to 75c for >IVt = Worth $1.54 for —*- a"C = MB JSSSJE o7°ow of S g IB o»i y »i»n, M oio» si*.., sugMiy soiled; aii colors. J%* «•' ■"» ««• «* «■» ""*• iV One Sold to Children - Only © § 1 " " - ——. I °° s "' r " lt " Oo '- One to a Customer | O toy topiis Suifs, Coals, Dresses g Women's and Misses' $0 QC Women/and Misses' Women/and Misses' £f| 7£ Women/and Misses' fall LaUlb and PerSiaMCOStS © g Winter Coats Serge Dresses Coat Suits VX*'v Winter .... ».««,. _ 8 Q Values to $5.00 | Values to $4.00 Values to SIB.OO fl= "'lues to SISOO A . llO MISSK TT O O Assorted colors and sizes. ■ co„„ „d size,. A»«,rwd color, „„ ~2 „ . V L». id iS,. SALTS URAL LAMB GOATS sIM /Jl © o For AH AP For For torn* mmm For . » LBES ™ S.B F0« © Women's and Misseß' Jk f ■ U>| Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' tifEE /IZ Women's and Misses' -* ««u. a—«w» u™» g g Coat Suits V Winter Coats Coat Suits vif wane... 1 8 © Values to SIO.OO ll Values to SB.O 0 Values to $25.00 |F Values to SIBOO SlPi*! MISSES' AAA g 9 Mad * "*" *° ol Assorted colors aad sizes. A»or,«, color, .„ d || Jld col!" Id SALTS ARABIAN LAMB SI / 1111 O O For AA For For CO*TS, VALUES TO S2O FOR V*wVV O O Women's and Misses' CgT |||| Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' ff fll" AA Misses' OMc " of 48 " 50 O g Coat Suits Winter Coats Coat Suits — 8 g O W Assorted colors and all sizes. colors and «z«, EW A«„ed colo„ L to., feuf P«r»Ma £ M lt \l 1 111 l 2 g Tremendous Reductions in All Extra Large Coat Suits and Coats - a mBESTO " SF °"—* | 5# 11U Cl« Lined with Skinner's satin. Plain or kimono sleeves. CJ is For Extra Large Women. Sizes, 37 to 51 - jjf ) s v —— A Special Friday Sale of § WOMEN'S BLOUSES 1 a. l2fi c .astags"-9c io c ar2sc y,„ Ca „„o. A«or d miss | ~WOMEN'S BLOUSES On@ lot of Vlfomon's a THESE EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN OUR MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING DEPT.-FOR FRIDAY ONLY not an 3izes; valueß 98c | 50 Pairs of Men's rq p 100 Pairs of Men's 25 Young Men's Winter Bovs'Winter 1 tw,> c,„* 8 Pants at Cassimere OAp Overcoats, values to $8.75. Toques at lC values to $4 WOMEN'S Onp l f f w t 8 On salo Friday only. Pants J/UI/ lOn sale Friday /ifl v ues to fl»l Qri WOMEN S BLOUSES One lot of Women's I I on saio Friday only. only at Boys' Winter IO Black Sateen Blouses (small sizes only); a 75 Pairs of Men's Cor- ~T7 71 I T si Zeß ls to i» years. Caps at 13C soc value. Choice for AQi, q g|at UroyPantS . 79c f 1 ° 2 m at Suite t0 $2.50 Juef™S7lo°, r3 |o S Qr' wS'af.. 19c rldlf Si"™ ° f W ° m9n ' 3 NeW 8 g| on sale Friday only. on saic Friday only. at tpO»3o naay only fl»0 /|Q Shape Winter Corsets with 4 hose supporters; QQ/» S V- I ! izM 88 to 4a. j Bloonier Pants, latI at I ValU6 ' SiZ6S ' g I Than a lill Watchdog K Burglars strictly avoid houses having " - a watchdog, a baby or a lighted lamp. They **" it was thought, Senator O'Gorman ; might be called. 1 The Stewart mentioned is James Stewart, a. State highway contractor. ; Gaffney is a prominent politician, con : SWIM HHMCHr INSTANTLY AELIEVEO Get a 10 cent package of Dr. James' Headache Powders and don't suffer You can clear your head and relieve a dull splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Dr James' Headache Powder. This old time headache relief acts almost magically. Send someone to the drug store now for a dime packago and a few moments after you take a powder you will wonder what became of the headache, neuralgia and pain. Stop suffering—lt's needless. Be sure you get what you ask for.—Advertisement. ! Breaks a Cold Over Night „ ,U[ 2 ,,BDY FOR ORIP SrSL i'l'tlri 1 " 7 *° Tnke —coat* GORGAS' DRUG STORES ■ 1' North Third It, Oaaa. Station JANUARY 22. 1914. tractor and business associate of *the leader of Tammany Hall. . On the stand Sulzer said Senator <•'Gorman had said to him "don't you know that Gaffney is the man that held up my client, James E. Stewart for over $100,000; and that he could have got away with It if Stewart had not come to me; and I went to Mur phy and I read the riot act telling him I would not stand for that kind of politics." MAY BURY AT WESTMINSTER London, Jan. 22.—rThe body of Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, j late high commissioner for Canada, How Soon Do You Want Coal? Tell us—we can get it there at the exact time you desire. We have over 100 horses, many wagons and two large coal yards situated at advan tageous parts of the city. We make a specialty of quick delivery. Now quick delivery does not mean careless delivery. Our men take pains to have the coal nice and clean and they try to deliver it with as little confusion as possible. ] t will pay you to buy your coal from us. United Ice & Coal Co. Foreter * Condon Third A Boas 15th A Chest not Hummel A Mulberry ALSO STEELTON, PA. ■MM— who died Wednesday, will probably bo Interred in Westminster Abbey aa a. recognition of his eminence in the double capacity of empire builder and philanthropist. Lord Strathc.onns own wish was to be burled beside his wife in Highgate cemetery, North London. HENRY BIECEL Oti STAND New York, Jan. 23. Henry Slegel. of the private banking firm of Henry Slegel and Company and of one of the department store enterprises now In the hands of receivers, took the place of his partner. Frank E. Vogel, as a witness before Special Examiner George C. Holt to-day. 5