Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 22, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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. Friday Specials in Our Semi-Annual
Clearance of Ladies' Wear
To help stimulate the gratifying results thus far enjoyeil in our
Bemi-aiinua] clearance sale of Ladies' Suits, Coats, Dresses, etc., we of
fer for to-morrow some extraordinary specials. If yon have not availed
yourself of the exceptional offerings of this drastic price-cutting event,
come to-morrow when your money will enjoy special buying advantages
for the day in certain lines.
Balance of those $3 and $4 mescaline silk waists in assorted
shades and new models. Friday only, while they $ 79
Advance spring model skirts in all wool serge, dark check and
unusuully refined skirt; worth $4. Special Friday $1 98
Black Thibet coats of good quality cloth, black only, silk frog,
shawl collar and cuffs trimmed with silk braid; worth I \Q
♦ 7.98. Special for Friday
J12.93 value $5.08 SIO.OO value $5.98
$16.00 value $8.98 $12.00 value $0.98
$22.50 value $10.98 SIB.OO value $9.98
$25.00 value $10.98 $27.50 value $12.98
$85.00 value $17.98 $35.00 value ...$15.98
V V )
$6.00 value $3.98 $18.98 value ... $9.98
$10.98 value $5.98 $12.00 value $7.98
$12.98 value $5.98 $25.00 value $14.98
V ! \ )
Waists, Skirts, Underwear, etc., at equal reductions.
10-12 S. Fourth Street 10-12
little Virginia Wertz
Has a Birthday Party
The ninth birthday of Miss Virginia
Wertz, the small daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy S. Wertz, was celebrated by
the nicest kind of a party. Ice cream
and cake was served to the little folks
after fun with games and contests.
Those present were tho Misses
Katharine Zeiders, Alice McClintock,
Mary McClintock, Margaret McClin
tock, Pauline Barrick, Grace Black,
Pauline Shuman, Helen Gentzler,
Pauline Ruch. Lucille Black and Eliz
.apetp Black, Mrs. Dennis Barrick, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Zarker, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Hemperly, Mr. and Mrs. Roy 8.
j %rm&n
Praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Women from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from all sections
of this great country, no city so large, no village so small
but that some woman has written words of thanks for
health restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. No woman who is suffering from the ills peculiar
to her sex should rest until she has given this famous remedy
a trial. Is it not reasonable to believe that what it did for
these women it will do for any sick woman ?
Wonderful Case of Mrs. Stephenson,
on the Pacific Coast.
INDEPENDENCE, OREGON.—" I was sick with what four doctors
called Nervous Prostration, was treated bv them for several years,
■would be better for a while then back in the old way again. I had
palpitation of the heart very bad, fainting spells, and was so nervous
that a spoon dropping to the floor would nearly kill me, could not
lift the lightest weight without making me sick; in fact was about as
sick and miserable as a person could be. I saw your medicines ad
vertised and thought I would try them, and am so thankful I did for
they helped me at once. I took about a dozen bottles of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and also used the Sanative Wash.
Since then I have used them whenever I felt sick. Your remedies
are the only doctor I employ. You are at liberty to publish this let
ter."—Mrß. W. STEPHENSON, Independence, Oregon.
A Grateful Atlantic Coast Woman.
HODODON, ME.—" I feel it a duty I owe to all suffering women to
tell what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me. One
year ago I found myself a terrible sufferer. I had pains in both sides
and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My
back ached, I had no appetite and was so nervous I could not sleep,
then I would be so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around.
It seemed almost impossible to move or do a bit of work and I
thought I never would be any better until I submitted to an opera
tion. I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
and soon felt like a new woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good
appetite and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a fam
ily of four. I shall always feel that I owe my good health to your
medicine." —Mrs. HAYWAKD SOWERS, Ilodgdon, Maine.
For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compoundhas been the standard remedy for fe- ill vs 1 Iff
male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments Wf 4r
does justice to herself if she does not try this fa- S / —S* \ r>
mous medicine made from roots and herbs, It I ] 7 y] II
has restored so many suffering women to health. II 1U II
(CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice. \\)\
tter will be opened, read and answered rJ\ llk
by a woman and held iu strict confidence. v f?siAo!^Sr v '
«[ —FOR—
i[ Conventions, entertainments, dances, committee meetings,
!' etc., may be made upon application to REAL ESTATE DE
Commonwealth Trust Company
Miss Pearl Ensminger, Miss Mollis
Witherow and Samuel Barringer were
joint hosts at an Informal party last
evening, held at the -residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Barr, 409 Cumberland
After various social diversions a buf
fet supper was served to the following
people: The Misses Mollie Witherow,
Pearl Baringer, Leo Kistier, Minerva
Coater, Alice Dahr, Ida Hoak, Marion
Davis, Margaret Bollinger and Ruth
E. Neal. Lawrence Baringer, Samuel
Baringer, Walter Carpenter, Peter
Cocas, Michael Vorakir, Lawrence Page,
Dan Banks, Harry Michael, Numa
Whiteman, Christina Barr, Elwood
Barr, Mr. and Mrs. Barr, Mr. and Mrs.
Member of Younger Set Marries in Baltimore
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Kellborg Studio
Couple Receives Parents' Blessing
on Return From Wedding
in Baltimore
Carrying a workbag and book, Miss
Marita Wolfe Hummel, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hummel, of 821
North Second street, left her home at
7 o'clock Tuesday evening for the
home of a girl friend. Seventeen hours
later, at noon yesterday, she returned
as the wife of Frederick V. Hockey, j
of Lebanon.
They were married in Baltimore
late Tuesday night after an exciting
automobile and train ride from this
city. Yesterday after Mrs. Hockey
had packed her clothes, on her return
home, she w.ent with Mr. Rockey to
Liverpool, where he is a teacher in
the public schools.
The elopement is tlio culmination of
a romance that has interested the
| younger set of the city for two years.
Miss Hummel and Mr. Rockey met
at Mt. Gretna in the summer of 1911,
following .Mr. Hockey's graduation
from Buoknell University. Miss Hum
mel spent her summers 'here with
her parents, and Mr. Rockey, who is
a grandson of Henry Houck, State
Secretary of Internal Affairs, was'in
the post office at Mt. Grena during
the summer months.
Although no announcement of any
engagement had been made, it is said
that the young people have been en
gaged for a year.
Mr. and Mrs. Hummel knew noth
ing of the marriage until Mrs. Rockey
returned yesterday to pack her
clothes. They gave the parental bene
Miss Hummel was one of the most
popular and prettiest girls of the city.
She attended the Seller School for
several yearß, and appeared in many
amateur theatrical productions. Par
ticularly is she remembered for her
graceful dancing in the Mardl Gras
production of several years ago.
Mr. Rockey is of a well-known
Lebanon family. His mother, Mrs.
Rockey, is a daughter of Lenry
Houck. Mr. Rockey is a member of
several Lebanon clubs and is popular
among the younger people of that
city. He is well known among Har
risburg people who spend their sum
mers at Mt. Gretna.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Klein, of
2 6fi Boas street, were visiting friends
at Lebanon early in the week.
Miss Ruth Barr, of 1315 Market
street, had a party last evening in
celebration of her twenty-first birth
Quite a number of the members of
Donegal Chapter, Daughters of the
American Revolution. with Miss
Eleanor J. Fulton, their regent, were
in the city yesterday on a sightseeing
trip. They visited the Capitol and
other points of Interest about the city.
It's the dlrect-to-the-spot method —
you breathe It. Do not delay and
continue to suiter from catarrh, head
colds, bronchitis or sniffles. It is not
only needless and annoys your friends,
but dangerous to your general health.
Begin the Hyomel treatment at
once. It is one of the easiest, quickest
and surest ways to clear the head and
quickly and permanently banish ca
Ilyomei being medicated air Imme
diately reaches the sore and irritated
membrane and tissues —its antiseptic
and germicidal healing begins at once.
You will surely like Hyomel—its
relief is not only immediate but last
ing. Money refunded by H. C. Ken
nedy if yoa are not satisfied.
Get the complete outfit—sl.oo size.
Druggists everywhere sell Hyomel.—
The closing: atttractlon In tlie Young
.Men's Christian Association Star
Course will be given this evening in
Fahnestock Hjall, at 8.15 o'clock. by
those well-known artists, Miss Mary
Wall, of New York, harpist, and Miss
Edna Kimball, vocalist, and story tel
ler. Much Is expected from these two
clever artists, for wherever they have
appeared throughout the season they
! have met with marked success, stamp
ed with public approval. The program
to-night will be a popular one, and
•should appeal to all who are fond of
lyceum entertainments. Doors will
open at 7.30 o'clock. Single admission
tickets may be purchased at the box
Miss Florence Sadtler, of Baltimore,
is visiting Mrs. Edward J. Stac.kpole,
at 1825 North Front street.
Miss Constance Ferrlday, of 1617
North Front street, has gone to Easton
to attend the Junior Promenade, at La
fayette College.
William Berthel. Jr., of 310 North
Second street, is home after a visit in
, Pittsburgh.
Miss Alverda Devenney, Miss llazel
1 >evenney -and Mrs. W. B. Shelley! of
Mechanlcsburg, were guests yesterday
of Harrluburg friends.
Miss Lottie Gertrude Wlest, 721
South Nineteenth street, is spending
the week in Philadelphia with her sis
ter, Mrs. K. Leßoy Hopping.
Mr. and Mrs. George Remine. of 248
South Thirteenth street, entertained
twenty guests at cards last evening at
their home.
Mrs, Adolph RUBS, of 240 North
street, was hostess for the Wednesday
Five Hundred Club of which she is a
member, yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Simon B. Cameron has returned
to Marietta after a short visit with
her aunt, Mrs. B. F. Etter, of Pine
st i-eet.
Mrs. J. V. W. Reynolds, of Steelton,
is home from a trip to New York City.
Miss Fannie M. Eby, of Cottage
Ridge, left for Philadelphia to-day, ac
companying her niece. Miss Elizabeth
Eby, who has been visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan R. Davies and
children, Gladys and Tom, came to
this country five years ago on account
of Mr. Davies' ill health, and located
at Richmond, Va. They have now re
moved to 741 South Nineteenth street,
tills city. Mr. Davies has accepted a
position as superintendent of the Ens
mlnger Lumber Company.
William Burchard Schreckengust had
Ills first birthday party yesterday at
the home of his parents, 1851 Zarker
street. The decorations were of pink
and white carnations and the favors
were pink ice cups filled with bon
bons, and cracker bonbons, too.
Enjoying games and music were
Helen wrlght, Janet Wahl. Hortense
Welker, Theodore Starry. Burchard
Wright, Paul Kamerer and William
Elks and their ladles enjoyed an un
usually attractive program of enter
tainment last evening at the club
house, In North Second street.
The Penn State Four, a male quar
tet gave several One numbers, Mrs,
Clem Shorter Leftwich sanp charming
ly, and Miss Villa Houck received
much applause for her special read
ings. A violin solo by George XJpde
grove, tenor solo by Byron S. Behnev,
and a bass solo by Abner W. Hartman
were all well received. A supper fol
lowed the program.
Another delightful dance will be held
at the Colonial Country Club tills
evening. Every Thursday evening foi
the remainder of the winter, these
dances will continue.
A pretty social event of the com
ing month will be a "Butterfly Dance'
nrranged by the Ladles' Auxiliary ol
Division No. 1, A. G. H.. Wednesday
evening, February 4, in Orphenm Hall
Howard Thurne. of 310 North Second
street, is home from New York City
where he took part In a bowllnsr tour
nament with the New York Y. M. C. A
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Thompson, ol
1023 Kensington street, announce tin
birth of a daughter, Frances Louis*
Thompson, Wednesday, January 21
1013, Mrs. Thompson was formerlj
Miss Margaret Deillnper, of this city
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Ney, of 103(
Logan street, announce the birth of n
daughter, Muriel Jean Ney, Thursday
January 15. 1014. Mrs. Ney, prior t(
her marriage, was Miss Cecelia Wynn
{Continued on I'ngo :">J
Three Charming Events Are listed
on the Calendar For
This la a busy week socially with its
dances, card parties and luncheons.
To-day there are three pretty events
beside regular meetings of a number
of card clubs and two or three thimble
Mrs. John Barr McAllster is enter
taining at a charming afternoon tea,
from 4 to 6 o'clock, at her residence,
282 North Third street, in honor of
her house guest, Mrs. George A. For
man, of BufTalo, N. T. In the recep
tion room and hall are large vases of
American Beauties, while the tea room
is aglow with Spring flowers. The
centerpiece of the refreshment table
is a basket of jonquils, lilacs, nar-
CISSUB and marguerites; a color scheme
of yellow prevailing in the flowers and
the shaded candelabra.
Mrs. Henry McCormick and Mrs.
Richard J. Haldeman are pouring tea
and chocolate, with Mrs. Philip T.
Meredith, Mrs. Edward N. Cooper,
Mrs. Lesley McCreath, Mrs. Frank D.
Carney, Mrs. John E. Fox and Mrs.
William McClellan Hain assisting.
Dining the Governor
Mr. and Mrs. F. Herbert Snow, of
tho Riverside Apartments, are giving
a dinner of ten covers this evening for
the Governor and Mrs. John Kinley
Tener. /
The table flowers will be early
Spring blossoms, with pink sweet peas
and lilacs in a wicker basket, tied with
soft pink ribbons. The corsage bou
quets for the ladies are of sweet peas
and valley lilies and the men will
have gardenias for their buttonholes.
The party will Include the Governor,
Mrs. Tener, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Claybaugh Todd, Miss Wethereli, of
Detroit, Miss Presby, of Boston,
Thomas Lynch Montgomery, Thomas
T. Weirman and Mr. and Mrs. Snow.
In Mrs. Calvert's Honor
Miss Caroline Pearson and Miss
Mary Pearson will entertain at dinner
this evening at their residence, 603
North Front street, in compliment to
Mrs. Harry C. Calvert, of Pittsburgh,
who is visiting Mrs. William Hender
Jonquils, white lilacs, pussy willow
branches and primroses will bo the
prevailing flowers of the drawing
room, while the dining table will lie
graced with an attractive arrange
ment of sweet peas, mignonette and
Killarney roses. The guests will be
Mrs. Calvert, Mr. and Mrs. William
Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. William
Elder Bailey, Mr. and Airs. Spencer C.
Gilbert and Daniel C. Herr.
The marriage of Miss Gertrude
Elizabeth Maul, of 347 Crescent streot,
and William Edgar Franklin, of this
city, was an early morning event at
the parsonage of the Bethlehem Lu
theran Church, with the pastor, the
Rev. J. Bradley Markward, officiating.
The bride, who was unattended, wore
a traveling suit of dark blue cloth,
hat to harmonize and a corsage bou
quet of violets. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
lin will be "At Home" after January
30, at 633 Emerald street.
The bride, a sister of Mrs. Harry D.
Reel, of this city, has been connected
for several years with the Mount
Pleasant Press. Mr. Franklin is an air
brake inspector.
The Alumni Association of the
S thool of Commerce held a business
meeting at its rooms, 15 South Second
street, on Tuesday evening and elected
officers for the ensuing year. There
was a large attendance.
The first of a series of four dances
to be given by the Zembo Shriners in
Chestnut Street Hall, was held last
evening with a large attendance. Palms,
ferns and flags made effective decor
ations for the ball room and the Zem-
Ibo orchestra played for a long pro-
I gram. Supper was served at small
, tables lighted by scarlet shaded can
On the entertainment committee were
George Mcllhenny, W. A. 8011, Charles
C. Hoffman, Benjamin D'emming,
Frank Neely and H. W. Baker.
Mrs. William Baird McCaleb has
issued invitations to a tea on January
28 to meet Mrs. Cunningham.
Philadelphia, Jan. 22.—The schoon
er Levi S. Andrews stranded early to
day, three miles southeast of Assa
teague, Va., according to a dispatch
received by the Maritime Exchange.
The crew was saved. The schooner
cleared from here on January 19 for
Savannah with a cargo of coal.
Colonel Hutchison is considering the
advisability of providing a scrap-book
for all anonymous communications and
clippings sent to him almost daily.
How Thin People
Can Put on Flesh
A New Dlwovcry
Thin men and women—that big,
hearty, Ailing dinner you ate last night.
What became of all the fat-producing
nourishment it contained? You haven't
gained in weight one ounce. That food
passed from your body like unburned
coal through an open grate. The ma
terial was there, but your food doeßn't
work and stick, and the plain truth is
you hardly get enough nourishment
I from your meals to pay for the cost of
cooking. This is true of thin folks the
I world over. Your nutritive organs,
your functions of assimilation, are sad
ly out of gear and noed reconstruction.
Cut out the foolish foods and funny
sawdust diets. Omit the flesh cream
rub-ons. Cut out everything but the
meals you are eating now and eat with
every one of those a single Sargol tab
let. In two weeks note the difference.
Five to eight good solid pounds of
j healthy, "stay there" fat should be the
net result. Sargol charges your weak,
stagnant blood with millions of fresh
new red blood corpuscles—gives the
blood the carrying power to deliver
every ounce of fat-making material in
your food, to every part of your body.
Sargol, too, mixes with your food and
prepares it for the blood in easily as
similated form. Thin people gain all
the way from 10 to 25 pounds a month
while taking Sargol, and the new flesh
stays put. Sargol tablets are a Scien
tific combination of six of the best
flesh-producing elements known to
chemistry. They come 40 tablets to a
package, are pleasant, harmless and in
expensive, and G. A. Oorgas and all
sther druggists in Harrisburg and vi
cinity sell them subject to an absolute
guarantee of weflght Increase or money
back. Advertisment.
Dr. Wm. P. Clark
Office Hours: # a. m. to 1 p. m.
2 p. nt. to 5.30 p. ni.
Bell Phone
V. ,
'has removed his parlors from 912 N.
third St. to 908 N. Second St.
JANUARY 22, 1914.
W. % B.&W. | W. % B. &W.
Both Stores 202 and 311 Walnut St.
MAIN STORE, 202 Walnut Street
50 New Suits, a spring style, made up in fall materials, at
a bargain; Skinner's satin lined; $28.75 value $17.50
W. f B. & W. ANNEX, 311 Walnut Street
50 New Serge and Crepe Dresses—just purchased by our
New York office at y* prices; black, navy, Copenhagen, brown,
checks, etc. Special $3.95, $4.75 and $4.95
MAIN STORE, 202 Walnut Street
6 Styles of New Spring Waists, all sizes,
$2.95, $3.95, $4.75 and $5.00
W., B. & W. ANNEX, 311 Walnut Street
3 Styles New Spring Waists, $1.25 value. Special .. SI.OO
MAIN STORE, 202 Walnut Street
300 Choice Coats, for gifls, small and large women,
SIO.OO to $35.00
MAIN STORE, 202 Walnut Street
Special Zibeline Full Length Coat. To see it, is to buy it.
35 to 49 sizes. . .. $21.75
MAIN STORE, 202 Walnut Street
Ural Lanib (Salt's) Satin Lined, plain or plush collar and
cuffs, $25.00 value. Special $14.50
W., B. & W. ANNEX, 311 Walnut Street
200 Coats r many kinds, all sizes and colors, •
$4.95, $6,95, $7.50, $8.75 and $9.75
W., B. & W. ANNEX, 311 Walnut Street
250 Top Skirts, many materials and lengths,
$1.25, $1.49, $1.95, $2.95 to $4.75
MAIN Witmer RaiV * w.,». *w.
STORE ff 1IU1CI*) lJa.ll* XNNEX
BARGAINS O WT'a. 311 Wfilnnt 9«.
e«y & Witmer. <ON^ TLV
BOPY 202 and 311 Walnut St. BARGAINS
Hair coming out? If dry, thin,
faded, bring back its color
and lustre
Within ten minutes after an appli
cation of Danderine you cannot find a
single trace of dandruff or falling hair
and your scalp will not itch, but what
will ploase you most will be after a
few weeks' use, when you see new
hair, fine and downy at first—yes—
but really new hair—growing all over
the scalp.
A little Danderine immediately dou
bles the beauty of your hair. No dlf
Class No. 19 of the Messiah Lutheran
Church, is holding a Food Sale at 225
North Second street on Saturday, Jan
uary 24. The class is taught by Miss
liilizabeth Tittle. This class is going
to special arrangements to have a sup
ply of delicacies and Invite the public
to buy from them.
Mrs. David J. Reese, of 237 Woodbine
street, is spending a few days with
friends In Newville.
i& Jfil J The Home Beauty Parlor I
Marie: Your shortsightedness and
squinting are probably caused by a
weak and overworked condition of the
eyes. I do not think your eye troubles '
are serious; they can be relieved with
the dally application of two or throe |
drops at a time of this simple tonic:
Dissolve an ounce of crystos in a pint I
of water. This will bo a great comfort'
as well as a beautllier and will pre- '
vent that squinting which is apt to (
make crow's-feet and lines about the,
eyes. Take my advice; don't worry. j
Hilda: There are many methods ad-|
vocated for reducing the chin; but;
after all there is nothing so good as j
to keep down the general flesh. And j
this does not require any vigorous diet-|
ing or exercising If you will take this
simple remedy which you can mix at
home. Get four ounces of parnotls at
tho drugstore and dissolve it in 1%
pints w«ter. Take a tablespoonful be
fore meals. It will work magic with
the "dreadful double chin" and you will
experience no bad effects. High col
lars should be worn as little as possible.
They increase the tendency to flabby
Miss L. G.: Here Is a lialr tonic
which you can prepare at home at small
expense and which is a genuine hair
grower of the best and simplest kind.
Be sure to keep your scalp clean by
frequent shampooing with canthrox
and then rub into your scalp this tonic,
made by dissolving an ounce of quln
zon in a half pint of alcohol and add
ing one-half pint cold water. For all
scalp troubles and badly nourished
hair this is an unequalled remody.
Olive: I never recommended a hair
dye, but unless I am much mistaken
about your age, you should not have
trouble with faded or gray hair for a
long while yet. The best way in the
1 world to stop your hair troubles is to
wash with canthrox occasionally. Use
a tcaspoonful in a cup of hot water.
It is the best thing I know of to re
move dandruff and prevent brlttleness,
split hairs, and the irritation caused
by excess oil. It cleanses thoroughly,
With a large number of people the drinking of coffee is a
habit. Why not get the habit of drinking the best coffee on the
market? Ask for Liberty Bell, "the coffee with a flavor."
208 North Second Street
55-Minute Evangelistic Services
Especially Arranged For Busy People
Every Night Except Saturday—Punctually at 7.45 to 8.40 P. M.
Stevens Memorial Methidist Episcopal Church
Thirteenth and Vernon Streets
Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker, Evangelist.
Ross K. Bergstresser, Director of Men's Chorus.
ference how dull, baded, brittle and
scraggy, just moisrten a cloth with
Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. The effect is amaz
ing—your hair will be light, fluffy and
wavy, and have an appearance of
abundance; an incomparable luster,
softness and luxuriance.
Get a 25 cents boltle of Knowlton'a
Danderine from any drug store or
toilet counter and prove that your
hair is as pretty and soft as any—
that It has been neglected or Injured
by careless treatment—that's all—you
surely can have beautiful hair and lots
of it if you will just try a little Dan
derine. —Advertisement.
Rabbi Charles J. Freund of the Ohev
Sholom congregation will have as his
subject or a lecture. Friday evening,
at 7.45 o'clock, at the Temple on North
Second street, "Religion For the
Twentieth Century." The child labor
laws will be discussed. Kveryone in
terested. both Jews and Gentiles will
be welcome at this service.
and IIHS none of the objectionable qual
ities of soap or ordinary shampoos.
This is very economical and easy to
use. Dries quickly and can Do used
with the very least waste of time.
Miss 11. O.: Your skin trouble sounds
as if it were caused by your use of
ordinary face powders. They give an
artificial look—especially if one is in
clined to be sallow or pimpled. The
very thing foif you is spurmax—the
best liquid lotion I know about. It is
economical because you mix It your
self at home. Get 4 ounces spurmax
Cat any drugstore) and mix it with %
pint hot water, add 2 teaspoonfuls glyi
cerine, apply it to face, neck and arms.
The effect will surprise you with its
beauty and naturalness. It will cling
as if a part of your skin, and last dur
ing an entire evening. It will not only
disguise cold sores, blemishes, etc.. but
in time it will relieve them entirely.
Lily Dale: For your hollow cheeks
and sallow, colorless skin, there Is
nothing better in the world than this
greaseleßS complexion jelly which you
can easily prepare at home. Get one
ounce of almozoln, put it in a fruit jar,
add half a pint cold water and two tea
spoonfuls glycerine. Stir briskly and
let stand over night. The use of this
with car6ful massaging will improve
Bkln-nutritlon and give transparency
and loveliness to the complexion. It
is fine to correet pimples.
Isabel: I was glad to read of your
enthusiasm about the cantrox sham
poo and gladly respond also to your
request for this old fashioned tonic
prescription. Dissolve one-half cup
sugar and one ounce kardene in one
half pint alcohol: then add enough
| boiling wateY to make a full quart.
] Take a tablespoonful before each meal.
! I think your sudden distaste for work
is. as you Bay, physical, and this tonic
will, by purging the system of impuri
ties. restore your flagging energies and
spirits. For a good complexion beautl
fler see answer to Miss H. O.
Betty Dean's Beauty Book, SR. (Adv.)