Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 22, 1914, Page 3, Image 3
L,. w. COOIC I L. W. COOK "The Quality OFFERS Absolute Economies For Friday Shoppers An unusual linen offering—just -7x54 'Wilton Velvet Rugs, large six linen 6Ct«, cloth and napkins to collection of Oriental patterns; match, made of the finest kind of regular $1.75 values. Friday your pure linen. Cloths are 3 yards long choice at, each fli| QA —have knotted fringe on them and . _L are not as fashionable as they would be without it, affording Fri- Tw ° exceptionally fine Novelty day buyers an opportunity of sc- Coats, high grade and beautiful owing these at about one-half their garments, one Crushed Plush real value (draped) and one full length Ve s7.so seta for $3.75 loilr Coat. Both were $50.00 each. $9.00 sou for $1.75 Friday very special at, each, $ll.OO sets for $5.50 $25.00 $15.00 sets for $7.50 . _ 1 $17.00 sets for $8.50 A rare offering. 40-inch silk striped Voile in old Every child's coat, 4to 12-ycar rose, lavender, heliotrope, pink, sizes, sacrificed for one day's sell gray, Copenhagen and navy blue; Ing. Real, nobby, up-to-date styles, regular 760 quality for Friday only, In Chinchilla, Corduroy, Klbellne, per yard Cheviots and Mixtures. Every one V this season's latest styles. For Frl -r: : . , day only at ONE-HALF PRICE. £ lx J?°, ! ,1^ a P h 1 d st*" 11088 $5.00 Coats. $2.50 and SIO.OO soft finish,3-inch hems, splendid co«,ts 00 etc even cloth; regular price, 65c. *. *' Friday price, each SWEATERS for Indies, Misses _ 9-4 bleached aneeting, lieavy prices for one day's sale only. All thread, worth 30c, I"Vlday only, new and of this season's latest 23 it' styles. None reserved. Your un- T restricted choice for Friday only at Duckling fleeces In beautiful col- F-THIRP OFF. 1 oring and designs, every desirable , shade, sold regularly at 15c. Frl- , . 1r .,1 r <inv nrl.-p vnrrf ia , latest models and or perfect tailor y P"ee, jam Ing, colors nre blue and brown; regular $3.50 values. Special Fri- Crcam white all-wool flannel, day at, each Jlil splendid weight for all around " CJ use, sells at 28c. Friday, yd., Cl ean-np of house dresses. Good selection, mostly light colors and Cotton comfortables filled with ® f ? , « 1 ° r r „ a K' 1 ?'. 1 ,ert ; Were clean white cotton, largo size; ' a Friday at, each. Chintz covered lioth sides. Our 98$ regular $2.00 quulity. Friday spe- dal at, each •■4-7 Eiderdown Dressing Sacques are 1 very special at one price. Formerly Fine white cotton blankets, alu ' $1.69. Fri sllghtly soiled—famous Beacon v "'•> oa( '' l 080 Manufacturing Company Blankets; regularly $3.00 to $5.00 per pair. Ladies' beautiful Vanitv l*nrsc: Friday at OXE-HALF PRICE. regularly 50c. Special Tor Friday Petticoats—made of fine mercer- ' U on ' s ' OU( 90 lzcd cloth in black, Kelly green, American beauty and brown, has a Small lot of Ladies' 50c Bras deep pleated flounce and trimmed sieres Friday very special at 25c with neat pin tucks. Mun.v stores each; SI.OO Brassieres at 50c each. would epiote tills an exceptional , value at 98c. Friday special at, ,jWt °' ° (,< ' sizes In standard each in/, makes of Corsets tliat were SI.OO to $5.00, are offered Friday at ONE „ HALF PRICE. Ruffled Muslin Curtains, tucked and with hemstitched ruffle; 2 % An assortment of heavy and yards long, 36 inches wide; regular light, weight laces and insertions to 59c pair value. Friday price, strip, match, also some odd patterns in 1 (!/• widths from 2 to 0 inches. Special Friday at ONE-HALF PRICE. Our entire lino of Curtain \ olles Ladles" 39c and 50c silk- T ijn and Marquisettes with colored bor- Hose with slight imi)crfectlon</nm ders, both double and single bor- offered *>iday at oair O ders. 10 Inches wide; 35c, 39c and P 50c values. Friday only, yd., O Xj, _ . "' Boys' and Men's wool gloves re- Good assortment of ldgh grade duced for Friday only, bath mats, all washable, are slightly 25c gloves at ........ . iSc miir soiled. Friday at HALF PRICE. 50c gloves at .. .35c pair L. W. COOK Miss Edith Klinepeter Surprised on Birthday Mrs. W. B. Klinepeter arranged a surprise party In celebration of the birthday of her daughter, Miss Edith Klinepeter, last evening at their home, 116 Woodbine street. Spring flowers and l'ern decorated the house and the quests had a happy time with music, games and contests. A buffet supper was served to the -Misses Bessie Raysor, Pearl Raysor, Come Down See what - a great real estate VUIIIC 1/V ?¥ II opportunity is offered to you. 4 1 1 1 Go over the land and see the «\IIQ LOOK almost countless advantages a, w* I there are in living in this de- At Hershey lightful suburb. Buy a lot now while they are being sold at small cost. The real estate here will not last long at the price we now ask for it. Build your home here. We ask but reasonable build ing restrictions. In this Gar den City you will find all of the best of life. Lots of 40 feet frontage sell for $600.00 and upward. Rep resentatives are always on the ground. Phone or write us to-day. Hershey Improvement Co. HERSHEY, PA. * THURSDAY EVENING, Mary Klner, Leah Lusk, Jane Cook, Mae Patterson, Mabel Shipman, Edith Cannon, Emma Shearer, Jetta Kline peter and Edith Klinepeter. Paul Worcester, Robert Cook, George Bas kin, Harry Page, Prank Reitzler, Roy Keck, Mervon Spalir. George Sharpe, George Klinepeter, Kenneth Burtnett, Douglass Rineard, Mrs. W. B. Kline peter, was assisted by Mrs. Gibbons of Steelton. Miss Klinepeter received many beautiful gifts, among them a jewel case from her 3unday school class. PERSONAL [Other Personals on Page 4.] IB CONCERT IT CENT! HIGH Delightful Musical Program Ar ranged by School Organiza tion For This Evening _____ The annual concert of the Central High School Orchestra will be given this evening In the High School audi torium at 8 o'clock. An unusual treat will be offered by the soloist, A. W. Hurtinan, In "Armourer's Song" from "Robin Hood," and by the reader. Miss Annabelle Swart*, in "The Mallet's Masterpiece," Dußois. The orchestra this year is one of the best that Central has ever had and a most delightful program has been arranged, as follows: March, "Monstrat Viam," Alfred Joy, orchestra; selection from opera, "Gypsy Love," Franz Lehar, orches tra; bass solo, "Jolly Old Ferryman," Spaulding, A. W. Hart man; reading, "The Mallet's Masterpiece," I>u Bois, Miss Annabelle Swartz; overture, "Merry Wives of Windsor," O. Nlco lai, orchestra; bass solo, "Armourer's Song," from "Robin Hood," DeKoven, A. W. Hartman; selections, A. Zalla— an Egyptian;, "Intermezzo," William Loralne; "Narcissus," Ethelbert Nevin, orchestra: reading, "Aunt Hlttie's Gossip," Kate Douglas Wiggins, Miss Annabelle Swartz; selection, from opera "Carman," G. Bizet, orchestra. The orchestra will be assisted by the Updegrove Orchestra. The fol lowing members compose the High School orchestra: First violin, James M. Reiley, leader; Miss Esther J. Wieseirian, Samuel Schein, William T. Meyers, Alvln R. Hocker, W. Kenneth Ratter son, Jay D. Smith, Robert B. Toomey: second violins. John V. Booker, Clement J. Kelley, J. Herman Wood row, George A. Slothower, Edwin B. Uong, Edward H. Cook; cornets, Ralph Feldscr, Charles H. Folk; trombones, Carroll Wilhelm, F. Boas Sites; clarionets, Oscar B. Feldser, George C. Beckenbaugh; flute, Miss Frances P. Dunlap; drums. Dean D. Seltz; piano. Miss Daisy M. Moore; director, George W. Updegrove. President of Irving Surprised on Birthday Dr. E. E. Campbell, president of Irving College, Mechanlesburg, was igreeably surprised at his home last light on the flfty-flfth anniversary of his birth. Dr. Campbell Is the teacher if a very large men's Bible class at Zion Lutheran Church, Harrisburg. About seventy of the members of this Mass decided to show their apprecia ion of the kind services of the doc tor by chartering a special car and proceeding to his home unexpectedly to him. The surprise was a complete success and a hearty good time was enjoyed by all. Music was furnished by the class orchestra accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Campbell. Russell Roop, accom panied by Miss Clara Campbell, ren dered several solos and addresses were delivered by Professor Walter C. Heiges, Dr. Campbell, the Rev. S. W. Herman, Chester Buck and Henry K. Felix, ex-president of the class. Presi dent E. K. Frazler presided. The remarkable success of the class, which is only about one year old, is largely due to the energetic work of Dr. Campbell, and the surprise was given by the class to show their ap preciation of his services. Dr. Campbell's complete surprise was a joy to the men and it is doubt ful if either he or they will ever for-J get this pleasurable meeting., Guests of Mrs. Walker Enjoy Games of Cards Mrs. J. Merrill Walker entertained at cards last evening at her residence, 809 North Eighteenth street. Games of five hundred were followed by a buffet supper. In the party were Mrs. Glaub, of Philadelphia; Mrs. T. A. Bradley, Mrs. H. H. Conley, Mrs. Bernard Schmidt. Mrs. T. R. McFadden, Miss Nan Mc- Fadden, Miss Gertrude Schmidt, Miss Matilda Schmidt, Mrs. T. B. Kennedy, Mrs. James Gaffney, Mrs. William Ro denhaver, Mrs. C. T. Boon, Mrs. E. L. Melhorn, Mrs. Carl A. Wretman, Mrs. Edward Kreidler, Mrs. DaChance, Mrs. P. P. Gaff, Mrs. M. C. Mackenroe. The prize winners were Mrs. Conley, Mrs. Gaff, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Boon, Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Glaub. C. E. Tourists Discover Some Unknown Lands A touring party met Tuesday even ing at the home of Miss Zora Leh man and made many new and startl ing discoveries of the old divisions of the earth's surface under novel con ditions. The event, held by the Christian Endeavor Society of the Christ Luth eran Church, was full of fun and laughter. Vocal and instrumental solos were given and Miss Mary Rhoads read an interesting story. Re freshments were served to twenty-five guests. Mrss. Royal R. Stowell Hostess to Card Club One of the delightful card parties of the week was that of the Wednes day Five Hundred Club, held at the residence of Mrs. Royal R. Stowell, Camp Hilt. A buffffet supper followed the games. The players were Mrs. Ward D. Car roll. Mrs. John D. Pugh, Mrs. James S. Fisher, Mrs. George Mormann, Mrs. > Fred D. Squires, Mrs. Paul Erwin, I Mrs. Oscar Hollls. Mrs. Charles Mar celles. Mrs. Horace Johnson, Mrs Wil liain Underhill, Mrs. William H. Cordy and Mrs. Stowell. GIFTS FOR CARD PIiAVKRS A euchre and five hundrd© party' will be given under the auspices of the L. C. B. A. in Cathedral Hall Friday. January 23. A number of prizes will be given, including a door prize of a $2.50 gold piece. An invi tation is cordially extended Branch 1202 of the association. Refreshments served gratis and a pleasant evening i promised to all. * Mrs. E. M. Ensminger, of 12X9 ! North Sixth street, is visiting in York Baltimore. Washington and points in ' Virginia for several weeks. i Edward K. Walton, of 1620 Wallace 1 street, left for Columbia a few days ! ago. Mrs. William Rexroth, of Peffer I street, was hostess for a Wednesday i card club at her home yesterday. I TANGO CONTEST Mill Dancing Academy, January 26.! 2S nnd HO. Two silver loving cups j to the best couple. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH '»*T»TTT *TVV* W » T TTTfTTTTT^ 1 ! 1 ¥¥T T ▼ *T T ▼ T_T_^_T HithShofs l< Made of chrome tan leather. H|lllmK || Hlij IU I 111 HU jw In black and tan calf -with SCI SpSFI IOF ttlC Will protect the feet In rough JUM [IS I BUB ii IfflH tt m!l I 11 illlw. or I( J W heels. Stylish values I * f 1 1 weather. Friday An ifflffifll INf 0 iff ! H |lii 1 91 Uai W that are very special for Fri- D&rffainSOr thf W(*l*t 4 Barffain S2 Jill I lllli 111 |l 111 Ilk. flay Bar « aln d»«l ul *n"WUi urc WCC& 4 BOWMAN'S Third Floor. ijf 111 JfjlJ 11 1 I 11 j I |fl 1 k ' Thld F CVCTy UCpflTtlllCnt LOWEST PRICES /) FOUNDED 18'71 pj LOOK the day when small < OF THE THE lots are placed for- 4 WEEK CREENSIGNS ward on the count- 9c Gray ' 1118 69c > 79c and SIM ** j W * lh nGW prices ' < Toweling IPM H1 IB Table Cloths reductions to arouse " Serviceable and absorbent.^l|ffl||l|||l||f 1 111 f| M| 1P„ Of mercerized damask. Just i" J J "" Three-quarters linen. An extra Mllwllllwlillill I iff 11 ill | | S Iff jr 3 cloths in the lot. Will be sold interest 111 trie £?OOQS 4 special quality. Fri- a] * fHMImMmII Jf UN|| | |fl B||r at a ., 1 ! j lfor I!? P r '? e Pft 111 dayv Bargain price. Main Floor. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. them quickly. You'll 4 Children's SI.OO Wrist, sl.oo"vests always find good ; 25c DreSSeS One of the finest lots we have ' VeStS CfOOfls at Prirlair In pink or light blue or white, bad the good fortune to offer Heavy weight and mercerized; b" uu ' * 1 lUay 4 small checks, some are plain f °r a Friday Bargain Sale. Plain high neck and long sleeves; ex- D_.„_" • I . . colors. Sizes 2 to 4 - tailored, embroidered Byron [f a s,3 . ecial Friday ft mm DeUfJclin DfICCS. DUt years. Friday Bargain 1 collar. Materials are black Bargain mm .. 4 price Iwv Ic^ on and black Seco Silk - p V«Jv nahirallv BOWMAN'S Second Floor All sizes are among them, but BOWMAN'S Main Floor. *juc»iiuUC& lldlUldliy 4 BuwiviAiN o second *ioor. not all sizes in each style. Regu- «—■— l ————— lar price SI.OO. Fri- OA fL'U > are not laree, so we 1 Children's 25c choice anra,n . price ' 39c Children s «,,„««.»»k f L < and 39c Aprons BOWMAN-'S second Floor. 25c Underwear suggest that you shop < Misses' and Women's in the morning. U^^.-'. b ":..19c slo.oo,sl2.soand £&"£» 17 C BOWMAN S Second Floor. $13.50 CoatS iWMAN'S Main Floor. Children's SI,OO 1 I u i rgk In these popular materials— ~ m^^mm , IT Omen S Due Chinchilla and Astrakhan. Man > * 17/» \IIOVeS 4 r\ . • c These coats are good style in irlefl 3i / C These are hoaw kM r in»i 4 Dressing Sacqaes black, navy, gray and brown. Ulf U all the styles that SZ ' Fleece lined. Gray and dark The original prices were SIO.OO, "«H HOSe children need. C 7/» 4 colors, fancy ttgured patterns. , an , $ 13.50. Friday Silk lisle with double solos Friday's nrlre Oft ' 4 Sizes 3G to 42. Friday nrv Bargain price, &£* HO a h'tfh spliced heels. Black, Floor Bargain xC|/» \h MX navy and tan. Extra 10|y Main Floor, price Ovchoice «PV»»»U special for Friday 1 / ««« n ... BOWMAN'S Second Floor. BOWMAN'S Second Floor. at 6UU UOZen VlOmen S * w >lQ* zn 50c All ' :< 'w. vax's Main Kioor. Handkerchiefs < Women S 39c to 50c n /W,„»•>. C/l The balance of the great lot Uver Laces lrlen S OUC 'hat was used for Christmas < D T.r?, S SSkTiSS 3 crepe, in light or dark colors; pose.s.' The entire lot will be Heavy weight cotton, ribbed Limlt 10 t0 < kimono or peplin mod- nf closed out 011 Fridav nmm and < ,lal " back, fleece lined. S ■ el. Friday Bargain VSC atthe tow price of ?Kp Mostly shirts In the lot. OQ I'riday s price, J c , price, Uh* and price \ each BOWMAN'S Second Floor. ' BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S Main Floor, ———— ———BOWMANS Main Floor. ———■■■■_ i $12.00 Bed fa Linen Police and SI.OO Silk Wool Blankets, Laces Firemen Suspenders Girdles [ pl^ h and h are 1 'soUed* Consisting or a good assort- A very special lot that we will In an assortment of the best We Us 6 Bounds Size 76x86 '" pnt of linpn ed ß es and inscr- Place on sale Friday. Well colors. Will be on sale Friday < Just one nLr bi/e<bx»6. tions in dainty little patterns heavyweight at the spe- Fridav Barrain C 7 Cil that will be offered n webbing. Friday's price J cially low CQ. 4 l«rida> Bargain for Friday at, PCr PtUr IJL price of D?C , BOWMAN'S Main Floor. AIV-R' M»l" vl ' ' BOWMAN'S .Main Floor. BOWMAN'S Main" Floor, < BOWMAN S Main Floor. -- f . $10.50 Scarlet SOc ColoredHmdkerchiels '< Wool Blankets Trimmings Plain white handkerchiefs, Stationery 4 All wool. 4 pounds weight. . hemstitched. Friday's m r. n „ iu ,i„„ . ..... , . Size 60x84 inches a » M « Nearly all shades in the as- ur i(. e 4 f or "5c 7rt c onsisting of initial paper and 4 Just « nairs Fridav fi sortment. An opportunity to ~ pa ' oh ' | C correspondence cards. Broken . Marrain Drice 3D. DU buy for spring dresjj- OP ™ " line of initials, but your initial price, pair. making. Friday Bar- BOWMANS Main I<loor. may be here. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. g a f n pr i cet yard. fcit/C Friday's price, yQp , BOWMAN'S Main Floor. Boys' 50c box fcfiH. 4 $6.00 W00l WomcnWSc . Blankets at. U * Materials are fancy caMimeres T 'l t K-xl I Called white rose wool blan- 011ß tlOilery and blue serges. Ages 6ty ty 1 Ollet Articles 4 kets, with white or blue bor- Thread si:k boots with double l ° yea ™' Ex^ ra spe " Jl j{* f nr V r :i nx , 4 der. 2 pair. 10-4 a m am soles and high spliced heels. cial for Friday at, pr.'Or r Ttuay size. Friday Bar- TU. black or tan; wide gar- BOWMAN'S Main Floor. 99c and $1.26 ivory mirrors gain price *r *• ter top. Friday Bargain • for 73( . BOWMAN'S Main Floor. P r iee, pair c/ , q , , ° ne Ib - absorbent cotton 4 ■ BOWMAN'S Main Floor. dUC dCartS, JhamS for 18c J 69c Red Damask M "U and Center Piece, *«./ mI I /1 " OTfl€fl S O%JC OllK The remainder of a sample BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 4 1 able Lovers I ;-I- line —about 5 dozen in all. —— Size 56x90 inches. Fine for CISle "OSiery Square, round ahd scarf styles. 4 i breakfast or lunch cov- |«4V In b'ack, white or tan; dou- Embroidered and hem-<ll C/fIC bach Ol 4 i crs. Turkey red. Friday ble soles, high spliced heels, stitched, choice.. .. La 1C TL' F m t Bargain price vwt wide garter top. Fri- a a ThlS Lot of 4 BOWMAN'S Main Floor. price«s«jC Bowman's—Second Floor Furniture 4 1 CI/1 Off ClmlU'm BOW MAX S Main Floor. 50c to SI.OO $35.00 parlor suit $22.00 >piU.JO cnilu 5 Cflfl V J 01 or" Ca 111 IT> * 39 'eather parlor suit $27.00 4 A •.inmnliiL I ards $1.25 Stamped Hand Bags *20.00 leather rocker ..$12.00 Automobile l* I These are linen hand bair* j 21.00 mahogany Princess 4 With extra tires and oil tank. Inlaid Linoleums oysters %viiite or natural • iTqfift m'nW ,13 - 50 4 Will give the boy or girl world The patterns run all the wav color linen. Friday's 1 Q/i 519.50 mahogany chiffonier < of fun. Friday £■> pA ' through to the back. When it is price 1 t/C *ls nn „ $13.50 4 p ß sf. n ?5.50 , BOWMAN'S Third Floor. from the full rolls. You can rn I J ' mahogany chiffonier t i |J UJ" as much as you want. Some &UC Laundry bowman-* iri/»v, * lO 00 M pn \ $25 *n X 45 " f V I,S '' noleum im- „ 7 BOWMAJTS Fifth Floor. < Ifien S <pOO lO <P*O perfect from running through BagS Fur Lined Overcoats lut wSirllfmy wiy. n we al h e ad ade of good cretonne, on UnWonrheA Handsome big warm coats to examine it carefully to de- vvSrn°«n/pinF fnr ° PS OC « l/flWCflCnCu , with Persian Lamb or Near Seal teet any of the slight hurts. i.vi.inv /jC patina 4 collar. The shell is of black Regular $1.25 quality. nA J riuaj MVV OlltCUng Kersey, lined with Marmot or Friday Bargain price, XUI I Bowman's —Second Floor This sheeting Is 28 inches * pony skin. To close out on p er S q Ua re vard ————wide. Known as Celistate SM s2l 75 BOTOif ' 3c ; BOWMAN'S Third Floor. SI.OO Ironing Library Scarfs Floor J __d J a* w Also a lot of cushions in this f $5.50, $7.50 and Board Stands Z- JXftTlZ* 1 C/. ic >cn Vo no c r v s ™ is the kind that f,,lds "P- 1 «)C 35c to 50c ■ 4 $8.98 Suit Cases You oan Place it anywhere in oUt .•••• D 'U f i « i the room and it won't take up Bowman s—.Second Floor rtlloW LaSeS 4 Made of high grade leather. much snap#* Hnnriv on ,i otlo \< ■■■■*■■*■ Size is 24 inches. Eined with l 0 lISL >. Fridav ' .-1 IC 11 Initial pillow cases. Not every 4 good grade of muslin. Made Barsrain ' A . IDC ttOSe initial in the lot. Some of these | with straps and A J f%P* nrire 4jC C ± are made of tubing. Fri- 1• _ 4 snaps. Friday nj* ROWM av'« B Supporters day Bargain price • I#C L Bargain price . UMAN S Easement. Por women and children. , BOWMAN'S—Main Floor l BOWMAN'S Third Floor. VC- |U* L,| White suspender webbing, good < #DC niCßei rubber button and pin. m mm Men's $2.50 Plated Tea Kettles P . rtce '. '."l".. 15c ' ] Work Shoes These are nickel-plated kettles BOWMAN'S Main Floor. Pl^.—-I rrwiK u«wM 01l copper: Bmall slzo . wlll be ' rlannel 4 .r wlth heiw dou We soles" Placed on sale on Fri- iA C MprcprboA Very heavy quality, 33 inches \ ,1f. atth . e f™".".' "*• 49c *"««««■ -Viae. E;c.U.nt vi r For SSn C 1 QC bowman's Braids ]4c , «I 1 l.nj ii i In gray, brown, green « orniruivo »« . T -i J ,rlce ™ Q - f, .. and plum. Extra spe- 1 r BOWMAN S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S Third Floor. + * 9 ° «««*" cial on Friday, yd J l *' —————— »#• t tf.o AA Stretchers BOWMAN'S Main Floor. „ . " Ml '* e * This is a good opportunity oc , cn <sc SeamleßS 4 and $2 50 Shoes for you t0 buy your curtain ZDC and DUC Shoot* 4 una yc.OU onoes stretcher if you want to wash n .. •>«€«« Also for children. Black and your curtains early in DQTretteS Bowman's own make. Size 4 tan calfskin. Just the shoes the spring. Friday Bar- t|X/« Made of obeli or amber We 81x90 inches. Made with 3-lnch . or' "Frid r avTar £lfiQ «ain price i. 30C pifefthls'entiiL °ot on - Friday Bargain < r.rWo wl«D!/ BOWMAN'S Basement. sale Friday. Your price vtC 4 nnwiifflw>fl mw'7™, OA » choice BOWMAN'S—Main Floor 4 BOWMAN S Thud Floor. an J gQ c BOWMAN'S Main Floor. 17c Broom Fancy China OVerS plates, puff and powder boxes, 50c Gloves Cretonnes 4 Just the thing you should hair receivers, comb and brush 7„T ~A . , These are uood width m . have on your broom to clean trays, cups and saucers olive These are kid gauntlet gloves. walls and get the dirt out of dishes and various other Just the kind the boys' AA tonne>s. arid we will cut them the comers Friday 0 - articles. Friday Bar- ? k/. and girls' want. Fri- day Bargain price % Bargain price, /Wgo gain price, choice Lt/C day's price uaj uargan price, n\/ i BOWMAN'S * Main BOWMAN'S Ma.n BOWMAN'S—Main' Floor < 59c Lunch 4 r 5c k . A f tcial $1.25 J c Outing ] Cloths Table Ferns White Gloves Flannel* Can be used in a nickel-plated This lot has been soiled from riOIIIICW 1 Of satin damask. Excellent receptacle or any other kind of display and handling. Good' We have a lot of remnants of i patterns: 45 inch size. a jardiniere. Friday AJV quality cape. mm _t outing flannel that we will place Friday Bargain <tf/* Bargain /%lg% Friday's price. 7on sale for Friday at the |»| y 4 p^oe price ; .«vL ))a)r I bargain price of, yard. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S Basement. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor A AAA4AAO AAAA A AAA A AA A JANUARY 22, 1914. 3