2 (^ffTOifcpcnnayLVAniot'f^w.s] ENILLIR SOCIAL EVENT FOR TIGHT Woman's Club Will Give Reception With Many Prominent Peo ple in Line special to The Telegraph Mechanlcsburg. Pa.. Jan. 22.—What promises to be the most brilliant so cial event of the season will occur this evening when the Woman's Club will give the annual reception to a large number of people In this place and other towns. Many prominent persons will be among the guests. The Busi ness Men's League, where the recep tion is held, will take on a festive air with decorations In a scarlet and green Get Rid of Pimples—Quick By Using Stuart's Calcium Wafers—Natural Little Blood Purifiers That Work Like a Charm Don't despair if your face Is cov ered with pimples, blotches, liver spots, or your body Is covered in spots with tetter, rash, boils, etc. Just use Stuart's Calcium Wafers for a short time and see how quickly J r ou will clear up your skin. "It Is Simply n ConNtnut Joy to be Rid of Tlio»e Horrible l'lmples.*' Pimples and eruptions of all kinds, conic from the inside. The blood casts out the impurities it contains and thus pimples, boils, etc., appear. Cleanse the-hljMHi, stop the poison from devel oping in the blood tissues and pimples will vanish as if by magic. Stuart's Calcium Wafers contain In a natural manner the greatest blood purifier—Calcium Sulphide. Calcium Sulphide and the other in gredients of these remarkable little wafers are just what impure blood needs. You must know that the blood is rushing through our veins very fast. It takes less than a minute for our blood to cover the entire body. You can thus readily see that Stu-j art's Calcium Wafers, when they en ter the body, have an almost instant effect upon all impurities no matter where located, whether it be the tip of the nose or the ends of the toes. By the use of Stuart's Calcium Wa fers your complexion will take on a fresher hue and a more natural series of tints than ever before. Impure hlood is blue or black. Pur ify it and it becomes ruby red. This color showing beneath the skin is the secret of all beautiful complexions. Stuart's Calcium Wafers are sold by all druggists everywhere. Price 50 cents a box. —Advertisement. |Efficiency | }'J TXCREASE the profits S[i men to go through maternity without pain, flekness or any of the dreaded ' TSP ,*° fsmlllsr to many mothers. There la no foolish diet to haraag the mind mJ 'Sf n 1 0t dwell Dpon p ,|n » n. \\ \\ \ cordial invitation to you, to \\ \\ everybody, to attend our ■ special demonstrations of BR this wonderful instrument |BB|| 1 I To-morrow and 111 Saturday jH J| Accept it. Come any hour of the day. We want you to hear it. And | \ we want you to compare it with the Vic- § If " tor-Victrola and Columbia - Grafanola, M W also displayed here in greater variety ai»>rw* $250 than elsewhere in the city. Prices of This New Edison Range From S6O to $450 Our present display consists of six beautiful models, and a complete stock of the best records. During the demonstration—to-morrow and Saturday—all infor mation concerning the New Diamond Point Reproducer (eliminating all scratchy noises), and the New Indestructible Edison Records, will be cheerfully given. Come. Bring a friend with you. We promise you a delightful recital and most cour teous treatment-without obligation whatever The J.H.Troup Music House TROUP BUILDING 15 South Market Square " JANUARY 22, 1914. "Tango" Bloomers at $5.95 They are new, and shown here, of course. Made of Crepe de Chine in delicate pastel shades, finished with shadow lace from the knee down to the ankle. "Tango" Corsets at $3.50 & $5.00 Specially designed to give suppleness of figure,grace ful lines and unhampered comfort. Correct models carefully fitted for each individual requirement. "Tango" Silk Stockings SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and on up to $7.50. Extensive assortments of high-grade stockings in every wanted shade, two-tone effects, and hand eiyi broidered and lace inserted insteps. 28-30 and 32 North Third Street CHICKEN SENT LOUIS ON A MERRY CHASE Pretty Thing Was All 0. K. With the Exception of Its Liver "Louis, the Tailor," of 621 North Second street, this morning became an ardent follower of those who are con tending for the establishment of a mu nicipal abbatolr, or slaughterhouse. Louis had a trying experience. Pain ful and tiresome might describe just what he went through. These are a few of the painful facts: Louis bought a chicken. Straight way he went to the rabbi to have the chicken killed. (The painful or tire some part has not begun yet.) At home Mrs. Louis was waiting to pre pare the chicken for the dinner. She eagerly took the bundle from Louis' hands. Ten minutes later Mrs. Louis In a flustered manner called Louis Into the kitchen und showed him what looked something like a discolored [chicken liver. "What's the matter with that?" she wanted to know. And Louis retraced his steps to the house of the rabbi. The rabbi advised the opinion of James Foust, State Dairy and Food Commissioner. Louis continued on his way with the chicken under his arm. Commissioner Foust listened patiently to the tale that Louis told. Then this: "Better see Mayor Royal, my man." Louis marched out with the chicken. Mayor Royal sat gravely through Louis' recital. He tapped his pencil on the desk as he meditated. Then this: "You'd better see our health of ficer, Dr. ,J. M. J. Raunieli." Louis bowed himself from the Mayor's presence, cuddling the chick en under his arm. Dr. Raunick heard the oft-repeated tale of the discolored liver and pointed toward the office of Dr. H. R. Douglas, meat inspector for the city. And here Louis, almost in despair, found aid and help. In a short time Dr. Douglas announced that the chicken had a liver that was tuber cular. He said Louis should not eat '* * whole morning gone and im chicken. 1 IHnfll xii-.. Louis stood In the middle 01" the floor and announced himself ns the champion from henceforth of the municipal abbatoir.