14 ft , An Unusual Strong List of Friday Specials No Friday Specials Sent Colored Dress Goods , Toilet Goods Underwear • Silk Chiffon Waists Small Lot of Trimmed COD or Mail or , 7.x- cloth suiting, finches wide, Dean's mustard plasters, small Men's ecru heavy fleeced lined Regular $3.95 silk chiffon waists, it, r . , KJm ' Ul two shades of blue; Friday only, size; Friday only, 3 for 50' shirts and drawers, 50c value; Fri- beautifully embroidered, colors arc Mats Friday Only Phone Orders Filled. ya l- •v•v• ■■ • • ••••'■ \ a '°* et ar, d arb utus ransparent i day only, each 390 grey, navy, brown and wistaria. Ex- I | f\f\ I * s tvles C glycerine soap, large cake; Friday Men's SI.OO union suits, ecru and tra special, Friday onlv #2.98 <2,11 50c navy serge finches' wide; °"S 7 * Jaegcr ' f,eece ,incd; Frida >' $ 5 - 95 Plated chiffon silk waists, * Z second Floor. Front. OlllVo Friday only, yard 350 Medicated vegetable tar soap; <9O Avith simulated vest of net, colors $1.25 brocaded crepc, champagne 75c mistral crepe, 42 inches '' ay on ), cake, <0 , box ....,£OO \\ omens 50c and 59c cotton rJ- I brown and grey. Extra special, Fri- liable LinPtl and old rose, 40 inches wide, wash- wide, all wool; Friday only, yard -^ c J ai Wrights silver cream; bed fleece lined union suits, regulai day only #4.75 able; Friday only, yard 390 550 Friday only 1J)0 and extra sizes; Friday only .. 390 $12.50 silk lace waists with linings NaokinS $1.25 diagonal velveteen suitings, > $1.75 diagonal suiting, 54 inches Tourist case with soap, talcum Dives, Pornoro >' & stowart, street Floor. net an( j tr j nim j n g S u f b roa d , two colors, 24 inches wide; Friday wide, all wool, navy; Friday only, powder, toilet water, orange wood bands of shadow silk. Extra special, Mercerized hemmed napkins, 20x only, yard 390 yard ..... 890 stick, emorv board and wash cloth 1 Friday only $4.95 20 ins., good patterns and qualitv $1.25 foulards, 40 inches wide, all $1.50 diagonal serge, 54 inches complete; Friday only 450 S LJraWCIS worth $1 19 a dozen* Fridav ( 1 new patterns; Friday only, yard wide, navy; Friday only, yard Jsc round hand mirrors; Friday Children's muslin drawers, bunch Children's RainCOatS each ... o^o v.. p. a- s.. street Floor. Front. $2.00 and $2.50 coating, odd lots, Hair brushes, black wood back? plain hemstitched, Regular $2.98 raincoats for girls, . ;,0c 'Reached table damask, '6O Shoes and Rubbers .«.«^««,. w m». 54?£h2 Fr !£ y Infants' Slips and °" ly ' Men's $2.00 box calC anrl black 25c w°°l Powder puffs; Friday Skirts * Women's Luncheon napkins, hemstitched kidskin shoes, tipped and plain uu l«>0 »to and embroidered, worth $l9B 1 broad toe styles, heavy soles, sizes I °c orange wood sticks; Friday Infants nainsook slips, embroi- TT _ do2en . Fridav nfl]v . • ' 6to B*4 9 and 10; Friday only T ■ • only 50 dery edge trims neck and sleeves; HOUSe DreSSeS /, dozen 51.49 SI.OO LiningS 49c rubber gloves; Friday only Friday only 250 ]f)r street Floor. Rear. Women's $2.50 black and pink 25c satine length* 1 fn *? va>rl«« 20$ Infants' long nainsook skirts, 1 , , satin evening slippers, hand turned Friday only,'yard .....IS* 3=c hat brushes; Friday only bunch tucks and plain hem trim- blue percale collar'and cuff' Fxtra BedSoreflH^ soles with high Cuban heels: Fri- SI.OO serge coat lining, 54 in «<= a-d 19c tooth brushes; Fn- med; Friday only 25* S p TriLy ™lv X OpreaCls day only $1.85 wide; Friday only, yard 690 X y . : \ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. * ••••; • * $2.00 to $2.50 hemmed and cut Infants' 10c kidskin moccasins; | Dlveß , Pomcroy & * ste ;. art , stpe#t FI( J. - wains quinine pills; Friday grey and white house corner bed d s, all odds and Fridav onlv 50 I only, 100 Uty _ dresses, including Baldwin double A 1 , ' , Infants''2sc kidskin soft sole lace Seidlitz powders; Friday only, Drawers and service garments. Extra special, ends * rid ay only, each.... #1.69 shoes, not all sizes; Friday only WnmPfl's]\llfP P er. , r . ox Friday only 980 r _l o 100 *~>IIlC?Il O1 > C?Gl\. wear \egetable kidney pills; Friday Combination Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. I OWeIS Women's 60c rubbers, storm and Women's neckwear, slightly on '>l ; 19c bleached Turkish bath towels regular out styles with low or high soiled consisting of stocks, jabots, c |1( 1 U1(I cucumber cream; FYi- Muslin drawers, cambric ruffle, » T rnlnrpfl an' onl y n. P. ft S.. Street Floor. Rear. , anV' Notions and Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. '. 1 . 11 . . Ste !' lmg E WindOW ShadeS , j values U P to $12.50; Friday only | -q , , 1 . . • 29c to 59c window shades, all China and t . Fancy Goods Knitted and Friday only 250 colors and sizes, odds and ends ac -1 j bmbroidenes Paris- lustre embroidery cotton- $3.25 lined mesh bags; Fridav cumulated in our work room, colors nousewares j embroidery insertions Ito I F »day only, per skein 10 Flannelette SkirtS •"VTVi*- u\\ brOW "' gree "' CtC ' ; Frida >' onl >'- 5 SI 75 md SI 25 »old band -ind ? ' l!,s embroicler) insertions, Ito , >oc fancy silk round garters in . 50c cut steel slipper buckles; Fn- eac |, ! ?1./5 and S -.t gold band and o inches wide, m a large range of box; Friday onlv Short knitted skirts, natural day only 250 ( daTonh Knee 1 T™*' " P '° 23c; 25c and'oOc children's' cOori Friday only SO* Half dozen Rogers' silver plated Curtain Poles Secwated chop plates and I °"' V - 10 * I boxes: Friday only .... 10, • fhort flannelette skins; FrMay orange spoons, $1.50 value; Friday Ultam leS . : wall placques; Friday only .. 250 RiKhnriQ 50c to SI.OO fancy holiday ar- onl >' •• only 980 , aOc o-ft. mahogany curtain poles $2.25 ten-quart aluminum Berlin | I\IUUUIIb ticles; Friday only .., 150 y V imnrm c ■ . r-f" P ' ated lc with round ends and fixtures corn kettles; Friday only St? 1.98 Ribbons in printed warps, stripes i, ? c J a .j ' s round garters in l_/On££ JVIITIOnOS s|>oons, rn a\ on \ ........ <.>o plete ready to hang; Friday only $1.98 eight-quart aluminum Berlin and plain taffetas. 4to 5 inches | , OI iV"' Long crepc and challis kimonos, PU ° " r* ti)ft kettles; Friday only $1.79 wide, values up to 25cFriday onlv, I Mo \\f «lk belting and fancy pat- ] { colors and floral patterns; 1 , y D ° nly ! $1.95 ten-quart preserving ket- yard ....'. 10> j tern silk beltings; Friday only, yard £ to a customer L\ none Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. RemnantS | ties; Friday only $1.60 Satin back velvet ribbon, l x /i \ Dr & s street Floor Front exchanged; Friday only iJ9O I _ $1.60 eight-quart preserving ket- inches wide, in black, worth 19c; " ' Prir<^» ties; Friday only $1.45 | Friday only, yard 100 WaiStS Mefl S l lannel "air HlCe $1.48 three-pint double boilers; , F'ancy Persian ribbons, inches Hpnrl Riirfc an A ... Men's SI.OO gray flannel top Remnants of drapery fabrics, in- Friday only $1.,i5 j wide, assorted patterns, worth 10c; b Linene and l>atiste \\aists. tai- shirts, with military collar, sizes 14 eluding curtain Swiss, cretonne, $1.2, two-pint double boilers; Friday only, yard .'{o PurSPS lored and tuck styles f«ll ength or lo U y 2 only; Friday only 450 satines and curtain ctamines; Fri- Fridav only .... T _ r — . . A UloCa three-quarter sleeves, .>I.UU and Men's 9 5c lined tan leather mit 40c galvanized foot tubs; Friday LaCeS. TnmmingS 25c strap pockctbooks- Fridav sl-23 values; none exchanged; F>i- lens; Friday oidy !.... 150 day only, 1-tfc tp 39c values, half only 290 . D i K ri day only 490 price. 10 rolls toilet paper; Friday only . y te Point de Paris laces, 3 v. *4;*iir ti,™"tr • Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, second Floor. r~\ 1 i 350 inches wide, assorted, values up to f 1 ; 23 moire silk bags; Friday VJIOVeS Odd ClirtainS Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, baeement. 19c; Friday only, yard 100 o, Vei;,; V u.:" •ijn V • ®1 9 -S , f , 01 . Women's and children's golf TT „ . n, ,1; Z Z h &; b, Ft values; Friday Men S Coat Shifts Half PriCe Black Dress Goods day only, yard 50 Dlves * Pomcrov & Stewart, street sioor. Men's SI.OO "Monarch" small . SI.OO to $3.50 odd pairs of lace 7C r tt ji i• r bosom coat shirts, woven madras, Men , S W^a ,- h ShlltS curtains. All kinds in white and 75c fancy poplin, two styles, 40 Handkerchiefs nroc. n A sizes 14 to 17. Friday only ... 790 iVACII aVVa. II inches wide, all wool; Friday only, L.OttOn L/reSS OOOOS „ . Men's blue chambray, black sat- Ar aman snaaes, nua> on. l > y a, "d 49c Women s alloped edge and M e n q PaiamaS inc. and khaki work shirts; Fridav aO*toWl.»«■ Mcn . s 50 c whi.e mus iin and cam- onM.u^,hldS, 15c w !!" e .fl'T".r" l ™ B '. 59c 81x90 bleached sheets; Fri- B. &T. brassieres, lightly soiled• brie night shirts, sizes 14 to 20. F'ri- waists and dresses; F'riday only, shapes, eca og ap 1 prins, ri day only, each 500 none exchanged. ' day only 390 yard * 100 day oidy ........... ; .S0 28c bleached sheeting, yards 39c value; Friday only 350 Boys' 50c flannelette night shirts, $1.39 English nainsook, a good 25c to 75c Royal Society package wide ; Friday only, yard 250 $1.50 value; Friday 0n1y... .690 A clearance of discontinued mod- sizes Bto 16 years. Friday only, quality for underwear, 40 inches outfits, lot includes pillow.tops, cen 6'4c 38-inch unbleached muslin, D., P. &S. special corsets, 98c els in Rengo belt corsets; none ex- 350; or 3 for SI.OO wide; Friday only, piece 950 ter pieces, laundry lags, handker 7r®ad; k "day only, yard v 50 value; Friday only 690 changed. Men's SI.OO flannelette night 15c to 19c plain crepe, pique and chief cases, pin travs, including 4_c 72x 0 bleached sheets; Friday Sanitary skirt protectors, 50c $3.00 value; Friday 0n1y.. #1.59 shirts, sizes 15 to 20, Military style skirting madras, all good qualities; material and floss to complete; Fri only, eai h 360 value; Friday only 150 $2.00 value; Friday only.. $1.39 or color. Friday only 790 F'riday only, yard 80 day only to 380 D.. P. &S„ -street Floor, Rear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. D.. P. & S., Men's Store, Street Floor. D.. P. & S., Street Floor, Rear. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. VV J SUMMER HOTEL IT PEN-MAR BURNED Defective Flue Causes Destruction of Property of Mrs. Charles Wolford special to Tltc Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. 22.—Shortly After 12 o'clock last night the fourth disastrous fire occurred in the Pen- " M /_ 71 T Nerves must be fed with pure, rich f tip /V PTDPQ blood, or there will be trouble. Poorly A ,IW A▼ W# fVO fed nerves are weak nerves; and weak "T and J hel ,' headaches, debility. For treataent treatmenl. Consult your own doctor freely Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been used for end follow his ctAvicc closely. AywCo., ; , « . . ° i.nfwii. m, m . sixty years. Entirely free from alcohol. THURSDAY EVENING, Mar section, when the large summer hotel of Mrs. Charles Wolford, located a short distance from the ruins of the Blue Mountain House, was totally de stroyed, along with a kitchen a short distance away. The fire is supposed to have started from a defective flue In the sitting room, as there had been a hot fire kept during the evening on account of the extreme cold. Mrs. Wolford and her son, the only persons In the building, had retired, and did j not know of the fire until aroused byj neighbors who discovered it and gave | the alarm. They had barely time to! escape from the building and were" unable to save any of their personal' effects. The only pieces of furniture taken from the rooms were a table, 1 ■ two chairs and a bed. The neighbors made efforts to save the surrounding buldings and succeeded in preventing the destruction of the stable, which was on fire several times, by throwing snow on the flames. The hotel had accommodations for about 100 guests, but was closed for the season early in the Fall. The loss is estimated at about $4,000, on which there Is some Insurance. j The big Blue Mountain Hotel was burnod on August 5 last, with a loss of over SIOO,OOO, and during that fire sparks caused the destruction of the • handsome residence of Oliver Ott, a mile away In the valley. A short time ago the Mystic Theater, a moving pic ture place owned by William Libby, of Philadelphia, who controls all the amusement concessions of the West ern Maryland Railroad at Pen-Mar, was burned with a loss of $2,G00. Two weeks ago a disaster of a differ ent kind happened in the same local ity. Heavy snows crushed the large skating rink, bowling alleys and gar age of Q. D. Shlrely, causing damage to the extent of SIO,OOO. All of these I structures will be rebuilt in time for | the summer season. The skating rink I will be of concrete construction. EARfUSBURO tiSßb TELEGRAPH OFFERS UOl ONTO SUFFERING Mill I Noted Philanthropist Willing to Es tablish Twenty Radium Institutes Washington, Jan. 22. Henry Phipps, noted philanthropist, who has expended millions to alleviate suffer ings of mankind, offers $15,000,001) for establishment of twenty radium insti tutes in the United States. Mr. Phippa endowed the tuberculosis institute lo cated in Pine street in Philadelphia, built the Psychiatric Clinic at Johns Hopkins and aided numerous other hospitals throughout the country Mr. Phipps was a partner of Andrew Carnegie in the steel business and next to Mr. Carnegie has the largest Interest in the Carnegie Steel Com pany. Facts of Mr. Phipps' intentions be- come known when John M. Flannery, of Pittsburgh, president of the Stand ard Chemical Company, appeared be fore the House committee on mines, testifying in opposition to the Foster- Ferris bill which proposes to with draw from the entry all lands contain ing carnotite, pitch blende and other radio-active minerals. Mr. Flannery did not give the name of the wealthy philanthropist to the committee, but said a wealthy philanthropist stood willing to make the endowment in the interest of humanity. 88 Harrisburgers Are Suicides in 8 Years Eighty-eight residents of this city have committed suicide In the eight years from 1906 to 1913, inclusive. Of this number most were white peo ple, there being a space of three years, from 1909 to 1912, when not a negro took his own life. During 1913 there were sixteen sui cides,' three of them colored. One of these w'as a colored woman. The highest total of suicides in these eight years was nineteen, recorded against I 1909. and the lowest was last year, I when there were only seven. * JANUARY 22, 1914. Man Charged With Theft of House at Georgetown Special to The Telegraph Georgetown, Del., Jan. 22. The man who stole a stove while tho Are still burned in It lost the record yes terday, when Clarence Thompson, who lives near Georgetown, brought suit against George Toomey on the charge of stealing a house. Thompson al leges that Toomey went to the house and, pacing rollers under It, took it i There ie Onty One "Bromo Quinine" That la Laxative Bromo U*od tho Wortd Ovmr to OOPO a Oold In One Day i Always remember the fall name. Look /TT/ j lor the algnatun on erery box. 26c. mmrt away. Toomey asserts that he bough the property and supposed the hous went with it. While moving the hous Toomey crossed a small graveyarc and Thompson has also brought sul charging desecration, and claims tha Toomey is now preparing to plant crop of corn in the old graveyarc which he has plowed up and fron which he has removed all vestige o the ancient burying ground. Thnhip son's ancestors are among tlios buried In the plot and It Is for tha reason, ho declares, he has brough suit.