Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 22, 1914, Page 12, Image 12
12 Mutt Never Would Take the Worst of Anything ..... By "Bud" Fishet Poo*. MyTT WAS cftPTUftCO Bv TKS *> ' i . KCBCLS. He-S MOW (N PR,ioN ( US WMi ei<*Or,o6FP, C ' "rT? n 1 [ But LisreN» <««-«. PROWBLV SHOY AY ftUNRwe. 1 MuY T . weVC W fj YHtNK WS 00<SnY J^K, 1 SM °°t°*T / iffc, - M«B UP «ttwT4« laB"""" 1 ") , — S ™''' ——————————————————— . . ■■■ ; ' eor?f»anr 'S/j B y j>rAv a. TOO MAnr SIGNALS FROM SIDE LINES Football Rules' Committee Claim Coaches Were the Real Violators Special to The Telegraph New York, Jan. 22.—Football rule makers while in a. way inclined to leave the present code intact, may de cide upon more stringent measures to prevent coaching and signalling from the side lines. During the past sea son substitutes and coaches were charged with unfairness along this line. An interesting contribution to the question of side line coaching has been made by the 1014 captains of prominent university and college elevents to the Yale News. That the practice is indulged by all coaches, despite rule 25, section 1 of the foot ball code, which expressly forbids it, is an open secret, and where game officials have been able to detect in fringements, warnings, or imposition of the stipulated tlfteen-yard penalty have followed. The, trouble is that, through signals and the use of sub stitutes, coaches are able to carry in structions and criticism to the players without being caught. Obviously this practice puts the coach Into the game With 8 veangeance, and thus violates the spirit of the intercollegiate agree ment to the effect that none but un dergraduates in good standing mav participate in games. Captain Talbot, of Yale, writes his opinion that the quarterback should run the eleven without assistance from the side lines. But, lie says, if the coach were kept away from the side lines entirely, j there would be no one to watch thei condition of the men. Thus he favors I retention of the coaches on the side lines, but believes that everything should be done (o stop coaching in the course of a game. The Harvard cap-i tain is not represented in the sympos-i lum of opinions, for reasons, no doubt, which may be regarded ns obvious. Harold Ballin, Princeton's leader, is] not In favor of removing coaches from I the side lines, and gives his reasons, I frankly, as follows: "I do not favor removal of coaches, because substitutes can receive in structions in this way that, they can not get as well in any other, the Idea being that the coaches go over the game with them as it is played, point ing out mistakes as they are made. Moreover, communications between ihe coaches and players are not fre quent enough to be usually of vital importance, as it means taking one regular out of the game on each oc casion." Senators Won Game From the Tigers; Pirates Also Victors The Senators won the P. R. R. Y. M. O. A. basketball game last night, defeating the Tigers, score 20 to 17 The Pirates won from the Phillies score 30 to 24. 1 -N HEADQUARTERS FOR SHIRTS SIDES & SIDES V———_______ Thinking of Quality These days, most men when they think ol a smoke, think of King Oscar 5c Cigars It's the way quality always affects the mind. Its influence is simply irresistible. Think of soap, silver, flour and what not and the quality kinds are the ones you instinctively think of. It's a good thing, too. THURSDAY EVENING, Wilmington Men Want Another Flag Special to The Telegraph Wilmington, Del., Jan. 22.—0n their return from the Tri-State meeting from Philadelphia both Tom Brown and Peter Cassidy announced their in tention to get Into the game stronger than ever and will try hard for an other pennant. With the exception of Ritter who signed with the New York Giants, and Tony Marhefka, who goes to New London, the team will remain intact. However, it is the intention to get busy in a search for promising youngsters. Jimmy Jackson, although sought by at least two other leagues, provided he did not sign again with the Chicks, said he would be back and that he had in view as a successor to Marhefka a Philadelphia lad named Pearce, who was sent to Dayton last year by Cin cinnati upon the recommendation of Lave Cross. Tony mingled with the crowd in the hotel corridor and, al though he regretted that he-had to quit while being the swiftest short garden man in the league, he was glad that the chance had come for him to show his speed in some other league. Eddie Zimmerman Signs With Newark York, Pa., Jan. 22.—Eddie Zimmer man, who is spending the winter at his home here, does not want to be classed with the "Vets." The former Harrisburg third baseman who has re-signed with the Newark Inter national League club has been keeping in good physical condition since the season closed and will be ready when the bell sounds for Spring practice. Scout Larry Sutton, of the Newark team, was in the city yesterday, and after a long conference with Zimmer man, the latter signed the contract, which was for one year, and carried a substantial increase in salary over last season. Zimmerman will probably be reappointed captain again this "sea son. Zimmerman will leave February 20 for the training camp of the Newark club at Columbia, Georgia. The squafi will remain at that place for five weeks. Franciscan Girls Will Open Season The Franciscan girls' basketball team will open the season at McClosky Hall to-night in a game with the Friendly Girls Club five at St. Francis Church. There is considerable rivalry between these teams and a lively con test is anticipated. The Franciscan girls will K o after local honors. Under the coaching of McConnell, the former high school star, the Franciscan girls have shown remarkable form, but in their op ponents to-night they will meet an especially trained team. The game starts at 8 o'clock and the line-up will be as follows: Franciscan. Friendly Club. Miss Burns, f. Miss Tate, f. Miss Devine, f. Miss Hershey, f. Miss Zudrell, c. Miss Flickinger, c. Miss Cashman, g. Miss M. Apple, g. Miss McCarthy, g. Miss F. Apple, g. GREEKS MET ROMANS IN ACADEMY SERIES The Greeks and Romans lined up at the Harrisburg Academv to-day in the third game of the basketball se ries. Each team has won a game. TIGERS WON BATTUE IN RAILROAD LEAGUE The Tigers won last night's game in the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. bowling league, defeating the Bears, margin 46 pins. The Ticket Office and Train masters will play to-night. ' . '• V • *"-' ■/• - HAFRISBURG SjSjjjfig TELEGRAPH iHECKERTHIOWOU; TUSFEIIMADETODIY Will Not Divulge the Names of His Associates or Price Paid Special to The Telegraph fork, Pa,, Jan. 22. —Final action which will give George Washington Heckert full control of the York team came at a meeting of the York Base ball Association this morning. The consideration was not announced, hut a statement was made that the new owner would not be required to as sume the debts of the old association. Manager Heckert is not ready to make public the names of the men who are identified with him in the York club. It is known that J. J. Gerry will continue as president of the club. A meeting for the election of officers of the new organization will be held on Monday of next week, at \vhich time plans for the coming season will be discussed. Heckert will again manage the club and will start work within the next few weeks on lining his team up for the opening game May 6. Catcher Porte, who was with the York club during the season of 1912, had an in terview with Heckert in Philadelphia on Tuesday, but no agreement was made to take the former player back In the fold. A number of letters from young players who want to be given a chance have been received by Man ager Heckert during the past week, but nothing will be done until every thing regarding the club sale is set tled. In all probability the same sys tem will be carried out this year as last, all recruits desiring try-outs be ing permitted to come here at their j own expense. Real Baseball War Said to Be Inevitable Special to The Telegraph Philadelphia, Jan. 22.—A baseball I war that bids fair to equal that of I 1901, when the American League I broke its way into the ranks of or j ganized baseball, seems to be inevit able with the anouncement made yes terday by President Baker, of the Phillies, that Catcher Billy Killifer had signed to play with the Dooin clan this season, although he has already signed to play with the Chicago team of the Federal League. It is more than likely that the courts will be called upon to deter mine the issues between the baseball leagues, and that the fight will revolve around the famous "reserve clause" which figures so prominently in the Lajoie case, tho validity of which was sustained by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. RESERVE CLAUSE RIGHT, KAYS BAN JOHNSON Chicago, 111., Jan. 22. President Johnson,2 of the American League, was asked for his opinion on the ac tion taken by the Philadelphia club. "President Baker's action probably is based on the Lajoie decision. The reserve clause will stand in court, ac cording to John G. Johnson, the at torney who represented the National League and won the case when Lajoie , was enjoined from jumping from the Philadelphia National to the Phila delphia American club. This opinion may have influenced Baker." Johnson added something about a change in the reserve clause as em bodied in the present contracts. Just what, change had been made he re fused to say. He, like other big men in organized ball, seems to believe that the tight will be made on the reserve feature, contrary to hints given by the Federals that they will concentrate their attack on the ten-day clause. BITS OF SPORTS 1 The Pennsylvania Railroad Inspec tors defeated the Elliott-Fisher on Casino alleys last night, margin 11 pins. The Lancaster show to-night offers a good boxing bill. Harrisburg bowlers defeated Carlisle bowlers last night at Carlisle, margin 47 pins. Russell Ford, of the New York Americans, will sign with Buffalo. Eddie Plank's duckpin team lost to Mike Mowreys' Chambersburg bowl ers at Gettysburg last night, margin 24 pins. ' The American Association held its annual meeting at Chicago to-day. The Municipal League winners last night were the Do team over the Ml five, margin 7 pins: and the Fa's over the Re's, margin G6 pins. Harry Coveleski has signed to pitch for Detroit. The Enola Y. M. C. A. bowlers won the game from the Enola A. C. five last night, margin 57 pins. The Central grammar school won from the Hamilton grammar school tossers last night, score 42 to 19. Cincinnati is to get the Toronto Federal League franchise. ST. LOUIS HEARING RESUMED St. l.jouis, Jan. 22. —The hearing of i St. Louis' claims for a regional bank ! under the recently enacted currency I law which was begun here yesterday \ before the organization committee; consisting of Secretary of Agriculture ' Houston and Secretary of the Treas- I ury McAdoo was resumed to-day. ] Two Big Basketball Games on This Week's Schedule Tech High Meets the Millersville Five; Harrisburg Tack les Shamokin Basketball battles of Importance this week number two. In scholastic circles the Tech High tossers have the Millersville Normal School five to con tend with, and Harrisburg will meet Shamokin Collegians In the third | name of the season's series. Tech's game is scheduled for Fri day night, and in view of the fact that a proposition is on to have a series between the leading local teanfs, bas ketball stars from all Harrisburg teams will be in evidence at this game. Tech cares- little about the losses to date. The players are anxious to make a good record, but they want lAtmiseMepts MAJESTIC | To-night—"Mme. Bessie Thomashef sky and Her' Yiddish Players." To-morrow and Saturday, matinee daily—"The Divorce Question." Monday, Jan. 26—matinee and night —Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Friday and Saturday, Jan. 30-31, ma tinee Saturday Robert Disbrow Uoyd Sunshine Society, presenting "The Lost Princess, 80-Peep." MME. THOMASHEFSKY A Yiddish speaking company that has attracted the attention of and has been commented upon by the drama tic writers of this country and has drawn down into the Ghetto of New York city lovers of the musical plays The Jury Is In—The Verdict Is In Favor of CUBAN BABIES Three weeks ago we started to advertise Cuban Babies. We asked judgment of these short smokes on their merits alone. We believed they would strike a popular chord with the man who is particular about his cigars. But we never expected such a general response as is evidenced by the repeat orders which dealers turn in daily. ! Smokers who have bought them for months are still buying them —those who took our suggestion to try them out have come back again and again for Cuban Babies Satisfy the Majority SI Made from the dippings of our Moja 10c and King Oscar 5c cigars— glg/tPI nicely lolled in a Sumatra Wrapper—half the size of the regular 5c cigar, and 2 for I f 1 hey satisfy the man who wants quality above price. p||pll 1 hey satisfy the man who must economize in his cigar purchases. Ijftlfi I hey satisfy the man who hasn't time as a rule for a long smoke. Bplla . I hey satisfy the man who wouldn't touch a stogie, or a cigarette. I hey satisfy the man with the "edgey" nerves that can't stand for a strong BHI Introduce yourself to Cuban Babies to-day. The manent smoke enjoyment. Forget the price and judge them by quality. 1 All Trustworthy Dealers Sell Cuban Babies- | JOHN C. HERMAN & COMPANY HARRISBURG, PENNA. fcgrit Pays to Blow One'# Own Horn—Provided It's a Good Horn. / f to show form that will bring the ono big result, a victory over Central High, and Tech realizes that they will have to go some. The game to-morrow night will bring together two crack teams. Harrisburg and Shamokin have al ways furnished the best kind of bas ketball sport for the Armory patrons, and Saturday night's game ought to attract a record crowd. Harrisburg has been winning the majority of games up to date, und while having lost at Shamokin, it is the opinion that the local five will do things differently to-morrow night. Dancing will fol low this game, which starts at 8.15. who could not understand one word of the play, will be the attraction at the Majestic Theater to-night when they, will present their latest and greatest musical success, "The Green Boy" di rect from New York city, with the most popular actress or the Jewish stage, Mme. Bessie Thomashefsky, in the leading part.—Advertisement. "THE DIVORCE QUESTION" William Anthony McGuire's grip ping play is to appear at the Majestic Theater Friday and Saturday with a matinee daily. In the belief* that en couragement or sanction of divorce menaces society generally the author spiritedly portrays the picturesque lives of social outcasts, taking hi» story from actual life incidents that had come to his notice In Chicago, he writer shows a thorough knowl edge of his subject and has staged a most realistic appeal to the sober thinking play-going people of our day. JANUARY 22, 1914. There may be those who favor divorce as a means of escaping unhappy mar ital relations but when the children are taken into consideration, Mr. Mc- Guire strongly contends they are en titled to the protection of the par ents.—Advertisement. "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" At the Majestic Theater Monday, January 26, matinee and night, the beautiful and realistic picture which has made Kibble and Martin's pro duction of Uncle Tom's Cabin world famous, are the little cabin of Uncle Tom, an old Southern road. Skinner's tavern, the ice-gorged Ohio river by moonlight, the grand old home of Phineas Friend, the wild rocky pass in Southern Ohio, St. Claire's home showing a tropical garden with its fragrant magnolia and orange trees, among which nestles the typical Southern plantation residence, the home of Eva; Corridor at St. Claire's, the great New Orleans levee and slave mart, a moss-circled road near de gree's, a street in New Orleans, de gree's plantation on the Red river with the cotton in full bloom, and the transformation entitled "The Celestial City." Kibhle and Martin's version in volves thirty important characters and is told in four acts and twenty-eight scenes. Twenty negroes are carried to fill out the pictures and introduce their plantation pastime.—Advertise ment. CARD TRICKSTER If somebody should ask you if you have seen the Orpheum's card trick ster, they are referring to Claud Golden, Australia's wonderful card "shark" who is creating no end of comment about towc. Mr. Golden's long suit seems to be able to pick out any card that might be called for, while he is holding the whole deck behind him. This does not need to be one card by any means, but he will pick out a choice hand for whist, a royal flush, or any kind that his audi ence might call for. He concludes this stunt by naming each card as he passes it from one hand to the other, naming them as rapidly as the audi lence can follow him. The current o fering at the Orpheum is eliciting i end of favorable comment and M Golden offers only one of the inte esting turns. John and Emma Hi and company, Julius Tannen, ai Harris and Cartmell, of this bill, a all powthy of top-notch positions. ■ Advertisement. AT THE COIiONIAJ/ I A fine acrobatic novelty called "Fi in a Turkish Bath" witli a capab oast and attractive stage setting com [to the Colonial to make merry for t] I latter part of the week. This act ei ploys a large and clever cast ai taken as a whole is quite an unusu feature for the Busy Corner. A cle ler musical duo, and a singing ai talking comedian round out the ro ter. "Bunny's Mistake," a spiend Vitagraph comedy in two parts, w I be a special attraction to-day in mo ing pictures.—Advertisement. Says Deaths in Mines Are Due to Ignoranc By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Jan. 22. Mo than half of the 2,360 mine worke who perished in the coal mines of t country in 1912 would be alive to.-ds "if all the miners and mine inspecto had acquainted themselves with a: had used with proper care the min safetv precautions now recognized possible." says Dr. Joseph A. Holmi chflief of the Federal Bureau of Mini in a report to-day on the use and mi use of explosives In miinng. Misuse of explosives, the report sa.\ is largely responsible for falls of co and roof, dust and gas explosions, pr ! mature blasts, misfires and other ac< dents. INVESTIGATION MOTION DHOl'l'l Washington. D. C., Jan. 22. The c fering of a resolution demanding investigation of the list fight betwe Representative Ben. Johnson, of Ke tucky, and John R. Shields, a Wash in ton attorney, at the Capitol last Tuc day, precipitated a livelv scene pt t annual meeting of tlfe Board of Tra here last night. Order was reston however, when the motion to inves gate was ruled out of order.