Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 22, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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ConHstmg of Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats, Shirts and Trousers for both work or dress, and Shoes for Men, Women and Children
O u i° 3 Sl rf den l , urn of a r ffa Mr " J 31 ? 165 tenner, who has been conducting the Outlet Clothing Manufacturing Company, 404 Walnut Street
™ rrls hurg, Pennsylvania, for the past elevei years, was compelled to go to Baltimore sooner than he expected, still having considerable stock on hand
with no time o ispose of same. I, knowing the situation, made an offer for their entire stock, which was accepted. I will therefore place the entire stock on
sale at about thirty-five cents on the dollar until everything is sold. if
Me «i'm and r?° yS ' Jef ~ , M T S ' F , elt Boots ' while Men ' s Canvas Gloves Men's SIB.OO Overcoats, II Mm'. & Yminir Mon'* I Men's $1250 Black R nvs ' pi T 7TT
seys;sl.oo quality, they last, for only per pair, not all sizes, to go at meD S * ,OUn S IWea 8 ChevL Suits for nnlv 3 Fleece " llncd Un "
a* $8.44 Suits and Overcoats 5 54.69 ° nly derwear '
Men's Blue Chambray Men's 4-buckle Arctics, Men ' s Blue and Red Men's Trousers, former Af A nv Price B °y s ' Overcoats, former '
Shirts, all sizes, come quick, at ' Handkerchiefs, price $2.00, now going at ' • • prices $6.00 and $7.00, now Men's Wool Hose,
Men's Negligee Dress Ai »i i ~ . Men's Fleece-lined Un- Mens Finest Derby Boys Chinchilla Over- Men's Black leud Brown
Shirts laree size onlv r C " s Uhuckle Arctics, derW ear Hats, regular $1.75 kind, $4.44 . coats, latest style, with lvien 5 > mack Brown
former price 75c m>w former price, $1.25, now 'S7Xt at 77 ~ belt in back, former price Dress Hose >
P o^ ' 94<* 940 Men s and Young Men's $7.50, now *
2 * Men's Flannel Shirts Al . „ Suits, formerly $14.50, $3.39 -
Men's Dress Ca s 50c " Bo^s ' nee Pants, ome regular S price a $" C SO, all"go 553 mand^SO^kdef 1 I n ° W • ' R " TT~i " Men's Sweater?,, regular I
and 75c kind fine ones amongst them, at $3.00 and 8.50 grades, for $6.95 Boys' Suits, values tip to price $1.50, now
» 90 830 . *±±2. $4.00,
' Men's Natural Wool " Men's and Young Men's '
Boys' 7sc Sweaters at s Dress Shoes Men's good stout Work- Underwear, while they Suits, regular SIB.OO Boys' $3.00 Norfolk Men's Trousers, regular
3Qc oi-i oi m g Gloves, last, goods, now Suits. Sale price, ly sold for $1.50, now
* l<B4 TH $8.44 $1.39 890 ..
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head
aches come from a torpid live: and
clogged, constipated bowels, which
cause your stomach to become filled
with undigested food, which sours and
ferments like garbage in a swiil barrel.
That's the first step to untold misery
Mrs. Shepard to Serve
Dinner to 500 Poor
bpectal to The Telegraph
New York, Jan. 22.—Mrs. Finley J.
Hhepard, wlio was Mtas Helen Miller
Gould, to-day celebrated her first wed
ding anniversary by Riving cheer to
the poor. She will provide dinners
for 600 Bowery "breadllners" and beds
for 200 homeless.
The dinners will be served at the
Ifadley Rescue Hall, where a year
ago 1,000 were dined by the then Miss
.Gould on the evening of her mar
riage. The beds also will be furnished
through the Hadley Rescue Hall, of
You can "raise" a loaf of white
flour bread with yeast—but you
can't "raise" robust American
youngsters in that way. The
best food for growing boys and
girls is
It contains no yeast, no fats, no chemicals
of any kind—just pure whole wheat, steam
cooked, shredded and baked. The crisp,
brown Biscuits encourage thorough chew
ing, which makes them better than por
ridges for youngsters.
Two Shredded Wheat BUcuiU (heated in the oven to
restore cri.pnes.) eaten with hot milk or cream, will
supply all the nutriment needed for a half day's work.
Deliciously wholesome with baked apples, stewed prune*,
weed bananas or other fruits.
The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
—foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin,
mental fears, everythig that is hor
rible and nauseating. A Cascaret to
night will straighten you out by
morning—a 10-cent box from your
druggist will keep your Liver active,
Bowels clean, Stomach sweet, Head
clear, and make you feel bully for
months. Don't forget the children.
which John Callahan is superinten
Every night during the winter
months Hadley Hall furnishes beds for
forty men. Arrangements have been
made with lodging houses along the
Bowery for the 200 extra ones to
which those in need of them mav ko
after the dinner.
New Jan. 22.—1n reporting
conditions of Vermont schools,
a Carnegie foundation recommended
the withdrawal of State aid to colleges
and the use of SIOO,OOO annually de
voted to them for the establishment
of a central administrative system.
Juniata County Man Will Stay in
Penitentiary—Hot Argu
ments Made
The State Board of Pardons for the
second time in four years refused to
open the prison doors for William
Josiah McMeen, convicted of poison
ing his wife in 1886 at Port Royal,
announcing last night that it did not
deem the case one in which to exer
cise clemency. This action was taken
after hearing of the application made
in behalf of McMeen by Senator E. E.
Beidleman had developed pronounced
opposition to the recommendation of
pardon on the part of District At
torney Gray bill, of Juniata counts',
who said that the majority of the
people of the county would resent
Senator Beidleman declared that
McMeen had been a model prisoner
since sent to the western penitentiary
in 1887 and that there were . grave
elements of doubt in the conviction
of McMeen and that it was only on
circumstantial evidence anyway. The
board of 1909 refused to recommend
a pardon for McMeen, but last year
the present board granted a rehear
Senator Beidleman's arguments
were attacked by Mr. Graybill, who
declared that the people of that
county feared the return of McMeen,
whom he declared was one of the
"sporty" men of the community be
fore his conviction and that he was
still regarded as "a bad man" by men
and women who recalled the tragedy
in which he figured twenty-eight
years ago. Mr. Graybill recalled in
his argument gossip of a quarter of
a century past about McMeen, declar
ing that the hand of suspicion was
still pointed at the man. Senator
Beidleman said that the theory was
that Mrs. McMeen had killed her
self, which Graybill denied. The
counsel for McMeen pointed to the
fact that the animus shown to be ex- i
isting against McMeen was proof to 1
him that he should have had a change i
of venue in 1886.
Plzzlmenti's Case
The case of Bruno Pizzimenti, of
this county, struck a snag and was
continued. Pizzimenti was sentenced
to eighteen years in 1907 for second
degree murder and released on pa
role in October under the new act.
He wanted to get a pardon so that
he could leave the county and be free
from parole restrictions.
His counsel, W. Justin Carter, was
told to apply to the inspectors of the
penitentiary as they would have the
first jurisdiction in the matter. This
case will likely establish a precedent.
Kudy Gels Out
Pardon was recommended for John
W. Rudy, convicted in 1888 of the
murder of his father in Lancaster
county and once sentenced to be
hanged. Rudy was granted commu
tation in 1890 and was refused par
don in 1912. Efforts In his behalf
were renewed last year and letters
from surviving jurors and attorneys
were presented to the board urging
mercy. |
The board refused to rwcominend
commutation of the death sentences of
John Erbel, Lycoming county, and
Wilmer Potts. Chester. Both men
were refused commutation some time
ago. Prominent Willlamsport men ap
peared In behalf of Erbel, who Is
sentenced to be hanger! on February
3. Potts 1M to die on January 27.
The hoard voted to recommend
commutation for John Payne, Pay
ette, sentenced to be hanged on Feb
ruary 3 and held under advisement
the applications made for commuta
tion for Joseph Erjaeviz, Westmore
land; George Henderson, Cambria,
and John Sushinskle, Schuylkill, who
are under sentence of death.
The case of Kate Edwards, Berks,
who applied for pardon, wan held un
der advisement until letters promis
ing to care for her are in hand.
Other cases acted upon were:
Pardons recommended —■ Warren
Green, Chester, rape; Clement W.
Baker, Fayette, larceny and fraud;
Aston Berry, Philadelphia, statutory
rape; Stine.v Wuspltcky, Schuylkill
manslaughter; Howard P. Mills
Northampton, hors® stealing; EHa
Satinover, Philadelphia, receiving
I stolen goods; Frank Mansfield, alias
; Daniel Glackin, Philadelphia, false
pretense; Martin Sudo, Sullivan, as
-1 sault.
Rehearlngs granted—William Grau
man, Lackawanna, forgery, in whose
behalf a woman attorney appeared;
and Dionino dl Dimitzio, manslaugh
ter, Montgomery.
Pardons refused—George P. Sloyer,
Chester, statutory rape; Howard Har
ris, Bedford, second degree murder;
John Stenko, Columbia, attempted ex
tortion; Eatha Miller, Delaware, man
slaughter; William E. Rhode, Mifflin,
rape; Hattie Hart, Philadelphia, dis
orderly house.
Other cases were continued under
Remonstrances Against
Licenses in Cumberland
Special to The Telegraph
Carlisle, Pa.. Jan. 22.—Four remon
strances, one signed by over SOO citi
zens of Newville, were presented to
the Cumberland County Court protest- !
ing against the granting of license at
, Newville, New Cumberland, New (
Kingston and Hogestown.
Another remonstrance contains 10<S ]
signatures and objects to the granting 1
of a license to Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart, ,
who conducts a hotel in WestFairview. |
The remonstrance against the Hoges
town, conducted by Frank Bufflngton, .
contains 190 signatures.
Special to The Telegraph
Newport, It. 1., Jan. 22.—Mrs. Rob
ert Goelet, formerly Miss Elsie Whe
len, of Philadelphia, applied for a
divorce in the Superior Court of New
port county. Charges of extreme
cruelty were reported to be the basis
of the suit.
Special to The Telegraph
Pittsburgh, Jan. 22. Pensions
granted to the United States Steel
Corporations's retired employes to
taled $422,000 in If 13, an increase of
$281,000 in two years.
Ilarrlsburg members of the Typo-
I graphical Union are arranging to at
i tend the next convention of the Eastern
Pennsylvania District convention, to be
I held at Allentown, Sunday, February 8.
An open meeting will be held by Al-
I lentown Typographical Union. No". 524,
I Saturday night, when an Illustrated
talk will be given. explalninß the vari
ous departments of the International
I Union.
Between Harrishurg and New York,
1 commencing January 25th. "HAR
-1 RIPnUUG SPECIAL" will run daily,
leave New «Y6rk 8.45 a m., arrive
, Ilarrlsburg 1.40 p. m.; leave Harris
burg 4.35 p. m., arrive New York 9.35
|p. m. Dining car service on this train
j Sundays.—Advertisement.
j Mental work calls an unusual supply
i of blood to the brain; the process of
digestion calls the blood to the stom
! ach. Brain work immediately after a
| hearty meal often causes indigestion
because the brain has first call on a
I supply of blood that should be helping
| the stomach.
| Wherever, in the economy of the
body, work is to be done there is a de-
I mand for bright, red blood. Thin
blood or blood dark with Impurities
will not do because It is the oxygen
carried by the blood that does the
work and oxygen-bearing blood is
bright and red. This life-sustaining'
oxygen is taken up by the blood from 1
the air which It meets In the lungs. (
Hence the great need of fresh air'
every hour of the day and night. But
fresh air is useless if the blood cannot
take up the oxygen which It gives.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills enable the
blood to take up more oxygen because
they Increase the part of the blood
that carries the oxygen. This corrects
the .lassitude, palpitation of the heart.
shaßy nerves and the pallor that are
the results of thin. Impure blood.
You must have pure, rich blood to
enjoy complete health. A booklet,
"Building Up the Blood," will be sent
free on request by the Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Schenectady. N. Y. All
druggists sell Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
—AdvertUemeht.' , ,
Special to The Telegraph
Philadelphia, Jan. 22.—What he re
trains as the first composition paint
ed In America has just been discovered
v v, y
<s 0
fl /*% u
l/ You don't chew your
Fl food enough—don't L (A •-
11 create saliva enough. /J \l i '|V\
\ You'll Suffer indiges-. / \ J%A / "
tion unless you chew /
#fse clean, pure, jr\JI»HL
healthful l ! ]« I
after every meal. It j
makes the digestion- Ifl
aiding saliva that uf ( I
your gulped food ll'l \\ I
—*• I y<&Mm l
Enjoy this delicious
aid to digestive ease.
and purifies breath
M Be SI/RE «'s
y wmernrs
\ AWmr r
\ Dishonest persons are
\ V> wrapping rank imitations
—\ k to look like ctean, punt,
\ These will be offered principally fety
street fakirs, peddlers and candy d(t-
\ partments of some 5 and 10 cent stores.
>4aßlfiiv£r Refuse 11161111 6(5 SURE it,s WRIGLEY'S.
•' moat dealer*—tor 83 c eirtm. f\
JANUARY 22, 1914.
by Charles Henry Hart in Prince
George county, Maryland, not far from
the District of Columbia. It is an altar
piece, picturing the "Last Supper."
and is by the first painter who follow
ed his art In this country, Gustavus
Hesselius, a son of the Sweddish pas-
tor who was in charge or Qlcl Swed
Church In Southwark. The nlcti
was painted in 1722.
What has become of the old-faehior
prude, who used to rail so about ncai
•J dressed women on the stage? Mi
than likely she's at home, *eWintr 1
petticoat to the rag man.