10 IT SALE NOW IN FULL SWING m $5,000 WORTH OF GO D CLEAN CLOTHING, ConHstmg of Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats, Shirts and Trousers for both work or dress, and Shoes for Men, Women and Children _ 00—SALE NOW GOING ON AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL EVERYTHING IS SOLD—NOTHIHG RESERVED O u i° 3 Sl rf den l , urn of a r ffa Mr " J 31 ? 165 tenner, who has been conducting the Outlet Clothing Manufacturing Company, 404 Walnut Street ™ rrls hurg, Pennsylvania, for the past elevei years, was compelled to go to Baltimore sooner than he expected, still having considerable stock on hand with no time o ispose of same. I, knowing the situation, made an offer for their entire stock, which was accepted. I will therefore place the entire stock on sale at about thirty-five cents on the dollar until everything is sold. if 1- LIPMAN Associated With THE OUTLET CLOTHING COMPANY For Many Years Me «i'm and r?° yS ' Jef ~ , M T S ' F , elt Boots ' while Men ' s Canvas Gloves Men's SIB.OO Overcoats, II Mm'. & Yminir Mon'* I Men's $1250 Black R nvs ' pi T 7TT seys;sl.oo quality, they last, for only per pair, not all sizes, to go at meD S * ,OUn S IWea 8 ChevL Suits for nnlv 3 Fleece " llncd Un " a* $8.44 Suits and Overcoats 5 54.69 ° nly derwear ' Men's Blue Chambray Men's 4-buckle Arctics, Men ' s Blue and Red Men's Trousers, former Af A nv Price B °y s ' Overcoats, former ' Shirts, all sizes, come quick, at ' Handkerchiefs, price $2.00, now going at ' • • prices $6.00 and $7.00, now Men's Wool Hose, Men's Negligee Dress Ai »i i ~ . Men's Fleece-lined Un- Mens Finest Derby Boys Chinchilla Over- Men's Black leud Brown Shirts laree size onlv r C " s Uhuckle Arctics, derW ear Hats, regular $1.75 kind, $4.44 . coats, latest style, with lvien 5 > mack Brown former price 75c m>w former price, $1.25, now 'S7Xt at 77 ~ belt in back, former price Dress Hose > P o^ ' 94<* 940 Men s and Young Men's $7.50, now * 2 * Men's Flannel Shirts Al . „ Suits, formerly $14.50, $3.39 - Men's Dress Ca s 50c " Bo^s ' nee Pants, ome regular S price a $" C SO, all"go 553 mand^SO^kdef 1 I n ° W • ' R " TT~i " Men's Sweater?,, regular I and 75c kind fine ones amongst them, at $3.00 and 8.50 grades, for $6.95 Boys' Suits, values tip to price $1.50, now » 90 830 . *±±2. $4.00, ' Men's Natural Wool " Men's and Young Men's ' Boys' 7sc Sweaters at s Dress Shoes Men's good stout Work- Underwear, while they Suits, regular SIB.OO Boys' $3.00 Norfolk Men's Trousers, regular 3Qc oi-i oi m g Gloves, last, goods, now Suits. Sale price, ly sold for $1.50, now * l wrapping rank imitations —\ k to look like ctean, punt, \ These will be offered principally fety street fakirs, peddlers and candy d(t- \ partments of some 5 and 10 cent stores. >4aßlfiiv£r Refuse 11161111 6(5 SURE it,s WRIGLEY'S. >§lßil BUY IT BY THE BOX V •' moat dealer*—tor 83 c eirtm. f\ JANUARY 22, 1914. by Charles Henry Hart in Prince George county, Maryland, not far from the District of Columbia. It is an altar piece, picturing the "Last Supper." and is by the first painter who follow ed his art In this country, Gustavus Hesselius, a son of the Sweddish pas- tor who was in charge or Qlcl Swed Church In Southwark. The nlcti was painted in 1722. What has become of the old-faehior prude, who used to rail so about ncai •J dressed women on the stage? Mi than likely she's at home, *eWintr 1 petticoat to the rag man.